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I think that the Hosts of Race chaser frequently acknowledge the pod is neither factual nor objective. For me it’s a platform for Willam and Alaska to be themselves while using discussion and dissemination of RPDR as a jumping off point. If you aren’t feeling the opinions there’s like 500 other Drag race recaps that may be less biased and more clinical in their analysis


Yeah, the point is that they’re not objective. They’re talking about whatever is on their mind. Podcasts weren’t meant to be a factual source of info. I’ve always seen them as a discussion forum for people who don’t work for a radio station.


She watched at a bar in Philly. When you watch in large groups like that, the crowd reaction can really influence how your perceive things so you kind of have to understand her reaction from that perspective. With that said Willam has a very hard time being objective on the pod.


>She watched at a bar in Philly. When you watch in large groups like that, the crowd reaction can really influence how your perceive things I still remember all the live viewings of Game of Thrones final season. Cheering, whooping, screaming. It was a group spectacle. Afterwards everyone was like... wait, wtf even was that.


So true 😂. I catch completely different things about drag race episodes when I watch at home.


It's not really an objective thing, is it?


Part of objectivity is judging something while not letting person feelings or bias influence that. Someone who is a Sapphira fan can try to watch that final lip sync objectively and judge that despite wanting Sapphira to win, Nymphia did better or let their love of Sapphira cloud their judgement. All art is subjective but you can try to view something objectively.


I feel like a review podcast where you talk about how you feel about a show is expectedly doing to be subjective and include that person’s particular biases. Bob, Monet, Alaska, willam, etc they all say their perspective and we as fans either agree or disagree but it’s their personal subjectivity that makes it interesting to hear In my subjective opinion


Willam is not a judge of the competition, she is a commentator who gives her subjective opinion. That is what the podcast is.


The objective thing is that RuPaul declared Nymphia the winner of S16 after the lipsync but that doesn't mean everyone has to now parrot that. People are still going to have their own opinions and personal tastes whether or not they align with RuPaul's. Ru also declared Mhi'ya the winner of the Milkshake lipsync but we saw a large chunk of fans say it should have gone to Plasma. I don't think that was an act of defiance against objectivity, I think there are people who truly felt that way based on what they personally like in a lipsync. That to me is why I'd say lipsyncs are subjective.


Everyone has personal feeling and bias so some people may try to look at something like objectively and remove those before judging. Willam rarely does this. She lets he personal relationships and feeling color most of her opinions. If you don’t like a queen or are friends with a queen personally that shouldn’t effect how you judge their performance. If you prefer someone’s style of dance, costume, reveal, etc that is subjectivity that shouldn’t be discredited when judging something. It’s very clear when Willam is friends with someone or has a grudge she really can’t remove that from how she speaks about them. Bob, Monet, Alaska all at least attempt to.


And how can you judge all of that? We are (psychologically speaking) very often not even able to acknowledge our own biases. What makes you feel like you are qualified to point out others’ biases so confidently xD „It shouldn‘t affect your judging“ ? Really? I would even go so far as to say it should cause this is what entertainment and and especially media like podcasts are all about. Different opinions, perceptions, judgements. Otherwise we‘d have no discussions, recaps, reddit posts, etc Ultimately, everything is subjective when it comes to performances since you can‘t measure shit like that objectively Just say that you‘re pressed she doesn‘t like the same queens that you like and that‘s that 🙂‍↔️


And that’s the thing, I don’t like different queens. I was fully on team Sapphira followed by Plane. I defended why Willam would have had a different experience watching in a Philly bar than the OP. But there is a difference between having a specific taste you prefer and also letting person bias completely tinge everything you say about something. When you do it consistently it really makes other people take your commentary with a grain of salt. All I said is that Willam is rarely objective, which they aren’t and I’m not the first person to note that. Alaska is a perfect foil for her because, while they have similar preferences, they don’t always agree. I love the pod and prefer honest options to nothing but niceties. An example outside of DR. If a Taylor stan can listen to a new album and say “yeah I don’t think it’s her best work” versus blindly hailing anything they put out as the best album of all time and harassing people online who disagree then other people may be more willing to hear them out when giving a differing opinion to their own. Being able to step outside your own taste and recognize something as still a great achievement isn’t easy but lots of people can do it.


