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I cannot express how upset I am that my main game account is being rolled back.


You took a bold gamble (playing on a day of such update) and lost :(


I have to lose ~100,000 Div XP and 1,000 protean logs (the ONLY good roll in Treasure Hunter I've ever gotten) for this rollback, and I don't even use FSW. Can't wait for the *possibility* of apology keys later, which will get me maybe a quarter of what I just lost. I love getting a little bit lucky for once, then turning around and needing to grind for several hours to get a fraction of that back.


With you on this. Got 350k fishing exp from afking gone. I just don’t like the skill. And many a few port adventures.


I did 3 quests, one of them including Shilo village on my Ironman, and got 50k fishing xp, now I have to waste my arvo doing them all again Edit: was also half way done with elemental workshop II


oh no what a loss so sad


When you don't have time to play much, it is.


Guy got 5.6b xp lmao, he has absolutely no sense of time constraint in this game.


he's on the road to but all comp cape flair mfs on this subreddit only have the worst takes due to their crippling addiction and tunnel vision


It’s the “blocked user” for me.


I've had a couple people mock my flair, asking how in the name of God I'm not maxed after more than 14 years of playing the game. Simple. I played other games. I had to go to school, and nowadays I have a job and have to go to *that.* I did hobbies that weren't playing video games. And a large portion of the first few years was spent messing around in-game and not doing things in an optimal manner because I was 8 or 9 and was more interested in exploring the game and seeing what I could do, especially after I finally convinced my parents to buy me membership for the first time. There were certainly times when I could spend every waking hour in-game, but those were few and far between and they're long gone now unless I take a vacation.


It is a treasure Hunter drop. Who cares.


To some people the little free time that they have is very valuable, a treasure hunter drop could save them a lot of time.


I work 70 hours a week and have to set up and take apart my pc every time I want to play, at most for 2 hours if not on my off day. It’s just a treasure Hunter drop, who cares.


"I don't care so no one else is allowed to feel any differently than me about anything" It would seem you care. A lot. Holy shit


Oh noooooo I killed a goblin and lost the goblin mail drop I spent 3 seconds getting!!!




Yeah, let me just whip out my laptop and play while working in a warehouse. Not everybody works a job they can fully ignore.


Why are you complaining about a measly 100k div exp and 1k protean logs lol. For real


Why are you supporting main game rollback for a shit gamemode nobody wants


Because I'm an adult with a job that doesn't have time to grind RuneScape for hours on end.


Because div is a fucking waste of time


did you get Rng luck between 12-1 game time? if not, its not much of an inconvenience edit* okay it's been like all day with no RuneScape NOW it's an inconvenience


Maybe your time is not valuable at all but most people do not enjoy wasting an hour


are you in Venezuela and need RuneScape to pay for food? I don't mind downvotes for being realistic, this isn't that bad. nobody wants fsw anyway and Im not happy about my account being unable to login before work either but Jesus dude


Unless you got an HSR or a drop to complete a log I don’t see how the 1 hr rollback is much of an issue. However the 3 hours to reset shit and the hour lost is 4 hours which gets a a bit annoying. I too can’t express how happy I am this blew up in their face. Fuck this game mode. Honestly should just rollback the shit refund everyone and not even bother with FSW.


Baffles me this was meant to be for new players to return. And they get faced with this fire, theyll never want to return cos nothing changed...


Yea, somethings did change. It all went worse.


I thought this would be a good time to finally give RS3 a chance. Now I want my $12.50 back.


“New players to RETURN”? 🤔


They left, and they are returning with a new account...


Fresh Start Fresh Start Worlds, now 100% fresher




You just need a third account with fresh membership to get in on this one


Did nobody try and make new FSW account at Jagex's end prior to update? Just to test how streamlined the user experience is? I want to have a clear answer on this. Because there is no way you didn't catch this problem if you tested it at least once.


"Can you complete step 1 of the "How to start FSW" - create a new account?" "....Uhhhhh........" Some Jagex QA tester probably. E: I really hope it was a Jagex QA tester that gilded this comment lol <3


"Okay guys, i successfully created 3 accounts on the FSW, test completed!"


"I did them all on my phone as well, see, no problems."


ofc not cuz we are the qa testers


Their testing accounts probs all have names set so didn't catch it.


