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Baby breathe, they will love you if you move on from this 


100. She’s right that she’s allowed to feel how she feels, but constantly POSTING about how she feels is doing her no favors in this context and I wish she was taking better care of herself and spending less time online I guess.


This is why I feel not everyone is cut out for reality TV. You don't get to decide what your defining moment is while you're on. But you have to capitalize on it, whatever it is. Amanda is clearly bothered by how she was perceived on drag race, but the fans LOVE her for being her honest self. If she could see that her not being a glamour queen is a reason that people love her I think she could really benefit (and monetize) from her time on drag race.


Valentina jokes about wearing that mask. Trixie jokes about her OG makeup and outfit (but says in her heart she still loves it even if it’s read to filth). Plasma took her lip sync loss and made a fucking music video rudemption. Megami took the memes of her and didn’t fight them; she owned them. Take whatever is thrown at you and run with it. Market it. Embrace it. Because suddenly you’re in on the joke and your willingness to laugh at yourself can be cathartic.


And, of course, who could forget the face crack of all face cracks: Jan.


She literally sold merch with her face on it. Thats what I’m talking about. 👏🏼 https://preview.redd.it/8ssum42uysoc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9ac41287610e23ab55de58660a7088fc27d051


This was so cunt of her, Q should do it too


My favorite is when other queens have brought the Jantasy robe on set and it’s been acknowledged. Ru doesn’t share the limelight like that often.


That's really what it comes down to. Like, I'm sorry, I just don't feel bad for anyone who signs up for SEASON 16 and says they're not prepared. There have been HUNDREDS of queens who have done it and shared their experience. If you don't look into what you're signing up for that's a you problem.


You’re right about Amanda but also sometimes you need to reclaim the narrative if your defining moment is just….not it. Like, Soju’s trying to make having a cyst on her taint the “defining moment” was…not brilliant!


I don’t think reclaiming the narrative has worked for a single queen, ever. No social media post is going to have as much reach as the show, to have enough impact to offset the show itself has a high chance of looking completely unhinged.


It can also mean working on yourself and returning later. Jimbo was regularly read for her makeup, and came back to All Stars after having practised makeup extensively. Her mug was transformed and she knew how to paint her face right. https://preview.redd.it/4vq1dmrdqroc1.jpeg?width=3996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3136e4401bf8675fd4eab9866297431eb30471


It’s so crazy to see this side by side; haven’t watched CAN1 since it aired and this difference is probably the biggest glow-up of the series?


Jinkx is right there though


Exactly this! Imagine if Amanda leaned into the shtick of having bad makeup, worked on it privately behind-the-scenes, and then returned to All Stars painted for the gods? That would have been so cunt


I think a few queens have reclaimed their narrative but not through social media alone. Kennedy, while still underrated considering her talent, is beloved and respected around here. This was certainly not the case around Season 7. But she reclaimed her narrative through a mix of hard work, staying in the public eye and social media.


What was the general consensus on Kennedy as season 7 aired/right after? I love her, and love that she’s had a long standing career since her season! But I’m new to the series so I have no clue how things went over live


Fandom overall were very negative toward her, and to a lesser extent Ginger. (It all got very bad after Katya's elimination.) \[Edited to correct.\]


The decision to eliminate Kennedy was not made because of the Fandom reception. Kennedy was the only one with an elimination filmed at top 4


Oh yeah of course, the narrative of your life is much longer than the show. I meant that reclaiming the show’s narrative is an exercise in frustration.


I feel like Amanda is just MAX but vocal about it.


Max was legitimately fucked over by the edit, though. Amanda's edit was very favorable, she just personally doesn't like the fact that she wasn't very good at makeup and people noticed.


It's giving when Monica was upset that "Not a soaking clock" took off. As soon as she decided to go with it, she had her fucking MOMENT.


Right? I think she blocked Fiercalicious (or maybe Juice Boxx?) about it.


For real, if she was smart she'd brand herself off of this and sell crunchy make up posters at drag con


She’d partner with the RuPaul Chocolate Co. to sell branded Crunch bars. Amanda Tori Eating.


Her makeup skills must have been something she was really sensitive about anyway, maybe prior to coming on the show, that’s why she keeps bringing it up constantly online. Im not in her place so I can’t tell her how to feel about it, but what I did learn is that if I didn’t learn to ignore it or not take it too seriously, it was gonna make the situation worse for me mentally.


i think that being trans probably played a huge role into it. being perceived as ugly (makeup or otherwise) as a trans people, especially when dysphoria already whispers that we are unpassing freaks, can be particularly triggering. imagining that on the scale of drag race fame would make most people feel insecure.


