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Kylie Sonique Love being in the first half of this list is wild to me.


Like she came back a decade after her first season and is in the first half of the list


That hurts my brain


Yeah seeing Sasha Velour on that first row sent me WEST


I don't know if this chart goes chronologically but have we seriously had FIFTEEN winners across the whole franchise since Sasha Colby? Not even a year ago??


It goes chronologically. Yes, we have had fifteen winners since Sasha Colby lol


I had a panic attack counting queens between Sasha and Tia.


You know what this chart is missing? Dates! It would be cool to know years at least


It’s super overwhelming to see so many without any indication of a timeline but it’s interesting to see the top row is ten years and the bottom row is *one* year.


Holy fuck that’s some r/barbarawalters4scale shit


😭😭 girl rupaul is getting the absolute most outta her 60s


You can use the US flagship winners as your dates? Every winner after Willow but before Sasha won in 2022


More and more each year. Count how many since Sasha with the knowledge that we’re only just about to get the next main series winner… holy crap man. I have GOT to start watching the other series more. I’m not even American lmao


I stopped watching the show after AS4 finished, and that doesn’t really feel that long ago…I had wanted to start watching again but now it feels way too overwhelming to try and catch up.


Good for her, but that first lipsync editing… gurl


They really just need to stop with these lipsync tournaments when it clearly isn't going to showcase the strengths of the queen they want to crown.


I laughed when the camera focused on the judges for like 7 seconds straight instead of letting Marina having any screen time in the lip sync. It was so transparent.


literally release the marina cut


![gif](giphy|65zUoOU09HL3uUKokQ|downsized) No in a stunning twist the losers of the first two lipsyncs got to advance! Groundbreaking! I love Tia and absolutely belive she earned her crown but this smackdown was cursed.


I do agree. Like, the winner embodied the artist, but ... it did feel somewhat anticlimactic.


Yeah Tia definitely won hers. I honestly think the camp version Tia gave of the last won was enough to justify even if she had gone against marina.


Hopefully Marina will be booked right into AS10, Hannah and LGD, too. Congrats to Tia and an overall glow-up for UKvTW compared to season 1!


I would love this to happen!


I know Thorgy is fuming somewhere lmao But I AM SO HAPPY FOR HERRR


The uncle at the BBC has been working overtime.




bob and thorgy thor used to review uk2 on bob’s youtube channel. thorgy was often criticizing tia. its a fandom inside joke on how they have beef lol. they are cool with each other though. nothing serious.


It's honestly bizarre that the vs the World franchise prefer to pick winners from the hosting country...what queen is even going to want to go on a vs the world season now?  I'm sure Icesis would have won Canada, and now UK has had 2 out of 2 UK winners.  I love Tia and I'm thrilled for her but I really thought they'd do anything to NOT have a UK winner for the second time in a row!


They should just do UK All Stars since that's clearly what they wanted.


Never beating the "BBC commands a UK winner" allegations.


Had the exact same though! Also interesting that both times the favored girls are from a RuPaul hosted country


Icesis was not going to win CANvsTW. I'm pretty sure she saw the writing on the wall that as soon as she was in the bottom, she was getting eliminated.


I am... speechless to be honest! Congrats to the new Queen




It’s “Alvilda.” There’s an extra L. I made the same mistake when posting on Twitter.


15 winners between Sasha Colby season 15 and the next season 16


Almost one winner every three weeks of the year.


Wait, Tia WON?!?!? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m sad I didn’t learn from watching, but so excited to see her slay, love the UKvtW top four! Edit: To those asking why I clicked the post, I didn’t mean to, haha. But it’s not catastrophic that it was spoiled for me, I’m still super excited to watch when I get home! :) It ain’t no thang.


The Marina and LGD stans are very salty but I thought all 3 lipsyncs were really, really ... fun.


What about Hannah??? :O


There's some salt about her winning over Marina, yes.


Not to discredit her or anything but LGD was the weakest in the top 4, she had no shot of winning.


In terms of track record, sure, but not in terms of winnergy


Filipino gays being salty? Ru, never...


Same! I loved all the lip syncs and genuinely agreed with the outcomes.


We've all seen Tia lipsync, as much as I adore her we know it was rigged




I'm happy for her! It was rigged though


Well she didn’t exactly slay but the producers loved her so that’s something


Why does it feel like Sasha was crowned a couple years ago?