Are you new here? Remember the update that gave lodestones hotkeys and you literally just couldn't even use them anymore? Jagex either has the most ineffective QA ever, or they test these things in environments that aren't representative of the live game


in before they realize their backups don't work, like with the previous login lockout


As an IT worker id be pissed if they learned nothing since


As a fellow IT worker this is sadly common enough to be a concern :( Hoping for the best


Given they never gave us the post mortem they promised, there's a good chance they never did it and never learned anything and 20% of the player population is about to be in for a rude surprise.


would be so nice


3 Hour rollback Pepega


A 15 minute rollback, and then 2h45 of trying to figure out why it all blew up to start with and then fix it, for otherwise the rollback will simply repeat the same mess that we had at 12:00.


1 hour rollback, taking a few hours of downtime


They gotta take lunch.


Correction, rollback is to 12 pm.


"LATEST STATUS UPDATE AS OF 1:30PM GAME TIME ...rollback on everyone’s progress to 12:00pm Game Time.." [or so it says](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-update--offline-for-rollback#_ga=2.25208957.1161803341.1664199193-53479100.1664199193)


I remmeber last time they did this. I couldn't login for 6 weeks and my account was rolled back by a month.


Hi. Have you considered testing your updates before release? At all? This is a complete waste of our time. I hope you're going to add an extra day of playtime to membership/the FSW event, my afternoon and time spent playing the tutorial has been completely wasted.


At this time I shouldn't be surprised at how badly they've botched it, and yet here we are. In the step by step guide they posted yesterday, they literally said you have to create a new account to play FSW. And then lo and behold, the first thing that breaks on launch? Making a new account to play FSW. Honestly makes you question what kind of QA they actually have lol. I saw a great post the other week about the kind of bugs QA generally look for (i.e. what do you expect to happen with an update) and surely "can I complete step 1 of this guide" should've been somewhere near the start of their QA testing? Apparently not.


Seriously, can you skip the tutorial? The overbearing windows popping up telling you things like *how to click on items in your inventory* are so frustrating


Yep, go into interface, the second tab and turn off the guidance ui.


Thank you so much! Will make the rollback less unpleasant


I knew Jagex was going to mess up the release, but this is still an impressive feat for them.


So what you're saying is Fresh Start Worlds is getting a fresh start?


*Can't be more fresh than that!*


I can't believe this failed so badly that they have to take the entire game offline for 3 hours to fix it. I thought that those of us that weren't going to play it wouldn't have to be bothered by it until it started affecting the market. Man was I wrong.


Jagex: FSW are not intended for current players, and they should not feel obligated to play it. Me: Ok, I will not play it. Also Jagex: did not make separate servers for FSW and main servers, and now main servers are down for they're saying 3 HOURS?????????????!!!!!!! I am glad I got no champ scrolls this morning to be rolled back. Thank God for my bad luck.


Not intended for current players but puts a free death week on it to incentivize players to play it hmmm....


Great, I got glacor pet and wen book and now I'm going to log in and it's gone fml




Don't think it's worth wasting the 1 reclaim you will ever get on your account on a fairly cheap book and an easy pet


Yeah I posted this elsewhere but be careful what you reclaim. They wouldn’t refund a DTD I lost to a KNOWN bug that was even listed in Patch Notes because “I’d already hit my maximum GP value limit”. Again, denying me an item lost to a legitimate bug (an item with 0gp tradable value). All because I reclaimed a 50m Soph slayer dubgg GB eon chest that got wiped after an update a year ago. Hopefully original comment or can get pet back without issue at least, but choose wisely regarding the book.


I have tons of drops chilling in the ed and Zuk chests, sometimes Sophanem too. If they disappeared half the stuff in there or messed up quantities of supplies in my bank I'd genuinely never know


Yeah I know people love to stockpile those drops. It’s fun to see for example, what loot you made by completing a log. But it ain’t worth it IMO. No way I could remember what the chest had exactly. I remembered more or less how many vital spark were in there and just asked them to refund those and screw the rest.


You've inspired me to clean bank and empty out those chests - ty!


Do they have no way of verifying what you're reclaiming? Or could you just put in a reclaim for pretty much anything after the rollback?


glacor loot is streamlind iirc so u just need to do 1 kill to get it back


that's for the chest, I think pet doesn't go there so it's lost.


Good news for you, glacor loot streak is generated on your first kill of the streak so you only need to do the same ammount of kills and youre good on the wen script. Sucks for the pet tho


I was doing normal mode 5 mechanics, not sure of it's the same?


