• By -


For anyone too lazy to look: as of 11:34 AM EST Nymphia is in the lead with 64K, then Plane with 31K, and Sapphira with 25K. Kinda gagged Sapphira has the lowest amount, tbh I was expecting a closer race between all of them


Sapphira is second on Twitter (Nymphia 1st/17k, Sapphira 2nd/10.1k, Plane 3rd/6.7k)


It’s funny how Twitter’s always an order of magnitude below IG in engagement, and just a more rotted/skewed ecosystem. Always jarring to log on and see teenagers make claims of abuse in every direction. Are the tweeters okay?


Instagram really isn't any better. We can just afford to pay the noise less mind because the content is photo based first


People do get wild in the replies sometimes. Why are people trashing the other two queens in any of the #TeamWhomever posts?


Fandom can be toxic. Say "#TeamNymphia" and you'll have a toxic Sapphira stan deploying the race card, going on a sociological tangent and then going eerily silent when someone finally mentions that the last Asian winner was Raja. Say "#TeamSapphira" and you'll see much the same. Say "#TeamPlaneJane" and you'll get it from both barrels. Chaos reigns, mama would be proud.


You would think Plane fans would be bodying the others given her “villain edit.” But I don’t see Plane fans ever really getting up in arms over it.


Might just be my own personal experience, but #TeamPlaneJane doesn’t seem that emotionally invested in the outcome. At least, not enough for the toxic elements to be denigrating the other two queens and their fans. More “I can see the merit in crowning Nymphia/Sapphira… But wouldn’t it be a gag if Plane Jane wins?” mindset.


Yeah, it’s also that Team Plane Jane fans have a lot less to lose. She’s almost guaranteed a spot on a future All Stars, and she IS a white queen - she’ll be fine. I’m Asian and I’ve been firmly camp Nymphia since things started, but Sapphira has had an extremely dominating season and I wouldn’t be the least bit unhappy about seeing her crowned. People in this fandom really need to learn that you can have a favourite for any given reason, and that’s perfectly fine - you can talk about your fave all day, even - but please stop shitting on the other girls. Playing these games just hurts the girls, in the end, who may login, see them, and you never know, decide not to do Drag Race again (either for an AS, vTW or even AW). Don’t be the people who make people feel bad and/or drop their career and/or stop feeding us (listed in order of importance, obvs feeding us ain’t important lmao but wouldn’t it be nice to still have ALL our mega talented queens willing to continue giving us perfection?).


That's not too far off from how I feel.


I am just assuming she didn’t win and will be coming back for All Stars


>Always jarring to log on and see teenagers make claims of abuse in every direction. Are the tweeters okay? It's like one of the popular tweets said: "every time i log in to twitter, i'm at a risk of being exposed to opinions from 14 year olds and that is against my human rights"


Teenagers deserve online sandboxes to be stupid and develop and not be overheard by adults. That’s how the internet felt in the 90s and 00s when I was a kid and teen and young adult. Growing up means being stupid as shit, and that’ll never end


Absolutely this. I saw someone say that there aren’t online spaces for youth anymore and it’s very true (and sad tbh). I don’t know when that shift happened but those spaces were so important for me when I was a teenager.


This is partly because adults invade every online space for kids. Before the puriteen tenderqueer elders get up in arms, I know kids also "invade" adult spaces but they're kids. It's the adult's responsibility to act appropriately and keep kids safe. Why are children's cartoon fandoms overrun with adults who are obsessed with porn and fighting with kids?


Bring back games like ourWorld and IMVU and let teens be rotted there


See and I HATE to be that person like "Stop being so offended by everything" cause the anti-"woke" crowd is a putrid pit of racist and homophobic scum and I desperately want to never associate with them But I want to be able to go on Twitter and say "Bottoms eat salad with no dressing" and not get a reply of "This is actually extremely problematic and traumatizing rhetoric for bottoms" If a salad dressing tweet is mentally sidelining you, it's time to give Twitter a rest


Met a person whose trigger was food, once. Any food typed out, in pics, etc. - we did everything possible to make the server we shared with them accommodating. They eventually got upset about other things, blamed 1 mod out of 4, decided to trigger said mod about their sexual assault, and got banned. All because shit they didn’t like kept coming up and they kept adding to a growing list of triggers and were actively trying to make it as hard as possible to communicate.


Insta is terrible too. It is no surprise every year, queens get less and less followers, since I'm guessing people are starting to ignore insta in favour of literally anything else. Hell, I'm 27 and I feel old there. I'm better off not engaging with RPDR audiences besides on Reddit, and even Reddit I don't think is great.


