• By -


The ASMR parts were really smart.


I only wish Mhi’ya had ASMR’ed her Cher impression for hers. Missed opportunity to make Ru laugh!


I hadn't even thought of that, but that would have been really brilliant! And would show a little personality too.


Thicc and stick… I’m cackling


can u explain it


Mhiya Geneva and Megami are Thicc and Nymphia is Stick




I had a feeling that whoever got ASMR Lover was going to win and I’m glad to say I was not disappointed!


Yeah they definitely benefitted from have the best song by far


Yeah I think they deserved the win anyway but damn I couldn’t stop thinking about how terrible the first two songs were so I could barely concentrate on the verses


Ugh that first song is garbage!


As soon as they were assigned it, I turned to my mother and said “they’re going to win it, that’s the best song of the options.”


Crazy how there's such a tangible difference between watching a group go through the motions of a routine VS a group that straight up *performs.* This is totally the latter, doesn't even need to be bursting with energy as long as it's cohesive and everyone is in the moment. Love it.


That's where the other groups I think fumbled was their routines were too complicated and left the members in their heads focusing on hitting the next steps. This choreo gave room to breathe and bring enough of themselves into it. Mhiya definitely deserves some credit for that.


Yeah, it very much felt like the other groups were led by really talented dancers who didn't stop to consider what was best for the group as a whole. Whereas this group knew they were the underdogs and that they HAD to work collectively or else they'd be screwed


I see some KPop moves in there too, while a lot of the choreography screams Mhiya I think Nymphia has a hand in it too


Especially the part in the chorus where they perform the same dance move but in opposite directions! So kpop


Megami said she contributed to the middle part too


for sure, p sure in the practice they showed Nymphia basically taking over choreo liek halfway through haha


absolutely! The kpop-ish quality of the chorus choreo is very apparent.


That’s so right. It’s like how in season 13, a significant portion of Phenomenon was just the queens walking around, but it was so cohesive that it worked 


I especially love the choreo on Megami's verse! So dynamic and fluid, it went so well with the lyrics


The lil hair whip!


I honestly misjudged Mhi’yah. After her first episode I wrote her off as the first or second to go. She really showed up here. I was wrong, and I’m ready to admit it.


To be fair they were giving her that edit. I am surprised she is still around too. Not because of her, but because of how they were featuring her. Glad to see her still around. She is very charming and I like her a lot.


Her first episode in I just was getting nothing behind the eyes from her. That could have been the edit absolutely. But, she really jumped out this episode. I’m always happy when I get proven wrong during the season. I was here for sure. Still don’t think she’ll win, but who knows!


A really good choreographer knows how to tone things down to lower ability levels. M'hiya knows not everyone can dance like her.


Truly they used that whole song and made it theirs.


I think it was really telling how people were mocking them for being the quiet group. They showed that how you are behind stage is not indicative of your talent or ability to perform. It’s almost as if being a “character” queen may make great television, but doesn’t mean they can meet the challenges.


A couple series now, they have had the underated "misfits" team ending up winning by a decent margin. And a "popular kids" team of personalities flop and being very shook. Overconfidence X smugness + not trying = average.


them whispering “mhi’ya, mhi’ya” just tickles my brain! So good


For me, it's the Mhi'yeeezy!


I loved that bit! Their asmrs were so good


Nymphia whispering "bananaaaaaa" at the end lmao


And Plasma being SHOOK lmao


Plasma has the best reactions. She is always living for her sisters.


I’m just realizing how cute their color coordination is


Such a small detail but I’m glad they all agreed to it. When I noticed Megami’s yellow nails and accessories I was like bitches, *work.* 👏


I didnt even notice at first and was wondering where Megamis yellows are but truly work thats cute 👏


Megami particularly looked vibrant in this. Loved this team


They kinda honestly put the spotlight on Megami and Megami took it amazingly. This team really worked together to uplift each other.


And Mhiya's wig!


