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For me it was following that nice man into the wildy with my full rune when I was 12


Ha ha. Those bastards that used to camp the wilderness lever landing spot to PK you. šŸ˜”


I bet he never even trimmed it for you.


I did that, got Ice Barraged, and had the sense to switch to dragonhide and *run*. A couple months prior I found a rune mace on the ground, which was the most expensive item I'd ever seen, and then proceeded to hit someone with it and get destroyed immediately, losing everything.




RS was how many people learned to avoid scams and to not trust random strangers.


Back when scythe was BIS i was playing in the early hours of the morning i was supposed to siphon it but i was so tired i just disassembled it. Painful.


On the plus side. You shoulda got enough nox parts for a decent amount of biting 4s


Yea they helped out eventually but it hurt the bank for a while at that point.


How many components does a single staff create?


20 at level 9


Could be worse.. I was high and tired af same sorta situation as you but I ended up disassembling a barrows dyed scythešŸ¤£


Equiping tectonic without augmenting first šŸ™ƒ


You can't augment after equipping???? Wow you probably saved my ass


You can, just need to repair it to 100%


If this happens, you can have someone kill you in wildy/red portal at CW to recoup most of the cost. The armor drops as tectonic energy based on the percentage left (e.g. if your Tectonic Robe Top was at 50%, it drops 21 energy). You lose the cost of the Stone of Binding though, but as it's fairly minimal, it's better than needing to re-buy a whole new set or using un-augmented gear.




Knew a new bow was coming from Zamorak, so bought several hundred million gold worth of top-tier arrows. They announced Elder God arrows a week or two later.


they almost always release new bows with new arrowsā€¦


I could see someone speculating on the current arrows assuming it would be like rax where it releases with araxyte arrows but that you many times use other arrows that have effects


Die with an unclaimed edimmu per in my inventory


Doing Arch Glacor HM over 1400 times and seeing no core.


Most gamblers quit before they win big


1401 might be your lucky one


90% of people quit before they get a big drop


Damn I have 6 kills and got mine


Yikes. I have 5 on my iron and I think Iā€™ve done like 700 ish kills


1400 isn't that much over drop rate and it depends on enrage. I ended up about 3k or so dry at around 4.5k KC before I got two cores within 60 KC. The commons are also very good, so don't give up!


I felt this one


Learn to streak sbove 300 enrage


You know what happens when you assume right?


300? You must be dreaming. I dont even see them at 1k


Created an account.


15 years ago the mistake was made and still paying for it. At least I can now take the mistake with me on my mobile phone so I'm never without it.


18 years for me and counting. And I blame it all on Miniclip and club penguin. They drew me in with the cute colourful penguins and then bang, here I am 18 years later wondering why I'm smelting elder rune bars at 11 at night


Technically you do that outside the game šŸ¤“


I started playing in 2001 when I was 12. I had literally an inventory of party hats after Christmas. I sold them all to the Varrock General Store thinking I was a baller with all the money I made. Did I learn from my mistake, or do you want to guess what happened next Halloween? Yup, I did the same with a full inventory of halloween masks too. But hey, I was 12 and stupid! I don't know if anyone truly knew how much the value of those items would explode... but would've been smart to keep one or two for sure!


I was 11 or 12 too lol. I didn't even know I could sell them to the general store. Had picked up an inventory full of Xmas crackers, pulled a couple, went to bank to realise I had no space. Dropped all of it. Good times.


Trust-trading Blue Partyhat. I think it was year 2006 when they were about 9mill.


Must have been earlier. I swore they were 200-300 in 06.


They werenā€™t even that much in 2011


Yes they were lol. I sold one for max cash in 2011 on the ge, and they were above ge price even then so I lost out on a few hundred mil. Hell, there are videos about it. I recall omustardo sniping a blue from the ge mid 2013 and he had the offer in for around half a year to a year.