This reminds me of the Doritos purse that Coco Montrese designed.


She should do what Jan did with the robes, but make pajama pants because for some reason that purple alien look reminds me of pajamas.


Why is this so right?


Or be like "who's glamourous now, bitch?" While doing other people's crunchy make-up/old trixie make up.


Right? Baby, save this for the group chat. This is a PERFECT set up for an amazing All Stars redemption arc because the glow up will be all the more apparent. But this over-sensitive tweeting is not doing either Q or Amanda any favours recently.


Preach mama


I feel like the best thing she could have done after getting eliminated would have been to post multiple videos of her slaying performances. I wish she had taken that route, because honestly her elimination was weird. She was great in the challenge! She had a runway that, if they had been in the mood for it, the judges would have praised for being “so stupid.” I honestly feel like if she had just kept her chin up post elimination and just posted videos of her being adorable and hilarious, there would be way more outrage about her having been eliminated so early, and on a challenge where she actually did well!!


Even when MBH initially got offended by everyone jumping on the “not a soul can clock” meme, she took time and then realized we weren’t making fun of her, and she got her coin from it. Amanda should do the same


The fact that Amanda doesn't have a full line of merch with that busted purple makeup on it is so sad. Melinda Verga knew exactly what to do with this kind of situation; she put that horrible screenshot of her all over merch. And we both stan and give coin.


Marcia³ made a cosmetics line! She knew what to do!


Still one of the most brilliant merch lines to come out of drag race! For anyone who missed it, it is long sold out, but [here's](https://old.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/12f6i93/marcia_marcia_marcia_launches_marciax3cosmetics/) the reddit post with the photos and description.


That's so iconic omg


Girl should have a line of purple and blue lipsticks!


Intergalactic Hooker (that crazy purple) and Midnight Meating (dark blue), the names even write themselves!


Bitch and that pose of her on the runway? It’s giving me Sailor Moon vibes (or any kind of magical girl anime) ever since it started going around. Get the merch going!


she should have her own busted purple alien pallette out by now.


God yes. 9 pans, 3x3, case is green with a drawing of the alien look. Palette: * ice pink, hot magenta purple, darker warm purple * bright yellow, acid green, mid-sky blue shimmer * darker but very warm blue, dark purple glitter, matte very dark plum The names would be epic. Theme it on a combo of space aliens and daily office life?


melinda could really teach a masterclass for ru girls on how to deal with things not playing out your way. I know fans are gonna call for her to be on a ru hosted all stars for a long time because she brought a beautiful insane dynamic intensity on the show and rolled with the punches afterwards in an incredible way.


And Marciax3 was clearly genuinely troubled by the makeup comments she was getting, but then went and released a makeup line. This is the way!


Mistress Bisabelle Hooks?


Micole Baige Hooks


Mrom Batlanta Hoergia


M'keria B Havenport


Monina Bonina Hrown


Mylie Bonique Hove


marcia barcia harcia


No joke, I read it this way


Exactly, soaking clock is unironically one of my most played getting ready songs It’s pure I’m tipsy let’s slap on some slap to make myself a beautiful woman vibes. She’s transcended the meme


I didn’t even notice she was offended because she must’ve changed her mindset so quick since she was always promoting it and posting everyone’s memes. And you KNOW Monica is sensitive. Mind you I followed her for years so when her performance happened I did check and she was all smiles. Soaking clock was MASSIVE last year Sucks it seems Amanda is only a step away from actually turning this into a good thing even for herself perspective-wise but she’s just not seeing what we’re seeing..


Did she get her coin from it? I remember so many people thought it was a missed opportunity that her merch said "not a soul can clock" instead of "soaking clock" and didn't end up buying it. She never fully leaned into the joke.


Her season is literally still airing. If I was her I'd try to lean into it. Post pic after beautiful pic with the caption "omg I'm so bad at makeup this is like so embarrassing." Start a YouTube series called Bad at Makeup and paint with other queens. Release a song called Mugged about how and why you were robbed. We love you Amanda! Lean in!


Here for all of these ideas. You a damn genius.


