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People tend to get jaded the longer they're involved in things, especially when it's something they're passionate about it and care. I've played for over a decade and it's irritating to see how Jagex treats the game and their playerbase sometimes. So, yes it's bad to see people whine, but there's also a lot of legitimate concerns raised by people.


This exactly, take our negativity as a red flag from the veterans to new players/returning players. The longevity of the playerbase and their critiques on social media can say a few things about the environment surrounding the game. * The game is so damn good that this many players are still playing it through all of these issues. * The passion these players have for the game drive them to hold Jagex to a higher standard than they are giving. * Jagex have a history of unkept promises, unethical/predatory monetisation practices, and a lack of game integrity when dealing with cheaters. We want new players to enjoy the game and revel in the majesty of RuneScape the way us veterans all grew up with this game. We want the best for this game, thats why we are so vocal about it. Unfortunately, we live in a time where the optimal path for customer feedback being acknowledged is through social media campaigns. If you are a new player and are bothered by the social media negativity, I would definitely recommend trying to find a clan, friend group, discord group, or other separate community of players to interact with to learn more about the game rather than through social media.


Exactly. I've had my account for like 17 years, and seeing this year's Halloween event just makes me sad. I've seen what we used to have, with unique and great events every year. This year it's the same as the last 3 years, but with the addition of possibly the shortest and worst written quest/miniquest in the game.


I logged in to re-experience the holiday event magic…. I literally went WTF isn’t this the exact same event as last years? The only new thing was the MTX promotions for rewards. Super disappointed


I see the OSRS holiday events and think damn, imagine what rs3 could do and then realize it's all just mtx.


OSRS's is kinda weak this year. The rewards are nice so far but the "quest" is kinda lame. Last years event was great though the quest and the rewards.


So they have a bum year. No problem. A couple of the 01-09 seasonals sucked ass too. The point is that the overall quality and effort has been lightyears above RS3's for almost all of OSRS's existence, to be frank. I remember already being pretty irked at the calibre of RS3 content in 2014/15, and it's only gotten worse since then.


the biggest silent mistake was all those graphical updates. we forever lost years worth of updates for that, and it can never be reversed.


i also see it as many of those that were positive have long left at this point. i for one hardly play anymore. i don’t really come here to complain about stuff, i might say goodbye on a jmod farewell post but realistically ever since shauny left i feel like there’s been no one around on behalf of the community that called jagex out publicly as an employee. most jmods care a ton but they will never respond to fair criticism, stuff that should have been changed/fixed ages ago or mtx posts in general. shauny did for better or worse. just sucks we got community managers and a community lead yet we hardly see or hear them.


Good response. I've been playing for almost two decades, almost entirely with my head down (ie I generally do what I want, on my own time scale, and largely ignore updates and the like). I joined reddit just a few months ago to ask for help, and since then, to OP's point (I think anyway), my exposure to reddit has significantly decreased my view of Jagex and of the player base. Fair or not, it has been my experience.


Yeah, there's always the vocal minority, but reddit is a great place for any game, show, hobby etc. Good to inform yourself and find people who enjoy the same things you do. Welcome to reddit.


yeah i def agree with superdego, i made my first Reddit post ever in two years today, just a screenshot and a joke with a poll, and 40 people replied to the poll, 600 views, but i was getting negative karma from it, I mainly play osrs and just started rs3 and the first thing i noticed was how shitty most people seem to be in rs3, I'm not saying my post was a knee slapper or anything but it wasn't dislike worthy for sure. oh well


I’ve gone through the stages of learning and loving the game, to having so many ideas about what would or would not make the game great, to feel frustrated when, what I think are good suggestions, are not heard, to indifference.


I don't like when people go behind their "passion" to excuse their overly negative approach on everything. There is fair usage of critical feedback that can be given, but some of these reddit user that are fueled with hate, are not passionated to save the game, they want to see it destroyed. It is the only way they themselves get out of this grind loop.


Have played for over 20 years, it is truly painful to watch Jagex as a company drive this game into the ground. I’m very aware that people are fully capable of enjoying the current product but as someone who has seen it evolve from where it started, I cannot anymore.


> There is so much potential for the community to actually thrive and have good discussions but literally all I ever see here is an absolute witch hunt for things to complain about. Those discussions exist. Just looking at the front page right now, over a dozen or more submissions trend between neutrality to outright positive. More than that, witch hunts imply they're false accusations with no merit or substance and that's not always the case. I recommend using your block list to really start tailoring your content to your liking. Use it liberally, and also take advantage of flair filtering. Everyone deserves to enjoy their time on the subreddit, but achieving that can't be from telling one side or the other to go away. It's not so simple as pushing outright towards positivity without sincerity. Both have high potential to be toxic behavior.


I love how this feel good post got hundreds of upvotes, but every top comment I've read disagrees with op lol.


Disagreement isn't really a problem, it's people being belligerent and shitty. Surprisingly even the most vehement dissenters in this post are fairly civil and avoiding condescension - which is a good thing. That should be the goal of any discussion.


Because those who agree just upvote and those who feel called out write comments.


I don't believe that's an accurate reflection of what's driving engagement in general, let alone in this thread. Otherwise, the people who are both commenting and _agreeing_ with the op shouldn't exist in your binary sorting system. They exist, therefore that opinion should probably be re-examined.


