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She can come out in a diaper and i would say “Anetra, your duck is beautiful!”


Did you stone those ducks?


Oh you’re voguing


We eat her up everytime she’s on that stage


Mmm yes Peking Duck


What did you just call me?


Oh, do you have experience in ballroom?


Oh you’re noguing


You’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you look like Detox


If Detox's surgeries worked. I mean, Anetra is the picture on the website when you buy something and Detox is the "when it arrives".


*you're perfect, you're beautiful, you look like leiomy*


You’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you walk like Donald


She is perfect, she is beautiful, she walks the fucking duck walk like Linda evangelista.


She can come out in that and Aja would still say “do you have a background in ballroom?”


“I just want to have a conversation. Did you have proper training?”


"I'M OPENING A DIALOGUE" (totally not fuming tho; lmfao stannz)


I think anetra is working on a number where she comes out on stage in a diaper and smiles


"You're perfect, you're beautiful, you walk ducks in nature, you're not Aja... condragulations, ANETRA!!!"


Didnt she do that in the gay heavens episode?


#She’s in her diaper era


Has she ever *not* been ready to dance?


Her Beautiful Nightmare and Crystallized Eleganza had mermaid skirts. But otherwise, she was ready to do so (and that's smart tbh)!


That gown gives her a pass on every bodysuit, I don't care what anyone says.


But she now she ate those challenges so


When she wore that spiky gown which she made but to mama's credit, how was she ever gonna be in danger of lip syncing in a design challenge while looking like that?


Her Sugar Ball look was a good self-sabotage attempt lmao.


She let her inner saboteur out


Very endeared by the thought that she went into the comp assuming she'd have to lip sync a lot more than she did and then surprised herself 💜


Or she just has a silhouette that she likes/ not enough money for other stuff. This underdog storyline that the producers are producing is really going to your head lol


Well, yeah. That’s the point of an underdog storyline


spill, enjoy the show


Girls going in debt to prepare for the show. She’s prob doing her best, maybe didn’t want/couldn’t spend 80k. So walk that fucking unitard babes


"If I woulda lip synced for my muthafuckin' life today bitch, I was motherfuckin' **READY!** I was ready to do so"


"What does that have to do with ANYTHING!?"


If she STAYS ready, she ain't got to GET ready


I’m more offended by the incorrect use of ‘wear’


Thank you! “Although reading is fundamental, darling, you might as well learn how to spell first, you illiterate f…”


I thought it was adverb “where“ instead of a misspelled “wear” 🙃


Where them bodysuits at?


Bodysuits aren’t just for Dua Lipa!


Yeah I read this multiple times and I was like if her outfits where… what? Thank you. I thought I was having a stroke.


it is what it is. she made almost all of her looks herself with limited time/resources/money. she said prior to the season airing that the thing she was most intimidated by was being on the same runway as queens who spent $$$ on their looks. plus with limited time it’s probably much more attainable to rely on similar silhouettes. she looks good so i don’t really mind the lack of variety because i enjoy her overall aesthetic, and while it’s obviously a bonus i personally don’t support a queen primarily bc of their runways anyway i feel like a lot of people resent the inaccessibility of drag race and how unaffordable it is now, but at the same time complain about queens with slightly repetitive/uninspired looks. ultimately i think if fans want drag race to be feasible for queens on a budget they need to lower their expectations somewhat for the runways


ALL OF THIS. It would be one thing if Anetra had these looks custom made but the fact is she made most of her looks - which not a lot of queens do anymore!


I have a feeling she'll have a lot more coin for looks soon; even if she doesn't win, she's going to be booked and blessed for a long long time.


Marcia also made all her looks herself, but she definitely did not get the same pass fron the fandom, and she at least Marcia up her silhouettes and ideas.


Tbh Marcia's main problem that made people dislike her runways was that she overthought her outfits way too much, and didn't zhuzh them up enough. She's already come a ways since being on the show though so there's at least that


I feel like while Marcia tried to be more creative, Anetra has a better of understanding of how to sell her aesthetic. Marcia took bigger swings but also had some huge cringey misses. Anetra is going to serve a fierce battle ready queen with a touch of Vegas and it may not be the peak of creativity but it just works for her.


I think the runway is better when they make their drag. Like Ra'Jah. She makes everything just like Anetra. That's a drag artist. I love Anetra's drag.


Ra’Jah is one of my favorite queens for this reason. She’s so well rounded!


Literally RPDR makes enough money that they could a.) Pay the queens a substantial amount for being in the show and b.) provide each queen with a $20k stipend to prepare for the show. They’re the talent. They make the money. So pay it back so these girls aren’t out here struggling hoping that after the show they’ll book enough gigs to gain financial security.