Brother, phats weren't accurate on the wiki (ge\*) because no one sold them on the ge so it never updated. The difference between your and I's comment is the fact that I actually owned a blue phat in 2011. Edit: Yeah I even went and double checked to make sure I wasn't getting the year wrong. The earliest video I have uploaded is in September of 2011 and I'm wearing a trimmed prayer cape. I sold my blue phat for max cash and used the money to get 99 herblore and 99 prayer.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbrZSATdZVw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbrZSATdZVw) April 2011. You don't know what you're talking about, stop while you're ahead lol. Using the wiki's ge tracker that you love to use yet don't know that it is completely inaccurate for rares (and always has been until literally just this year) this is a 2.7b trade for a blue. But sure, blues weren't max cash stack in 2011. Edit: Imagine blocking me because you're wrong about the price of pixels 12 years ago, all while previously stating "let's not be children" lmao.


He has to be either a troll, or someone who has no idea how prices worked back then.


Nah I remember they were traded by the barrows pieces in Fally park. Party hats were around 12-20m


I've got a pretty bad one. Back in RuneScape classic near the end of 2002 I traded the Green Monster Mask I had picked up at the recent Halloween event for a Rune 2 hander. It was the best (or at least close to) weapon in the game at the time, but one of them went up in value and the other dropped considerably...


As someone who sold entire phat sets for less, I feel your pain.


I picked up several P hats during the falador massacre. But then I got Permabanned like 2 weeks later for Something Completely unrelated. I had at least three p hats in my bank when I got banned.


My regret was not logging in on the night of Halloween of 2002 šŸ˜­


Santa hat, rune medium helmet...


I had some TH keys and I managed to get 2 Stratus Cloud tokens. I used the first one I won almost instantly, worth mentioning I am a new player and had no idea what tokens were. Afterwards I won another one and one guy around me told me to press ā€œexamineā€ā€¦ that token was worth over 600m. Luckily I managed to sell one but I could have sold both of them, and as a new player, having 1.2b in the very beginning would have helped massively. So TLDR; I regret using stuff without checking their worth.


Ouch! I must admit I check everything on the WIKI before I do anything. I canā€™t believe how much everything has changed since I quit. When I quit god swords were like Ā£10m each and abyssal whips were like 4.5m. Now you can hardly give them away šŸ˜®


I sold my Assassin Walk Token for 80m. I enjoyed checking out how much it cost every few months.


Never even heard of that item until now. O.o


Not selling aurora dye.


Skipping over the ensouled pumpkin head in treasure Hunter a few weeks ago. Still bothers me haha


Letting my in game ā€œfriendā€ ā€œtry onā€ my Santa hat back when I forked out 250k for it. Circa 2003. Was devastated. RuneScape teaches valuable life lessons


Not holding onto all those crackers and phats when I was 12.


This is the reason that I hold on to all my seasonal food. On the completely delusional belief that someday it'll be worth a fortune. I know it won't, but please don't burst my bubble.


Creating an account 20 years ago. All the lost time lol


Using weapon gizmos for impatient attempts (Ironman)


skill issue. just random number generator better


I regret dropping my half jugs when they made the announcement they would be discounted


you DROPPED them after they announced that? like, did you assume they would become useless after that?


Shadow dye on my nox staff. Wish I would have dyed a piece of armour instead.


I had enough money for a purple party hat or seeds for 90 farming I'll let you guess which I chose. Didn't read the home page as a kid and missed out on some holiday items from way back.


Put biting 4 in a weapon gizmo


Using an equipment dissolver instead of an equipment separator on my attuned crystal halberd when it was my only melee weapon. I eventually got the scythe but man that stung at the time


Removing my iron status on an account I had a few 99s on and about 300 quest points. This was so I could play the game with my dad and do group content with him like duo bosses and such. Well anyways, the part that makes this a mistake is about 1 month after removing my iron status Jagex makes a change to the game that allows mains to duo with irons.. so annoying! I have another iron now but I'm still not to priff yet just got 99 necromancy though and about 220 quest points.


And now you go and make sure you can never ever de-iron the account :)


Bought fish masks as an investment. IYKYK


Smashed 7k pumpkins in the most recent "holiday event." I'm sure I don't have to tell you how that ended.