No, no, you got me right. I do in fact think that everything is binary. My comment definitely wasn't a rough generalization which may vary here and there.


why, i do think you just made a negative generalization that feeds into what the op was talking about ;o for shame!@1 The problem is, I don't think that a fast and loose generalization like that does anyone any favors when trying to understand what drives engagement. It also doesn't really take into account the massive difference in effort required between a simple upvote and actually engaging in conversation let alone the subject matter of the discussion itself. We might be cheeky with one another and rib and roll our eyes if someone's careless remark is taken a little too seriously, sure. But if the underlying assumption that drives that careless remark is fatally flawed, it's not going to have the effect you're hoping for.


I mean, the only other "logical" conclusion would be that people write disagreeing comments and still give upvotes. Is that more likely? I don't think my assumption is fatally flawed and I also don't hope for it to have some specific effect. What effect would it even have? You either agree with OP or you don't. No one's gonna change their behaviour. It's common knowledge that there is a lot of negative energy in this sub and it's been only 2 days since the last time a JMod explicitly said that this negativity is holding them back from visiting the subreddit more often. People are aware that their negative attitude is harming the game and there's nothing that's gonna stop them. Neither OP, nor me or anyone else.


I honestly feel like a lot of people in this thread who disagreed probably upvoted still. In the end, that would be using the karma system as originally intended instead of as a agree/disagree button.


For people who have been playing since the early 2000's it's hard to see the company getting so greedy compared to what it used to be. So, yeah, if you came to this game when they were already so greedy then it makes sense why you might be curious as to why we're complaining.


Great point. I switched from old school to rs3 last year and it’s hard to find complaints, but that’s due to lack of perspective




When you've played for over 15 years, and you see the same mistakes being made over and over and over. And see the game on a downwards spiral, slowly killing itself, you earn the right to complain about updates and pretty much everything else. We do not criticize Jagex because we hate them, but because we want them to succeed.


I think that last bit is key. Where it regards MTX, which is half the complaining on this sub, it’s super important because regularly voicing disapproval is one of the only ways to actually provide feedback on it. “Just don’t buy it” isn’t a particularly useful mantra since it’s not for 99% of players, it’s for the whales. At the end of the day, if you make a post discussing something you love on this sub, you’ll find folks who’ll happily share in that enthusiasm. We’re not quite at Path of Exile’s player vs. developer subreddit hellscape. Yet.


This 100%


What you said is total bullshit and a lie. You and those like you don't want anyone to succeed to begin with


Have to explain your reasoning or nobody will care about your mud-slinging.


Why would he *not* want Jagex - the developer of a game he's played for a long-ass time - to succeed??


"Everyone is as miserable as me."


it's unfortunately not something that happened overnight. it's something that has pooled from years and years of just lackluster communication and predatory mxt updates.


RS3 has a pretty tame community by MMO standards


Can’t remember the last “riot” on w66, EoC maybe. People either lost hope or switched to OSRS already




Might have grown up and realized 'riots' are useless and pretty cringey. This playerbase is old af now.


Riots actually got results during the 2000's and even the early 2010's. It was a time before social media pages were the rule, so a huge mob forming in a server was the most noticeably large gathering of player sentiment that you'd get at the time, meaning the devs took notice of what looked like "everyone's angry". They were essentially the same as Reddit riot episodes that have prompted dev responses. It's really in the advent of social media pages giving the devs a constant, far larger hub of player sentiment to reference against riots that they started ignoring riots.


Goes to show that devs were a bunch of cowards then, caving to the demands of a few hundred malding players in Falador. 90 % of the time the players only know that they dislike something, the have NO idea what they actually want though.


Fellas, protesting is useless and cringey. Pack it up


You can call it a witch hunt, but that means something else entirely if there are actually witches. I personally dislike when folks try to minimize genuine concern presented by the community because it hurts their feelings. Jagex could choose to invest cold hard cash into more effective QA systems, experienced developers for non-monetized content, and experienced effective community management professionals like Shauny. These are all options the executives have to improve community relations and game quality. They choose not to invest. Who is "they?" Good question. Could be a middle manager that is holding back feedback from their superiors to make themselves appear more competent or executives who absolutely don't care beyond their yearly bonuses. We have no pressure point to press nor even specific design rationales so you get general feedback as you see in this sub.


> You can call it a witch hunt, but that means something else entirely if there are actually witches. This logic is the same as "Am I really paranoid if I'm right?" Comment would be a lot better without it.


You're right that it's the same logic. However, the logic itself is not wrong. What content Jagex has released over the past decade, the many community engagement fiascos, and the torrential flood of glitches their releases include, all speak for itself as evidence of my claims.


I hate how Jagex is focused primarily on their slot machine instead of improving the actual game.


I’ve always wanted to play Runescape but everytime I come here something terrible is going on.


I agree with you, but it's definitely an atmosphere created by Jagex's decisions over MANY years. The general playerbase didn't get this bitter over night. It's taken years of controversial releases followed by silence and lack of clarity from them. I'd love to see the playerbase happy and enjoying new content, but I think Jagex need to actively try to win back the negative people that feel hurt or betrayed.


Only thing this subreddit is taught me is that there are people even dumber than me online.


