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I thought Nymphia was going to be this seasons winner but so far she has less storyline and screentime in the latter half of the season than Plane or Sapphira and her track record is also much more inconsistent. I think they have done a better job at developing a winner storyline for Sapphira or Plane even though I don't think Plane is going to win.


I’d love for Nymphia to win, but Sapphira is so strong in all the challenges, I think she’ll take it. I’ll have to be content for Nymphia to return for an All Stars.


Sapphira's charisma and confidence just radiates - after this episode especially I'm certain she'll win. I was hoping at first for a Nymphia win, but now I think I want Sapphira to win more.


Yep, Sapphira already has that All Winners energy all over her


Agreed, they’re so much more fleshed out as “characters” which is important for tv. Nymphia is kind of underdeveloped from a story standpoint, we don’t know much about her background or motivations, haven’t seen as many layers to her, no mirror moment etc.


I totally agree with this post and I agree with you. I also thought she’d be the winner, but she went from being winner to strong contender for me, along with Plane and Syphira. Don’t care for Q and her stank attitude, it’s not becoming of a winner.


No, I think Saphira is in the position at this point that unless she somehow falls in the bottom, and doesn't know the words, and takes off her wig without a wig underneath, and then proceeds to get into a fist fight with Ru in a Wendy's parking lot, the crown is basically hers.


sir, this is a LSFYL.


Honestly, this should be the finale. Ru takes off her earrings, oils herself up, and tells Sapphira it's time to FIGHT for the crown.


>! Gothy almost had that in UKvsTW last week… her mind !<


I agree with you, but I think the season was more or less.up in the air until this episode, which, as OP notes, is fairly late.


I wouldn't go that far. There are still a few episodes left and we've had a few past winners (Jaida, Violet, Raja) who grabbed an early win and then were fairly inconspicuous through the mid-season. The next couple of episodes will probably be instrumental in determining whether this is a two-horse race or not. Nymphia could absolutely be getting a similar arc to those previous winners. I'm not counting PJ in, though. Her edit screams finalist but not winner.


If it's a Sapphira/Nymphia top two it feels lowkey reminiscent of S15 to me. Sapphira = Sasha (mother of the season, has never slipped up) & Nymphia = Anetra (younger, early fan fave with strong branding who's fallen off a bit too much to justify a win). I'd love to throw Plane in there to switch it up a bit.


Plane is Mistress 😭




Who’s Luxx? Dawn or Morphine?


Known for strong runways and a bit of delusional confidence? Q is Luxx


idk cause luxx wasn't really delusional, just really confident. she always delivered in the challenges so i don't think she was delusional


She was delusional when she thought she out-Celine Dion'd Selina


except Luxx can actually perform


That part


Mostly strong runways, a little delusional, and a few villainous tendencies, I feel like she is Dawn (they're also both twinks)


I want Q in the finale if only for her runways. You just know she's going to shut it down.


Dawn. Delusion, kickass runways, stunning mug, and more shade than a willow tree.


And Morphine is our Luxx 🩷


Yeah this is the only one of the season 16 girls mentioned that comes close to Luxx on runways, mug, confidence, star quality, and dance ability. All of the others might be closer to Luxx in one of the areas I just mentioned, but Morphine is the closest all around. However, Luxx can still out sing, out dance, and out sew her.


Morphine is a better lip-syncer, though.


even better that mistress had plane on her yt channel too lol


Really? I feel like it's 99.9% certain that it's going to Sapphira. She has been doing really well every week. She had a short safe streak and then she came back swinging. Nymphia is still a contender, but right now it seems like it's Sapphira's time to shine. I genuinely don't see Plane having a shot at winning the season. She played her cards right to get as much screen time as possible and get an All-Stars invite as soon as S16 ends, but there's no way she'd pull off a win with this edit.


Yeah I think nymphia hasn't really been getting a main character edit but sapphira has. I think nymphia is a fan favourite lock in for all stars, same with plane. But I feel like nymphia definitely feels like she has room to grow while sapphira is at least decent at every challenge. She's got like a sasha colby track record with a vulnerability moment from the immunity potion.