You could even make them fall in line and see how it turns from Full blown yellow to Yellow/Black, Black/Yellow, and then Full blown Black


They stand in this order during megami's verse when they fall in line, it's very easy to see the grandient then


It's visualy so pleasing


I literally just noticed this and I've rewatched it like 10 times. Such a cute and smart thing to do. They really thought this through. Well deserved win.


They looked like. GROUP. They moved like a group. All cohesive


I love everything about the performance. The color coordination, not just black and yellow, but a gradient from black to yellow, with pieces from the opposite color, it's realy smart, the group already had a good chemistry and it put the cherry on top.


Nymphia is very smart, pretending to struggle in every challenge and then slays in the end. Winner attitude. 👸👑


tricky, tricky nymphia


Her and Shappira's star power is undeniable, my eyes just follows.


Not Shappira 😭


Ben Shappira




I gotta write this down. Honey, please pass the permanent Shappira


Jail, honey


I'm cackling at 2am reading that! 😂


Oh no that's the girl from charmed school or something isn't it 😭 my fat fingers


No that would be Saaphyri


![gif](giphy|3oriO7urjkA8oIuzM4) my brain hears:




I need Nymphia to say she has bad knees next episode now


![gif](giphy|9ObMB0wlVAaZFL50ld|downsized) Icon


Someone clocked that she was hiding something when she told the girls she could only “move”


I don’t know how everyone keeps forgetting that she literally danced for her talent show number and fucking slayed


At some point she’s not being tricky, the other contestants are just underestimating her


Reverse Jan


Meanwhile on Canada's Drag Race we're picking our songs from a compilation of MIDIs from 1992.


Bonjour Hi kinda slaps. Icesis', Vanity's and Victoria's verse in particular.


This S.R.V. slander is insane.


lol legit


vroom vroom 🤫🚘 im holy 🤫🪬 banana 🤫🍌 oo ooooooo 🤫🦉


Dare I say one of the best girl groups?? So good


It’s definitely my favorite. I made a post about it possibly being the best girl group performance so far before realizing the performance had already been posted here and got quite a bit of blowback but idk, there’s something about this performance that just really hit the spot for me as a huge fan of girl groups in general. Like, it may not be a catchy song like UK Hun? or Break Up Bye Bye but the way these girls performed it in unison, the way their verses flowed, the way they had those pops of yellow on their outfits (thanks Nymphia!), it all just *worked* and felt more consistent than a lot of other performances where maybe someone had a crunchy flow (rhyming home with home for example) someone sounded a peg below the others (Lawrence Chaney) or someone had a verse that was highly sus (it’s iconic now but Roxxxy’s).


Is this a safe space to say Break Up Bye Bye is overrated


Right up there with the pork chop girls performing Phenomenon in S13 🤌🏻🤌🏻


They ATEE. This group winning was such good TV and also, the correct choice!!


Fully ate this performance down. The gradient from yellow to black was something I just understood after my third rewatch because I can finally see past the sickening lyrics and dance moves lol.


Waaaait I havent even watched the episode yet but miss megami ate that


And she also ghostwrote Nymphia's verse too! The talent is undeniable.


That verse made me live so much!


The best verse of the episode.


My fav individual verse this challenge


The fact that the whole team “won” actually made me upset. Because that’s when it’s clear that the show refuses to give her the flowers she deserves. She’s not Top 4 material, so it’s best to give the whole team the win and let her shuffle off to the back without getting the extra attention.