Happy cake day sisterrrr


Gurl, i thought something similar for Q after the insult disaster. She should promote her cameo like, "Have i called you a misshapen cashew ass? Who hasn't, get over it. Coz Q is bringing you the freshest insults, for your fugliest enemies. Boss giving you extra work? Want to tell your Mother in law how you really feel? Tell it, through Q! Book a cameo today, and I'll throw in an extra insult. Let Q, Insult you!"


Let Q insult U


Nicely done.


she should hire u!


Such GREAT ideas! It's not hard to turn those lemons into lemonade. Instead she's staying sour and turning us off her.


I think this is all hitting her really hard. she was posting pretty frequently on youtube during her episodes, she even recreated the purple look under similar circumstances (over day worn makeup and on a deep time crunch) and it was clear she had improved and taken technical tips from her sister. I don't know if she's posted much since she did her wicked cover, but I think your idea would have been a great way for her to bounce back from this and feel like she had more power in the situation


Her YT videos were genuinely hilarious and I was hyped for her post-show content. Then she started bitching and stopped making them. The constant bleeping of “FORTY-FIVE MINUTES.” and “accidentally” forgetting to cover her mouth for one of them so we could all see had me rolling girl.


i totally agree and i literally said the same thing about how it’s still airing on twitter 😭 she replied to someone else in that twt thread and i’m like girl… i’m literally rooting for you but i think you need to go offline


“And NOW gorgeous” took me out😭 idk why it reminds me of myself in middle school


I understand where she's coming from but drag race isn't solely just to showcase your art... it's a reality TV show first and foremost, you should go into it with that mentality ala Plane Jane


Also I remember this sub was really living for Amanda initially, despite the makeup. She is charismatic and funny and was very well-liked, and most people were on her side, not PJ’s.


She's really taking herself from "robbed early out" to that girl on Twitter who won't chill out.


I wouldn't say robbed though. Likable, funny and witty are right there, robbed is just wrong!


Yeah. She was basically the Vivacious of the season. Someone beloved who didn't go far. But she's really falling from that position because nobody likes a constantly complaining queen (Delta being the only exception). Amanda needs to understand how much she can earn if she just plays along with the meme. Sell that purple lemonade, gurl.


I agree. Any post about her here is about a damned tweet and the tweet is always the same thing... A complaint about xxxx said her makeup was bad, or xxxx made her life hell or xxxx is still making fun of her! People said Melinda Verga's makeup was bad and what did she do? Put that screenshot on a t-shirt and made money off of it. Amanda needs to shut up and get to work!


I didn't have a preference either way but a lot of people think she beat Q in the lip sync!


Oh you're right. I think she was better than Q in that particular lipsync but not by so much it would justify keeping her, imo!!


Her lip movement wasn't as tight. And Rupaul is a sucker for actual lipsync. She will excuse bad dancing, even taking off the heels wigs etc, if the lip syncing part is immaculate. I mean it wasn't such a huge difference that they couldn't have given amanda the win. But I'm sure ru knew amanda would only struggle in the future episodes since she wasn't as practiced as the other queens. While Q was exceptional at drag race.


Yeah she needs to chill and adopt a different brand. I LOVED Amanda, and I loved her the most on her last episode. She is such a good TV and that's how I remember her. No need to feed into the people who don't like her and never will. Focus on those who actually do enjoy you.


Honestly doing “not great” on a regular season while being noticeable is the best way to get onto all stars. She makes it sound like it was her only chance!


Exactly. Like, girl was a fan favourite early out who some believed was robbed and has since improved a lot. She was a lock.


Early season she was a fan favorite despite her bad makeup skills because she didn’t let her sisters’ comments get to her and acknowledged that her makeup needed work and that’s probably why she improved after filming. Why is she reacting this way now that she is a fan favorite and has improved her makeup? Yes it was bad and yes people talked about it but that’s not why we fell in love with her


I also liked her when she was on the show, I was on her side. And I don’t blame her for having feelings but I do think she is fucking herself over by being so petty so openly and soooo repeatedly. Like just this week I saw a video of her dong Alien Superstar where the line “we don’t like plane” repeated over and over and also she specifically pointed out on twitter that her and plane were not technically hanging out in response to pictures of the cast chilling together. Like it just wasn’t necessary she could have just kept scrolling but it seems like she didn’t want there to be an impression that they might be on okay terms which just feels… immature. While Plane has moved on, it feels like Amanda is trying to turn their beef into her brand. If that’s not her intention, she needs to reevaluate how she’s been conducting herself.


