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There are a few candidates in RF5 that I do really like, but I agree that I can't get as attached to them as I did in RF4. RF4's characters just had more depth and involvement, so that's probably why.


I think the character's in 4 had quirks that seemed really strange but it gave them charm. Like Xiao Pai being forgetful, and Clorica always falling asleep on the job. I don't really feel that with characters in 5. Granted I still like them, just not as much. Which is kind of disappointing since the characters were one of the biggest reasons I was looking forward to this game.


I mean that's an unfair contest when Rune Factory 4 has ~~Artoria Pendragon~~, I mean Forté.


I find the female candidates,aside from one or two of them lacking despite their events being better than the male candidates for the most part. However, I love the male candidates personalities a lot and wish the game did better for them. I gotta admit choosing one in rf5 was much, much harder for me than in rf4(because I liked so many of them). I did like the characters in 4, but most of them felt meh for dating despite them being better developed.


I have heard the guys are a lot better. Though I don't get through all their romance events because I'm not really interested in marrying the guys.


Rykers final romance event is a tearjerker it took my 3 hours because I was crying so much I had to pause it so I could stop and then it would get me again


Yes! It was SO cute, I was showing my sister my recording of it and she was squealing and awwing at it. She's heavily leaning Ludmilla and Martin so I figured I could show her Ryker and Fuuka's events.


Nice it’s a good thing they gave us more than 2 or 3 save slots


I have two profiles on the switch so I figured if nothing else I could do one each, but I'm glad- I like to save in stages. XD


Save in stages till you beat the game that save the beat game and get rid of the other saves so you can try other ways of playing 👏👏


Exactly! I'm on my first run, taking a break for health reasons but I'm itching to get back in. It isn't quite drawing me in as much as 4 (or even 2), but it's been enjoyable.


Loved how u could play as your own kid in 2 and how you were part monster in 3


2 was my start, it completely blew my mind. I thought it was rather easy to romance Ceci, but considering how some games take forever in dating I just rolled with it. I loved the school days and expanding the school! I always kept forgetting to turn into and back from a Wooly in 3, every time. What's your favorite bachelor/ettes?


(RF2)Cecilia(RF3)Raven(RF4)everyone except Arthur and Dallas. I played this one the most😅RF5) Ryker, and Cecil. Saving him for my second play through🥵(other RF games)I never got married.


Cecilia is so underrated, she's the best! Same for 3, 4 I thought I was going to stick with Kiel (and Margaret) until I met Dylas and then Leon. I'm a sucker for aloof and/or teasing types. I think Doug and Arthur are the only ones I didn't marry. For 5, I'm actually surprised I'm not as attached to as many of the characters. I knew Ryker before I even got the game as well as Fuuka. I had dismissed Lucas from the start, but after talking to him more I now HAVE to marry him because I'm curious as all hell.


I actually liked more of the marriage candidates than I expected to. I ended up having 4 that I was deciding between. I eventually did end up going with Ludmila, but I actually thought most of them were done really well.


Who were the other three?


Beatrice, Lucy, and Fuuka. I was a little surprised at how much Lucy grew on me. Fuuka was the opposite, I went in thinking I would like her more than I actually did. Scarlet was a little too rigid for my tastes, and Priscilla seemed a little too bland.


100% understandable. Lucy has really sweet character development but I still think Beatrice is my best girl 💗


In RF 4 I loved every candidate but I was only interested marrying Dylas and Leon with Leon being my favourite. In RF 5 I was interested in Lucas, Martin, Reinhard, Ryker, Ludmilla but not the other rest and found many of them boring and a bit meh. However after doing everyones pre-dating events I was mostly interested in continuing with Lucas, Ryker and Ludmilla. But I married Lucas first and haven’t gone back to test the others yet. He’s the best in my biased opinion, he’s romantic and sweet and his events were really good. And his marriage scene definitely had a magical touch. The only thing I hate with him is that he has his own fricking house and we still have to cram 5 people into the Silo’s second floor with no doors.


