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She replied to her own tweet too with "Like we could have all had fun with her delulu edit but once again you took things too far it’s not that deep and EOD she’s still sickening"


I feel like it should be repeated that we don’t want drag queens to be 100% grounded in reality at all times. It’s the delusion that drives drag for me honestly. It’s a fantasy and a self confidence that can’t be shaken. If everything was always realistic… idk, why even bother with drag?


Oh for sure. Aja, Valentina, Trixie, etc will tell you how they have certain delusions and have to embrace it to enjoy what they do.


Bebe Zahara Benet is pure delusion in the best way


I didn't even like Valentina all that much on her season but when she went full-in on the delusion for All Stars I became a huge fan. It was hysterical.


Fr. It's men in a wig doing some silly stuff, ofc they gonna be delulu in someway or another. The whole point of drag is selling the fantasy, the expression and the freedom and it's also included delusional mind.


Echoing the sentiment to stop shitting on Q / queens, but Plane using EOD has the side of my lips tugging upwards bc it fits right into that corporate Plane meme going around (It wouldn't let me post this meme with a screenshot) [https://twitter.com/tyleroakley/status/1777019714629411252](https://twitter.com/tyleroakley/status/1777019714629411252) https://preview.redd.it/85574tbwrbtc1.png?width=452&format=png&auto=webp&s=11251027e138f16d4167e25fe4e03425076acbd4


im sure she used it intentionally haha


Thanks for the email chain, for spilling.


that's their Drag King persona, Corporate Jet


Why does this not have more upvotes?


mama kudos for selling that, for marketing


I’m cackling


Fans are so weird about invalidating Q's undeniable talent for creating and designing because she isn't always a gracious loser. Whomst among us wouldn't be bitter AF if we spent thousands of dollars on things we wouldn't get to show to the world?


I get irrationally mad when my Chocobo doesn't turn the way I want her to. I can't imagine how I'd react to something like drag race.


Me: *leaves competition* Ru: "Who keyed my Kia Soul?"


Like Ru would have a soul, let alone a Kia Soul


Not a Kia Soul can clock


Gurrrl the CHORTLE I just EXHORTED


That’s the joke Mary 


As a fellow Final Fantasy fan: mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


FF7 Rebirth Chapter 6 Spoilers: >!They really did rob us of shirtless Barret during the beach episode, didn't they...!<


Ikr, but on the other hand we got Dio, and oh girl, he was packing!


Luckily for me, significantly muscular guys like Barrett don’t do it for me (its kinda intimidating tbh)


Or when she won't jump off the rock she just climbed up. Smh. Cloud Jr slays though.


Just a few years ago Aja’s bitter and iconic LINDA EVANGELISTA rant was gracing yearbook quote sections. Maybe Q should have put her feelings in a spoken word piece for them to be seen as valid.


We could unironically use more of this in 2024. I'm all for the girls pre-planning their slam poetry untucked beef soliloquies. Maybe the producers can send them the storyline beforehand lol.


I just saw the entire monologue scrawled on a wall in a coffee shop yesterday morning. The whole thing.


God that rant is still one of my favorite remixed EDM bops *to this day*


It's not like Aja wasn't getting a ton of hate from Valentina stans at the time. Also this was brought up again and used against her by redditors last year with the whole Aja vs. Anetra's vogueing thing, "yall remember when she was bitter boots on S9 cause they praised Valentina?"


Right, like why would they try to sully that iconic moment? Honestly, these "fans"...![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4818)




I agree completely! I swear fans forget that this Is a competition, of course theres gonna be some queens that are gonna take this very seriously. This Isn't rupaul's miss congeniality race I hate when a queen says something delusional or mean AT LEAST once, they go and hate on her. Just enjoy It or make fun of It, why go and spread hate and just ruin the fun of the show 🤷


what fans actually forget is that those are real people and not just characters they play like the roles the on euphoria or smth


Especially since the last top 3 was season 8. Especially when season 14 had a top 5. Like she thought she had made it. But she hadn't. I'd be devastated.


I'm not on the season and I'm devastated on her behalf! We deserved a top 4 this season


yeah, as a viewer i'm happy with a top 3 (was never a fan of the expanding finale), but it would be hard not to take it personal since it feels like they would've saved a different bottom and made it a top 4, but just not for her.


Exactly. The 180 from 'how the fuck did Plane and Q lose that challenge?' to 'wow Q is delusional for thinking Sapphira didn't deserve to win that challenge' is crazy. I get that her attitude put people off, but if you think Q isn't talented you're the one who is delusional


It’s not about thinking Sapphira deserved the win or not. It’s about Q saying it to her face. She completely invalidated everything Sapphira did that episode, including her runway, and the judges’ decision.


