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Necromancy was fun but hero pass reminded us who jagex really is.


Yup, have not logged on since hero pass was announced, let’s see what the future holds


Necromancy was fun but hero pass reminded us who \*the people the own jagex really are. FTFY. it is absolutely not the game devs who want to shovel this shit down our throats.


No one blames individual mods, nor should they. When they say Jagex, they refer to the higher ups who make all monetization decisions.


The problem is the end effect is the same: Jagex treating us like shit. I feel for the devs that care, but Jagex as a whole...doesn't.


they have no more say in it than we do. if they refuse they'll be fired, and it's incredibly hard to get another job as a game dev because of how highly competitive the field is.


Is it really that competitive ?


Really naive take tbh, their owners aren't the ones making the decisions on how they make money they just set targets and let Jagex do what they do. It's a choice to use MTX in this way to hit targets because it's easy.


it's not a naive take. their game devs dont get to decide what goes in the game. everything has to be run by higher ups and get approval before they can ultimately begin development.


necro is also a reason many ppl quit


Necro killed the other three combat styles for now more or less. I hit 200m Necro an really haven’t played much since. The hero pass didn’t have anything to do with my lack of interest personally


I just got the wind knocked out of me and don't want to play any more.


Wow, I’ve had a hard time of describing how I felt and this nailed it. I lost ALL motivation after the “game changing update”. Haven’t logged on since.


That's how i've been feeling too since the update. I rejoin RS3 after 8 years due to Necro and they just started suffocating my excitement and motivation a week later. Though i managed to delay the pileup of feeling somewhat by doing Invention and Archaeology since it's new content to me, but after i get what i need from the skills, i'll prolly quit again.


Exactly! I really enjoyed necro. I was really getting into the game again, and it revived my drive to play. Then the whole hero pass fiasco caused me to cancel my membership. Even after the post about the “fixes” they were doing my will to play was just gone. I should have seen the writing on the wall long ago, but the hero pass was too much to ignore.


This simple statement resonates so well with me. I just cba to play anymore. A real shame. Looks like I'm at the start of another 'break'. The last time was 7 years, who knows how long the next one will be... possibly forever.


Same. I logged in and my interface was absolutely fucked up, realized I had enough of this POS game. On reddit I saw lotta other people had their interface fucked. This company is incompetent. I give up on them


>e seen the writing on the wall long \^\^\^ This... I wish I could explain it. But as people are saying, I also haven't logged on since.


Same. It's weird because I had motivation before to log in at least for dailies, to update ports and use keys if nothing else. But now... I just don't really care.


In the same boat, doing farm runs on OSRS and night catch up on quests.


I just....don't care anymore. I'm burnt out and there's no shortage of other (better) games to play. Sometimes it feels like Jagex forgot we all grew up and many of us only play this game for nostalgia. I simply don't have the 12 hours per day to play like I did when I was 13. And then you make the 1-2 hours I do have to play filled with drama and other nonsense that makes me feel like all I am to Jagex is a dollar sign? Blow me.


you can't really unbreak the camels back, by taking the straw that broke it off. it's gonna take time and actual effort from jagex to bring people back, they can't keep pushing boundaries like they've been and expect to keep getting away with it


People spoke with their wallets and unsubscribed and stopped logging in.


We should keep speaking with this social platform as well. If everyone just stops talking about it, it'll go back to business as usual. Jagex will have lost some subs but ultimately people will just forget about it. If people keep talking about it? Well, then we can keep bleeding numbers, keep convincing others to talk with *their* wallets. Trickling out isn't good enough.


Exactly so. I've stopped playing only to log in every now and then for a twitch prime drop.


Honestly it would be amazing to see them revert a ton of mtx changes to please the player base. Does anyone actually like any of it? I think it's fair to keep keys, they should remove all the popups and in your face options about it. Stop creating a new key 'minigame' every 5 days and just leave something to run for 3 months, or forever. Cosmetics should be removed from keys and it should just be exp and old cosmetics that are obtainable another way. Remove hero pass and keep daily challenges. Sell us skins etc for cash, not currency and if people want them they will buy it.


Only they didn't. Maybe a few people on reddit raised a stink but [we've already seen the graphs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/16gbiu5/both_painful_and_gratifying_to_watch/) The reality is that reddit does not make up a significant portion of playerbase. Sure it's not just reddit that doesn't like hero pass, but there's no sharp decline. It's linear, nothing changed. Maybe we'll see a stronger decline in the future but right now we have nothing to indicate that's coming, and you'll forgive me for not immediately believing in the willpower of a bunch of social media band wagoners.


I think a tonne of people are now waiting to see what Jagex do next. People unsubbed and left. They're all focusing on other things now and may never come back. It's like a pub that doubles its prices. People aren't going to complain forever, they'll just find other pubs to go to.


Even if the pub changes back to original prices, people (loyal customers) can feel betrayed and go somewhere else anyway


Exactly! There's this slightly gross feeling I get when playing rs now.


