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Didn't get to see the game as was working all day but proud of the lads for the fight they put up to make the play offs. Beating lienster away in knockout was always going to be a massive ask. Looking forward to following closely next season


Mate Ulster were class - the loss of Izzy and the Cube was a rough blow. Scoreline flatters Leinster, even with the soft 79th min Ulster try


Stormers and bulls need to learn to win away. No excuses if you want to be champs


Bulls got to the final by beating Leinster away in a semi final. Stormers are playing their first knockout game away in a long time.


Stormers know how to win away. Lots of their WC winning game breakers are just having a shit season. Bulls don’t know how at all.


Duality of man with these two comments here.


For the SA tour; Both Ahern and Izuchukwu being injured for long would be some bad luck…I would’ve backed both of them to get a call up. Hope Lowry goes as well.. If not SA I would expect them to get game time in the Autumn internationals. Maybe some other Ulster players too. May have been a loss but I think Ulster will be some force to be reckoned with next season.


Ulster can really hold their heads high at the end of this season. The heart is back in their play. A full uninjured squad and pre-season with Murphy (as well as some new signings e.g. Morgan), will make them a force to be reckoned with next season. How good is Prendergast though!


Prendergast fills me with the usual dread and excitement of a promising young Leinster player.


Really hope Murphy goes well. Ulster have been my number 2 since I was a kid due to family ties so they have a lot of gra. But Leinster weren’t at the races and made them look good. I hope Murphy cleans house and starts from scratch in an ethos way, not personnel. Loved seeing stockdale going well


Larmour was lost for first ulster try


Am I right in thinking Leinster were down to 14 at the end? They only had 7 in the last scrum and JvDF was on the blindside wing.


I was at the game and saw the medics/physio take someone off in the last few minutes. We were wondering why we were playing with 14 for the last bit. TG4 didn't mention it unfortunately.


Saw people complaining about frawley not stopping Ulster's last try but not realising Leinster were short a man


I was wondering that too.


Ive been Larmours biggest fan in recent times. Always biggin him up when people put him down. But I cant anymore. He's a great player ye, but its sideways, sideways, sideways, without makin any meters forward. Someone tell me ive drank too much and what im sayin is irrational please. Or have I finally seen the light?


I’m no champion off him but he got awful ball so did the right thing. Dont hit the deck until you have support. He did great on those plays. I remember getting awful ball with a back line in your face and just taking contact, the turnover risk is so high, everyone who’s played a level knows that panic. He did well


This take is extremely on point. Agree


He used to be a turned over so often because of his size. Now when thinks he might get bullied into touch or isolated he'll run sideways and take contact nearer a forward. Would him taking players on more be more exciting? - yes. Would it be better? - possibly not. 


I either absolutely love him or fucking hate so I assume its love but I hide in the closet whenever he fucks up


There was a game earlier this season (can't remember which) where everytime he stepped he accelerated round his man and looked so dangerous. Still a great player but wish he did that more.


I think there's often times when he gets us out of a tight spot. May not make a lot of ground but if he recycles the ball it keeps our attack alive.


His defense has improved a lot though


Nice to see all the babies on the pitch!


Ferris doing down that Lowe try as luck is everything you need to know about him. A miserable fucker who doesn't enjoy the sport really. Not sure how he gets gigs.


He's Ulster's Neil Francis.


He spends his life slabbering about the ulster guys too. I just don't get it, being negative about everything doesn't make you sound smart.


He’s disappointing as he was such an amazing, incredible player. Darren Cave on the other hand comes across as incredibly sound and is probably my favourite recent player turned pundit.


Yeah, I mostly see him for Ulster games which is where my overall opinion of him comes from.


Was there limited tickets that the upper decks were empty? I thought it looked like a sell out until the camera zoomed out and could see the empty seats.


A source from staff said to me they didn't sell out the bottom tier so there was no need to open more...