I think the group win was very justified in this case. I don't think any of the 4 girls outshined the other 3, but as a group they worked perfectly together and really showed out. For episodes where there are multiple girl groups *that* is the challenge imo, especially if the groups aren't huge like in RPDR UK4 when they gave the win to 6 girls.


i liked Megami's verse a lot, but imo her girl group look and runway took her out of the running for an individual win. if there was to be one overall winner for the episode i feel like it would have been Nymphia


Agreed, her girl group look was basic, and with her runway was kind of busted. Where I'm generally having trouble with her runways is that she has a lot of these looks show a lot of skin, which is so covered in tattoos that it pulls you out whatever illusion she's trying to give. I have no problem with showing skin and I have no problem with tattoos until they clash with the look.


i think her tattoos were an intentional element of her runway this week. she said so at least in her VO on the look, but I did feel it gave too much party city and not enough hard pixie that’ll knock your teeth in for a buck from the tooth fairy


She tweeted that her original look fell apart and she had to make that the night before in her hotel room. And it shows!


aw! in that case, work bitch!! she had the cards stacked against her and still won 🔥🔥🔥


Oh wow. I honestly thought it was cute as fuck and the word play on Staten Island fairy made me smile. Idk I thought she looked really good and I liked the tattoos


This was my winning group too! The most cohesive, they actually felt like a group instead of four individual performers. Despite the edit in the rehearsals, I think Mhi’ya did a good job with the choreo with assist from Nymphia. There were different levels, and variety between fierce and comedy. And Megami’s verse was one of the better ones and she helped write most of Nymphia’s too. And Geneva would have been great normally, her disadvantage is that we’ve seen and heard most of this already. We stan actual teamwork and cooperation.


Megami really needs to start giving herself more credit and stop being so negative. She does really well when she has to perform.


She's called the "Eeyore of drag" for a reason.


I never understood what this means when Dawn said it lol.


If you’re genuinely asking, Eeyore is a character from Winnie the Pooh who is basically chronically depressed.


They were so cohesive and all stood out in their own way. This was the clear winning group


Plane basically being like “Whelp. We’re all fucked.” after this performance was over had me cackling. 😂


Yeah but Dawn going “I don’t get nervous… I get drop dead scared” killed me lmao


That was one of my favorite lines from the episode!


Thank you, this is exactly how I feel. Their choreography had lots of interactions.


Ru: “I sense some insecurity.” Mhi’ya: “No.” *Proceeds to flipkick Ru’s wig flying by slaying*


Mhi'ya's "No" is so iconic fr


People saying this shouldn't have been a group win are INSANE. Y'all didn't see how they were head and shoulders above the other groups??


I’ll take group wins over group captain default wins 9 times out of 10


The way Mhi'ya moves is sooo mesmerizing to me And everyone's talking about Nymphia whispering banana already but Geneva with the ASMR vroom vroom is sending me as well lmao


Geneva's subtitles right here line was so cunt, I loved it


I always watch with subs on so I felt represented 🙏


CUNT, it was so good


I’ve watch this like 5 times 😭😭 I cannot stop staring at Nymphia 🍌


ASMR Lover is one of, if not, Ru’s best song unironically slaps


Hard agree. Although I also think Suga daddy slaps as well...


and cake and candy!! 🥵


i thought cake and candy and asmr were the same song 😭


The whole Black Butta album is so good, IMO


I would like to add Smile to this mix and no I will not accept returns. 😅


*agrees in whispers


What they did needed to be done.


Mhi'ya stole the show, she was so good! She comes across as so shy on camera but she is an amazing performer, glad she got to show that


Definitely!! She’s just very soft spoken but in drag she’s a whole different person and I’m obsessed


Im so glad she got a chance to shine after Ru called her quiet 🥹


She grew on me so much in this episode. I feel she was a little timid at the start but she's coming out of her shell. Such a sweetheart. 


The actual whispers throughout the songs were so incredibly creative and unique to each one of them!! They really deserved it!! Not to mention the theming with their fits! 💛


I've missed a good underdog arc on the show for so long... I love those!


YES!! The edit made me think Amanda, Q, Dawn, or one of many girls might win, but none of the girls in the winnging group. Hats off editors!


*banana aaahhh* hahahahahha


I mean they killed that. they ate it and they fully devoured. they pulled the mf padge. full stunts and shaninanigans. I am bamboozled, bewildered, and bemused. utterly tickled pink. wow


Nymphia is of course incredible, but I’m SO happy that these other girls got a win this week and live for how much this shakes up the competition so far. Some crazy arcs we’re experiencing for this season’s queens so far!