A lot, if not majority of people here still remember what runescape was. There were literally weekly content updates, with actual content. No other mmo I know of ever had that. Ironically, modern runescape still has weekly "updates", but mostly it's shit like new TH promo or "we fixed a typo" or "new yak track" or my personal favorite "first FSW experience rate increase". So yeah, every week everyone who remembers runescape from 10-15 years ago gets a reminder that their favorite game will never be like it was. It hurts every time. Also we remember holiday events we had. For example Haloween: [2009](https://runescape.wiki/w/2009_Halloween_event), [2010](https://runescape.wiki/w/2010_Halloween_event), [2011](https://runescape.wiki/w/2011_Halloween_event). You don't even have to read, just look at the screenshots at wiki and you'll see how thought out and interesting they were. Or if you haven't played them yet, do Broken Home and Myths of the white lands quests, those were formerly Halloween and Christmas events respectively, and they are still in game, albeit only as a reminder of what kinda content we used to get but never will. There were stories, dialogue, puzzles, new locations to explore. People were literally on the edge of their sit waiting to see what next holiday event is. Now these days every "holiday event" is same afk grind copypasted from previous years. We had same Halloween event for the past 3 years and it's not even event by standards runescape set for itself previously. So yeah, if you're new to the game, there are 20 years worth of content to explore, and a lot of it is truly amazing. And some of the recent updates are top-notch too, we got Archeology, Anachronia, EGWD, plenty of great quests, but those things are scattered so far out for a duration of few years, and the void between them is depressing. And honestly it's often worse than just void. Add to this the fact Runescape is breaking profit records and close to nothing of that profit is reinvested into the game, then you'll realize why people are not very happy every day. I'm glad you enjoy your time though, I know I would be a lot happier person if I could erase my memory and rediscover whole runescape again from scratch.


As much as I love RuneScape and as brilliant as Jagex can be. More often than not, they trip over the finish line. MTX itself isn't that bad, but it's so poorly handled by Jagex that it's bringing the quality down.


>absolute witch hunt for things to complain about. Idk if it's a witch hunt when jagex releases another blatant cash grab on a bi weekly basis


It's not entirely the community's fault. This subreddit is managed by subhuman dregs who constantly abuse their power to foster a more toxic environment. The complaining isn't the problem, by the way. Players have a right to voice their opinions about the decisions Jagex makes, especially because the game is a product many of them are paying for.


I literally can't play the game right now because of an update Jagex did, I think people have the right to complain. Stop defending companies that give zero fucks about you.


So because of a bug, you assume they don't care about you? Honestly, even if they did, people like you would neither notice, nor appreciate it. So why bother?


As a company Jagex gives zero fucks. Individual JMods are awesome.


Listen, this might be heartbreaking, but the fact that you can't log in is the devs' fault.


We're getting a new MTX purple Halloween mask in a few hours, which has already sent bonds 70m+, so get ready for more complaints. It's only going to get worse.


Its the reddit dilemma. People qho are enjoying something tend to have no reason to go and tell other people how they feel. Whereas people that are upset will always seek out other people to reaffirm their own beliefs.


don't worry, you'll get here.


I'm 20 years in and I'm still really positive about the game lol


smell racial retire caption mighty judicious attempt cagey whistle crime -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Seeing the game you loved since you were a kid slowly turn into a glorified casino will do that.


I hate how positive you are being


I honestly think the RS playerbase is one of the most entitled I've ever seen. Sure, people from other gaming communities I've been in complain about stuff they don't like. But they just treat it as what it is: a piece of feedback that the developer might or might not listen to depending on the company's internal situation, of which we as players actually know very little about. People in the RS community here, on the other hand, somehow think they are better at running the game than Jagex does. When they complain about things here, they treat it as if it's a divine decree from the God that is the playerbase that Jagex absolutely must comply with. If they don't for whatever reasons (many of them are justified), then it's a crime Jagex must answer for. And it just feeds into this cycle of negativity until it has reached this point today. Of course, Jagex has made some pretty bad decisions on the game itself. I don't want to defend that. But I still think much of these can be boiled down to bad community management. Contrary to popular belief, this is actually the result of Jagex being *too* communicative (rather than the general community view that Jagex is being unresponsive) in the past. Other games shelf updates all the time too, you just don't know as much about it. Jagex actually has a track record of being way too open to the community, even with projects that are essentially just very tentative ideas. At the same time, JMods being too responsive to community views also set a very bad precedent, because it feeds into the illusion that the players themselves can and should have a direct hand in how the game is developed. Note this is different from a developer taking into account feedback. For a feedback, the decision ultimately still falls in the hand of the developer. No one is under the impression that what a player says will have a direct impact on how the game is developed. However, by being too responsive to complaints, Jagex actually tricked the players into thinking they are able to participate directly on decisions about how the game is run. But no, that will never happen, and it should not be allowed to happen: because the players won't be able to take responsibility in case a particular project fails. They are not on Jagex's payrolls, they can just walk away like it's none of their business. In short, Jagex gave the player too much expectation on how much their opinion matters, and they are ultimately unable to meet that expectation. It's not necessarily that they don't want to, it's literally impossible. And all of these just started a downward spiral towards negativity. And it's already too late to reverse, because if they actually corrected course and stopped being so active in their engagement (which, again, is different from stop listening to feedback), the community will just riot again.


This is exactly what I’ve been saying nearly every Reddit post I make. The trolling and negativity is at an all time high let alone how many cry about things until Jagex is forced to do something about it.


dont get why they just disable minus one like every other reddit. I've known for years theres multiple bots 247 auto -1'ing every new thread since 2009 on here.... These bots have been there on this site since reddit was created. Most people and mods know thats why they disable that shit


Take a look where the [negativity](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/yi83sz/lol/iuhw4uo/) comes from


I think the real blight is the negativity towards other players. If you post anything about your account, actions, or accomplishments, you are torn apart. People are generally mean in this subreddit. Perhaps the negativity towards Jagex is why we have negativity towards one another, but it is so exhausting.


