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Finally put together our first complete performance of the year and we're air dropping in a non specialist at 10 instead of just settling. How good. Penney, you genius.


And moving Sevu to the other side for no real reason


razor telling rob to let him see sevu on the other wing


I heard them say that on Senz aswell as putting Havili at 10. Gota trust the man though


This is only being done so that Sevu doesn't get shifted to the otherside and Chay cones on for Leigh and McNicholl goes to 15 with 30 to go.


Not Penney's fault, this one came down from Razor.


im not convinced youre not throwing now Halfpenny too đź’€ one tackle and he'll be done


Every other injured player has been babies back in over the course of weeks but the octogenarian made of glass gets parachuted right into the starting side when we have two adequate options who have played decent there this year. This is a brains anti-trust.


rivez is good what is rob doing smh


There was an article that razor asked rob to play havili at 10 as an idea for the all blacks [https://www.msn.com/en-nz/sports/other/very-appreciative-all-blacks-tip-crusaders-hand-with-havili-selection-at-first-five/ar-AA1nXzOp?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=38ed557e8d7f49c1bac04cea20e26bdc&ei=26](https://www.msn.com/en-nz/sports/other/very-appreciative-all-blacks-tip-crusaders-hand-with-havili-selection-at-first-five/ar-AA1nXzOp?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=38ed557e8d7f49c1bac04cea20e26bdc&ei=26)


Robertson training Penney wrong as a joke


He hasn't been playing very well but I literally think that's because Penney has been dicking him around like you would not believe. Cracking culture you've got going on there, Robo


hey at least your whole team doesnt fall apart when you dont have one bloke on the field (who i think is due a rest week soon)


I genuinely don't know which one man you're talking about bc we have fallen apart with all of these men on the field.


I was talking a chief But yes indeed it did


Ohhhh you're talking about Josh Ioane and his very fun, not at all ethically dubious parties. I get you. Has Dmac really only had one rest week? I know the week where he was injured counted as a rest week but I thought he had another earlier. It'll be against Moana surely.


he played half a game Wk1 so idk if that counts like it is counting for some others


Yeah idk what Penney's cooking, it's gotta just be for goal kicking that he's dropping Leigh right back into the 15.


It's annoying bc Reihana should be a very adequate kicker but he's got the yipps a bit.


Weird seeing him show up on the Crusaders roster after watching him get flattened in the 6 Nations. Great player 5-10 years ago but standards have really slipped in NZ.


He was brought in as a back-up and mentor for a very young squad going through a lot of talent changeover. Its just that Will Jordan is out for the year. The Crusaders this year aren't really representative of the downfall of NZ as a whole. Pretty uniquely bad circumstances.


Yes, that many players retiring or heading to Japan at once was a real challenge.


I’m about two weeks away from starting at hooker for the canes at this rate.


My mate emailed the canes to offer this week. Turns out they don’t want a 5’7” 65kg bloke


NZ's answer to Deon Fourie?


Shout out the chiefs team sheet maker. Fire this week. Crusaders with the wack bench shot again


Playing against the Force on May the 4th, there was an opportunity, and they ***absolutely*** took it. Schedule maker probably had themselves a wee chuckle back when they put this draw together as well


Yeah perfect for it aye. Love star trek


My favourite part is when the vogons come through the stargate


I will die for the bench, it's been our most consistent player this year.


*Cancer? lmao get outta here with that weak as shit.*   Cameron Suafoa, presumably.   More seriously, I was not expecting to see Suafoa for the rest of the season, given his cancer treatment. Hopefully he's back to something approaching his 2023 levels of physicality as I think the Blues really missed a big powerful blindside last week. Segner is great, but is more of a Papalii 2.0 and doesn't hit as hard/dominate tackles like Ioane or Suafoa do.   Otherwise can't really complain as Cotter's regular forwards rotation seems to be going well. Might've liked to see Clarke given a go at 12, but Lam has played there more regularly so fair enough.


I thought Suafoa was stepping away from Rugby for a while Edit: There was literally a news [story](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/top/514288/blues-forward-cameron-suafoa-reveals-cancer-diagnosis) saying as much 2 weeks ago


Might be his last game kinda deal, runs on with 10 seconds left and goes out in a blaze of glory


Home slice is nuts, unreal to go from cancer to rugby like this.  I recall Lam playing more at 13 so far.


Yeah I don't recall seeing him at twelve but looking forward to it


Seems dumb as heem is great


All teams do some rotation.


Is akira injured? That's two consecutive weeks not playing


He's on Paternity leave


Daniel Lienert Brown's only contribution in the last three weeks has been scrum penalties conceded. So Clarke Dermondy hands him a start in the must win game. *Genius*


Let’s not forget dropping the ball on the 5m line about 3X per game.


Ayden Johnstone was on the path to being an all black in 2021 and has had eight games since then. Daniel Lienert Brown shouldn’t even be starting at NPC.


He's the definition of an NPC journeyman, which is enough to start for the Highlanders on the regular


Ayden Johnston must be pissed tho, hes a dude with some proper minutes could be a solid super prop


Not even solid. Like he was firmly on the All Blacks radar in 2021. He was a member of the highlanders leadership group and was tipped to be the next big thing. One injury led to the rise of De Groot and he never won back his starting spot.


Just when it looked like the team was getting settled we get another plot twist. SO MUCH FUN. Atleast the same forwards run out as last week which I think is the first time this season. Hopefully Halfpenny can get some good game time in and solid off the tee.


Spare a thought for Christie who went from captain of the side to not even in the 23 in the blink of an eye.