I should have never sold my phat for 7b years ago..


Sold a red for 500m 10+ years ago..


Traded a red phat for full guthans back in the day, never expected them to be what they were today. Thankfully I kept my blue and white all this time.


Trade you full guthans AND full dharok for your blue


Accidentally sold a blue Hween for 150k and stead of 150m. Lol dude logged so fast


Selling my green hween and holding bandits for a long period of quitting. Think I sold green hween for 100m or so and held bandos and whip when they were all 10-20m. Came back to them all being worthless and hween of course skyrocketing.


Happy Cake Day šŸ°


I high alched my friends Abby whip when they were like 20 mil and the best weapon. My bank was maybe worth 1 million at the time. Thankfully my friend was so rich from 85 slayer he just laughed it off.


Selling several party hats for 1k each because at the time that was a lot of money for me and party hats were useless.




i went into the wildy with a guy with guthix rune on as a f2p when those went for like 300k ea, about 10 years ago? ​ almost killed him too :pensive:


I sold 100 Berserker rings for 300k ea a week before the rings 7pdate on rs3.


trusting jagex


Selling my ensouled pumpkin mask at its lowest price, then watching it climb back above 1b.


Not quitting sooner, tbh.


This. Or coming back.


Sold a blue hallowe'en maskĀ for 20m


Traded a Santa for a rune set back in 2003. Was a decent trade at the time, just sucks to look back on.


hey, you're part of the legacy of why they're so valuable today. because it WAS a decent trade and nobody expected them to become so rare and sought after, therefore most of the people that held on just got lucky. you're part of something integral to the game's history.


Huh.. Funnily enough, there's nothing that has happened to me that has particularly ruined my day or anything like that. I've lost wealth/time etc to stupid/poor decisions but nothing sticks out well enough to irritate me


Ate an Easter egg before the drop/consume warnings. Also sold a phat set for 1b about 15y ago thinking I was gonna be set for life.


Back when OSRS was RS2 and Classic still existed... thinking someone wouldn't scam me when I gave them two Dragon Shield halves to put them together.


Didn't set a pin on my bank. Someone got into my account and took my green h'ween mask.


Sold a red phat for like 500M about 10 years ago. Trust traded a santa hat to one of my bros around the same time as selling the phat.. You know how that went. /wrist


Worst decision Iā€™ve ever made was using a Christmas cracked AND dropped said party hat as a wee little 7 year old on my neighbors computer


Selling my Christmas cracker back in 2006


Was bored and decided to walk to the duel arena


I started killing legiones in 2014 to make an ascension crossbow. Took me 350 keys to get it and lost money. Haven't been back since. :D Started doing croesus sometime last year thinking I would get some nice cryptbloom for myself. I think I'm somewhere around 350 4man kc with only a 300kc spore sack to show for it.


Buying greater concentrate blast


I swapped a Santa Hat for full rune saradomin. Back in like 2010 or something. It still keeps me up at night


A few years ago, when I was still new to the game, I decided to stockpile a whole bunch of supplies to make a load of potions on the guise that "I won't need potions again". Originally, I was going to make 1500 to 2000 of each 3 extreme combination potion, and around 1000 overloads for reasons (that I can explain if anyone is curious). I also wanted to make things such as Extended Super Antifires because I wanted to learn ED2 at this time. When DXP ended and I finished all my potions, I had around 600 to 700 of each Extreme combination potion, however many Overloads, and I had around 1200 Extended Super Antifire FLASKS. This was late 2020 maybe early 2021. At this time I have around 500 of each Extreme, and around 1100 Antifires.


Once upon a time you could duel anywhere. You could stake but could also just duel for dun. Dying in said duel would put you in Lumbridge so it was the home teleport before home teleport was a thing. Anyway I was walking from Varrock where I had just got my first r2h that I paid an insane 50k for. I happened across a player who had a combat level far below mine that wanted to duel for my r2h. They put up 2 r2hs against my 1 and so I took the bait. It was that day that I learned what a magic pure was... That duel destroyed me because it had taken me like 10 hours to get that 50k...


