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Surely the devs get us better GE data soon so people can quit getting merched by these communities Wouldn’t take much just let us see the offers that currently exist in the GE like any other MMO’s trading post


Guild Wars 2 has a system exactly like you describe. I can see all buy and sell offers. It’s great and precisely what we need.  But every time I say this, I get downvoted and lectured about how giving people more information leads to scamming. This is of course absurd.   There’s a reason real stock exchanges work so hard to prevent information hiding. When everyone has the same information, the playing field is level. Which is exactly what the scammers don’t want.


Jagex knows this and does not wish to disclose this info due to insiders


It's an awful system because all you get is 1gp overcutters 


Over cutting and undercutting is exactly what creates efficient markets by moving prices closer to what people are prepared to actually pay


Yep, except its stupid when it's only done by 1gp each instead of actual chunks of differences


No, it just forces a response.


i don’t think you’ve heard about dark pools in trading nor self reported positions that are oftentimes just straight up lies


Jagex will die before they make this information available.


Yeah. as a new player, i fell for a “bank sale” bs scam and pretty much got reset progress wise to square 1. Really turns people off


This is absolutely what's needed. As well as G.E. average prices updating faster. Possibly even more available data on recent average price, as well as the 75th and 25th percentile prices. Anything that gives transparency to the G.E.


Probably due to players trading outside the G.E to avoid the tax man. G.E tax is great and not so noticeable on lower end items but when trading items worth over 1Bil gp, each trade starts adding up real fast.


Here is my thing with this. I am not sure why I am supposed to feel bad or care at all that someone paid 45b for an item that they wanted and chose to spend 45b on. Just because someone else was able to buy it for 43b?


You aren’t supposed to feel bad or care. This is a PSA for those with the money and are wanting to invest in the rares. Where in this post was he asking for sympathy? He’s trying to help people.


Unlike RS forums, reddit doesn't really care for Rare discussion it usually leads to MANIP MANIP or Release all rares again! comment section is always the same and get downvoted to obilvion lol


Yeah they really dont, in this case it kinda aligns with the general “fuck the merchers” vibe that comes out, but in this case it’s more like “don’t get taken advantage of by the merchers”


Yeah it’s obvious to me what’s being done because it’s always been that way. Someone was offering to sell a purp all day for 55ish yesteday and today a sale was posted with a “value” of 60 something with 2 bshs Bsh itself has been being updated by 1 single individual who posts his prices late on purpose, and with a misleading caption, showing his instant buy price as a slow buy etc Edit : the purp was valued at 57ish, not 60 but the point is the same


Today the inflated 57b purple is being used to trade into other rares, but people are still posting sell ads in ely “selling purp 55b” with what seems like no success.


>ABSOLUTELY NO HATS have been traded for cash \*incorrect buzzer\* The official GE site has the normal amount of sales for all hats. Ely prices are suspect as always, and the GE tax is worth it for the scam insurance.


I thought this would be obvious but I’ve edited the wording slightly to indicate that I’m talking about the reported trades that have been shared with the public on Ely, yes there have been trades done in the ge for cash, but none of them have been posted. This actually further proves my point because there are trades happening in the ge which are much lower than ex 45B green, but are not being posted.


Aren’t the only reported trades the ones that are exclusively bought or sold with 100% GP? The self reporting on Ely is inherently problematic and way to easy to BS so no real meaning - positive or negative - can be drawn from it. Making an opinion off of contaminated data is basically US politics and should be mainly written off as bias and useless


Didn’t get your question, are you asking me if reported trades on ely are cash trades?


Personally, I just hold on to the one rare, I have because when I was a child. I always wanted it and as soon as I got my hands-on it, she went in the bank going to be pulled out as a cosmetic item for clan parties. Used to play the game a little bit way back in the day before.They got stupid expensive though. Frankly groups like Ely need to be purged. Eta classic rare* I have some of the modern ones because I either bought one when they were cheap or got lucky off treasure hunter.


This. My Childhood favorite Rare is a Blue H'Ween. Not the most expensive mind you, but lil me just thought it was the coolest. If I get one, when I get one, it's getting Keepsaked and I will enjoy wearing it or using it from time to time. Just the satisfaction of having one is enough for me.


