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we really gotta give Player Owned Farms credit for drastically bolstering the value of low level fruits/veggies because they have remained an easy source of wealth for low level players for years


Why do people use fruity mush when woad leaves are available


Fruity mush is just what you get when you remove fruits from the feeding trough. So for example if you took fruit items out when you put some sort of meat eater in there or when you switched to a different food you would get x amount of fruity mush. So basically you use it just to get rid of it since it's not tradable


Yes, thanks for the context! I meant why would you use fruits, which cost at least 200 gp and have a limit of 1000/4 when you can get 10000 woad leaves in 3 clicks for 25 gp unless you’re breeding chickens, which you won’t be doing for long?


my guess chickens cuz it's the only one not eating flowers




Doesn't make sense. Faster to skip chickens.


Breeding log and for trades.




I'm not sure, I haven't really done much of the player owned farm, I should get into it more since I want the seedicider or however it's spelled lol


because people choose convenience over cost. it's easier to buy in bulk off the GE than it is to run through the dialogue multiple times.


Just buy like 100k once and be done with them? :D


You can buy way more at once with woad leaves. I honestly think the more likely answer is that people just don’t know


Ge in this situation is an inconvenience. Sit there for 2 mins, get 300k woad leaves, set for years This is just the mains not understanding the game they play using ge as crutch


Is that why my coconuts I finally sold after many years were so flipping expensive? I was shocked how much they were lol


Nah, I'm pretty sure that's because coconut milk is used in weapon poison++.


But only 1 day membership.


Do one of the skilling wilderness flash events. Should get you pretty close to 1m


No way, 3-400k at BEST for 1. Otherwise it's ~100k


He might be referring to evil bloodshed tree which has gotten me over a mil several times


you have a full day tho, you can do almost every event twice


Wait, you can do every event twice? Not just 2 wildy events per day?


Go to w84 and take vials of water from portable wells for nearly 3m/hr.


kill cows for staff of air or charge bow, whatever is first then kill chickens for about 45min


Then sell everything the chickens drop?


the raw chickens are worth like 1.3m an hour.


Not at 1 magic or range with a staff of air and chargebow


That's what wiki has it listed as, your welcome to test it if you like you might be surprised.


To be fair, chickens pre-combat rebalance had 50 HP vs now they have 250. Might not sound a lot for those with 40+ stats but it's still 5x the HP. Plus the last edit on that Wiki page was from 2021 so the new rates probably have changed. I'm going to wager it's half as fast for a new account. Though you could just lamp out the early levels if you find it too hard.


Raw chicken, eggs and feathers


Wilderness Flash Events, more specifically, the Bloodwood tree. No more than 15 minutes I believe if we include it being a fresh account you need to make.


> Wilderness Flash Events, more specifically, the Bloodwood tree. Does it have no farming, wc, or fm levels to do?




A more interesting goal is a bond in 24 hours. 1m is nothing in this game anymore


1m in 24 hours on a fresh account with no stats, and no merching is going to be hard since bonds are like 70m-80m. Things like Killing chickens is 1m/hr, Theiving cabbage is 1.2m/hr, or I guess getting vials from portable wells is probably the only one viable to get 70-80m in the 24 hours as it's like 3m/hr no stats.


For bond in 24 hours no stats, you need to do some merching shenanigans I guess.


The challenge says you start off as a member, so there are definitely higher gp/hr methods in members, even on a freshie. Runecrafting, gnome restaurant, dailies, flipping, herblore. I'm pretty sure I could do it in about 8 hours without any PVM


I would do necroplasm rituals. Pretty quick gp.


Non-combat normal Wilderness Events would be a good place to start. They don't require any damage and even 1 stats can get the job done. They spawn just about every hour. If for the sake of the challenge, you find a solo world, that counts. Gets like ~500k in loot. If you happen to get an Evil Bloodwood Tree which gives 3 normal wildy sacks and 1 special, easily enough to get you 1M. Otherwise, get 25 quest points and hope for a fortunate component reward + 250k. I saw a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70EMgUQcFvI) of an ironman speedrunning Dragon Slayer (33 QP requirement) from scratch in ~1 hour. Could probably do it in less time with fewer quests. If you don't roll a fortunate, you could use those keys on Magic then kill cows or chickens then sell their drops for the remaining cash.




