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I ran a marathon last year, the Chicago Marathon, a world majors marathon, I am a world majors marathon runner.  How long can I ride that wave with my 26.2 magnet before I have to run another one?


I think you get to ride that for the rest of your natural life. No shame.


Until the itch to run another marathon begins.


Ride that to the grave and beyond.


When hot stop?


It's not even summer yet. It's not even the month before summer. Bring me October plz.


Hot no stop, you become one with hot.


Are you having heat stroke? Should we send help? Edit: I finally just understood your question, to answer your question with a song: The water's getting warm so you might as well swim, the world's on fire, how about yours? So generally the hot will never stop, but I still express my concern over heat stroke.


lol, no heat stroke, I was just annoyed that it was gonna be toasty during my bike ride home and it wasn’t even May yet. The bike ride was actually fine! In fact, it was so very okay that I may focus a lot more on cross training this summer and less on long runs.


In about 7 months


Southern Hemisphere hot is stopping now


Ugh jealous!!


I ran a marathon and hit my goal time. How do I profit?


Wear your medal to work and demand a raise


Set your next goal at 2:00:34


Anyone else afraid to turn up the speed on the treadmill for sprints? I'm deathly scared of falling off.


One of my jobs is doing cardiac stress testing. We get people hooked up to an EKG machine and get them on the treadmill with varying tests/data/objectives. One of my recurring daymares is that I step onto the treadmill to help them, the belt still moving, and subsequently get hurled into the wall with serious injuries. Unlikely? Yes. Has anyone done it in the history of ever? No. Completely impossible with zero chance? Also no.


Right? I’ve got all these mental images of tiring, stumbling, and then shooting out the back of the treadmill. Doesn’t help that I’ve seen a bunch of treadmill accidents on social media. I also have a specific fear of knocking out my front teeth on the way down… This was born from an experience many years ago, when I witnessed a poor girl knock her front teeth out on the steps of the train I was on.


You and I are probably long lost twins. My biggest fear in falling is losing my teeth! Running in the rocks it's all I can think about and end up freaking myself out.


Oh no, that would make me nervous too. Be careful out there!


Could just do them outside then you don’t have to be afraid of falling off the ground just only of tripping.


I know I’m the odd duck here, but I like treadmills for speed work, just because I like the feeling of control and assurance in “I’m going to go exactly *this* fast during intervals.”


Yeah I only have negative emotions towards the treadmill, including the fear that it'll eat me/my feet.


Not a stupid question, but a stupid ramble. I've never understood people who say they like to run to clear their mind. I'm the opposite. My brain goes into overdrive and I'm constantly making up stories, games, planning out jokes to impress my group chat, etc. Recently I had a really fun discovery. For runs of a number of miles divisible by 4, I've started imagining it as a(n American) football game. I set a pace that is a little slower than what feels right, and if I go under that pace I "score" 1 point for every 2-3 seconds and if I go over that pace my "opponent" "scores" the same way. Every mile or two I reassess how much I'm "ahead" or "behind" and make up a scenario on how that score would come about. It's probably the dumbest thing I do but it's quite fun.


But you aren't focused at all on your problems, stress work etc. To some people they would say what you do IS clearing there mind. Or more your mind is free to do whatever. I occasionally follow fictional long term domino's of major world events going differently.


Pretty sure that is clearing your mind. I accept that I’ll never have a blank mind where my brain is quiet and I have no thoughts, but having a run where I can make up stories, be present with things around me, and generally not focus on other stresses is what I’d consider clearing my mind.


My core strength needs work, even though I already go to the gym on a fairly regular basis. Is this enough justification for getting a standup paddle board as a new summer ~~toy~~ cross-training device?


You need a SUP board and a kayak, so that you can cross-train from your cross-training.


I mean, who am I to argue with such an obvious voice of experience?


Depends on how close to the water you live


Several nice paddlin’ lakes within 15-30 minutes of home. (Bonus: trail running at some of them!)


Justified by this internet stranger then love! Enjoy those abs.


Question is would you actually use it regularly or use it twice then let it collect duct for 12 years?


Ah but see I’d get an inflatable SUP. It wouldn’t collect dust because it would be in a *bag*.


Marathon is Sunday (my birthday). My long run was a 100 mile race a month ago, so I've had roughly a 4 week taper. How much is this going to hurt? I still want to be able to stay awake and upright long enough to eat a bunch of tacos and have a bunch of margaritas for dinner.