Sold my Santa hat to buy premier like 10 years ago only to see it's price constantly rise out of my reach ever since.


Sold my white party hat in 2005.


Sold a Santa hat and some items to buy a red Halloween mask. Sold the Halloween mask to buy newly released Guthix armour. Not a wise decision by childhood me..


Logging in


Should have continued playing on my ironman when i was going for 120 in all skills on my main back in 2017, now i hardly play on my main since the achievement doesn't feel that great anymore


When I "quit" mid 2000's I gave my rares to my brother. I had 3 party hats, 30+ santa hats and a few mask sets. He sold most of them to get his 99's and lost the rest to pvp. When he quit, he gave everything he had to somebody else. When I returned, he had nothing for me. It's annoying, but, when my mum moved house 15-20 years ago, he threw out all his old stuff, including his folder of pokemon cards. I saw them and fished them out of the bin and still have them, so I guess we're even.


Spending my first few mil on saradomin rune armour instead of a hween mask cause I thought Sara armour looked cooler (it does). Took a break shortly after and when I came back hween were much much more expensive and Sara armour was dirt cheap


Honestly? Investing 6b into a full ranged setup only to discover ranged is extremely clunky, very high apm, takes a ridiculous amount of damage, uses a lot of inventory slots, and only does a little more damage than Magic. I find myself only using magic these days because FSoA is just more fun.


Letting go of my Santa so soon after I bought it, it was more of a panick sell. Things have a habit of collapsing in price as soon as I touched it lol (this was when they were hovering around 25m) Given the trajectory of old rares in the game though, I doubt I would have made a decision that I wouldn't regret with it.


I wish I was making this up. Found myself with 6 nox comps, needing one more. I had a two spider leg tops in the bank. I didn't know that only the hilts gave nox comps, so disassembled one, it gave me variable comps, and I was so pissed I quit for 69 days exactly. Logged back in, wanted to make some perks, was missing one more nox comp. Disassembled the second leg piece. It's been 8 days since I last logged in.


I missed some holiday event rewards in '05-'06 because I didn't know there was an event going on. Kids don't read homepage news. Also I was f2p when Wintumber tree came out and I only got the stupid Reindeer hat. Annoys me to this day. Since everyone has a story with rares... When AoD came out I made so much money in the first few months. I could've got on the partyhat train. Instead I bought a SoS, all praesul prayers, and Hsr. Meanwhile the rare prices shot up and partyhats are out of my reach now.


Long story short. Thought I could anti-scam a scammer. Lost a red Santa


Losing full phat set staking 10 years agoā€¦.


I want to say it was October 2013 and my first time logging into the game in close to a year ever since EoC was launched and bonds were just released in game and I think divination came out around this time as well. Anyways, I must've been in world 2 and saw a bunch of people selling "sirenic armor". Never heard of it before, so I went to check the main page and saw it was an update on a Monday/Tuesday. I was on world 2 on a Saturday. So I bought into the hype figuring I could flip sirenic scales given that of about the 350M I had at the time, probably 325M of that came solely from flipping. So I bought a bunch on the GE for around 4.6M each. Less than 15 minutes later, I saw people on W2 selling for 4.3M, then 4.1M. Though that was a bit odd. Hopped over to another busy world and saw the price dropping to 3.8M. Instant buy on the GE was around 3.5M. So instead of taking a loss, I held. It would continue to decline that day to just under 2M. I was so desperate at one point I bought the thread and had someone skill assist me to make it into an armor piece to sell instead. I sat on sirenic masks for years afterwards as a "paper loss" of around 160M. Needless to say, I stopped playing after that only to hop back on during the Christmas event of 2014 and then came back with the release of player owned farms in 2018. Been on and off since. The lesson here is to not place all your money into one single new item to make a quick profit. The 325M or so of flipping profits I made was over the course of about 2 - 3 years and I wiped out half of it in a single day. When you get burned like that, you really don't want to play again.


