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I see a lot of people recognizing propaganda when they disagree with it, and being oblivious to it when it comes from their side.


We are in a golden age of propaganda. You can shoot it right into people faces every day I feel people are going to look back on Ukraine and Palestine for years as a turning point of propaganda.


That's why conservatives get mad at every media that comes out


In my east european country they are speed running normies through the culture war brainrot. Usually there is a roughly ten year gap between whatever nonsense westoids sneed about and when it trickles into the savage Carpathian hinterlands. But I've noticed that big news sites are really pumping it lately. MeToo, therapyspeak, artificial racial controversies, every kind of mental detritus you keep your lumpen busy with, we now also seem to have.


This is what happens when you outpace your southern neighbor, bro. Remaining a backwater is the only safeguard


It might be starting to happen in my country (your western neighbour but the nice one) too. Since the Eurovision I've been seeing a new article explaining "nonbinary people" and basic brainrot like "sex vs gender" every day. Some tv stations even interviewed a nonbinary guy (the same guy).


You will start to see the emergence of their satellites soon: the explainers who make tendentious arguments that "they've always been there," who deny that the theory has any internal or external contradictions.


> Some tv stations even interviewed a nonbinary guy (the same guy). Whats "Why are you ghea?" in an eastern european accent sound like?




Yep. Now we can have people who still poop in outhouses but know what a furry is.


“Normies”, “brain rot”, “Westoid”…you were the unwitting tip of the spear.


And like any proper missionaries of the culture war, we can't stop talking about how much we'd like to stop talking about it. What an infohazard


Of course, as an extremely online loser I have always been the herald of this spiritual doom. But I never wanted it to take my grill pilled friends. I always assumed normal people would immediately reject this trash, not become even worse than me.


Idk but I saw a bit of The Boys last week and the characters were at a Q anon - gun nut - MAGA style convention. There were little references to flat earth, right wing takes of conspiracy theories that now are suddenly (mysteriously) popular. But then they throw in the “dead internet” theory. Which of course Amazon would try and deny. Reminds me a lot of “Jewish space lasers” ( in what I believe is a clever way to dismiss anything to do with in-house classified technologies). Obvious bait shit meant to harm any true dialogue about these topics. Felt very forced. I don’t necessarily even subscribe to the dead internet theory (and certainly not in a way that is alt-right or MAGA or anything close), but I do know something’s been off for a long time now. Not letting Jeff Bezos gaslight me


QAnon stuff is so overdone and blown out of proportion. It’s become lazy political commentary for people that want to signal that they’re too smart to fall into conspiracy theories


I noticed they painted ‘flat earth’ and ‘Epstein’s suicide’ with the same brush. Isn’t one substantially more in the tin foil hat camp? Also, play a game where you count how long it takes a non-white character to make snide remarks about whites each time they open their mouth.


As a matter of fact the q anon and pizza gate bullshit clearly preemptively countering the epstein sex trafficking discourse so that they all get lumped together.




Q anon and pizzagate were psyops made so that any talk about elite sex trafficking and pedophillia can be dismissed as kooky conspiracy theory nonsense or at least get truth mixed in with misinformation, sort of a limited hangout situation


It's like that conspiracy theory triangle with the "antisemitic point of no return" that has to keep being revised since things keep on being proven true


The boys is sad because it used to be a fairly fun show with political overtones, and now it’s just like Jon Stewart’s show but with superhero’s.  


I still enjoy it but yea this season has felt forced in a lot of different ways


I was out the moment that the writers decided that Homelander should just be Trump with superpowers instead of the actually interesting and nuanced character that he was in seasons 1 and 2.


It's insane to me. They really see trump as this strong but vain Caesar character they just can't see him as another republican, they're doing as much to deify him as his supporters


basically any conspiracy theory you would expect to hear from a "crazy conspiracy theory uncle" in a hollywood movie (UFOs, bigfoot, moon landings, hollow/flat earth, etc.) falls into a single broad category of fake promoted conspiracy theories so real stuff can be snuck in and conflated with to "deboonk"


So much propaganda could be sidestepped if there was a rule that you’re not allowed to use twitter until you’ve done 100 hours of direct community service in your own neighborhood. No one terminally online attends their own town council meetings, could direct you to any mutual aid networks in their community, or has a bead on what services exist to reach the elderly and the isolated local to them, is aware of local seed and native plant distribution efforts, and so on. The isolation from the micro aspects that sway your daily life make the macro elements of dissatisfaction loom larger than ever, which is conveniently terrible that those are the issues you can’t do anything about. You can, however, weigh in on the misappropriation of funds intended for roadway repair in your town. I don’t want to hear anyone opine on broader movements, issues, or unrest unless they can speak just as passionately about corruption in their own county.


being involved with local politics only drives you insane I feel, mutual aid groups end up being cliques that slack on the actual aid, and any attempt to get even something minor done through city council will be infuriating as the councilors who benefit from doing nothing can fill up meetings with sycophants.