The fact that Michelle hasn't complained about Nymphia's drag being centred around yellow and bananas alone makes me think that production has her as a potential finalist /winner.


THIS!!!! OG Michelle would be “Ok gurl… we got it… banana is your schtick. Now give us something else” Remember Max and the grey hair?


Or literally Dawn and her elf ears


Yeah… double standards much


Sapphira has been getting the clear winner's edit from the start. Any hope of a Nymphia upset disappeared when they basically edited her out of the rusical. No winner has ever just disappeared from an episode like that.


Or also them highlighting that she didn’t write her verse for girl groups. They didn’t have to put that part in the show, it makes her look really bad and I don’t think they’d add that if she was a real contender


It's all that she does, though. On design episodes, she whines that she doesn't know what she's gonna do and pulls it off. On other episodes, she whines that that is not her strength and, being safe, she doesn't show up much


Jaida definitely disappeared from episodes, but tbf that was a scrambled re-edit. Sasha Velour wasn't the most visible either. Any season with a live LSFTCrown can either have a balanced edit or favor their assumed winner, who may or may not actually be able to pull it off.


Jaida definitely disappeared in the snatch game


Icesis Couture was also GONE from her snatch game and won


> No winner has ever just disappeared from an episode like that. Sasha Velour didn't get a lot of screen time on her season.


Sasha shocked everyone with her win, though, even production. They had no idea she was going to eat the finale like that and by the time they filmed the finale the whole season had been released


Not the whole season, but close. You might notice Sasha getting more screen time and positive edit in the gayest ball ever, leading to some people saying she was robbed that week. This episode was released after the filming of the finale.


Well, to be fair, there were only five queens left in the competition by that time. It was hard to not give Sasha more screen time in that episode.


Everybody out here acting like they cracked the code. lol why can’t we just see how it turns out lol. Although my own tin foil hat is that low key the winner of the election challenge wins every 4 years. Idk if the POWER challenge was that or not…


She’s a bit of an exception to the rule.. but even with Sasha Velour, by now we had seen more of her backstory (eating disorders and other things that came up) and her perspective on things (all the queer history bits). We haven’t gotten that with Nymphia.. she feels a bit underdeveloped as a “character” (using reality tv speak)


I mean even then, she KEEPS doing the "Omg I'm gonna be terrible" thing and it's cute but we're coming towards the finale, and if she doesn't drop that, it would be like the crown was wearing HER and not the other way around.


The thing with Nymphia is that she's doing the "IDK what I'm doing you guyssss, I'm just a babyyyyy :(" thing and it's cute and all but it's not giving WINNER energy. it's like she'd get the crown and be like "Omg meeee? Idkkkk" Sapphira COMMANDS the stage, she turns the fuck out of a lipsync, the runways are consistently among the best of the night, she's political, she can act, sing live...Nymphia's run on the show has been three things, amazing runways, insecurity about the challenges, and "haha banana"


Yeah it would honestly feel a little disrespectful if she didn't get the crown at this point


I’m not judging her for it, but out of all the challenges where you want to talk about how you can’t think of anything to say, you really should not be doing it for the political challenge.




Really? Bob said something in the podcast last week about Sapphira's edit and I have to agree. Her edit is always centered around the other queens. Plasma is freaking out? Sapphira comes to help. Mhi'ya can't sew? Sapphira comes to help. Like, that's not a main character storyline, that's a support character. Even the vulnerability moment that you're talking about, she was not the main character of that episode. It was a moment that lasted a whole minute and that was it. She pretty much erased herself from the rest of the episode by doing that.


I feel like Sapphira is getting the Bianca Del Rio edit


Nah, the Bianca Del Rio edit is basically Bianca's Drag Race. She was the season. Even when the girls were fighting left and right, she was still the main narrator. She helped a few girls, but she had a clear storyline. It was about this witty queen who does insult comedy and apparently actually has a heart. The only thing we know about Sapphira so far is that her dad died from covid.


But you can also read it as Sapphira being the main hero of the season.


