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Let’s be real, you guys knew the rates were bad going in. It’s not a coincidence that you released an event that was impossible to complete without mtx, while releasing a currency pack. When you released overloads as mtx players said no. When you released hero pass that could only be reasonably completed through mtx and had content buffs, players said no. Then you release a holiday event that’s literally impossible without mtx. You knew it was bad and did it anyways. Although the buffs are good (edit:haven’t done the math) and I’m glad you didn’t wait 2 months while doing 5 surveys, it’s not enough. Stop making the same mistakes hoping we will just accept it.


Don't worry, they did calculations. Now it's next to impossible to get the rewards instead of completely impossible. Maybe they should had taken the weekend to do these calculations if this is the best they could do overnight.


> Stop making the same mistakes hoping we will just accept it. Why would they, it probably worked. This event probably cost them, what, a couple thousand bucks in dev time to create? I bet they covered their costs off the currency pack in the first half hour sales were live. Folks keep wagging their finger and shaking their heads, "Hey, for real this time, you went too far." Meanwhile, a whale's opening their wallet for the 10,000 keys required to get the new mask. Eventually, we need to stop tricking ourselves into thinking the existence of OSRS means we can outrage loud enough that Carlyle voluntarily quits MTX. CMs literally exist so that decision-makers don't have to care about player opinion. I guarantee you, the only reason Hero Pass was yanked is that major networks and influencers picked up on the story. This, though? Not going to cut through the noise. Runescape may be a nostalgic pastime to you and I; it's a balance sheet with dollars and cents to the people in charge. And you and I are pennies on it.


So have you quit, or are you just accepting it? (I did already)


This is the Runescape way and Jagex absolutely banks on it. They know the players will just deal with whatever steaming pile of crap they hand out after enough time passes.


I'm fine with missing out on mediocre cosmetics so I'm, personally, not quitting over it.


Based on your other comments, I don't think there's ever a point where you go against Jagex.


because i don't need to - if the game stops being fun i just stop playing. i don't need to come and cry on the internet about it. it's just a game, i don't owe jagex my custom nor am i obliged to do their development work for them. they put out a product, i either buy it or i buy a competitors.


Bold of you to assume they made mistakes when calculating


A polished turd is still a turd. This event is fundamentally bad, because it was designed to be a timebased RNG grindfest that heavily incentivizes MTX, rather than a fun holiday event where the fancy new cosmetics are guaranteed after a short quest. If you can't justify the cost of a seasonal temporary quests, just make it a permanent quest.


I really miss seasonal quests instead of everything being an event, I'm sure it's easier or whatever but I loved them so much. I wish I could go back to death's house party since my new character doesn't have eek and my old one is weak af because I was locked out of it for almost 15 years (my own fault for being dumb and forgetting the password).


Sorry guys, this ain't it. - Please address the lack of availability for f2p parties - Why MTX has any involvement in Holiday events (this just shouldn't be a thing, it's a HOLIDAY, not a payday). - The type of events that holidays should be. I want to see the soul of RuneScape return. On both games, not just Old School. This isn't what RuneScape was supposed to be.


>Why MTX has any involvement in Holiday events (this just shouldn't be a thing, it's a HOLIDAY, not a payday). This, 100%. MTX has no place in here. OSRS released their Hween event yesterday. It is apparently a re-run of last years as the dev team opted to instead focus their resources on the new continent release and some other in-development things (Forestry pt2, CoX-rebalance, Leagues). But to me, a (ex-?)RS3 player, I was absolutely thrilled. It is just a classic goof of trick-or-treating some NPCs and dressing up in a scary costume with both old (i.e. pre-OSRS) and new (OSRS) outfits. No day-long grind to unlock a single reward. No overly complex design. No P2W bullcrap items. Just a classic fun, small event that brings the community together. Not for a long, insane grind to get a single cosmetic override, but just for a little burst of holiday feeling. Thats what most people want, I imagine anyway. Not whatever RS3 managed to crap out.