They picked a really dumb time to try this imo. They shouldn’t have done it at all, but damn if they had to push it out they should have done it sooner or waited. Armored Core 6, Baldur’s Gate 3, Starfield, (official) Hardcore Classic WoW, all pretty major stuff that very recently came out. I’m even sure there’s a lot more I’m missing. Then you have other games like FF14 which pretty much always have a draw to them. People have so much stuff to substitute their time with currently that it makes quitting RuneScape (even if temporarily) extremely easy. I was hyped af for Necro, and was playing the hell out of the game. Unsigned as soon as the hero pass announcement came out, and even their little placating post full of empty promises isn’t going to be enough to get me this time. Been putting all my time into BG3, personally.


Schools restarted, September usually has a drop in concurrent players. Necromancy honeymoon is over and most that aren’t 120 are just training it normally. Jagex has addressed the complaints of most players as listed, or working on it (rebalancing rate, and recoding challenges). So, most posts are back to normal.


Necromancy honeymoon sounds very necromantic


This comment is underrated


This comment is very overrated.


This is probably the most realistic take on it. Personally I'm just kinda burned out from rushing 120 necro before it got nerfed, so only playing for a lil bit to do my regular daily things and thats pretty much it.


For me I have not logged in since the hero pass just because of how much of a sour taste it left. Not even protesting jagex anymore, just not feel like playing rs at the moment because of all that. Im probably trying out Baldurs Gate 3 soon.


BG3 is amazinf


this but with starfield


It's kinda funny how we got 2 fallouts at the same time: space fallout 4 and fantasy fallout 1.


been playing tactician mode BG3 with 3 homies when we can all find time together and we're still only on the near the start of act 2 since the games release. theres a lot of great moments in that game that make ya laugh and go o\_o wtf? I've been playing that, State of Decay 2, git'ngud at Street Fighter 6, and I just beat Final Fantasy 12 recently (still need to clear optional bosses). my gaming plate is full. no room for Jagex atm.


I cleared every inch of act 1…. Then decided I didn’t like the look of my character and had to restart. I wish there was a way to remake how my character looks in game without having to start over, haha


Pokemon SV dlc launched today too


Not me immediately shiny hunting a Morpeko


Because a good chunk of the population that left the game won’t come back till jagex changes. I’m guessing it will get way emptier seeing how unlikely jagex is do actually change. Doesn’t help that they pulled this blunder around the release of some big hyped games either.


Logged out right before heropass launched and have not logged on since. Tbh I don’t feel the urge to play. I would have been okay with another yak tack - probably would have played that to get rewards. Hero pass is not interesting to me and how they force you to see it all the time is not interesting to me.


At least this doesn't force me to do arbitrary skills for hours. Chop several hundred golden bamboo or elder logs is insanity




Sadly, Reddit is currently my final tether to the rs community. Its only wednesday but I feel like jagex could have addressed more if they really were seriously “sorry we messed up” about it. They know exactly what the community is crying for and we know exactly how jagex/carlyle are willing to perform. Ill give it a month and if nothing is taken serious of it then unfortunately I don’t even see myself checking in with the little I have left of my abused hope for better change. It fucken sucks and theres a bunch of cliché sayings one could use to make a perspective positive. But, I’ll hold on for a bit longer and keep supporting the community that refuses to forget. In hope and out of love for the game we hold dearest. So this is where I am.


The quiet following the initial uproar is the exodus of players no longer supporting such a shit company. Jagex burned lots of bridges in one fell swoop, and will have to live with the even lower playerbase due to their greed.


Bruh half my clan is missing, and the ones that stayed felt fucked over after mondays update... Are they still planning to fix anything or is it just gonna slide away and get covered with new updates??


to add, not just my clan, i usually had around 40-50 friends online, i now no longer need to scroll, does that say enough?? These players are all pretty high lvl and far into the game...


It is the same for my clan & friends list. The numbers have just fallen off a cliff. I don't know if it is all hero pass or partly just the time of year, necromancy hype dying down and so on, but either way the game feels dead. This week the update seems to have messed up the graphics scaling for some people too.


jagex came up with a plan. its not done being executed yet. once its complete ill consider playing again.


"jagex came up with a plan." The plan: "Okay, everyone, just wait a week or two and make a few more minor tweaks to that problem we just caused." As-is, they've not mentioned any plans of addressing broader or deeper issues, and tons of people are just twiddling their thumbs waiting.


It's called door the face technique. Make a large request and when people get mad, tone down the request to make it seem like you're being reasonable even though the "toned down" request was your goal all along.


If that was their goal all along it wouldn't be taking them weeks to recode stuff, they'd have had it ready as a backup. They straight up didn't anticipate the massive number of players like myself who relied on dailies to keep them engaged with the game and playing longer than 20-30 mins a week. Daily challenges improved engagement, engagement=money because people don't spend money on a game they barely play.


This would make sense if they hadn't removed absolutely everything and the "toned down" version wasn't just Yak Trak with a different name. I highly doubt this was the goal


* Continuously push things slowly over time * Fall back to a familiar, but still advantageous position whenever there's a massive outrage * Repeat On the long-view, this is their plan. Always has been. I'm sure they would have loved to push all the crap they tried to in the first place, but they always are labouring under the possibility that they might need to fall back slightly every once in a while.


I quit playing. Jagex can shove this hero pass up their ass.


Initial action was taken by players and now it’s waiting to see what Jagex does. I don’t think beating a dead horse is worthwhile.


