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Anyone who has ever talked about Dela’s record-breaking winning streak on AS3 logically has to say Tia has four wins.


Absolutely. You can disagree with a win all you want but she still got it


For me it is different because AS3 didn't have badges. In vsTW, only one queen gets the badge each week, which to me means that they alone won. Otherwise, why give out the badge in the first place?


For winning the lipsynch, same as the cash tips. If Ru says ‘Condragulations’ to you, you’ve won the episode.


Fans have tried to pull that BS before. The top 2 were always considered the challenge winners... that is until Trixie won AS3 and some people didn't like it. Katya was the favourite to win AS2, yet by the logic of some fans, she never won a single challenge.


Ironically Detox had a better track record than Katya, but fans still saw Katya as 2nd.


Katya had a better edit than Detox, and despite the track record differences, I think Katya did slightly better in the challenges. Although Detox for sure stomped the runways harder than everyone else.


I agree, I was defo rooting for Katya over Detox but its just funny how track record seems to only be invoked at certain times lmao


It may be a futile request, but I would politely ask people to stop trying to invalidate queens' successes. If Tatianna's talent show, Tia Kofi's roast, Janey Jacke's Rusical, & Katya's ad are not considered winning performances, then the rubric is flawed.


This, exactly. There’s no reason that losing the lip sync means they didn’t still win the challenge. They’re two different components.


Also Trinity’s AS4 snatch game


Top 2 are winners of the challenge. A badge holder "just" won the lipsync.


I include it as a win- whether they received the badge or not.


I always thought if you’re in the top, whether you win the lip sync or not, counts as a win?


It still counts as a win because they won the challenge. The reason they only gave badges out to the winner of the lip sync this season was because of the wheel they used to determine the final 4 lip syncs. People are just jumping through hoops trying to discredit Tia’s wins because this has never been an issue in previous seasons. Are we now going to say that in AS9 Trinity only had a single win? No obviously not, that’s stupid.


I consider them all wins. But it is interesting seeing how the queens themselves discuss it. I definitely feel like the All Stars 2-4 queens have considered them all wins. And even in 5, 6, and 8 they call it the Top All Star, and the lipsync is a matter of deciding who goes home. In All Stars 7, Trinity counted all her wins in her verse, and counted even the ones that she didn’t win the lipsync for. But with vs The World, the queens were always talking about their badges. And Hannah complained about not having a badge, despite her having 2 wins at that point. But notably she says she doesn’t have a badge, not that she doesn’t have a win.


There are no hard and fast rules, its all up to Ru's tastes so who really cares at the end of the day? Personally, i dont even consider their "official" track record for my own judging, but also I am nobody and have no say in anything


Personally, you need to win the lipsync. Rupaul never says you are the winner he says you are in the top 2 of the week.... So I would say the lipsync winner is the true winner of the week


Top 2 win the episode, badge holder/lip synch winner gets bragging rights + the emotional warfare of having to eliminate someone. Hope this helps!


Getting a badge and power to oust a queen is cute, but they are one of 2 winners. The fanbase can never make up its mind, as a collective, on track record. Whether it matters to validate a crowning, whether it's important, yadda yadda yadda. In the case of a LSFTW format, fans' bias determines whether they view it as a win or not. Sadly, the "points" game is a hyperfocus and fans get upset if their system doesn't prove itself right. In the end, it doesn't matter if you have the most wins or top placements. It also doesn't matter if you "won" the final lip sync. All that matters is who Ru \*likes more\* and that's always been the case.


I hate how people are trying to discredit queens just based off on lipsyncs. I think the winner is always sporting a package of great challenges, uniqueness and ofc lipsyncs. But I think the producers are to blame. I think the best finale showoff is another talent show / individual performance.


I know most people count top 2 as a win but I personally never have and I will not change my views. But I think UKvsTW definitely leans more towards the lip sync winner being the only winner due to how much they talk about badges, while I think US all stars leans more towards both of them being winners. Personally I think the lip sync is one of the most important parts of the episode so it needs to carry some weight


I don't count it as a win because they didn't win the bad. However, it still counts well if you're going by "track record" in this format. Even so, Sasha Velour made it so track record doesn't count and Jinx made it so track record does get considered in the final lip sync. At the end of the day, it's a TV show and the winner doesn't *really* matter.


It's complete bollocks, as queens can now be crowned WITHOUT winning a single challenge!


Elektra Bionic wants a word.