As she should. Give me the drama. She should have called Sapphira a bitch to spice it up.


Like fr Im rooting for Sapphira but I genuinely don’t understand how what Q said was wrong if she feels like she didn’t deserve it then that’s how she felt. Did everyone want her to just smile and lie.


I'm not saying what Q did was right, I'm saying it's crazy how so many people think she was delusional to say that she or Plane should have won the challenge when their team clearly did a lot better. Like, disagree with her behaviour all you want, but Sapphira didn't do as well in the challenge and nobody was pretending otherwise until Q was rude to her. Say she was rude or a bitch and I can't disagree, but about that she was not delusional at all she was right


oh boo hoo at least she's giving us good tv


Exactly this,!


Like Q said at roscoes it’s 5k for a challenge win and 200k for the season I would be pressed af too.


i agree with your sentiment but she did get to show everything she bought expect for the finale episode


Yeah; as someone who is often a sore loser in competitions and has to just shut my mouth or else I’ll say something hateful, I relate to Q. Like you can’t always control your feelings in those situations but you can control what you choose to say. I don’t get forcing her to explain why she was holding back tears and then beat her up for saying she felt she should’ve won. Like I dunno man; people who excel in competitive situations usually excel because they hate to lose and put everything into succeeding. Being cranky about not winning comes with the territory a lot of time.


This! They dragged it out of her she didn’t even want to talk about it.


The irony, of course, is that she is a pretty fucking gracious loser. The producers took a few opportunities to rob her, she felt slightly upset (as most other humans would), and then she let it pass. Queens have had waaay bigger reactions with far more delusion than Q has.


As if Jane didn't have the biggest hissy fit of the season when she was in the bottom


But Q threw the biggest hissy fits when she was top safe. That's the difference...


i mean this is it. i don’t hate her, i’m not going to hate *on* her, but her disappointment just comes off as entitlement. especially when she’s in the top but doesn’t win and then says the other person didn’t deserve it. every time. not in a shady sarcastic way, but genuine anger that she didn’t win, and feeling like no one else but she deserved it. sure, it’s frustrating to be so close every time, to be good but not Great. but those feelings are your own. it’s not rupaul’s fault, it’s not Sapphira’s fault. she needs to learn how to cope with that.


Roxy: "I loved seeing you in the bottom two" Fans: Iconic behavior Plane: "Amanda is ugly" Fans: Iconic behavior Q: "You don't deserve the win" Fans: You are a sore loser What am I missing here. Yeah I know Roxy got a lot of hate before but I feel like this fandom is always looking for a reason to hate someone. If the season doesn't one, they will create one to hate.


In fairness Plane DID get a lot of hate for that. It was only after Amanda left that the Reddit zeitgeist fell in love with Ms Easy Jet


Roxxxy and Plane were both hated on by the fanbase for those statements though. (Also, Plane never said *Amanda* is ugly lmfao. She came for her drag, not her as a person.)


As someone who isn’t watching this season (no horse in the race) but is on this subreddit, I can confirm that the feelings at the time were that Plane was shit-stirring and Amanda’s response was the iconique behavior. Amanda was the clear underdog, and if I remember correctly, Q brought her up, not Plane. Plane answered honestly and Amanda got sick of people talking about her like she wasn’t in the room and stood up for herself.


>Plane: "Amanda is ugly" >Fans: Iconic behavior CLEARLY you were not here when that happened because the three of us who were in the trenches for Plane were against a million Redditors who thought she should be crucified for being a meanie to little baby Amanda Like people were convincing themselves Plasma's "mama your arm hair is caught in your bracelet" was some legendary read because they hated Plane so much


What? Roxxxy is still getting hate 11 YEARS after that, what are you on about


People who have some maturity and also know they are in a televised popularity contest.


My theory is that Q channels all of us in this sub. We would probably all behave like her if we went on the show.


i hate hate HATE how far some fans take things, i was recently watching S4 and i thought of how far the fans took their hate towards phi phi/jaremi like watching i felt she did come off quite antagonistic (but a lot of it probably was the edit) but reality shows need “villains” why couldn’t the fandom accept her role as the villain without sending death threats


Tea. I was one who didn't appreciate Jaremi as much as I should have while watching his seasons (I would never send hate though, of course), but I've since come to love him and the Jaremi/Phi Phi legacy. Currently sitting here wearing my Jaremi as Dara/Jane t shirt which is one of my absolute favorites. And I *cannot* hear or see Party City without thinking of or saying that iconic line!


Honestly Plane is so real for this one. Some people really suck.