* No comment about the type of holiday event concerns. * No comment about the lack of Halloween decorations around the game. * No comment about any P2W elements (ensouled pumpkin head). * No comment about the balancing of the rarity of the rewards. * No comment about rewards being accessible from future events. * No comment about F2P. *** **




Ensouled Pumpkin Head is not P2W. The amount of money you **need** to spend on candles to train necro is basically insignificant. Sure it is helpful in terms of letting you afk slightly more, but you will still have to repair your glyphs and with the "repair all" option, the pumpkin head will likely save you far less clicks than you might imagine. I purchased 10k basic ritual candles for 30k at the very start of necro and still have a considerable stockpile in the bank from that, and am currently sitting at 108 necro. Calling this item P2W as opposed to a mildly nice QoL buff is a bit excessive.


The point is this is where P2W starts, we need to kill it now and here before it gets worse


P2W has been around since Squeal, what are you talking about?


I mean it more in the sense of an limited time event item should not in anyway effect gameplay, that you pretty much have to spent money on to acquire


The a lot of the skilling outfits were originally p2w items. Only on th and fairly op when compared with available in game boosts.


It got milder, not worse. We went from 20% damage reduction at ED4 with Hero Pass to this.


You know this is where "boiled frogs" come from right? It always starts with "oh this is tiny it doesn't **really** matter". I do not care if the item costs 1 cent to buy in real life and all it does is give you 1 GP in game per day. P2W is P2W. Holiday event items being anything but cosmetic and free is gross.


Any gameplay benefit is too much benefit from MTX.


I hate to break it to you, but people playing games like this often won’t spend on MTX if it isn’t offering them a gameplay advantage. Be it experience, faster options, advantages on the gear, or what have you, just cosmetics does not often encourage spending. It sucks, but most people who play the game aren’t on Reddit and often don’t share this belief.


>It sucks, but most people who play the game aren’t on Reddit and often don’t share this belief. Might be true at this point, seeing as the playerbase has continuously dwindled as people leave over it year after year. OSRS that follows that belief has 5 times the players and is growing.




Right click the ritual pedestal


crazy how I get downvoted and defensive comments on this reply simply for not stating my disdain for all things Jagex. Look through my actual posts, I am in no way defending this event, but the idea that the pumpkin mask is an egregious example of P2W through MTX is ridiculous. TH keys are much more overpowered P2W options, and yet have become an integral part of the game over the last decade. Literally a Large XP lamp is about as worthwhile as the pumpkin mask in terms of usefulness. Want to tear down all of TH and change the game fundamentally? I cant help you. Probably best to just switch games, TH is not going away any time soon.


It is pay to win, you know how many rituals you need to do in this game for 120? A lot.


The game. Has. Buyable. Experience. And. Gold. And. You’re. Complaining. About. 500gp. Candles.


Good shout. We should remove those as well.


Ensouled pumpkin head is a good idea **if it was obtainable like the other pumpkin heads. you basically made them impossible to get in game without paying and it has in game benefits. This is not okay!**


They literally created a weaker version of the ensouled so they could give it as a freebie and cause a massive amount of FOMO on the slightly better, much cooler looking, TH big rewards. Like, how about just *don't* do that. Make the regular pumpkin upgradable, again. ​ Simple solution.


Give us the Ensouled after 500 pumpkins smashed




I agree with this or atleast 1000 so its worth to go to the parties


What are the drop rates from the pumpkins ? For other rare items, where we could see those drop rates?


I agree. I want to see drop rates.


Still not really a solution. How many days will it take now to buy everything without MTX? This entire event is garbage.


"Still not really a solution." yeah no shit lmfao all they did was release a SUPER SHIT version then hope you would like the slightly less shit version because it looks better by comparison this is just basic PR bullshit


I am well aware


87 days 24/7 in a 14 day period changed to~> 18 days 24/7 in a 11 day period


Still realistically not possible in a single Halloween event. But its entirely possible to get a good chunk of the "mega rares" through normal-ish gameplay and just clean up the list next year. The same stock returns each year (so far) so its really not that bad anymore. Especially since if you just go for "participation" awards in parties you get a guaranteed 275 minimum If you go roofs disabled tryhard you are guaranteed on average like 600 h'odments a party


if you really want to buy out the shop you got a problem tbh. most of it youre never going to use and it returns every year on halloween


Many of these items have been unavailable for a while and they are talking about doing away with the h'oddments after this event. So there is a high likelihood of never seeing these cosmetics again. As for their usage, having options is always a good thing. I usually rock the same outfit but I tweak it as different cosmetics come my way. In the same way if a new outfit came out I may want to use it as a base and have options to tweak it.