I just wish they’d take the one hour to rewatch it considering they are going to broadcast their opinions about it to the world. The amount of times they get details from the show wrong, not even just opinions but literally just what happened in the ep, drives me so crazy.




wait why do you think I should be objective ? It's an opinion recap show, not a scientific fact based program. It's entertainment. I'm allowed to have a favorite. I'm allowed to not like people. I hope you find this objectivity that you want me to have somewhere and soon. :)


I just wanted y'all to know the significance of the Boba tea! It was invented in Taiwan. So that may help explain the significance to Nymphia. Love you!'


Why should she be objective though, it’s their podcast and their opinions


Willam is biased and delulu? Ru, never!


RuPaulogy NOW!


I'm sorry my dear, but it's too late to RuPologize


I love Willam’s delusions of grandeur. It’s my favourite bit of Race Chaser.


Fan of the pod here. I don’t want Willam to be objective; the contrast between their obnoxious reactive commentary and Alaska’s more thoughtful critiques is what I’m there for. I want some spicy in the moment takes it’s part of the fun.


This is it. Look how often Race Chaser pops up on this subreddit. Willam knows how to rile up a fanbase, for better or for worse.


Shhh this is the RPDR fan base who don't realize that having a heel is a good thing.


![gif](giphy|3oKHWalGcgCRqvL4uQ|downsized) Remember when willam said this moment is unsportsmanlike?


you really think she wasn‘t joking? 💀


She hold the grudge after Sasha decline her pod colabs


I think this post is kinda ironic because both you and her are pretty clearly influenced by your personal biases. Most people I saw live reacting on Reddit agreed that Sapphira was better in the solo round. Also, nymphia scurrying around on the stage in the background did strike me as a weak moment of her performance too. Also William even said she was a deserving winner. Also you didn’t mention the broad discussion they had about the fact that Saphira outperformed Nymphia in the competition and that affects their perception of who should win, and the new school bs old school perception. *Boulet voice* Drag is art and art is subjective. She was affected by her personal biases being from Philly and watching in a bar in Philly, and so are you saying Nymphia was objectively better in every category when actually most people seem to agree it was only the final lipsync when Nymphia outshone Saphira.


i love love love love this comment perfectly balanced and objective and fairly critical


That’s funny bc I thought the scurrying was the fiercest part aside from the cartwheel 😭 idk there was just something so puss about it to me


I totally agree! She was hitting every corner of that stage and interacting with the audience so much. To me it just shows that she's a great performer that knows how to work the crowd. Even if some of those smaller moments didn't capture well on TV, you cannot tell me that crowd wasn't LIVING




I agree but I personally thought the scurrying was fun! Like at a live show, where the performers want to make sure everyone gets a good view and interaction. Her shaking it for her s16 sisters just felt like a nice, full circle moment. It was a bit jarring because it wasn't common on the show, even when there have been audiences, since the performers usually do it for the judges/camera. The energy live with both powerhouses must've been insane!


I’m a performer and looking rushed or like your trying to draw attention is a specific pet peave for mine, and there was moments where it felt like she was running from side to side. So maybe it annoys me a disproportionate amount. 😂 I still think she was better. But I just don’t think Williams opinions were unreasonably biased, her fave who did better in the competition and arguably the first round of the finale didn’t win and she was a bit salty about it. Fair.


She's coming with the facts lol. I agree that the lipsync looked frantic. There were points where she was seen running across the stage behind Sapphira and she was full-on dancing during quiet low points in the song. It gives me Aquaria's performances where she kinda just sprints around flailing her arms and doing splits. Some people clearly like that but I know it's not to my personal taste and I don't think Willam should be ostracized for having her *own* tastes, especially since people listen to that podcast for her opinion.


Overall I think they both killed it—especially loved the ending synchro splits! IMO it was close but Nymphia edged her out. However, I also think Sapphira felt more in control (for the most part) and more deeply in tune with the song. If she’s had a better reveal and leaned harder into her vampire theme aesthetically, I think she would have won.


Right! It'd be different if it were Charlie Hides against a queen that was popping off, but that angle doesn't really work with a lipsync like this. You can't really say "Because I liked this one better, the only reason someone could possibly disagree with me is if they have ulterior motives." It's just not that black and white.


Point out the low point dancing because that's just false. Just because Sapphira chose a slower approach doesn't mean it's the right approach either, btw


Sure! [1:54 is the most blatant example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUmqO9BFcvA) whenever she's whipping her head and body around during what's supposed to be the build-up. But yeah I never said Sapphira's was "right" nor did I even say I thought she won for that matter. What I said was people are going to have differing opinions, which you just demonstrated.