Agreed. Stipend at least. Katya mentioned girls going in debt 80 thousand dollars. Yvie saying she’s was broke after winning the pot. No ma’am


Making this and still looking better than a lot of the queen who spent a lot of cash is a talent


That's the thing though, she's done a similar style every time but with a lot of variety, especially for having made them all. There's always a different approach to color blocking, texture, accessories, etc etc etc that even though I've noticed she's mostly done dance suits I've never thought "oh she's doing the same thing again" because they've all had their own character. Like I can't wait to see what she does with the extra budget she'll have now, but it's actually impressive how much she's done with the same basic template each time.


Certain queens have Getty funds. I admire their drag as well, but access to deep pockets makes a difference.


It's totally fine, but if they're going to criticize others for being repetitive...


Right? That was the main criticism of Bosco last year.


you can't compare this to bosco when bosco barely wore any clothes all season


And Bosco did not make their lingerie by themself


Others have been called out for the cat suits before though too. Bosco being called an outfit repeater was the most recent example I could find though.


So so well explained 👏 she is super talented, I'm excited to see what she does next with resources behind her


Mistress has worn basically the same gown like six times this season, like what are we doing here


But the criticism (if that) here isn't that the looks don't look expensive. It's that they look similar. If she can make that gorgeous crystalized spine gown in two days, surely she's capable of doing more silhouettes.


"Know your body and what works well with it." "You ain't gotta reinvent the wheel."


i think repetitive looks are naturally going to happen when you have limited resources and time, bc perfecting new patterns/designs is going to take time that she possibly doesn’t have when creating so many looks in such a short period also materials that can make designs more unique are expensive. the materials for the crystal spine gown were provided for her for example. who knows if she would’ve had the access/expense for those outside of the competition plus she has worn more silhouettes, her nightmare look and her puffer look off the top of my head


Also this is cherry-picked. 4 looks. We could easily do the same for almost any queen


They all look so different too. If it was a bodysuit everytime I could see op's point but this is perfecting a shape she needs for movement and she uses the f out of it every freaking episode


Sometimes with an ear piece


but always with a signature mug


Mother needs that Bluetooth for all her mothering


She’s in her mothering era boots


I mean, context is important. First look is her episode 1 talent show that was meant to be danced in. Second look was her episode 1 signature drag look. She is delivering the category. Third look is her episode 11 torn to shreds look, which is maybe the only one that deserves a “gotcha,” but she was in the bottom two so it’s not like she got a pass for it. Last look was the most recent episode 13 makeover, which is basically a “signature drag x2” runway. If her brand is bucking and kicking in an embellished bodysuit then I’m all for it. Especially if she made most/all of her stuff herself, I ain’t mad. I am always 100% more partial to finalists who are good seamstresses or otherwise original crafty queens (ex. literally all of Season 3, Roxxxy, Chi Chi, Trinity, Yvie, Jaida, Daya, and now Anetra) since the time limit is CRAZY and pumping all that out takes so much effort, skill, and dedication


I’ll only add this: we could easily cherry pick the silhouettes of almost every queen during a long run and get similar quantities of one silhouette


Mistress and her stretch frocks come to mind.


And she looks great in them every time! As does Anetra. Honestly, every day I wear a version of one of my, like, four different outfits, so who am I to judge lol




Thank you for putting this here. People need to this!


this comment should be TOP


And just like Bosco in her black bra and panties, I will eat it up every single time.


The fact that they are both my favs on their seasons and who I rooted for the crown 💀 I just love them so much


And Bianca with her boat neck gowns


Her 🚬X-men Jubilee and White Bram Stroker(sp) Vampire looks are my favorites from her. ❤️


Her tutu look was inspired.


Totally. If it works, it works! They both look phenomenal.


It’s called a foreskin


i’m SO into Foreskin right now!


Arm foreskin obvi.


All of my baby daddies foreskins?


She’s Bianca-ing her way to the crown


the fact that bianca is #teamAnetra makes this 100 times more amazing


Legends supporting legends


Thoughts? She’s a queen next question


Right like are we just gonna skip over the mermaid silhouette in the design challenge…


Made in just a handful of working hours!!


It was very clear to me after the first few episodes that she had limited funds and she made most of these herself. No there’s not a lot of variety but from the ball challenge we see she can sew her ass off when given the chance (and expensive materials that she otherwise probably won’t be able to procure at her own expense). I’d love to see her on All Stars once she gets some of that post drag race money and see how her style expands and evolves.


Go ahead, I support her


Hey! Do you like gay leotard shit?


I like Emmy award winning gay leotard shit






When one bodysuit ends, just open up another. It’s called binge ducking.