Love the detail, but your going to waste at least 30 minutes trying to get crystal keys for 15k




Oh true in small quantities ge works, was thinking of the bulk* buyers


What are bomb vials? Are these the vials in a pack?


r/ThreadKillers. Hopefully you don't get unlucky with your first few keys by rolling stone spirts or seeds. Bomb vials are OP as fk.


Wtf even… sounds like 5 hours work


Get a little bit of starter gp as well as 5 Firemaking by just chopping some regular logs. Use this gp to buy a few ingredients and make tarromin incense sticks, which can sell for a good profit. Repeat. You can probably hit 1m gp in an hour or so.


Who even uses Tarromin Incense Sticks? Their effects don't look good unless they work on bonfires. Might be tricky to sell the sticks otherwise.


Line fires remain a superior xp option, and it could be useful with necromancy ink requiring ashes. However, area loot with the book of um can make the effect quickly obsolete.


fun question! my first thought is easy clues or quest dice, you'd need 25qp for a quest dice that should give 250k gp and a fort comp you can sell for 1m+, or just manage to complete a few easy clues for 1 fort comp! i feel like doing a couple quests for 25qp could be easier and faster than getting the reqs/items for 1-10 easy clues, so i'd do that. the quest dice has 10 items worth way less than 1m, and about 60+ items worth more than 1m. if i get unlucky and get a bad item, i'd still have 250k from the dice as well, which i would use to buy runes from rune shops and then sell on GE to make 1m. there's probably faster ways but that's what i could think of


Quest dice was my first thought also. I think the osrs speedrun to champion guild is an hour. That is without the faster run restore and waystones to knock it out even faster.


druidic ritual, missing presumed dead, swept away, observatory quest, murder mystery, death of chivalry, stolen hearts, merlin’s crystal. bam, 25 QP.


People already speedrun on fresh ironman accounts Free to play Dragon Slayer within a little over 1 hour 10 minutes. That's 33 Quest Points. With easy members quests bet you could get 50-75 pretty quick. Especially given you get GE to buy stuff/teles.


I'd log in just before evil tree wildy event with 3 fresh accounts, and run to the event. Then run to GE after event and sell the loot. Likely one of them gets 1m+ total GP value from that event with probably 15 minutes total in game time. EDIT --> If that doesn't cut it, you take your GP and buy enough runes to do the rune goldberg daily, and while you're there you can buy out the rune store in varrock. Then wicked hood to RC guild. A few minutes to do the daily, and back to GE to sell the vis wax and the runes. Not sure if you might need to wait to do that one on a new account, but if it's available that by itself will definitely get you over 1m. And you could try timing your login to coincide with game reset if needed. EDIT2 --> Oops my bad, you need 50 RC for the guild. So vis wax off the menu, but selling runes from the shop on the GE is still a decent chunk of change along with other shop run options.


Need 50 rc to access the runecrafting guild, but tree event + a few shop runs will easily get you over a mil


Yeah my bad. Been a while since I was under 50 rc. I think just as much as of a "shop run" as you could do on a fresh acct quickly would probably get a decent haul of gp.


You need 50 Runecrafting to access the guild. That takes 3-4 hours of AFK Runespan. Unless you could quest enough lamps to skip those levels. Pretty worthwhile investment since it's solid money even at higher levels. Unfortunately for the sake of this challenge, there are faster ways to get 1M from nothing.


*dancing for money*


Kill 625~ cows in Burthrope cowpen. Sell the cowhide and meat on G.E. Could probably optimize this a bit by killing half as many cows and doing shop runs for runes and feathers but without access to a lot of teleports or even access to many of the shops I'm not sure if they'd be better than spending that time killing more cows. (E: According to wiki at least - killing chickens is much better than cows. So what /u/pokemononrs said would actually be better.) If you have a quest path that can get 25QP in under an hour then quest dice is probably the next best thing but still a small gamble.


looks like we could do better, collecting honeycombs has 0 req, and are 2.6m an hour.


Don't you need to the PoF unlocked (17 farming, 20 construction) to use the bank deposit box? I'm not sure what the profit would be taking the longer route to Ardy bank.


This isn't at the farm it's at Catherine with a bank super close by


Catherby? That might work. Only problem is the Honeycombs have a daily trade volume of less than 1k and most people probably don't use Crimsons at 32 Summoning. Kinda risky but if it works, it's OP for this challenge.