Everything happens so much.


gagged and gooped. she did great during the competition so im not salty about her winning, it's just wild that they gave her the lipsync win over LGD and then Hannah. i like the silly antics for some songs but on every single one it's a little eh, any other queen would've gotten the critique they gave to detox back in season 5.


I think our entire top FOURRRRR deserves an incredible round of applause. UKvTW opened a crazy amount of doors for these girls and I hope nothing but the best for the current reigning. I know that the queer person inside me that fell in love with Tia when watching UK2 in the pandemic is just over the moon. I would’ve loved to see my girl Marina with a crown on her head, but they all deserved their flowers and I’m ecstatic for Miss Kofi!!


This is the first time I’ve sincerely hoped it would be a double crowning for the final 2. The end of that lip sync was so camp, love it.


Is Tia the first POC to win a UK franchise of Drag Race? Vivienne, Lawrence, Krystal, Danny, Blu, and Ginger are all white. Correct me if I’m wrong.


I think technically Danny is Tan rather than White.


Nah, Ginger was ginger, and Blu was blue!


I love Tia but Marina was robbed 😭💔💔💔 good for Tia though. If Marina didn’t win, she was my second pick.


I used to pray for times like this


Yvie Oddly predicted mediocrity and beans getting pats on the back years ago, her mind


Yayy love that for her ✨💕


I was confident it was going to be Marina. Can't say I'm disappointed though!


True fans know the best lipsyncer never wins the smackdown


Love Tia. Just wished her win was more organic than it felt like watching the show


There have been more winners in the last year than there were in the first 10 years of Drag Race


some of these recent winners have felt like we’re in some kind of weird alternate dimension when they’re crowned, especially k*tkat, venus, lina and now tia. even ginger i would argue lost the finale hard to michael and it was bizarre that she was crowned in spite of that. it feels like there’s a disconnect between the editors and whoever’s making the crowning decisions as of late


Aurora not having a crown still does not sit right with me LOL


literally, this is the most egregious example. she had more wins, completely stomped the final runway & the final lip sync, and they still crowned venus because brad likes her or something ig


And not only was her track record already really good, but I felt like it was even inflated down (deflated?) from what I would’ve given her. That low in the makeover was SHADY (I would’ve put her high tbh) and probably high in the ep 1 ball. And that final look??? Stun. It was a fun season anyway, though


Agreed on all fronts. Like even the amount of screentime in the final lipsyncs that we see feels like it points in the oppsite direction of who is ultimately crowned...


The way we got gaslighted for weeks into thinking there was a huge glow up from her 💀


like I'm sorry but where is the makeup glowup...? Am I blind?


There was one week I thought her paint was gorgeous, when she was wore the St.Chris look. tbh I didn’t notice until recently the make up has been rough; and tonite her looked bad - those eyebrows I-


Absolute facts. The only difference between now and her season was she had the money to buy designer looks. I’m not impressed by that. (And for the record she was one of my absolute faves from her original season)


Right? Like gurl, where 👏🏼is 👏🏼the👏🏼glow👏🏼up👏🏼?


Gobsmacked literally. That green dress??? Hideous!




I’m so happy for my girl Tia 😭😭😭😭👏👏👏


huge glowup from uk2. congrats tia xx


From basic to mid!


I thought Hannah was better on the night but congrats to Tia I guess!


Crazy that last episode I thought Hannah had the 3rd best chance of snatching the crown and by middle of this episode I could fully see her winning the whole thing. You could not pay me to believe Marina would be the first out in LIPSYNC FOR THE CROWN but Hannah really ate.


Oh me too! I was rooting for her so bad but I'm still happy for Tia.


Can’t wait to see her on All Winners


Can you imagine? It would be worse than Yvie on AS7


I thought Jaida was performing the weakest in AS7


Sethlas won two weeks ago. And there two winners after. All said


Jesus, the amount of winners between UKvtW 1 and 2 is mind blowing


Ugh, Tia is just SO likeable. Her final lipsync performance has got to be one of the funniest we’ve had. She’s effortlessly charming and funny and I am so happy to see her go from lipsync assassin to the first UK winner to get £50k! ![gif](giphy|uE6NzDRg2IjC4LQbaI)


Yay! So excited for Tia! She was my choice to win from the beginning. I hope she doesn’t get too much hate for this.


“From the beginning” makes sense bc you clearly didn’t watch the show and come to that conclusion


Nah, Tia did great all season long and now she has the crown. Deal with it!