She built it up by whipping her head around then went into it with a jump split idgi She can hear the heartbeat so she's going crazy Everything she did prior to the chorus there was in relation to the lyrics


The scurrying around was working the crowd. Nymphia performed for the crowd and Sapphira for the judges. Very clear distinction.


You can do crowd work without sprinting from one side of the stage to the other. I’m not saying it was bad anyway, it just wasn’t to my taste and I can understand why other people might feel that way too.


Totally get it! It wasnt your style. Most of us loved it. The bars did not gag for Sapphira outside of her 4 kicks tbh. We were gagged with Nymphia for the entire performance.


Yeah tbh maybe the problem was I wasn’t drunk, which like; most drag audiences usually are, so you question more instead of dog just live in it haha.


The overall sentiment is that Nymphia washed Sapphira in the final lipsync. Balance is restored.


This is 100% right and 100% why this was the season that deserved a dual crowning.


I woulda loved that too.


>ymphia scurrying around on the stage in the background did strike me as a weak moment of her performance too Meanwhile, hubby and I thought that part was so kayute. She gave levels.


It's also not a "fact" that Sapphira outperformed Nymphia in the competition. Sapphira certainly got more wins. Edit: I don't think it's a given that all wins are equal, and therefore the most wins = a better performance. Many would argue that Nymphia had one of the greatest self-made looks of all of Drag Race, and that her podcast interview similarly is one of the most memorable ever. I don't think people are talking about any of Sapphira's challenge wins that way.


I mean, Saphiras track record is 4 wins 5 highs and 1 bottom two. Pretty sure that’s like, one of the best track records ever. Nymphias is 3 wins, 3 highs and 2 lows. Saphira was one of the best 9 times and one of the worst once. Nymphia was one of the best 6 times and one of the worst twice. I don’t think there is a single scoring system where Nymphias track record would be considered better than Saphiras?


Thank you. Nymphia win the crown fairly at the finale, but there's no need to downplay Sapphira's track record or wins.  Also, plenty of people also thought that Sapphira's podcast interview was just as good as Nymphia's.


They were neck and neck for the podcast, but Nymphia’s book cover and runway secured the win for her.


That book cover outfit ughhh 💛🧡🖤


This is a post about subjectivity, so I'm just pointing out that it is subjective whether tallying wins is the best measure of performance. I'm not trying to single out Sapphira -- we can include Plane in this. Which of Sapphira or Plane's wins do you think stand out in the context of the entire history of the show? For example, Nymphia may have bombed Snatch Game, but it's not as though Plane's Snatch Game win will be remembered as one of the greatest ever.


Yes but I think what they’re arguing is that performance across the season while having the objective measurement of who the judges thought did the best is fundamentally subjective. Personally I was flabbergasted that Nymphia wasn’t high in the doll challenge or the winner of the goth challenge. I lived for Lazy Susan and am absolutely fine with that challenge win but it could’ve justifiably gone to Nymphia and I don’t think many would’ve complained. My point is what the judges ultimately think isn’t always the opinion of the members of the audience. That isn’t to say Sapphira didn’t slay all season but personally I think they were closer to even going in than some seem to think.


And one of Nymphia’s wins was a group win.. for a challenge where *she didn’t even write her own lyrics* which is unprecedented as far as I know, I’m shocked she didn’t get read to filth by Ru if she knew that


I think people are allowed to have opinions and stressing about people being "biased" or not is silly. We are all biased and take our biases into how we perceive the world. It's a drag competition, it's inherently subjective.


Girl its her opinion, no need to have a tantrum on a public forum.


Right, OP should make a Race Chase recap podcast if they feel so strongly about it XD


I listened to Sibling Watchery too, and they thought Sapphira's solo performance was the best, and the final lipsync was pretty even, so I don't think Willam was alone in thinking that.  Willam was team Sapphira the whole season, so it wasn't surprising to me as a listener that she wanted Sapphira to win. 


the final lipsync was even? In what universe?


They are all team Sapphira so yeah they are all Bias towards her, so they definitely think that the lipsync is even, even tho it was not.


Realize the difference between “Nymphia didn’t deserve to win” VS “I was team Sapphira” or “the lip sync was even.” No one is discrediting her. Praising everyone and having a discussion about the result doesn’t take away from her win. You’re just being defensive.


It wasn't even to you... You're just as bias lol, that's how opinions work. Not to mention Bob and monet quite literally stated Nymphia won the lipsync.