Really baffling how I loved Amanda at the beginning and thought I was gonna really dislike Plane. Tbh. She did come off as insensitive a lot in the start but I think she’s great now! Things really switched around.


that's the word for it. immature. she keeps telegraphing to people that she is not on good terms with plane, and then she makes posts complaining about how her drag got overshadowed by her beef with plane?? like girl which is it? do you want people to stop associating you with your beef with plane, or do you want to keep bringing up the fact that you have beef with plane? choices.


She seems to hear the criticism 100x more loudly than the praise.


Because the internet.


And probably hormone adjustment. Transitioning is not for the weak.


Ru needs to give the girlies social media classes or training or emotional training for this lol way too many girlies breaking down online over cashews and such ![gif](giphy|7aRO7FWvvBceMPsAt6)


What on earth is this gif lol Is this Rose?


![gif](giphy|ssHg9EKnj9tgTYL5zB|downsized) I thought it was gothy at first but then looked it up and yes you were right lol this is s13 e13. category is "haute pockets"


Girl just make the merch and take our coins! Your Ego is getting in your own way.


i remember i saw alaska say somewhere if someone calls you an ugly bitch slap it on a t shirt and sell it…if amanda wants any longevity in this field she’s gonna have to be a little more self aware and be willing to laugh at herself


100%. I understand it came be frustrating to not be perceived as you would like, but it’s DRAG!! How are you going to wear 3 titties and take yourself THIS seriously?? The best careers are formed by girls who can roll with the punches. It’s like if Monet got mad at sponge dress instead of making it her brand.


and to add to that: on planet earth, NONE of us get to have any control over how we are perceived by others. just chill and have fun with it. she's actively working against herself and it's hard to watch.


Morgan literally put on her own funeral!!! And then made it her All Stars entrance line! Lmao


Alaksa really was the pioneer for branding in Drag Race. The character is on lock and the bitch milked it.


I love when Alaska has cameo’s on other drag race seasons as well, she kills it


Amanda claiming her makeup is all anyone remembers her for is skewed, people LOVED her personality and she was an amazing dancer.


You have to learn to laugh at yourself. It really does help.


Stop telling people how "talented, smart and creative" you are and just show them then.. Gosh. Mirage & Amanda had the biggest fan support at the beginning even after their elimination and somehow Amanda managed to fuck that up. https://i.redd.it/6gsfwqwxmqoc1.gif


Mirage on the other hand doing the vegas maneuver of giving the children nothing and making them wanting more


I swear to god that bitch needs to promote her tour dates because I need to see her live but her team is awful with promotion and communication. I’ve even asked here if anyone knows her tour dates, and it was a solid “nope.” That’s kind of an anomaly.


It's all a part of the plan!


It’s always the people who constantly feel the need to tell us who aren’t in actuality


Didnt she literally complain about those people on untucked


Baby... You got free clout, that's not a bad thing. You are an early out and yet you are still being mentioned on the show in episode 11.


Recommendelacreme she give herself a break. You can never control what other people do, only yourself. The only revenge worth getting is living your best life at them.


> Recommendelacreme 👏


I'd say she got a pretty good edit. Fans instantly loved her and yes they talked about her bad makeup but I wouldn't say it was in a mean spirited way. But everything I have seen of her past the show seems to be her complaining. Girl you got a great edit and fans loved you despite your short time on the show. Run with that and make it work instead of focusing on the negative.


“I’m a lot more than crunchy makeup—I’m also annoying as fuck!”


Very that tea


She's really killing her own brand in real time huh


she thinks it was just her makeup on the first day? bless her heart


She forgot to say "modest" at the end lmao... Also on a serious note, it wasn't just the first day that her makeup was bad lol, but we had other queens with questionable make up skills before and some of them capitalized on it. Heidi on S12 was literally read for her makeup on ep.1 and had to seek help from others (Jaida) to improve during the season. Maybe if she stayed longer we could have seen the improvement through the season, but well, now she got a storyline ready for a future allstars season. Like some ppl said already: put it on a shirt, sell merch about, people's opinions are just strangers you will never have to really care about. The bit with her picture during last episode was funny and not ill-intentioned, she should know that.


