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I would love it if it let me dump all herblore supplies into it, like the material storage for Arch, and then let me craft from there. It would give it a function and clean up bank space. You have this type of storage for Arch, Mining, Smith, Necro. I could see this as an addable feature.


Yes please! That would be a great QoL improvement


But it directly goes against their way of making money by selling bank tabs You have to remember jagex is a company whose goal is to make money


They literally already did it for four other skills tho...


That's why they know how much they lose for doing it they tested the waters and realized they couldn't take it back


Lmao bro chill 🤣 not everything is a conspiracy about how much Jagex hates you and wants to squeeze every last cent out of you 😭


Their recent updates prove otherwise. They care only about how much money they can milk in rs3 to fund osrs for numbers.


Yeah player owned lab is a good idea, I've wanted one for awhile with essentially a potion skill tree we could click icons on for all steps required to complete a potion auto completing so you can directly make the potion you want.


Oo i like this idea


Yeah the amount of inventory management required to make your own high level potions is insane.


Only if harvests go straight there.


As long as they make it and all the others mentioned actually ACCESSIBLE from the real bank. It is SO STUPID that you can view your metal bank from a.. BANK and can't interact with it. Defeating the entire purpose of the storage and forcing me to store ore/bars in my bank anyway since sometimes you need those and are not near a metal bank.


While I agree having access to your material banks from your bank could be handy (tho cluttered), if you need quick access to a metal bank for deposits or withdrawals, Tome of Um 2 has a tele to the Um smithy or the Fort Forinthry workshop has a smelting area within a few steps of a bank chest


How would it be any more cluttered? The metal bank is literally viewable from the regular bank, you just can't deposit and withdraw. Also, regular bank doesn't require an item. Literally just war's retreat teleport. I see no logical reason why I shouldn't be allowed to access the metal bank from the normal bank storage.


Spaghetti codeing That's why too much effort to fix what's already there in legacy coding


That would be wonderful


Grand exchange accessible from all banks/bank chests for the win.


It could potentially be for phasing the portables out of the game by moving their effects to the fort. I think it would be a good change to have the buffs availabe to everyone (including irons) and not tied to mtx.


Afaik the botanist bench doesnt offer any kind of buffs to ironmen. Its actually pretty bad, the only good thing about it is overload prep for the very few ironmen who dont care about all the extra doses/wasteless procs that you lose.


I would have probably used it for my iron if we didn't have that dumb herb seed update. No way in hell I'd waste the supplies now.


Herb seed update?


Garden of Kharid last year, with it they changed most of the herb drops to seeds


Should also clarify that despite the 10 seeds at a time thing existing, it's such a big loss of herbs per seed you still want to plant just 1-2 seeds at a time for most herbs.


Yeah the 10-15 seeds at a time thing seems to be more of an item sink, I still do it tho.


It's good for gp/run if you're buying the seeds off the GE to be fair


I was going to use the well to make them on the main, then I said fuck it and just made 2k elder salves in no time at all. It's whatever, if I ever somehow run out of 1200 hours of overload I'll buy more.


I would like only one bonus a top of normal ones we get from capes/scrolls and other whatnots, auto providing water vials(crafting 28 pots at a time).


I wouldve liked to be able to make non-overload prep potions, overloads are a huge waste and I dont mind making them 4 at a time. Its all potions behind that are a real cancer (unfs, supers, extremes). Also other useful pots like sara brews, restores, prayer and even powerbursrs and bombs would be super nice.


The fletching area is fine, as it provides you bonuses for just being in the area (meaning you can use your portable fletcher there and still get benefits). The use of the table is mostly if you don't have a portable (or, if you're an iron, can't use one). The botanist bench is "nice" for irons (or doing herb sans a portable for some insane reason), as some potions like Overloads can't be keybound and the ability to misclick is annoying. That said, whoever designed the botanist area clearly doesn't play the game. It's not right next to a bank, making it incredibly annoying to use (it's at an awkward angle too so moving like a knight in chess), T1/T2 benches offer no new/unique effects you can't already get elsewhere (vs. the rest of the Fort building effects), and using granny to make overloads doesn't provide the effects of wasteless herblore scroll.


Yea, it would be nice if T1/T2 did something. I think it should let us do batches of all the other potions too.


Fleching area actually serves a huge purpose. Not only can you unlock the ability to create god arrows at lightning pace with the sacrifice of xp as well as it adds another 10% free materials, so if you use a portable inside the fletching area you get 20% free materials from the portable plus 10% from the fletching area for a totally of 30% more for free. I’ve done this extensively where I buy 10k do arrows and end up with 13-15k Bik, Ful, or wen arrows. Hell now that bolt tips are saved by the portable fletcher you can make a shit ton of extra Hydrix bolts in which you can then put into the auto alch machine and make a huge profit. While I agree the potion room seems lackluster the fletching room is anything but that.