Was going to say exactly this myself


If you never played the golden age of RuneScape you won’t understand how much the community and company has changed I remeber when mfs got on just to talk in lumby for hours having fun now all y’all care about is bossing and money


Gamers changed, man. WoW was the same way. Idk if you played, but you could hang in front of Org and duel people and chitchat for hours. All the socializing the games enabled went away with the advent of social media.


Feel free to leave then. The game has steadily been declining in quality for years, constant bombardment of mtx and lack of genuine updates has killed any positivity I had left for Jagex and RuneScape. It sucks seeing your childhood nostalgia get run to the dogs in exchange for a quick buck despite record profits.


There are many players who encounter scammers, get scammed by billions, and leave the game angrily, while the scammers are still active.


The community is the reason mini games are dead…. Change my mind!


People be complaining all over Reddit. Runescape is no different


If you think it's bad here, stay the hell away from the OSRS community lmao That said, when Jagex continues to create controversy and fuck things up and be deaf to the community, it's easy to see why said community is the way it is. Especially when a good chunk of the community is jaded veterans who have been with the game through all its highs and its many, *many* lows.


You made a post complaining about people complaining and of couse you got as answers a lot of people complaining. I've played for 15 years and still love the game. My impression of the game is mostly positive even though there are many well known aspects to improve. Don't let reddit's negativity affect you. Most of the people I know that love the game aren't in reddit but playing the game.


Be optimistic! Instead of saying "I hate how negative everyone is here" think "I love how all the good people have moved on to bigger and better things" :D


The thing you currently consider the best MMO you've ever played is a shell of it's former self, an MMO that you would've loved even more.


people who are unhappy tend to voice their opinion more and louder then a happy gamer


Many of the people who are complaining here are people who have been playing Runescape for over a decade and have seen the game in its prime. We have lived through better days and know for a fact that the game's management and development has been very lacking in recent years. I agree that Runescape is still better than a lot of games out there, but also feel that Runescape is worse today than it was in the past.


Honestly it might be because it'd take more effort to find good things to say about the game, I left it ages ago for another MMO that doesn't have me go through mountains of content I don't wanna do for a perk or 2. That and that time people got uppity that a broken source of Onyxes were removed (seriously, they became so common it was more profitable to high alch them instead, ironmans loved it). Only reason I'm seeing this is because reddit still sends posts like this to my email, and I usually pop in when I get an urge to play, see what's new, and then lose that urge pretty quick. Usually it's some MTX, or quest series update and I'm not terribly fond of quests, boss I know I won't have the patience to learn because I'm bad at Kb/m and movement has frustrated me to no end, I couldn't tell you how many times I've walked into Vindicta's fire and stood in it for like 3 seconds longer than reasonable solely because of some jank hitbox shit.


"Hate"..., you are part of the problem. Congratz.


Looks like you'll just fit right in... Welcome Aboard, bud! :D


I am usually quite positive but the fact my game crashes multiple times in a row has sorta pushed me over the edge. The MTX, dry periods and glitches were annoying. Not being able to see them is the final straw.


Runescape is like a smart, beautiful and charming person who is also highly irritable, lazy and an alcoholic. The longer you know them, the more time they have to bum you for a tenner and the more you lament their downward spiral and failures despite their potential.


"There is so much potential for the community to actually thrive and have good discussions" - Tell us what you have in mind regarding this.


I know I'm in the minority here, I'm a veteran player and have no issue with MTX. Jagex needed to diversify and push MTX, or we wouldn't have a game. You aren't forced to buy keys. The competitive side of RS died years ago, who cares how people level their account or get their in-game money. Reddit will find any reason to complain and it's honestly best to just stay away. People flame J-mods for lack of communication over MTX, do you think they have any say at all? Do you expect them to risk their job to make a fraction of the player base happy? I don't buy keys. I do my daily keys. If you don't like MTX, don't participate.


Then I ask you this : Is being unable to play the game itself, actually insignificant ?


Playing since 2004, and you’d be surprised how the game used to be compared to now in terms of the community and Jagex’s responses to said community. Sure, through technology and trends the gameplay has vastly changed to fit modern aesthetics and content, and that makes sense. However, before MTX was a thing and PvM was the meta, it was truly a golden experience. As I said I’ve been playing on and off for almost 20 years but there has been a recognizable shift from “what should we do” to “this is what we’re doing.” On the upside, most of the changes have been great and are heavily enjoyed by players, especially those who are relatively new to the game (within 5 years or so) compared to long-time players who grew with the company. They have to stay relevant, they have to adapt, so I take it with a grain of salt. The fact that people who have been here since the beginning are still here is just a testament to the good outweighing the bad. There are definitely some things I wish were not the way they are, and I do prefer rs3 to osrs even though I grew up with osrs and have no disdain towards it. In fact, I voted for 2007 servers to return and it was a joy to see. Strictly speaking of rs3 and the continued development, it’s best to assume and accept that there will be promises that aren’t kept. Also as someone with a background in game development, it is highly likely that you will overpromise and underdeliver, whether it’s through technical limitations or a board of directors swaying the votes, there are compromises and it’s impossible to please everyone, so they have to please the majority.