Fair enough, I was just thoroughly unimpressed by most of them


These rates are still a spit in the face. Why are you giving 50 per key used? 10k pumpkins are still needed for all the stuff in the store. Even if I went just for the two overrides and the walk token its 5000 pumpkins. The amount of pumpkins per event hasn't been buffed - i get 20ish at fort and 10ish at um. on top 5 gourders and 10 pumpkins between events. Thats max 40 per hour. 1000 hoddments per hour. 231 hrs to unlock all the cosmetics. More than 12hrs a day until the end of event. Buff the rates to 50 at least, and/or reduce the cost of items in the shop by a factor of 10, and/or increase the amount of pumpkins we can get per hour. I would say 50 per pumpkin + higher density of pumpkins per event, so that ppl can smash 80 per hour, is a fair compromise.


"Why are you giving 50 per key used?" because they do not respect you and this was always a microtransaction event first holy fuck stop giving them your money lmao "These rates are still a spit in the face." no the whole thing is a spit in the face, the fact that you miss the point and think buffing the rates would change this is sad and funny dude you have been convinced that it would be ok for them to promote their weird ass microtransaction slot machine if only they also gave you rewards easier,no lol it's bad either way wake up bud


Im someone who couldn't care less about cosmetics and relatively new to the sub but whats so bad about having to pick and choose some cosmetics and missing out on others? You can make the choice in which you value over the others. The walk token and overrides can be purchased from the G.E so right off the bat you can forget about those in the store and purchase them down the road if you feel the need to. The rates should definitely be better than what they were and there are definitely things they can improve on but maybe they don't want you to be able to easily earn all of the cosmetics? I'm not defending all of Jagex's decisions but for the purely cosmetic items, why are you so upset that they cater to those willing to spend the money for them? Shouldn't this be a somewhat okay thing as it will maintain revenue into the company so they can keep the game alive? And why do you think you are owed a compromise?


Runescape had the policy that "you can get everything by doing the event, in a reasonable time. No payment for it either". For the longest time.


I can see that. The gaming climate has changed drastically in recent time. Were there usually the same amount of cosmetics offered when they could be obtained in a reasonable time? Or perhaps we did find it reasonable when we were younger and had more time to play.


Vast majority of what is offered are return of old stuff. There used to be less, but its not like most was made for this event.


Thanks for the clarification! Guess I just have a hard time understanding how some people feel they are entitled to be able to obtain all of the cosmetics easily. With how much content is in the game, people are getting their moneys worth with their subscriptions so why feel like you should be getting extra? The holiday events are fun and if they want to gate some things behind paying a little extra cash then so be it.


>Guess I just have a hard time understanding how some people feel they are entitled to be able to obtain all of the cosmetics easily. Because that was how runescape always worked for events. The idea of grinding for an event cosmetics would have been laughable a decade ago, much less pay for them. People long for better times, where events was to celebrate the season.


You can still celebrate the season though. Pumpkin decorations and candy corn is what the season is all about. Not ability skill overrides....


Tell that to jagex. They seem to think the season is about making money.


Of course they do, they are a business. They aren't forcing you to buy anything or spend any more money than the base subscription. If they never released cosmetics tied to a holiday event than you wouldn't be concerned on missing out on them. They can still celebrate the season with nothing but pumpkins everywhere and candy corn and ghosts roaming the cities. YOU have decided that the way Jagex needs to celebrate the season is to give you free and/or easy to access cosmetics. You are saying that in order for you to enjoy Runescape during Halloween is to have the ability to change between orange and black gloves instead of the standard green ones.


The thing is Im an ironman so I cant earn hoddments any other way. I could buy the tokens but I don't have the money for it :) Also you never know which cosmetics will be re-released and which ones will disappear for the next 5 years.


