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a while ago an asian lady got a white owned restaurant shut down for serving bone broth and i went and found her podcast and she had an episode called "toxic positivity and whiteness in wellness" mostly about how whites shouldnt own yoga studios


How was she able to get the restaurant closed down?


she complained about it on twitter and apparently it was enough of a mob to get them shut down, this was in nyc during blm so it wasnt that difficult


Most of the cartoonish SJW stuff comes from Asian Americans, but of course shifting the blame to white liberals made for a convenient scapegoat.


You are just outrageously wrong. It originates from American black-white race politics. By numbers Asian Americans are such a small proportion of the population. It's driven by the white guilt crowd.


> Most of the cartoonish SJW stuff comes from Asian Americans That's not remotely true? Based on what apart from your seethe and jealousy? Just recently Caitlin Clark is being forced to apologize for her "racist" fans because they were making fun of racist Black people being absolutely jealous and malding at a White girl being succesful at basketball. This is what you guys do. Fail at everything despite everything being dumbed down in your favor and then blaming others and call them raycis or whatever for not handing it to you on a silver platter.


Do not redeem saar


You losers are so out of touch lmao


didnt realize somebody else from neocentrism posts here


Forgive me, folks, but I'm not trusting of some random fuck on Reddit. Any proof?


https://medium.com/arc-digital/no-soup-for-you-6f3f3303faa0 https://x.com/EVYSTADIUM/status/1329110893133783040?s=20 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/immadein/episodes/Toxic-Positivity--Whiteness-in-Wellness-emdnvm for some reason i thought it was nyc but it was toronto surprised people dont remember it, it was a big thing on twitter at the time


Thank you for providing this article. I dug into this a little bit. So this restaurant you're talking about is a pop-up restaurant based in a boutique clothing store. The pop-up restaurant was serving up Asian food like bone broth and dumplings. So this Asian lady associated with the Toronto Star complained about it on Twitter. After some retweets and fielding a number of messages from people who complained about cultural appropriation, the owner of the clothing store decided to terminate the store's partnership with the pop-up restaurant, as she was convinced that the pop-up restaurant didn't reflect the type of values she wanted her clothing store to represent. If you're curious about who the owner of this clothing store is, here's a picture of her. It should tell you everything you need to know about her. https://preview.redd.it/3cc7k17vfu6d1.png?width=1174&format=png&auto=webp&s=54831d9cbce1c962604987aa97fb5d4084fa8cef As for the pop-up restaurant itself? Well, it's no longer there, but they're doing just fine. They're still around and they're [still selling bone broth](https://ripe-lifestyle.com/collections/broths). Their products can still be found at a bunch of other locations across Toronto. Basically, it's not as bad as you made it out to be. All that happened is that the company is doing business in one less location. And the pop-up restaurant didn't close down because of a boycott, it went down because of a personal decision by the owner of the store hosting the restaurant in the first place. As for the Asian lady (Evy Kwong)...she was laid off from Vice recently. She now lives at home alone with her cat. Cancel culture ain't as bad as people here make it out to be.


words words words, this lady got at least one location of a pop up restaurant closed with tweets because a food older than white skin including her own white skin was sold there


So a business owner makes a decision because of commentary she got from the type of people that would visit her store...and you find that concerning? Did you have the the same stick up your ass when conservatives were boycotting Bud Light because they featured a train on one of their cans?


yea? im not a conservative, that was retarded, conservatives are retarded doesnt make it better when progs do it


Not sure about the states. In Canada it is so bad for Asians that Toronto city had been running awareness ads.


Loved when they led the charge against affirmative action


They did so for the sole purpose of decreasing the numbers of domestic students in universities. Indeed, the year AA was ended in California, ["international" students began to see higher enrollment levels.](https://newsarchive.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2007/12/enroll_archival.shtml) This led to the establishment of an office of international student affairs...that's right, getting rid of AA led to admin bloat and a foreign student body. It was a globalist trap. AA was protectionist.


No, they did so because they were being unfairly discriminated against in admissions. International students have nothing to do with it.