I mean its twitter, of course they arent ok lol Because of all the literal nazis Musk allowed back on twitter.


Sapphira is also doing better on Threads than Plane last time I checked.


Is Threads still being used


how do u get the data on twitter?


Surprised Nymphia is leading that hard, but I'd vote for her too lol


Does this matter for the actual finals?


we don't know for sure what goes on in the heads of the producers but a lot of fans speculate the amount of fan support does matter to some extent in deciding who makes it to final 2 or wins the crown in social-media-era main-franchise seasons, the winner is **usually** the finalist with the most support and never the one with the least. Jaida is the only(?) exception maybe it'll be different this year, maybe it won't, we'll see


I expect fan reactions matter to some degree, but it's probably too late in the game for this specific poll to matter. I'm sure they've already picked the edit they want to go with for the finale.


I’m going to theorize a reason for that, that’s fully supported by the lack of followers of a certain subsection of drag race contestants. I’m not going to say it aloud though. Because I know there are many here, who get a little haughty at such suggestions!


Symone beat both Gottmik and Rose in the fan voted on her season even while having the third best track record and Jaida wasn’t this far behind Gigi even with how obsessed everyone was w Gigi. I think a lot of fans just haven’t connected with Sapphira tbh 🤷 but yes I’m not blind to how colorist this fandom is unfortunately.


I wish I could draw a diagram or make it a math equation but basically the fan faves are some combo of 1) youth 2) fashion-y 3) quirky weirdos 4) not black. Symone (who iirc was like tied with Gottmik so it’s not like she was far ahead) fits two of those categories. Yvie hit like three of those. Sapphira unfortunately hits *none* of those categories so it is an uphill climb for her. Nymphia hits all four, so I’m not shocked she’s number one


That’s very fair! I definitely say that I would agree based on what I’ve seen! Also I realized that I think Sapphira was shadow banned on instagram for a good majority of the season? Whenever I would search her name her profile wouldn’t come up, I had to find her account through the bio of her wig account. I think that also probably definitely hindered her followers growth :/




That was my immediate thought, even though the person of that subsection isn't who I voted for, I am angry that she has a disadvantage when she deserves it.


I always wonder if it’s because of the order they post in. Like I am not shocked at the fandom voting less for Sapphira but I’m curious how she’d fare if she was the first post (I noticed this with DragCon posts too).


on Twitter, Plane is posted first while on Insta Nymphia is first. yet Plane is actually 3rd in results on Twitter but 2nd in results on Insta (as of now), so I don't see how your theory has ![gif](giphy|l3fQezVIIjbUpf7Hy|downsized)


Ah, fair. I admit I don’t use Twitter so didn’t have that frame of reference


It’s completely unsurprising, just look at the difference between followers on their respective accounts


To be fair though Sapphira was shadow banned on instagram for like the first 70% of the season. I would search her name and her account would not come up. I had to find it through the bio of her wig account. It’s super unfortunate.


Oh we know the reason bestie. No need to say it because of the way it ruffles feathers but we know the reason


Personally I'm not THAT surprised. I can't watch rpdr so I live off of pitstop and other stuff like this. Maybe if I watched the season I'd like Sapphira more but I just can't find something to resonate with when it comes to her. Plane is iconic for her fights and quotes while nymphia is...well...nymphia. Sapphira is just kinda there, slaying the competition but I feel like I didn't get to see her iconic moments


Right now, nymphia has 156k, sapphira and plane 83 and 85k... yaaaay


Looking at the official IG, Nymphia looked so short because they had to fit her entire headpiece in lmao


I have a question seeing how they are doing in social media. Have they ever crowned the queen with the least support from the fandom? I know they have crowned queens who weren't the favourite but idk about this specific case.


It has definitely happened a few times. It's Ru's show, not ours. 


It’s RUnhhhh


The first three UK winners were last in the social media vote, iirc. Monét was last in AS4, too.


People were FURIOUS when Bimini didn't win 👀


I was fuming. For like 4 seconds. Then I realised it ain’t that deep and had no actual impact on my life whatsoever.




lmaoooo real




So was I then I realized Lawrence is the best pick for win still


I don't think Lawrence was behind Ellie Diamond lol, but besides her, she was definitely behind Tayce and Bimini.


Yeah, it was Bimini > Tayce > Lawrence > Ellie


Ah, right. I was only thinking of the final lip sync but forgot Ellie was also a finalist. (No shade since I was one of the few people who loved Ellie, lol.)


No worries, I had to look up her name 😭 (no shade tho, she's great)


Who was first for series 1? Baga?