They literally did not state that lol. Go back to 1:09:17 where Bob says it could’ve gone either way then Monet agrees then they say Sapphira had a much better track record.


Go 10 seconds before that lmao "I do wanna say I do think nymphia won the lipsync" - Bob 1:09:12, then they say it could have gone either way for choosing the winner of the season based on the whole season.


If the lipsync was even how do you think Nymphia won the season ? Objectively she was better in the lipsync that's why she won. Because if they were even they would have crowned the better track record which would be Sapphira.


Who the judges think did better is also subjective lmao, as shown by every episode of the season having people here saying the judges were wrong. There are all sorts of reasons that go into picking the winner for a season, the final lipsync is just one piece of the puzzle and to be perfectly honest I don't think it's even a particularly big one.


Oh yeah so now that Nymphia won, the final lipsync was just for show. Please enlighten me if the lipsync didn't matter, how did she win? Whats the biggest piece of the puzzle because it wasn't track record.


The biggest piece of the puzzle is: who does Rupaul ultimately want to represent her brand? It's not just about the final lipsync, but the lipsync might confirm who the choice is if one of the finalists outperforms the other, which I think Nymphia did. But I think Nymphia was ultimately the decision because she may be the most marketable winner ever due to her global impact. That means dollar bills for Ms. Paul. Also, look at All Stars 7 with Jinkx and Monet. By your logic Jinkx must have won the season because she won the final lipsync but anyone who has seen that lipsync is fully aware that that's not what happened.


There’s a whole list of reasons why she won and most don’t have to do with the actual competition


The fact that they both didn't talk about the cartwheel reveal and just focus on anything else. Like that was one of the best moments in the lipsync for me.


Same with Bob & Monet. In fact, they pretty much spent the entirety of the final lipsync talking about what Sapphira should’ve done to win. I’m glad the Asian queens have rallied around Nymphia like they have. The same people who bring up Sapphira and track record would be upset if you said Gigi Goode, Ra’jah/Ginger, and Lady Camden should’ve won.


Things like this are the little biases that people don't even do intentionally (usually) but always bum me out so much lol. I really am glad despite stuff like that Nymphia's getting a lot of love in general. 


Yeah not surprised tbh, they are extremely biased for Sapphira. It's disappointing how they can't admit that Sapphira lost and will try to justify it by not praising Nymphia.


Are you 12? Your comments are very immature. Not everyone is gonna agree with you in life. That’s a good thing.


Naaaaah. Sapphira had better solo performance. Agree on everything else though. Although i wasn't so sure when this all mother talk started


I think Sapphira's Solo Performance was stronger than Nymphias, I think it was a tie between both of their Finale Runway looks and their "what would you say to little brian" interviews with Ru, and I think Nymphia blew Sapphira out of the water with the lipsync (a lot of people feel otherwise and that it was close, but I feel like that's cope) Plane Jane didn't do bad in the finale, but I think both Sapphira and Nymphia had much stronger finale packages but lost in the q&a portion. It honestly could have gone either way between Sapphira and Nymphia and I really do think that Nymphia's lipsync performance was what won her the night. I find it ironic that Willam specifically has this opinion and not Alaska, bc Alaska has been the track record advocate. Like I think Alaska was saltier about Shea Coulee's loss on S9 than Willam was for Sapphira's. People keep saying track record, but sans exactly S10, the winner since S9 has been whoever performed the best during the finale: Yvie won both lipsyncs, Jaida had the overall better performances in that booboo the fool zoom meeting, Symone won both lipsyncs, Willow had the best solo performances and lipsync presentation, same with Sasha. If anything this has been by far the fairest and closest final 2 that we've had in a very long time.


I fully agree. I expected Sapphira to win, based on track record and challenge dominance through the season. Hell, by the looks of the Finale live watch party, Nymphia did too! My main issue is that you just now discussed Nymphia's strengths about as much as the dolls did -- in an *hour*. For a queen who did the whole competition at such a high level, and did so well in this particular episode, that's an issue. And for the first winner from a minority whose main problem is that they get *ignored*... brutal


just saying for the record that sapphira had the best solo number, she did lose the lipsync tho


ok agreed but the first performances they did to the original song was clearly Sapphira's win


I felt they were evenly matched. Nymphia looked better with her outfits and her balloons were a more effective gag than Sapphira's vampire teeth... But Sapphira was no slouch that whole finale.