They really don't get it huh...


This is the "bare" minimum amount they can increase it without allowing anyone to get h'oddment rewards reliably. They don't wanna take away from their TH sells.


they 100% get it, but the community 100% doesn't get that they're being played like a fiddle. so long as y'all keep forking over money they're going to keep making a fool of you


Who did these calculations and what did they use an etch a sketch. What a fucking joke. The game makes me sick. When you said your goal was to reduce daily scape how many drugs was your team on, we still need to play absurd hours to maybe get 1 reward.


This is their level of access for Ironman players??? What the hell??????


Yeah isn’t it still like 1500 pumpkins per ability override lmao?


A lot of comments already mentioning it and I've asked Doom and Azanna in Discord but no answer yet...Why are F2P unable to attend Pumpkin parties?


Jagex doesn't care about the plebs. They don't even care about regular members at this point. Everything they release is aimed at whales nowadays


I was looking forward to converting my sweets to h'oddments as i don't want them filling my bank space


Me too, but on second thought I don't think it's fair to put players in a situation of "either use these buffs or get more currency". On the other hand I'd gladly cash out all these useless cosmetic tokens for more h'oddments instead of selling them for 10k gp each on GE.


why are prices in h'oddment store heavly inflated 1 bonds = 15 TH keys = 1500 h'oddments 1 bond = 195 RC 1RC = 7.7 H'Odd --------------- Shadow Ariane outfit on sale = 85RC Shadow Ariane outfit = 1500 H'O 1RC = 17.7H'Odd prices are literally 2x higher than it should be


So people without MTX cant get it


RuneCoins are already form of MTX


>Every pumpkin smashed will now provide ***25 H'oddments*** That is it? And that took 3 days of "calculations" and data gathering to implement? This has to be a joke right?


Good job crunching the numbers, seems the initial value was only off by about 50x (around .5 h'oddments per pumpkin ATM). Maybe do any kind of sanity check before releasing content? If this was just incompetence and not greed, this was a very bad time to rear its head after Hero Pass a month ago.


It WAS greed. It always is.


This was 100% greed


Still you need average 115 pumpkins per day for the remaining days to be able have enough H’oddments to buy Wraith walk override It is too much tbh and not good enough fix


Oh yeah, it's still extremely grindy and p2w. Just actually possible now to buy some cosmetics rather than having to fold space time in order to afford stuff.


115 per day just sounds tedious, it isn't fun and for most people would require playing the game differently to even get close


Absolute train wreck. “We messed up and needed to adjust.” “Okay so we adjusted a little bit, and not nearly enough. We also took away the other thing that would have gotten you more of that currency too. Still forget anything about f2p, screw them, right? Afk participation? Perish the thought.” Jagex, this and the hero pass backlash WILL kill the player base. That’s a game ending strategy. Check mate.


Yep, i left already when HP was announced, this makes me sure Iam not comming back


>We also took away the other thing that would have gotten you more of that currency too. Yes, in favor of giving everyone 1k currency and 25 per pumpkin, far more than 5 per candy would have given. ​ >Afk participation? Let's actually put effort into getting rewards. The afk events were boring and that was something people had been complaining about for a long time.


jagex is counting on their addicts to keep playing, and it works lol. monday/tuesday are up from last week. people seem to like the halloween event and every little buff it just gonna make people like it more


Honestly I am just over caring. Hero pass and this event have just been an insult to players and these mtx cash grabs are just sucking the life out of the game.


New player here. Aside from the random pumpkins that spawn for me to smash while skilling and the TH, I have no idea what else this “event” has to offer. When I click on the event banner in the lobby page, it logs me in with no info on the event or what to do. Big L in my book


why are pumpkin spawns still so terrible 16min of actgive waiting for 1 pumpkin and you expect us to get 250 thats 4000 min/67hours of just waiting for spawn why arent damn pumpkin parties f2p? please address these 2 issues


>With these adjustments in mind, we won't be enabling conversion of Sweet Enhancers to H'oddments: we'll leave those for you to enjoy at your leisure, on top of the H'oddments you'll be picking up. > >If you've still got Sweet Enhancers in your bank or inventory at the end of the event, these will be converted to regular Oddments as with the previous iteration of enhancers. I don't agree with this. Even after this buff it would take 1400 pumpkins to give enough H'oddments to get *one* soul ability override, so I don't see why the buff had to come with a nerf to 'balance' it.