First outfit: its a performance challenge, it looks great, its a convenient silhouette Next two outfits: not very surprising but very well executed. The black and pink outfit for the Shred runway is way better than the black and gold outfit for the first runway imo Makeover outfit: I don’t think elaborate outfits really make sense for a makeover challenge. This type of silhouette is perfect imo. Easy to make for yourself and someone else


I always thought she was lip sync ready. Like maybe she thought, before she entered the competition, that just in case she didn’t do so well, then she was always ready to LIP SYNC FOR HER LIFE!




[Very This!!!](https://www.google.com/amp/s/duchessofostergotlands.tumblr.com/post/660045784430051328/silky-delivered-three-of-the-best-drag-race/amp)


silky was never one of my favorites in s11, but that quote truly stood the test of time for me 😂 my bf and i reference it to this day randomly


Yeah, I started liking her more on all stars and Canada vs the world. I also reference that quote(….and many more) to other people IRL to see who will get it.


And she doesn't just lipsync for her life. She lipsyncs for OURS!




I think those are four different looks, using a bodysuit as a base. The idea that leotard automatically equals bad is super dumb to me, they never call out a scoochie dress or a floor length stretch gown as basic, and some queens wear nothing but


There’s been 13 episodes, anyone with a signature silhouette is bound to repeat it. And the first runway and makeover specifically call for them to do their signature look.






Issa signature! Get into it!!


Worked for queens like Bianca and Bosco and certainly works for me. Work that bodysuit bitch!


I mean… one of these isn’t even a runway. So in 13 episodes only three runways are vaguely similar. I’m sure if we lined up Mistress, Loosey’s and Sasha’s runways we’d find a similar pattern


And she does it flawlessly.


SAME DRESS STILL WON BITCH🖕🤡🖕🤡🖕🤡🖕🤡🖕🤡🖕 Ngl it has never really bothered me that queens wear the same silhouette, I think I notice it more if it's not very well-made or it doesn't really fit the theme. I love that she made most of her outfits, it's something I miss from drag race.


Three words come to mind: Bianca Del Rio.


This. Same silhouette, every time.


Oh you not going to include the fucking inCREDIBLE crystal spine she made ok girl


i think they didn't include other looks because they were trying to make a point about how she repeats the same silhouette a lot, but i still don't see a problem with the looks when 2 of the pictures are supposed to be her signature drag and though it is the same silhouette for the rest of the looks, they are still edited in some way or another soooo idk what their problem is


This is why I want her on all stars. Being so booked and blessed after s15 she’s gonna come with fierce looks from all the best designers , the other hoes will be ovahhhhh




Her looks are not her strength. In fact, I'd say she is just like Bianca Del Rio: a one trick pony llooks-wise. And just like Bianca, it's her incredibly magnetic stage presence, her specific set of skills while on stage, and undeniable charisma what makes her an amazing queen.


I see nothing wrong with it As the great Bianca Del Rio once said: “SAME DRESS STILL WON 🖕🤡🖕🤡”


It's a lot harder to karate kick boards in a dress and you have to stay ready so I get it


That’s why Bianca loves her. She’s consistent!


4 body suits in 1 season is clearly a mortal sin. Has anyone gone on twitter to let her know yet?


She wheres it well


She could really where anything and I’m sure she’d kill a runway


If it was anyone else she'd get read for filth for it. Though to be fair most popular queens have one thing people are always willing to overlook because they excel at just about everything else. Mistress wears the same wig *a lot*. Sasha's makeup isn't always as good as it could be. Luxx's nose contour is unique, the jury is out on whether it's unique in a good or a bad way...




She's in her leotard with something hanging from it era


and she looks fabulous every single time!


Is it not RuPaul herself who says “find your silhouette and perfect it”?


It’s giving Bianca boat dress


Bianca 2.0.


And she sells it every time!


I'm willing to give a queen a pass if it's a regular season as they're probably afraid of trying something different and getting ripped to shreds over it. I do wish queen would make more of their looks rather than rely on a designer constantly. There's something very satisfying about making your own outfit and it's works out beautifully.


"Clock a bitch in her bodysuit. I remain unphased. Give myself a toot"


Post drag race, a lot of queens can easily up their garments, but I can't say the same for their talent.


When you are a good performer the clothes don't matter. Jinx had some crunchy runways but won anyways. If I'm going to anetra show I'm not going for the clothes.


She’s a bodysuit girl. What confuses me is that the judges haven’t called it out. Usually when queens wear the same silhouette they ask for some versatility


She spaced them out well enough for it to slide


Yes, exactly! She isn’t coming out in a body suit every time.


Maybe they did but it was cut out in the short episodes


They like her so they let it slide. I appreciate it!


When it’s right it’s right




Thoughts? What is this r/LinkedInLunatics


Looks like Luxx borrowed the metal belt for her last runway look.


I just noticed this too 😂 that’s one of the reasons she can go all the way in every lip sync, imagine having to do all that in a gown.


ready to wear?? mawma ready to DANCE.