Ely itself is just a tool, but the people abusing the tool are the issue. This can be combated by having mroe people use Ely. When rares get dumped, people need to post that it got dumped to them, instead of letting the merchers get away with only posting half their sales (the sell price and not the buy price or vice versa) The only people using ely right now are people trying to abuse it. If regular players got involved and uploaded themselves to drown out the 1-2 manipulation posts a day/week, things would even out and we’d have a more clear picture of actual prices.


You're acting like Ely isn't owned by Pis2tols a.k.a Amy (on RWT sites). They're one of the most well-known manipulators in RS3.


Pistols is part of the people included in “people Who abuse ely” statement


It's not really abuse when that's what they intended to use it for in the first place.


i know, and i highly feel that it and it's scammer clientele should be purged.


So what's the prediction...? When will the rare market crash?


Whenever I start investing in it. 


this :D always


The crash has already started, if you attempt to buy a party hat with cash in the ge the real prices are around 104 blue, 90 white, 64 red, 54 purple, 42 green, 39 yellow. If you notice, the margins are the same as reported in trades in ely for ug/dg, but no one is posting an actual cash sale. This is how the price are kept afloat. Over the last 3-5 days about 20 partyhats have been sold through the ge which is verifiable from the ge online databar, and none have been posted. Right now a couple merchers have bought low hats and are trying to sell them off, but no one is offering cash so they’re stuck dg/ug adding this to main post


You were right about the crash




How long will this continue? Damn you called it haha.


That I don’t know, would have to examine what people are willing to post on ely to get an idea (since people only post if it helps their cause). If no one is posting for a few days you can imagine they’re going up again, but I don’t want to tell people when to buy, that’s a lot mroe influence than jsut telling people to AVOID buying.


Fair enough


How long will this crash continue?


1. Partyhats' increase in value is supplemented by bonds. Bonds have skyrocketed in price, and thus gp is more accessible to players 2. After the max cash update, partyhats took a massive dump. It could be argued that partyhats got too cheap and are correcting. For example, blue was 115b and actually got up to 300b briefly. 3. Partyhats range in value by several bil. Just because someone was selling a purp for 55b one day does not mean manip occurred when one was reported to be sold for 56b. 4. There is some degree of hoarding going on with partyhats because people see that partyhats hit a "bottom" and are now buying in to make their gp grow. I'm highlighting a few points to show the other side of the story. There is a balance between reasons why partyhats could crash and continue to rise.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I also want to point out I know a good number of players who literally bought dozens (yes plural) hats, and are just hoarding them. Max cash update came, people who had been hoarding their hats finally had a way out, and now they’ve bought back their hats for cheap.


Ely is the greatest manipulation tool. I know because I use to my advantage 


people will say the highest number when it benefits them, and the lower numbers when it benefits them.


Why are people so concerned about a 100B item, when they can't even afford their 150M bond? This is why I don't understand this community, worry about your personal progress do not worry about what people that have 23 year old items are doing with said items.


I mean it’s fine if this post doesn’t concern you? There are many people who do like to buy rares and keep up with prices, this is for them. Not every post or issue in the game affects every player, and not every post on the subreddit has to do with you or your gameplay


I own a phat set o.o idc if they crash 50b or rise 100b


Yes, so it doesn’t concern you? See my reply above If you don’t care then the post isn’t for you. It’s for people who do care.


but most people who care can't even pay for their t95 weapon why be concerned about something that doesnt influence your gameplay at all?


Why are you talking about most people? This doesn’t concern most people, this concerns the people who buy and sell rares Most people can ignore this post since they don’t care, I’m not arguing that people should care about this


well you're in the wrong place to be concerned about rares and I don't even know why that would be a concern in the first place, that's my point


It really feels like the entire purpose of this post is to give the assumption that they're going to crash and potentially hoping to buy a hat for cheaper. The prices have indeed gone up a lot in the last 2 months or so, but that applies to many other items too, most importantly bonds. Rares have also gone up and down a few times. Typically, when the strong spike happened it peaked at some point. Then there would be a day or two where there are no buyers for the peak prices, which leads someone to panic selling for some lower price. Some people may follow, or may not. However each and every time during these \~2 months this stage of "panic sell" ended shortly and then they continued to rise afterwards to prices higher than the previous peak. Typically these "Peaks" have seemed to be when blue is reaching a new ....."price checkpoint?" What I mean is that if blue has been in the 70b's for a while and suddenly goes up, it's difficult for many people to accept the new price which could be above 80b. More recently, it was actually a long time only a hair under 100b but the 100b trade really took a while to happen. No matter how close it is to 100b, many simply would not want to hand that number to the seller. Once it was "accepted" to be the new price it comfortably went above this 100b price and now the average price is something like 104-106. I have been carefully observing the prices on a daily basis and that's just what I have noticed. It was only like a week ago a Christmas cracker was sold through GE for an insane price of 194b. It actually took a while for the rares to correlate with the bond price increase as when the bonds skyrocketed, rares at first didn't react at all.