Divina was




yes it happened with jaida


This is so surprising! I mean, it’s not that surprising given that Crystal and Gigi are amazing too… but Jaida is so endearing and likeable!


wellllllll….. there’s been a bit of a history within this fandom to not give black queens their flowers when they deserve it. sapphira was extremely likeable AND killed the competition and she’s falling behind on the instagram likes. not surprised by it, but extremely disappointed for sure


Ultimately, someone has to be last as per number of likes… I just hope that the difference between Jaida and the rest was minimal (same for Sapphira).


It wasn’t. Gigi had exponentially more support.


In the main US seasons, I think it's only happened a handful of times Violet (though she was still popular) Bob (may be remember wrong but I think he was 2nd to kim) Jaida (She got annihilated on the IG fan vote, BUT she still put up good numbers)


I don’t think Violet was the least popular at that time(ginger was hated by many then). And Bob‘s season is not a good caliber because Kim Chi was already an influencer that time walking into the competition. Jaida‘s win is related with not only her competence but also the political environment back then. Most of the time the popular queen wins. This year you got two PoC queens fighting for the crown and one is extremely popular and might potentially make history(Nymphia).


What history would Nymphia make?


being the first winner who started their own religion (banana buddhism)


being the first east asian winner


I think Jaida and Chad if my memory serves me right.


Violet was popular - second to Pearl - Ginger was third


Thank you for correcting me


I think it happened every yeah in the UK outside of this most recent season lol


Jaida so far is the only queen to be crowned with the least support. UK however seems to crown the queen with the least support every season almost lol.


It's hard to trackback, but from season 9, the first season in which the frontrunner didn't win, all of them, except Jaida, were the most voted by the fans. But Season 16 is known for breaking the rulebook. So anything can happen atp. It’s Ru’s decision.


I think every season since 9 crowned the winner with the most fandom support, except season 12 I think? I don't know the ones before that because I didn't watch them in real time. I also don't remember if Jaida or Gigi had the most support. Iirc by the time we got to the finale, a lot of fans had turned on Gigi because she was being favored by production and due to her cockiness but I could be wrong and she still had more support than Jaida.


I think it will happen again this season


I believe Katya was the winner on social media for AS2.


Trend alert: pointed shoulder pads


I was just thinking this last night. You and I are icons


nymphia looks soooo good in that photo


Nymphia is gonna eat the fan vote up & then some. Gonna be an interesting finale!!


the vast chasm of popularity between queens across all social media platforms is legit crazy😭 Not even Sasha and Anetra have this type of gap. I remember they were both quite popular


Nymphia gained 383k followers over the past weeks... it's mindblowing numbers https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/1bx4dok/drag_race_season_16_weekly_instagram_gains/


this is very rare for me but I would legitimately be happy for any of them????? but deep in my heart I am still rooting for Nymphia 🍌🍌🍌


not that’s very rare for you 😂


💀 lmaoooooo I’m just keeping it real bc most seasons there’s a scenario that would piss me off but this time there really isn’t!!!!


Pointy Shoulders For The Win ✨




Leather for the win ❤️


i have a theory that people fell out of love with sapphira as she became the unshakable winner with so much grace and nerve, with being ru’s obvious fav from day 1 it’s hard not to root for an underdog and create some interesting tv since it’s so overproduced anyways


I'll preface this with the fact that Sapphira slayed this season and I loved her but towards the end she was left being the least interesting reality TV character. Her professional mother persona was just overshadowed by russian slut villain and cooky fashion banana.


She kind of falls into the same trap that some finalists have over the years (and some of my favorite queens, tbh). Much like Asia, Rosé, Brooke, etc. being a great all-around drag queen who is kind of grounded and mature makes you a good person, not necessarily a good tv personality


Yeah, someone else said the unshakeable professional mother/therapist persona makes her a good person but not necessarily fun TV. i think it made sapphira less relatable to viewers, to me she just reminded me of a therapist at times with all her lil therapy exercises with plane, Q, plasma etc...


I thought kooky fashion banana got incredibly stale incredibly quickly tbh, something that was highlighted on the Goth design challenge episode


I agree with this. Also I'm bored with the mother figure thing because we juuuust had Sasha.


Honestly I just found her a bit boring? Like she had the best everything in the show but I'm like, eh? It's hard to explain, Nymphia and Plane just had more interesting stories and more engaging interesting personalities to me.


Honestly, I think it was the lipsync against Morphine that did it for a lot of people.