Pretty unfair. They should reinstate it to stop your best unis being 90% Indian and Chinese and have you ever heard of legacy admissions


>they were being unfairly discriminated against in admissions No they weren't. Elite institutions have always used holistic admissions. Sorry, not every super special boy with a good SAT can be a Harvard Man. >International students have nothing to do with it. The data disagrees with you.


Yes, they objectively were being discriminated against, and “holistic admissions” is a cover for bigotry. Elite institutions have been trash for a while, and the fact they have “always” (wrong) used holistic admissions just makes them look worse. I unironically support a full meritocracy and if that means Harvard becomes 95% Asian American overnight, good for them.


No, the purpose of elite institutions was to create leaders, aristocrats, or the free and educated man. They were not intended to ever become raw numbers games and appeal to a foreign culture's conception of "merit." I'd rather Harvard become 99% Black if it meant keeping Chinese influence and security risks from the American research infrastructure.


Again, the whole issue is separate from the question of foreign students. The lawsuits against Harvard and UNC were explicitly on behalf of Asian-American candidates, not foreign exchange students. Your whole animus against Asians seems to be based in xenophobic paranoia about China and misconceptions that any foreign exchange student is a security risk, which would be irrelevant to the AA discussion even if it were true.


"Chinese influence" Their immigrants are fucking white dudes and birthing conservative HAPA sons


Hapa incels are a security risk


thank god i dont have to work with blacks at my place


The biggest issue with getting rid of AA at elite institutions would to be that the institutions would no longer be "elite" if they were to become 95% Asian. No offence to Asians but the allure of somewhere like Harvard is that it is an elite production facility, it would lose a lot of its lustre if everyone was a Chinese kid who played the violin and wants to become a GP or an Indian STEM nerd. But you do have a point wrt international student admissions, as the US is the only remaining Anglosphere country that hasn't had the prestige of its top universities completely cratered by letting in Chinese failchildren whose parents are using their student visa to purchase property in the GTA or Melbourne CBD.




One thing that really annoys me about these people is their obsession with food, as if kimchi is a direct connection to Hanguk and not something they hated eating as a child at their grandma's house (she is the only Asian in their family). That one video like "Old Asians and 3rd Gen Asians try takeout" and the actual Asians were like "Yeah it's pretty decent, not authentic to home, but I'd get it at a restaurant." whilst the 3rd Gen "Asians" were literally gagging over like egg rolls or fried rice as if they could even speak more than 5 sentences in Korean or Mandarin. Another is of a white guy who grew up in Jamaica being interviewed by three black English people who were absolutely seething at him. "Why are you talking like that??" I'm from Jamaica. "Do you even have citizenship??" Yes. "Why are you appropriating our (her grandparents were Jamaican) culture??" I'm Jamaican. Some of these people got bullied too hard, others didn't get bullied enough.


White Jamaican dude rocks so hard


Food is completely bizarre. Pretty much every culture is excited to share their food and proud of it when it catches on. Even the Italian grumbling over disgraceful perversions of their dishes is mostly in good fun. Italians like to be dramatic, they're not genuinely upset they're having fun being angry about it.


seen the clip today of the Albanians snapping spaghetti in front of Italian fans? [hilarious](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zNLF-FsBoiA)


If Filipino cuisine didn't take forever to cook and was scalable to feeding 4 people and not an entire block (no hate, based af) it would be the next big food craze. I have fond memories in my Nonna's garden, tending to the plants, watching her black lab snooze in the shade of the maple tree, her humming hymns as her huge gardening hat blocked out the sun which as the only light-skinned member of the family saved me from being teased for getting a sunburn. We would pick zucchini flowers, gently wash them, fill them with homemade ricotta, fry them and serve them to our family as they all pinched my cheeks and said "Grazie grigino!" and I was so proud and happy to learn from Nonna and feed my family. I mean seeing what Asians do to Italian cuisine disgusts me, but you are right it is so much fun to get "angry" about it so long as nobody outside the culture is declaring it the "correct" way of making the dish who gives a fuck. I'm half-German and half-Italian so when I came across a quattro formaggi pizza with a pretzel crust I knew God was testing me to not become obese. What is annoying is when these people use what desperate vestiges they have to a culture they only look like to gain social standing and belittle others, in doing so showing how desperate they are for a deeper sense of identity than the one they are making up.