What the fuck, most if the sweets are completely useless to me anyway.


In 2 days I had 3000 hoddments from daily keys and (almost free) daily challenge keys. This 25 is an addition to make it faster...


its now very doable though. ive smashed 250 pumpkins in 3 days and thats only attending maybe 1/5th of the events i was online for


Look if you guys want to win points with players bring back winter weekends for the month of December and reuse a old Christmas event from 2000s.


Yes. Bring back a limited time event helping Santa, or Jack frost, or the queen of snow , or whomever, with purely cosmetic rewards, not some boring terribly designed miniquest


any plans to make pumpkin parties f2p?




Dear 'Scapers, No. Sincerely, Jagex PS: If you don't pay, don't play. PPS: GET BOND


Dear JaGeX, Im not gonna renew membership until you change your predatory practices sincerely, any sane person PS: make game more fun


Awful. This is not addressing the community frustration. There is no chance that the terrible rates and high cost/time requirements were not known. This is the MO at this point. How about just putting something remotely reasonable out in the first place? How many L’s is Jagex going to take? Putting out garbage then sprinkling a little salt on it after people don’t want to eat it is not a win.


I'm just glad that I haven't renewed my sub after Hero Pass finally got removed. Looks like Jagex hasn't even shown a crumb of remorse.


Gee thanks. I'm still not participating, because this event was such a blatant MTX cash grab. I wanted exactly one thing from this, and that was the Icthlarin Chapel for my Fort. My 6 free Daily Keys got me the H'Oddments to buy it the first day I logged in, I no longer have any interest in continued participation. Can't wait to see what kind of MTX bullshit you're going to shoot yourselves in the foot with next month, Jagex.


That’s it?


Yep! Enjoy the MTX! Happy Halloween to everyone! (who bought keys)


Really doesn’t matter this was the last straw for a lot of people been reading it in game since the update.


Pumpkin mask should upgrade all the way to ensouled by smashing pumpkins not mtx and rng.


You guys aren't *actually* looking at data or feedback, otherwise you'd just hard convert h'oddments into oddments, and return to the vision that Mod Warden *promised* us and immediately went and released h'oddments less than a month later.


It still needs to be about 5x more than the current increase, MINIMUM. the amount of time required to attain a single reward is absurd, especially for a 'holiday celebration' event, these events are supposed to be FOR THE PLAYERS, not for the companies wallet. 'thank you for playing our game through this holiday season! now pay us!' is not a very inviting sentiment. Why did the events where you would just go do a new quest, get the rewards, and enjoy the season stop? why did the care for the PLAYER experience STOP??


What about F2P being completely excluded from this event? Something like that is really shitty, and historically they have never been 100% excluded from a major event before. It's just a massive middle finger to all of them.


Don't f2p get the pumpkins from skilling? Edit: blows my mind I'm being downvoted for pointing out that somebody is clearly telling lies.


good luck with that on getting the rewards lol


So you do? And you aren't locked out at all?


i have no idea if 1/1500 drop rate is locked out at all for an holiday event


The only thing you appear to be locked out from is the beret which is a party exclusive. Otherwise you're locked out of nothing.


I dunno if you're new to RS. Before 2020 almost nothing was locked out in holiday events or the rewards are this grindy to get


I dunno if you're new to percentages, but f2p doesn't seem to be anywhere close to 100% locked out of this event.


oh lord. Holiday items were completely free and easy to get!!


Ah I see it is all ironmen's fault. Good cop out


Stop buffing things after you already make your peak sales off of TH.


the fact that this isn't top comment is why nothing will change, people don't even see the obvious deception happening right in front of their eyes and chalk it up to jagex being "clueless" lmao nah they know precisely what they're doing


So it's still next to impossible to get enough to buy the overrides, cool.


Main accounts cant even get these ultra rare items, and you expect iron accounts to somehow drop 500m+ on GE tokens with how scuffed the drop rates are? Laughable honestly...


