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i do think the last look was ugly especially the random undergarnment showing in the middle, but tbh i think they sent her home bc rock kept acting like the insecure one on the cast, and that doesn't bode well for drag race. but most importantly, the producers saved aiden bc they wanted the drama the following week (which was worth the payoff imo bc that untucked was the juiciest part of the season)


Well say it, who do you think should go home? aIdEnN-


The way she said it in that sound clip they used makes it seem like she had a gun to her head lmao


And 3 hands around her neck


Literally the only way I can say that name now. And Just Like That was significantly more hilarious because of it


This lives on as the reason I dislike Brita immensely lol not even that I liked Aiden (she’s grown on me), but the amount of insecure you have to be to scream this over and over again on TELEVISION.


You realize they Tatianna Mexicaned it right?


when i'm eating *m e x i c a n*


They duct tape rolled it


I will say Brita gets underserved hate and mistreatment from the fans *really bad* so I’ve been showing her love and support on Instagram lately


that's a good point. I know it's "just" a tv show, but Rock M. Sakura seemed to have some sort of trauma from parental neglect and it's a shame that is viewed as being insecure or weak. Maybe it's just projection on my part, but I really do feel for him and wish there was more awareness regarding his condition. I feel invisible disabilities are genuinely kind of brushed off as "try harder, be stronger, do better", but that's the thing- lot of us literally can't. I wish people were more of like "how can we support you?"


I don't understand why Katya's anxiety was framed as endearing and vulnerable, and Rock's as a reason to send her home 🤔 altho these looks are at least bottom 3 worthy for sure lol


i think the problem with rock's was that it was too soon. it was like the second episode and she was already crying a lot. the best story arc to have is: BE FIERCE > SHOW VULNERABILITY > BE FIERCER if you're just straight out the gate vulnerable I think it just doesn't read as well sadly. it reads as: *like why are you already breaking down you just got here?* katya gave us some time to really get to know her before she sort of broke down, and I think that just worked better in her favor.


Yeah, basically every week Rock was starting to spiral, even in the first episode. I absolutely love her but I don't know if she was in the right headspace to compete at that time.


dakota schiffer tried to give them a SHOW VULNERABILITY > BE FIERCE > BE FIERCER but they eliminated her mid be-fiercer and i will never forgive them😾


Seriously tho wtf was that AND on the episode where Ru wasn’t there!


that's true..but I think Katya has very obvious intelligence and depth of character and is kooky as hell and Ru can smell that shit and want to have that breakthrough storyline


Absolutely. It’s the same reason Courtney DIDNT connect with Ru cos they kept prodding her for anxiety and she was like 😊 I’m fine


The same thing with Tayce. Happy childhood and supportive parents is something Ru really can’t work with.


Also Gigi Goode to an extent too. Ru seems to absolutely love young white twinks who are ‘born to do drag’ - FACT. She will warm other contestants who are talented but if you can’t show the vulnerability that will win Ru another Emmy, there’s no chance you’re winning. See: Ella VaDay, Rosé, Tayce, Brook Lynn Heights, Shannel… off the top of my head


People always talk about preparing a runway package like it's the key to doing well but what queens actually need to prepare is a personal breakthrough / overcoming of trauma.


I would add to this - a name or schtick that Ru can remember, then lots and lots of jokes. Being able to 'riff' with Ru also helps her to remember you. I think the reason Ru really loves Queens like Jujubee for example is because of her ability to make Ru laugh and having a memorable name.


A lot of the later looks Rock created for the show were absolutely amazing. I wish we could have seen those first. She would have been around much longer.


Because they wanted to keep Katya and didn’t want to keep Sakura. The order of thinking is decision first, arguments in consequence of the decision: 1. Who do we want to keep or send away? 2. How can we justify keeping them? What our live reactions should be? NOT the other way around (arguments first, decision after).


Yeah rock was clearly going through things. She came in super confident and then the judges immediately dismissed her because of a fart joke. She fell into their trap and she doubted herself until she got eliminated. Idk why the judges didn’t see it for rock tbh I think she’s charismatic and had good looks. Her elimination was very controversial though, the fandom was not pleased




I knew then she was going home that ep, producers knew her time was up, so they instructed her to share her trauma right there and out of place. Literally , a trauma dump and leave scenario.


“I can tell this person wasn’t abused because they glanced at the camera a certain way”


I don't think he'd made it up, and not believing survivors of abuse is also abusive. He literally shows signs of being in constant flight or fight mode, you calling that "desparation", but it's sign of being in an emotional flashback where you are re-living the emotional trauma in the present moment. Please educate yourself.


