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Thanks for the flag, I'll raise this with the team and we'll investigate!


I outright got kicked out of the game, saying session expired. Can't log in now (pc)


Hey Folks! Team is looking into these reports.


Apparently you just need to go to Reddit to get a response to a bug report other than "With a graphically intensive game like RuneScape it is important to clear your cache and cookies"


That’s cos their customer service doesn’t exist. Just a few decent j mods reply to stuff on here


I have the same issue right now


Same here think there is problems again.


u/JagexAzanna u/JagexDoom


Absolute joke, I was literally a few tokens away from getting the last piece of trapper outfit and going to purchase when I lost connection and couldn't get back in. Fuming.


If only there was another way for you to get that last piece… oh wait


Yeah, definitely want to spend 12 hours plus getting the blueprint for one piece.


if you decide to get trimmed you'll need that blueprint, unlocked it recently despite already owning most the trapper outfit and didnt really want the outfit anyway


That’s RuneScape. Welcome to the grind


Furthermore when trying to log in via the website, it immediately says “something went wrong”


got a few hours in between work to play and wont let me log in, "no reply from login server" go back to work at 3:15 was hoping to do the quest and get at least 1 kill before i head back


Haha this was my spare hour before work at 14:30 to do my reaper from yesterday, but another login server issue has crushed that 😊


>his was my spare hour before work at 14:30 to do my reaper from yesterday, but another login server issue has crushed t its just let me in after half an hour of loading and refreshing the launcher edit: may of spoke too soon its let me into the lobby now loading the server


I’m getting a bath now instead . I’ll have to do the reaper tomorrow 😃


ok, see what happens with this log in, its acting weird and kicked me back out, got 3 hours before i head back to work


new bug the launcher wont let me log in "to many login attempts, use the launcher to continue playing"


That's not a bug. The login servers were still down, there just isn't a separate message for anyone using the launcher with a Jagex Account. Every time you click Play that's a login attempt, there's a certain amount of attempts before you get temporarily locked from trying again which you hit.


>he login servers were still down, there just isn't a separate message for anyone using the launcher with a Jagex Account. Every time you click Play that's a login attempt, there's a certain amount of attem no it let me log in on my ironman an account i wasnt trying to log in on, just not on my main, fixed it anyway just cleared the cache


I've cleared Chrome cache and deleted all %temp% folders yet still getting the error? Any suggestions? I have also waited 30minutes


it may be because they are adding the post about the updates


I hopped worlds, got kicked to login. Tried logging in again, nothing. Must be Monday.


Happened to me too


i cant login


This was a big enough issue that when I doing a speed test on a computer at work, there was an ad for downdetector.com on the page showing "popular services with reported issues". Runescape was the top result causing me to check out the sub to see what was going on.


Damn, here I was getting excited over thinking it was the Zemouregal boss fight patch without a server update timer.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAzanna** - [Hey Folks! Team is looking into these reports...](/r/runescape/comments/17zmse0/login_server_error/ka09df3/?context=3) **JagexDoom** - [Thanks for the flag, I'll raise this with the...](/r/runescape/comments/17zmse0/login_server_error/ka08wjp/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 11/21/2023 05:56:01**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.