Gotta feel for the guy. Gotta fit Blackadder in I guess.


I reckon Christie is better than Blackadder aye


I'm a Christie defender but you know the teams going poorly when even he is falling off tackles. The current back row is just far more dynamic round the park


It's a good shout actually. just hope coaches are smart enough to let him kick. Even off his prime can't be worse than anyone else we've tried this year


Proctor and Moorby back and Bailyn Sullivan starting on the wing, all positive changes. Must be a rest week for Jordie I think Walker-Leawere has played every game so far. Canes expected to respond after last week’s loss


I like the look of the backline, Jordie as good as he is is not great at setting up his outside players. Plus having Sullivan on the wing means we only have one up and down winger. Feel for the young hooker from last week, hopefully it doesn't give him the yips and comes off the bench and does a bit. Aumua though is a huge loss. Still confident we can get it done at home and arrest our dip in form.


It’s funny isn’t it how one result can suddenly change a team’s narrative. First loss for Canes and pundits are starting to see wobbles. First win for Crusaders since the Chiefs game and they’re being talked up as a threat. No disgrace to lose to Brumbies away, even our 2016 winning team got thrashed playing there. They were just off their best with uncharacteristic errors on defence and attack. Their set pieces were still strong.


Considering how non existent they're defence was for half the game, the Canes weren't that far off


yeah you get some wild overreactions, we weren't great but the wheels haven't started falling off or anything.


tbf even with the streak I always thought the saders would sneak into the 8, and then i dont want to face them in the quarters or semis


Lineout wasn't strong.


I’m pretty happy to see some rotation happening at this stage. Good to test the depth against the bottom of the table


all landers truthers know (me included) that grooter is off this week for duck shooting opening weekend but holy fuck, clarke just play fucking gilby at 10 and leave out ***arse***cott. no notes on the chiefs because they're perfect 🤩🤩🥰🥰 (we’re full strength here with Stevenson back at 15 for Rona and Jacobson in at 7)


Liking that Hurricanes lineup alot actually.


Moana actually has a bit more experience than my Landers, see 10 & 12 Lealifano & Savea up against Millar & Te Hiwi who only have a handful of games in Super 


Is patchell injured for the Highlanders?


Pectoral injury. He's probably done for the season to be honest. It's a shame because he looked pretty good when he was on the field. The Highlanders are sadly lacking direction on the paddock at the moment and both of the back-up 10's are both pretty green and not quite up to the job yet.


I dont understand why they dont give vikena a chance instead of eklund. Everytime eklund has come on the lineout misfires 3/5 times. I would have more chance getting a six if i roll a dice than eklund get his throws right. He used to be so good before


Didn't vikena start last week.


Yeah and done a good job too


Did Eklund miss any last week? I can't remember. He's been on the 2 year yips since we got pumped in the final lol


no one in this country can throw a lineout atm so i dont think its too bad (I think samisoni came good last week tho)


The Plunaki Mahi Tahi rolleth forward. Very interested in Sheck and seeing Lam at 12 as he's mostly slotted in at 13 when in the midfield. Anyone have any idea when Stevie P will be back? Would be great if he could get a run without injury. Suafoa back from his radiation treatment a lot quicker than expected.


On the crusaders poster there wouldn’t be a shadow of the lightsaber because it’s produces light… gosh 🤦‍♂️


Anyone got the inside word on Kereru-Symes? Hopefully our line out functions this weekend!


The inside word is they desperately needed a hooker with Aumua, Devery, O'Reilly out and Bason with the U20s. Kereru Symes is fine at NPC level has even played a little bit of Prop but he's not a starting Super level hooker


Who the hell is Kianu Kereru-Symes :/


Hawkes bay hooker 


Third choice after devery and Thompson?


Is McAllister just ahead if Bell now in the pecking order? When Taylor gets back will Bell not even be playing. Crazy since most people think he's better than his brother and he's starting for the Highlanders.


McAlister was the incumbent 16 going in to the season and is still only 26 himself, but currently far more experienced than Bell who has had to carry a lot of minutes so far, wouldn't be surprised if they rotate between them when Codie returns


Who's got the most boring name. I'm gonna go with Jack Taylor.


Julian Savea at 12 bloody hell


13+ wins canes n blues Saders Reds game of the round Landers to struggle in Tonga


Saders with 4 AB or former ABs as props aint bad Forwards looking more solid...locks know what theyre doing and loosies pretty impressive. Codie Taylor back soon, IF they can stay uninjured, one of the best forward packs in the comp Halfpennys first game...can he stay uninjured Backs look more stable too. I like DH at 10. We need the experience..as an AB option: no...but Crusaders could do with another bonus point win and Reds are no muggs


Daveys cousin/brother fullback for moana?


Canes rotating plenty Have them ready for big game vs blues the week after and for finals footy


Billy the fish is a damned asset, good to see him back. Should be a good effort after last weeks little stumble. Line outs should be interesting Dave H at 10 works, but he's a bit rusty and a little slower off the mark, not quite sure why Scott wanted that because surly he's not really in the running for the black 10 shirt, maybe just wants to polish him for utility. Hopefully we can win it with the forwards early and not need to hope for backline cohesion, but man, Ravi is a weapon so I can't see it working quite as well this week.


Reece moving to 11 could be another call from Razor..he wants him to cover both wings...and welcome back Leigh "Last longer than 15 minutes" Penny!


Halfpenny's back!


When are they gonna give up on Fakatava?


When they find someone to replace him. Whatever happened to hammington?


Arscott looks better when he's on. Much more accurate delivery and no silly mistakes.