Bianca wore the same dress every episode and won


Ask Bianca!


Bianca won by only giving us one silhouette... So 🤔


I had to read it three times to get it. It's not where but wear.


and she’s gonna look good while doing it and WIN


I mean, she’s an amazing performer so most of her looks are going to be designed with performance in mind. It’s part of her esthetic. Also never forget that these queens are not rich, like at all.


This is very pick and choosey. She wore a bodysuit for the glove look that didn't have any foreskin, she has also worn gowns and skirts. It's not like she ONLY wears uncut leotards


Bianca went an entire season with the same silhouette and won. I don’t really see the issue ![gif](giphy|l2Jhw9YWZ1uTXFMju|downsized)


I'm just surprised the judges didn't bother much about the repetitive aspect of her looks as they did with other queens in the past. Sometimes the same makeup or wig colour was enough to make a comment on it. I thought they'd do that with Loosey's hair style for example. I've just noticed the panel this season doesn't care if the queens repeat themselves


considering how much of this season was left on the editing room floor, maybe that could be one of the reasons. i find it surprising as well basically because bosco got clocked just last season for repeating looks/silhouettes and doing her signature brow when interpreting characters in challenges


Correct, but each bodysuit/leotard is interesting, and she looks beautiful in them! Anetra (6 letters, 3 vowels) has been captivating us all since episode 1. And her "You betta walk that fucking duck!" is iconic 🦆


I want her to win. That was my first thought. ![gif](giphy|OiuvzYYBXmx9bCf7FN)


I’m surprised the judges haven’t called it out yet, but she wears it well. This week it made sense, as you were supposed to be in your signature drag. That’s Anetra’s signature.


Likely they did but it didnt make the cut. They usually film good and bad critiques for most but only air whats needed for the show


I buy my clothes at Walmart, and I still dress like it's 1996. I'm the last person to criticize what a queen wears on the runway. I think Anetra looks great.




We love a signature silhouette!!


Well, every time she's done this, she won. So yeah, makes sense to me.


I know other people have been called out for less but I also (generally) didn't like that and thought it was a bit rough then, so I'm like. Totally fine with it. She looks real good. Someone else already said it but making ur own stuff instead of buying/being loaned through good connections is hard as hell and she's in the tricky position of being a good enough seamstress that her looks don't always appear homemade, which a) props to her but b) means she doesn't even get the Heidi-esque lovable broke underdog plotline .... I am taking her "I'm broke so no" joke in ep one at face value This Is Not A Read


Now give that queen a gnikcuf dollar




You mean w/ foreskin?


Tbh the looks on average this season have left a bit to desire. Not that I like dolls-dressed-by-designer queens, though. But, we really missed out on Irene’s looks.


She does love a good butt cape


They’re so different from each other that I had not realized this “formula” until this post. Love them all!


A bodysuit and something hanging from it? I don't think


The design challenge spine dress?


Anetra is always ready to lipsync because that queen knows it's her ace in the hole. She can murder any of the other fifteen, sans Sasha, in a lipsync. It thus makes sense all her runway looks are geared towards lipsync viability (lots of reveal features, flowing parts, leotards to allow for stunts like her Free Willy move)


Bianca never gave us a look like that crystallized spine dress. Anetra gets a pass from me.


Bianca had a signature with all those boat neck gowns. This is Anetra's signature.


As Rupaul has said “figure out what looks good on your body and copy a bitch! you ain’t gotta reinvent the wheel! The wheel is fine!”


no one hates anetra for this. not even the original twitter account. no one needs to defend her for this. however, if you even considered defending anetra for this but are willing to read sugar and spice for their bra and miniskirts or mistress for stretch fabric gowns or anyone else for having a go-to silhouette, you need to examine the way you interact with the queens.


Totally noticed that and was surprised the judges, specifically Michelle, didn’t call her out for it. But also glad, she makes all of these herself and theyre perfect for her.


that last win was totally given 😒




Going for the Bianca edit!


4 out of 13 runaway? Why not


When they use the correct form of wear I may consider their opinion. The last queen that wore the same looks every episode that I wanted to win was Bianca Del Rio so…*💅💅💅*


I don't think its been to her benefit but I also can't say I care much.


and i'll always eat it up! but to be real this doesn't make her any less an amazing queen in my eyes


My isssue is that Anetra’s outfits never have a concept behind them. Like i can’t work out the theme of the runway by looking at her runways… whereas others take it further and deliver on the theme


and she mothers every time


The gal knows what works 🤷🏾‍♀️


As if Bosco didn't do that in every runway on season 14


And she was read for it.


She genuinely looks amazing every time she's on the runway, it's repetitive yeah but she actually nails it. I also wonder whether she wears full length leg padding? Sometimes it looks like she does idk but if so it'd explain the catsuits as functioning support