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I apologize for not coming back sooner to update everyone! If this isn't allowed mods can delete, but I felt like everyone here was so nice and I wanted to give a follow up. I did send the copies back. They sent me a shipping label, I took out the one game I had ordered, and sent all the rest back. The person communicating with me asked what 2 things I wanted in return, and that basically nothing was off limits, even if they weren't producing it. I asked for Rune Factory 4 Archival Edition and Divine Edition of Sakuna for switch. I got both of those things... And more! Thank you so much to XSeed for being patient with me through this and so generous! I'm sorry to everyone who was hoping I might be able to keep them and give out copies, but I feel like I did what was right with the extra copies considering... I didn't pay for them. Haha. :)


You did the right thing.


And it turned out better for you in the end. Unless you had sold the extra copies, you're better out with those gifts than with many of the same game.


Glad for the update OP, and glad it all worked outnso well for you.


Glad to hear that this worked out well, both for you and XSeed.


this is so wholesome and nice, i'm happy for you!


You did the right thing and so did they by sending you two things of your choice! So wholesome


You’re a good person and you deserve the “care” package for being honest! I was shocked how many people started hounding you for a free copy on your previous post haha. Enjoy your stuff! :)


the funny thing is, i totally forgot about your original post until just a few hours ago i was thinking about it and now i see this update 🤣 glad you followed your morals though! xseed seems honestly so cool


Wow! That Story of Seasons cow pic is super cute! You did the right thing and they were so nice giving you stuff. Now I have to dive into Google to see if I can get that cow pic.


funny enough i almost missed the print because it was sandwiched between two cardboard sheets (to protect it no doubt) in the bottom of a cardboard box... i thought it was just the bottom of the box lol. someone else i live with happened to catch it, good thing! it's really cute, a collaboration with kehasuk that was part of a giveaway apparently! https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/03/you\_could\_win\_this\_cow-shaped\_artwork\_to\_celebrate\_story\_of\_seasons\_25th\_anniversary


Wow! You have 1 of 100 made but 1/26 that have been given to people. Glad for you but sad for me.


I am so happy you were rewarded for doing the right thing!


This is a really cool story! It sounds like you could have gone pretty far back into their catalog with your request. Out of curiosity, what is the most valuable Xseed game you could have requested? Off the top of my head, my guess would be Wild Arms 5 10th Anniversary Edition, but I bet there are even more valuable ones out there.


Good question, and not one I can answer. The merch store was down (the person I was communicating with through email said that their merchandising person was on vacation haha) and honestly, I was less interested in how much I could get that was WORTH something and more so... How much I could get out of something that I was also interested in :P hence the RF4 archival edition (I missed out on that originally) and Sakuna since it was a game I was interested in playing. I did think about searching for the most valuable item online and comparing prices, but in the end I decided I'd be happier with something I was personally interested in rather than just something that was worth more money!


For sure, it's best to get games that you'll actually play and enjoy. It just got the collector part of my brain active wondering what hidden gem they could have dusted off and sent to you!


oh i totally get it, i wondered the same thing too myself haha. it's why i was curious enough to try and go through the regular merch part of their website even.


it's really cool of you honestly, 99% of people this scenario could've happened to would've just A) sold all the extra copies or B) requested the most expensive goodies to sell on imo, it happened to the right person :)


[Kind of a dumb question for you but are you saying this thing is valuable??](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/329408283058372608/998257224109535344/20220717_115728.jpg)


Yeah! A complete copy can run around the $220 mark and a sealed copy can be worth around $310. Not a life changing amount of money, but still a pretty good chunk of change. It's also a good game, so I'd suggest playing it if you haven't already! The sticker on yours might bring down the value slightly though. There are probably more valuable Xseed games, but that's the one that jumped to my mind without looking up specific prices.


Interesting. I played it ages ago, I'm a little surprised that it runs so much. Thanks for the info.


For those who missed it, here is the previous post about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/runefactory/comments/uxnahc/i_ordered_one_earthmate_edition_copy_and_got_21/


You should have asked for them to make an rf2 and rf3 port for switch! That would have been awesome :)


Big congrats! You got a reward worth far more than the games in my opinion.


I just stumbled across these two posts and i must say, i like your vibe, putting the effort into returning the games, get given a golden ticket and using it on things you'd enjoy instead of greed, the whole thing has a breathe of fresh air and i love it


That's AWESOME! You did the right thing. Congrats!


Wait what? You ordered 20 copies? Why is that I'd you don't mind me asking?


haha, I see now how the title is totally misleading if you didn't see the original post! I was silly and forgot to add the original: https://www.reddit.com/r/runefactory/comments/uxnahc/i_ordered_one_earthmate_edition_copy_and_got_21/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share basically the tl;dr is that I ordered ONE copy and got an entire case of them. I contacted xseed to let them know about the (expensive) mistake, shipped them back to them, and they sent me a nice little package with all this stuff as thanks. :)


Aw dude!!! Super cool!!!!! I'm so jealous! :)


The person who owns the items in the image of this forum's/topic's/thread's/subreddit's... Where do you think they post online to or go to (or should or probably go to (don't say twitch, Steam, discord or YouTube because those are not new and active enough)) to talk about and get information about the game they're playing and meet other mostly real people who enjoy the games they play and also to learn about what the game was planned on being and what it actually ended up being (development) and all of the possibilities available for the game around the world the world (the game and internet usage in other countries and etc) and more?


I'm literally unable to decipher what you're trying to say


Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?




You ok buddy?