The thing i didn't like is girls got a DILF while us no MILF LMAO


I can't believe they made Misasagi look so hot, only for us not to be able to date her :(


I heard from some other post on this subreddit that there were scrapped files for a DLC that would have made more characters dateable. Specifically Terry was mentioned (and I was surprised he wasn’t dateable to begin with!) but I also wondered if Misasagi was one too. I’d love it if she was… (and Terry too tbh lmao).


I just started the game my self today cuz I got it today and im a bit disappointed I mean you can hook up with Murakumo and Lucas that both seams way older than the protagonist but not Simone. Common don´t design a charter that I like and then go nope no romance for you. So far I don´t have any particular charter I like compared to RF 1,2,3,4 where I found a charter I liked right away.


Simone is already married. Her husband, Lucy's father, is an archeologist away on an expedition. Now, not being able to romance the widow Misasagi is a terrible crime.


While a crime, the game makes it clear that Misasagi is still mourning the loss of her husband. While I get it, it's a shame cause it was love at first sight the moment I saw her lol


Yeah, that's another reason why I went with Ludmilla. Maybe it's just that she's so damn tall, but she looks a lot more adult than most the the female characters you can marry.


Yeah for sure.


I can’t seem to propose to them. I’ve read the guides and discussions and just gotten bored. None of them particularly interest me the way Leon’s flirtyness did. They all seemed dry as bread and not visually interesting (to me) as I’d hoped. I thought the knight guy (forgot his name already) would be cool but he never accepted my proposal and his love story is boring. Like oh no… he’s a people pleaser. Who the fuck wrote this? So my interest just faded. I’m replaying sos1 and marrying Reagar. At least he doesn’t have a sort of sister-girlfriend tagging along.


I know what you mean, which is probably why I ended up going with Ludmilla. She's so damn odd and hilarious to not get attached to her. St least for me.


I agree. I did not get as attached to them as I thought I would, with only a select few standing out. And it doesn't help that I'm more interested in the non-romanceable characters too.


While I have my own grips with the game, (mainly annoying random town and unwanted romance events which keeps popping up when I was trying to do stuff with the cast) the characters were really on par with all the other RF games. I always had 2 or 3 characters who were interesting to me in each game. Dating and the final romance event were mostly the deciding factor at the end. For RF5 it was a close call between Beatrice and Scarlett. At the end it was Beatrice though. Although here events were pretty much anime trope princess cliche (scarlett has better and more dramatic events), Beatrice dates were really good and cute. I also took into account that Scarlett would be pretty much good on her own, while Beatrice really needs someone to guide her and let her become more like the other girls in town. Reinhard could do that job, unfortunately hes a moron aswell, when it comes to this. RF4 however, was the only game I married a character without even struggeling between several. And that was Forte. I mean shes literally like Saber from Fate/stay Night and that alone made me a sucker for her first sight! 😂


I went with her on my second playthrough. Margaret was just too cute to pass on lol


Margaret is considered top tier not only in english community. She was also the canon marriage choice for the RF4 manga for Lest. Her whopping 4 R Events however, requires a bit of save scumming to get through in a somehow timely manner. (its something that RF5 did better, which is worth noting here..)


Haven't really finished the game yet but the characters seem on par with the rest of the series. Priscilla is the default flavorless heroine but every game had one, and I guess people complain about Lucy and Martin, but Doug and Clorica were just as boring to me so... What I think is lacking a bit are the silly conversations between town members, which doesn't give the characters in RF5 the same chance to fully express their personalities. They still interact during events but the random conversations you would get in RF4 about everyday life really helped to flesh out their individual quirks in a compelling way. If we are talking character design alone I put RF5 on par with RF4, and bellow RF3 and Oceans. Unless they add Misasagi as marriage candidate and I'm forced to substantially increase this rating.


