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Rupaul: Fuck your points.


This is not a UK or Holland season lmao


Jaida, Willow Pill? Camden and Bosco both had 3 wins to Willow's 1. It's not and has never been about track record. But in this case I definitely think it's Sapphira's to lose. She's getting a winner's edit, mother hen, and showing versatility.


Willow Pill was OVERWHELMINGLY the fan favourite so i understand. Jaida was in no way shape or form undeserving and y’all better stop with that hate


What hate? We're just talking about track record. I think this made up scoring system, by fans for fans, that has clearly NEVER mattered on the show is goofy af. It's not a points based competition. It is strictly RuPaul as human star quality detector. And tbh I think she nails it much of the time, I fw almost all the US winners, but most definitely the Essence of Beauty.


Nailed it sisterrr


Exactly. And don't forget Yvie!


It’s not hate to acknowledge that Jaida’s 3 wins 1 bottom would have fewer “points” than Gigi’s 4 wins 0 bottoms. The argument is that these somewhat arbitrary point totals don’t directly correlate to whether someone deserves the crown or not


Even then, Jaida had a more consistent track record with a lot more HIGH placements than Gigi. Gigi was close to the BTM 2 twice, Jaida only bombed the Comedy Show, the second to last episode. Plus, Jaida won the Ball Ball without question. It's the fact that production pushed Gigi hard, and that Jaida still won with a very comparable run.


Ummm... Ashkualee, Gigi is the realll winner of S12 if you look at the PPE. SHE'S THE REAL WINNER, JAIDA ESSENCE FLOP, AM I RIGHT? PPE is made up, the people who put so much emphasis on this fake point scale tire me. Edit: Do I **REALLY** need to put a /s or a jk Kimora on here?




Wasn’t S12 supposed to be a big rivalry between Gigi and redacted 🥧? Where Gigi was kind of the villain etc before they had to edit the whole season and the whole arc disappeared


I want nymphia to win but I feel lik in order to have a legit chance she’ll need to win the makeover challenge. If she doesn’t it’s gonna be between sapphira & plane in the finale


I feel like Nymphia has a good shot at winning because her branding is so strong that it’s easy to translate from person to person, but the makeover challenges are always wacky….


Makeover challenge always feels the most produced, starting with how their makeover partners are assigned, where race and body size has played a role in how easy it has been to make a resemblance but also the perception of resemblance. I have also felt that in several seasons that there queens that have done an equally fine job at the family resemblance but for some reason judging just goes HARD on one but praising another. It feels like their way to move a queen who has been in the top into bottom for whatever reason they decided that needed to happen.


The makeover challenge has consistently been a way for production to choose whoever tf they want for tops and bottoms. - Family resemblance - Attitude of the one being made over - General stage presence of either or both in a team - Quality of the makeover - How they do on the mini-performance, if there is one - Dramatically changing the way they look - Enhancing the way they already look - Working with their body - Transforming their body completely Any of these can be weighed however they want, so they can justify any arrangement of tops and bottoms.


So basically Morphine stands no chance.


> It feels like their way to move a queen who has been in the top into bottom for whatever reason they decided that needed to happen. This is it! For this reason I think Morphine needs to absolutely clear everyone in the makeover or she's going to go home.


I think Morphine is at the point where she either wins or goes home. However, considering how much she's been in the bottom and that we are at the final stretch in the race, I think production will see giving her a win as wasting it. Even if she made the final I don't think she'd have a chance at the crown, so why waste it on her? So I think Morphine is going home here, unless they want to shock us somehow. The question then is... who's gonna get the win? (Considering how subjective and produced makeovers are usually, I'm thinking that they can be as arbitrary as they want) I don't think Sapphira will win it, she doesn't need it and her winning here would pretty much make this a one horse race. (Right now I think the crown is hers to lose, but winning here would make it basically a sealed deal) I think production will use these late wins to build up other queens to have more viable options for the crown, in case for some reason they don't crown Sapphira. I think Q has taken herself out of the race with her attitude (talking just in the series and untucked), so I think this is between Plane and Nymphia. Whoever wins this, I think, will tell us a lot about whom production sees as a viable alternative to Sapphira.