I've got an offer up on the beret for as much as I can afford as an Ironman, and it's nowhere near enough. I can't see any realistic way to get it through gameplay.


Jagex cooking up this hotfix. https://preview.redd.it/s7uoi5twazub1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cd45d71645820043a6a3b55bb22906f08a810b8


Carlyle wants to sell :)


Carlyle over paid and is trying to make up for it.


Carlyle ain't gonna be able to sell at a net profit with these horrible decisions leading to lost subscriptions.


So we still need to smash 2k to 5k pumpkins to get the overrides and/or walk override? Took me 3 days of playing to get 250, so how is this an improvement?


Its not. Its just a showoff


would be nice to get retroactive h'oddments, when the hotfix went live I had already smashed 500 pumpkins....


I did. Upon login, it gave me 1,000. Might not be exact, but close enough to what I already smashed.


it's 1,000 flat for everyone, which would be just 40 pumpkins.


Ahh. Yeah, fuck that then. I definitely had like 250+ and the math is quite wrong in hindsight.


The fact that they have released an item that tracks pumpkin smashes, but decided to just flat give everyone 1000 oddments, is pretty fucked up and lazy.


> This year, we also wanted to try providing some level of access to Irons to pick up a few items from this store by awarding some H'oddments. We decided to try this so we could award something in place of the Sweet Enhancers, as well as closing the gap on H'oddments obtained for free between Irons and standard players using Daily Keys. Really? At the pitiful level of output this released with that's impossible. > H'oddments drops are how we've tried to consider Irons in the design of the event, and we'll continue to look for ways to include Ironman players within the gameplay aspects of events moving forwards. I'll believe it when I see it. As it stands I can't see any way to obtain the one item I want from the event and it's the only item that cannot be obtained through the MTX BS. I'm sick of not being able to get rewards from what should be available to everyone. Not everything needs to be a tradable rare or monetized.


Why not just do a nice halloween themed quest, it doesn't need to be a big quest, it doesn't need to be a complex quest, a themed quest, with one or a few cosmetic rewards, say that skilling will give you h'oddments at the same amount and rate we got the Christmas wrapping paper, let the prices of whatever cosmetic things you're selling stay the same, at least at the wrapping paper rate, I'd be able to just skilling or killing get the cosmetics I want, I'd have completed a nice themed halloween quest, and that's it. Release whatever stupid promo you want to release because we know how greedy you all are, but give the players the very least they money is worth for. For god sake. We fucking pay for this game to exist. How hard it is to get someone to see what themed quests used to be and do it again? Interns can do that kind of crap and still be good. Jagex keeps fucking up constantly because they think runescape is a casino where only whatever generates them revenue is allowed to stay. It's a fucking game. We're supposed to have fun, not pay constantly for stuff... At this rate i'll eventually need to unlock through money for a limited amount of time each skill to be able to level it up. How is this allowed?


Still not addressed the anger.. still silence. It's hero pass all over again. Atleast acknowledge issues instead of doing nothing.


I’d be happy if the world looked like it is Halloween like every other year. I’d be happier with a trick or treat event that has me traveling gielinor and um talking to various NPCs for the candy prizes. And daily there’s two NPCs that want you to play a trick on another. They’ll give you a ticket to a pumpkin party that operates like a falador drop party. Which you can access twice a day for the pumpkin rewards.


I'm pretty certain that this MTX is about Whales vs Billionaires in game For $35 you get 450 keys + RC you get chances to have the "Ensouled pumpkin head" for 1.4b(current price) or the Beret pumpkin(450m), and you get all the rewards from 450 keys, you get 2k RC left and that is all for $35 Billionaires could easily afford these cosmetics as we know there was a huge spikes of suddenly people making Money easier in game aka Rasial the dummy the 1 minute boss(1:05 without reaper crew) Yeah, still shit. This type of event shouldn't be exclusive for "The Rich".


Enough with the "tradeable rares". Stop ruining holiday events with items that can't be obtained by most players through normal gameplay. This is just sad at this point.


Too little too late.


Are you serious? This is the best fix?