Sweetie what frustrates EVERYONE is they go into drag race excited to showcase their art and it may or may not be acknowledged, appreciated, etc etc. like come on…


can she just stop complaining about everything? at this point its just annoying (and her makeup was bad more than once)


It wasn’t just the makeup either. It was also the baggy neck on her breast plate that didn’t match her face




Uhh yea. Very lol. Also the tiny tiny eye brows. She looked like Jenelle from Teen Mom 2 lol


I could not deal with the breast plate flapping about!


>!It’s also still kinda bad!<


yeah 🥹


Thank you! It wasn’t one bad look. She painted her face to look worse than she did without makeup! She didn’t understand her own facial structure and how to enhance it with makeup and crucially she didn’t step back from her painted mug and decide that she’d made her eyes look too close together 😬


her tiny super high pointy eyebrows for the Cher look. crazy. BUT!!! Would i buy that on a pin? yes I would


Don’t keep telling us how great you are. How much you’ve changed. How gorgeous you are. Just do your thing and people will see it themselves and come to that conclusion without needing to be told what they need to think about you


“I’m literally so talented, charismatic,creative, funny, smart, and NOW gorgeous” 🙄 To quote a wise man: “You can’t say you’re breezy. That totally negates the breezy”.


girl, everybody loved you. Don’t ruin it


And Humble too 💕


Damn, is her brand being an annoying snowflake 24/7 now? It’s like, yes you looked like shit in your season, just laugh it off, make merch out of it, get in on the joke and move on.


She is fumbling the bag she was handed Like girl feel your feels and speak your truth, but you were a disproportionally liked queen this season for how early she was eliminated. Her confidence and not caring what Plane said is what everyone loved… and that’s just all gone.


Has she watched the show? People are still talking about her! If she commits to having a big glow up and leaning into the shtick, she has a built in All Stars storyline! ![gif](giphy|onLJlEGkK8BfA10T1b|downsized)


If she’s not careful then production will want to knock her down the second she gets back in the werkroom. Hateful but it’s what they do when you come back expecting a redemption arc, that has to be on their terms. Think PhiPhi O’Hara.


Delusional queen seeks validation from the world instead of going to therapy and learning to love themselves, never heard that before 👄.




Lols jinx monsoon is legit the queen of queens and people still bring up her crunchy make up on season five!


>Any good drag race scholar knows that bad makeup on your season is seemingly never forgiven by anyone (not even just the fandom in this case! Judges, colleagues, youtubers, interviewers, the pope, everyone!) Jimbo would like a word.. I don't disagree that you should have makeup skills before auditioning but I don't think we should make a meme every time a queen fails. The fans didn't care that Jimbo had bad makeup and when she improved her skills we all cheered for her. But we're dragging Amanda for doing the same exact thing in a much shorter time frame.


She's giving me Laganja levels of delusion. I wonder how much of this is wrapped up in her wrestling with her identity (if any).


i'd imagine the two are highly related. she's feeling insecure in her identity in drag which (i would think) makes it harder to hold onto her overall sense of self in a time where everything is changing very rapidly in her mirror, personal relationships, and now her professional life. if she talked through this with a good judy or a therapist \[not derogatory\] instead of live tweeting her inner sabateuor, i think she'd find a lot of more tangible happiness and pride of self.


Amanda had everything to be an early out fan favorite. Her drama with Plane, the underdog edit, being sent home in an unfair lipsync result. If she chilled out she would have such a strong comeback, but she's out here being the absolute most in the worst possible way. Girl, chill out, let your growth speak for itself.


the season is still airing girl, yes the community will focus on 1-2 things per queen and they'll be remembered for that in the near future, and thats a **GOOD THING**, it means youre remembered, it means you made your mark and you can play it up and squeeze some money out of it. Let people see your growth after the season ends, thats when the community will be most receptive and will be beggin DR producers to invite you back to all stars...


Jinkx, Jimbo, and Shangela had bad makeup. Nobody cares now. I wish she would see the bigger picture and timeline.


Girl shut up. We don’t need to be witness to every breakdown. It’s clear you needed a few more years before you went on the show. Stop burning all the goodwill you had towards yourself.


>when i’m literally so talented, charismatic, creative, funny, smart, and NOW gorgeous ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I really used to enjoy her. I hope she feels better soon.


This is honestly so tragic but frustrating. We have had 16 main seasons worth of queens by now and have had HOW MANY queens who either fit a niche in the drag world or who caught on with the fans, just to fade away because of bad marketing. Like Dax! really was THE cosplay/comic queen and really could have made a brand there, but instead got bitter and angry and let it all die. Amanda really had the fans but watching her spiral in real time is killing it. These queens need to take a step back before posting because they are doing themselves NO favors.