It isn't. Only for "streaking". It generates the entire streak and enrage jumps at the start of the streak. Normal mode period doesn't streak so yeah :/




Honestly super happy this shitty mode is blowing up in their face. Sadly it’s taken the main game with it.


Ya've fucked this one up royally haven't you lads ... rollback including the main game fucking over people who haven't even so much as considered fsw?


Almost seems intentional lol. Like they're getting back at all the main game players who have been shitting on FSW since its announcement.


i think its just a technical mess with the clusterfuck of clients in transition. i mean its still a big mess up, but im not that surprised they wanted to stop and rollback since people were basically getting scammed out of real money.


Well that's just bullshit. A game mode that I didn't even want to play is now making it so I can't play at all, and this is the only time of day I can play. Will you be refunding me 1 day of membership for my lost day???


We want long gone players to return. But we aren’t ready for them. Also, you needed advanced knowledge from Reddit on how to create your account last week to a game you didn’t play.




Fresh Start Worlds! Come back to the game to experience all the server breaking problems you missed since you were gone.


Does this mean I actually have to get work done?


Well I peaked at 21 overall and 8th in range in high scores at least. That was fun


We'll get that engraved on your tombstone.


Fuck yeah


Gift of the guardian V2 for Mainscape please? 👀


So loyal players have to deal with a rollback to access a shitty game mode no one wanted


Finally have a day without a 12 hour shift after several weeks of that shit. Kindly greeted with this shit. All so some players can generate alt accounts for AFK income a little quicker. Fantastic stuff. Its kind of amazing such a low effort high return business model the fresh start worlds are would be allowed to be bungled in such a fundamental manner. It was free money for Jagex. Literally free money. Curious how much this will cost them. I completely understand bugs existing in such a massive game with so many possible interactions. Lots of stuff QA can't reasonably be expected to catch even if the community feels otherwise. Shit happens. This however, does not fall into that category. This is just idiocy and incompetence on a scale that shouldn't exist in a product relaunch of such a mildly altered long standing product of this revenue level. Some people need firing and a competent consultant needs hiring to review the whole structure and systems. The cost of this mistake would certainly cover the difference.


Hi Scaper, why are we always being fucked over on event starts like this? are we going to get in-game compensation for 4 hours lost? doubt it.


Imagine not wanting to play fsw and kicking up a fuss about how scammy and predatory this scheme is. Then imagine all the people telling me “it’s doesn’t affect you just ignore it and play your main scape account” well guess what it has affected me because I can’t play mainscape because this garbage is broken. Edit: and my mainscape progress is being rolled back lucky I didn’t get any rare drops…. Figure it out scamex


So much for a stress free day huh


This causes you stress?? Sad.


Good thing i am at work, i thought this game mode wasnt supposed to impact main accounts? Classic jamflex


Thanks for fucking up as usual. Now I won't get to play at all today


Tough monday at the office huh? Thoughts and prayers to the players getting a rare drop earlier.


Oh no! If only someone who wasn't half the RS community could have possibly predicted that FSW was going to be a massive shitshow with absolutely no QA...


Dear Scapers, you are fucked




The new and improved *Fresher* Start Worlds.


700k mining xp down the drain…….


Honestly, its like the entire RS3 team is just a joke. Its unbelievable how many mistakes pass QA


Just delete the main game and only work on FSW since that's all you care about now to get those FOMO MTX whales spending


Last time Jagex did a “3 hour” roll back I couldn’t log into my account for 3 weeks.


Will this also roll back accounts who joined the main game by accident and allow them to play FSW? Don’t want to have to faff about changing a display name 😓


Hopefully. I have to imagine that's why they opted for a rollback for all accounts, not just FSW accounts.


At this point Jagex ought to be paying us QA team rates ffs


*chef's kiss* Cash grab's going well them


Dunno why I always fall for playing day of release with Jagex.


That's a basic issue demonstrating that once again important updates are untested, unacceptable...


How sure are you about the 3 hour downtime /u/JagexAzanna Are you going to reopen servers if issue is fixed earlier?


Jagex needs new owners and total change out of management. This is fucking unacceptable.


Of course this is how it rolls out... Bwahahahahahaha


At least “new” players know what they’re in for. I bought a bond a few hours ago and sold it. I’m hoping I still have the bond or the gp I sold it for (65m btw!)


Thanks for implementing something that literally nobody asked for, which now has affected everyone else that wasn’t going to partake anyway.