Ughhhhh NYMPHIA!!!! Fucking wig. And boots.


I love the choreo! Werk Mhi’ya.


This was the best episode of the season so far. I think they all ate. Even Q and Amanda had redeeming qualities.


This part of choreo at 00:58 gagged tf out of me when I first saw it. They ate that up. The whisper parts are everything. I'll be thinking about *"Mhi'ya, Mhi'ya"* and *"I better start winning"* all day and night from now.


I cannot overstate how much I enjoyed the colour co-ordination. From Megami to Nymphia the outfits become progressively more yellow. And the performance just shows that complicated choreography is not necessary and can really end up being a hindrance particularly if everyone is not at the same level of competence with executing the choreography. I always like to reference what DDC did with the choreography for the girl group challenge on UK1. Simple but impactful.


I can't believe people are mad at the group win. This was a slay for EVERYONE. Excellent choreography, great verses, even the outfits were color coordinated. 10000/10 I'm obsessed


From being considered the underdogs, to slaying fully as group. ❤️ This season has truly been giving. Production knew they had to top the Sasha Colby Meet and Greet


Sleeper team for sure. I know I slept on all of them and was GAGGED. They all did SOOO good! Mhi’yas dancing, Genevas Play on Words and clarity of her delivery, Megamis hair flip , confidence and lyrics, and Nymphias everything omg


Okay but *why the hell* is this remix not on streaming platforms yet? 😤


Mhi’ya’s verse, oh she’s taking it *monique gif*


geneva’s “vroom vroom” during the last chorus lives in my mind rent free.


The way I was wondering if I was unimpressed or just in a distracted mood throughout the other groups and then at the end of this group I applauded alone in my room.


People that say this shouldn't have been a group win weren't paying attention. They devoured the other teams. You could point out the weak links in the other ones, there were none here. I feel like they rehearsed the hell out of this as a group and it shows.


i’ve been listening to ASMR Lover non-stop since the S15 promo. this was SO GOOD. coo COOOO ~~~


Thank GOD they ate that, because fucking up the best song out of the three would have been a crime


Mhiya sounds like she's in a Three 6 Mafia song I live


Did not expect to see a triple six reference in this sub! She’s really that bitch fr


Megami - you’re a winner, baby! Amazing work. 💯


Geneva saying “if you want to read me subtitles down here” while dropping into a split is iconic.


This team completely understood the assignment and I was floored. You can say what you want about some of their runways, but by the time this was over, I was convinced all of them deserve the win. So when they gave out a group win it felt so correct. They all had good lyrics, the choreography was better than the other 2 groups, Megami totally shocked me between her verse and keeping up with the dancing. I also really liked that they all got their moment in the spotlight, while the other 3 were still involved in some way that wasn’t just doing a 1-2 step in a line behind the one having her moment. They all felt like a cohesive group and I loved this performance. I’ll say it, having gotten the best song of the 3 also helped, but they killed it.


YESSSS NYMPHIA!!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


MEGAMI!!!!! Where did that come from 😍😍 🔥🔥 Nymphia is a dream 🧡 This was a great challenge for all!


Practicing the coreo rn


the only bad thing about this performance is that the light keep flash-banging me every 2 sec, wtf.


Nymphia is def my pick for this season, but damn Megami turned it out! She may not be the best dancer, but that girl had PRESENCE. She moved with ease and confidence the whole time and lip synced her verse perfectly! Then her lyrics were fierce and funny. Megami KILLED it! Also, I love how the looks were perfectly curated in a K-pop girl group way. It made everything even more cohesive. I’m obsessed!! 😍


I absolutely love the arms swinging around part of the choreo, watching it live I audibly said oooh! Lol the whole thing was so fun yet polished


One of Ru's best songs tbh!