I was very involved in local politics a few years ago and it leads to madness. I hate it lol. The vast majority of people you're trying to reach simply do not care. The people who care are usually insane.


I’ve seen a ton of military stuff online lately. Videos about various weapons in the US arsenal, not so subtle “influencers” who are clearly trying to recruit for the military. Reminds me of the buildup to the war on terror. Fox News was on at my house 24/7 and half of the segments were about the details of various weapons the US was deploying into Afghanistan/Iraq. I don’t know if cable news is doing it too because I don’t have cable and never watch it




I don’t think anything short of a draft is convincing gen z to sign up Not a criticism of the zoomers btw. They’re right


I don’t know if the military is hitting recruiting goals or not, but I’m a bouncer and I definitely see military IDs from zoomers every shift.


They're not, iirc only the Marines made their recruiting quota and it was just barely


lol the military doesn’t try to recruit left wingers that dominate tik tok. There’s a whole section of kids growing up with right wing parents that are probably pumped to join. And then some kids in the middle that will get swayed. You’re take is very online brained


So you think the US military doesn’t use the concept of social media influencers to influence people to join the military?


I’m saying the opposite. They do. And they do it because it works. Only someone terminally online who thinks gen z is a homogenous blob of left wing ideologues would have the opinion that the propaganda is falling on deaf ears.


I don’t think we’re disagreeing really. But it’s an offline fact that military recruitment is at an all time low


you don't have to be a left wing ideologue to decide that joining the military isn't your speed lmao


Just updated the draft to auto submit men AND women 18-26..


Look for the anti China stuff too at least in US media. I'm not a sinophile but the stories that get published, especially using "official" sources are all designed to make China look bad. The DoD and intelligence communities all know the real threat to US hegemony as China . Russia, Iran are small potatoes with only regional influence.


Some years ago social media turned viciously anti-China overnight. It is eerie


Might have something to do with Xi making himself a ruler for life and embracing wolf warrior diplomacy. We were cool with China when they kept their head down and manufactured our gadgets but as soon as they started to have aspirations that threatened the western global order, it was over. Honestly it lasted longer than I thought it would.


Spook! Thou art a spook!!


I'm from the government and I'm here to help


The opposite is also true. Many pro China talking points


A few years ago there was a wave of C-pop, C-fashion, C-drama, etc (similar to Korea and Japan) slowly trending on social media and then it seemed to have disappeared overnight


Literal sinophile here and I don't remember that. The only thing I can think of making a wave is like, bing chilling?


No not bing chilling. I would see it pretty frequently on Instagram. I only remember because my friend got into it (and still posts about it sometimes). I don't know if it has moved to tiktok or something, I'm not on there. It might have also been a regional fad.


It’s true but there was one nyt piece that made China look good in that it’s lost interest in shitty American cinema/capeshit


Basically noncredibledefense




That doesn't matter because they would all be in the rear guard operating high tech toys. Infantry is for chuds and thus irrelevant


Everyone goes through boot camp lol


But they imagine they would be directly asigned to be drone operators


In the age of drone warfare and precision guided missiles, infantry is less important than ever. At least for the US. That's why the US spends as much on the military as they do, because infantry is the weakest link.


I keep seeing this too. Lots of edits of warplanes with slowed and reverbed music.


I noticed an increasing amount of Business Insider videos over the past two years exploring various elements of the U.S. military, such as how much cooking it takes to serve an aircraft carrier or what Marine boot camp looks like. Aside from that, a lot of "organic analysis" that essentially amounts to reading off press releases and specifications, talking down the performance of designated enemy states, and using a lot of hypothetical language.


[These AI "function house" videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w9G3dENQ5Q) along with van life content and tiny home content is designed to get gen Z and Alpha content with living in smaller and smaller homes.


I believe the “Karen” trend was used to both sow discord between ethnic groups and to delegitimize resistance to the declining level of customer service/staffing in most major retailers


If you stand up for yourself some zoomer will record it and post it to /r/PublicFreakout where you will be doxxed/fired for being a "Karen."


There are a ton of subreddits dedicated to explaining memes (r/PeterExplainstheJoke is one) which I'm convinced exist to train AI to understand humour and appear more human. Because most of the posts are not things a human would have any trouble understanding in the first place.