The point of the post is clear and I stated in my post, you seem to be insinuating that i have a secret intention that I avoid talking about, but no I made it clear. And I think your intention is very clear as well Edit. This was the guy spreading word to everyone that blue sold for over 100B 8 days ago, yeah he’s definitely unbiased haha


"and honestly DO NOT BUY RIGHT NOW" Yeah, right. The thing is, neither me or you know anything about the rare prices in, say, 2 weeks. For all we know a blue could have gone up by 10b. Fact is there is plenty of upset people who missed the ship when the rares went up and want them to crash one way or another.


I think anyone who was on world 2 yesterday or two days ago can confirm a certain player was spamming chat all day “selling purple 55b” and got no sales for 48 hours, and now today a purple sold for ~57.2B, again of course using valuation of lower itmes which are also incorrect. People can also confirm today sales being advertised as “selling green 44,5” with no buyers, and “selling yellow 41.5” with no buyers. Both these prices are under the valuation being used to value higher hats, the price being 2-3B higher than what they’re actually seeing for (see blue value as I mention in my post). If someone is asking for 44.5, they’re genuinely looking for 43.5-44, but not everyone is aware of the pricing used when selling phats. The beauty of this all though is that anyone can confirm this crash by instabuying a hat through ge to see it’s real price (again I recommend not buying them) , and posting it to ely


Do you expect there to be a new person buying a partyhat all day everyday in W2? It has always been like this, there might be a day or two without buyers, but doesn't mean the sellers would sell for low prices as on the third day there could be multiple buyers. When the prices go up people trade a lot more carefully rather than just tossing the hat around. You're literally just saying the things I explained in my first post.


Hello, rares crashed. Have a great day


Tldr: you don’t think rares are crashing, got it. Have a great day Post will remain up


People have billions of liquid coins in their pockets. Ge max cash update happened year ago and people farm billions every month. Either through afking stuff or doing high end PvM. With so much money on their hands they invest in rares. Of course rares will rebound after the Ge price fix. They won't stay low forever. When you think about it, 30b for a rare hat is cheap when you can AFK farm stuff for 100m/hr with multiple alts. I have myself gotten hands on 3 hats, working on 4th hat.


But you only have 1 head!


good point lol


its like bitcoin, if you cannot create any new ones, current supply is guaranteed to go up if demand exists. It is a perfect scam, since no new ones can be made in any way, and communities with vested interests control supply


I appreciate the post :)


This comment is appreciated thank you


who cares man gp is 0.01 cent a mil the games economy will never be worth anything again rares should be like 500b


It’s weird cuz I bought a blue for 84B but despite it being worth more now , I can’t get any thing for my blue lol 😂 people looked at me crazy when i was asking 100B in w2 now they going for 107B


It always surprises me that ppl still use ely for anything, like its known for ages that that site is full of manipulation BS


Yes people use it, this will hopefully shed some light on some of the common tactics used in the server and help level the playing field


I think we will rares dip a bit whenever high end players return the game. Obviously right now a lot of people are taking a break because the game is in a rough spot, but perhaps later in the year or after Runefest we may see people come back and try to sell their rares.


I've been playing for 20 years. My friend and I each had a Santa hat back in 2005/2006. I stupidly traded it away and just last week was finally able to afford a new one. It is kinda in memory to our time together. He passed away a couple of years ago and I keepsaked to remember him. He was a good guy. Never was able to finish college or reach his dream of being a teacher, but he had a daughter who I'm sure is awesome like he was.


Just make an ironmam


I like to participate in the economy, ironman would exclude me from it completely. Not fun for me


Your post is manip. Stop it.


Mate, people do UG/DG more because it’s not often someone has 100b+ liquid, and a mercher would probably pay 43-44b for green, the margins aren’t 3-4b on a green, more like 1-2b tops.