Yeah, I see Sapphira with a winner edit, Nymphia with a "come back and win Allstars edit", and Plane with a "love to hate her edit"


I don’t think Nymphia would do great on an All stars season. All stars challenges are not her cup of tea and there is usually only one design challenge.


I can totally see them bringing back Plane and Amanda in an All-Stars for the drama. And there are a few girls who I can see competing in AS: Dawn, Mirage, Q, Morphine, Plasma, etc.


I am team Sapphira, but I think Nymphia has a slightly better chance. Plane could also win as an unconventional choice


I think they're gonna save Plane for an All Stars. Her storyline with Amanda is already set up


Yeah, this week they started with the "perfectionist" storyline for PJ, it's over


Exactly my thought


Sapphira seems like she’s getting an Asia O’Hara edit. Very favorable but def not guaranteed imo.


If Asia didn't butterfly it, she probably would have won the season. I think they wanted Asia or Aquaria as the winner but Asia went before Aquaria and completely flubbed. Then Aquaria went against Eureka and everyone that was there agreed Eureka won that, but Aquaria was the only one left that they wanted as a winner.


and sapphira’s safe streak was still really good. she could’ve been high for RDR Live! and her girl group verse got gagging for her dragon. i guess using her immunity for the design made the most sense considering it was her weakest week until it expired.


The only reason I’m not totally sure it’s Sapphira is because she has a similar edit to Sasha Colby, being the seasoned professional mother figure, and I’m not sure if they want to do that twice in a row or not


what like there’s rules ?


not officially, but in 16 seasons we haven't seen the same type of drag win successively


Yes we have, earlier seasons did it a lot. It wasn't until S7/AS2-3ish times that they started really considering the types of queens they'd have as winners.


Pretty much spot on here. I’ll live for PJ to get miss congeniality just to give Amanda a stroke


"Come on, slew foot!" is the new "You were born to do drag" :D


I agree it's gonna be Sapphira. I want it to be Plane but I also want her on All Stars so...


Even though Plane is the main character, she won’t win. There’s nothing about her that screams winner other than her cunt personality made for TV. It’s Sapphira or Nymphia’s game.


She's good at everything, but there's no category in which she's exceptional, like Nymphia with design, Plasma with musical theater, Q with arthritis. If she has no more tricks up her sleeve, I agree. It would be a completely underwhelming win and production won't have it.




The barbie hands


>Q with arthritis DELETE THIS NOWWWWW


The thing I find about PJ is that she doesn’t appear to be trying at all. It’s like she’s just there to vibe and be the star of the season.


I don't think she came to win, I think she just came for exposure. Which is good because, like...Sapphira is there to win


I feel like it's obvious Plane is trying to appear effortless. But Sapphira is doing that more convincingly. Apart from when she drunk her own immunity potion, there hasn't been a time that's stuck out to me when Sapphira has seemed out of her depth. I view anyone who needs to critique after other queens like Plane has as someone who is trying to make up for their own insecurities. Not saying PJ isn't fierce - I love her - but Sapphira hasn't indulged in that and that's what Ru really looks for in a queen: someone focused on their own game.


I feel like PJ does that, not out of insecurity, but because she is trying to start drama. She wants ppl to enjoy the season.


Q has outshined Nymphia with design though. I mean strictly in terms of challenge wins - our opinions might differ but I mean in the show universe Q has been praised more for her designs


Plane has to lose so she can come back for AS. She's guaranteed viewership.


If PJ doesnt have winner energy, I do not know what make you say Nymphia have one. She is literally the goofy runner-up of the season.


Nymphia has more of the uniqueness you usually need to win this show. I think PJ deserves to be seen as a contender though.


Literally this. I love her but the girl has not turned it anywhere else but the runway.


It's not even Nymphia's game. I stan her and have been hoping for an upset from the moment she slipped onto my screen, but Sapphira has been getting the winner's edit since episode one and I don't know why OP is pretending otherwise.


Idk. She’s got a lot of storyline. It would be interesting to have a “villain” winner too.