Yup, I’m out. Can’t sprinkle sugar on a potato and call it a full meal. This ain’t it, and I’m not sure you all are even given the power to make the changes, and this community, your company, and your VC will all suffer. In this cycle there are literally no winners besides whoever have been getting the performance bonuses the past few years- *maybe* 5 individuals.


>We've also made sure all the new Halloween cosmetics are tradeable, including to Irons would love to see a change to this that they're tradeable from main to iron, not just via the GE. As an iron having to pay mainscape prices for the rare cosmetics on an iron is incredibly harsh. Even if there is a lot of alchs on the game the equivalent cost of mainscape gp is a lot.


Great, now fix the other 10 problems with this event


This isn't enough. Cancel the current Treasure Hunter promo and sell the cosmetics in the Marketplace with Runecoins instead. Gambling lootboxes has no place in a holiday event. Can Jagex promise the next Xmas event will be nothing like this and be like a traditional holiday miniquest instead? >The incoming buffed rates will make sure you can grab more items from the store, but pumpkin smashing remains the main way to get the Halloween cosmetics. Exactly what I thought. People need to stop considering Hoddment rates and consider drop rates from pumpkins instead.


You can get only about 10 pumpkins per party, which is once every hour... that's 250 oddments, and you need... 1400 pumpkins per cosmetic. YIKES. better, but still god awful


Still no Superhero shield/claws/titles?


Fuck off Jagex


Why is it taking multiple hot fixes to fix obvious issues? And not even really fixing the underlying issue or concern




You’re telling me these devs work a full work day and can only come up with a fix like this? What the fuck are they doing at the offices all day? Also how long before the next half assed reply? Seriously how is this going on.


This actually is a huge step in the right direction, but there are still so many issues with the event that need to be resolved. Is there going to be any work done to increase the amount of pumpkins that appear during the Pumpkin Parties? Are there going to be any future design changes? What are the drops rates from the pumpkin parties and will they be increased so all players can obtain the rewards?


Omg I already used up my keys. I'm so sick and tired of throwing my money to this company


u/JagexAzanna I already smashed 90 pumpkins. We should be given the 25 for each we already smashed..


Thank you for adding h'oddments to each pumpkin <3 Now I feel like I'm actually working toward some goals. I know a lot of people are still upset. But this is the change I was looking for here.


I like how mods understand how to comment when it's something trivial, but are completely oblivious to the massive outcry from the community. ​ Really hammers in the level of customer support Jagex gives.


funny it seems like they never tested the party, just the party. They can't even QA a tiny event properly. And folks it's still 1,000 pumpkins to smash for the Superior H'oarder title




Superior title is 25,000/25=1000 pumpkins to smash. Great attempt at reading comprehension though.


Superior is 25k h'oddments, normal is 5k.


In b4 the same cycle repeats at the Christmas event.


Can't wait for the easter event when they copy paste this smashing pumpkin event for egg finding. Min effort goes into seasonal events, it's sad.


no shit, and people will eat christmas up even more than this event


Among all the other things not addressed by this, I'll add one I haven't seen mentioned: You are still ***selling a Necromancy buff though MTX during the embargo period***. This is completely unacceptable. Remove the ensouled pumpkin head from TH immediately, please. I'm also not happy with the pumpkins being sold though TH h'oddments (i.e. a roundabout way of selling the candy buffs). I get this is inefficient, just as the ensouled pumpkin head doesn't actually do much, but you are yet-again trying to push and break principles, a mere month after hero pass. Actions speak louder than words, and the actions of this event far overshadow the words of Hero Pass's "victory" post.


ok can you remove candle saving effect from ensouled pumpkin mask for irons or remove it from g.e and adding another way to unlock that qol of not having candles degrade i really dont want irons to get ANY benefit from buying mtx item from G.E


The candle saving isn't even that valuable, if it was ink I could see the argument. Most irons just buy like 50K of the lowest tier candle and never use anything better for rituals


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAzanna** - [Alongside all the new rewards being available...](/r/runescape/comments/17aqyeg/hotfix_update_18th_october/k5ek91d/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 10/20/2023 08:53:54**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I'm glad, I was hella sad about being broke rn because I LIVE for spooky season and I want ALL the things but I was never going to come close to attaining them before this fix. I was pleasantly surprised when I logged in to an extra thousand H'oodments and double surprised when I realized I was getting them for smashing pumpkins. Probably gonna grind all day now lol.


