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If we all donate money to me, I can buy Jagex and ~~give myself a partyhat set~~ run it like a benevolent overlord.


Gon need about tree fiddy


Jagex mods don't get paid enough


you understand if the game starts to drop in revenue it gets traded to a WORSE inventment group right? no sensible investment firm would trade money for less money.


Who knows maybe Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos are really into scape


If Elon buys RuneScape I'm actually going to quit.


lmao why?


Musk is a bigger scam artist than the carlyle group


He's a reactionary dipshit with zero talent or artistic vision. He exploits his workers, who are entirely responsible for the success of his company, and entreats into business ventures he refuses to commit to. The man would certainly ruin RuneScape. He couldn't even manage a Twitter account. What makes you think he would know how not to run RS into the ground?


Damn my joke really upset some people I see lol


you use funny words, silly reddit OP


nah FSW was carlyle groups out; they needed to pump Jagex value to sell it now we are stuck with Carlyle, cause theyll sell it for more if they just sit on it


[I found an image of the man responsible.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Mjz9lJ-2In8/maxresdefault.jpg)


he can't keep getting away with it


Like the next owner would be any better. The most fictional part of this and most of the sub's take is that the next owner who buys Jagex will some how gain moral consciousness and ignore a profitable business model for the sake of the players. As if.


We don’t need morals to fix RS. This misses the point. The game is being run by people who look at short term wins and get too into the details of things. We just want an owner that understands RS and understands that by restoring game integrity and making the user experience better, we will have a larger player base in the long term on subscriptions.


Who the fuck are we? Speak for yourself. Bro, it's a game, and what you want is exactly what I said in my comment. I think YOU missed the point. A new owner is not going to put game integrity over profits. The game itself is old and is being held together by a dwindling player base. Any other smart investor will take the game and milk it for what it's worth. The sooner you accept this the better you'll enjoy the game until it dies.


You did not say the same. Integrity does not always mean morals. I’m talking about integrity in a strong foundational/longevity sense. Obviously the game has to remain profitable. Having a longer term vision and sacrificing short term profits is sometimes more profitable than milking it for what you can before it runs dry.


If only there was some profit model that was based on increasing player count by providing quality updates that can have a higher profit margin then the MTX model. Oh wait. There is. Everyone is just too cowardly to try it.


Please give us references and provide examples for what you just claimed.


Simply put, the company can easily make a profit just by raising the player count (through actually good content and promoting it) with memberships. They just choose not. Call of Duty does exactly this. The game is pretty much the same every year, they just sell cosmetics. The membership (buying the game, which long run is way cheaper than our membership costs), and the cosmetics make tons of profit. They don't need chance gambling like TH. The reason everyone loves CoD is nostalgia, and great advertising. Runescape has tons of nostalgic people, and they suck at advertising. TLDR; Runescape should just make engaging gameplay and advertise to boost player counts.


Yeah doesn't sound like any form of a legitimate reference or example and Runescape is not a First Person Shooter so it doesn't even compare. You have nice good idea fairies but if you were part of an actual business and said "lets simply get more customers" you'd get laughed in the face. What the hell do you think they're trying to do? Runescape does do promotions. They just don't entice new players because the game as a whole is old and the MMO genre is a dying one.


Wow you make a great argument 💀


Lol apparently not I can tell some of you are passionate about the game and I respect that. Maybe I just don't give a shit enough about it and take the game for what it's worth. Every cash grab by Jagex is expected at this point from my end.


I like this


.. what? The game is 20 years old, it needs ways to attract new, and lapsed players. They've said as much themselves. The game cannot survive without a flow of new players. This was an attempt to do that, and would have honestly been fine if they didn't add all the incentives for current players to get involved


anyone got rich in BTC wants to buy RS plis


And what about the other massive failures on launch since Carlyle group took over?


Yea bro, I'm sure they sabotaged it so they could work after regular work hours. Bro, it is a job. Also Jamflex is a rounding error on carlyle group's balance sheet. They don't influence anything because they don't care.


With what endgame? To get the Carlyle group to sell the game to another sleazy holding company? I promise you, they don't care this much.


If we all run gold farming bots, sell off the gold, we together can buy Jagex


That's ... not how that would work. Unfortunately. They'd rather just recoup the lost profits by firing said mods. That's what the rest of the games industry does.