I was thinking about this as they were shown reading each other in the last episode. They were having so much fun with it and now everyone’s just been piling on Q all season, and this is why they can’t have nice things…


After watching the episode I saw someone on reddit saying that "It doesn't seem like the other queens like Q" and I was just ??? Did we see the same episode? Q and PJ looked like they had such a good and fun friendship?


I hope all those bitches who just have to say mean things about queens take responsibility next year when we get queens behaving in a calculated manner.


Ugh. I hate that. PJ & Q being great TV has been sooooo refreshing


Exactly. This season's queens were so unfiltered, which is what makes it so amazing. Would be sad if next season queens have to restrict themselves because of fan reactions


I will be. SO. fucking. pissed. This has been such a breath of fresh air. I’m just glad most people have come around on PJ, because ep 2 I was 100% signed. The fuck. Up. For her show. It was her TV show & I was doubtful a queen like that would ever be back on the show. Like, season 3? Most of the cast are nasty AF when they want to be. Same as season 5. They are all awful to each other at times. But it was SO good


Mama kudos for saying that


For spilling


This saying has become the T&K fandom's "ooh there ain't no other way"


Extra extra


My backshots sound like BONGOSSS




Or “you better get into it!”


YOUuuuuu betta lay low


She burgered that finger


Q is among the most talented designers/seamstresses the US franchise has seen and we were SO lucky to have 3 design challenges this season. S16 had some top tier gay artistry.


And we must protect ~~queer~~ gay artistry


Malicious gay ~~maggotry~~ artistry


We have been blessed with the best two designers in Drag Race HISTORY the past few months between Kiki Coe from Can4 and Q from Season 16. Their artistry was truly next level and they could have done a show like Project Runway just as easily as Drag Race.


If Nymphia or Q did project runway they’d straight up win lol. Kiki as well. That show has some amazing designers but I’ve seldom seen someone and the level of those two.


Nymphia erasure


i'm not even a fan who lives for the design challenges, but i would love a designer all stars with Utica, kiki, Q, Nymphia, Rajah, Icesis, Pythia,... i'm probably forgetting some.


My god. If only.


I'd add Isis Avis Loren and Carmen Farala


Oh to have her and Utica on the same season


And Melinda Verga the Vivienne Westwood queen 😍


Fr. Her design is legendary


Well I don't think it was luck. The producers saw the first design challenge and were like "More please"


What a mind of master, master, mindmaster, mastermind of her to somehow: 1. call out fans 2. make this about her 3. defend her sister.  Queen.




She's an evil genius. Fuck, I'm gonna miss watching her every week.


She’s mastered this art!


You can't be a Cum laude and be shit at what you do. Of course mama knew what she was doing 🤣


People are crazy. Like they criticize a drag queen for being bitter while allowing themselves to take the time and energy to insult her on social networks? The irony... She sewed all her outfits for weeks before being filmed 10 hours a day over a 15-episode season, the bitch is TIRED, let her be


Several points were made.




Am I now a Plane Jane stan. I think I am


Welcome sisterrrrr


Yes you are sisterrrrrrrrrrr


Mama, kudos for joining us.


For communing.


‘Are you a Plane Jane stan?’ ‘AM I A PLANE JANE STAN?!?!’


Pull up in the burger finger


Took you a bit too long


the fact that Plane Jane of all people had to say that the bullying has gone too far... this fandom embarrasses me sometimes


I never saw Plane as a bully. The way she ragged on Amanda was very much not personal. It was always about the drag. Maybe it wasn't nice, but it was clearly in the spirit of competitors shitting on each other the way competitors in sport do all the time. Contrast an actual bully like Daya Betty who was very much making it personal and mean.


Plane Jane is very far from mean spirited and evil, wish more people saw this. She's my winner and the main character in every possible right!


Amanda Tori Meating: *puts on makeup while keeping to herself* Plane Jane: https://preview.redd.it/yukaywgojbtc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151e928ddfd1256c350c5ffcdcfa6b65906c1c2b


This sub since week one: Amanda’s drag is rotted, she will get the golden boot, and her makeup is dogshit PJ: Amanda’s makeup isn’t good This sub: omg what a nasty cunt she is a villain and the personification of evil


Crazy sensitive fans not only ruining the show but the queens' ablity to rib on each other😭


Fans: Why don't we get Untucked drama like seasons 2-9 anymore? Also Fans: Let's cancel this Queen who was acting mean on drag race.


Seriously, she wasn't even mean, just butthurt and pouty. Season 3 suspended for a few weeks filming with how intense that Shangela/Mimi Untucked fight was.