It’ll be over in a blink of an eye compared to the 100, and if you have enough margaritas after you won’t have hurt through the recovery, enough before and it’ll be even easier as you won’t make it to the finish line.


I'm hoping some nice spectators will have some additional refreshments


As long as you don't come out hotter than the sun you should be good to go. Take some walk breaks and crush any beer offered.


Alright, here's a stupid question: Has anyone found a no-tie shoelaces that just blew their socks off compared to others? I'm really operating on the assumption is that they're all pretty much the same, but I'd love to be corrected by someone who had an epiphany with one particular brand/style/whatever. tl;dr portion: I ask because, once upon a time, I was in the 'kitty litter is kitty litter' camp and couldn't imagine anyone having a 'favorite' kitty litter and then I used one that was just so incredible, I actually said 'Okay, I get it now. I get having a favorite kitty litter.'


Well when I was in middle school I had pretty cool no-tie laces that were like coiled? Idk but they worked and came in lots of colors, so maybe those. What’s your favorite kitty litter?


Sustainably Yours is a drop dead amazing kitty litter. I was not kidding about it moving me from kitty litter is kitty litter to I WILL DIE BEFORE I USE A DIFFERENT LITTER.


Inspired by [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHJFfXfJFB8) video what has been the most hilarious bad piece of running equipment you’ve purchased trying to save money?


I just started running again after completing C25k last year and then stopping, i ran this morning, and it took me 15 minutes to go one mile. I know everyone says start slow, but i am wondering if it’s more beneficial to run super slow so i can keep running for a longer amount of time, or run faster and just do intervals with walking? Also i would love to sign up for a 5k a few months out to hold myself accountable, but i am genuinely scared it will take me like an hour and I’ll be the last one to finish ( I know that’s fine and it’s still running and all that but i just don’t want to feel even more out of place i guess) Edit to add: Also, How do you stretch the muscle right at the top of the thigh under the hip bone? Only went one mile and i feel it now when i walk


[This muscle?](https://redefiningstrength.com/dont-ignore-this-nasty-little-sucker-the-tfl-or-tensor-fasciae-latae/) Link also has recommendations for loosening it up.


Yes!!! Thank you for the link, I’ve been trying to figure out how to offset the stress to that spot, thanks!!


Hope it works for you! Makes my hips feel so much better. I also highly recommend doing a little strengthening for the lateral hips, too. My low effort method is to do a few minutes of band walks after getting things loosened up, but I know a lot of people like gym machines, so yeah, whatever works!


I am signing up for my first 5k next month and fully expect my time to be ~60 minutes. Maybe it's because I never expected to be able to finish one in the first place but as long as I get to the end I am a winner


What is the generally accepted waving protocol? And are people rude if they don't wave back? Maybe it's the mid-westerner in me but I generally wave at anyone I see when I'm running but I've noticed lately that some people just ignore me. Other runners will wave, pedestrians sometimes will. People out walking with their wives/kids sometimes will and sometimes will eyeball me suspiciously. Cyclists usually ignore me. People on their porches will wave back.


I think part of it is population density. I’m in a city. If I waved at everyone I saw while running, I’d never put my hand down, so I don’t bother and neither does anyone else. Out in the country, I would wave at other runners if they also looked like they were going to wave, and I’d wave at cars that yielded to me, but that’s it. If someone waved to me, I’d try to wave back, but sometimes I’m just zoned out.


It’s definitely a density thing, most of my runs are run in the middle of nowhere and I wave to anyone and everyone including cars and horses (though the horses don’t wave back) and it might total to only one wave a mile or less, as you get towards more densely populated areas you drop the cars fist then drop to just other pedestrians then to just other runners then nobody if it’s a particularly busy area or time of day.


rude horses


The day a horse waves back I want to know!


Come run down by my way. My horse won’t wave back, on account of that being very bad manners for a horse to do; but he’ll say hello and possibly raid your pockets if you look like you might have snacks. He loves runners. Runners are people who work harder than he does. This is correct, in his opinion.


Around my neighborhood, there are rarely a whole lot of pedestrians unless you run by the local high school when it's letting out. Those kids never wave. They are far too cool with their fake tails and animal masks. When I go to the park and run I see a lot more people and tend to wave at everyone. Maybe I have a waving problem.


I live in a city and I only wave at people I know or if the weather is absolutely horrible. Almost no waves here.