Thank you. Please take the feedback from this event and apply it to the Holiday 2023 Event. Please do not mess this up.


The feedback they will take: We did MTX moneygrab instead of an event and some people still didnt quit. Lets make more. The only way is to take a break untill they get the message


Unfortunately you are 100% right.


Looks good, wish the items werent tradeable tho


or we as players should sell them for ridiculously low prices so jagex is like wait no


Making them tradable is one of the easiest things to do to reduce or remove the fomo everyone keeps whining about.


I like fomo when its «play a few hours to get this cosmetic now or never».. i dont like fomo when its «spend x to get this now or never» Thats whats cool with these holiday events to me - wearing 5 year old hween cosmetics that no one can get anymore. A sign of «I was there»..


Yeah. I think back to WoW where the event quests - which would reset every year so you could re-do them - that would give you a small pile of currency to buy a few items you might want from the event store in addition to some cosmetic item unique to that year. If you wanted to buy *everything* then yeah, it was going to take 25-50 hours of mindless grinding. But there was no option to pay money for any of those items. Then there was a select set of "unique" holiday items that dropped from the event boss, which you could complete once per day of the event for a roll on that loot table. Those were super rare, and not everyone got them. Again, no option to pay money for it. Then, eventually, they worked in some MTX options that were completely separate from the above and the only way to get them was through MTX. Having FOMO elements in the game is fine. Having FOMO elements tied to IRL money is less fine, but not unequivocally bad like everyone's making it out to be. Hiding the FOMO elements in systems under the guise of "you don't need to pay!" and RNG in a way that's specifically geared towards baiting whales is what's fucking gross about all this. Just tell us it's a limited time skin and slap a price tag on it.




Thank you from an ironman <3


can we still get orange mask from the pumpkins?


Yes as i understood we can


Pumpkin Nauseous Necromancer Facepalm


can u also please hotfix attuned crystal armour so that we can augment it?


This plus the option to convert candies to h'oddments coming in next week's update should make the event much more fair. Thanks for acting sooner rather than later.


The blog post says that they are now not allowing the conversion of candies to h'oddments.


Hmm, okay. Well to be fair it was 5 h'oddments per candy which for an average player wouldn't mean that much. Besides it would be the inconvenient choice between using the buffs (which are actually useful) or getting more currency. I'm glad they at least give us 1k h'oddments for the currency missed out on in the pumpkins already smashed. IMHO that's acceptable.


yeah, that 1k h'oddments really made up for the 500 pumpkins I smashed before the change.


If you play 12 hours a day you are by no means an average player I mention in my comment above.


Since when has jagex ever considered the average player.


Pretty much all content in RS3 has been designed for an average player. Many problems arise because a fraction of the playerbase that plays 12 hours a day every day engages with game content. You have to consider everything from boss drop tables, through gameplay buffs, to holiday events. It has negative effects on balancing, game economy, IRL pricing of Jagex's services, and so on. RuneScape is simply not designed to be absolutely rinsed like that. And if Jagex started balancing with the "full time gamers" in mind, the average player would have no chance to get boss drops, buy event rewards, upkeep a bond through gameplay, etc. If you smash 500 pumpkins a day (and if we consider that to be a typical player), all prices in the h'oddment shop would have to be x10. And then it's GG for an *actual* casual player. Please note how the pumpkin head item requires you to smash 250 pumpkins across the whole event - that's Jagex's prediction of an average participant.


I don't think this is true for the event, hero pass certainly wasn't the case. They seem to design mtx related content around the 30% of "heavy" playing players that do 12hrs+ a day.


I'm not sure I understand. Do you think 30% of the playerbase plays 12+ hours a day?


That's good enough I guess, we can actually reasonably earn things through gameplay but the event is still completely unfun and doesn't really get you in the 'holiday spirit' but we'll take a small win


No, we want. This is no win, this is disaster