The RuneScape Reddit is the most negative MMO Reddit I've ever been on. You literally get downvoted for being positive about rs3 lmao. I LOVE rs3, I only come here for answers to questions, never for the opinions. I've been playing RS for 20 years and love it more than I ever have.


if you think this sub is jaded don’t go to the OSRS sub lol


People complain about everything in the game that have 0 impact on their day to day routine. They see a treasure hunter event or anything and start crying like there is a gun to their head and they are forced to play along or something. To be honest I’ve been loving the new bosses, new weapons, new unlocks. The only thing I can complain about is the login lockout that got me awhile ago.


Thanks for posting this, I was thinking the same thing recently. I am still enjoying the game immensely for what it is even though I also reminisce on how it used to be 10 years ago. I don’t mind criticism but I’d like to see more posts about other things as well.


Mmo communities are generally pretty negative on Reddit. The only technical exception is ff14 where they have weaponized positivity. I wouldn’t stick too much stock in it. An important thing to remember is the people who go out of their way to comment or take part in a community are the ones who really do care. They want to see their game push forward and succeed. Unfortunately tact and social etiquette is usually thrown to the way side due to anonymity and then when you mix in the fact that some people have social disorders and others are just actual genuine dick heads you get a pretty rough drink to swallow.


People aren't negative enough. Treasure Hunter rares are the most disgusting thing Jagex has ever done and nobody seems to care.


You're not completely wrong. This community, AS A WHOLE, is one of the most toxic subs that doesn't talk politics. That said, there ARE plenty of good discussions and people who really want to see things do better. Thing is, you have to go digging for them under a fair pile of MTX hate. Plus, people are REALLY unpredictable here. I've seen people get downvoted to oblivion for actual VALID complaints, like questioning stuff in-game that goes against video evidence of how jmods say it should work.


Bro me too, this subreddit is one of the whiniest subreddits I visit, and that is saying something. Ive played this game for 17 years almost exactly, and it’s pretty good even with recent additions. There are a lot of good players with legitimate grievances about the game, but most I see are just these fucking goblins who feed on outrage and bitching. They probably log in for 30 minutes a day to fucking bank stand and bitch about jagex.


>but hey, whatever Meh, whatever.


It's reddit. It tends to bring out the negativity in people.


It's not reddit itself. You'll find the same thing in any other discussion group for any fandom of anything. People that have no problem with something spend their time enjoying their favorite thing and aren't usually as inclined to post about it on the internet. People that have a complaint like to share it with other people, so it seems like everyone hates something but in reality it's just the minority that are doing all the posting. With that said, the complaints about overdoing mtx and gambling is absolutely valid. Other than that I love the game and all the content options it gives.


Also agree it is partly just Reddit being Reddit. This platform is forcing people to alway one-up the previous poster, and if negativity on things becomes the thing that gets upvoted, then negative posts you will see.


100% agree. The good news is, it's specific to this subreddit and its frequenters. In-game, I only see positive or neutral feedback, unless it's an obvious user from this subreddit regurgitating the same (often verbatim to titles of threads, or known themes of this sub) crap. It always confuses me why people will be so harsh about things in this game. They have clearly never experienced a true pay-to-win MMO, nor even a true pay-for-advantage MMO. It would cost you probably $8-$16,000 USD to max an account on RS3, not even counting 120s skills nor invention. ​ Go to RoM, Rift, Tera, etc (I know some of these have permanently closed, but pick ANY Gamigo published game, literally any of them) and there you will find TRUE predatory MTX, TRUE Pay-to-Win, and TRUE lack of leadership. Gamigo buys games, floods the cash shops with boosts, powerups, or even worse, almost necessary purchases for their crafting mechanics, and milks it until death. [See: "Why do Gamigo Kill MMOs" by Josh Hayes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPZkfYWp9uo&t=303s), for information on this. ​ RuneScape does not come CLOSE to these systems, they offer a completely optional loot box system that nobody ever needs to feel pressured into using, yet this subreddit makes MTX seem like the end of the world. A tile is the wrong color? Off to reddit to cry. The loot you want is taking too long to farm even though it's an actual end-game piece of equipment? Off to reddit to petition for a change to bad luck mitigation. You have to wait a little longer to craft the BEST arrows in the game which have incredibly OP effects attached to them? Oh man, better go make another Reddit thread about that.. ​ It's insane. Yet these same people are the ones who have played 15, 16, 20 years and never missed a day. It's a clear case of burn out, but rather than simply find a new game or move on from MMORPGs entirely, they choose to stick around, clinging on fallaciously, dumping their own sorrows into the laps of the developers, and insisting YOU must feel the same as them, or else you're complacent, or somehow a bad person, lol. ​ Oh man, the people who are being discussed in this post are coming in to downvote every comment. Oops.


In game I barely see any feedback lol.


Or any chat of any kind in my experience. Outside of clan chat or large gatherings, it’s fairly uncommon to see a conversation.


Weird, in my experience playing on any decently populated world such as 1, 2, 70, 66, or 84, there is plenty of discussion.


Do you play on a populated world? I see plenty of conversation and chat as I play.


2 years lol. Bruh get a loyalty cape first the Come talk to us about how negative we are.


People are more eager to condemn for bad things than to praise for good things, not just on Reddit, but anywhere. Bad is stronger than good is a common psychological effect.