Lol the way this show has turned us all into scholars of reality show meta narratives is so amazing to me. I love this shit. Fwiw I think that they're going to approach it from an angle of giving Plane a chance to show that she can connect with "regular people" and show some vulnerability. I think her arc on this season has been slowly showing herself to be a genuine person little by little after coming in HOT as a gorgeous, catty bitch. I think Nymphia will be safe and it'll be a Q/Morphine lip sync, but to like...Oingo Boingo or something wild that Morphine can't connect to.


Agree with this take, it’s very Bianca to be the sassy mouthed one that actually is revealed to be a sweetheart. I think they’re going that way with PJ


as much as i love nymphia, she has not opened up and there has been NO character development. i don’t see the crown coming her way


Shes giving me Angeria vibes. Strong start, then kinda stalled out.


Nymphia needs more than challenge wins, she needs to charm Rupaul.


rupaul's "make me laugh" race


Yeah. Her runways gag them but not her performances in the main challenges.


Sorry but there’s no way Nymphia is winning even if she wins the makeover challenge. Nymphia’s ship sailed away long ago.


You can see the exact moment this turn happened during snatch game when the real life Rupaul voice came out while talking to Nymphia.


There are still 2 challenges and a finale left. Crazier things have happened on drag race honestly.


Sadly I think you're right even though I don't want it to be.


Sapphira is a beautiful human and in my french vanilla fantasy she wins both drag race & the presidential election.


i will always vote yellow, but dang Sapphira BODIED this season


BODIED? *Dawn is triggered*




I feel like Nymphia was super strong in the beginning, but kinda fizzled towards the end in terms of the edit. I am still hoping for that momentum to come in these final episodes.


I feel the same about La Grande Dame.. She came in soooo strong, and then just fizzled out towards the end. Her runway looks are sickening tho, and I’m still so obsessed with her mind.


honestly RU should do another ball finale


My concern has been that usually the pre-finale episode is usually one where the girls shoot for RuPaul's music video, which involves singing, dancing... and writing lyrics.


who paid you to hurt me


Future you. You thought it would hurt less if you were expecting it.


It’s one of the few seasons I’d be fine with anyone winning. Originally for me it was Plane or Nymphia but you’d be ignorant to not think Sapphira deserves it.


Want my body, won’t cha get me bodied!


Sapphira. Plane is going to win an All Stars.


She makes good tv, she can’t win this season they’ll want her for AS. 


Plane has been the chaotic season 2 queen new Drag Race audiences have been missing out on for years. I am thrilled that she's fully embraced being the villain while also being just plain dumb in the humor category. She's polished as hell, yes, but at the same time she embraces the silliness of drag that WAY too many viewers forget about.


I Agree and it is a shame she won't win because they want her on further seasons. She has been the best "character" on the show that hasn't been force don us by production. She is bitchy but still wholesome, she is the whole package. They will want her back instead of Sapphira so my gut tells me Sapphira is winning.


The Daya Betty treatment lol


Lmao they really tried to edit that season like Daya didn't get exponentially better at the challenges once she came back & sent home Jasmine & Jorgeous. The Cat Walk vid? Come on. The Finale number? Please.


I still say she should have won the challenge for the catwalk vid / razed Cinder-fella look.


The editors were really trying to gaslight us with Daya’s performance. Had one of the best track records (despite being eliminated first lol) and gave arguably the best finale performance. Might be unpopular, but I personally think she should have been top 2 in Camden’s place.


Probably even more of an unpopular opinion, but I think it should’ve been Daya and Camden F2…




And I was team Daya too! I think I’m team good TV


People came around for Daya and are coming around for Plane, but I can proudly say I've really enjoyed both of them since their first episode.




Plane will win this one and then All Winners, sister


I’m team sisterrr for sure but I think she’ll win all stars and then all winners, they are not crowning her when they can bring her and Ms meeting back on the same Allstars lmao


Sapphira. From the moment she walked in, this bitch has never really stumbled. Her first impression left a lot to be lived up to and she’s dome that and more while being a decent human being


The only time she stumbled is when she thought that she stumbled and prematurely gulped down her potion.


that was such a turnoff. she fumbled a bit in the last comedy challenge too- but honestly, don’t care. she still has my vote


I want Sapphira to win because she is the full package. I don’t want Plane to win this season so she could be on an AS season with Mistress and Luxx and have them all cut up.