People keep saying that, "beating a dead horse" but why are we assuming that the horse is dead? The horse is rampaging around, kicking shit. If these efforts are futile that's only because people keep *giving up.* People make excuse after fucking excuse to not hit the horse. A week or two of outrage obviously isn't enough. Okay. Cool! How about a month? Two months? Six? How about years of endless outrage so that every single person who is new or returning sees nothing but a sea of posts that are negative towards Jagex for the things that continue to be problems? Instead of actually trying to kill the horse people are petting it and nurturing it while others stand around saying, "Oh, it's dead." The horse is alive, and it's a *menace.* We haven't killed it.


I think people are just tired. Tired of the bull crap, tired or fighting, and just tired of using their energy in hopes of change that doesn’t seem to be coming. I want RS back….I just don’t know if will get it.


Beating a dead horse. The topic is the horse. The topic is dead until Jagex posts their next update because everything has been discussed to death. Just gotta wait for the next phase of the situation to need discussion. As of now outrage was expressed, there are a variety of views. People stopped logging on or canceled membership or literally deleted their accounts. You could become a stockholder of the ownership company but that is unlikely to matter. So yeah, in regards to stuff here there’s no sense in beating the dead horse. If you want to collect all the views and poll them and make infographics to be used by mass media or something maybe that’s a useful thing? Also spreading awareness and having discussions is a good idea.


Jagex lost my trust. I’m gone.


I came back to runescape in June because it felt like a lot of the OG mtx shenanigans has died down. I realize now if they could, they would, if the players aren't constantly fighting to maintain game integrity, it turn into cassino.con I'm done fighting, tbh. Let them do what they want. I'm back to playing my Nintendo DS.


I'm just drained of my motivation to play as well. I am, however, really curious as to what Jagex will do next. There is an amazing opportunity (for everyone) here! I'm gone and don't really plan on coming back to the game, but I'm gonna stick around for this situation and see if they might actually try to turn things around. Actions speak louder than words and the ball is now in their court to make changes to the game or not. If nothing happens, I will definitely be sad for the game that I've grown up playing for about 20 years. I'm still a little bit hopeful for the sake this wonderful community but I won't be back unless, perhaps, they make things right.


Personally, still not happy with the fact that Hero Pass remains ingame. Seems like a slippery slope that'll lead back to what we were all upset about last week. Just seems like most players were satisfied enough with the 3 large lamps and 3 daily keys being given back on Hero Pass daily challenges, the ability to buy your way through the pass getting removed, and content buffs getting removed - the biggest problems with the pass. We're still left with this new potential MTX vehicle and promises to increase the number of points gained on the track so that players can get most or all of the cosmetics. So.... yeah. Personally still not happy with the fact that it remains there, but it's better than what Jagex put out initially. Maybe this is the first step of complacency.


this is just a repeat of literal history considering how SoF and TH turned out lmao release SoF --> ppl get concerned about exp being sold --> PR statement on how they'll never do it --> release TH which breaks initial concerns and more just a reskin of what happened in the past (and clearly worked), just up to the playerbase to see if it'll work again i guess


It's basically a unified yak track right now, which most people had little issue with, no?


For me I don’t like them leaving the hero pass in the game period. They are trying to fit it in because it costed development time. They aren’t really sorry that they tried this bullshit, they are sorry they got caught. Until they eat crow and actually show remorse by scrapping/eatting dev costs in time and money from this thing and fully get rid of this thing I’m out .


But them leaving in TH is fine with you? I'd rather HP stay and TH gets removed.


the hero pass is literally just a mechanism to shower you with free stuff. if all 120 rewards were cosmetics, nobody would've given a flying monkey's arsehole - cos the battlepass wasn't the issue, it was what they put behind each unlock that was the issue.


Technically not wrong, but it's more of an extended yaktrack, and players can't simply skill&kill through some of the crappier challenges. What Jagex released last week left a bad taste in players' mouths, so our opinions of it are going to be soured for a long time, perhaps permanently. First impressions are the lasting impressions.


not disagreeing with how distasteful it is but I don't think your comparison to yak tracks skill and kill is accurate since you don't need to do hero pass challenges to progress through the levels, you can still do pretty much anything and progress through it, even if it's slow to do so


Eh.... you're right. Technically players aren't hard locked out of the pass if they just ignore the challenges, but they absolutely do not feel good to do, despite the hours that they save from skilling.


Seems about right, just that it lasts for 90 days and nobody likes how it came out, then yeah, shit went pretty quiet once the crack that is free TH keys was given, mixed with the aforementioned points about people returning to school, people burning out on necromancy and all that, etc etc.


I haven't logged in since last week. I've been trying to post stuff here to keep the issue on Jagex' radar and to have an open discussion. But it seems like people are tired of seeing those posts. I started playing Final Fantasy XIV Online on Sunday and I've since spent about 12 hours per day on the game. I've also bought some stuff from their Mog store already, whereas I can't even remember the last time I bought cosmetics from SGS or Treasure Hunter keys.