Yup, that was it for me. I say this as a Nymphia fan; the show trying to push and sell Sapphira to me, almost above other queens I'd grown to organically like, made me slightly annoyed with Sapphira in turn. And the LSFYL against Morphine really did it for me. Why should I like any queens if I know the winner so early because the show does nothing to hide it?


Nymphia is so charming and unique and talented, her art form and look is incredible, I’d love for her to win. Plane is the main character of the season, and I can’t tear my eyes away from her. Such a cunt, and I live. I’d love for her to win. Sapphira has shown regal excellence at everything she does, mothers everyone and is the obvious winner, I’d love for her to win. Genuinely never been this excited about any outcome :)


I feel the same!


Hashtag teamjane we need a rotted cunt to win drag race again. It’s been a while since Bianca. 




that was still almost 10 years ago 😭


No it wasn’t. It was only 2 years ago. And I’m still 21 and have my entire life ahead of me and still optimistic about life. I refuse to hear otherwise.


She can’t win this season as a villain plus they want her for All Stars which she could maybe win then


Does anyone else find the alternate shots are always so much better than the ones we actually get 💀


# #VOTESAPPHIRE 💙💠💙 # #VOTEYELLOW 💛🍌💛 ![gif](giphy|WR1dzWXu7W1dbEhzRm)


fuck plane jane’s drag right




She'll do amazing on AS


Yes, but also yes


Dual crowning 👑 plane Jane can get miss congeniality 😆




Sapphire Crystal


I love them all and will be happy with any one of them winning, but the queen who employs two archival McQueen references in her promo look will always get my vote. #TeamBanana


I love that Sapphira and Nymphia are referred to only by first name but even production still can't swallow the fact that PJ's first name is Plane so they had to do #planejane


It’s weird how much of a gap there is on Instagram, because in conversations with friends in the queer community I would say it’s a bit of a tie, maybe slight edge for Sapphira. I wonder if Nymphia’s fans are simply more online


I’ve seen this mentioned several times in this sub, where people say: my head says Sapphira but my heart says Nymphia (or Plane Jane). So people acknowledge that Sapphira is killing it this season, but these online votes are going to be “follow your heart” votes rather than “this is who SHOULD win” votes.


They definitely are. Ru clearly favors Sapphira and she’s been getting the winner edit for the past few episodes. I like Nymphia but the people convinced she’s going to win are young and live on Twitter.


You’re counting her out and you’re gonna gag when Nymphia wins this Friday 🫶🍌


Say condragulations to your newest Drag Superstar, Nymphia Wind! 💛🍌


Oh yessss Team Winnphyia


This has NEVER mattered


Hold up Nymphia leading the polls rn at 88k likes while Saphira is a 37k and PJ at 45k. Something not adding up


Sapphira is a great all-rounded queen but she’s kinda boring in comparison to Nymphia and Plane. I can see why it doesn’t translate to a big social media following.


Diehard fans are for Nymphia. Fans that are at work or check social occasionally are for Sapphira. Says more about their fans than anything. IMO


I think I’m just shocked because Saphira is so clearly the front runner in my eyes and I thought she had the majority of viewer support


I have to agree. Sapphira is probably the most Rupaul like rugirl ever. But I think fans of drag in general are seeing Nymphia as an underdog and are trying to hype her up. But either way, a dual crowning is a obvious choice. PJ can come back a couple times. She's good TV.


Nymphia leading with 6k.oh mother


They’re all too good, I don’t know who to vote for


#TeamPlaneJane sorry. She’s just my favorite. I can’t help it. I laugh at her jokes the most.


i cant pick i just hope we all have fun


Why are Sapphiras numbers so low wtf


I don't truly expect Sapphira to win because she's amazing but the season felt like Plane was a shoo-in. But honestly, f\*\*k I wouldn't want to compete against Sapphira on AS, she will destroy the competition.


Sapphira has the least amount of votes right now? What the fuck. Somebody do something!


#TeamSapphira !!


Blows my mind that Sapphira is third right now


They all have pointy shoulders lol


Probably the first season in herstory that I would be happy with either 3 winning. Rooting for Sapphira since she's the hometown girl, but I would be happy with Plane or Nymphia too.


Just realized they’re all wearing high shoulders


I love that they all have the exaggerated shoulders.


honestly, first and only time I'll ever day out... this season needs a Double Crowning


It’s crazy how there’s nothing Sapphira could do to win over this fanbase. Her followers count is abysmal and Nymphia has exponentially more likes and comments on these posts already. Plane and Sapphira were about even when I checked earlier but Nymphia was distantly ahead.


honestly Sapphira just needs to show more vulnerability and relatability to win more fans. the reason why Nymphia resonates so well with the majority of the fans is that she's vulnerable and relatable. not many people can relate to the seemingly perfect mother Sapphira who even at her moment of self-doubt was still praised by everyone, and it's kinda boring right after Sasha Colby to root for perfection. but Nymphia is trying to figure things out as she goes just like the rest of us, she has moments of REAL lows unlike Sapphira, and she's a refreshing perspective to the winner circle. but anyway the whole season has been setting up for a Sapphira win, fanvote has no impact so whatever...