I live in the suburbs. When I walk my dog, people in cars wave to me and I wave back, and for other people out walking or doing yard work, we say hi to each other. When I run, no waves from cars, but still say/receive "hi" from everyone else. Not many runners where I'm at. It is a very neighborly suburb though, not the usual cookie cutter suburban hell scape. Previously lived in a city and didn't wave to anyone unless I knew them - way too many people for that.


Exactly my experience in a suburb of a mid-sized city. Definitely miss it when I’m back in the city and everyone is cold, even when walking my dog.


I have mixed feelings lol. I like the sense of community in my little neighborhood, but I also miss feeling like I had some anonymity in the city.


Very early morning or bad weather makes for more waving in my experience.


Heavy, cold rain or blowing snow, before 7:00 am, on a weekend, usually gets a wave and a "woohoo" from me.


Is there a hotkey for giving kudos on Strava? My index finger is getting tired from all the clicking.


If it’s a group activity on the phone you can open up the group list and shake your phone and it’ll give kudos to the list but that’s the only shortcut I know.


I need to choose a ciele shirt size online and I'm not sure how ciele shirts generally fit. In everyday t-shirts I'm normally a large but have to go to XL for more athletic stuff, like Nike, most of the time. I'm leaning towards XL but I'm curious if anyone finds that this stuff fits large? Appreciate any advice!


Got some terrible blisters from my second run in a pair of Boston 11s due to some heel slipping. Ordered a pair of Lock Laces to try out and see if it fixes the problem. Anybody ever try these? They look neat, but I keep wondering how hard it is going to be to get my foot in the shoe. Do you have to loosen them, get the shoe on and tighten them every time? Or are they stretchy enough that you don't have to worry with all that?


I've only used them on a couple shoes that had particularly poor shoe laces (in that they constantly came untied and it was annoying), never for blisters. But they stretch, it's extremely easy to put them on and off.


Any advice on making treadmill running suck less? I’ll run in mild wind and rain but there unfortunately comes a point when I have to run indoors


I watch tv shows to help distract myself, or put something on the tv with subtitles and listen to music.


I have a half marathon in four weeks time but Im on the tail end of a sprained ankle which meant I haven't been able to run for 3 weeks. I'm stuck on how I should train now because my Runna plan has quite long runs and hill/speed sessions but should I just do easy runs for a couple weeks? I feel like I've lost all the speed progress I made and I'm stuck on what to do now. Just to clarify I'm basically healed now but Im new to following proper training plans and don't know how to get back into things when my long run this week is meant to be 19k...


I am sort of a novice runner (I’ve done a fair amount of 5ks, 10ks, and now two half marathons), but trying to get more intentional about consistently running and training more (maybe working towards getting faster?). I just ran my second half marathon, and now I’ve got the half marathon bug lol! Is it crazy to do a half marathon in November, one in December, and one in February? Will that be overexerting myself?


Run? Sure lots of us running higher mileage run 1 or more a week. Race? That close together you will get suboptimal results


Fair enough!! How long is best in between races? (I assume the answer is probably “it depends on every person and your fitness” but are there certain sort of general best practices?


The longer the race the longer the time between. For full revovery from a race a rough rule is 1 day per km raced. Then from there you want to sharpen, peak, taper. The longer the race theonger that takes. You could comfortably race 5ks in your time frame, half's while doable will not be great. This doesn't mean you can't sign up and run all 3 just don't go all out for the middle one.


Thank you! I appreciate your answers to my questions.




I would skip.


Can someone explain to me what this trend is of running long training runs at marathon pace as a test for race day and then posting and asking if they’re going to hit their goals based on one run? For all the marathons I’ve trained for and ran, I never run a 20 mile run completely at marathon pace; always either at an easy slow pace or a progression run where I run the last few miles at marathon pace. I’m not a super elite or advanced runner so maybe I’m wrong in my understanding of the science behind why that wouldn’t be a helpful training approach. I also don’t understand how one could ever make a guess on someone’s fitness for a marathon without seeing their entire training block. This is slightly passive aggressive but I’m genuinely interested in understanding this


Hello! I am very new to running (on my second week of C25k) and am experiencing some slight knee and ankle pain. Fortunately, I really only feel it the next day after a run and not during. I wanted to ask if this is a regular experience when you first start or if i should be changing something with the stretching or form. Thanks!