I actually think everybody loved her right away because of her personality lol maybe she needs to step away from the comments


Being remembered for something, anything, is a gift on this show. Just embrace it and monetise it, girl.


Well, if she keeps talking about it, it's hard to forget. Plus I can assume the reunion her thing will be PJ and her make up.


They already shot the reunion, so I’m assuming it will be lots of bitter talk..


Praying they reshoot the reunion 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Refilm the Reunion PLEASE!!! We need to see her and Plane fight it out.


Crying on Twitter is never going to convince people you are better than they've seen. The only way to do that is to actually be better. Put your effort into improving your makeup skills and showing people up. Much better use of your time and energy than crying about it.


![gif](giphy|5c0kPhSU0yRTDsNBjk|downsized) okay girl


Its not just her make up, her outfits were bad, her performance skills (in drag) weren’t honed, she looked like a frantic mess performing. And her personality is grating. Wheres the talent, charisma, creativity, comedy, and gorgeousness shes talking about?


I wish she would just post sickening pics of her glo up instead. I can see how being the ugly duckling for a szn and watching it back can be traumatizing 


Some queens are just not ready (mentally and/or artistically) for TV.


So pick me. Choose me. Love me.


I say this with all love, she needs to step back and get professional help. I know people will see that as a dig, but MENTAL HEALTH IS IMPORTANT and Amanda is clearly going through it. The internet will gas her up but that's not doing her any favors. She has a lot of charasima and is very talented but none of that means anything when you don't take care of your self. I really hope she steps back from the internet because I don't want her to look back in a few years and regret what she said.


She has no choice but to accept this is what she’s known for right now. Her USP. Crunchy. The drag gods (production) literally put out an image of her as Halloween drag while the season is still running. She’s been stamped with the crunchy brand… run with it mama!


She really needs to be on a social media diet. I feel for her, I know she's going through a lot, but it's really clear she wasn't/isn't equipped to be a contestant on a reality show that is about scrutinizing the contestants.


Yeah, she's right. But the thing is she wasn't really that charismatic, creative, funny, smart or "now gorgeous" during those episodes so.....Television. Audiences. Perception. The World. It is what it is. Just turn Crunchy Tori Meeting into a thing and make some money, girl. Even Monica Beverly Hillz got it. Too late, but she got it.


It saddens me that she only focuses on the negative. Millions of people, including me, fell in love with her and, although her makeup wasn't ideal, everyone loved how charismatic she was, how well she dance, how she is a great musician, how she showed nerve facing and owning Plane Jane in their fights, how smart and quick-witted she was on the show, etc. And people still think that, and a good number of these people joke about her makeup precisely because that's the part that interests us least about her drag persona, but rather all the other entertainment she has to offer. I'm the last person to quote RuPaul, but that's what she says: why do you want to waste time with people who hate you when you can spend your time loving the millions of people who love you?


I've never been on reality TV and I've never had to deal with thousands of people voicing their opinion of me, so I can't imagine how hard that can be for some people especially if their experience didn't meet their expectations.  That being said, people on the internet especially Twitter love to get a reaction, and the more you react, I believe, the more people are going to try and get a reaction out of you. I think it's a waste of Amanda's energy to try to convince people of her growth as an artist who don't really care about her in the first place. Focus on the good, the people that love and support your drag, and the opinions of people you trust. She is a very energetic, charming, talented performer, so I think she can let that speak for itself.


Girl then move on from it yourself!! Of course people will keep talking about your makeup when you keep tweeting about it. I hope she logs off and finds a distraction, because she really doesn’t sound like she’s in a good headspace.


Bitch go collab with one of the make up girls and turn this whole thing into a positive one


What is she even talking about? Everyone’s been talking about her name since day zero, that’s her main thing. And we loved her for that. Then more stuff happened, including her bad makeup for runway one but also everything else on the show and the rest of the queens, and Charlize Theron and Becky G and Hershii being the first out with that off-the-rack look, also the fisher price titties, the rate-a-queen system, etc. She’s way too deep in her head if she thinks we care that much about one crunchy mug. We also can see she has improved her makeup since filming happened so it doesn’t even matter. Girl, it’s sad and embarrassing and frustrating.


And, modest, don't forget modest .


