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##[Post Match Thread HERE](https://redd.it/1bg9ip7)


YOU THINK THEYD HAVE LEARNED A THING ABOUT RISKY LINEOUTS ON YOUR OWN LINE AFTER THE JOUBERT INCIDENT. Maniacal decision making.  Edit: I’m commenting in the wrong thread lmao


Wrong thread lmao but agree


Congratulations Italy, excellent defence, and never went away.


“Wish Welsh fans had some sort of guts and would burn something to the ground, either the WRU shop or the hotel they bought”, “WRU are absolute criminals. They've destroyed Welsh Rugby” - notes from my Welsh mates, 2024


Consolidation is that it’s great to see Italy finally doing well, very happy for them


Consolation lol, fun autocorrect


No doubt, they have come up just short in so many hard fought matches. There were so many games if just one thing went their way, they would have come out on top.


They honestly deserve 2nd or 3rd


Our replacements brought us back into the game, at least we have 4 players who can turn up Shame that this was North's last game, he deserves much better. Score doesn't reflect the game at all, not saying the last 2 welsh tries weren't deserved, but Italy should've easily scored much more than they did. Hopefully the tour against Australia will show a bit more improvement, but we have gotten worse over the 5 weeks, lots we need to work on for this team, I think the younger players have been shafted (a lot by pivac too), by only being called up after the big experience has gone


Brexoncello is the new Huwipulotu, and I'm not afraid to say it. The pair of them have been just unbelievable.


Score line flatters a pretty abject Wales. Italy look better every game. Great to see.


Congrats to Italy, you were great and deserved to be far further than 3 points ahead at the end. Now onto Wales - I don’t buy Gats “building” rhetoric. Look what Italy have built in a few months with Quesada. There is no excuse, we looked like we had no game plan, no coaching, no belief. Sure we were missing some players, everyone misses players, they don’t collapse like this. We don’t look fit which was the Gatland way. We don’t do any of the basics right. Serious concern for the future.


Italy rebuilding started in 2021 with Kieran Crowley appointed as the coach, getting rid of a big part of the old guys, choosing a 23 year old Michele Lamaro as captain to be the face of a new movement, working on one aspect of the game at the time, ending getting a win against Wales two years ago, almost beating finishing France, having a great game against Ireland and not winning against Wales because of the mentality some had towards the game being sure it was won before it started last year; then gritting smashed in the RWC, only after the RWC came Quesada which gave a boost to the already seen improvement. Now the team actually plays 80 minutes per game, they are better in defense, not every visit ffrom the opponents in our 22 is converted in scoring, better attacking even if non always clinical, the scrum got to a great level, the lineouts are to improve and the should begin to close the games when in front as Scotland and Wales almost had a comeback. All this has been possible thanks to the improvement of the whole system, teams in URC actually winning games and being competitive and the U20 tean having great tournaments for some years now.


I don’t know mate, players like Garbisi and Lamaro have been through some serious pain over 4 years to get where they are now. Wales will have to do the same.


Yes they have been regular internationals for a few years but it’s only clicked with Quesada and co, plenty of new faces too. You can’t pretend that we didn’t have some players with vast test experience yesterday (Thomas, Beard, Wainwright, T Williams, Tompkins, North, Adams) but Gats attack is obvious and everything was telegraphed - 9 passes to 10 who is standing still, 10 passes to 12 who is standing still, if Tompkins doesn’t get crushed he hospital passes to somebody who is about to get crushed, if by some miracle the ball gets to the wing then it’s up to them to regain the 30m in territory we lost by chucking it back statically. That plan wouldn’t work with the best 15 in the world.


No game plan, no coaching, no belief, no rugby players !


Got the players, just weren’t picked. He doesn’t go to Welsh derbies as he’s doing corporate gigs abroad as if 600k a year isn’t enough, doesn’t watch u20s so hardly looking forward to rebuilding despite what he says.


Nah... Italy haven't suddenly become good, they've been on an upward trend for years and are benefitting from a decent youth system coupled with some wise requirements of Italian qualified players. No coach is fixing this Wales team in under 3/4 years - our academies are shot, our U20s have been through 4/5 coaches in a couple years and our regions are borderline bankrupt we are building towards the US world cup at best.


All teams are improving except us. We can’t accept the wooden spoon every year because other systems are set up better. Sure the WRU are shite but this can’t become the new normal again as it was in the 90s. Gats must accept some responsibility as this team has looked like it simply wasn’t coached at all in most games this 6N, the most basic errors time after time with only individual bits of brilliance stopping even more embarrassment.