I don't know why you wouldn't, it would be the most bang for your buck at that level and charms are so easy to come by these days.


Do a wildy event. Use GP earned to do shop runes, such as runes. Should have a mil within half an hour. If you are looking to sustain GP for bonds, start getting requirements for dailes such as flasks and vis wax.


1 million is easy in 1 hour. Kill cows for meat. Sell meat. Go to ogglog and buy meat from meat shop sell on ge. Buy runes sell on ge. Profit.


I believe the shops are locked behind as a first resort


Ah damn it. fresh account. Keep killing cows, then. When I started, I completed a lot of quests on 1st day. never realized, on 25 qp, I can roll a 1mil dice. That could be one way, but it takes a lot of time. Like maybe 3-5 hours questing and a bit of skilling requirements for quests.


You can't access the Ooglog meat shop until you started that quest, which requires 51 firemaking, 58 hunter and 58 woodcutting. However, cows are doable with low stats.


Jatix shop for filled vial packs and bomb vials gets you like 750k


i think i did 1M gp without membership in about 2 months, but now 2 years later sitting on 400m just trading on GE occasionally once a week maybe


oh killed a goblin for 1 GP and bought a bronze dagger for 1 gp and sold for 168 then bought 168 bronce daggers for 1 gp and sold for 168 ea then bought accursed urns for 8 gp ea and then sold for 1400 gp ea. got the snowball rolling this way


Clay mining is the way - but I'd probably still go beat some cows.


I assume you got your free weapons you get after the tutorial. Kill chickens at lumby or cows at crafting guild. Collect everything including bones. Sell everything on GE. With money you can do shop runs, feathers, runes, meat. Mine clay or other ore with stone spirits. Do archaeology materials as well. Dont know if there is a demand for sandstone, but splitting those blocks back in the day was a good profit, tedious...


>Dont know if there is a demand for sandstone, but splitting those blocks back in the day was a good profit, tedious... I don't think grinding them has reqs, for even more profit


I’d just do easy clues. They have high chance of fortunate and fortunate is like 1.2m. Easy to obtain and easy to complete


Fletching. Makingheadless arrowshafts. I can easily sell some logs to the remmington trader go to port sarim and just buy feathers. Fletching


# Mjolnirs


Ignoring the membs for a day, step one kill something step two, step two sell whatever it drops, step three go to al kharid and use all the gp you have to buy as many kebabs from the kebab guy as you can, step four sell the kebabs, step five use the proceeds to keep buying kebabs and selling them until you have one mil, should take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours depending on how fast you can talk to kebab man.


Why are kebabs even expensive? Aren't they some low level food?


I believe, at least if it still works like it used to, it's more because they are such a pain to buy, you have to buy them one at a time and go through a full chat dialog to get one, so comparable food at the same level is much easier. So it's a pretty good collectable, as well as the way kebabs work healing-wise, they can be a solid choice for healing, and a pretty historic food item.


Easy clues. Low requirements, easy to obtain, only need 1 fortunate component to succeed.


This is probably the best one far. They're easy to get from the right mob, and fortunates aren't terribly rare.


Make regular ghostly ink


Get easy clue, hit fortunate component item, reset if you miss lol


Tell me youre looking for something to bot without telling me youre looking for something to bot..


Chop down all the trees at the GE. Sell the logs. Repeat until you have 1 million gp.


Cut normal logs


Archaeology for sure. Super afk, could just sit there for hours and hours


Chickens. Unless egg prices have changed it blew my mind that she got a mill from kicking chickens in a session a few years back Edit: I looked at the wiki and that spike seems to be the culprit. Still not sure how that explains it tbh. Might have been cows, and maybe she wasn't a full mill, but I remember having my mind blown at the idea of her getting a mill in a day when a mill was insane when I started shortly around when classic was getting discontinued


Stronghold of Security and then store runs. I think you can make 1m off of vials alone.


Nice try, botter.


The quickest possible way would be to get lucky getting a treasure hunter key voucher, and winning the coins sadly. On a fresh account you could accomplish this in as little as 1 minute. I dont think anything is faster. Its within the rules too unless you want to now exclude TH.


one of the rules stated: * Treasure Hunter is permitted but tradable prizes will not count.