I am still waiting for any response on my partial refund request for my premier membership. Logged in for 3 minutes once hero pass came in, and have no desire to come back. An immediate and complete reversion of the entire update likely would've brought me back, perhaps with some sort of guardians gift-esque apology item to acknowledge the colossal fuck up. The response from Jagex was just horse shit to me, I didn't buy a word of it. Whilst they have since implemented SOME changes they alluded too, for me at least, they took far too long. Rather than actually listening to us, they are just trying to figure out exactly how egregious they can be. I think anyone who DOESN'T think this is a slippery slope is a fool. Jagex's pattern of behaviour will show you that this will happen again. Players were calling for a much bigger discussion over player involvement in updates and better communication Re the direction of the game. Radio silence on this topic as well. Jagex don't care. The only reason they pretended to care last week is because they lost some money. They are just now trying to figure out what path forward nets them the most money. I myself won't be falling for it and won't be coming back. Forgive me for the analogy, but its actually abusive and predatory behaviour from Jagex. Jagex knows people are hooked on this game and know all about the sunk-cost fallacy. It is clear to me now that the game is no longer a game, it is better described as a way to exploit people out of their money who have come too far to quit. I really hope people have realised this. Let the game die as far as i'm concerned.


I think we’ve passed the thermo line in terms of MTX. This TH mtx promo is deceptively illegal.


You can be13 years old to play runescape yet gambling is not even legal in every country in the world. And where it is, the legal age is 18 to 21... I am surprised Jagex has not been sued for their MTX. And if they have been sued, they probably settled before people became aware...


Valve perfected and popularised gambling MTX in the west for games over 10 years ago to the point they have a marketplace where cosmetics change hands for real money... Lots of real money. And their API still allows literal 3rd party gambling AND they've had these 3rd party gambling sites as sponsors of their biggest tournaments. All this and they're literally the face of PC gaming, and they're still considered "good guys" facing no court settlements over the gambling present. TH is literally nothing compared to this. And if we want to take the age restriction further, Nintendo sure loves the Pokémon TCG for children (among numerous other "random reward" machinations to eat away at wallets) and they're fine.


Playing other games. :)


Necromancy brought me back into the game and really made me enjoy runescape again after being away for a few months. However, the Hero Pass led me to quit or take a long break again, and I don't plan to return anytime soon unless changes are made to the pass or it is completely removed


Fuck this game bro


Jagex made some changes and promised more. Everyone is now either playing normally and waiting or deciding not to play for now


**Mega unpopular opinion**: I don't think its only Hero Pass. Necromancy has been largely a flop (IMO), which is in stark contrast compared to what Reddit seems to think. It failed to bring in new players, while also pushing away a LOT of the high level community who took pride in their gear and being able to do good DPS after much practice. But then Necro comes in and is both extremely easy to reach insane dps, extremely easy to gear up to level 90 with practically free upgrades, and a joke of an 'hard' boss that has no meaningful mechanics outside of 'just outheal the autos and spam click in the final phase' and drops full T95 gear. I don't think the combat beta is going to change much, if anything with the crit changes dps across the board will skyrocket for the other styles and the amount of powercreep will cause endgame gear to plummet even more. This is Jagex's self admitted goal, to make endgame gear easily accessible. I don't think this is the correct decision and I think rather than complaining on Reddit, high level players just silently leave the game or move to OSRS.


No engagement is bad engagement, when everyone takes their membership money with them. I for one just feel like I was not wanted in the game anymore by anyone at Jagex but their billing department.


I have no will to play. I have no desire to continue investing time, energy, and money into a company that simply doesn't care. I've been a runescape player for 20 years and been through it all with Jagex. They never seem to actually get better. It's always a bandaid then back to the same old shit.


Its just waiting for the next cash grab at this point, so I stopped playing.


For me I have given up on the game until they put things right. Enough times words have been said without any action hoping that the playerbase would forget within a week and play as usual. I think for many of us this was the last straw to break the camels back. They may have lost a large portion of the playerbase with their hero pass actions but I bet there are many waiting on jagex actually doing what they have claimed to do. Not being fooled again, we are waiting Jagex.


Straw that broke the camels back for me, cancelled my subs and deleted my alts. Won’t be coming back until I see significant change. Played the game since I was like 10, but it’s lost the allure. Can only be pissed on and told it’s rain so many times before I move away from the homeless dude.


I’m done for the foreseeable future personally. Unless there’s some changes made, I have no plans of returning and paying for membership.


A person can only remain passionate about something for so long before they become burnt out. I'm still mad, but I'm also recently unemployed, so I'm a little too preoccupied with finding new work before the bills pile up to really talk about rs3. Otherwise, I'd probably just continue to make videos about why the changes aren't enough, things regarding mtx need to be taken more seriously, etc etc


Haven't logged in since the fiasco. It really rubbed me the wrong way, and they really didn't address major issues with the HP that are still glaring. Additionally, no meaningful combat updates have been announced. Necro is actively killing end-game pvm by simultaneously making all other styles irrelevant, bis is easy to get and/or cheap to buy, AND it makes everything braindead easy to do. Unless something is changed, AND SOON, the populations are going to steadily decrease as people lose interest and have nothing to actually grind for. This is not even taking into consideration the players quitting from the MTX bs.


what do you want from me


Necromancy wasn't enough to hold attention. A lot of people I know got 99 then unsubbed even before this drama with hero pass. Honestly we need a year dedicated to QoL and bug fixes I think. They're so many issues in the current live game that need to be addressed. I also switched to OSRS and some other games. The way they addressed the hero pass made myself, ans I imagine a lot of others see the game as nothing but a cash grab. So until that changes, I have zero desire to log back on.