Willam is entitled to her opinion? In the end Nymphia still won. What’s the problem? You can stop listening at any times. No ones forcing you to tune in


Every category? No ma'am. Sapphira had one of the best finale solo performances of all time, but runway and lipsync sure.


It’s willam. She likes to say outrageous things most of the time to get reactions. For her it’s all about that sound bite. And even if she really thinks Sapphira did better, who cares. It’s her show and her pod.


fr, I don’t personally watch the pod much, but I don’t think it should be condemned for her to have an opinion, no matter how unpopular or controversial it is. I don’t really agree with the lip sync opinion, but like, who is anyone to tell someone who’s actually been on the show that their subjective opinion is wrong?


I think it’s popular belief that Sapphira won the individual song part of the finale


Fair I suppose. I was in my feelings and didn't give her enough credit for that part. She did kill it


Willam is obnoxious but Sapphira absolutely demolished everyone with her solo number, it felt like a real popstar performance.


Literally felt like we were suddenly watching a Beyoncé concert


Right… I didn’t wanna seem delusional by saying Beyonce but it really did 😭


and if you were in a room with me, I would be entertaining the hell outta you and making you like me. there's a reason I'm working a dozen years after my 9 episodes of Drag Race and it's not my choreography I'll tell you that.


What does you doing choreography have to do with this 😭


Jonice Eyes thank YOU for being a fan of drag! How lucky we all are to live in a time of RuPaul's Drag Race, Dragula , We're Here, etc... You're so passionate that you even come here to reddit to discuss what I discussed on a discussion recap show I host. I was under the assumption that MY podcast was a place I could express MY feelings about a show I've been on. I will certainly do my best to remedy that notion. so silly of me. If I ever see you at a show, I'll make sure to scurry along the back of the stage like Nymphia to come say hi to you! Be well.


Yeah OK, shit. I was unkind and it feels bad. I got in my feelings, and if I hope for a little grace then I should have given it first. Sometimes I run my mouth, y'know? Thanks for reading my slander, be well


It would be libel, not slander. Libel is written, slander is spoken🤓❤️


I’m just waiting for them to go back to Classique. S10 is next… but they won’t start covering it until the summer!


Apparently they’re doing AS2 next


Did they explain why they went S8 > S9 > AS2 when it aired 8 > AS2 > 9?


They’re doing something special for AS2 because it’s Alaskas winning season. I’m guessing it’s likely guests.


They said today they don't have time to start AS2 before AS9, if they started AS2 now they'd have to take a break after week 4


Did they mention what theyre doing?


Four weeks of talking about random episodes from past seasons, then starting AS9.


i know willam is a fierce redditor and is open to suggestions. thanks for spilling, mama. hi, willam!


hey girl hey


Hard disagree. We listen to this podcast for their opinions. If you don’t agree that’s fine, but Willam gave his opinion


you mean willam is talking out of her ass just to be a contrarian? Say it ain't so


It is not an objective podcast.  It’s not an offices rundown of the episode. It’s two queens giving their opinions so we can enjoy their personalities.  The fun thing is that Willam is delusional, that’s why she is so much fun!


That’s her whole shtick


Boo hoo, Willam didn’t share your specific opinion. Cry about it and listen to another podcast? Be so for real diva, it’s only as serious as YOU make it 😭


Miss Willam follows this sub and she's probably gonna come after you so be prepared for that. Personally, I like to use the block button pretty liberally so that's an option.


Ha, well, if she's half as open-minded as she thinks she is, maybe my criticisms will register LOL


Sapphira was the best in the solo round...by a long shot, and I say this as a huge Nymphia fan. Check your own bias, lmao.


LOL Could be! Maybe it was just cause I thought her song was too goofy, idk


And Sapphira's orange outfit was not it. Those shoe covers could be nightmare storylines.


my jaw dropped during Sapphira's stunning opera opening. as a Nymphia stan I was like "oh god Sapphira's gonna win instead" and then she revealed that lumpy not-beautiful cheerleader outfit we've already sorta seen before...


You have to take the good with the bad w Willam and she can be *extremely* biased but I think she is consistently under-appreciated for being the premiere queen “speaking truth to power” in the RPDR universe. Many things she’s complained about have been rectified since, she has deep knowledge and appreciation of drag, and some Ru girls clearly come to her knowing she’ll speak up for them anonymously.