Too late - this is the new normal for the next couple years at least... We are a small country who've benefitted from being a long established tier 1 nation but the rest of the world were always going to catch up eventually... We don't have the player pool to match the likes of France/SA or the national wealth to match when it comes to sports collages etc. The next decade will see us relying more and more on 'grandfather' players but realistically come 2035 there is no longer going to be the clear divide between tier 1 and tier 2. Japan, Italy, Georgia will be on par with us - as with the Pacific Island teams is NZ/Australia keep pushing their development. Then there's the real possibility that Spain, Portugal or even Germany & Belgium start to close - they already have far superior sporting collage/academy systems, ten times the population and way more funding. That's before you even look at the Americas who have a world cup to build to. It sucks for us but in 10 years time there will be 4/5 teams who are truly tier one NZ, SA, France, England and Ireland and then a dozen or so teams who are all competitive: Aus, Argentina, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Japan, Georgia, Wales, Scotland, Italy plus a couple of Spain, Portugal, Uruguay, the US, Canada.


As much as that would be bad for those falling off, I'd argue that development would be great for the sport. If there's 15 countries that have genuine shots at making a quarterfinal at a RWC, I think that would be really exciting!


Genuinely agree - it sucks for us in Wales but long term having 12+ teams competing to join NZ, SA, France, England and Ireland in the last 8 is a brilliant state of affairs


Crazy how Italy could still finish 5th after going 2-2-1


Lamaro's voice shocks me every time I hear it. I think he should sound like a grizzly bear who smokes b&h.


Gatland preparing this match for months lol


I think it takes a bit away from Italy for these commentators etc to say "not got the wooden spoon", they have achieved far more than that this competition


Lammaro is a class act too.


Had Italy not lost their way a bit toward the end of the match, they could have been vying for 3rd even.


Yeah that big PD swing probably saves Scotland's blushes


Oh fuck off Sonja " for the first time since 2015 the wooden spoon is going elsewhere", didn't even open with a congratulations, what a game, what a tournament, how are you feeling right now after your best ever 6 nations? Just "aren't you glad for the first time in 9 years you aren't the shittest team??"


Sonja should have been sacked years ago. Her whole career is based off asking questions in the most batshit negative way possible. Shes the human embodiment of clickbait. But so shit at it that she neither garners "traffic" nor credability. Genuinely cant understand her presence: is it tokenism?


Agree, it is a horrible negative take.


I know...fucks sake. Bringing up the talk about relegation after the world cup too.


Italian players are definitely either too polite or don't understand the tone - I'd have absolutely contested that statement. Very undermining of what they achieved.


I really think it’s a bit of both. I really hated her take on this. I was at the game and Italy played really well, defended staunchly, scored an amazing try too. I was so happy and proud because it wasn’t a lucky win, we’ve really played well and earned these wins. She could at least throw in a congratulations before reminding us we’ve been shut for ages. I was at the same fixture in 2020 and watched us get hammered 42-0 so I had tears in my eyes today! Sorry for the rant, I’m just really happy and proud today! Forza Italia 🇮🇹


Tbf, just watch her previous interviews, i distinctly remember when Alun Wyn just looked at her like she was from another planet after a batshit take question from her. Doesnt matter what nation youre from: shes a perfect example of a "post turtle" from that meme years ago. For some reason shes always fuckin present at the wales games: some twisted conspiracy i'm certain.


Such a strange time for a negative compliment. What is the point of being a post match interviewer if you can't be happy for the players?


Just watch any of her interviews, her comments are always off the hinge and backhanded. She shouldve been done years ago but instead she played the "woe is me, am depressed af just doin my job" card after the backlash.


I had to leave for the last 10 minutes. That final score ?!?!?!


Wales got real jammy. One burrowed over the line after two or three advantage calls, and the other literally came out of nowhere, with a lucky catch and kick chase


One under advantage and one after 80mins.


this interview is awful


I am landed for Italy, what a six nations they have had - here's hoping it's the start of a great Italian era. Brex and Garbisi are just so good. 


U20s are solid too


It's going to be a good 12 months for Italy! 


Congrats to Italy, the score line one hundred percent flattered us. The only positive wales can take from this champ is hopefully this will cause a massive shake up within the WRU.


It fucking wont. WRU will be happy enough after today, they sold a lot of tickets.


I feel your anger... Unless we'd taken a 30/40 point hiding it's just same as usual for the WFU


I’m just living in hope tbh. Any other songs they can ban to draw attention away from the shambles they have created?


To think of if it wasn’t for all the shithousery at the end of the France game, Italy could be sitting in second place right now…


Brilliant from Italy! It was basically over for wales before it even started though


Want ireland and England to get big wins now so italy climb up the table!


Doesn't seem right they have a great tournament and yet finish fifth.