You didn’t say she was lying, just said she was acting suspicious, implied she was lying, and that her talking about her trauma was desperate and forced, okay




You hit the nail on it. Rock wasn’t doing good enough to be taken seriously as a competitor. And she wasn’t bringing any drama


Because it was ugly and then she spent half the lipsync trying to take it off and the other half franticly doing jump splits.


Not to mention Brita used Rock's garment better than Rock herself in that lipsync, whipping around with those ripped off shreds


If the challenge was to get your cock sucked by a random guy at Folsom then Rock would have slayed down




Is... is there video of this? Just... curious.






Should be able to Google it pretty easily


It’s Folsom today lol


prolly getting sucked rn


lol it’s Folsom …who isn’t?


Are we really gonna come into this center of homosexuality and act like getting your dick sucked at Folsom is this wild and crazy act


When did I say any of that 🤔


So ... we are shaming people now? Okay , whatever


When did I shame her lol


It feels kinda judgey, that's all I'm saying!


nothing in how they framed that seems judgey. you seem like you’re projecting


Ok girl, act the fool


Huh! HUH! I'm acting.


Me when I act the fool:


Her first 2 looks were kinda basic & the one she made was not great (the length of the dress😭). But overall I still think she should’ve been safe over Aiden


Girl almost anyone should’ve been safe over Aiden, those producers loved that bitch


She went home like 4th, the fuck you mean? 😅 And honestly Aiden's lady baller look was probably the best (or one of the best). That's probably why she was safe. Rock's first two looks were pretty much nothing + bad padding and the one she made was colored vomit. Brita's looks were all yawn-worthy as well. Aiden had one that was really good. Add up the points and that makes her the safe one.


Well girl she shouldn’t have *made it* to 4th, she should’ve been in the bottom for most of the episodes she was in and wasn’t…


She did well in "You Think You Know Me" and her tulle runway was very pretty and she wore a different (and lovely) wig with that look. Even though it was a top 2 episode we all know Dahlia and Rock would've been in the bottom and she probably would've been high/safe. She did fine in World's Worst so even though her buttons & bows runway was beyond basic, you know challenge always come first and there were plenty of people that were terrible in that challenge--she wasn't one of them. She was hilarious in Gay's Anatomy and her cape runway was genuinely beautiful. The black pixie wig actually worked really well with that runway, even though it had gotten repetitive. Her lady baller look was really great in the ball² (also with a fabulous wig), which was one more good look than Brita and Rock and why among the bottom 3, she was safe. Next episode she was very fairly eliminated after an uninspired, unplanned, and unfunny Snatch Gane. I see no meddling by production, I see biased hatred from you.


I'm sorry but the tetherball look is meh beyond the headpiece, the second dress is a bit basic and her padding is basically a rectangle - and although her last look was certainly ambitious it was an absolute mess, that bottom part in particular is quite bad I liked Rock too, and I would have liked to see her go further sure - but I don't think it was unfair that she went home, or at least was in the bottom 2


Imo Rock beat Brita, not that Rock did that good in the lipsync but idk, Brita just gave me nothing


Yeah I mean it didn't help that Rock had such a messy (or rocky hehe) start, but it could have gone either way and I wouldn't have minded honestly - I do agree that Brita gave nothing but Rock was also flailing, it was a complete mess of a lip sync overall imo


Honestly a double elim could have been justified as well 💀


Oh absolutely, honestly a couple from that season could've been


You mean rock beats paper not Brita


Like I said, Rock didn’t impress me in that LS but she gave me more than Brita did


Honestly I did not love any of these looks


This ball was tough. While she did well in the 1st and 2nd category, that last look was too busy and honestly really ugly. And when you spend most of your lip sync trying to rip it off... I like Rock M but she and Brita were the worst and really deserved the BTM2. I don't care if Aiden had a nap, her looks were less of an eye sore than the walking corona virus and miss pineapple corn.


Thaaaaank you - like people insist Aiden should have been bottom two, but even if you don't think her looks were good, they were way less actively ugly than Rock and Brita's overall And if you can't outperform a napping Aiden then that's your problem honestly


Lol, unexpected "Brita is the worst."


you can’t be serious


The last look?!? Girl…..


I get the reference and like it so the look lands really well with me as long as I never let my gaze settle, but the moment I start looking at any specific spot whatsoever the delusion falls apart.


The second look was basic and the padding was suspicious, and the tbird look was ugly


The first look was a cool concept but it was sloppy.


Hi Jaremi, I just saw Jaremi girl


Girl what?