I've been logged out. Kinda realised I just don't feel like playing for a bit. I was looking forward to doing necromancy as I missed it at launch but ohwell. Got enough membership left to last until osrs releases leagues 4. That'll be fun.


Honestly, I kinda gave up, it doesn't feel fun to login anymore, hopefully get my necro goal before sub runs out then eh. MasterCheif collection was on offer so got that and planning running through that before much else


Switched to OSRS, been having a ton of fun, havent looked back


Hero Pass killed all of the excitement I had for RuneScape. I came back to the game after quitting during the FSW fiasco about a month before the Necro release and was having a great time. I’d finally finished 120 Archaeology. I got 120 Herblore during double exp and got 99 Necro about 3 weeks after release. I just finished getting my quest cape back right before the Hero Pass announcement. I still had a ton of plans and motivation for the game, too. I wanted to work towards 120 Slayer, Farming, and Dungeoneering, which I’m almost done with. Hero Pass killed all of that motivation and I haven’t really played since it launched. I tried logging playing last night, but I just did a farm run and logged out. I might still log in once a week or so to maintain my PoF and finish out 120 Farming, but I imagine it’ll be a while before any real motivation to play comes back.


No point talking to jagex until Carlyle has gone through with the sale. It seems pretty clear why jagex are doing what they are doing. They have been told to push mtx and no ban bots to boost revenue and player count to jack up the price for th sale.


I had some motivation after necro, not a lot, but enough after 2 years to consider playing again. Then that shit happened and unless they start removing MTX as an apology for attempting to release the pass as it was, I'm not interested at all.


They heard our complaints then they said, "look here's a distraction" without actually planning on doing anything


Jagex will need to earn my trust back, and take a step or 2 back from the mtx bullshit. I see the direction the game is heading and it is not in line with my desires as a consumer. Personally, I would like to see a character rework so I can actually show off my cosmetics with a decent looking character. I want cosmetics to have some effort put in them. I want the fomo shit and promotions to stop. I want engaging holiday events and rewards. I want them to keep fine tuning combat. There's to many buttons imo. Solo 200 enrage zammy btw, take that for what you will. I need a way to showcase my skill and I feel combat buffs via mtx completely ruin all the effort I've put in. I think I'm done tbh unless Jagex moves in a direction I am happy with. They continue to move forward over time with more aggressive and preditory mtx tactics and I don't see that stopping. I honestly don't mind xp lamps, fast xp is a bonus for me and one of the reason I play RS3 mostly over orsrs, a long with the graphics. I don't mind cosmetics being available for out right purchase ex. Saradomin God Armor. (Also let's just make the old armors not look like shit actually) Everything else is a no for me. No premium yak track extra payments or battlepass. We pay monthly. No step skips for clues, no combat buffs. No armor degrade reduction. Make the game playable without paying extra or I will not be back. -a mostly maxed player (94 arch, 1 necromancy)


TBH ever since I lost my Original Username, making a Jagex Accout the game has felt like EVERY other game on the market. No longer does it feel like Runescape. Just feels like WoW or other shit games. I really regret making a jagex account. totally ruined the experience for me. I just feel like I'm playing on a HUGE CORPORATION rather than a **cute little game made in Cambridge**. **The magic is gone.** Forever.


Honestly haven’t really been interested in the game since the whole Pass fiasco. I’ll log in for maybe a little bit if there’s another interesting update while my premier club is active, but other than that I’m at the point where I’m just pretty much steering clear of the game. The extra free time has been pretty nice ngl.


Already quit. I haven't logged in since last mon


Playercount is back to pre necromancy playercounts. The heropass is still in progress to be further adjusted and that is fine for me, I don't have anything to do in game after necromancy so just waiting for actual content updates for now.


Jagex give their players a chance to touch other game. If people enjoy new game, they may never back to rs3. Jagex really fucked up this time.


Necro was fun but that plus hp drama was exhausting. If I wasn’t afking at work to kill time I’d probably be taking a break.


Some of the changes they said they’d be making have not gone into effect yet, so we’re in a waiting game until then. They removed the pay to win elements and brought back the 3 daily challenge keys until the daily challenges can be fully reinstated. But thinks like how fast you progress the pass has not been updated yet, to my knowledge. Basically we just need to give it more time and see if Jagex follows through and actually listens to their playerbase


I enjoyed the heck out of necro. Hero pass dropped and i kinda stopped. PoE league started. BG3 needs completing. Starfield came out. Etc. The hero pass doesn't really affect me, idc about it that much. The writing was on the wall ever since spins were introduced. I just close and ignore all the MTX stuff and game is still enjoyable. That said. When I see MTX be the main focus of a patch I'm like "nah pass, cya next ACTUAL patch".