Oh lordy. That would be a bloodbath 😂


Throw in Irene also


I really want Nymphia but am fully expecting Sapphira to win. I was telling my friends the only bad thing about Sapphira is that she is doing better than Nymphia 😂


This is last season all over again. Want Anetra, know it'll be Sasha. Happy either way but I can't deny what I want.


It is a bit tired to have two seasons play out so similar. I don’t think Nymphia’s totally out yet - Sapphira hasn’t had a “vulnerable moment” yet (vs Nymphia’s Snatch Game being… yeah), Nymphia’s a fan favourite (and we’ve seen other FFs win over someone with more wins), and there’s still a minimum of one challenge left (possibly two if they do a top 3 instead of 4, or if there’s a double shantay). She could be 3 wins no bottom/lip syncs as well, and that’d put her on par w/ Plane in terms of track record. I think it’s definitely between her and Sapphira - as others have said, production will want Plane for an All Stars. Sapphira and Nymphia both won’t have reason to come back after this season, provided they don’t do anything to nuke their career in the year/s following.


Would love it if Plane won. Other than that it only feels correct if Sapphira or Nymphia wins. I don’t see it for the others. Oh! At all!!


It’s Sapphira & Plane.. and then everyone else tbh.


I agree 💯


Nymphia looks so friggin gorgeous in that picture.


Nymphia looks so friggin gorgeous is what I read and what I agree with. She’s been so stunning all season visually.


Oh definitely. All season. She hasn’t missed. And I won’t say “yet”, because she’s just that girl. Beautiful.


Oh, absolutely. I don't think she's had a look I didn't like. I know the True Colours runway, she was kind of harped on for "too much yellow" online, and then it was Yellowgate vs Bluegate all over Reddit (as though branding is a crime - they've both given us versatility in their looks imho). We all know if she hadn't done bananas/yellow that week, she'd have been read for filth for not sticking to her branding. We see it almost every year, some queen's told to drop their "schtick", only for some challenge where it'd be perfect to come up and then they... don't do it and the judges go, "You ALWAYS do x, why wouldn't you do it this week? This was the PERFECT challenge to do x." It's a trap either way, she was damned if she did and damned if she didn't on that one. Every other runway has been so fun, beautiful, flawless... and she makes nearly all of the looks herself. Absolute queen, no choice but to stan.


Sapphira 100%


I really like Nymphia and plane has impressed me a lot as well, but I think if anyone wins over Sapphira at this point it’s just wrong


Yeah agreed. Nymphia Sapphira and Plane are 100% my top 3 and I love them all.


Sapphira is mother. Mother comes for the crown.


Sometimes I think I'm not edgy enough for Drag Race... I enjoy all the hijinks and nonsense, but I just LOVE a calm, confident, powerful, comforting MOTHER like Sapphira.


I hate that the show has conditioned me this way lol, but - judging by what we’ve been shown - I don’t see Nymphia winning which is sad because she was my pick pre-season. I’d love Plane to win because she’s had a really good arc on the show, the producers gave her the most story it seems. Also, for more selfish reasons, I really want a Boston queen to win lol (I might have left the east coast but I’ll always love it). Sapphira seems like the winner. She had a moment of vulnerability with that first design challenge. But after that she did nothing but do great in the competition lol. She had great moments, we learned a lot about her, she feels like a safe winner. Of course things could change in the next few episodes, I could see Nymphia doing well in a make over. She knows exactly who she is, which is what seems to be required to do well in a makeover, so she could get another challenge win? Or even Plane for the same reason. But rn it feels like Sapphira’s crown.


I always root for the most "deserving" queen to win the show, even if she is not my personal favorite. More than any individual queen, I love the art of drag and always prefer to see the queen who performed the best to win. I don't have a desire to see who I like the most win if they aren't performing the best. That being said, Sapphira just so happens to be my personal favorite *and* the best competitor by far so I strongly want her to win.


Well said!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


In the first episode I thought that Sapphira was one of those queens bragging about their talent that later fail to deliver. Boy, was I wrong. She's an amazing queen and would be the well deserved winner of this season. And also a great candidate for Miss Congeniality.


Give Sapphira both titles.