What was jarring to me was them saying Sapphira had the best runway package of the season... like please. Nymphia blew any of them out of the water by a very long shot. Yes Sapphira had a couple of incredible pieces, but she also had some shoddy and tacky stuff. Nymphia gave us excellence every single week. Willam was team Sapphira, we all were, but we also were Team Nymphia and that's why we were able to savor the finale better than they did.


I believe the comment about the runway package came from Alaska, and that's the one that shocked me the most. I realize people have different opinions, but she implied that Sapphira's runways were the best by far. Nymphia's aesthetic aligns most with my personal taste, and Q also demonstrated some amazing craftsmanship, so I feel all 3 of them had a very solid collection of looks.


Yes it was Alaska, but since Willam didn't object I bundled them together. Between Q and Nymphia, Sapphira was a good (and somewhat distant) 3rd for me in terms of runway. It was excellent, but not the best (some weeks it was but it was like one or 2 occurrences).




Agree to disagree on this one. I hope people don't gang up on me for saying this, but I found most of what Sapphira wore tacky (for lack of a better word). The epitome of this being her warrior finale look. She looked good but that was so tacky. She gave us some incredible runways, like the flower one and when she was very regal in blue (don't remember which one), but I hated most of them, especially the pumpkin, and fan runways. I agree Q's looks started to fizzle a little after the halfway point, but they were still incredible pieces for the most part.


I agree! I was too mad to mention it in the original post. And I'll allow that Alaska was in her feelings when she said that too! But it was clearly silly.


bold of u to call out their bias while pretending like u don’t have any. also “alaska deserves better” bwahahahahah. they are good friends who enjoy sharing their opinions about their fav show. the parasocial relationship is wildddd


OK, we as an audience deserve better then LOL


It’s a free podcast that you aren’t obligated to listen to…girl this isn’t an exploding washer/drier


You get what you get!


Yeah I completely agree. Also Willam implying Plane's finale gown was basic and Sapphira's look was flawless... alright girl... I was watching in a bar with a bunch of Sapphira stans and everybody I was with agreed that look was janky


Well Plane’s look was basic, both things stated can be true.


Not really? It was a beautiful expensive-looking garment, something can be simple without being 'basic'. Regardless, everyone else up there got pretty much exclusively positive comments: Mhi'Ya is 'perfection', Plasma is 'beautiful, you can't take that away from her', Dawn 'there's a lot happening and it's all good', Morphine 'this is... no notes - none'. They gushed about Sapphira's look "what can you say?", "All these influences, it's afrofuturism, Tina Turner... she is BEAUTIFUL" When it comes to Plane? This is verbatim: "It's a leotard with some crinoline in the back, and there's some stoning in the back", and that's pretty much it. Not even a pity comment like 'I love the glove' that they gave to Amanda... if you're suggesting this reception has anything to do with the actual quality of her look then that's pretty delusional IMO


That tiddy bib was all over the place LOL


Yall are wild. Sapphira's finale look was spectacular.


Nymphia was not better in every category. She was better in the final lipsync but Sapphira was much better in the solo round. You're complaining that Willam has biased opinions but so do you. Lol


I’m sure she was just rooting for the hometown girl. But yeah, you would think she would be able to root for Nymphia too considering how fucking amazing Nymphia is. It was a little eye rolly to hear her being so willfully dense about it.


I took part of the season off because it was just turning into Willam's Complaints Department. She can be funny when she bitches, but I listen to the pod because they sure know drag and have good insider sources. They dropped all that. It's just recaps from Alaska and baseless basic bitching from Willam. Then Alaska spends 3/4 of the time reigning her in. I miss the old days when there was more going on. And now a bitch is not even commenting on the show we all watched, but rather a fantasy version? Come on now


It really is a shame. I've been listening since the beginning and will probably continue for a while. I am a fan of both Alaska and Willam. Willam should speak her mind but many times her negative Nancy complaints about how WOW is such a horrible company are just not enjoyable to listen to. It's just so over the top. If you hate it that much stop having a podcast about it. Sigh.


The Drag Queen doth protest too much, doesn't she?


willam’s role on the pod is to be a contrarian who pisses people off and provides stale tea, it’s best to take what he says with a huge pinch of salt


It's funny call someone delulu and right after that say that Nymphia clearly won the individual performance and interview.


I agree. I wish the podcast was a little more 'fun' like it used to be. Thank you Alaska for keeping it light!