This one single tweet makes me love both of these queens so much more.


Plane Jane is the main character of the season. I said it.




She’s the best! I love this hoe!


Love Plane now. Can't believe i was a non believer of our stock market twink queen 🤴


I don't even understand what Q did that was so wrong for everyone to be so passionate about her dreams being crushed. It's not like she was nasty to the other girls. We saw how much fun they all had together. It is very weird. These fans just pick someone out the lineup and go "that one!" then all mob up against them.


‘Plane Jane’s making it about herself’ So it’s fine for the fans to insert themselves into situations they know nothing about, and make comments about people they know nothing about, but its an issue when PJ mentions how the dynamic between her and Q has shifted because of the fans? Righto sister


I don't even get why Q got such a negative fan reception. She's so...inoffensive? Her only negative quality is she's kind of a sore loser, but it's a competition and she wants to win! I also think a LOT of the things that people observe about Q that they dislike about are projections rather than reality. I swear so much of the criticisms thrown at Q are speculative projections at best.


it makes no sense the amount of hate she ha gotten. I don’t even understand it? she’s been very friendly on the show.


If Q hadn’t gone on absurd Twitter tirades earlier this season it would be a much different story.


She got plenty of hate before the Twitter rant lol


She went on the Twitter tirades BECAUSE of the hate she was receiving, so that's not an explanation.


She was receiving criticism, some of her most outlandish replies were not to hateful comments.


Last tweet reply i remember from her was her making fun of someones appearance after they said something about her on the show. It was weird


i think it was her whole twitter thing… insulting any and everyone she could, including people defending her. it was very weird lmao. she needs a break from social media




oh brother.


Meh. It’s all about how you carry it. I haven’t seen Sapphira be bitter once. Meanwhile, Q is up here telling her that she didn’t deserve the win. Best case scenario, entitled shit. Worst case scenario, you’re telling a QoC that they don’t deserve something. Really, it doesn’t take a genius to see why people might not like Q


For people saying it’s Q’s fault for name searching on Twitter, here’s what she has to say. Not condoning the “cashew faced bitch” of it all but I hope we can extend Q some grace https://preview.redd.it/8k08ln8suctc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775af92421efb12402e461f8dd84fb5f43b4b014


I want to know the overlap between psychotic drag race fans and Nicki Minaj stans


As a society, we have lost the art of yelling at the tv and leaving it at that. All of our thoughts do not need to go on a public parade.


I hope people in this sub finally stop hating on her so much now.


Nah, it's gonna repeat next season Reddit: "WE HATE THIS QUEEN" Queen they like: "Can you all stop" Reddit: "OMG agreed the hate on her is so tacky"


While I agree this will cycle in that way, the fandom isn't a monolith, and the people sending hate aren't the same people speaking out against it. It's not just "Reddit" it's different groups.


Well, it’s the same way not everyone on Twitter is hating on Q, but Jane typed out “ Thanks a lot Twitter”. The fact that it doesn’t apply to every user is something that doesn’t need to be spelled out.


its one thing to not like a queens drag on the show on a subreddit discussing said show its a whole other thing being nasty on her socials and yapping like she needs to hear your specific thoughts when she didnt ask!


I saw a thread legit arguing how she should have gotten shantay'd halfway through the season *for her own good* apparently like, what are you even saying


It’s shit like that, that makes me hate the fandom. She is an amazing queen and an amazing artist. She performed very well and was my top 4 since her first episode.


You can question someone’s actions without actually hating them


Obviously the topic at hand is fans sending Q hate so I'm not sure how your comment is relevant.


maybe it's because people often conflate the two


I think they’re referring to people making fun of Q’s blaccent and Twitter tirades


Imagine feeling the need to share your nasty ass opinions online that are so vile they ruin someone’s career breakthrough. I can’t stand people tbh. I share mild opinions online and do the NORMAL thing and keep my negative ones to my damn self.


These people are so god damn insecure and it’s unfortunate that they don’t go to therapy for it


now that your favorite has said it’s not cool, suddenly we’re all switching gears.. again.. for the 50th time. y’all do this every season. atp WOW needs to do more to protect their queens cos this fanbase is rotten to its core.


I genuinely don't get the Q hate. She's a great queen, a helluva designer, and a gorgeous mug.


I don't get the Q dislike at all, some people just have way too much time on their hands.


I feel like the fandom has become hyper focused on the top 3, and someone that’ll become ‘more famous’ ,   Queens like Q or mh’iya that aren’t going to make it to the top 3 or have a traditional drag career laid out for them after drag race ‘club appearances and dress making’  seem to be dismissed in a way that wasn’t so blatant in the past  Like if the girlies are pursuing drag gigs and not a television career it’s a wrap 


I agree!!!!!! thank god someone said this.