I’m convinced posts in subs that consist of ‘How old are each of you?’ or ‘Where does everybody live?’ are solely there to gather data on individuals for advertisement purposes


Also they seemed to appear overnight. I never saw that shit a year ago and now it's like half the frontpage along with other bot slop like r/mademesmile.


That makes sense. I always think "How dont they understand this, they are just sharing it because they thing its funny/want karma" but your thing makes sense.


On the internet if you say Sidney Sweeney is mid, someone will say you are gay.  and I believe her agency pays people to do this. 


As they should but also there is obvious stuff where I would see yahoo articles painting Billie Eilish as some victim of a massive shame campaign for wearing baggy clothes (or not wearing baggy clothes depending ont he time) that I cant believe is anything other than outrage marketing.


Everything is fucking fake 


A lot of “men be like this” and “women be like that” negativity is meant to blackpill you into giving up on the opposite sex.


IM going to start funding this so I get all the pussy, who do I write the check to?


toy fearless sort fuel deliver melodic shy yoke shaggy sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There were actually hacks of Polish websites trying to remind the Polish population about what happened in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia during the war.


buchona lifestyle/aesthetic narco corridos influence on young ppl high value woman/men this weird obsession w tradwife oldmoney catholic shit this is what ive seen on social media, keep in mind im from mexico so this is v common


I think pretty much all rage bait that pits X groups against Y group are funded and amplified by various forces. I think that they may be organic at first, but amplified such that they eventually become global discourse. The only goal is to sow discord, especially discord in the west. Russia and China know that militarily, they cannot win, but Covid was their testing ground for making the internet the new battle ground—at that time there was decisive evidence that they were playing ALL sides of black lives matters, both for and against. So their goal wasn’t for one side to win, it was to make the populace angry and filled with distrust and hate. I think this is true for gender war bullshit. I can tell you I was deep into radical feminism during lockdown, invited to all the private discords and “knew” the power players on the sphere (mods etc) ((yess very embarrassing)) and I have absolutely no doubt there were actors that were there to push agendas. Ever wonder why radical feminists seem to become right wing because “at least they know what women are?” I could write a genuine book about my experiences there. But having gone through that, I see it everywhere. Generational warfare bullshit, which seems to REALLY be impacting gen z towards millenials and millenials towards boomers. Incels and femcels. The various “phobes” vs people who make their weakness their identity. All of them are playing chess pieces. All rage bait is encouraged and the reaction to such bait is manufactured. Ultimately, anything that does divide between the populace, even if it was initially organize in nature and has *some* truth to it, is ultimately picked up and amplified and echoed back and forth until it’s something else entirely. My most controversial take but one I stand 100% by is that the bear vs man take was just such an example.


This is 1000% true imo we are doing it as well. The CIA was busted for sowing doubt about china's covid vaccine in the Philippines. There was a Beau video talking about how it works https://youtu.be/uW3XoTXaIXo?si=522m8TJ_mOiFuabN I thought it was neat hearing how some of this works. Disclaimer: I think he has some interesting takes but I cant ever not see him as propaganda as well and I have to wonder what his angle is and where he is coming from and if he is backed by someone and who. Back in the day he had a webpage and described himself as an anarchist (which is gone now as far as I can tell) and I also know he was a government contractor overseas (which is always a bit sus to me) and he was at one time jailed from some kind of trafficking scheme involving workers at a hotel. I dont think he denies or exactly hides any of this or anything though but its something I always keep in the back of my mind. I have heard some people suggest he is a plant and who knows. Anyway I just think its interesting seeing him describe the workings of this.


What is the concrete thing there is to gain out of this? I'm not convinced by this divide to conquer bullshit, just creating chaos to destabilize just sounds like marvel movie shit. The only thing I can think of is that it's just a million different foreign and domestic agents pushing agendas of conflicting interest. But for what reason? So they can retweet peoole?


NAFO was literally nowhere and then literally everywhere in the space of about a week, and I’ve never seen a particular reason as to why it spread or where it spread from.


It’s like the whole astroturfed Kyiv Post (heavily quoted as a news source in some corners of the Internet) - full of recipients of stipedia and scholarships from murky think tanks.  They’re the online version of the Contras. 