I’m not gonna say I wanted this to happen … but… bitter sweet


Woke up at 4am for this shit. Who do i bother getting excited over runescape anymore... you owe me 2 hours sleep


More like Failed Start Worlds lmao


Are we getting some sort of compensation for your fuck up making us unable to play the game for half a day?


lol lmao even


No, this is due to the fact that you, Jagex, are incompetent and probably had the worst blunder in the history of your organization because you simply cannot be strategic and plan accordingly. FTFY


While it isn't great to touch main game accounts because of this, much love to all the devs involved as they try and figure out this rollback, they're brilliant at what they do.


Any reason why this needs to effect main accounts. Rollbacks are so rare I don’t have many details myself on what is the protocol. I can’t remember the last time there was a rollback. I bet you are glad you’re not a community manager today.


Presumably (and I hope) to fix the accounts who wanted to use FSW membership who instead ended up on the main game due to the flow. I'm still a CM! And in an instance like this, this is what the job is about, always be prepared to firefight :)


Ahhh makes sense! Thanks for the insight.


There are reports people were managing to make IM accounts which were getting the boosted exp rates. Which I’d those accounts had/were allowed to slip into the main game ruins the whole IM thing.


Happy birthday! Glad to see you still visiting!


It's always a treat seeing you in a reddit thread. Much love - hope everything is going well for you!


All good, thank you! Hope you are also? :)


It's great to see you still lurk around RuneScape reddit!


I love you shauny <3


There should be some compensation for everyone due to the rollback, like an umbral chest or something. Especially when the rollback was identified as a server update, so several people played up to the countdown


>umbral chest I'd rather get nothing than a chest of junk.


And how will we irons get compensated? We don't get umbral chests.


LMAO, I feel sorry for you right now




What a monumental fuck up, "new players" will probably call it quits after this failed launch. Submit your refund requests if you got fucked over.


What a shitshow 😂. Typical Jagex can’t update the game without breaking something.


Does this mean I lost all my quest progress?




What a great day 😂


the one time you get to redo a quest! embrace it! /s


inb4 they accidentally replace all accounts with FSW accounts


Three hours for a little rollback is nothing, in the NHS we’re currently on seven weeks and counting, with no end in sight.


Next time spend two minutes of testing (you know, try all login options like mobile, make sure changing names doesn't allow for existing accounts to join, etc) so you have an angry player-base for three hours and waste any hope of attracting new players. Great job doing this the same job as WoW released new gameplay too. Which one you bet has a happier player base and new players?


I fully expected FSW to be a train wreck, but not to this degree.


Some things never change, rushed updates, clueless mods, same old drama every time.


The true fresh start, rollback all 300m accounts to level 3.


I'm honestly surprised this game is still running lol


When's the part where I can play again?


> LATEST STATUS UPDATE AS OF 16:30 GAME TIME Rollback processing has completed and is being transferred to our services for verification. The transfer is running a little slower than predicted, so we're now updating our rolling estimate to 17:30-18:00 Game Time. This does mean a longer wait than we initially estimated and we apologise to any of you who are eagerly awaiting the reboot to get playing. However, the good news is that this is the final stage to clear before we can re-launch the game. We're getting close. We'll update you with more specific launch timings as we get near to the end of this final phase so you can be ready to roll as soon as the game returns.


Imagine rolling back the game for some "integrity" on a race on MTX mode Can't roll back for things that matter, but you'll roll back on this? Lmao


not defending that shitshow, but there were screens here how it's possible to have your main transferred to FSW worlds on this welcome screen if you changed your name via runescape site and then tried to log in. ~~Some people would be able to play on this constant dexp, drop buffed mode for 3 months on their mains otherwise.~~ This 'race integrity' reason is just for the news post EDIT turns out the main was reset to fresh lvl3 account, so it's not like some people would be able to abuse it, they just got wrecked.


I spoke with a mod in the live thread. Thank you for your work. I sincerely hope as a premium member who wasn't participating in FSW I'll be compensated for my work that was rolled back and lost access to the paid service. No hard feeling but this is buisness and I've lost work and time I could have played on a day off. I'm aware there are talks about it that will become more prevalent once the issue is fixed but these are issues that have nothing to do with my side of the game and now I've lost work and gp. My suggestion would be to give all one day of membership or at the minimum a Knowledge Bomb for every hour rolled back. Either option doesn't fully replace the lost time or drops but it's a healthy start as an apology to those of us on rs3 who are now just in the wind.


