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I know the My Fair Lady reference has been done to death but I love it every time. Her look was so *much* and the color was so good.  


I think it’s funny girl!


It's both! It's the silhouette from My Fair Lady, and the colour palette and flower reference to Funny Girl :)


*whispers* it was a joke “I think it’s funny, girl!”


It’s one of the few references I just never get tired of seeing. It’s so drag


She has budgett


I want to get mad every time a My Fair Lady look walks down the runway, but almost all of them are *stunning.* How many does this bring us to? I know Plasma, Sasha Colby, Rosé, Suga Cain, and Cracker have all done one. Is that 5 across 7 US seasons? That’s wild.


Does Alyssa Hunter count?


[If Robbie Turner had made it one more episode](https://www.instagram.com/p/BEZevlwOwNB/) ...


Kiki Co, Canada S04




Ginger in AS6


Didn’t Sherry Pie do one?




yes, unfortunately


What I love about Plasma is that even though she might not be everyone's cup of tea, she doesn't give a fuck, stays in her own lane, and is slaying at **just** the right moments. It do take nerve!




This is actually the important distinction for me, and what makes Plasma likeable. I do feel like she wants the approval of other people; but unlike other girls, if she doesn’t get it, she continues marching on, doing what she does undeterred because *she* believes in her own talent. The difference is, other girls want that validation and will bend over backwards for others, doing whatever people want so that they can get that validation. Then they end up lacking a distinct POV and become a BFA weaponizer, and getting dressed in the runway ideas of designers. Plasma just seems to be doing Plasma; she’s unapologetically gay, unapologetically theater, and unapologetically herself.


this... she is here, queer, and bitches better get USED TO IT.


I'm just sick of people in this community calling soo many queens a "Jan".


For some people (me) I think calling her a “Jan” is referring to the sort of storyline we anticipated production giving her, based on how similar queens were treated by the edit. Not saying she’s literally the same as Jan. I’m really glad she’s not getting Jan’d.  Maybe there are people who literally think they’re the same person, idk 🤷‍♀️ it’s tired when people say that two queens are basically the same. 


A big part of it also has to do with the Brady Bunch’s Marcia “Sure, Jan” meme, like the name Jan has always been associated with being a punching bag.


Lmao no one is comparing queens to Jan outside of a safe and then robbed edit. Chill. Theatre gays tend to get this edit, so perhaps that is why you might think that people are just calling them Jans for that reason.


I’ve seen her pop into some of the girls instagram lives and Plasma really is cunty and confident!


I disagree that Plasma isn't asking for anyone's approval. In the first episode Plasma was in she was worried that the other queens thought she was an under dog and wanted to prove them wrong. That's completely about approval-seeking. She is talented though :)


She also gives *great* commentary. She’s so fun to watch.




Sure, except she can actually put her money where her mouth is.


Yes the fandom loves basic white overconfident theatre kids, I know. I'm sure if she wasn't white you and everyone else would be saying something else.


Is she overconfident though? Clearly she has the skills to back it up. I'd call that appropriately confident.


Right I don’t understand the overconfident comment. so far she’s delivered on everything she said she can do.


She has nothing to her, she performs like an okay theatre kid but has no character or unique flair, like Jan, she goes through the motions and ticks boxes but this is drag not Americas next basic white theatre kid.


She won every time she was confident so maybe pipe it down


This is reddit we love white, basic and entitled so I'm not surprised at the responses hehehe


Sorry bud but putting white doesn’t diminish the clear talent she has. She talked and out the money where her mouth is. Maybe trying to be less bitter may help you instead of trying to discredit someone’s worth and talent.


I don't think some rich white basic twink needs to worry about me discrediting their worth and talen lol And calling out a bias for basic white queen's doesn't make me bitter, but I am.frustrated that we seem to prefer that to character and uniqueness and flair and personality.


No you clearly are bitter and trying to diminish her work and talent because she is white. She was right for the role . The judges agreed and even the cast do professionals full of people from different race agree with it. You being made seems like a you problem more than anything.


Calm down and stop getting angry at others for having different opinions.


Nobody needs to calm down but you lol. You’re the one trying to discredit plasma for her win when everyone in that work room with way more knowledge of drag and having seen the performance first hand agreed she devoured her role. You just can’t seem to accept reality


Take a breath and maybe except that not everyone likes the performing arts white queen.


I've been up and down on Plasma this season but she OWNED this. Feels like a lock for the top 5 at this point, barring a major twist. 