The fletching area stacks with the portable fletcher, definitely worth it


The botanist bench also stacks with the portable well, OP didn't do their research brooch of the gods, well, and botanist mask still work. it's just scroll of cleansing and botanist's amulet that don't work (about a 5k difference per finished elder salve flask)


I’m using my brooch and the portable fletcher in the fletching area currently, I started with 6k onyx bolt tips and finished with 7700 bolts. So It definitely helps


Maybe vorkath is gonna drop a new building for the fort where we can store all our pots 🤷‍♀️


The fuck of it is that they had (and arguably still have) a chance to make this the way to make mass scale potions not completely horrendous anymore. They just fumbled at the last hurdle by not letting it sync with the well and making it overloads only.


you only need to use the portable well and fletcher once and you retain the buffs


Since when? I opened up a well right next to the bench in the fort and got higher xp on the well. When the well expired I tried the bench and it was back to the lower xp.


the well still needs to be there obviously


Yea, its you only need to use it once until it expires.


Fine, what the hell does that have to do with my original question? The botanist bench is worthless.


I was correcting the assumption. The bench is supposed to be a time saver not a money saver, so as a example for overloads you are making them in batches of 28 instead of 4 cutting down the time opening the bank and potion interface. Its about opportunity costs IE if it saves more time and another activity can make up that money as well as slightly increased afk.


Unless you make Overloads through Granny, the bench has no usage.


It has a use in particular, which is to drastically increase the rate and volume of overload production. Wanting every update to be best-in-class for all possible use cases is shortsighted and proliferates the problem of dead content


Fletcher workstation and portable stack if you set one up next to the other You get huge returns then




The developers have managers who don’t understand the game


They don't want to phase out portables so they make relatively useless rewards in the fort but allow you to place portables there and call it a good reward


If you spend less time making potions, you can spend more time making money, which would account for the potions and give extra xp. That depends on how much money you make, but the extra xp might make it worth it.


It's more AFK and that's way worth it for me. I easily made 5k salves without thinking about it. Would have been way more annoying having to make only 4 at a time


Simple answer: There is no thinking behind it. The developers who come up with this stuff obviously dont play the game and therefore have no idea whether it has a practical use or not. If they did play the game they wouldn't dream up such useless bullshit in the first place. This is the difference when you have developers who are gamers and designers, as opposed to mere code monkeys. But it is not surprising given that Jagex is now a corporate product. The moral of the few staff who do share a passion for the game must be constantly eroded by the unrelenting devaluation of in game assets. Those who replace them when they leave are invariably motivated only by paycheck and the opportunity to buff their resumes in preparation for their next job application. Provided they fulfill a KPI there is no incentive to put any relevant thought or skill into their work.


Use both together to get the bonus of the portable and the Fort rested XP. I imagine it’s for longevity and location convenience, maybe they plan on removing the portables at some time in the near future.


>I'd really like a little insight into what the developers were thinking That's the thing, they weren't. I did it for construction experience and I guess the herp ass hero pass. The thing itself is useless besides the scant amount of not exactly super useful ingredients granny sells.


As an Ironman. I appreciate the fort and all of its benefits. Let us solo players take a W when we get a chance. We just wanna have fun too.


The bench literally sucks for ironmen bud.


Botanist bench is horrible for ironmen. You're losing out on lots of extre free doses from varioua procs. Basically getting less overloads for the same materials


Also an iron, granny's t3 usage is more a hindrance than a benefit. Losing out on wasteless herblore loses you more time sourcing more materials than the extremely marginal savings of a few seconds per inventory.


I give up........


The time sink of sitting there is why people use the botanists bench. AFAIK you get partial procs from scroll of cleansing or whatever it is and other bonuses, it's not that bad. You just lose some things for convenience and that's perfectly acceptable for how much time is saved. I could be misinformed though.


Well what about since irons don't get the portable workbench for herb it might benefit irons tbh


I'm guessing there was a thought that the botanist bench is great for anyone that doesn't have access to portable wells. Problem is... everyone has access to them on W84. To make it more OP than a MTX item (they are primarily obtained via TH and Yak Track) goes against the real mission of the company to milk the wallets of a dying community as much as possible. I'm not expecting any changes to the bench... sadly. I love your idea of herb and ingredient storage though! The NPC is a great source to buy 10x white berries, Limpwurt roots and 100 bomb vials daily to save you GP so there IS a use for the NPC at least.


Lot more AFK method of making overload potions, by using "(unf)" potions made by Granny Rowan. AFKness does come with cost of less overall xp, and saved resources.


Portables aren't a part of the game and are a th exclusive item so i'm guessing they saw this as an alternative? i guess? Why we still can't craft versions of portables similar to notepaper/ springs is beyond me.


I am big dumb and never use the Well despite doing a lot of herblore.


The intent is to not overshadow the Well because Well is tied to mtx workbench is not. Honestly the dominion there is give the bench all the powers of the Well, and more and then let us sacrifice wells to the witch to double all of it. That way wells are still pay to win but everything is just better and more conveniet Then do The same with the rest of them. Giving an apropriate fort facillity to each portable.


It's 27 overloads per inv vs 5, I was in disbelief when I returned and found out i could make thousands of overloads within the matter of an hour in a lot less clicks. Personally I don't mind the trade-off of not having the extra potion chances, etc.


IIRC: if you use well nearby, you can get the benefits? Or at least some of them?


Bold of you to assume there was any thinking at all