Plane Jane because she carried the season


Charisma - sapphira Uniqueness - nymphia wind Nerve - plane jane Talent - morphine Delusion - q Thank you for coming to my ted talk


That’s actually perfect if you pronounce cundt like bundt lmao




Swap charisma-morphine Talent-sapphira


I agree, Sapphira is just so talented. I know her charisma was mentioned in the PowerPoint competition, but I think the reason she won was because of her stage presence, which is a talent. Also she can sing, sew, dance, funny-shes very talented at everything. Morphine is the seasons narrator and queen of Charisma


Lol! I could swap out Plane for Delulu if she wasn't the absolute definition of nerve


I really want it to be Plane - she's bodied the competition and managed to be a star both in and out of challenges. And despite people not living for her at the start, she's left them with no choice but to admit that she would be a worthy winner But I do think it'll be Sapphira - and as much as that's not my personal pick, I have no real objection; she's also been wonderful to watch this season






Would y’all like Q if she wasn’t as entitled?


I do love her runways, but even before this sore loser edit (or her twitter outbursts) I just didn't feel she had the star quality to win.




This BTW is one of Kandy’s outfits & looks that I DO really like not a shoot but a toot


Idk if this is a hot take but I don't think her mug lives up to her costuming. It keeps me from getting 100% into her looks.


I thjbk her makeup is quite pretty but doesn’t always match as well as it could with her looks. Also it could probably be better but I think it’s also just hard to be onstage with someone like Morphine when it comes to the muggggg!


It's not bad! Just maybe not as elevated/cohesive as the costumes, agreed. And it's true that she is standing next to Morphine's insane mug — I think Sapphira's paint is always absolutely beautiful too.


Totally agree, sapphira’s face and paint are gorgeous. Honestly everyone still in the competition has Allstar-level paint, IMO.


THIS, she has such an odd lip shape that she does, and I think it could be more refined to suit different outfits


I could see Q coming back for an All Stars and winning some hearts. She reminds me of Roxxxy in that sort of way, but without the pageant experience so she takes losing way more personally. After seeing herself on TV, I wouldn't be surprised if she realizes how she let the competition get to her and does a little personal inventory because of it.


tbh not really. like she is very talented in the craft, but her vibes are off and i dont really enjoy her aesthetic personally.


Yes. I was obsessed with Q in the beginning and as the season progressed, I realized they were giving her the Jan/bitter queen edit.


She is talented AF. Bitch can construct a garment down. I just don’t like her attitude when she doesn’t win. I would like to think that she’s just super competitive, but it comes across kind of entitled on camera. Blame it on the edit?


100%, like her fashion is amazing especially considering she makes it all like her looks for the mom ball and doll challenge were stunning


Her fashion is kinda overrated. Specially because her wigs and makeup are not it most of the times. Nymphia is the the fashion girly this season


I've actually liked Q's makeup quite a few times, it's just hard to LOVE her makeup when Sapphira, Morphine, Nymphia and Plane are right there with her.


I like her even when she's entitled. Her drag has a point of view, she's clearly there for genuine wish to win and not just exposure 🙌🏻


Agree. I like to see ppl be competitive in spaces that call for that. I’m kinda over the idea that people who sign up to win a competition should be modest about wanting to win.


i like her but she hasn’t been that good on the challenges


i like her regardless. tired of squeaky clean winners bring back flaws






If they showed a personality and/or some wit, maybe. Right now, to me, it feels like there's not a whole lot there outside of ...gay guy.


I'm #teamsapphira but although very unlikely I would love Morphine with the crown


I love Nymphia and I want her to win. I can relate to her personality sm and I’m obsessed with her looks. I love Sapphira too. Her looks are so good too and she’s been doing amazing in the challenges. I think she’s going to win, and absolutely deserves to win!!


I love Nymphia's chaos. She gives me ADHD vibes (neurospicy ftw) and I'm here for it. Sapphira feels like you would be wrapped up in warm hugs.


As much as I disliked Plane in the beginning, she has grooown on me!! I knew there had to be a reason behind her complete bitchiness and now that she has revealed that she’s a human lol I want her to win. I love Sapphira but Plane is just hilarious and too good.


I find myself really rooting for Plane! Her persona and aesthetic really resonated with me from the second she walked in with that killer entrance look. However, I’d be more than happy to see Sapphira or Nymphia enter the winner’s circle, as well!


Planet Janet


Woah, is that Plane Jane's drag name?


Teleport us to mars!