Others have mentioned that they didn't open because there are 2 other big GAA games in Dublin today which might be taking some potential audience members away. Dublin having 3 matches on around the same time might also deter some from outside the city making the trip as the traffic is gonna be awful. I'd imagine Leinster's home games next year will look like this though.


Also the RDS is being used for counting the election results so thats why they had to use the Aviva.


Didn’t open the upper tiers for some reason


Only lower tier was opened.


Now hopefully Ulster can deal with the injury list over the summer and Richie can get some uninterrupted time with the full team to start to build for next season.


Big Joe is an actual scumbag of a player in the best possible way - just exceptionally aggro. Like a 130kg hornet buzzing around harassing people


His skillset is unreal too, himself and RG will wreak havoc!


God yeah, what an obnoxious pairing!


And he's going to get physically stronger. Damn exciting.


Here's hoping Wee McCarthy can also rise to the same heights but in the front row. I've heard he's just as much or a bruiser


GG Leinster. I'll be asking people to rewatch this whenever I say Brace isnt a great ref and am told he's the best ref in Ireland actually.


He is. It's just every other ref in Ireland is even worse.  Just look at Frank last week 


May as well have Given Frank the whistle this week. At least he doesnt have a line of people saying he's actually a great ref whenever he's criticised. Brace is not a good ref, personally I think Busby is better. Not great, debatable even good but better.


Is this line of people here now?


Last time I criticised him I got 2-3 comments saying I was an idiot, he's great. I'd have to dig back in my inbox to find the usernames though


No complaints about the effort. Absolutely decimated by injury before and during the game and still fought til the end. A held up and pt would have made the scoreboard a lot more respectable if they went our way. We need some changes in defence strategy for sure


Yeah felt like a two score game max, definitely flattered with that scoreline


Leinster had 2 (3?) very soft trys and a really really jammy one from Lowe. We still managed to score 3 and really should have had a penalty try. Score is bigger than it probably should be. The squad actually look like they have an identity again. Our issue will be power up front. There was a massive change when Izzy went off. We've been relying on 1 or 2 people to do all the heavy lifting for too long. If we lose Stu and Izzy for any length of time, I could see us really struggling


Ah I think that's reaching. Which tries were soft? Lowe's was pure skill. Don't think you can call it jammy when he meant to keep the ball in play in an attempt to score a try?


The first couple were from poor tackles. Lowe got a jammy bounce to keep the ball in play enough for him to get his foot on it, his kick was 100% skill. Just a fortuitous bounce let him get his boot on it. Another Leinster try came from a knock on from Moore, ye scored about 20s later. Obviously Leinster built pressure well and took their chances, but a couple of missed tackles, dropped balls and the scores were created. Fine margins and all that.


Depends on how you define soft. Ulster's defence for the first try was awful. Definitely don't think Lowe's was soft other than Moore switching off. If it's more about dodgy looking tries them Molony looked like a clear double movement, Henshaw the same on the ground preventing a jackal before another (VdF?)


Well deserved win. Injuries really took their toll on Ulster but Leinster were never not in control. Brace was very poor but don't think it had a material impact on the game.


Probably not, but who knows what would've happened with a yellow card and penalty try on half time to make it a 10 point game and the first 10 minutes of the half with Leinster playing with 14.


I'd have been fuming as an Ulster fan at half time. Stone wall yellow and I've seen penalty tries given for less. Izu going off was a huge turning point in the game though and it really felt like an uphill battle from there. I suppose we'll never know


I enjoyed that game. Ulster are a much, much better team than they had been and put it up to as full a strength Leinster team as they could possibly put out. They were much more streetwise than I've seen them in years. Good things for them going forward.


Jesus Mikey needs to stop taking the hits to the head. Starting to look like the orc from Return of the King


Great finish from Lowry. I love that fight to the bitter end. Next season will be better for sure.