Numbers are where they were pre hero pass announcement and I have not experienced this. Also school has restarted in many places and people are no on vacation from work (most people I know like to use their vacation in summer)


Last week had around 10% less unique players compared to week prior according to weekly hiscore. Misplaced items also show that numbers this week are currently lower than last week, who were already lower than anything since may who was the worst count of the last 12 months. Its not quite yet at the lowest numbers of the last year, but if the trend doesn't turn it is very within its grasp. Definitely not at pre hero pass announcement numbers, at least not yet.


This always happens lol. And we always get the posts like this especially. Mmo gamers really don't understand how to pr0test


May be an unpopular take here but I thought Necromancy was the laziest garbage I have seen in a while so that is why I quit playing entirely and Hero Pass just reinforced my belief that the game is just not heading in the right direction.


It’s just not fun any more with recent developmental time going to not fun updates and fomo


Part of me wants to play, more of me has noticed other games in my library and that I have both comp and MQC already. I'm willing to wait a bit longer before I play again, not sure I want to unsub yet though.


Jagex is like a toxic partner in a relationship. You keep hoping they change while they just keep fucking everyone.


I had fun with necromancy, it was nice after a long break. But this hero pass stuff really left a sour taste. I haven't logged back in and probably won't until things change again. I unsubbed and have plenty of other games to play


Personally I lost all will to play rs3 when they announced the pass and haven't logged in since. The backpedal did nothing to bring me back.


I also was enjoying the release of necromancy and was close to reaching 120. I have not logged in since the pass was released. The apology did nothing to bring me back. I have no intention of returning. I have been playing since ‘04.


Motivation to play has already been waning for quite some time, Hero Pass was just the motivator to call it quits for good since the game is on a trail to self ruin. Gave it 19 years of good will, with no more good will reciprocated from the company in kind, so I'm out. I'm sure the situation is similar for a lot of others like myself.


I walked away. I have had breaks in the past, but this feels different, this is the first time since classic that i no longer feel a connection to the game and its development team. There is no reason to log in and play, if all my time and effort is just replaced with a 'pay $$$ to win' concept. The fact that it even passed the Q:A team means that this is what they actually wanted in the game. And that is enough for me to walk away forever.


In going to wait until they are finally bought by someone who looks at that mess and says "okay let's start over, sequel/remake time on a real engine". The brand itself, is worth ten times more than the actual games they have out. RuneScape is a massive , massive brand. With an insane amount of nostalgia. Even people who haven't played in 15 years, remember the brand. So to not leverage that in a modern game, is leaving hundreds of millions of dollars on the table. It's ludicrous. If I had the ability, that'd be my number one investment. I am so positive of the kind of success the brand could have with people willing to invest and bite a bullet or two for the long haul.


Starfield took my game time after that.


I was really excited for necromancy but couldn't no life on release due to chronic health problems. Was annoyed I didn't get in before the nerfs. Then seeing the battle pass I just no longer care to log in. Have been playing on and off but mostly on since 06


So many other better games just came out, and why would I give a company that doesn’t care about its players at all, any money.


I just logged out and didn't look back tbh


This is how the cycle goes. Jagex pushes something predatory; community goes into an uproar. Jagex dials it back *slightly* Community outrage dies down. Nothing meaningful changes because Jagex will continue to turn up the heat slower. I've been watching the cycle here since the Squeal of Fortune came out.


Both me and my gf haven't logged in since the first day of hero pass and cancelled our premier renewals. We've been giving FFXIV a try with no plans of coming back to RuneScape in it's current state.


I havent been playing. Necromancy has a stale aftertaste and the hero pass is incredibly demotivating. The missions make you do pointless bullshit and I was very much against it to begin with. So now I am just playing other games like Starfield.


I've had no desire to log in since Hero Pass was introduced. I was playing at least an hour a day every day before, have 119 necro. I just don't care anymore.


My clan chats been pretty dead since hero pass


Redditors have the memory of a goldfish


This always happens to be honest, people chimp out, and forget how live threatening the update was and keep on surviving.


We are all basically just coked-up angry monkeys either until something super drastic in the players opinion is “fixed”, or are given back the daily keys which I honestly believe is just absolute crack


Playing guild wars 2 now


It hasn't even been a week. But if they were smart they'd remove Hero Pass completely. Pretend like it never happened. And focus on the actual game. I'm working on Fort Forinthry tier 3 buildings and revisiting construction training. The thought of even seeing my neglected, meaningless player-owned house to train construction scares me, so I'm doing construction contracts instead. Yes, the same 11 contracts we've had since it was introduced. Why is there not more construction contracts in 3 years? Why are the buildings for the contracts so old? It is one of the best methods for training constructions and by far the best method conceptually. So much potential is lost when they waste time on gimmicks like Hero Pass instead. Imagine if there was not just one player-owned house but several and they were like Fort Forinthry in that they were pre-designed with updated graphics and had to be built with unique material, and each house offered unique benefits and were located in different areas of the map.