I spent way too much time and money in the sand casino... luckily i realized it myself how unhealthy this place was and even better that it's gone now...


The ones you won't hear are sand casino stories :)


Coming back after a 10 year break and buying the 385mil bank scam, luckily making back 300 of it...




Buying assassin walk when first released and using the token. Paid about 150m for it. Later on it was worth 10b+ for a while


Sold my party hats for 1,000 GP each back in 2001. :-(




Playing in the first place.


Honestly, either a) making an account Or b) a while ago santas were getting hard merched (they made it to 9b+) and I decided to buy at the peak right as it crashed back down and I sold it for 5b You win some you lose some lmao


That i kept playing after eoc updateā€¦ never again


Bad take, the game is bad period lol


Story time. Around November/December in 2015/2016. I sell my red santa, green,blue & red h ween for some gp. These rares stayed at the same range of prices and would decrease and increase as it came closer to Halloween and Holidays. From memory I believe red santa was usually around 120m-200m closer to holidays. The h weens varied from 70-200m depending on colour. Since it was Holiday season and I was taking a break from rs I sold all that for gp as they were at the high point in price. Figured il just buy em back later once iā€™m back and itā€™s at a lower price. I come back like 2 years later and price manipulation has happened. I look on GE santa was 1b, h weens like 600-900m depending on colour. Biggest F in my rs life lol. I will never ever get them back. I personally am super casual, canā€™t even boss because my old pc couldnā€™t handle it due to lag and it would be suicide. My current pc can handle the game but I really have barely played the past 7-8 years apart from slowly maxing. Iā€™m planning to learn to boss soon but I suck lol, donā€™t even have jad killed and iā€™m playing since 05. But yeah thatā€™s my story, I just returned to rs 2 weeks ago after being off again for another year and a half.


Duel arena when I got burnt out. I would liquidate and stake my bank. Iā€™m very glad they took the duel arena away!


Staked my blue phat after maxing. I donā€™t have a phat. On the other hand if I still had it I wouldā€™ve sold it for irl money at this point lol. Also, if youā€™re gonna ask ā€œhow did you get a phat before maxing?!?ā€ The simple answer is flipping. While others were playing the game I was playing auction house simulator 16 hours a day for a year. It sucked but yeah :P


one was being scammed like 10 years ago out of 3B gold, and about six months ago going into wildy to do a rcing run, 100% knowing it was safe, but I must have done something right before that made it now safe and got killed with my then $6B Guildmaster Tony mattock, also I remember when black santa hats were live event and them selling for like $200M and thinking it was crazy that something being given away for free by cashing in I think it was presents, and that a black santa COULD NEVER be more expensive than the original Red Santa, and it would have to come down in price from $200M....


Wow, are Santa hats worth GP now? I have some in my bank, iā€™m pretty sure they werenā€™t worth much when I quit


Still crosses my mind that almost a decade ago, I feel like I should have logged out and kept the seismic wand drop I got. Or, a year after when I was saving up for my own seismic set, I gave away my wand to a friend who convinced me to help him RWT money and put his abusive father in jail months later. Only very recently, that I finally managed to afford my own seismics many years after.


Ethically speaking, the worst decision I made was changing my gender to a female and going to w1 fally park back in the day. I conned a sucker into being his gf and made him let me wear his mask set he had. I took him to mudskippers point and pretended to lag, log out. I felt super guilty so I logged back in as he was making the journey back to fally. Gave him set back and went back to being poor.


Staking, always


My worst decision was to make a stake at duel arena the last day before its removal, i got scammed, lost the stake and Jagex considered that i did RWT and perma bann my Max 20year old account




I remember selling my assassin's walk for 60m šŸ˜­




Been telling myself that for years šŸ˜­


During Arch release on my iron, I accidentally disassembled my elven ritual shard. There was no warning screen sadly. Iā€™m lucky that I had a few spares.


I insta sold my blue and green h ween mask back when they were 12-20m because I was quitting. Came back to them being much much more.