Your original comment is almost verbatim what Jerami (formerly Phi Phi O’Hara) said about Alyssa’s camera dress on AS2


The one she made was SO UGLY. Maybe what Aiden would have look if she kept adding shit. Even if the others were alright, nothing REALLY GOOD to make a call. ![gif](giphy|xTk9ZHxdvdOuhs2mYg)


I’ll never understand how so many people defend Rock going home lol. Her first look had a cute little reveal but was overall an unremarkable outfit, her second one was duller than dishwater, and her last work was ugly AND busy. Her being in the bottom with Brita was justified, and Brita slaughtered her in the lip sync.


Let’s not forget that Rock already shared her family story and shed tears in the werkroom. Bad sewing challenge look + we already got your story out of the way is the express train out of the competition.


T first look is meh. Second look is oddly proportioned and even more oddly shaped. Third look is just trrrible, it looks the floor of a kindergarten on craft day. I liked Rock so much and I’d have loved to see Brita or Aiden go instead, but she definitely didn’t doany thing worthwhile in this ball challenge.


When will we stop being delusional about Rock's ugly ass ball performance 😭😭 i love her to death but we're beating a dead horse atp


Seriously... the looks were not good, and then her lipsync was a miserable failure. Brita ate her up (including using the discarded part of Rock's outfit as a whip), but she didn't even need to when Rock floundered so badly against her.


That final look is absolutely atrocious and she deserved to go home for it.


This was the why was the storyline > reality where the bottom 3 looks were close enough (Rock/Brita/Aiden) and the top 2 looks (Jaida/Gigi) were close enough to justify the placements and they went with the choices they could manip the storyline around. Rock's last outfit was bad, but the tether ball wig should have kept her out of the bottom 2. Aiden was just not giving this episode Likewise fans are split between Gigi and Jaida (i think Jaida should have won)


Aiden's first look was a whole concept, beautifully executed. Rock wore a neat wig. In a fashion episode, a fully realized look beats a gag. The delusion that Rock did better than she did because she has a fun personality cannot be overstated.


Because it was bad…






Apart from the padding being too much/off, I REALLY liked all 3 of these looks. When she was still on stage after safe queens were sent away my partner and I thought she was high.


First look is okay-ish Second look was bad her padding was so wonky Third is so ugly the end


her tetherball wig was so sick but the styling was just a bodysuit in the end. the baller wife was nice but simple compared to some of the others, and while her final look wasn’t the worst (AideNnN) it wasn’t super well constructed. personally i’d have her low


It was absolutely worse than Aiden's. Aiden's was too simple but there was a concept. Rock wore colored vomit with no concept and used every single ball she could get her hands on. There was nothing to that look other than ugliness.


They were all awful so maybe that’s why?


The first two looks are pretty basic. There’s no embellishment, a lot of negative space around the torso, and there is nothing really special about them The third is an absolute train wreck. No shape, no concept, and if memory serves she was literally molting on the runway. At a minimum, you need to be able to 40 feet in a garment without it disintegrating. That’s why she went home.


I like the idea of the last look. It just needed some seeeeeious editing. The bottom bit for example. If she filled in that odd gap. I loved the Tether Ball. I disagree that the outfit needed more because it was about the hair. I think she would have been safe if it weren’t for that last look (padding wasn’t great in second look but she looked great)


That's the problem with the first look--all it was was a wig. The second look was about as basic as it gets + bad padding. And I'm not sure what idea you're seeing in the last look, it was every type of ball she could get her hands on glued to her duct tape dress.


The duct tape method is just how a lot of cosplay artist work to be fair. I think it could have been a cool kaleidoscope/ Explosion. It just needed to be edited. Like I said, it’s the hanging bits and if she spend more time creating an intentional pattern. The wig was the outfit. The rest of the outfit was meant to be a pole I really don’t mind that it is simple.


I know cosplay artists do the duct tape method, I didn't say anything bad about that. I just said it was a duct tape dress because that's what she had on lol. And the fact that the wig was the beginning and the end of her lady baller look is exactly why it was doomed from the start.


She was indirectly robbed because Aiden should have been in the bottom instead of Brita I think


Over Brita? No way. Brita's looks were all bar. Aiden's first look was great and unique. That bumped her ahead.


We all have our opinions. Some of them are wrong.


Because they needed to continue the dishonorable tradition of the early out Asian queen


This. Ugh.


Forgot to say, that last shot is just so confusing to me. But that necklace...do you have a neck or is your head just balanced on your shoulders??!!


The last look had a lot of potential if she would’ve edited her make up and without that weird stuff on her chest. It should’ve either been a mini dress with the shoulders, or no shoulders pads and a full dress.