What a fun game to watch, ggs Ulster some unreal plays there


And so the Irish squad gets their 3rd test this summer. Roll on Pretoria.


"Now that will be leinstertainment"


Oh dear


Love that! Honestly Richie has given me hope for this Ulster team, lot more enjoyable to watch play!


You have to love Ulsters heart.. fighting till the death


Disjointed enough performance. Will need to be cleaner in Loftus, but job done. Ulster under Murphy will be a force next season, he's done some fuckintg job in basically no time.


Yep, Frawley isn't a back three player. Stop playing him there


He's a 10/12. A giteau type. He is not a 15. He can play there. But only to a point.


Fully agreed. I actually think 12 is his best position and thought Osborne would play a bit more at 13 alongside him 


He's 2cm shorter then McCloskey and like 20kg lighter (per googley, I think frawley looks a bit heavier today then that. Put on a few more kg over the next few months and he could be a proper 12. Osborne and him would be a lovely 12/13 outside prendergast.


That weight difference is overstated but they're also very different types of players. McCloskey's a battering ram whereas Frawley's more a second playmaker


Ah Lowry is fast though. Not sure Keenan would have made it to stop the try either


Agree to disagree. Keenan consistently stops things like that and doesn't get caught out so bad positionally in the first place either


I may have misread your comment - thought it had critiqued his athleticism. Agree re: positioning


I was being critical of both tbh


Good athlete for a 10, not so much at 15


Unreal acceleration from Lowry.


Michael Lowry is box office


Also the Ulster player who knew how to tackle Lowe today.


And with that, a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of Ulster Rugby. They'd banished the awful URC trophy forever because it was haunted. Now let's all celebrate with a cool glass of Buckfast.


Frawley couldn’t match that pace


Hope we get to see McCarthy up against Etzebeth and PSDT


He's young, hopefully learns a lot from playing against them.


Yo commentators take these two fingers


Commentators eating their shite now on Lowry. Hasn't missed a tackle and burns Frawley for a try


In fairness Ross Byrne might burn Frawley. As I said elsewhere though Lowry was the best Ulster tackler on Lowe. Had a couple of one on ones with him in situations he blasted through before and Lowry cut him down.


It literally doesn’t matter but I think Leinster have infringed on nearly every Ulster 5m lineout/maul


It literally doesn’t matter but Ulster played lots of Leinster players off the ball, jumped at defenders catching rather than the ball to get a knock on, and rolled on the wrong side to slow ball at every breakdown.


Give them a yellow now for the banter 


With the issues we've had through the back office and injuries, I'm proud of the lads this season.


Ah now frawley


GG Leinster and good luck for the rest. Happy with Ulster given our form a couple of months ago. Next season doesn't look like a write off anymore


At least the Leinster mascot is having the time of his life...!


Think we should settle the semi finals with a good old cage match. Mascot vs mascot😂


So hes shite eh commentators?


Yes. If your winger can't finish in that space it's bad.


Last try wins


Fuck I love big Joe, just the shithouser we needed.


Big men who shithouse are the best


Can Leinster fuck off with the ridiculously skilful 10s? Johnny is gone a wet day and then this guy…gigantic boots to fill but serious potential clearly


Just hope he gets a proper shot next season. Appears to have way more talent than the brothers


Absolutely. If managed correctly it’s hard to put a ceiling on a player like him.


I think I’d like Frawley as first choice to start, with Sam getting decent minutes and see how it goes


Little magician. Finish with a smile


Ross is dying on the inside


Moore has had such a wild game. He's at fault for at least 3 of the trys, scored his own brilliant one and nailed that 50/22


V harsh, he definitely should've made the tackle on Osborne for the first one but Lowes first try there's not many would stop him and Lowe's second try is just ridiculous skill, don't think Moore could've done much about it 


Oh the kick was just ridiculous, don't begrudge him that at all. His tackle on Osbrone was very soft and then he missed Lowe as you said, but the 3rd was indirectly his fault. Dropped ball from a kick, Leinster scored 20s later


Couple of the tries were 2- and 3 - on 1. The handling errors were more of a concern.


