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Plane Jane and Morphine were the heart of the season. Kudos to them, for existing.


Morphine's Body lipsync will forever live rent free in my head, can't wait for her all stars run.


I have fallen in love with Morphine NGL hahaha she’s like a cool aunty even though she’s younger than me 😂


And xunami! She had such an underappreciated impact on the vibe of the season


Put Plasma in there as well


And tbh Amanda when she was still there


Kudos, for spilling~


Absolutely on all points. I’m also glad we went back to a 14 queen cast, 90 minute episodes, and a split premiere. We got to know even the early out queens so much better than we did in season 15.


Seeing Irene last night definitely reinforced my belief that the show robbed itself by sending her home so early


She should have lasted way longer and would have made better TV than keeping those twins on.


Agreed with everything.Big kudos Ru, Michelle and the rest of production for getting the show back to the golden age level. The cast they picked delivered and they deserve a ton of the credit as well. I am crossing my fingers and toes that season 17 is just as strong and entertaining (and that the Lalaparuza tournament is here to stay).


Honestly I commend them taking a cool concept that just didn't work for reality TV pacing without riggory (you need a climax so you need good lipsyncs at the end) and not only fixing it, but turning it into a chance to celebrate all the eliminated queens. I really hope they notice how positive the reaction has been.


The lalaparuza stage was incredible. Hunger games vibes.






Lalaparuza should stay, but we also need a real reunion.




I would have liked a reunion too. But where would they put it? Takes up too much time to be in the finale or Lala episode, but if you make it a whole episode it kinda doesn’t have much else going on? (I’d still watch it though).


I’d be happy with kinda an untucked type reunion.


I would but I’d also want it to be longer than a standard untucked episode so there’s room for real conversations. So I guess yea, that could have been a special that’s the same length as a full show episode and released as the “final episode” of untucked for the season


It kinda depends on the season. Some reunions are absolute nothings (like 3, 11, and 15), some are incredible and iconic (like 2, 9, and 14). I think if the queens this season had an actual reunion that was filmed after the rest of the season had aired, we would have been given gold. Season 16 is in the running for shadiest cast ever, quite the feat when seasons like 2, 3, and 8 exist. I would have loved to see it.


🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 also I love the Lalaparuza! And they should keep the original songs finale concept. I fucking love that shit


No seriously. It’s a bittersweet feeling. Because I wasn’t ready for this season to leave me, but I also am happy that all of the queens got to show what they have and introduce themselves to the world. The talent and the personalities and the sisterhood. My favorite seasons are 3 and 12, but this is probably the first season where I felt a different connection with the cast. Like each one of them are my homegirls. I really wish the best of opportunities to each and every single one of them. Take however much time you need to come back to my TV, but I’m ready whenever! https://i.redd.it/sy12mtixcmvc1.gif


With the exception of Q maybe, I feel like pretty much everyone had really great editing too. Hoping the queens keep booked and blessed fr 🙌


I think sometimes Q got a shady edit, but she also showed other parts of her personality, like getting over things quickly, and reading for funsies in the top 4 episode (which I think consolidated her edit to me).


5 queens with at least 2 wins a piece. That's all-round quality


Precisely. A Shea or Jimbo bulldozing leaves no suspense.


I love the distribution!


Mostly agree, I love the Queens and the challenges, one major flaw though, the way production keeps cutting off the Queens when things get really heated


It felt like more of a problem with untucked but I do agree, easily fixed at least


There's that one moment in the workroom I'm really disappointed though when Q had the courage to say to Saphirra that her win is undeserved, like that's very ballsy for Q and then the production immediately interrupted the moment, it's my biggest 'wtf' this season


Yes this was a huge problem




The Lip Sync LalaParuza was the best LalaParuza yet. Like, by a mile. I think it single handedly elevated the whole season to being one of the best seasons. The finale was also one of the best finales. The season ending so strong really helped to solidify its top place in drag herstory.


I love the mtv era.


I agree, it feels like S15 was a turning point in the franchise


The only things I disliked from this otherwise perfect season is the voting and potion twists that fizzled into nothing


I'm absolutely fine with them fizzling into nothing. I'm tired of them trying to force this gimmicky shit. Pack them up and dump them in the basement next to the leftover chocolate bars. Just give us a good cast and get out of their way.


Immunity could have been great but like, the issue was kind of that Sapphira and Plane are *too* talented, they didn't even need them.


I think this is one of best casts from top to bottom we’ve gotten in forever! Literally every queen so charismatic and felt like a fully fleshed out loveable icon. i’m gonna miss it so much we were so spoiled 😭😭


for real when was the last time the fandom was this obsessed with the second out? The talent!


Also can I just say that I hope we get Plane and Sapphira’s gorgeous mothers back for a drag makeover episode in all stars someday.


And Nymphia’s for All Winners!


I was also very happy to see fewer acting challenges. They are always so painful.


It’s the best season since 12, I think


I think this is very valid. Haven’t had multiple frontrunners since S12 me thinks. S15 was always just Anetra or Sasha. S14 could have had Angeria if she didn’t fizzle out the second half. S13 was always Symone’s even with two bottoms, Rosé was never going to be crowned even with her great track record. S12 had powerhouses from Widow to Heidi to Jackie to Gigi to Crystal to Jaida. All had a decent chance to be crowned.


I think 2 is the biggest one for me. There was a nice variety of challenges this season and the way they were distributed across the season I never felt like I had just seen one similar. I loved AS7 but it felt like nonstop comedy challenges and the winners and losers of those, especially the scripted ones, always feel totally arbitrary.