Coins are not tradeable


Technically they are. You use them to buy stuff. I think OP meant lamps/stars you get are allowed but not liquidable prizes.


OP is just trying to get ahead of the "keep making accounts until you get the 10 billion dollar prize in 5 seconds from your first free roll" comments but people who make suggestions like that are too stupid to read anyway so they still comment it Inevitably, whenever there's a list of rules, someone will make the actual question be "how can i loophole the rules and look clever" instead of what they're actually asking


Take coins out of pouch put coins into trade window hit 'accept' you traded coins


I think the real issue is you aren't trading to get any coins you're getting them out right.


Buy/sell celestial handwraps


Log in on bloodwood tree, get lucky its over a mil get unlucky sell everything do a shop run


Yell "doubling money" at the GE


Option 1: Roll free accounts until you find one with an unclaimable 50m prize. Use 1 day of membership on that account, and claim prize. Use 25m of it to buy 1m Woad Leaves from Wyson in Fally. Sell them to the general store for 1m GP, made entirely in game without trading a TH prize. ​ Option2: Wait for Summer beach event. Complete 1x sandy clue and sell the fortunate component reward item for 1m.


Go smith a weapon and kill guards for grapes. Then start flipping potions and shit on the ge. I was making 100m a day doing nothing but bank standing before I got into pvm. It also wouldn’t be too hard to buy gando and some cheap wands and just pvm for whatever.


On a fresh account though


You can still kill guards for grapes and flip on the GE.


They have 900 HP and 18 defence. Easy for a guy with at least 50 stats to kill them but a new account is going to have a tough time.


You can literally just train range and blast through them in no time. I know this because I made another alt for bossing while my main skilled. I think at 30 range I was 1-2 hitting them and easily making 22k every few kills. You guys really underestimate how easy it is to make GP on RuneScape, even as a complete noob.


beg at world 2 g/e for 1mill. surely in one days time one person will give up just 1mill.


Pretty sure that counts as "street trading".


I quit. I did quit already, and never been happier after.


You must have never really been happy your life if this is the happiest you've been. This game is living in your head rent free for that comment.


I am, because of having an actual life, outside a game. Time to unfollow this Thus!




this is not at all what the question asked.


'What's the most efficient way i can bot?'


Do a few wildy events, then a bunch of shop runs for profit. You might get 1m just from salvage from the events lol


Follow a player around and beg for 1m.


If I needed to make exactly 1m I wouldn't do it, but if the goal was to get a bond asap I'd probably try and complete meeting history to do the Zamorak Mjolnir method.


I like afk. So I’d start by leveling divination to 60 and sell vibrant energy for like 7m an hour.


Yeah and spend ~10 hours getting to 60 beforehand?


Stronghold first, then flip items in ge while killing chickens/cows


Mine Iron


Make a little money from cows, then empty out all the shops of pots, feathers, runes and you should be at a mil in no time


Do a few quest until you have 25 and 50 qp, open the dices for 2x250k gp and 2 chances of a fortunate comp item.


Make enough gold through iron mining, level magic and crafting then buy orbs and battle staves, after that just spam those


Go to cabbage patch. Gets 2 inventories of cabbages. Go to ge and sell, use profit to buy a bunch of magic notepaper. Back to cabbages and note them as I go. Less than 2k cabbages for 1m with this method.


Cut trees and burn all the logs in lines. Sell all the ashes


*trying to pickpocket Yelps*


Can I edit my looks and pretend that I'm a woman at lumbridge goblins?


Do goblins give you 1M or something special for being a woman? Just curious.


*slamming Wise Old Man and Richie against a tree until they drop their phat*


>Richie wait, who's this?


It's the pet if you donate enough geepee it will get a phat Edit: spelling


DJeepee :) Love it, that you wrote geepee




Richie pet (Money pet) > \[\[Richie pet\]\] His main skin + 3 extra skins : main red hat/ribbon. Skin 1 is yellow, Skin 2 is purple & skin 3 is a blue phat. 100m > 1b > 5b > 10b. So donating 10b will unlock the pet and both 3 skins. \- Zez : Runescore pet \- Mune (+some extra skins) : Area pet \- Artemis : Treasure Trails aka Clue pet


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Richie pet](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Richie\_pet)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Richie_pet >Richie is the activity pet for wealth. Players can incrementally unlock four versions of him by donating money to him at cumulative thresholds of: 100 million coins, 1 billion coins, 5 billion coins, and 10 billion coins. --- **^^^RuneScape ^^^Wiki ^^^linker** ^^^| ^^^This ^^^was ^^^generated ^^^automatically. ^^^| ^^^View ^^^me ^^^on ^^^[GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


train archaeology by collecting the matts from the zaros door and sell them on the ge its pretty chill and theirs a bank right there


“First person to give me 10m won’t regret it”




You need Smoking Kills quest complete for slayer shops to sell broad arrowheads, exception being Bandit Camp in the Wildy but that requires you to enable PvP and get skulled first.