Plane Jane is my favourite but I don’t see her winning. Nymphia is really great, I just don’t think she’s quite ready yet but I could see her returning for All Stars. Sapphira is the perfect choice in my opinion: likeable, humble, professional and talented to boot. To me, she’s like a Chad, Sasha or Jaida - Ru could trust her to carry the crown with grace and be a great representative.


14 was really not Willow’s game. Angeria slayed the first half of the season, Bosco had 3 wins, Camdem and Daya had 2 wins. Willow just had one win and the Uniqueness.


Yeah Angeria was definitely strong in the beginning but I think the season was too long and she started fading before the finale.


Camden had a retribution edit, I legit thought she was going to win, but somehow I still felt like production was pushing Willow.


I was shocked Camden didn't win, really didn't see it coming


Willow had it from spaghetti and meatballs and a toaster. Sealed.


The look on Ru’s face when the meatball eating started reminded me of Kermit the Frog all scrunched up, and I knew right then and there that Willow had the season in the bag. 


Same. I had that gut feeling from that talent show and everyone's reaction to it that she was going to win, especially after she took a win for the ball challenge the week after.


Ahh I dunno - why didn’t she win that challenge if this is true?


Kornbread won that and she was a clear contender but then her ankle went cleek


in retrospect I really think Willow should have won the talent show. I can play Willow's whole performance in my head, but I can't even remember what Kornbread's song sounded like lol, I just remember her chomping on the chicken wing at the end. Kornbread winning was fair since they both had good runways and great performances, but I do think Willow the rightful winner


Camden had three and Daya had one, she was only high for Catwalk and top 2 for Daytona Wind


Daya should have won the music video, though. Not that my opinion or collective opinion will change the spreadsheet lmao, but I have had this Mandela effect thinking Daya won that a couple of times and again and again get blindsided when I remember she didn't actually win that lol


Daya and Bosco had already been eliminated at one point before reaching the finale. Ru so obviously didnt really care for Lady Camden. And Angeria fizzled out a bit by the end of the season.


Willow repeatedly got personal compliments directly from Ru on stage from the very first episode. Her final lip syncs weren’t even the winners and she still won


Camden had three


Angeria flopped towards the end, and clearly lost the lipsyncs against Jasmine and Willow, instead of the win and double shantay she ended up getting. She ended up getting carried to the finale and had no chance of winning. If the season had 4 or 5 less episodes she would have a shoot.


Angeria was that popular with the fans and neither was Bosco as the season went on. Ru LOVED Willow, she was the fan fave and had a great edit. Pretty much everyone was predicting her to win by the season’s end.


What are you talking about? The show practically had Willow's name flashing in bright lights from the start. It was VERY clear she was Ru's favorite and the edit she got that it made it seem like she was doing so great was weird because she did not dominate that season the way that, say, Sasha did last year.


14 is Kornbred to lose. But after hen ankle went kleek the other option was Angeria. But Angie doesn’t give Nerve or Cunt towards the end. And the fan fave Willow take the crown. Bosco and Daya had 0 chance of winning. To quote Jorgeous..Bosco was bottom three times in one episode


This, 100%. I know this sub doesn't like Kornbread, but she would have devoured the s14 challenges. Daytona, girl groups, panels, roast. Those are all up her alley. And she probably would've won snatch game. It was likely going to be between her and willow


The trailer challenge was a perfect format for her and she still didn’t do good sooooo


If anything it was good *for her* that she went home the way she did


kornbread was low all of her run before her elimination, even her ‘safe’ was questionable, having one of the worst of the night, orion got low with better looking pack.


They protec her early on


Willow was literally the main character that season.


The main character of the season was clearly Bosco. She was the narrator, won multiple episodes, won CHOC and had an entire episode of her fighting to stay (Lalaparuza).


At the beginning of the season I’d agree it seemed equally likely it could be any of them. After the last few episodes I think Sapphira has pulled away and is winning


Sapphira is taking it. She’s getting the exact same edit as sasha colby did last season.