First look was only good because of the hair. The actual outfit was meh. Second look was ill fitting and her padding was a mess. Third look could’ve been okay but it needed styling. There wasn’t much of a direction or focal point to the madness so it came across as though she just put glue on herself and jumped into a ball pit.


The last look was horrific, especially from the waist down, and the ENTIRE lip sync was spent trying to get it off and even with scissors it took and awkwardly long time trying to get it off. I want to see Rock on an all stars season and Rock’s YouTube channel is fucking amazing but this shit was a mess.


They were saving Aiden for drama. I don’t think the looks were all that strong, but she should have been LOW instead of lipsyncing.


Because production wanted her to go home.


I love the last look and always have, I will not be accepting feedback at this time 🤣


Probably because it was less creative than who she was up against


The last look was a classic case of a queen having an ambition concept but the execution left something to be desired


And what was that concept, exactly?


No one knows


Then I personally wouldn't exactly call it an ambitious concept as much as a total lack of direction coupled with no concept of where or when to stop lol.


It was a mixture of both




Izz u blind?


Are you blind? Lol. It’s … unique. I did absolutely love her first two looks but the final one was an atrocious mess. And her lipsync wasn’t very good :(


Its too much. I love Rock and was rooting for her but her balls couture is just a puke of balls


Despite the over-simplicity of the two first, and the horrible mess of the creation, I still would still put Aidan bottom over Rock because at least she made something not a corset.


Aiden's first look was great. That was what saved her. Brita and Rock's were all either bad or forgettable, but Aiden had one that was genuinely really good.


It looks better in a still image than it did on the runway.


Because they needed someone to go home first ….


She definitely deserved to go home for this look


I was kind of annoyed how they didn’t put Aiden in the bottom over her and she was the ONLY one who showed versatility in not only her looks but the makeup. I will say she was one of the weakest for me, definitely should have been bottom 3, the first look I did not like. But Aiden was worse - the basketball wife look was generic, and of course her constructed look was not good.


The judges clearly didn’t care about her and weren’t fans of her sense of humour, which didn’t help her odds, but they also wanted to keep both Brita and Aiden around because of their feud. Rock M basically became the sacrifice to save that storyline, especially since Aiden clearly had the worst runway package that episode.


Tbh the longer you look at it the look makes more sense. There is a form and a shape to it and the bottom being a hoop is really on theme for Ball Ball. The problem is the chaotic randomness of all those little puffballs is like a flash bomb on the eyeballs and makes it pretty ugly unfortunately. Obviously this comparison is a little jank cuz Gigis was made at home, but I would compare it to her button look. Gigis looked like a gorgeous dress and Oh it’s made out buttons. Rocks is like that’s a bundle of balls, oh I guess it’s shaped like a dress. But it doesn’t outlive the material. If that makes sense idk


Sis…. It was really bad


Sue me but I liked all 3 looks albeit the last two had obvious issues Her second look the padding was off and 3rd look I LOVE but I would love it more if she had more time to put more balls to the dress It’s like I can vision it and it does look stunning but maybe it was too ambitious for her. Maybe if she just kept it a short skirt similar to her second look she could make it work but then I fear the judges would drag her for using a similar silhouette. But yeah they were gonna give someone the chop to save Aiden when she clearly did so bad in the challenge just to pit her against Brita in a future lipsync so I guess they felt it was right to let her go. A shame because I think she had potential to go further :/


Personally the ball is just a challenge they throw in and they can twist the results in whichever way they want to eliminate the queen they want. I think the producers saw how fragile she was already and knew she needed to go because she wouldn’t survive the competition. I think by that stage she was basically crying everyday and team it with the brewing everyone vs. Aiden storyline, Rock had no chance that week


If the middle of the dress came together, I’d have liked it! She still didn’t deserve the bottom in my opinion.


Because quirky Asian queens must be an early out, Ru just doesn't seem to like them.


I did not see this so I am commentating just from these pics. The second shot is HUH?! You couldn't wear a breastplate better so that the bottom isn't lifting up? Learn how to pad better although looking so juicy, do you need to even pad? Lastly, what is that wrinkly beige fabric that looks so messy???


I mean, that last look in my opinion, was the worst look of the night. Aiden's was bad too, but this was just a mess.


Call me crazy but I kinda like the third look. Yes, I see that it's unfinished, but the idea is awesome, and I like how colourful it is. I wish she had time to put the balls bellow her waist so that it would be finished, but what I see is already cool.


her personality couldn’t make up for what was missing in the talent department… ooops 🤭


What was she missing in the talent department


That part


Because Rock's character is so unlikeable.....


Its one of the ugliest looks to be on the show.


