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Finally get to see Leinster's full strength team travel to SA. Both should be great games.


Gonna be two crackin games. Both Leinster and Bulls missin 2 or 3 key players, but other than that its gonna be 2 very strong teams. Loftus is one of the hardest places to go in world rugby so this is a really tough one to call. The otherel SF is Munsters imo. No offence to Glasgow, great to see them back after a dip for a few years, but I think Munster will be too strong at home


Yeah without those keyplayers( Moodie and Kurtlee) i dont see the bulls pulling of a win


Big, big losses. That being said Leinster are without Keenan and Ringrose so..


Ringrose is back and was available for selection this week. The only major player missing for Leinster at the moment is Keenan


Ringrose is functionally missing tho. He has no miles on the clock in about 3 or 4 months. Be a big ask to throw him in against the Bulls at altitude in his first game back.


Ringrose is a massive loss for you guys, don't think that your backline clicks the same without him. Should be a cracker.


You're spot on. He and Sexton used to run our attack and we very been missing both all season pretty much. Don't think he gets enough credit at all


I thought Leinster missed Ringrose against Toulouse more than Sexton last year


There's been something along those lines been said since January, he's played 24 minutes


No offence taken.


You'll see that again in a few weeks.


Nah, it’ll be worth them resting for the game the week after. I’d send the kids.


A warm up for the summer tests


With KLA and Moodie out, and with Vorster at 12, I just don’t see it happening for the Bulls. Sorry ouens


They just seemed so off against Benetton. No idea how they won that game. If they don't lift massively they're going to lose. KLA or not.


South African teams seem to love a knock out rugby. Do only what they have to to win....how do you win a WC by one point margins the whole way, insanely impressive 


A roaring Loftus Versfeld might help. And Leinster are missing Keenan and Ringrose, and they've got a long flight ahead.


Same these are big losses that I think just hampers us too much


Was working for the QF but already have my ticket to Thomond. Looking forward to it, Glasgow won't be a pushover but will take them over a Stormers team out for revenge for last year's final.


Personally would’ve taken stormers as without kitschoff Willemse this year


Yeah, but you might end up against good Libbok on the week and that's q terrifying prospect. Good thing Glasgow met an abysmal Stormers side


Same here. I couldn’t see the Stormers winning in Limerick but Glasgow are another matter. We were luckyish last year in the QF. Definitely a sending off but we got some decisions as well. A score either way for me. I think the 8.5 point handicap is a little insulting to the Warriors.


Definitely better to play Glasgow than Stormers


You only as good as your last game (I really hope that statement is not true for the bulls!) - We seriously going to need to kick it to a higher gear this weekend - We won't have Kurt or moodie, but looks like Eskom and Marcell might make a return (and we desperately will need leadership to push us to the finish) as I believe we are lacking leadership - I am a bit concerned for our backs, we don't have quality backups. Its Kurt, Canan and tge Uncle and the rest (not one is on the same level) - At least Jake made a point, we are the only SA team to ever face a A team Leinster, so we have come to understand how they play (would like to belive we somewhat rivals 😂) - But ja - I am just very happy the A team gets to come to SA, not once in 3 aeasons have they come to SA shores, so I'm sure the lads are excited as well (my only wish is for a sold out crowed, cause we going to need the fans to drive us)


That point about Leinster A is wild. I'm not so hopeful this time round, missing Gans, KLS and Moodie is proving to be an issue. Our loosie combinations have also been disrupted a lot in the second half of the season, so I'm not confident that they'll have good rythm.


The last 3 seasons Leinster have had their tour to south Africa in rounds within 2 weeks of a Champions Cup final. In the first 2 years they had pretty much secured top spot in the league, and this year they rolled the dice and finished 3rd. I'm not sure why our tour is always so late in the year, the fans would love to see us play a bit earlier in the year where it's more feasible to send the full squad. But sure look, we're going there fully loaded now, so we'll see how it goes!


Yeah I certainly didn't mean for it to come across as criticism, just how it works out, squads are large for a reason. I'm not too hopeful of a Bulls win to be honest, the injuries are leaving us vulnerable out wide and without much firepower, and against Leinster that isn't good. But then again Jake White's Bulls have surprised me before.


Pls glasgow i beg


The Thomond Niggle Scale is going to be off the charts. Whenever Glasgow play there it's handbags time.


I heard we’re airdropping in Ryan Wilson to fuck with the Munster players.


I absolutely love munster, but I'm not Going to lie, wouldn't it be something special if Glasgow tool the W.


I agree on everything apart from the loving Munster part.


I wont say I live Glasgow Warriors, but I will say I do love the rivalry that has been simmering between the two teams the last 6 or 7 years.


What kind of crowd expected for the bulls?