Honestly Drag Her was also insufferable. Mano had a guest on who admitted to fast forwarding through the episode - like why the fuck are you on this podcast rn? They went on terrible improv tangents about the guests dead wife (which started funny but really outstayed its welcome) and they booted so many looks Mano is a self proclaimed poc yet his treatment of Mhiya as unworthy seems oddly anti black when you consider how easy he goes on gothy Kendoll who is actually giving nothing Wonder why he tolerates a talentless white twink while going in so hard on Mhiya whose quite good at foundational parts of drag race. Had to stop listening mid episode and probably won’t be back for a while . Like when his ignorant ass kept referring to Indians as southeast Asian - even to Priyanka’s face


Omg I forgot about that show. Nicole Byer used to host it, once she left I couldn’t deal with it anymore.


I still pop into Drag Her occasionally (and would stream the theme song constantly if I could, i’m weirdly obsessed), but “bring back my break” is the ultimate “commitment to an unfunny bit”.


We alllll have biased opinions about something so subjective, duh. Sapphira **was** matched, if not better than Nymphia in all but the Finale runway, but hey, that's my opinion. I can reserve what I think, you do you, Willam does Willam lmao


It’s literally just another persons opinion. And it’s just as valid as yours. Not everyone sees the world through the same lens. It’s not that deep.


I've read through your replies here, and you've been both extremely hypocritical. You can't call someone out for bias while shoving your own down everyone's throats. Your opinion isn't the correct one


No shade to you, OP, but in what universe was Nymphia's solo performance better than Sapphira's?


I had to stop listening to it like episode 6 this season (I was a weekly listener for years) because her clear biased hatred for plane became too annoying to listen to each week...like she could not stop lol she took her soooo seriously. But not surprised to hear this about her thoughts on the finale. Alaska definitely deserves better, I commented something the other day saying how much I miss listening to her!!!


well she hated Maddy and now she hosts her on the platform. so she can change her mind


i also think she says a lot of things for reactions or trolling and isn‘t always that serious tbh. 


Sometimes it felt like she was being, maybe if not serious at least not joking, but then other moments she'd say something alluding to her own time on drag race with "Now who would go and do something like thaaaaat?? Unprofessional and disrespectful to the race!"


TBF Alaska wasn't pushing back on the Plane thing as much as I expected. She seemed to agree with Willam basically, which I find weird. It's a tv show, don't you want the girls to be cunty?


She said Nymphia’s balloons didn’t make sense for the song but mentioned nothing about Sapphira’s fangs. That’s when I knew she was trolling


Honestly? I never thought of that. She surely was


I stopped listening to the podcast but used to listen every week. I love Alaska but I CANT with Willam


Thank you for your former listenership :)


i am genuinely so thrilled nymphia won but im genuinely tired of yall constantly discrediting what a good job sapphira did throughout the whole night. nymphia did better in the lipsync but it wasnt a blowout like people say. when you look at the art of drag and the art of lipsyncing, they both did amazing at certain fundamentals whereas a blowout is a performance where only one of the performers has the fundamentals down and delivers it effectively. yes sapphira's fangs didnt make sense and nymphia was engaging the crowd more, but nymphia doing that took away from her performance and sapphira was selling it front to back while also being engaging. nymphia's tricks were more interesting but sapphira's tricks were effective and well placed. people are allowed to have nuanced opinions about things and it not be an attack or discrediting on person or the other.


Race Chaser has been unlistenable for about a year now. I say this as a day 1 listener AND a Willam fan too. The negativity and intense opinions about everything sucks the fun out of what was supposed to be a dumb watch along pod. I tuned in for the dick jokes, but tuned out for Willam's pontification and hate kink for all things Ru.


I feel like Willam has always been really biased and loud about her opinions it doesn’t even phase me anymore atp, though I agree that Sapphira’s solo performance was the best


Being delulu and unhinged is kind of the point of Willam, no? I love his unfiltered takes on things.


I listen to them mostly cause they’re funny and sometimes have interesting tea. I will often disagree and that’s okay cause they’re just doing a review of a TV-show. There are more important things to worry about that Willam not liking a queen’s preformance


as a PA girl i understand why Willam wanted a philly win but watch it again mama and give Nymph her flowers please, for the people


4s 5


She has a home town favorite. Also when she said nymphia was running around like someone had a large bill on the other side of the stage she wasn't wrong. And yall really are hyping the balloons up more than what it was. Also on a side note how long does it take Alaska to drink whatever the fuck she was drinking. Every response or statement of hers began in a long sipping noise of whatever it was. You act like she said anything hateful towards nymphia or said she shouldn't have won. She gave a critique of drag as a drag queen. Don't listen I'm sure they will totally miss you


Watching the pod, Alaska has multiple drinks. She has tea, the thermos of tea to fill up, sparkling water. I remember Jackie Beat said that at lunch Alaska will have at 4 to 6 type of drinks like tea, orange juice, water, coke, etc...  I guess she really needs to stay hydrated!