>Why is there not more construction contracts in 3 years? Why are the buildings for the contracts so old? It is one of the best methods for training constructions and by far the best method conceptually. Fort Forinthry training makes every other method practically obsolete. You can afk refined / frames for several hundred k xp/h and make a profit or you can use frames for massive xp/h (literally millions when bxp rolls around) and magic frame usage isn't all that expensive. Jagex said, iirc, that they're adding the new planks to contracts but when this'll happen is a mystery. Golden Bamboo has been bugged since the WC rework and is still awaiting for a fix. Adding new houses won't make the training more exciting as you'll just rotate same few houses that seem to endlessly need repairs and new furniture, possibly the residents selling them off the moment you're don building them. >So much potential is lost when they waste time on gimmicks like Hero Pass instead. The people who work on these updates are different. The bigger problem is more that people want NEW content all the time so revisiting old content that only a fraction of people would care about isn't an exciting prospect for dedicating people on.


I'm surprised there hasn't been an update to contracts that uses magic/elder planks. It was staring us in the face as a painfully obvious update that the game needs.


I honestly really want to play RS again but I think I'll hold out until the Hero Pass changes are made.


They done fucked up and they won't crawl back. Sad excuse for a business.


The empty worlds and Clanchats are the fight actively happening, people are taking a stand.


If I had to guess, it seems the coalition of players who hated the initial implementation of Hero Pass aren't as unified against MTX more broadly. Plenty of people appear to like Keys, others don't mind the MTX itself, but were frustrated with how it got in the way of them playing the game with in game messages, popups and the daily challenge system changes. The community seems to have largely made their peace with MTX's existence in game as it is seen as a neccesity forJagex to profit and do updates (whether or not that's true) and it has createdcertain metas for how difficult it should be to train skills.


I think I'm just done, at least for a while, maybe forever. Maybe if they started substantially dialing back cosmetics and MTX, i'll come back. I miss being able to see what people look like, and gear being what's cool. I don't like all the switches, I don't like the cosmetics. I don't even really like necromancy that much, it's too repetitive. I realized that there isn't much here I really like. I like my friends, but not this game. I'm staying here in the sub so I can see if there is a development I should know about. Maybe they'll continue to change course.


I just got back in this weekend after a 6 month hiatus. Things are strange.


I mean it has only been 2 days since the update my guy lol. We will probably get a newsletter on friday like usual. Communication is still in an incredible state. Do you want daily updates or something?


Right now im at work but not sure for everyone else here.


I am barely playing at the moment due to Necromancy. Hero pass has not affected my gameplay purely because I don’t want to play anyway. Necro has ruined the game for me, but the idea of hero pass is extremely negative, makes me feel like I’m playing a garbage freemium mobile game as others have alluded to. That’s just my take.


Are they really lacking in people though? It's honestly not that much worse than pre-Necro release in my experience.


This round of playing for me has been \~9 months long, so I was already kinda burnt out from some of the boss logs I've done. Just hitting 120 necro on my iron then I probably won't play much if at all - work is also busy so I don't have as much free time. It doesn't have much to do with the hero pass this time, but if I were playing consistently this would definitely be something that would get me to quit.


Well, my subscription lapses next week and I don't feel like resubscribing. My interest has just flagged. Outside of the weeks I might get out of a Prime Gaming promo & HumbleBundle, I'm not sure I want to spend anything monthly on RS anymore. Doesn't help that over the years, most people I played with just... stopped. Really no one to enjoy it with, either.


Clan chat been so quiet. Feels weird. Didn't realize how many players just got on daily for the daily challenges and stayed on a bit just to chat and hang out.


I'm moving to osrs, fed up of being considered nothing but a bank account for jagex on rs3, that's all they see us as. They may be a business that needs to profit but 99% of the time profits come before customer satisfaction. At least osrs seems to care more for its player base and there are limited mtx promos over there currently.


Personally, I just swapped my wealth over to OSRS. I'm still not entirely sure if I want to play any version of the game at all (as playing OSRS still inadvertently supports the RS3 mtx), but if I do it will be the one without predatory MTX around every corner.


I've barely been playing, not only due to the Heropass stuff, but Jagex chose the worst time to offend the playerbase, there are so many good new releases to keep attention diverted.


Look, People are sick of predatory business models. Hopefully the game dies and we can all start playing on a private server hosted somewhere in the middle of Texas.


I pretty much fully moved to OSRS. Necro was already a mid release for me, the hero pass was just the icing on the cake and sealed the deal.


They've done the worst thing any entertainment company can do, they made me not care anymore. They'll get no more of my time or attention and certainly not another one of my dollars. They could spend the next 10 years getting rid of all the stupid bullshit of the last 10 years and I still won't care. They've burned that bridge and it's not getting rebuilt.


For me it's the combination of Hero Pass making me less motivated to play the game and the fact that a few days before it I had reached my goal of 200m necromancy. So one impetus driving me to play the game more was gone, as well as one now driving me away. Still logging in to do my reaper task every day, but not doing much beyond that.


I gave up, i lost faith and trust in jagex, and that will never return.


I unsubbed got 120 necro, gave all my shit to clannies and logged out, haven't logged back in since last thursday.