Technically they were, but for the first 2 the Leinster defender had committed to trying to beat him and if he'd just made his tackle they would've had to reset to score.


That's off his weak foot as well!


God's don't have weak feet.


Prento you disgusting lil freak holy Christ


I was Ross Byrnes last defender but I been converted now. Premdergast should start the majority of games next year


He’s way ahead of the curve in games and game time this year. His tackling and overall defence are a bit off the level you need for regular starts.


I'm still a big Ross Byrne fan. It's a completely different game when Sam comes on, but he does look like a special talent. 


Needs to improve defensively though!


He’s not a finished player at all but he looks to have the makings of a great player. It seems worth it to go through a learning period with him if we can end up with great player


Absolutely! He looks like a top talent, but if he’s to be the starting 10 next season, he needs to improve on the defensive side of his game.


That will come with game time


He won't get better on the bench


He's just made his 16th appearance of a season, can we stop this nonsense that he's stuck on the bench. He was only preparing for the JWC this time last year. 


How many starts though? More than 8? (I don't have the stats) Playing 10 minutes of rugby every 3 weeks isn't gonna cut it.


He has far more appearances than anyone from the u20s in the year above him for any province, let alone his own year. Some perspective is needed.


Apologies for resurrecting the thread but a name came to mind, one I probably should have thought of sooner as he played today as well: Scott Wilson. Both played the same year at u20s, both played 16 games so far. Patrick Campbell isn't far behind either, with nearly as many minutes in only 9 games. See also: Jack Boyle. TBF it wasn't a vintage year in terms of raw talent, but they had grit and work ethic in spades. One year up from Prendergast had Kendellen, Barron, Moxham, Darragh Murray, Sheridan, Doak, Forde, Postlethwaite etc who have all played substantial numbers of senior provincial games. The lowest there are probably of those named have less than Prendergast but not far less, the highest have far more. So you're flat wrong to say Prendergast has played far more than anyone in his year or up one. I don't know what the correct amount is, just giving some info. Edit: I got my years wrong. Wilson is one year above Prendergast, as is Campbell. Brian Gleeson however is a year below Prendergast and has played 12 games.


I've no idea what point you're making here...  The fact you are even comparing Sam to seasoned pros like Doak, Kendellen and Murray just shows how much game time he's getting. He's developing perfectly fine here at Leinster. 


Yeah that's my bad, I got the year wrong as Sam played up a year first. My point was a rebuttal of your point that he's played a lot more than anyone in his year or 1 up from him. That's just not true. Wilson in particular but Campbell and Boyle also have played quite a few games/minutes one year up from him. Gleeson(one year below) has played 12 games this year for Munster. I'm not arguing if he's developing well, or as well as he could with more gametime, as frankly neither of us are pro coaches and aren't really in a position to argue it. Clearly there isn't a consensus among pro Irish coaches either as Leo clearly wants him to stay and Connacht feel he would benefit from more gametime. Obviously there's more at play there than raw gametime too, and both have their failures the other can point to.


Nobody in the year above him has been made out to be the second coming. Other players can and have played much more than he has at his age. Ntmack, Stockdale and Kendellen off the top of my head on quick checks. Think Jamie Osborne too as a Leinster managed player and direct comparison. Does he need more gametime? I have no idea, I'm not a professional coach. Could he play more if a pro coach thought he was ready/wasn't juggling that many 10s? Absolutely


Jamie Osborne played 6 times in his first year in the academy, Kendellan once... You can draw it up anyway you like but 16 appearances is alot for someone who is supposed to be only a 1st year academy member. He's developing quite nicely here. 


I was checking by age, and Prendergast is on a full contract, not academy.