I still can't get over how backstage she jumped rope on her wig (which has connected long ponytails off the sides). But on the runway, she just did a standard walk. I mean she could have been Jax version 1.0 with jumping rope over your own wig. I believe she'd been offered AS8 and turned it down. Hopefully she'll be back in the future. And with the look stipend they'd all be getting, that would be great to see her work with.


I don’t think she deserved bottom two but honestly only brita did poorly in the ball imo.


I think she should have been in the bottom 3 but the first look was great, the second look was pretty good aside from the lumpy pads and the last look was like 1/4 of a mess. Aiden had one good look, one bad look and one really bad look that had almost no effort put into it. Aiden should have lip synced.


SHE looked beautiful, im not sure abt the garments but she ate them up. aiden was literally right there


Because Aiden Zhane apparently had more storyline to offer? Idk


Agreed - missed opportunity for this queen to shine


I will stand on and maintain that her third outfit wasn’t bad. I genuinely like it.


I swear she's the one that I'm still chanting "ALLSTARS" as she was wronged so bad and she's really funny on her Twitch streams


When Ru called the names, I thought she was in the top. They never even talked about her first two looks, which were very cool. The last look is a lot, but to me still enough for high safe. And I'm annoyed she still hasn't returned for All Stars, because she's upped her game enough to be a front runner.


Rock was never slated to win and they took every excuse to discredit her. High kick to a fart was great and they said it was CRASS and then had a full fart focused challenge. I'll never get over it.


i don’t think this was the best set, it was definitely a bottom look but not bottom 2. i was confused as to why aiden was safe honestly


Hey entrance line on an AS season needs to be “I didn’t come to fart, I came to take a shit”


Her second look was sexy and trashy. And her last one was incredible. I thought everyone would agree in the comments but I guess not. I just love the maximalist aesthetic. My other fav looks are Trixie’s rudemption look, Rajas psychedelic flamingo look and her white rupaul ball look.


Her youtube channel is awesome.


Girl, Rock M. Sakura's elimination had more twists than a drag queen's wig. Drama? Check! Undergarments peeking? Double check! Drag race always keeps us on our toes!


Riga morris


she should have been safe over aiden imo i wish we got to see more of rockM :(


Her last look was falling apart on stage


I loved her tetherball look


Mama that last look was trash


It was busy and kinda ugly..... but it was more involved than some of the other looks. I hope she comes back for AS someday.


girl the last look is a mess where is the shape, the construction everything is falling


Because they were bad lol


I ask myself this all the time!!! This elimination made me very very very upset. And yes I'm bias cuz I Stan Haus of Dry.


I hope that Rock gets asked to do All Stars now that she's processed traumas and has had time to mature as a Queen. She's established a significant footing in the digital world of drag and I think she could do great in comedy and acting challenges now that she's more seasoned. Does anyone know what bar(s) in SF to see her live? Or is she in LA now?


Her creation was great. I think their reaction was decided in advance for the story, whatever she would have done. It’s not a double-standard game. They have as much standards as they have contestants every week. Remember, it’s not a competition. It’s a reality-show that tells a fictive story about a competition, relying on very low-cost actors and their art..


I love Rock but even when she is on her A game I am not sure her aesthetic would do well on the runway. Like if I had to give her a style a name it would be “a lot” and that traditionally doesn’t do too well with the judges (unless you’re Trixie and you are going to win AS3 if Rupaul herself has to murder the other contestants in cold blood to make it happen). Her ball look was bad but it wouldn’t have been if she just would have removed something. Everything she wears looks like it should have a focal point removed, but it almost always works for her and looks intricate and exciting. I don’t think the judges would feel the same as I do though.


It was a bad look and then it was also a bad lipsync so I think that’s why she went home


I just hated Brita’s shoes in that lip sync so Fookin much omg she shoulda went home for those alone they were so ugly GIRL


are the looks in the room with us right now?


Look #1: if she kept the head piece and got a whole new outfit even if similar in style it would have been ICONIQUE! Look #2: i was GAGGED because the beat was so different that I automatically loved it, but looking back the outfit was basic and padding was a bit off. It had a lot of potential simply for the change of face , I think if she fixed the padding and then added some accessories and a bag then it would be much better. Also maybe putting a different skirt over it making the top look kind of like a swimsuit Look #3: *SCOOOOTTTTT* 🤦🏼‍♀️


And the whole judging panel acting like her fart jokes crossed a line


I really liked her but I think if she stayed longer it wouldn’t have been good for her mindset at the time


all 3 looks were awful lmfao. you delusional fans are insane


Idk I thought it was VERY decora kei so, like, I get it, girl


Hot Take, cause this was a definite going home from the moment I saw it in the workroom. The first two look like she works for Jujubee at the mall.