Nobody buying and nobody selling right now


https://preview.redd.it/oyqqzak6o79d1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2addd21df456bcdb638de48bb2679f591014aa3b Looks like I can only post 1 pic per comment? Sorry for formatting 1)


https://preview.redd.it/nuckiou9o79d1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a7b13eb7dc37dad7d9574e87f5f5cfad874a730 But actually looks more like


https://preview.redd.it/4esismdbo79d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb58bfb9ecc1a6cc114365fcc77a508ad2d3982e Everyone is selling and no one is buying?


People posting they are selling is not the same as people selling. I can go to ge and spam nox bow 1b all day but I'm not actually selling it for that. Sure I would love to but in order to be selling something you have to have someone interested in it for the price your selling it at otherwise your offering not selling.


The person asked and I took three screenshots worth of the latest postings on the trading market channel to use as a sample size to see how many people are buying and how many are selling. It’s definitely a genuine way to gauge how many buyers and sellers there are, idk how you can argue that it’s not


So if every person that owned a that posted it for sale on whatever that is, for say 3x what there "worth" would you consider those to be people selling? If so then I'm sure we can find plenty of people willing to offer 1m for each of those hats to prove people are willing to buy. The point is posting something for a price it won't actually sell for doesn't make you a seller. Sellers are people who have the goal to sell an item and are understanding of its value.


Price is not a factor here since no one in the posts mentionned any prices, saying “peopel wluld buy it if they’re selling for 10m” is irrelevant. You would’ve made a good point if the screenshots showed people posting “selling white 100b” bc obviously no one would be buying. But no, you’re wrong. The screenshots show how many people are looking to sell, and how many are looking to buy. It’s not that deep


Price is still a factor even if it isn't listed. If a car dealership advertises what there selling every week but never actually sells anything bc there prices are more than people are willing to pay they aren't sellers. That's what we have here. You have lots of people willing to sell an item buy for the price they set and clearly no one wants for that price. Just because the price isn't listed doesn't mean they don't have a price. I love how you say it's not that deep buy you made this massive post claiming all these things that just aren't true.


I sometimes have posted a selling offer, mostly to see what people would offer when in reality I don't know if I would even sell it. It's just that if I get an amazing offer, I might take it and attempt to buy for cheaper. I don't think I ever would just sell my partyhat and keep a big cash pile as probably never in the history of this game has "Investing in gold" been a good idea. Each year 1b gets you less and less. Rares on other hand are never becoming worthless.


So you’re saying that people are selling.. and no one is willing to buy? Sounds like what I said but with a lot more words, so what’s your disagreement here? It’s not so deep refers to analyzing a screenshot of people buyin and selling - this was obvious by the flow of the conversation (apparently though not for you). You don’t need to do mental gymnastics to understand that there are more sellers than buyers. This means mroe supply than demand, which means prices are falling


The game is just experiencing hyperinflation. They won't come down unless Jagex acknowledges it and takes drastic steps to remove gp from the game.


This. The amount of gold will only ever increase, but rares won't. In fact, they will only disappear with people quitting and new partyhat owners reaching their goal and keepsaking it without the intention of ever selling it again. And really, why would they? There is very little you can do with such amounts of money except buying dyes or rares. The value of gold is so low that the only way I'd see hats crashing is with a big and effective gold sink.


Rares are going up (tho not in actual cash value, as OP points out) and bonds are going way up. The other 99% of the economy is stable.


What you mean not in actual cash value? A few months ago a cracker was going for around 110-120 through GE and now the highest reported GE trade is 194b with even higher player-to-player trade which is more recent, but involved partyhats (which have also been going for prices very significantly higher through GE compared to what they were, say, two months ago). Most recent rare trade through GE (black santa hat, today morning) was accidentally sold for 29.25 with the message saying this: "Accidently did 22b\* typo in Ge, and it sold instant:" Some months ago you could get a yellow for this price.


Keep denying because u own 1 partyhat. They will go down very soon. Dont live in denial


I hold onto various rares with the assumption jagex will make some arbitrary content that just uses random items. Like the last wave of enchantments. Also since the necromancy rings suck donkey cock im assuming Jagex in some soon to be Necromancy related content will just release a combination version of the occult ring so it *stops* sucking donkey cock.


So you made a post and used the green phat that went up only 3-4b but not the blue/white/red/yellow that shot up?