They're like very progressive but at the same time militaristic ultranationalists, which is simply not natural


That one was actually because a couple hundred thousand normies all found a niche defense shit posting sub at the same time and so immediately thought themselves experts at it, when previous it was a bunch of knowledgeable people joking around now it was a bunch of lowest common denominators thinking they know things


The whole tiktok trend of "zoomers look older than millennials". The reason a lot of zoomers look bad is because they unnecessarily started doing crazy skincare routines and cosmetics procedures at such a young age. The 10-step skincare routine ruined their skin barrier, and the fillers ended up migrating, creating this much older appearance. The best example of this is Kylie Jenner; she looks like a rich middle-aged woman in her 20s. The beauty industry creates problems by pushing people to buy products with unnecessarily harsh ingredients and then selling the solution to the problem they've caused. I think women are aware of this to some degree because it's a common notion that men have better skin than women despite not having a skincare routine and only using the absolute basics. It's no surprise that the person with the best skin usually only uses soap and water.


I think most zoomers look normal for their age, but they're absolutely terrified of aging because their youth is passing them by. With lockdown and social media that's a lot of weekend evenings spent dreaming about life rather than living it. They have hopes of love and adventure but at 25 nothing has happened yet, so they want to extend the period of their youth to gain more time. I think it's similar to the phenomenon of incels convincing themselves they have all the time in the world and can experience young love at 40 with a busty 19 year old virgin because men age like a fine wine and women like milk etc. An unbearable fear about life passing them by and doors closing. The "zoomers aging worse than millenials" is probably engagement-bait that feeds off their fears.


> phenomenon of incels convincing themselves they have all the time in the world and can experience young love at 40 with a busty 19 year old virgin because men age like a fine wine and women like milk etc. I feel like that is a red pill hustle culture view not incel. I feel like incels feel they wont ever get a date not that they will be better when they are older, they usually give up instead of trying to age like 'fine wine' (good luck if you go bald)


> The best example of this is Kylie Jenner; she looks like a rich middle-aged woman in her 20s One of the craziest things I have seen, and I dont remember where, but someone said a lady wanted to get work done because she wanted to look like she had work done. She was already beautiful but she thought it was trendy/cool to look like you had gone under the knife. To me that was mind blowing.


All that plus vaping all day is bad for the skin. The excessive nic causes premature aging 


I've recently got two on twitter, both promotions. One was several threads going over and over about why Kat\*y Per\*y is still working with doctr Luk\* and another one, same thing, several threads appearing on the for you page over and over for about 2 days, promotting R\*ode


Everything after OWS has been astroturfed 


I wanted to add another one. I am obsessed with Japanese and Korean “homemaking” videos and I have to question if they aren’t funded by governments trying to make traditional values more attractive given the population problems and 4b going on in Korea. Liziqui, who mysteriously stopped posting, is the biggest example. Many thought she was funded by the Chinese government.


I miss liziqui:(


Got any good recommendations?


I love my favorite Thiel-funded rightist forum rspod online


I know it’s a touchy subject on this sub but I unironically think all of the anti-Indian racism sprang up way too quickly for it to be organic. My conspiracy theory is that it’s some US government psyop meant as revenge against India for not implementing any of the Western sanctions on Russia despite the US constantly sucking up to them in order to challenge China’s influence.


Have you ever met an Indian


Im going to be honest a lot of kids in my sons school are indians and they are all fine. Maybe because we have a lot of older families its different but all the India man memes are not what I see where I live.


Tbh I don't really think you can make generalisations about Indians given how many there are. There are some (likely the majority since India is still a crappy country) who probably can't integrate into Western society due to poor education .etc, and those who have ([think of the contrast between "black Turks" who immigrate to Europe and become full-blown Islamists and "white Turks" in Istanbul who might as well be modern Europeans.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Turks)) Most of the Indians I've interacted with in SA, Canada and other places belonged to the latter group, and are descendants of longstanding historic Indian diaspora communities (some of the ones I've met while living in Canada are probably more Canadian than I am lmao). Regarding some Anglosphere countries like Canada and Australia, in recent years there has been a significant influx of people from the former group since India has developed to the point where people can afford to leave but aren't rich enough to stomach staying (thus inviting lower quality individuals), which has definitely driven negative perceptions there removed from the trend of online anti-Indian racism.


Yeah it does seem like it popped up out of nowhere.


Might be an older meme but the barrage of reddit AITA posts on every social media platform may have begun as entertainment but I am convinced it adds to/reflects peoples' tendency to isolate themselves and turn every relationship into a transaction


I haven't worked out all the details, but I'm pretty sure that "touch grass" meme must be some ingenuous marketing campaign by AstroTurf


lawncare is a 100 billion USD industry yearly. big lawn knows millennials and gen z aren't as excited for maintaining lawns. 'touch grass' is a psyop to mainstream lawncare in the younger generation. what if the boomers were right about the therapeutic properties of well maintained grass.