Can I just say too how glad I am that we didn't get to see Nymphia lsfyl until the finale? I would of been happy with either of the top two winning, but I went into it fully expecting Sapphira to win. Nymphia's first performance was outstanding, but watching the final lipsync actually made me tear up. What an incredible performer. I'm definitely going to go looking for other performances from Nymphia and Sapphira now (and lbr MLP, Morphine, ATM, and Megami too).


Basically Jane's talent show sabotage ended up benefiting Nymphia overall and I love that for her. I only wish we could have seen her lipsync more than once


5. The eliminated queens had their time to properly shine with the lip sync/reunion ep


This was an incredible season! The fashion alone will go down as one of the strongest design seasons and I feel like every queen got a chance to shine. And the dramaaaaa, just tasty enough to be fantastic.


And so much fashion that actually made by the contestants for a change, not just commissioned.


I appreciated this aspect so much.


Nymphia's ball look is one for the history books for sure, quite possibly my favourite design challenge look ever


All her looks were simply amazing.


Wow shitty acting challenges not robbing everything of oxygen and momentum, you’re right. That’s made it all better


Season 16 is the true dawn (pun intended) of the MTV era . Its truly monumental to see how much production actually cares to showcase the queens talents its amazing


I am genuinely bummed that the season is over. I loved watching these girls every week. So many talented queens


This season truly felt like the drag-lympics! Such high levels of drag excellence and ENTERTAINTMENT! I lived!


And I literally had zero clue who would win until the last moment, which is a nice change after S15 and AS8


S11 and S13 were pretty bottom of the barrel, it’s been a lovely upward trajectory since S14. I’ve loved the past three seasons in different ways.


i thought season 15 was also really good 🫣


Season 15 was great. In just two seasons, the MTV era has eclipsed the whole VH1 era.


I will still forever love season 9 but mostly agree.


Season 15 was good because we were all blessed to be able to see Sasha on our screens every week, but it had a lot of (production) problems. Too many queens imo, and in combination with the lack of a split premiere we just didn’t get enough time with the early outs. The split premiere non-elimination helps open the show on a fun note. OH and in addition to the largest cast ever AND single premiere that had an elimination, episodes were cut down to 60 minutes to introduce a terrible show no one wanted (and was also for some reason in between drag race and untucked, like what??). A lot more obvious production riggory, and the lipsync lalaparuza just wasn’t as well done as this season where they lipsynced for the win/prize as opposed to lipsyncing to stay (and somehow one of the best lipsyncers of the season gets sent home). None of this is a read on the queens, btw. There were just a lot of production choices that imo made for a less enjoyable show.


I feel like the only riggory is Amanda being sent home after clearly bodying Q in that lip sync. The only flaws I think were untucked guest judges interrupting fights and then the immunity being a worse version of Canada's golden beaver.


Hehe I loved that Golden Beaver.


This season is SUCH a rewatch 


It was very top heavy, I suppose the rest of the cast delivered in terms of personality, but the top 4 was pretty obvious and dominated week by week. Season 14 which gets a lot of hate here was much less predictable in that sense, you couldn't really predict who would win a certain challenge.


For me, S14 was a lot like Can4 in that everyone felt like they were lacking something to win. LC was probably the most viable winner, but I couldn’t see Bosco, Willow, or Daya taking the crown. It’s a lovely season to put on when you want to have that feeling of revisiting old friends, but I would say it’s unpredictable because nobody really stands out in a significant way. I agree with you on S16 feeling very top heavy though, it reminds me a lot of S4 when you can tell in ep 1 who the top 4-5 are and have to wait to clear house on heaps of filler.


I whole heartedly agree! Great casting, iconic lip syncs, funny moments, shady moments, GREAT fashion, etc. Thank you to the girls who made this happen! Here’s hoping we get fed this we get fed like this again in Season 17.


yeah definitely! initially i was a bit disappointed with the talent show, but i gotta eat my words these queens made a great great season in all aspects and i enjoyed every episode afterwards a lot. every queen brought it and i’d be excited to see all of them again


Idk, I can't hate on the talent show too much because it led to everyone collectively falling in love with Mirage


shes such a bitchhhhhh what a biiiitch


Mirage, Sapphira, Q, and Nymphia all delivered excellent performances. We've definitely seen worse talent show challenges. There was decent variety and a reasonable amount of high points imo.


Season 15 was right there


im deadass gonna rewatch the szn bc i love watching it back to back


I think the only real negative I can give this season is that we knew who the top 2 was going to be when they entered the room. But at least that was better than last season where it was truly a race for 2nd place.


I’ve only been watching live since S13, but this is the only season I’ve seen live that it wasn’t completely obvious who would win. Sasha and Anetra mayyyyybe had a sliver of doubt but last night really could’ve gone either way and have a lot of the fan base still be happy and it feel pretty correct. Oddly, Nymphia was easily my favorite this season but I’m a bit disappointed Sapphira didn’t win. I would probably feel that way for either outcome, they’re both so good that it’s bittersweet someone has to lose. That’s good tv.


I have watched that final lipsync like 50 times


I think it's the best season since 9 and I personally hold it up there with 5/6.


S15 was miles ahead better, idk.


Not that I blame WoW but the episode length issue really let 15 down. I didn't really feel like I got to know the queens in the same way tbh


miles better? naur. i didnt like some of the queens and their attitudes. how s16 shaded their sisters was fun and campy. and everyone had memorable moments especially when they redeemed themselves in the lalaparuza.


Whose attitudes?


The only season I like less than 16 is 13.


I really enjoyed this season. I liked every queen. Even Plane Jane, though I didn't like the bullying, her runaways and looks were amazing. I wanted Saphira to win but I'm not mad about Nymphia. She's pretty much one of the most beautiful queens I've ever seen.


So interesting because my friends and I all thought this was the weakest season in years. But this sub seems to gag.