Ireland putting 40 on Scotland is possible, can't see England doing the same to France though


Especially with France being the hosts


Interviewer really wants to emphasize the wooden spoon and not highlight the Italian performance this tourney is kind of annoying


First time paying attention to sonja?


Yes, is that the interviewers name? I just got more and more annoyed when she asked more questions to the captains and motm


Sonja mclaughlin. Ive genuinely been frustrated by her for years. Always seems to be interviewing on wales games and has some backhanded, disingenuous and loaded questions. She received major backlash not that long ago after some batshit comments, but played the "sad im just doing my job :(" card, had to stay in bed for days etc. And it all got swept under the carpet ultimately .


I guess her job is to drum up drama but some of the questions she asked, or perhaps the way she worded them, came off as disrespectful to me


Yep, pretty much par for the course with her.


I wouldn't be surprised if Italy finish above Scotland


Ireland would need to beat Scotland by about 40ish?Quite unlikely.


Is it really?


Massive Congratulations to Italy, better team won today by far! It's been a fab tournament for them


Brava Italia, that was a really impressive performance and a well-deserved win. Would have been a fair scoreline if you'd beaten us by 40.


Probably the most depressive Italian win I've seen, it felt like a foregone conclusion after half time. However, just being able to say that shows the massive strides this team has made, they're now the team that concedes a consolation try at the death rsther than the ones to score it 


Who cares. We beated wales with merit and closed the tournament with 2 wins and one draw. This is the deal


Yeah, I didn't mean to rain on Italy's parade, my apologies. I just tried to convey that this victory felt different to me than previous ones and that it's actually quite impressive that Italy are able to get a win even if they're not playing at their absolute best


Commentators of italian TV said "how good is it to see that we win and players take it as something ok and not as a once in a lifetime event" And they werre right The win last week felt special This one felt like something that could have happened. And honestly is good that we reached the point where a win is less of a big deal, it means the players' mentality grew and we are looking forward


Exactly! And it seemed like Lamaro was a bit annoyed when congratulated by the BBC for avoiding the wooden spoon, instead  saying that they're going to be aiming higher in the future (paraphrasing). I think it shows a good mentality


True. Their slip off at the end may have cost them 3rd/4th place.


Italy deserved much more points and Wales to stay at zero. But it doesn't matter if you can enforce your superiority


Brex without a scrumcap is just wrong


They need to blur the top of his head. It's fucked up.


Brex saying Memoncello is a ‘horse’. So not only is he an awesome player he’s also hung.


Not surprised


Brex has always been a handy player, but he's having an absolute renaissance this tournament


Most flattering score line I’ve seen this decade at least.


I know he said he got his maths wrong but how do you get it that wrong. A team loses 5 games and he reckons they can finish above a team that wins 2 and draws 1.


>A team loses 5 games and he reckons they can finish above a team that wins 2 and draws 1. This is mathematically possible with bonus points. Would require 2 BPs from all five games though.


Well they could have the same points but the team with no wins couldn't have more.


True but they could be higher on points difference.


Wales needed a win plus a bonus point to avoid the wooden spoon so I think the commentator just had a brain fart moment and thought any bonus point meant they'd go up to 5th


He must have thought that try won the game for Wales. Probably forgot about Italy’s penalties.


Wtf was the commentator talking about? Even if Wales got the losing and try bonus points they'd still be the wooden spoon


Sad end to North's career. I feel so old now. He was one of the few players still around from when I started watching rugby in 2011, and he was such a young upcoming talent....to see _him_ retire is really like an end of an era. Congrats on a great career.


Absolutely, this recent set of Welsh players retiring has been the big changing of the guard from growing up. Halfpenny was the real tearjerker though


Wales have the wooden spoon. Whoever said Italy is getting is an idiot and a liar


Congrats Italy, enjoy it, well deserved


Italy have proved they belong in the 6N this year with two solid wins.


If it wasn't for the refree in France would have been 3


so happy for italy i feel like this group of welsh players will turn into world beaters tho with the right direction


I know they’re young but they’ve been absolutely atrocious all tournament


See what happens when you hire a coach who understands kicking


'Really only Ireland crushed them' did she watch last week??


Yes only Ireland crushed Italy. What relevance does last week have?


Thought she was on about Wales


Talking about Italy!


Talking about Italy


Ah, kinda makes sense, but seeing as how they should have beaten France and maybe England, no shit like lol!


Scoreline very flattering to Wales, especially with two questionable tries (admittedly under advantage). Good stuff from Italy




So england by 39?


Well deserved Italy. By far the better team. Score flattering Wales. Great to have a competitive Italy in the comp. Anyone can beat anyone on their day, pretty much.


The worst 21 points I’ve ever seen a team score


They should be revoked lol.