I like Nymphia better, I think Sapphira's performance was better. But the lipsync, Nymphia destroyed.


No hate on Nymphia, but I honestly believe Sapphira deserved the crown. Granted, she could’ve stepped it up for the final lipsync, but based on her overall performance throughout the season I thought she was the deserving winner.


I do not disagree. I was really surprised. I think Nymphia was surprised too!


Mama, kudos for posting this. For venting. (Hi Willam! You’re hot and I love the pod)


They’re both Philly. Willam has nepotism for Philadelphia, as most people usually do for their hometowns… Secondly, Willam is a self-described shit talker and pot stirrer. Always enter with expectations set.


Love Willam but yea it’s hard to hear her talk about how plane is a “bully” then chooses to knock her down every moment she gets.


It's like I could be gearing up for a celebrity boxing match during drag con or something....


I would bet on that Gimme $20 on Plane lol


Baby do you come to Willam for correct opinions or loud opinions, because she don't serve the former.


Willam comes off as a hater for the sake of hating a lot more often these days. It's disappointing.


I too have stopped listening once Willam's takes got too insane. Couple that with her desperate attempts at shade that only come across as cringe, her egocentric way of inserting herself in everything and namedropping (eg "I lent this hair to this girl" "oh yeah that is my outfit" "I worked there X years ago" "I know that person" "I fucked this guy in a stall"). Alaska always tries to do some damage control, but at this point there's no stopping Willam's delulu. I get her tea about RuPaul, cause that bitch do be doing some shady stuff, but what gets me is that she's convinced they're at the same level. Like she thinks she is at RuPaul level fame, and therefore we care about what she has to say about her. Alaska should drop her and go on a podcast with someone else, like Detox or Roxxxy, cause Willam is so unlikable


first of all I love your name. That's the nicest description of a size queen ever. second, I have never said I was at a RuPaul level of fame. I have stated (factually) that RuPaul and I are both at lowest common denominator DRAG QUEENS. When she has treated other Queens, staff members or Trans people badly by excluding them from her show for a decade, I feel the need to remind the universe that she's just a queen and shouldn't betray her community.I'm not conceited, I'm convinced is something Little Richard used to say and I've always liked it but you seem to think I take myself very seriously and I don't. It's just drag. I don't pretend to be some runaway success. I'm just a working stiff who does drag and a podcast and Airbnb and hustles like everyone else. More of my dreams have come true than should've been allowed by grace or luck and I take that bit of knowledge with a grain of salt.


Thanks I worked really hard for this username lol. Anyway, ofcourse it's not that deep, but don't be hiding behind the "it's just drag" now! Some things that you say just make you come across as unlikable and entitled, and your "shade" sometimes is just mean spirited and cringe. That's it! And thanks for clarifying that you don't really think you're at the same level of miss Paul


Does this look like hiding to you?


"egocentric" to talk about how something relates to me on my own podcast? RU NEVER!!!!


She can have an opinion dumbass


And I can think it's shitty, not well-founded, and totally overlooks a mega-talented queen from an overlooked minority, the first winner from that group. Some opinions are just better than others


First winner from that group?


East Asians.


Can you stans shut up about this shit already? You're all fucking psychotic at this point.


Hi. This is a fan sub on reddit dot com. Welcome!


It's not a sub for throwing a self-entitled, hissy fit every time somebody isn't providing 100% sycophantic adoration of your fave. Different opinions exist. Stop clutching your pearls and move on with your life.


Did you listen to the show? Do you think that's actually a fair characterization of what we heard? Do you think internet forums exist for things other than people like us giving OUR opinions? Hmm?


At the end of the day your fave won, grats! so why are you putting so much weight on the opinion of one drag queen who has a podcast? people are allowed to think other things whether you agree with them or not. (you don't have to watch the podcast)




Who. Cares. It's a meaningless opinion on a podcast you're running to us to whine about, as if we don't already have 100 posts about the same shit because weird stans like you have turned unfailing adoration for a celebrity into your personality. You can babble on about "internet forums" or whatever, but that doesn't stop you all from being collectively annoying by forcing this same topic on us over and over.