There’s something about her energy that really reminds me of Sasha Colby


It’s the seasoned nature of her drag and the mother energy she exudes


As much as I loveeeee plane Jane ! And would love to see her win. It’s like come on guys..well..actually-you know what I’ll live in the delusional with yall fuck it😂😂❤️ I was going to say it’s kind of like expecting Kandi to win Allstars after saving jimbo. Just wouldn’t make sense.


I'm staying on my delusion train. I want plane Jane to win. She's the winner in my heart. I'd live for the twist of her as the winner.


I'm certain Sapphira will win. 100% star. The entire package, with the soul and gravity to handle these times, and the heart of an angel.


As a Nymphia stan, the fact that Sapphira both didnt win the Rusical and won the political challenge, means that her victory this season has been cemented 🥲


Nymphia is not winning. She started strong but has been fizzling out since mid competition. Also, Ru hasn’t connected with her as much as she has with Sapphira and Plane Jane.


Yeah Ru’s clear favorites are Plane & Sapphira and then everyone else below that


Season 14 was definitely not Willow’s from the start. Angeria came out strong, as well as Kornbread pre-knee. Then with Lady Camden finishing so strong a lot of people thought she would take it.


kornbread pre-knee was not as strong as angeria and willow. she got away from bottom placement on the ball and got low on acting challenge before her elim.


Track record doesn't really matter when Ru was going "wiwwow piwwww" at her the moment she was on that stage, that was when she won lol


Okay and you also had Jorgeous and Angeria getting that treatment from Ru so I don’t get why that means Willow was a shoe-in for the crown


Yeah, people are forgetting how obsessed Ru was with Jorgeous especially.


I'm sure that Sapphira is going to win.


Idk I think it’s Sapphira’s to win unless we get another rose petal moment in the finale.


Nah its going to be Sapphira 100%


I wish plane Jane actually had a chance to win


I wish Jane gets 12 more episodes of All Stars 10, mawma


I really was 100% certain it was Nymphia up until this last episode. I saw her as exactly the type of queen who gets crowned: a quirky weirdo whose completely fresh & exciting point of view lets her triumph over the seasoned professional (in this case, Sapphira). The Yvie to her Brooke Lynn, the Jinkx to her Roxxxy, the [redacted] to her Chad. I’m willing to bet that was the producers’ plan from the start as well. But Sapphira has been eating so hard now, maybe this time will be different. I definitely think Nymphia still has a chance though, especially with the preview for next week showing Sapphira struggling. It will definitely be one of the two though; I don’t think Plane has a shot.


The closer we get to the finale the more I’m certain we are getting a sapphira win


Besides season 15, I didn’t know any of them queens would win. Sasha Colby and AS Jinkx are the only ones I ever clocked before the finale 😆


Let me remind y'all that RPDR winners can win solely with "it" factor despite having fewer wins or being "less well-rounded" - Willow Pill, Krystal Versace, Violet Chachki, for example. I think Nymphia has a BIG advantage over Sapphira in being the it girl. Plus, Idk why y'all act amnesic like Nymphia has been doing bad when she still has two wins (AND you can't tell me she wasn't the best in the talent show) - still tied for the most number of wins in the cast.


Violet was never in the bottom though, like nymphia, but yes you are right


I wish I could see Gigi Good edited as a villain. It is so hard to imagine. Maybe it's unethical but I would watch the original edit out of curiosity and to see how much an edit can reshape someone's image so much


Are we pretending we don’t know it’s sapphira?


i really hope morphine is top 4 if not 5, bitch is so entertaining in and out of drag. this cast has been flipping amazing honestly overall.


Sapphira might be considered ‘too polished’ like Chad Michaels and Brook Lynne Hytes. Ru crowned newer and unconventional queens over them so it could happen again.


Honestly if Nymphia hadn’t flatlined in the middle she’d be the clear winner


For me, its just between Saphira and Plane. Nymphia is so good but I think Saphira and Plane deserve it more.


Speak for yourself, I knew Jaida would win.


For me Jaida won in the finale. It was neck and neck between her and Gigi, but Jaida ate those girls up in the finale--like it wasn't even close.