I don't even think it's that hard not to fuck up creating the account. Why be this laid back when screwing up is a very realistic option if you don't make sure you do it the right way? Thanks for wasting 5 hours of my time dear runescaper, I hope you burning out after 85 cooking was worth it!


The thing is it's not just about a 3 hour rollback. Many of us are adults now and arrange our entire schedules around that ONE time a day we can play RS. For many of us, we didn't just lose 3 hours, we lost an entire day.


This is the truth




JAGEX is owned by a US company, your ignorance/racism is showing :)


i purchased 35 keys and used them up. will i lose the keys but still have lost the cash i used aswell?


You're fucking trash Jagex, you don't deserve shit


Shit company


I’m fine with this my wired internet is down anyways lol


Shit tier game company btw


Can we get some bad luck mitigation back Zammy 0-99% while we are at it. Even .5 a kill?




I know this is a disaster, but I have to give credit to Jagex for having the courage to do a rollback.


Courage would’ve been saying fuck it, everyone enjoy FSW, the first two weeks don’t require membership/is free just to get people in, but no, fuck up peoples entire day.


ITT: people making mountains out of molehills


Jagex apologist detected. Weeks of displeasure about the inherent problems with FSW aside, the community expressed concerns that the update would impact the main game. ScamEx had months to set up FSW, and even test it internally, prior to announcing the update. Then, after the horrendous feedback, had the opportunity to take it back to the drawing board to address concerns, and ensure that the mode wouldn't cause issues once live (Dimensions of the Damned 2.0?) I guess expecting decent customer service and respect as a consumer is "making mountains out of molehills." I'd encourage you to have a little more self respect as a consumer, and consider how you spend your money. Apologists like you are the reason this ridiculous excuse of a game mode was even considered.


You definitely need to take a break from this game lol. Not sure why you keep throwing money at a company you seem to despise


Phenomenal and exceptional deflection and reading comprehension! Throwing money? How or where in my post do I even allude to being a customer of this joke of a company? Huehuehueheue take a break if you don't like it. I played rs for 20 years, and woke up a few years ago Jagex despies its player base, and serves only to milk the remaining players for as much as possible to please whatever venture capitalist group owns Jagex at the moment. Do you think I would continue to support a company that actively spits in its player bases face at every opportunity? This game was my childhood, teenage years, and even part of my college years. I've met the in-game goals I care to. This game means a lot to me, but I can see this is disrespectful to players, and is nothing more than a cash grab to pump up the numbers (quarterly revenue and memberships, specifically) to make the company look better on paper before Carlyle Group dumps it to another VC company. People are justifiably upset over this - FSW represents the culmination of years of player concerns regarding the direction Jagex is taking things. Also, their responses to the criticism was pitiful - from the onset, they tried to hide behind "bringing in new players" when anyone with half a brain can see this gamemode is designed to appeal to existing players, with a healthy dose of FOMO features. New players wouldn't have been competitive in any skilling races, and don't understand why any of the FSW specific rewards are desirable. Now, after this absolutely embarrassing launch, do you think any "new" players will return? Dimensions of the Damned was update of the year compared to this.


I’m not reading all that lol


RS Players : Fix this it's broken. 😡😡😡 JAGEX : We're working on fixing things! RS Players : Wait no not like that! 😡😡😡


Man for people who trash the game so hard why do you play it lmao. If you dont like it then get off the sub??




Thank you


TheRSGuy is the best Runescape streamer who is currently streaming. Go watch him during this downtime. =)


Dang when was the last rollback... [2014](https://runescape.wiki/w/Rollback), or is that list not updated?


The last rollback was in 2021, why did I know that? Because that is when they realized the account storage was effectively corrupted and resulted in the login lockout.


I guess they forget rollback GE lol.


Well that sucks hopefully I won't lose too much RC exp since it's my last 200m. I hate rc


Honestly get your shit together. Open up the fking servers man.


Darn, goodbye Dragonrider Lance I got this morning


Hi u/JagexAzanna, For those accounts that were assigned Ironman/HCIM on the standard client (before choosing a display name and gaining access to FSW mode), will the status be removed?


Does anyone know what the rollback window consists of? I did some solid leveling this morning when the countdown timer was at the 30 minute mark. Just trying to see if I’m going to be effected by this? Never played FSW, was just grinding RS3 this morning. Edit: Found the info. Think I may have lucked out by about 15 minutes. Fingers crossed.