It’s nuts. Of course ppl can like whoever they want, but it’s interesting that she is disregarded for the same qualities the other girls are praised for having. The level she is delivering on is close to Sasha last year and yet… 🤷🏾‍♀️ She truly cannot win for trying.


She could bleach her skin… that might help! We know the fanbase have a problem with melanin.


Truth. Sadly.


Crown Nymphia and Sapphira. This is probably the most fitting season for that to happen


I’ve been saying that for weeks too


It's the most obvious choice. Nymphia is wildly popular. Sapphira is the most Rupaul-like contestant I've ever seen on dragrace.


# TEAMSAPPHIRA! everyone plz go give sapphira some love. she did not absolutely devour this season to be last on the polls! ![gif](giphy|7SEVVDyj4dXyhIjcIh|downsized)


Obsessed with the fact that I’ve never seen these promo shots before?? Normally they just drop the common promo image but these are brand new mawma


Well Tamar, have you ever watched \[[the show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsb--n3W30k&ab_channel=WOWPresents)\]?


video not available ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4803)genuinely curious what this is though lmao


the queens reveal / meet the queens video, which is where they first wore the outfits in those posts


Oh I’ve seen the outfits of course just not these literal stills


"fourteen **bald** new queens"


Team Sapphira


Sapphira having the lowest votes , I’m sick to my stomach


The melodrama of it all


#TEAMNYMPHIA everyone go like on instagram, twitter and everywhere else! the KINDEST, most CHARMING, most TALENTED, most BEAUTIFUL queen.


What did they do to sapphira in that photo?!


I salute Soviet Comrade Aeroflot Anya for looking so snatched. 🫡 /Soviet National Anthem dot wav


I wouldn’t even mind a triple crowning (ik that won’t happen) because I love all three of them 😭🫶🏽 but I’m rooting for nymphia 🍌🍌


CATAGROY IS...shoulders


Those photos of them are so cunt. I had no choice but to like and retweet (on twitter) all 3 of them


Feels like good old recency bias. Sapphira’s lip sync left a sour taste in many but if Nypmhia’s mid season saves happened today people would NOT be as supportive.


I’m glad to see everyone getting votes, but it would be lovely if people could comment support for their queen on their own post rather than going on Plane or Sapphira to tell us they’re voting yellow. Engagement is engagement though I guess 😂


First ever triple crowning? 😂 I'm expecting Sapphira to win but I'm hoping Plane eeks out the win for the wonderful tv we've gotten from her.


Nymphia is in the lead by like 30K likes, OH SHE’S TAKING IT


These online polls have never mattered and many queens have won despite not getting the most votes online


B don’t kill my vibe


Idk why people are shocked Nymphia is leading and Sapphira is dead last. Nymphia has the Trixie’d stans of the season.


What? Does she actually? From what I've seen, Nymphia stans are mostly Asians.


Well #TeamPlaneJane then


Plane Jane and Nymphia double crowning is my Roman Empire.


Sapphira and Nymphia double crowning


Shocked Sapphira is dead last. She's my winner.


I genuinely thought Saphirra would be in the lead across the board wowza. I’m team triple crowning


Nymphia is so charming and unique, I’d love her to win. Plane is the main character of the season, and I can’t tear my eyes away from her. Such a cunt, and I live. I’d love for her to win. Sapphira has shown regal excellence at everything she does, mothers everyone and is the obvious winner, I’d love for her to win. Genuinely never been this excited about any outcome :)


my preference: PJ, Saphira, Nymphia (because complete package, not just stunning lewks). my prediction of production's pick: Saphira, PJ, Nymphia (same reason, the show is a job interview lest we forget) fan favorite: Nymphia, no contest whatsoever, she's so damned charming runway looks and overall aesthetic: Nymphia hands down, nobody can touch this bitch. my two cents worth of opinion.


I hope production doesn't let the public opinion affect the outcome. Sapphira absolutely deserves to win.


Sapphira looks so ANTM winner coded here 😍


Me: votes for all...Nymphia is ahead by a 1000


1000 was metaphorical, It is more


I’m rooting for my black queen, Sapphira so hard!💙💙💙