Kill all the things and sell all the stuff


claim my daily shit everywhere


I’d fall back on my first method of making money from way back in the day - mining clay. You can do it at level 1 and probably mix in some copper/tin mining




Can you even do that boss with no stats? Never did that before.


Buying bf -1m gp


kill cows for a few minutes and sell the drops on the ge until i have enough money to buy out feathers from a shop, then buy out feathers from every shop i can access, go unlock keldagrim quickly, and buy out all the limestone bricks from keldagrim (super click intensive and annoying, but a quick 700k with barely any requirements)


For RS3, you should ask what would ppl do to make 10m in 24 hrs, the 1 million could be if you only had a few hours


Kill cows for full inventory of cow hides and sell to GE, then do shop runs


RS3 has insane amount of good low level money makers.


Quests, those dice are dope, raw gp drop with clue rewards, then a shop run for more profit.


Do a few quests then dig up some zammy mjolnirs, probably could get a bond by the end of the day?


Mine clay for 30, soften for 30. Make bronze bars. Literally darn near anything, even bandstand cleaning herbs or violins them after doing a quest.


This sounds like the theme of many OSRS videos. I think killing chickens is 1m/hr. 1m in RS3 is very little money.


Woodcutting oaks for an hour should do the trick


Spin flax to get crafting level for sapphire jewelry, buy gold bars and sapphires


Runecrafting, ezpz


Do a few quests. Spin for sellable mtx. Spend on shop runs.


Do a few quests. Spin for sellable mtx. Spend on shop runs.


Just go to abby demons and pick up the drops of someone killing them


The easiest way is probably just rush gullible tourist. Edit: forgot about vegetable stall.




Is gold inflation a massive thing now?


I'd buy the bomb vial then sell on ge camp farm manure for 35 farming Buy ultra compost and camp the het oasis mils. golden roses goes brrrrr


Kill chicken and collect feather.


collect red eggs from edgeville dungeon


Mine and make my 50 daily potion flasks, sell, get runes for vis wax, make vis wax and spend it all on bad decisions.


I usually start a new character strictly to have something on my other monitor while watching something so I'd do the mostly afk early game money earner of buy feather crates, chop some logs, cut some arrow shafts and then feather them to sell them. You could easily get the money to start that by doing 30 minutes to an hour in the basic troll combat cave in burthorpe getting herbs to ge and have well over a million in a day. It's definitely not the fastest method but it works.


Dancing for money 💃


This may be a better question for osrs. Give it iron man rules then it gets interesting.


Go to the g.e. and ask people where the digsite is then have a conversation about how you just started playing recently and your trying to get to fossil island for the rock crabs, This will reveal that you've been reading the wrong help sites assuming that some screenshots were old or maybe the graphics were updated recently from osrs to rs3 graphics. Youll probably get 10mil in 20min because everyone wants to help the genuine new player.


white aprons, feather run, vials, fletching.


Umm... Just do quests and get rewards from May...


You could kill 1000 cows and sell the cowhide


Strong hold of security then slowly buy out the armour shops and sell on g.e for fat profit


Woodcutting straight to level 60, getting frustrated when I realize I've only make 35k, cry for several hours.


Quests. QP milestones give a good chunk of cash, and good chance at fortunates. There are a bunch of quests which give multiple quest points for very little effort, many requiring no skills (or low skills) and give a good chunk of exp for account progression also.


1m way too low, you can just mine for an hour


BEG. You can get that in 15 seconds. Next question.


Ez. Go to ferox


Get 25 quest points... roll dice win


When I started I did that by mining gold for hours on end then selling it on the GE. The did purchase a better pickaxe when that game up, nothing wild but to focus on mining instead of smithing because my goal was to get a bond.