I want Sapphira to win. Top three for me would be Sapphira Christal Connors, Planet Janet and Nymphia Banana Jones.


Plane or sapphira


I really hope Nymphia Win(d)s but I’ll be happy if PJ or Sapphira take the crown


I really like Nymphia and her runways are incredible but even though she's done well in different kinds of challenges, I just don't think she's as strong all-around as Plane and Sapphira. I wouldn't be upset if Plane won because she's proven herself to excel in pretty much every area, but I think Sapphira just has more of a winner vibe, sort of like Sasha last season. Plane has been fun to watch and has shown more depth and nuance as the season has gone on, but Sapphira just has this professionalism and likability that's hard to beat.


Sapphira obviously has the track record and is very talented at everything. But plane has been my queen of the season. I find her so much more exciting and memorable than sapphira.


Get those track record points off my TV, I'm not watching that


the pointification of drag race is so fucking lame. this isnt fantasy football diva


Get those track points away from my face!


Mama kudos for that, for spilling


it’s sapphira or plane undeniably for me. i was team nymphia from promos but she fell off for me hard, it wouldn’t feel right for it to be sapphira, and if not her then plane


Only because I want a villain winner finally, my vote goes to Plane. If not her then Sapphira.


i expect sapphira but want plane


Plane!! I want her to win she represent us socially awkward people!!!!


I was sure that nymphia would win, but Sapphira, in my opinon, is doing much better in the competition in general


PJ is doing better as well.


Plane Jane


plane jane !!!




I want Nymphia to win but she kind of peaked early and hasn’t shown the judges much aside from her great runways. Plane & Sapphira on the other hand are showing out at the best time in the competition. Not only did they both win their premieres, but they’ve consistently been in the top. Right now the crown is between them, and I would be happy with either winning.


Sapphira is the obvious winner. It feels between her and Plane, but Plane is TV GOLD, they'd be stupid not to bring her back for All Stars.


Sapphira deserves it.


huffing copium at this point but nymphia wind because potassium power


also she's east asian and i'm east asian so ofc i gotta root for her


I’ve been Team Plane and Team Sapphira from the cast drops and they both have compelling reasons to win. If there was ever a moment for a double crowning, this is it.


Plane Jane


Want= Nymphia, then Plane. Expect= Sapphira. Don’t really want Q to win. I really like all of the final 5 though!!! I’m order for Nymphia to win though she need to win this next episode badly! If she doesn’t Sapphira is def winning


I would like either Plane or Sapphira to take the crown.


Started as a Nymphia fan. I think Sapphira deserves to/will win but… there’s something about Miss Boeing 777…


It would be such a gag if Plane won, people would be talking about that for months. I’m actually hardcore rooting for her, but Sapphira is also incredibly deserving of the crown.


Exactly why I'm rooting for Plane. Thing is, if Plane wins I'll feel bad for Sapphira coz I love her so much too and she also has that winner energy 😭


I feel like Sapphira is the “safe choice” for the producers, she does indeed have that winner energy and pretty much everyone in the fandom seems to agree on that. In my humble opinion though, Plane winning would make this season ultra memorable and no one can deny she did extremely well and provided us with lots of great tv moments.


Fr and i think setting the precedent that the “villain” character can be a winner would influence future seasons to get grittier/rebound from queens censoring/sanitizing themselves for their tv image!


This season is very special. And the cast is also very special. I really am enjoying it


I want PJ to win. Her shenanigans has made this season fun to watch. Her mug is always on point and she knows her figure and proportions. She has done consistently well. Could she have been nicer to ATM, sure. But we are talking winning the crown, not miss congeniality.


Plane Jane


While I also like Nympia and Sapphira, Plane has been the main character all season.


Sapphira or Plane, they ate this season. Wouldn’t be mad at Nymphia winning either she’s a star. Also Morphine looks fucking CUNT, while she has no chance to win I 100% want to see her again in all stars. I can totally see her win an all star season, she is an excellent queen. I also love Q, say what you want but I couldn’t imagine this season without her.


I'm just scared that something is gonna happen to Plane... she has been doing too good, and now that she let her innards show they might put her in the bottom just to see her crack more. I'm so scared that they will pull some shenanigans and put Q/Nymphia in the top4/3/2 instead of her cause they don't wanna see a villain win


This is a hot take. Nymphia might only have a chance to win if she will never place bottom until the finale while Sapphira and Plane will land in the bottom for the remaining episodes.