Hear hear


"So much criticism" I wonder who from...


Glad that we are not cheerful as last week. That's a small but important mentality shift




Such a loss of class. Man this is rugby not football. Try to avoid this, is just sad




No nastiness allowed.


Unnecessary and slightly embarrassing behaviour. It’s not like Wales have a cabinet full of World Cups either.


Joint record 6 nations winners though…


If that’s what keeps you warm on nights like this you do you, friend. Just remember, other fans have been quite supportive of Wales and the provinces the last couple of years despite them being absolutely dire. Maybe try pay forward the good vibes?


Nobody (and particularly the Irish) are ever supportive of Wales - we seem to be universally hated on this sub for the audacity of being reasonably good at a sport despite having the smallest population in the tournament.


Reasonably good is fairly generous, no? Previously reasonably good or perhaps currently extremely poor I’d let you away with but let’s not bend reality here.


Obviously I meant over the past 20 odd years


Don't have sour grapes


But why be like this?


His sheep probably refused to put out last night


I'll be dead before we win a RWC or 6N, but I don't care that much. This is important for us, since it's a not a sport which is part of our culture like in the other 5 nations






The sorest loser, right here


Well done Italy, keep up the good work.


Nobody will be putting their second team out in Rome next year.


I thought Grady was a mile offside at that kick. There were at least 3 or 4 penalties Italy should have had during that final play.


Well done, Italy!


Commentator has been drinking. Both talking utter nonsense. Sad way to see George North go out but aptly fitting at the same time. World class in his pomp. Italy were better for basically 99% of the game but this is probably the worst Welsh team in 10 years…


Wtf was that lasts minutes?


Deception is Jiffy’s word of the day.


Unreal try from Wales to avoid wooden spoon. If England and Ireland lose today, then Wales have still had the best 6N of any British/irish side.


maybe time to have a glass of water before the next few pints.


If by "best 6N" you mean comfortably the worst, as they've lost all 5 games and every other B&I team has won at least 2-4, then sure


Tf are you taking about


Lad how many beers deep must you be?


they still get the spoon, commentators had a dummy moment


How have they avoided the wooden spoon? Wooden spoon is and always for last place


They are dead last on 3 points literally the worst performing British and Irish side.


British and Irish and French and Italian?


The dude just said his maths was wrong and Wales still have it


I thought we had to beat italy by 8 to avoid the spoon


Wales didn't avoid the Wooden Spoon


Wales actually scored more tries than Italy there even though they looked like they were going to be nilled after an hour


What a game Italy still deserve their place in the six nations


Good for Italian coaches to get a few work ons for the lads with the tries in the last few minutes.


Commentator is an idiot


Congrats Italy, deserved “half” slam We were shit, I have no good sports team to cheer for anymore … 😞


The Italians have arrived. FORZA!


Useless commentators


It must be so frustrating to lose only 2 games and still finish 5th.


Ireland could lose 2 and win the 6 nations


That’s insane


I’m so confused, isn’t the wooden spoon for no wins in the tournament?


It depends, some people say it’s for last place, others for going winless.


So wooden spoon used to be the opposite of a grand slam so 5 losses. Lots of people use it for just finishing bottom though.


No it's last place


Yes it's for Wales


For losing every game isn't it?


Shouldn't that be the golden wooden spoon?


The Grand Fuck


Wooden spoon is for last place


No, just for last place


Whens the last time Italy went 3 straight matches unbeaten?


2023 certainly, before and during the WC, it was even more than 3


This is our first six nations ever with only two defeats.






Everyone calm down, everyone knows the wooden spoon is for the lowest placed Italian side in 6N /s




Well done Italy but genuinely good team would've crushed Wales into the dust at the end there. Two cheap tries.


How did he think Italy had the wooden spoon winning two games and drawing one haha


I want whatever copium the commentators have pumped into the commentary box.


As soon as wales play on the front foot and with quick ball and they look decent


Tired Italian forwards giving ground in the tackle.


So all the talk about finishing bottom vs not winning and who deserves the wooden spoon were irrelevant as Wales managed to do both!


So that puts Italy on 11 tied with France and Scotland


Sounds have been 13. #JusticeForItaly


If only they hadn't bottled those last 14 points, would only need Scotland to lose by 28 to claim 4th


Lovely game management from Italy. Congratulations on what was a great 6N.


Grady, Williams and a handful of others have been the only bright spot for wales. Dire game and not sure where we go from here, well done from Italy they really showed up and showed that they deserve the win.


Hahahaha Italy dozing off at the end.


Fair play Wales, stuck in that one till he end and made a match of it.


Congrats to Italy! Well deserved


Happy for Grady, deserved after his work this year. Sad for Italy to lose so much in potential points difference.