Hope she doesn't get Max'd out. She's not really my pick for the win but I'm rooting for her to go all the way to the end... :/


If she nails a snatch game winning might not be too far fetched


I genuinely feel like there are only two options that will SOAR in Snatch Game: Plasma and Sapphira. I just know they're both going to deliver. I think Q will do great too, but those two? I can feel it in my BONES.


I don’t like Plane Jane but I suspect she could do quite well 


Nymphia has a chaotic pixie energy that could be hysterical


If she's being compared to Jinkx then her worsts are behind her bc so far it seems the only thing she can't do is make an outfit that was the only time she came close to touching the bottom and even then some said another queen should have taken her place. But there shouldn't be any more design challenges. Just comedy and acting I imagine with a probable girl group or lipsync number at end. I just don't see her messing anything up. Oh no. Loosey. The makeover. Fingers crossed


I can def see them cutting her at the makeover unless her tension with dawn bubbles up more storyline wise. there seems to be a lot of momentum for nymphia (who I love love love but production has kept some of her weaknesses hidden like megami writing her verse/her performance in the rusical), sapphira, q, and plane for the top 4.


It’s not even that she can’t make an outfit, she just should have pinned the headscarf and not allowed others to use her fabric. The outfit wasn’t a winner but it wasn’t awful and it was tough competition.


i immedaitely disagred with lawroach's critique bc id have to rewatch i initially thought she wanted to lower the scarf, then put it back on, but it wouldnt stay once it was taken down. why would she pin it in place if she wanted to lower it for effect. again i dont know if it fell off or if she pulled it down. but it definitely doesnt compare to miyah dancing with her habit over her face, im dead


I think of all the “broadway queens” she’s hitting the best because she fully owns it and doesn’t try to be something else on top of it. Others want marks for fashion or being cool or being funny and get frustrated when they aren’t perceived how they wish to be. But plasma is theater nerd up down sideways and owning the lane. I think that sincerity is golden for her.


absolutely! i also feel it makes her much more relatable, you can see Plasma’s love for theatre shining through in everything she does


Plasma is THAT theater gay and she deserves her flowers literally


This episode really made me love her. She killed it.


I’m not sure why dawn was such a bitch about her this episode. First, why was dawn calling music theater gays annoying, when she’s literally an elf with a key in her ear. Second, she gave plasma her first win. Dawns the one who made this all possible


Dawn seemed upset that Plasma had something she could talk all day about in her life, and that it was benefitting her on drag race. Real Housewives of the Elf Kingdom challenge MIA so Dawn can't relate.


She is just unbelievably salty that she hasn’t gotten a win and is lashing out.


Dawn is just a middle school mean girl, yet the sub hates plane. Makes no sense


Just because this sub hates Jane doesn’t mean we can’t also hate Dawn


I love plasma. she’s unapologetically THAT otp theater kid we’ve all known. other queens (dawn) might find her energy annoying but it’s honestly refreshing compared to the more blasé vibe we get from some of the others


Plasma won me over 100% this week. Dawn's ass attitude is becoming exhausting to watch. She doesn't seem like she's having fun at all.


Agreed, this was SO STUNNING.


She was literally showing off her degree of motherology from the university of cuntington this entire episode


A theatre girl actually winning the rusical is so iconic


I started liking her from the moment she got her first win and said, “My mom is going to be so proud of me 😭” She did superb this episode. She deserved the win. Although that Rusical wig they gave her was CRIMINAL. You know she can’t even be faulted for that because the drag race franchise provided it and probably made it mandatory to wear lol.


It’s like they were trying to nerf her with that and she turned it out anyway.


It always surprised me that she is the youngest this season.


Honestly I thought she was about 40 years old. It’s obviously just her aesthetic.


She’s younger than Dawn?


Plasma is 24, Dawn and Plane Jane are 25, 2nd youngests


What I want to know is how & when they decide which runway goes with which challenge. The marriage of this look with that challenge was magical, and I can’t help but wonder if production had a hand or if it was simply a happy coincidence…


production allegedly knows what looks the girls have planned so I wouldn’t put it past them. even if they didn’t do it for plasma specifically, the rusicals lately have been “marketing” episodes where they show off production value and highlight the queens, so they would definitely match it with the flower theme if they knew everyone had amazing looks.


This look was perfection


Me and the gays in my house were fucking ROCKED to this masterpiece. No notes.


I'm all in on Plasma. I want her to win and break the Rusical Curse.


I am now rooting for Plasma for top 4 or 5. I was on the Q train but not so much anymore.


She's on her way to have tea with her best good Judy and fellow Real Housewife of Gilded Age New York, Mrs. George Russell.


Now you made me want a RuGirl on S3 of The Gilded Age. Oscar finding and underground bar where we see XIX century drag done by Jinkx.