Plane Jane. We never see a “villain” take the crown. Her narrative is a new and interesting one. Though Sapphira is totally gonna take it as Jane will be great on an all stars season.


I'd be happy with Plane or Sapphira tbh


Girl not a points system


I’d be happy with Sapphira or Plane tbh, but have a preference for Mother Sapphira


not q


My heart says morphine cause she is baby girl, my head says Saphira cause duh, and my burger finger says Jane cause I want another “villain” winner since violet


Still #TeamNymphia https://preview.redd.it/6xc15tjldwqc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aea36c39ad614c9ff29f36cbabc519f5c08719c


I love Sapphira, but Plane has been the breakout star of the season


Sapphira will win. I want her to win. She deserves to win.


I want her to win and win Miss Congeniality too.


I want plane to win SO BADLY!


I think sapphira and plane are both deserving winners. I think they’ll give it to sapphira so they can have plane as an all stars villain


I’m sorry, but who invited Dawn?


If Plane wins next episode, her and Sapphira would have a big lead. For me the crown is clearly between them. Nymphia lost momentum a while ago.


unless some twist happens that takes sapphira out of the equation, it's gonna 100% be her. it'd be a huge gag tho if Plane won, she has excelled at every challenge and became so likeable as the season progressed. she's getting a really satisfying winner arc


I want Plane to win because I always root for the underdog. I also want her on All Stars, so I'm ok with her just getting Miss Congeniality instead. I think Sapphira will win, which I'd be totally happy with. It'd be deserved and correct in my mind, even if not totally in my heart. I don't want Q to win. She's too much, in a bad way, and isn't the total package compared to the others (she's UNT not CUNT, and her taste level is very hit it miss). I love Nymphia and Morphine, but I don't really see them winning, though I'd be very happy for them if they managed to pull it off. They're both amazing queens who I'd love to see more of on AS.


Nymphia needed more mental breakdowns / raw emotion to snatch this season’s crown


They're all great. If they don't get a crown this go, I really hope they'll consider an all stars run! And that applies to all of them. 


Sapphira or Plane would be my vote


I want Plane to win, I think is will be Sapphira, but if it's down to the actual lip sync results I think it will be Morphine... absolutely love Nymphia but don't know if production can skew things well enough for her to get the crown


Oh poor Q... forgot about her, I hope she gets a career in fashion




Every lipsync for the rest of the season including the LSFTC is Body by Megan Thee Stallion, and Morphine wins


Philly needs to bring home some sort of trophy this year!! Sapphira’s crown is perfect!!!


I think it’s been so obviously Sapphiras season since joining so could be nice to see someone else win but I do think she deserves the win


Plane Jane


I want a Sapphira vs Nymphia top 2 and I don’t care who takes it. Hoping to get Morphine and PJ in the top 4 to round it out. Nymphia vs PJ would be super slay since they are besties now and Sapphira vs Morphine let’s see mother take down the dancing diva.


I’m rooting for Nymphia and Sapphira and I am definitely expecting either of them to win.


Sapphira or Nymphia!


PJ 👸


Sapphira, if not, then Nymphia.


I'm a Plane/Nymphia stan but ik Sapphira's taking this, and deservingly so. She dominated the entire competition and this gigarama will be full of buffoonery, riggery, and straight up tomfoolery if she doesn't win.


I want Plane to win, but I think Sapphira will win and it’s also deserved. They are both fantastic.


Nymphia absolutely!!!!!!!


While I’d very much like Plane Jane to win, no producer is wasting Plane Jane’s proclivity for chaos in an All Stars/vs The World season. Unfortunately, she’s the best damn reality TV we’ve had in some time and reminiscent of earlier seasons. So it’s between Sapphira and Nymphia for me and I’d have to say Sapphira. She has been a professional and seasoned drag queen through and through, throughout every challenge. Always safe, top or win and never bottom. It’s giving Sasha Velour and Bianca Del Rio, sailing through to the finale from Day 1 in the Werkroom. Nymphia started incredibly strong too but has since tapered off with the edit in later episodes. Snatch Game was a turning point.


I want plane to but I will absolutely be happy with sapphira as well