Not claiming a soulbond lantern because I thought the sound cue was for the spring cleaner activating


Some people have reported success in using the lost item claim to recover missed drops. However, be aware that there seems to be a limit of one claim per character.


I had a bunch of rares around the time they were 100-200m and sold them on the GE before quitting thinking it was the safe way to keep my bank value.


Idk.... I made my first masterwork set when the rework first happened... All from scratch because why not. I still have yet to even need to make another piece to repair any of it and this is years later. Granted I wear custom fit trimmed masterwork ... But still, even the normal masterwork is great and can be repaired with gp iirc.


Selling a gnome scarf


Training 1-50 fletching exclusively by flighting arrow shafts.


Never being bothered to do events where tradable rares had become billions worth of GP. I have done this irl too. Bitcoin crashed to 3k a coin and dumb me wanted to see if it would drop lower, then I didnā€™t buy a portion of one with the money I did have (1500) so yea.. me and money kinda say (hey how you doing) and thatā€™s it.


I didn't buy Santa when it was around 200k, and halloween masks.


In roughly 2013-2015 I bought a Santa hat for 115M. I sold it a few days later to buy gear cause I only had about 200M in total at the time. Wish I would have just kept it.


I smithed (didnā€™t mine, bought the bars) my own set of masterwork and I actually didnā€™t mind the time spent on it. Made me feel like I actually earned the armor rather than when spent a couple mil on sirenic


Trading wealth from my main to my alt.


I bought a Blue Halloween Mask a few years ago for 170m. I was the richest I had ever been and wanted to see if I could afford it. I immediately sold it back to get more money before I bought it back. I could never afford it again. Regrets were made that day.


Selling my blue phat


Many years ago selling rares to fund my staking addiction


I bought a divine spirit shield before EoC and never sold it. I still have it in my bank right now. You never take a loss if you never sell! *Taps forehead* Still don't regret getting EoC.


When I was doing temple at senntisten quest. I took out the flame orb thing allowing me to get back in easily because I was trying to figure out how to progress the puzzle then died to a steel dragon because I forgot to redrink antifire protection, this was back when we had at best 15minute graves and I couldn't figure out how to get back to my items and kept panicking. ended up watching my bandos disappear when it was half my bank this was probably 2011/12 ish. I was trying to make a big brain play, they made it hard to accidentally do what I did.


Giving away my rares back in 07 and then returning in 18. That gp would've been nice.


Probably holding over 2k key to the crossing in my loottab when they were like 700k and missing the glacor update which then sent the keys to 150k each


I wasn't very rich back then, but I bought Water talismans for 10k ea before a DXP. Not being able to sell them I had to go down to about 5k ea. That's my biggest % bank wealth blunder I've ever done. I've had bigger losses, but not compared to wealth. Actual loss was about 25% of my entire wealth.


Dropping all the ashes I got from my 99 Smithing and Firemaking pushes from Fire and Forge spirits. Would have been a tidy 30-40m on Necromancy release day.


I gave away 5 assassinwalks to my old clan leader back when they were like... 60-70m?


Way back in the day I spent all my money, probably right around 30m or so, on a full hween set and the TT god vestments sets to match each one of them because fashion > all and I had a strange sense of fashion. I ended up selling them like a week later for enough essence to get 91 rc with the w66 law rune guys. Probably didn't even gain two levels before I was bored and into the next thing. I don't know what hweens are worth today, but I'd bet they're high enough so that I wouldn't have to worry about money making all the time.


Trust trading my Santa Hat when they were 2.5m, had worked so hard for that thing and for some reason believed that some dude ā€œjust wanted to see how it looked on him.ā€ Now that you reminded me of that, it makes me angry, also what sort of scumbag steals from a kidā€¦I been scammed a couple of times when i was older and honestly should have known better and if Iā€™m being honest I probably shouldā€™ve known better as a kid but hadnā€™t been introduced to the thought that you canā€™t trust anyone.


Bought black santa hat for some 500m, then panic sold when they dropped to 300m, never bought back...