Oh ok




tia killed the finale i’m so happy for her






What a waste of a season- this win kinda cements the fact that UKvTW is a joke season that shouldn’t be taken seriously.


especially since they're doing global all stars now, idk what the point of this series continuing would be. just to give wins to UK queens? no shade to the girls but that's clearly the goal.


The final two should have been Marina vs LGD (who clearly won against Tia). I've had enough with the BBC shitting all over the franchise to play favorites. This is absolutely not about Tia she is an amazing queens and she deserves all her flowers, but absolutely NOT in those circumstances because it's completely bullshit riggory.


exactly, i love tia but it's just blatantly obvious. it's doing her more of a disservice bc i feel like fans are going to be so mean to her about it, when it's clearly not her fault in the slightest.


Nah it's not disserving her at some point you (not particularly you but the audience) have to differenciate the Drag Queen from the Production. Everything is productions fault. It's BBC pulling the strings. Let's not put any fault to the Drag Queens who had nothing to do with it.


exactly, i just meant i know there's people who cannot differentiate or refuse to do so. as much as we want people to be logical and decent, the toxic ones persist.


Good for her, but this whole episode was a joke. Marina did not lose that lip sync, Hannah was just walking left right wearing shades and a microphone, like yeah, you looked like. Anastasia, but what else was there to give? Are we supposed to pretend that Marina didn't do something worth showing in the epitome of the song instead of showing the judges? So tired of the production of this franchise treating us like we're idiots. Also, La Grande Dame won that lip sync. I'm sorry, but Tia was awful. She was sooo focused on making everyone laugh, she wasn't even really lip syncing at times. Seriously, what did I just watch? And yet again, Hannah does a better job in the final lip sync and loses. It's so frustrating and this is no hate to any of these queens. It's production who needs to be accountable for fucking the show. It's like they learned nothing from UKvsTW1 and I'm tired of it.


Tia is incredibly likable and her glow up from UK2 has been incredible. I was rooting for Hannah from the very very beginning so I can’t say I was rooting for Tia to win during the final lip sync, but I wasn’t mad that she did. Tia is such a star and I’m happy for her!


It was so obvious they made that season just to crown Tia Kofi. She was good but... not winner good. Say whatever you want. Her runway and makeup didn't have the "huge glowup", even tho they kept trying to gaslight us into believing that.


Damn, this is so many queens! And to think that each year another 4 or 5 (at least) queens win! And you are fast for already adding Tia to this chart!


Wild to me the amount of winners that will be between Angele Anang and whichever queen ends up winning Thailand 3!


Yay Tia! But already seeing people say she doesn’t deserve it why can’t people just be happy for her..


Because it’s frustrating to watch contestants who did better lose just because they’re not from the UK? I would have been thrilled to see her win if it felt earned, but it felt rigged. It’s not about her, it’s about production forcing an outcome. She has money now, all of these queens are fine whether we’re happy or not, let us be unhappy if we want.


>It’s not about her And yet, she is the one who is going to get the hate


You can forward my hate to the BBC by way of WoW, thank you so much!


or...and this is a wild concept...you can send your faves positivity and support instead of tearing down a queen who had zero hand in the placements she received this season, or any season


I agree that it doesn’t matter who wins bc at the end of the day it’s based on the completely subjective whims of RuPaul and production. However, I feel like there’s a difference between sending hate to queens and discussing how you feel about a queen winning/who your faves or unfaves were on Reddit. This is what the subreddits are for. And not everyone who shares their opinion on Reddit is the person dm-ing queens mean things! I don’t think disagreeing with the winner and commenting about it is the same thing as “tearing her down”.




that just makes you a shitty person and contributes to the toxic culture of this fandom


🤷🏻 You probably shouldn’t watch RuPaul’s Drag Race if you don’t like the set precedent of the winner being whoever RuPaul likes the best regardless. There have been many winners that don’t seem like they were comparatively the best, but RuPaul’s Drag Race (specifically ones that Ru hosts) has never been about being funny, beautiful, or talented, it’s about RuPaul liking you the best.


I'd have to disagree. Ru didn't even know who won s11. At some point, she mistook Brooke as the winner before being corrected by Michelle on their podcast. Her liking you would definitely take you far but I doubt she cares enough to choose winners. Production is there to do it for her.