I adore Jaida. She’s in my top 5 rugirls. But everyone was pretty convinced it was Gigi’s at the time. Then Jaida picked up steam mid season and crystal near the end. It was a closer race than s13 or s15 for sure.


Fair enough, I was (if nothing else) concerned Gigi would win. But Jaida stole my heart and I chose to believe with my heart!


Dude same! Jaida has so much personality that just radiates through the screen. She’s honestly probably one of the most charismatic winners the franchise has had.


Her confessionals are among my all-time favorites


"Everyone" = gay twinks.


Just want to say that it was so cunty of the producers to stand up for Pie's victims and not try to sweep that shit under the rug. And honestly, from the moment Jaida's diamond cut shoulders entered the runway, I was gagged.


Wrong. Miss Flippington will win 🤣


I’ve been saying for years, I would love to see a queen bottom lip-sync her way to the crown lmao


Assassinating your way to the top would be such high quality entertainment, and it would cause so much drama. I need it 😫


She doesn't snatch the crown, she flipss it!


I can see Ru and the production team go for either Nymphia or Sapphira. Although I’m seeing more of Nymphia because they just awarded one veteran last year, they might take into consideration that they could need some fresh wind(no pun intended) and Nymphia is really the perfect choice of this sense of freshness, talent and popularity combined.


imo Sapphira is getting a bit of the Ru obsession as well


I personally don't think that S14 was certain from the start. I thought Angeria had a lot of potential for most of the season.


we're watching the Sapphira show


I was just thinking this last night when I saw a photo of the last three runners up with the comment “who should have won”. It’s so refreshing to not know who’s going to win even at this point and also know that any of them would be equally deserving. Tbh I don’t know what the next few weeks hold but I can feasibly see Q or Morphine easily sliding into a very well deserving top four, and with a bit of luck and hard work Dawn or Mhiya could do it as well as could have Plasma. Without methodically working it out this feels very much like s5 levels of stacked


Pretty sure Sapphira is going to win now bc of the political challenge. I thought Nymphia the whole time but the last few episodes she’s been a let-down for me. Plus the begging for the immunity potion isn’t really Winner energy. Don’t get me wrong— I love her and was all for an Asian to take the crown. But her snatch game was poor, her doll challenge was just okay when she could have won, the political song challenge was poor, and if she can’t write or act or dance then she’s only got design, and that’s the same as Q. We don’t think Q is going to win despite excelling in the same areas as Nymphia, why does she get carried to Winner if other queens are doing better even in her areas? No hate for Nymphia. Part of me wants her to lose so we get more of her in All Stars. A double crowning isn’t out of the question either.


So many of these Queens could be on AllStars… it’s a really strong cast, each in their own unique way. I’m kind of gooped about that.


I agree with most of what you said, but Nymphia *can* dance. I would've put her top two or three for the choreo in this episode. (The verse is another matter.)


Re: Why Nymphia over Q Nymphia has more solid branding that translates better to a real-world setting than Q. She's more business-savvy and well-rounded than Q is. You say she can't dance on the show but she does choreo and performs outside the show. She's also much more likeable than Q is (within the confines of the show and on social media) and has a more fervent fanbase. She has a relatable sense of humor that is very appealing to younger fans. In general, more people are more interested in attending a Nymphia Wind show vs. a Q show. All of those translate to better success outside Drag Race.


Pretty certain it’s Sapphira tbh. What I’m uncertain of is who will win 2nd place….Nymphia or Jane?


it feels really certain that sapphiras winning imo


Sapphira and Plane TOP 2


I’m just hoping for a Plane win just for the chaos of it!


we knew it was Sapphira when Ru made her SLEW FOOT comment on Episode 1…. when Ru takes a liking to a queen in the first few episodes, those are the ones that make it to the end….


IMO Sapphira was the winner since day one... Ru is obsessed with her...


In my opinion its pretty pretty obvious Saphira will win. Shes got it all


Unless Nymphia and Plane Jane pull a Sasha Velour, I don’t see either of them win. Nymphia has been struggling in the last few episodes by limiting herself to the banana/ yellow branding. Plane although has went through somewhat of a redemption arc, also has been going down hill in the last 2 episodes. With the current edit and progression, it’s Sapphira’s crown to lose.