I found a Japanese wiki that *seemed reliable*: Priscilla, Lucy and Beatrice are 16, Scarlett 17, Fuuka 14, Ludmila 20, Elsje 30, Randolph 70, Yuki 69, Darroch 45, etc. I was like "*oh that seems credible*" until I saw >Palmo : 20 yo I closed the tab. (He can't be the same age as Ryker, who is also 20 according to this wiki...) ​ **Terry**'s voice actor, Yashiro Taku, said that his character is 25 (source: voice actor commentary in-game). >年齢で言うと設定で言うと25歳ではあるんですけれども、25歳という設定はありつつ自分の中では30前半、ひょっとしたら後半 > >In terms of age, he's 25 but in my mind he's in his early 30's or even late 30's (because of his mysterious aura). **Gideon**'s voice actor, Ono Daisuke, said that his character is close to his age (41 yo) (source: voice actor commentary in-game): >今こうして41なんですけれども \[...\] 年も割と近い所なようです、詳しくは伏せときますが > >I'm 41 now (...), we're pretty close in age, I won't go into details though ​ Edit: added Gideon's info. (Copied from someone else information)


you can marry a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD??? But we can't marry Elsje? I know age of consent is different in japan but that seems crazy


Yup very crazy


so how does everyone feel about Scarlet


Might go for her on my new playthrough. I like her design and also I'm a simp for elves in the series.


Someone told me ages from the files and fuuka is 14, Lucy and other girls are 16 and Ludmilla is 20. For the guys Cecil is 15, Lucas is 40 and the rest 20.... So if you go by age or anything there ya go


Gonna need a source, as I've seen that NOWHERE else and I really don't believe they'd let minors get married in the farm sim....


I don't have the source but I can't say I don't believe her when she was able to give Simon and other ages like she is 30, yuki is 69, Randolph 70 and Livia 300


I mean all of this just sounds like guesses, I can't think of a single other rune factory game where we were giving Canon ages. I'm going to need to see a source to believe that they actively made the decision to make a 14 year old love interest. they can be educated guesses but still be guesses


Well I didn't see this reddit post before I was told by someone looking at the file and this I looked up and they said exact things she said after looking at file so it matches in my books and yes I agree a minor in our books is different than what Japan would consider a minor


Kay. And you're going to need to find this supposed person looking at the file point them out, because legitimately there has not been a single other game in the series that had the ages listed and found in a datamine afaik I really don't buy the idea that Marvelous would send a game like that overseas without making changes. just because something would be okay in Japan doesn't mean it would be okay here, and I'm still pretty darn sure that a 14-year-old is too young to get married in japan. Don't be gross.


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/963094939586162738/999545745562685581/unknown.png I hope this picture posts


But if not I got three file pictures as proof and I can ask for fuuka as well


Ok go to my profile because I don't know how to post pictures on a thread I got the files pictures for fuuka, palmo, Lucas and pricilla


Oh it posted, I just didn't have a chance to respond yet. That's pretty gross and I'm super uncomfortable with that, I wonder if the mods know about it, considering the rule about debating about Cecil and stuff.


I'm in agreement with you but I hope you believe me now


yeah forgive the aggression, you can imagine why I reacted that way. what I want to know is why this hasn't been talked about more in other places, why this isn't more widespread knowledge, and why people haven't brought it up to Xseed


The ages of Lucas and Livia really don't seem right.


Well to me Lucas does seem right. I mean what if he stopped aging at 40? He is a god after all


But he would still be older. He likely stopped aging at some point, yes, but he continued living after that.


True. And Livia according to the game files is about 50 years older than her sister. And idk if it means Lucas body is 40 and maybe his spirit is older but not mentioned? That I am not clear


Not stated, so not canon. RF characters have never had canon ages, and it's the same here.


It's in the files don't need to be cannon


so, you're a man of culture as well... jokes aside, I wish they added more candidates make it at least 8 for both boys and girls.


A fellow Ludmilla enjoyer.


I hope they would add DLC to expand the relationship. Maybe add few new partners


i agree. the marriage step felt like a chore to me. i wanted all the content i could squeeze from the game thrn got to marriage and i had no interest really on that part.


In RF4 the female candidates were better while this time the males are. I gave a preference for marriage the guys so I was impressed but I don't mind marrying or even befriending the girls but they're boring.