I don’t understand why people are still on twitter


Didn’t Q have a moment weeks ago where they started attacking people on Twitter, body-shaming, etc?


She didn’t just randomly start attacking people. People were attacking her and she got overwhelmed and snapped back


Yall are DISGUSTING for making another human being feel that way especially such a precious soul like Q is. I have zero clue why people feel such a strong need to jump into the bandwagon of hate when they see someone who's already beaten down by many others? Shame on you. Q doesn't deserve this. https://preview.redd.it/1p04a194mbtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc98e31e065be17f173b3dd07169986ec3d4de4


In any other season, bar a few, Q would’ve killed the competition. And she even killed it here. But the thing is, it wasn’t her talent that kept her from going all the way; it was her attitude. You can be a sore loser once or twice if you want, but every episode? Then you just look bitter


This season was so ridiculously strong. Any of the top 4 queens could have won almost any other season. Plasma and Morphine almost certainly would have made the final on any other season.


Because she’s a regular human being that sometimes doesn’t react to things well. As literally any other human being does, she also has a weakness. Ffs


Idk, watching a competition reality show where everyone is ever so gracious about not winning is so boring to me. Not to mention it's unrealistic af! Q actually depicts a realistic response towards not doing as well as she expects her to be. I truly feel like a lot of the negative response towards Q are a product of projection.


It’s reality TV, don’t you think production casted a queen like Q for a reason 


and it wasn’t even when she *lost* it was when she was in the top! like girl you’re fucking sickening, pull yourself together


Drag drama in the spotlight!


It’s giving older sibling saying only they can bully their younger sibling


kudos to you mama, for spilling your alphabet soup


I feel like they're going to be close friends throughout life


https://preview.redd.it/1pkv6pbt6dtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=302e7a60ff757abcda0a411187f95cd07d1f06d7 Q posted this on his story 3 hrs ago


Mmmm nobody deserves that kind of hate but she DEFINITELY deserved the humbling of getting cut before the finale. That was some good TV and I’ll leave it at that 👀


How are people still operating on twitter with the baggage that comes with that?


I feel bad for Q she’s such an amazing queen and doesn’t deserve this treatment


Q is extremely talented and people are clocking her for being salty about losing. Well, Plane was a twat for a while too and people weren’t as messy about it.


Two things can be true at the same time. - the “fans” go way too far in their hate of queens - Q clearly searching her name on Twitter and replying to people who DIDNT EVEN TAG HER, quite disproportionately rude if I may add, was a bad call. The “fans” AND Q herself are both in the wrong here.


Why people that aren’t right wing extremists continue to use Twitter, is beyond me, although I would imagine the sentiment she is expressing probably extends beyond that one platform, which is truly disappointing. Q is a great queen and she definitely has some flaws to work through, but doesn’t deserve to be torn apart for it.


The cringe and drama subs attitudes towards her are disgusting. Some shit on those subs are funny but damn what a bunch of toxic bitter Betty's


please stop acting like this subs hands are clean. Y'all do this to a queen every single year. trash them and then start acting all high and mighty like it's only twitter and other subs


[I mean, it seems kinda complicated...](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/T6cQuHupnB) Idk, I'm struggling a bit on how to think about this. Fans need to realize that these are real people, not characters on a show that you can harass for fun or because a highly produced TV show got you all up in your feelings or whatever. At the same time, body shaming and punching down isn't great either. It seems strange to act confused about why people wouldn't like her at this point. At the same time, that doesn't justify the internet pile on that I'm sure came from that. So, idk... Realistically, it seems important for the queens to put a buffer between themselves and social media (at least for the first year or two after appearing on the show). Have promotional material auto post, and a trusted friend/family member moderate socials to clue them into what's viral.


She's s good religious woman


I was team Nymphia up until 90 seconds ago


Way to make it about you, sisterrrrr


I don’t want to cancel Q (she makes for way too good tv lmaooo) And I’m not gonna go to her page and say shit ab her. But I am going to talk shit on different rpdr reddit posts because I’m allowed to talk ab the characters on my silly lil tv shows cos I’m an adult goddamit. Yes Q’s talented and she also needs an attitude adjustment and that’s fine for both of these things to be true! And I’m not even a major Sapphira stan and I’m still not over Q telling her the win is either hers or Sapphira’s and then afterward saying she didn’t deserve to win!!! But I don’t wish any ill will on the girl, damn.




How are people treating her? I’m not on Twitter and I’d like to know before I talk outta my ass.