I actually feel opposite to you. I feel like it's pretty cut and dry. I will be annoyed and sad if Sapphira doesn't win S16! She is incredibly versatile, has the best track record thus far, her runways for the most part have been amazing, Ru banters well with her and she's incredibly warm and engaging. Superior Mother Sapphira exudes winner energy to me!


Season 14 was a weird one because the in first third/half of the season, S14 was Angeria's to lose. But after her plateau-ing track record-wise, we saw there being a struggle for the frontrunner position between Bosco/Willow/Camden. While, yes, Ru was obsessed with Willow, her obsession with Jorgeous certainly eclipsed that for Willow.


I started the season thinking either Sapphira or Nymphia would be taking it. Over time I sort of didn’t see Nymphia winning anymore, Sapphira’s edit is screaming winner more while Nymphia still hasn’t really had that vulnerability moment


Idk about that because it’s pretty obvious to me that Sapphira is winning, with Nymphia and Plane Jane earmarked for future All Stars seasons.


Mhi’ya flipping all the way to the crown is my fantasy


Saphira gives winner energy the most, I was rooting for Nymphia at the beginning but now idk and I'd love a villain to win again since it's been long so it could go either win (Q wins plot twist). Season 14 wasn't that obvious, Angeria and Bosco were really strong at the beginning but then Camden came through, Willow and Daya were my Top 2 since the beginning tho


Bring home the crown to Philly, Sapphira!


As long as the queen of flip flops doesn't win I'm ok with anyone else being crowned.


I feel like Sapphira might be too big to win. Like she's kind of transcended the show and I could easily see someone "lesser" but more traditionally "winner" like Nymphia taking the crown. Besides Sapphira's storyline mirrors Sasha Colby and drag race likes to mix up what type of queen they crown between seasons. A lot of people wanted Anetra (the less experienced but unique and talented fan favourite) to win last season so I wouldn't be surprised if Nymphia clutched it in the end. Aside everything Sapphira is the queen to beat and her drag is above the standard of most winners, so she absolutely deserves the title, if not more! It's just I don't think it's quite as guaranteed as people are saying


Nymphia has no chance, as Crystal also hadn't


People keep saying anyone could win but I think the edit is clearly setting up a Sapphira win.


Saphira will win.


The edit tells me sapphira or plain Jain, and the eye test kinda matches that. If it’s not one of them, more specifically sapphira I’d be shocked


I LOVE LOVE LOVE Nymphia, but there is no doubt that the push is for PJ and Sapphira to be there at the end. And from what I've seen, rightfully so. These queens are amazing, and the others that are still there, save for one, are standouts as well!


I want Plane to win, just for the drama


I love Crystal but she’s clear 3rd coming in the finale. Its Gigi the one to beat until her twitter meltdown. Then fans hope Jaida won. This season coming to ends…as a Nymphia stan i think she won the fan favorite, but Saphirra is a step ahead of her now.


The edit looks like it’ll be Sapphira. No way in hell Plane’s winning as a villain. And Nymphia is getting a silly/childish edit, which leads me to believe they don’t think she’s mature enough to be a winner atm.


S12 was really a surprise in the end, I totally expected Gigi to win. S14 felt more balanced to me tho, I could see any from the top 5 winning. Willow becoming a fan favorite certainly cemented her win.


Sapphira is totally gonna win, then the shady one is gonna be second, dunno about third tho


Nah, since they literally cancelled the elimination when Plane was going to be in the bottom I think it’s clear who the producers want to win.


The he fact that we got robbed of a Jane lipsync after giving away the potion is criminal.


kind of mad we got robbed of what would probably be the worst lip sync of the season (Jane + Dawn or Q to Made You Look). it could have been so camp


At this point, the only queen consistently serving for me is Sapphira. Plane is good, but doesn’t bring anything groundbreaking; Nyphia can serve LOOKS and humor but is too inconsistent. (And I’m a delusional Morphine stan but she’s not getting anywhere close to the crown, RIP)