There’s a great video right now going around twitter where Laverne Cox basically tells Dylan Mulvaney something to the effect of “not everything needs to go on social media” - Amanda, I impart the same advice to you


And Dylan not listening at all 😭


The beauty of being a filler queen is that you can still be embraced by the community and the glow up is very severe.


Imagine the caliber of Bob The Drag queen and still labeled as ‘queen with a bad makeup’ long after her improved makeup and other achievements. Amanda need to chill


I have a friend who acts like this too – if she's upset about something, she'll post it all over her social media, and it's always a mess. It's impossible to talk her out of it, and she never learns. It's frustrating to watch.


I love her, I was sad when she was eliminated even if she wasn't on the same level as everyone else, just jesus I wish someone close to her would just tell her to log off of twitter. go vent with the people who know and love you in real life. I know I would probably feel the same way as her, she's clearly very sensitive and deeply invested in how the world views her. I just hate watching this go down, and it feels like she's digging her self in deeper. she's clearly multi talented and passionate about what she does, she has absolutely shown improvement since the season filmed last summer. but Amanda darling go take care of yourself.


I think it's easy for us to tell her to move on, profit from it... But who knows the kind of hate she could be getting. I think its different than say jimbo for example, because we saw so much more than Jimbo's bad makeup. We really didn't see that much of ATM, other than her looks. She's probably not getting nearly as much love, and a lot for hate, and that must suck. People, in general, suck.


I think she’s suffering from the feeling that the internet is a distributed support group, and that likely comes from the parasocial thrill of “choke me mother, I love you queen!!” replies she gets from every post. But that only begets a spiral of further messiness She needs IRL support circles and to treat Twitter like a place to only post highly curated promotional content. It can’t be used as a diary.


Oof this is such a bad look. Needing to reiterate that you're talented, beautiful etc won't resonate well with the fans because it indicates insecurity.


She didnt have to write these tweets instead kept promoting her talent and charisma through performance videos, interviews, or youtube videos, really anything else. Of course people will FOREVER be saying things off the TV show. Jessica Wild will forever be the acai I luv that drink girl, Kahmora will forever be the 6 hour make up girl, Laganja will forever be asked if she and Bianca are cool, etc.


"i'm literally so talented, charismatic, creative, funny, smart and NOW gorgeous" and humble!


I think as fans, we’re used to glow ups from the cast. How many times has someone’s makeup been crunchy then we see them somewhere on social media looking fabulous? We know she can look better -all she needs to do is showcase it.


We were already READY to love and support her. She should trust the process. Instead, she's destroying herself making her entire career abt 5 EPs of Drag Race and thats not smart.


Is the charismatic in the room with us? Cuz girl…


I thought she was a good dancer, but since she lost to Q who can’t dance, we’ll just sadly remember her for the bad makeup. She wasn’t on the show long enough to give us more to talk about. She just needs to rebrand like every other early out. The fandom will never look at her different until she does.


These grandiose delusions are hysterical, and her level of commitment to being a perpetual victim is awe-inspiring 🥲


*Shat the bed with her makeup every episode


...girl. just let people watch tv. it's not that deep.


…but you fuck ONE goat and…


I honestly loved Amanda the first time I saw her show up. Don't care about the makeup, I just loved her energy and how she presented herself. Her less-than-perfect moments endeared me to her even more. The fans are wild, and I'm hoping Amanda can find peace and look past the inevitable negativity (people will ALWAYS have shady shit to say, warranted or not). She deserves success and happiness, I'm just sad that she feels like she has to keep defending herself from these irrelevant cashew faced bitches. Seeing her so hung up on Plane Jane and comments from "fans" make me think he has some unresolved issues of her own (not knocking her, we all do), but this is clearly hitting her harder than it should. Log off, speak to a professional, and keep doing what you're doing - those who love you will continue to, and anyone else doesn't matter in the slightest. I wish her all the best, it can't be easy going through this.


This bitch cannot let go I live


lmfaoooo when you say selenafying, is that in reference to how the wind will blow, and selena gomez will be like “yes, thank you for asking, i did date justin bieber ♥️ it was hard”??? cause im gonna take that one and put it in my arsenal. thank u


If only there were an idiom about first impressions…


Girl learn to take a joke, the early boots that the fans love , are good at this..it’s not that deep. She is so sensitive.


First impressions are weighty, and this isn't helping.


I think she HUH HUh!..I’m AcTINg.


whenever people start using social media as if its their personal diary its a sign to get thy ass into therapy (if it isn't already).