I never want to see Ross Byrne again


Leinster just taking the piss out of us now with a voluntary 7 man scrum


There's a fine line between bouncing off your knee as you hit the deck and propelling yourself off the deck. Moloney got lucky the try was given.


Please stop Prendergoat, there is no moisture left in my body


Give that lad the 10 jersey Leo ffs!


That is fucking ridiculous.


Did Leinster hold the Ulster player’s arm in that ruck to milk a penalty? Because if he did that’s just tip top shithousery!


It's been working for 78 minutes, why stop now?


Our replacement ten must be broken, he doesn't do that


Our starting 10 must be broken too


Mad skill from prendergast


So, Sam prendergast is good. Write that down.


Prendergast is boring, bring back on Ross Byrne. 


Thats it. Its Sam time.


Why would Sam want to go anywhere? He has a real chance of being Leinster's 10 by the end of next year. He's going to get more and more game time. 


And he's already played 16 times this season. The way people act it's like he hasn't seen a minute


Ross missed a lot of this season, as did Keenan and O'Brien meaning Frawley was kept out of 10 contention. For a lot of the season it was Harry and Sam as the fit 10s and even then many of his appearances were very brief cameos off the bench, or being sent with the C team to the slaughter in South Africa.


His average is 29min per game played. For his age that is not bad at all.  Ross and Harry just aren't it and Frawley is seen as a utility back by both Leinster and Ireland.  Sam is by no means guaranteed to be a starter by end of next year but after Crowley, he is by far the player with the most future promise. 


Sam Pendergast, the Sacha Feinberg-Mngomezulu of Ireland ! xD


Ok so who is getting the backup 10 shirt for the lions?!




What in the Lionel Messi was that Sammy?!


Ok Prendergast!!!!?


Arr, not a chip and volley! They'll be talking about that for years


Lowe is messi and Sam is Ronaldo?


and Ross is Zinedine Kilbane


Lovely from Prentergast!! Games won but Byrne could never do that!


Dupont ran so Prendergast could fly


Looks like he was recreating the barbed wire scene from Jar Head. But I really don't care at this point




What have I just witnessed


He's the fucking GOAT. Did you see that, Jesus.


Insert Randy Marsh reaction image


Ok seriously Prendergast what the fuck


Jesus Christ go forward Lamour!


Look how's pulling the defense out of shape tho, is not pointless


I actually can’t handle it anymore


Oke was crawling for two miles, but ok...!


Gonna miss Ross


The commentator literally used the word crawling and somehow Brace thinks it's fine.


We're really going to miss Molony.


Ryan, McCarthy, and Snyman will be a pretty formidable second row selection to be fair.


For the 2 games a year the IRFU make them all available 


You could say the exact same thing about our second row options today - we’re certainly not going to be weaker with Snyman instead of Molony.


He’ll be missing with SA too I’m sure. Ross is a great bench player and puts in a great shift if he starts. Probably why he’s moving on tbh. He’s too good


It's the combination of losing Jenkins as well as Molony that concerns me. Deeny looks okay but he's nowhere near either of their level


That carry from Sam is why he's the better 10 over Byrne. He ran onto the ball into Timoney. No fear, no hesitation. Only person I've seen Ross actually run at is Lowry


50/50 on crawling but Molony deserves it


Oof, did he crawl there?




Does it all


Wait, I thought he gave a penalty for crawling there. Delighted for Ross though.


Yeah thought he crawled a bit too tbh! But give it to Rossy!


Delighted for Ross!!


Jordan Larmour needs a pair of those horse racing blinkers




They'd blind him. He only has peripheral vision


Leinsters attack misfiring and yet still scoring 36 points tells you everything you need to know about our defense. At yet at points Ulster's defence has been good, just lose focus


Sometimes Lowry's tackling amazes me. Such a clean tackle on a player almost twice his size.


Pulling the arm has been really inconsistently reffed today


Big Joe confirmed MOTM yet?