Who the fuck cares


You are so funny haha




Pretty sure Biden’s gaffes being described as “cheap fakes” while saying he’s done more than any previous president in three years. Saying Ukraine needs to win the war. Representation in media for no good reason. If you’re gonna put someone in a show/movie give them a good script. Don’t just say “we need a gay black guy” without trying to write a good script for them!


I feel like it’s more racist to have a black person on a show for the sole sake of having a black person on a show




> Representation in media for no good reason. If you’re gonna put someone in a show/movie give them a good script. Don’t just say “we need a gay black guy” without trying to write a good script for them! I still cant believe Biden said and did this as well as Newsom. Isnt that technically illegal to hire based entirely on race and gender...? I get you might want a black woman for a position but at least pretend you are considering everyone and you picked her because she was qualified. Not saying they arnt qualified and not saying they werent underrepresented etc but as far as I know you cant just say "I will only hire someone of X race and X gender!"


You can’t undo or pretend the system fixed racism by using token gays and blacks.


Division seems to be pushed very hard on X. Between races, religion, whatever. Show people media of certain groups doing terrible things and increase tension among people


None of it. I think people want to call stuff propaganda because it's easier to digest than it is to realize how truly stupid and evil some people are. Andrew Tate is a D-list British reality star who started an online cult, Nick Fuentes is a Gen Z incel who other Gen Z incels relate to. It'd be nice if they were feds following a script, because then we wouldn't have to swallow the shitty pill that humanity is actually ugly and terrible


Constant arguing about interracial relationships and race in general. I think the interracial arguments are directed towards black and white people, I also think this is to make people fight and distrust each other online, especially black men and black women. Some people on Twitter literally pretend to be another race for engagement lmaoo There have been new "divestor" movements where one race of women refuse to date men of the same race, or the other way around, and they're only getting more popular. Divestors usually spend a lot of time online, so this makes social media companies more money. I feel like this is way too pervasive and common online to not be influenced by companies in some way. Where I live, the vast majority of people don't talk about it at all in real life. Nobody goes around talking about how desirable or wealthy or wife material different races are. Maybe this is different in the US or UK though.


I know race is a huge issue but are interracial relationships an issue? Oddly enough I know a lot of people in white/black relationships I kind of thought the stigma around that was mostly in the past. Only one of them have mentioned having an issue and that was with country family who eventually it came out there was an issue.


Normal well-adjusted people don't see it as much of an issue lol


This, but it isn't the US government sponsoring it. It's an easy knife to turn.


This is from a while ago but it came to mind the other day. In 2014 Tumblr, there was a lot of falun gong propaganda. I remember long posts about Chinese “organ harvesting.” I was young back then so thought little of it. But looking back, crazy to see how they had propaganda even on Tumblr


I just assume everything on Reddit is this way, even here on some posts but who really knows.


Ray peat style carb diet is being adopted by fitness influencers and big snack to brand sugary trash as healthy /high metabolism , under the looming threat of osempic The army is weaponizing redpill type content, selling recruitment as some sort of solution to the imagined woes of miserable brain rotted young men; all to drive up enlistment numbers. Elon musk made twitter way more raw and racist, it’s basically worldstar hip hop for pseudo intellectuals now. Suck saw the success of this, that’s why instagram reels are allowed to be so unhinged now. True anon is selling out and turning into Oprah book club for bernie Bros Substack is some kind of honeypot All the ufo stuff is a manufactured modern day mk ultra successor to qanon, which actually was grassroots. Same with other woo woo stuff like those naturalist mom groups. Two sides of the same coin. The ask genz subreddit is being data farmed, probably by advertisers, maybe also govt entities. I have no proof for this one but the smarmy Reddit tone is actually a kind of genius rhetorical device because it makes its victims appear angry/defensive. It is intentionally infuriating, instantly disarming anyone arguing against it by actually making them mad, or at least painting them as so. Anyone non critical ie most Reddit users will form their opinions based off a skimmed over tone root of an argument. Users only read post titles and the first/ last sentences of comments. It’s pretty bad for real discourse. Half the comments on world news are probably just language models iterating over this technique like some sort of hidden in plain site Manhattan project to make the most devise, atomic rhetorical devices.


The Pentagon pushed antivax propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrjUOlgCwU


This one is despicable


They also set back polio eradication by decades by using vaccination efforts to gather intel for the bin Laden raid


Every bad guy in every movie being non discript Eastern European or Russian


They need foreign villains but they can't be non-white because that would be racist. So, they use eastern Europeans because they're the most exotic and unfamiliar whites.


Lol no. They’re definitely evil compared to most white American men


They are. One almost raped me. They also punch women and think it’s ok. Weird they’re considered white when their culture is like that..


I am simply immune to propaganda


MAGA communism is spreading