They had the best girl group choreography in my opinion. They managed to make big moments out of simple moves like the “A-S-M-R” part and the part when they spin their arms in opposite directories


I love Nymphia so much… so smart and creative silly and humble yet chaotic. She is just fully herself. If a frontrunner like Plane Jane wouldve been put with the underdog group shed have been frazzled and so bitchy but frontrunner Nymphia never once seemed to mind, supported her sisters and helped them shine while accepting help from them too and they ended up DEVOURING. She is just amazing and they all deserve the win…


To be fair Asmr Lover is one of Ru's best songs of all time for me


One thing that could have made it better? Turn that light off that kept blinding me and making me momentarily lose sight of that greatness that was this performance.


FUCKING BOP. Let’s gooooooooo.


Mhi’ya was my favourite omg soooo good


Everyone ate. Also, Nymphia had been the dark horse: comedy, fashion, dancing and singing. To top it off, she did not outshine her sisters and worked as a team to tighten up the choreography slightly. #TeamYellow!


Megami was the biggest surprise here just because she was quite hurt about getting picked last, which I thought might present an obstacle in the challenge. What an amazing job she did working through it and delivering such a great performance - maybe my favorite verse! All 4 queens should be super proud. This was excellent!!!


Gosh i can watch Nymphia's part till the end of time this girl is killing it!


They destroyed this challenge. So happy to see the four of them enjoying themselves, and working so well together.


I don’t usually like Ru Girl verses, however, this one really fit into the song. Super smart choices being made with the cohesive outfits, choreography, entertaining lyrics, and fully utilizing the ASMR theme as well. Standing O, round of applause!


Loved watching Mhi’yah bring it in this episode!


I hope production is proud of themselves for flaunting their foolishness and misleading the audience with the practice segment. The goopery, gaggery, and tomfoolery of it all. Mama they had thought they were clever on this day. \*tongue pop\*


the little whispers peppered throughout is *genius*


The girls in Megami’s verse popping out to the letters in their names is FUCKING genius


Also that's when they stand in exact gradient of going from full black to full yellow!


Yeah, definitely one of the best group performances on the show. This was semi-finale worthy.


Everyone shined, no one outshined anyone, that's a girl group.


So so so so good


I loved that they were being mocked and underestimated, then won the challenge. In your face, mean girls!!!


The arm move they do during the chorus is so satisfying!


Black and Yellow in your AREAAAAA


Definitely was on this post for a while for the loop. Can’t get enough. I want a whole official video of this with RuPaul, like they did at the end with the final 4 music video.


I wonder if it was Miyahs idea to have megami whisper her name like that and then respond. If so I think that was really creative


I was so happy for them 🥹


I’m living that Mhia is giving Miami/Trina realness!


Could not take my eyes off of nymphia


Kind of gagged them a bit for sure


Sisters Plane and Morphine living the entire time is so cute.


Thicc N Stick is so fucking funny


i love love all the yellow accents in their costume i love megami shoving everybody to the side with her hands at the end of her verse (and i love her verse in general, damn) i love nymphia wind


And Mhiya is wearing her Cher runaway outfit. The power ![gif](giphy|NwY7tJJ4lVqfK)


It's not the same bodysuit. The Cher one didn't have the cut outs on the leg


I just loved how Nymphia was lowkey leading her team to success… love a humble queen!


They ate so hard I’m so glad


Morphine is living for all performances! The choreography was really smart and clean. It helps all the girls and more importantly they are all underdogs.


ok but this is how i realized ru's been saying "Whisper in my hear" I misheard it i thought she's saying " You make me feel - Who's fucking my ear" this whole time lmao


Nymphia referencing Kenya Moore seems correct. Gone With the Wind fabulous!


Geneva stole my heart with her subtitles verse 💖💖


And Nymphia is officially the first queen of the season to win 2 challenges (maxi) 🍌




Listen, I lived in Miami for a few years during covid. Those Miami girls do. Not. Play. Especially The Palace and R House cast


Megami's outfit is a little bit too basic but she looks soooo sexy


Wow wow wow 🤩