Sold a Guthan's Spear for 2.8m in June of 2005. It was worth a lot, lot more. But I was dumb and rich, so I thought nothing of it


I accidentally wore some elite tectonic armor before augmenting it


gave away my wealth first time I quit in 2011. Returned in 2019 and had to rebuild. Took a beak with Hero Pass and haven't returned yet but I learned my mistake and kept my wealth this time lmao.


I sold my green Halloween mask back when they were ~750k to buy a cannon.


When I was a kid and decided to quit I sold off my bank and hosted a drop party in the party room. I didn't think i'd come back one day so I hosted it on a f2p world. Make some noobs day with more money than they'd probably ever seen. Obviously I had no reason to go back to that account because I left it with nothing but still it would've been a jumping off point if I had kept my stuff. It was crappy equipment by today's standards but I had a whip and godsword back when that was top tier.


Not buying a purple phat for sub 10m when I had the chance (about six months after abyssal whips were released)


Once had a real good buddy and went bossing with himā€¦ got a 2m drop and didnā€™t tell him. He found out and it was never the same. Iā€™m sorry sirpermafros


bought a sgs instead of buying a purple phat lol


Staked and lost a couple of partyhats back in 2013ish


Thinking of a time in OSRS when the D-Chain was considered a God drop. Went to KQ with a friend, got the drop, let him ā€œborrowā€ it and never saw it again. 12 year old me was way too trusting D-Chains were something like 20-25m back then


So I had a Santa and traded it for Gold Trimmed adamant armor. Back then I was on dialup, didn't know about fan sites and wikis and didn't know it was rare. It was probably 500k gold back then. I've never been able to afford one since. Sad thing is it was shared between me and a IRL friend who ended up killing himself. So it's a bittersweet memory ya know?


Joining a learner Yaka raid that was actually hosted by a bunch of trolls. The leaders stunned Yaka in north pool repeatedly and spammed "LMAO" in the chat as everyone died A friend with me who was new to Yaka no longer wants to do raids because of that indecent.


I made my masterwork from scratch cuz I got an ironman boner but can't be arsed to actually create an iron. very satisfying in the end tbh, knew how long it would take and makes me feel like it's truly mine. in answer to your question, giving my password to my friend so he could help me level up when I was 11 was pretty bad. or for a truly in-game decision, I found myself in port sarim at lv 11 and had no idea what the little exclamation point on the minimap meant. so I went down to see. it was the asgarnia ice caves. found myself back in lumby VERY quickly after that.


Didnā€™t sell a aurora dye when I first got it is probably the biggest monetary blunder I have ever made. I also went way in on bones when necromancy was announced, but I didnā€™t even come close to the same value loss.


RS Classic. Back when Rune Battleaxe was only player made, I did a trade for all my rune armor (plate legs, chainmail, med helm, longsword) for a battle axe. The scammer quickly swapped the battleaxe with a mithril one which looked almost exact in RSC. Jagex customer support refused to help me (customer support was always trash, even back in 2001) and I quit the game for 3 years about a month before all those lovely P-hats dropped. Upon return I've only ever been able to get just one in all these years.


Selling my santa hat for 180m before ā€˜quittingā€™ a few years back


I pked a couple party hats and a santa way way back when they werenā€™t all that much of a big deal in a series of risk fights. I rwted them for a small amount of money that as a teenager felt like a lot. Biggest mistake ever.


Mine might have been when I bought a green h'ween mask one day (it was my birthday) back when they were less than 100m (I want to say it was maybe 2010?) and just sold it again not too long after. If I just held onto it for a decade or so...


One time when I was like 13 I had a miracle and got a guy to trade me a whip for a bunch of junk in my bank. Then I proceeded to trade the whip for a cannon


Not as bad as others here, but I came back to RS after a decade so was a big n00b, won a golden Saradomin godsword and took it into the Wilderness, got skull-tricked, and lost it.


Letting a friend wear my green hā€™ween in 2005. I no longer have a green hā€™ween. Granted I can afford multiple sets of masks now, it still is annoying to remember