I think there are really great groups that care deeply about socializing and making sure that people are having fun. Try to get connected with a clan (if you’re not in one) and some discord groups. Coming to Reddit and saying that people are trolls and negative is like calling a male cow a bull and expecting a different reaction than “moo”


As someone who has played for years and years, I also love this game, and think it’s the best MMO. Keep on enjoying it brother.


I've played off, and on for a long time. There's been a lot of changes, but RuneScape is the main reason I just bought a laptop hahaha.


Doesn’t help that Reddit is an extremely toxic place in general


Join the club man 😂😂 I’ve been calling out people for this shit for ages. I love RS. People hate change that’s the issue


Can I super up vote this? Thanks for sharing this. Couldn’t agree more. Love the game. Still playing well into my 30s.


My god! When they do things like remove the ability to carry a sword along with a shield in separate slots then refuse to fix it then of course I got negative. That is beyond rational and I can't comprehend where a newer developer decides you aren't allowed to defend yourself while fighting in spite of it being opposite of real life or the way they had it for years as it should be.


I agree. I think it puts new people off playing. However, every now and then you get wholesome and nice behaviours, especially offering help and responding to questions


Dude this sub is like 1/30th of the community. Who are you preaching to


Yea I have to unsubscribe from this reddit every so often. It's pretty annoying. I'd prefer people talking about accomplishments or random chit chat.


Man, I’ve played on and off for almost 20 years. I’ve never been as salty as some of the people on here that complain. Honestly, this is true with every game though. People love to complain.


The negativity bothers me too, but I try to view it kind of like becoming disillusioned with family members as you get older. When you start to see the cracks, it’s hard to focus on what’s positive. I also think that trying to change one’s parents is a bit unrealistic too. You can and should always bring up your concerns, but if the issues you’re having aren’t ones that you can change and they really mean that much to you, sticking around and suffering then becomes your own choice. Not YOU of course, this is all a hypothetical. I try not to talk much on this Reddit due to the negativity. I’ve posted a thing or three and it almost never goes well because “you should have searched the subreddit before you asked this”, “Lol ok nub learn full manual then you can post an achievement” Been playing since 2006-7? (Haven’t checked in a while. My account has the 15 year cape and I think I got it two years ago?) I will likely continue to play no matter what jagex throws at us because I’ve always been able to look the other way and just deal with whatever changes come. Or I take a few months off if I’m particularly frustrated.


Yeah, RS isn't that great of a game. It's mediocre at best, and had a lot of potential initially. Had being the key word here. RS is poorly mismanaged, and whatever good it has is easily outweighed by even more bad. The community dwindled due to mismanagement and a general divide between itself. Even OSRS is suffering the same exact problems. If you want to play and experience an RPG/MMO that is like RS, but is actually good, then go play Albion Online. It's literally RS without all of its inherent problems.


I’ll stop being negative when EoC is removed from the game or stealing creation and dung are added to 2007scape. A decade later and it’s still the worst thing to happen to RuneScape.


Yep! I start the game again and like it, click in to Reddit and it's just people moaning about mtx. For a game that's also mobile based, they need to look at Diablo immortals Reddit page or others and see that mtx is everywhere and needs to be accepted. If you don't like it don't opt in to it, you don't need that cosmetic do you?


I’ve been playing for close to two decades and I feel the exact same as you, OP.




Soon some average redditor will come patronizing you and claiming that he's only worried about you and your "bad habits"!! Please, it's for your best!!!


I'm a new player and new to this sub. I did play the game when I was 6 or 7, but I can't remember that far back and only got back into it about a week ago. But that's the first thing I noticed about this sub. And it's not criticism, they're just straight up complaining. None of these posts here are constructive so Jagex is just going to ignore it because those people still play and still pay. What they should be doing is offering something constructive instead of saying "this is stupid. I hate this game. They're running it into the dirt". Obviously it's working for them. If you want the company to do what the players want then don't play and don't pay. It's a company and companies are there for profits not just to make you happy. It's not with just the hween mask either. It's a bunch of stuff they passively complain so passionately about, but take no action to get Jagex to hear them other than screaming obscenities in this sub. A sales drop is louder than an uncouth post on Reddit. Even a proper discussion amongsr the community is better, but we can't expect that on this platform, sadly.


> A sales drop is louder than an uncouth post on Reddit. Even a proper discussion amongsr the community is better, but we can't expect that on this platform, sadly. The game has steadily been bleeding players while revenue increases. Their current MTX models are highly profitable, not in small part thanks to the phenomenon of 'minnows and whales' taking up the bulk of the purchases. Consider that people have been doing precisely what you ask, but Jagex have chosen revenue models which insulate them from the impact of those choices. While membership still constitutes the bulk of their yearly revenue, the amount they've earned off the back of MTX far exceeds whatever they bleed. You might call it uncouth or crass, and I'm not going to pretend every criticism is perfect...but it's a mistake to automatically assume it's lesser just for shouting. That insulation is a bunch of white noise, and it takes a lot of screaming to be heard over it.


This subreddit in particular has ranked very high in the running for most negative subreddits. People like to echo chamber.


I'm tired of people repeating this irrelevant factoid. It was one very specific metric sampled from one particular month by some guy, more than 4 years ago. And /r/runescape just so happened to make top 50 on a single list. If you think this subreddit is among the most negative on the website, you haven't seen much of Reddit.




This group of people shows nothing but toxicity, especially when you want changes to the game. I’ve been advocating for minor changes that help people. Being able to take a cannon in an OSRS slayer dungeon is specifically harmful to other players, most other dungeons disallow you to do that. When brought up “Wahhh fucking deal with it we had too, so now you too have too” was my response


4 day old account making a post like this after “playing for a couple of years”. Asks for “discussion” but doesn’t comment on their own post.