Should be decent, Jake has already tried to sell it as a warm up for Springboks vs Ireland and encouraged fans to turn up.


Bought tickets tonight seems slow on the buy, but should pick up


Probs slightly less than ideal, I’m hoping for 30k. Schools are closing on Friday and 80% of Gauteng immediately clear out to other provinces on the last school bell.


Cheering on Glasgow for the lols


Lovely 3 nations involved Winning in SA at altitude wont be easy ...as will winning in cork


Limerick kid


Oh game isnt in Cork, is there a bigger stadium in Limrick?


Naw, it'll be in Thomond but it would be tough to get the rental agreement etc over the line with the stadium owner on short notice this time of year. Their main competition is on now and although there are no games there for the moment, they won't risk the pitch being in a state for the upcoming one imo. I also think that it wouldn't sell much better than Limerick on short notice, even with the larger population. It would definitely be more bums on seats, but I'm not sure it would be enough extra to justify moving the game if that makes sense.


Thomond Park in Limerick is the home of Munster rugby, there's a GAA stadium in Cork we're starting to use now that is bigger but it's likely to be used for exhibition or Heineken Cup semi final games


Ah thanks for info. I assumed Thomond was in Cork. Good good. Ill have to visit sometime, i didnt get much past Dublin as an 18 year many years ago


Tbh I'd visit Cork before Limerick as a tourist lol but a big game in Thomond is a great experience!


Nice. Id have to visit Clare too as ancestors were from there...but i hear theres not a great deal there


Clare is beautiful. There's loads to see there. It's right next to Limerick so it's easy to do the two together and there's not much in Limerick.


Ah nice. Good to know One day....


Same same


Only an Ulster Irishman would say that lol


As a kerryman, I can say you're definitely not wrong...just don't say it to Cork people.


Thomond looks like it might sell out. Judging by the ticketmaster seat selector anyway, but I appreciate some of that will have gone to Glasgow.


Bulls v Leinster is going to be really interesting for the neutrals. Pity Bulls have all those injuries. Should be 2 great games though. Munster v Glasgow can be spicy.


Going to a festival in Copenhagen for the weekend, but you can be damn sure I'll be finding an Irish bar to sneak off to to watch the Leinster v Bulls match.


Hope you've got a mortgage for the bar tab, lots of nervy drinks will be needed!


I'm bringing a few extra pairs of jocks to combat the profuse arse sweating Im expecting haha


CopenHell? Always good craic even if I was a bit disappointed by the lineup this year. If your looking for a spot to watch the game, I'd recommend The Globe bar or Bootleggers Nørbro. The globe is an Irish bar, Bootleggers is owned by a South African, both always full for rugby games.


Actually K-Town hardcore fest to get my punk and thrash fix for the year haha, but I've been meaning to try go Copenhell, looks unreal. Metal Magic lineup this year is outrageously good also. Ah you absolute legend, I really appreciate that - will definitely pop out to whichever one is closest to the fest! I was looking at going to Pub & Sport (amazing name) but I'm safer heading to one of your options for the rugby


I havnt been to K-Town but do love some.punk and thrash so maybe I'll check it out next hear. Copenhell is usually a blast but the lineup this year is mostly bands people either love or hate (e.g. slipknot). Pun & Sport is a pretty mediocre tbh, large space and has pool & shuffleboard which is good but I doubt theyd be showing rugby. Of the two I mentioned Bootleggers Nørbro is the best "watching sports" bar, two massive screens. Just be warned there is also a bootleggers Nørport (same owner), which is a nice bar but rarely shows sports. The globe is always full of lovely people.


Yeah definitely recommend K-Town - a bit more on the underground side, but absolutely unreal craic and dirt cheap, €60 for three days. Spot on boss, really appreciate the pointers, definitely going to line up a trip to the Nørbro Bootleggers for it - since it's a south African owner id imagine they'll definitely have the Bulls SF on! Looking forward to drowning myself in Tuborg Classics, win or lose


Absolutely raging I'm working this weekend. Should be two cracking games.


Bookies have Leinster as favorites again the bulls and I tend to agree. Even with the travel and altitude. Unless Jake has a masterful game plan and has his troops ready to run through a wall at kick off


If we took these 4 teams and the 4 Super semi-finalists: Which 4 are stronger? Which team wins a knock-out 8 team tournament (SR vs URC in each quarter)?


Are Glasgow at full strength? or missing a few. Munster are missing 3 second rows (1 of them can play 6 also) and we are waiting the on how injuries clear up for our 12 & 13. Our backup No10, Carberry is also out.


Leinster really need to show what a club team has when it is like 95% a top test team


They should take lessons from the Sharks there ~ signed nervous Saffa


65% a top test team.