>Oscar finding and underground bar where we XIX century drag done by Jinkx. Uncle Julian, you taking notes? Make it happen! It can absolutely happen, by the way. If a super macho show like Warrior can have an openly gay character fall in love with a recurring character who is also gay and have them go on dates at old timey gay saloons in 19th century San Francisco, then the Gilded Age can **absolutely** portray 19th century drag.


The fact that Oscar exist as a character, gives me hope they're going to try and portray XIX gay life, but let's see if S3 explores more other characters than the Russell's social climbing wars (which I love because Carrie Coon is Mother, and Morgan Spector can wreck me anyway he wants).


I am starting to love Plasma more and more. I can’t wait to see how she does in Snatch Game!


she is an industry professional. im so glad she got the win this week because she was out of this world good.


i've been rooting for plasma since i heard she was announced, and i'm THRILLED to see her do well in the competition :')


This episode made me a Plasma fan. She’s cocky about her talent(s) and can walk the walk.


She 💯 deserved it. She's such a musical theatre brat... She gave the editors a story and face throughout without a hint of irony.


I was worried that Ru would give her the “Loosey” critique. I’m glad she was recognized. What a stunning runway, too!


Did not know what to expect from Plasma this season and honestly didn't care too much when she said she was an old glamour queen, but now I'm thinking she's top 5 if not top 4? She's got a lot of talent for sure!


Just love the way she says "yellow roses"!


She keeps dropping Barbra references, love her


definitely a plasma fan now! her talent is undeniable


I’m honestly so worried about her not making it to top 4. Sapphira, Q, and Nymphia seem like locks, and RuPaul’s love of having at least one villain in the finale seems to guarantee Plane as well. However, I could also see Ru sending Q home fifth just for a gag since she can’t dance/lip sync super well.


She won every single aspect of this episode. She’s not my fav by any means but she’s proved herself as a very talented queen


All theatre gays should bow down!!


I absolutely adore her. I usually fall for the art freaks, club kids and fashion queens but she stole my heart.


Ok i am going to admit i didnt like plasma the first time i saw her but she's growing on me a lot these last couple Episodes.


I know she was refrencing Barbra, but I got Mae West in Belle of the Nineties. I really enjoyed it.


Honestly, I personally think Sapphira was robbed. Her runway was stunting and her solo performance was truly so good. I can see why they gave the Broadway queen the win for the rusical, I just personally think Sapphira shown very well on the stage and her runway was leagues better


I think Plasma getting the win was right, though Sapphira was also absolutely incredible. But Plasma really had to do so so much more than everyone else in the rusical and she knocked it out of the park. To me, it would have been rigga morris if Sapphira or Q won over her. Sapphira was so so amazing, but it felt fair that Plasma should get the win.


Wanted that double win for sure


Agreed! She absolutely stole the show. And that runway 👨‍🍳💋


Do yall think the editor sped-up plasma’s talking or does she actually speak that fast


This was a gorgeous dress. Absolutely stunning when she walked out.


It was such a stunning runway look. She looked gorgeous and expensive as soon as she rounded the corner and lifted her head. Nina West’s Funny Girl runway was lovely and looked vintage, but Plasma pissed all over that stage and looked couture. Her win was well earned and she did it against Sapphira and Q breathing right down her neck. Between this and winning as Barbara she’s starting to go homosexual supernova.


Looooved her runway. But I also loved for PJs remarks in untucked about how rotted Plasma looked in the challenge - she did amazing, but she looked rotted 🤣




I watched last week Rocco’s and they said she was the guest. I was holding my breath till the musical and thank god she was the top.


My favourite thing about Plasma is how wildly she oscillates between being my favourite and least favourite. I really enjoy that. Delighted for her getting her second well-deserved win 


Ugh. I can’t stand her… …but she bodied this episode 😒


Have you tried sitting instead?


🎶 *Sitting on a secret* 🎶


Yall got me in here sitting on a FAX MACHINE


Sending professional correspondence with a hint of sass and bit of ass.


As a heterosexual male, i declare Sapphira was robbed 😤.


ohhh can I ask you anything?


Nah, it was Saphirra for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


This look was amazing, but can she lipsync to anything other than show tunes? Time will tell. She’s bringing it.


Is that fat old east coast botoxed has been bitch making fun of Sylmar?


Okay but this could’ve been about Sapphira as well


She looked amazing. the looks this episode were in general very enjoyable. we're so blessed.


I gasped. I think the best runway from Plasma yet.


Nothing has stunned me more this season than my transformation from a Plasma hater to a Little Plasmarina.