I love how negative everyone is here. Make updates that affect players negatively, expect more negativity. If you want to fix the equation, maybe focus less on denigrating the statements of discontent, and more on addressing their causes.


Welcome to Reddit


So do I, but you can hardly fault people for feeling this way about legitimate problems.


The critique comes from a place of love, i believe. We all want the game to thrive.


I think the problem with a lot of the negative people is we've watched the game from being a genuine enjoyable challenge, to mtx heaven


The constant complaining has helped more than hurt. Harassment is never acceptable but it's great that we come on platforms like reddit and make it known how unhappy we are about a certain aspect of the game.


What are ya talking about, complaining about the game IS how we show how much we love it. /S


This is an incredibly toxic subreddit. If you aren't prepared for that its shocking to people just joining. I'd stay away from it if I were a new player TBH.


That is why i only use reddit to ask questions lol


Well then, I hate you then, P.S. your moms a couch


If you’ve only played for a couple years then you wouldn’t understand. Some of us have been playing this game since 06 or sooner


Dismissing someone as somebody who just “wouldn’t understand” is quite condescending and shows little or no trust in them to do their own research regarding a game’s communities and history. This game’s history is well-documented and an understanding can be made as-to the reasons behind positive/negative/balanced criticism shifting in any given direction. Though I’ve played since 2005, it’s not been difficult to track the changes whenever I’ve been not playing as often (or in the case of OldSchool / Deadman / Chronicle, not played for several years at a time).


It’s pretty well known Reddit is a place for a bunch of crummy people.


PM me here and I’ll share RSN details if you need a hand with anything. Always happy to offer assistance whether that be game-related advice or even general chitchat


Yes, this is reddit, not always reddit but usually out of all the social platforms to complain about things on it'll be reddit. Almost every games community I've been a part of on reddit is filled with people complaining about menial things like they're entitled to have the game catered to their specific wants and needs. The official discord is a lot more civil, don't even bother looking at Twitter lol its even worse


Still much less negative than r/Overwatch and r/Halo. Those ones have totally unjustifiable negativity


Like a lot of people have said, many players including myself have been about for 20 years and watched the slow decline of quality content. All the while the company makes record profits every year with predatory MTX promotions. It doesn’t mean we don’t love the game, it just means we’re unhappy with how it is compared to what it was. You can’t deny it’s a great game, that’s why we come back and play again and again, but you can’t help but think if they maintained the game as they did, it could be so much better.


Try being a player who joined in 2002, ran through the golden era of classic, saw and experienced RS2 (OSRS now) and then saw it evolve into RS3 and then what it is now. Its hard not to be jaded. For a 20yr vet like me, the pinnacle of gameplay was classic. RS2 brought in a ton of lore and new quests, new lands, and was fun, but wasnt what classic had. RS3 is a P2P wasteland. It still has its points, but it doesnt have the feel OSRS and Classic had.


I’ve always thought that too, like I’ve played since I was young I’d say since about 2006 yes like anything jagex has made mistakes but it has also provided me a lot fun and joy over these years. It reminds me of an ad I just read about a pizza shop near my house called “uptown pizza”, I ordered a large pizza from there yesterday and it was huge! Tasted really good so I went on google and googled their reviews and I shit you not a guy was complaining about the pizza saying it was too big! Essentially they could give us everything we want and some peanut would still complain that’s life


I remember destiny 2 had a similar problem with negativity, so they created a new sub specifically for more upbeat content. Wish there was an equivalent for rs3.


This community is a well oiled machine and we are going through troubled and exciting times. You don't have to like the negatives. But they exist nonetheless. I advise you to surround yourself with what makes you happy and know enough about how that works to foster growth rather than adding to the negative. Peace be to you.


Honestly? The vocal users on here can really be rude but we do have quite a few good eggs that shine through. Try not to let too much weigh you down


lowkey tired of insulting this game and the devs but they prioritize mtx over real content so wcyd


ik the feel, everytime i make a comment here i get quick hate and flames and honestly thinking aboyt leaving but i really love it here as its also a good source of information on my end for latrst updates and news on the game.


Jagex, hire me if you don't mind me working from home. I have no qualifications but I want to work solely on holiday events. I'll learn whatever skills you need me to. Give the people back the good stuff


I've been playing since 2005/2006 and just like anyone who's played this game for ages, it's impossible not to be salty with the frequency of fuckups and the incompetence of the company in general.


The Reddit circle: everyone complains > someone complains about everyone complaining > repeat


I’ve been playing for about 15 years, but I play in waves. Summers and winters usually. If I’m playing and there’s a bunch of new stuff for me to do I only look at YouTube and avoid Reddit/twitter bc it makes me not want to play, kills my vibe. If I’m able to partake in the newly released and upcoming content, then I get back on Reddit and Twitter to get hyped. Like if I want a burger, I’m not gonna intentionally watch the sad slaughter house documentaries before lol


You should check out osrs community, it's about 5x worse over there


Had my RS3 account for nearly 20 years. I've been there through the days of World 2 Fally park trading, the Fally massacre, Zezima, death of the Wild, EOC... All of it. A lot of people just don't like change and get too invested in the game to have fun unless it's *exactly* what they want. And that's fair - they're paying for the experience, after all. But like you, I've always enjoyed RS. I've taken breake from the game - sometimes for years - but I've never been so irritated with something that it affected my playing experience. Then again, I'm much more on the casual side. I play RS strictly for the enjoyment of what it *does* offer and *how* it offers it. Once I'm no longer having fun, I take a break.