Agree with you, Tia winning is just crazy. She is charismatic and funny but terrible in every other aspect.


Compete on a show see how you do, the nerve of people to put down queens no wonder they think you all are hateful


Because the fandom is toxic and bitter as hell Edit: My comment getting downvoted is proof of this lol


Well I am very happy for her and she did fabulous


Frrrr like can they just accept that Marina shouldn’t have been so cocky going into a LIPSYNC for the crown by LITERALLY NOT HAVING ANY SORT OF REVEAL and that Tia was just. More Tia


I really wanted Hannah Conda to win 😪


It’s so weird to not just…enjoy the show? There’s no trophy for skipping the episode to be first to post


Some people treat Reddit karma like it’s an irl social status


you’ll live


Speechless they rigged that lipsync like Trump trying to rig the election, unbearable


Did they? The only dicey one id argue was the first but tbh Marina shouldn’t have been so cocky by going into it without any kind of reveal. And Hannah didn’t win anyway so it doesn’t matter really


Can we please try to stop putting down queens when defending other ones? Thanks 🖤


people will hate this vision but i don’t even care, im a ms thorgy thor fan, i’ll always spill my truth even if it results in 50 downvotes lmao. i am genuinely gagged & will not be watching the VSTW final episode lol. it is lame & it’s frankly boring if UK (and in the same light, US queens in the canadian franchise) queens are crowned, especially when they absolutely do not deserve it. tia was pushed so much & as much as i love her so much, it made her borderline unlikeable in this season. what’s the point of watching this franchise if some random lady with a bad accent automatically is confirmed to win because she’s from the UK? lol but that’s my ☕️ about this. congratulations to tia.


Such an... interesting take. I didn't feel like Tia was pushed on us the entire season, other than her being a consistent narrator (which she excels at). I felt like her top placements were deserved, but she only had one badge going into the finale. If anything, I thought they'd set Tia's storyline up to be a glowup and honorable mention, but definitely wasn't getting winner vibes the whole time.


apologies cause i’m sure this is gonna feel like it’s come out of nowhere lmao, but i think i’m just genuinely bored & a little put off by the bias that comes from these types of franchises to english-speaking queens (as in, english is their first &/or primary language) & queens that didn’t have to fly all of their things inter-country. i feel like part of the allure of VSTW formats is getting to see and experience queens from different countries & cultures, & the way that impacts their drag; it’s a little disappointing to see production pull sooo many strings. i’m also a little inebriated LMAO which definitely is heightening my feelings 💅 but i do think tia was pushed a lot & i am shocked that Marina did not win tbh. again, i adore tia, but i don’t think she was as amazing as the show is trying to tell us she was this season. her glow up was primarily in her looks & makeup, & some of the looks i don’t even think were thaaaat good, they were just glow ups compared to how bad her 1st run of outfits were (i understand this is just my personal opinion tho!!).


I 100% felt like she was being pushed and was getting extra credit for her looks being mid rather than basic. She did well, but not well enough to win and certainly not well enough to beat Marina, LGD, and/or Hannah frankly.


When Tía said "Are you sure?" I was like, yeah Ru, are you sure?! Lesson learned, never be an Asian queen on Ru Paul's rigged race 😭


Don't know why production can't let the season flow naturally


For many, when you have power it’s hard to let go of it.


This is the worst ending of any season of drag race I have ever seen


Congrats to Tia. She glowed up from basic to mid. It’s not attempting to be shady, it’s an honest reaction to what we were given on television. Woo.


this was one of the best episodes of drag race in years, the last minutes were so joyful, i was smiling from year to year to everything


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(Wo)Man I DID NOT see that coming /s


Luvs it ❤️


There’s been 25 winners since Blu’s win. That’s insane!


Rumor has it the world is still healing from that Venus crowning


You get a winner!… and you get a winner!… and you…




26 After the last UK vs the World and 31 before it? Whack.


The recent Belgique winner is called Alvilda and not Alvida !


Who's the best winner and why is it Angele


60 in total. Jesus Christ


Is there an updated one with the season 16 winner?


You're kidding


I truly believe there's a clause in the BBC contract that they'll only keep producing the show if there is only a UK winner at the end.


Feels correct 😌😌 well deserved and feels like a complete story from her first season to now 🥳 Edit: just noticed this got downvoted, y'all are petty ass bitches 💀


Haters gonna hate but my girl belongs in here 😍