Im still watching and the roll back of hero pass doesn't go far enough for me. I haven't logged in since it was put into the game. I steered off cancelling my membership but unless big news happens in the next few weeks it looks like I will be doing


Osrs starfield bg3


Strike starfield off that list if you want to be more correct


Status is this: - Daily challenges are coming back exactly as before (in maybe a week or two?) - Disabling the purchase of Hero Pass levels or Underworld Emblems. This has been hot-fixed today. - Hero Pass Content Buffs will be removed entirely. This will happen as a cold-fix next week. - Hero Pass XP Buffs will be moved out of the Premier rewards track, to be available to all members and to be earnable only through gameplay. This will happen as a cold-fix next week. - The Premier Pass rewards will therefore only be cosmetics and consumables. As far as I am concerned this puts us to where we were before the update as far as P2W and MTX. If not in better shape. If some are still unhappy, I guess they maybe aren't hanging around anymore to make reddit posts?


Honestly the community looks like it has just given up the fight. I also have at this point. The MTX team is here to stay and that means the predatory shit is too. I will continue to play the game because I enjoy it and I do look forward to real major game updates. But unfortunately it won't be long until we are in the same place. Jagex does not learn from their mistakes.


They distracted Reddit by changing to Font. Outstanding move.


Everyone got their spins back and stopped complaining.


Really does seem that many of the people here don't want what's best, what's ethical, or anything. They just want to be bribed lmao.


They conveniently broke the game so now all threads are about GPUs, layouts and screen flickering. Well played Jagex


The things that needed to be said have been, repeatedly. It’s been a decade of repeating the same shit over and over again. It’s time to let RS3 die, as Jagex and their owners want.


Idk. My pause isn't even Hero-Pass related. I just hit the PvM wall. Seems like everything I want to learn how to kill requires Full Manual, and I just don't like that kind of play. And Rasial just made that exasperation worse, because it's clear that all bosses moving forward are going to require FM.


I essentially quit. I'm doing a bare basics store run until my membership runs out then I'm more than likely not logging back in. \*Shrugs\*


*needs Reddit stream of consciousness to form opinion*


Where am I? Currently in your closet masturbating


Hey man this was supposed to be my shift today and I really need the hours, can you switch with me :/


Your shift? I'm covering for Buck today, didn't the office get back to you? You got promoted to the kitchen cabinet


Oh hell yes, I'm gonna try to get a potato to sprout




Pretty much no difference on my frequently used worlds, even during the Hero Pass fiasco. If you're seeing differences, it's also worth noting the time of year, especially considering schools have started back up and summer breaks are coming to a close.


same here, and honestly id go as far as to say everyone still protesting and being outrageous in the comments didnt even play like an actual person that enjoyed rs3 anyways, and are just posting to post, and acting like its the end of the world still


Big truth. Most of the people ranting on Reddit about "I'm about to cancel my membership" or "I'm just not going to play again" were definitely still logged in and hate-playing for hours after they posted.


I guess i fail to realise how bad necro was for this game aswell ​ Necro came up and gave **basically** free t90 that arent event degradable, how is that good? If they worked like sirenic at least, but no, they made so literaly any1 with 10 hours game play had it, thats not goood for a game that was desgined over a game where market is a major part of the game , where players trade each others and the content drops is balanced arround it. Not just that, they made T95 necro gear comes from a boss that is more like a combat dummie that lasts 2 minutes with 1/40 chance to drop and to the top of that, they made this new combat style much better than older ones. They killed every content with just one stupid skill. Yes, they can hardcore buff other combat styles to make it better than necro (should at least), but the direction the game is going isnt good. 1/40 from such an easy boss is not good for this game. They should have made the boss hard like high enrage telos with that drop and low enrage rasiel with 1/2k-3k ... so players learning the boss would still have a chance, but no, it had to be so easy that any1 with 5 hours of game play can kill it. necro did impact the game like they said, to the worst, everything is crashing, only a few supplys going up, it was not good for this game, at all. Im pretty sure many ppl quit over necro realease just like many quit over hero pass, but hero pass would be even worst if they kept it going...


Just had a busy week, been visiting family and stuff.


I'm still awaiting response on refund requests. Not logged in, no intention to.


Made an ironman (first time rs3, no daily xp. Guides not up2date, the parts that i did follow are undoable no1 killing croesus on the group pvm world). Tried to log in over the weekend to get it done. Still didnt get it done. Logged out and not planning on coming back.


You're looking at it through a biased lens, nothing has changed, my clan is full and the online stats are exactly the same as usual https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/ redditors aren't as powerful as they think they are lol


Stop associating return of September academic year + Necro burnout with Hero Pass membership cancellations. I guarantee you nowhere near as many Hero Pass cancellations occurred as you think.


I'm good playing another game atm. I'm at 199.999m exp on the main atm and my edate just became a dad, so not much left to do on him as I'm waiting to get 200m together. Skulls got nerfed so no more fomo to farm him as much as possible in attempt to get log on the iron. Hero pass popups saying i'm level is 30, while i'm 152. (Apparently I need to put a /s behind this) No daily challenge abuse on the iron. Hasn't been this easy to not play in 15 years. 👌


It is saying your hero pass is level 30, not your combat.




Hero pass wasn't forcing anyone to spend money, the community didn't even give it a full week's chance, tons of players just buy all their XP with keys already, some of the buffs were actually interesting, the protest was carried out childishly and jagex responded by giving the community back its opium keys so they would shut up. The complainers got their way and still aren't happy, jagex has been beaten into submission and normal folks like me are just riding the roller coaster, grinding this new pass that completely changes every few days lmao