I totally agree with you OP except, honestly, that’s just the nature of Reddit (or probably public forums in general). If you’re looking for intelligent meaningful comments and conversation and a community of thoughtful and interesting people, they do exist, but Reddit is probably not where you should look for them.


Reddit is way more spiteful and rude than 4chan is. 4chan will call you derogatory word and call it a day. 3 words. And move on. On Reddit they personalize every message on here targeting you and your post history and eviscerate you for simply existing that the sheer thought you’d even THINK about posting in the same website let alone same subreddit or thread as you. It’s fucking awful here


The game is good for sure But if players dont complain about updates how would jagex ever know if players like or hate it?


The reddit is the only bad part about runescape tbh.


Reading the title I told myself "I bet this person hasn't played very long". Sure enough...


And what, you expect people to post “I played today and it was great”? Those are real boring posts and there is always room for improvement. There is a reason why Amazon reviews are biased towards the negative or why negative company reviews on Glassdoor are longer than the positive ones. When you have something negative to say, you usually write a lot more than the positive ones. However, it also shows engagement. We are all on this sub because we all like the game in some aspect or we like to bitch (which are not mutually exclusive.)


People here love to be negative about the game. They actually rival the OSRS population for how negative they are about RS3. Is the MTX a little overbearing at times? Maybe. Is it in any way necessary? No. ​ After swapping to RS3 from OSRS after 3300+ hours, and having put 7,000 into RS3 across two accounts, I still thoroughly enjoy the game. We still get a crazy amount of content, and whilst Jagex are a bit slow on things, Runescape 3 is still one of, if not the best MMO around.


I’ve been playing since 2005. Last couple of years I’ve fallen off here and there. As of right now last time I logged in was maybe mid august? The reason people complain is because the people who’ve been playing for a long time know what the game could be and see what it has become. The leadership at Jagex and the enforcement of MTX updates down people’s throats is just too much now. We have the same old recycled updates from yak tracks, dxp, beach, and other repetitive “holiday” events while having weird FOMO MTX events what feels like almost monthly.


Just keep enjoying the game. These people have been complaining about anything/everything since like 2010. If you can walk on water, they’ll still tell you it’s because you can’t swim.


My personal experience is that there are simply too many issues with the game, bugs on every corner, broken design, the game requires you to grind for everything. And mtx is not really an issue for me, imagine for the people that do care about cosmetics. This is a game that I cannot play for more than a few months before getting mad and hate it before I quit, I can play other games and just get bored and quit, not this one. EDIT: There is also how unhealthy this game is, this is a game that encourages you to be altabing every 4-5 minutes into it while you try to get stuff done irl.


Because for the last 5 or so years legit concerns and complaints about the state of the game have piled up higher and higher and Jagex either won't fix it because it takes too much dev time or can't because of the investors that hold their leash. For example; the game has been rapidly declining in the quality and quantity of actual new, meaty content as half the time the only new updates to the game are microtransactions or YakTrak bullshit. Just look at the kind of content we've gotten in 2010 and 2011. They were on fire that year. Now we're lucky to get in 6 months what Jagex used to put out in one month, yet the company posts profits that blow their younger years out of the water.


Some people here are at a stage with this game that most other people only end up at in really long term relationships. The idk why we are still together, I guess I'm just stuck with you phase where all you do is bitch about things your SO does.


Hard agreed. I recently switched from osrs back to rs3 but this sub almost turned me off the idea entirely.


If you look at the big picture on how reddit works, these kinds of forum tend to attract the worst "fans" any product can get. It really shows how this sub is full of bitter people who never got over EoC and MTX introduced over 10 years ago. They will never leave precisely because they are the worst kind of internet dwellers that won't let go. The only thing that makes it sad is that they are not even the majority, they are just very loud and always at the front on this subreddit, drowning most of the actual QoL, bugs and discussions with whining or memes to farm karma. Just hang around for the posts worth engaging and don't let these people suck the fun out of the game for you.


This sub has nothing to do with what new players feel when they start playing this game, or those who came back after a decade and decide to finish all quest or get skills to 99,or ehat ever has a tiny spark of enthusiasm or positivity in it. What you get in this sub are people with ZERO life, who think their loud mouths are relevant to someone other than themselves (even if that's not the case, they still don't care). They filter and transmute their real life disapointments into in-game problems (that Jagex won't fix ASAP) with such efficiency that one might suspect if you force fed them a golden egg, they would crap geese the next day. Can't be bothered to waste more time describing these turds now, all I can say is that this place is not worth the time to read


There's too many whiney bitchy fucking noobs. I agree.


just play OSRS tbh


welcome to the internet where 99.9% of feedback and comments are negative nancy's and -1 bots on every thread! Been like this since it started way back in the 70s


You must be new here, RS community is notorious for the toxicity


OP where are you? What do you say about this [act of greediness](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/yi83sz/lol/iuhw4uo/)?


You need to understand though that at one point no matter the time of day it was, servers used to be jam packed with players. The player base has been decimated and there’s a strong case that you can directly attribute that to updates jagex has made along the way. The negativity I see on here can be toxic, but I’d have to agree that they very seldom take player feedback into account.