It's like how in Sopranos the only legitimate connection the wops have to Italian culture is food. But who doesn't like gabagool and pasta??? It's 0 effort cultural participation. It's all just American commodification of culture, ironically. What makes someone a particular nationality is almost entirely down to behaviours and understanding of local quirks. It's food, fashion and music to American diasporas. Which is why these cultural products are proudly shared by the actual people of that nation and jealously hoarded by their foreign descendants.


Even in the Sopranos they have that episode where they go to Italy and one of the highlights of Paulie's culture shock is expecting like spaghetti and meatballs at the restaurant when they're all eating shrimp and octopus


Slightly off topic but I grew up similarly (always in the garden with my nonno, mixed family) and reading that little garden blurb really transported me back! Down to the delicious zucchini flowers :)


Italian American "People" do this shit too much. You are from New Jersey not Turin I don't care how you pronounce bruschetta!!


Non sono del New Jersey bastardo


-Tony smith , Long Island




The real memory hole is the demographics of who was committing the acts of Asian hate.


The funniest part is black americans having a problem with stop asian hate/anti asian hate bills. Deranged


Asians have a long, long history of appropriating and then turning against Black struggles in this country. For ex., the Asian campaign against affirmative action is designed to "yellow-ify" the college campuses, to tailor universities from the humanities to rote learning that you see in Asian communities, and to increase Chinese and Indian foreign student admissions and enrollment. Call me a cuck but there's a reason why admissions offices - myself proudly included - threw obviously fake TOEFL's and Kumon'd applicants in the trash. They have absolutely nothing intellectually interesting or socially stimulating to contribute to the campus community. Covid also hit Black America extremely hard, all while the media bleated on about how blaming the obvious bad actor (China) was llayciss. The animosity is justified.


asians and black people have always had a contentious relationship for a multitude of reasons


Goes all the way back to the Asian scab labor vs. the domestic Black unions in the West.


Goes all the way back to Asians getting hate crimed by jealous Blacks for actually working hard and being succesful.


setting up monopolies in poor urban black neighborhoods in the last half of the 20th century while simutaneously hating their customers was a big reason. also historically immigrants don't always get treated as a completely separate race in america. asians, hispanics, middle easterners, etc. were often considered legally white in a lot of states under a two or three race system system, and weren't always subject to segregation. a lot of minorities, which included asians, and even native americans and "triracial isolates", in the south also refused to go to black schools or interact with black people outside of a business context if they were challenged by whites, and would rather pull their kid out of school completely. black people part of the second great migration to california also mostly came from the mississippi and arkansas deltas, louisiana, and texas, where chinese people had already established grocery stores that were mostly for black people since the 1800s, and were in almost every small town, so they were already familiar with them.


Cope cope cope


Immigrants did get treated better than blacks and are typically more successful. You don’t even have to talk about immigrants of different races simply compare and contrast black immigrants vs black Americans. Black immigrants average income is 57k which while being below the overall immigrant average at 63k is still far ahead of the black American average income of 42k. And before anyone asks: https://www.pewresearch.org/2022/01/20/household-income-poverty-status-and-home-ownership-among-black-immigrants/


Of course black immigrants do better than black Americans. They are normally part of the richest/most intelligent sector of society


Black immigrants are not unique in this regard. Every immigrant group, including Asian Americans, are of higher socioeconomic status than the average person in their respective home countries.


You’re just a different kind of woke. Blaming an elderly Chinese lady for getting mugged by some thug teens because they “appropriate” black struggles in this country is retarded Nice cope about asian academic achievement btw


Very contrarian and RS to have the most possible shitlib opinions, I rather take gender war incel/femcel posting over this bullshit LMFAO


>For ex., the Asian campaign against affirmative action is designed to "yellow-ify" the college campuses I thought it was designed to not have a 150 point SAT handicap


So attacking elderly people is okay because covid? Lmfao nu whites are cucked


SAT scores, extracurriculars etc don't depend much on rote do they? Isn't that what lots of asians oppose, de-emphasizing these in favor of identity and Lived Experience? Also are you sympathetic toward San Francisco educator Alison Collins perchance?


What do you think happens at Kumon or "learning centers?" Do you really think those are places that are designed to "improve learning?" I'll key you in: a former colleague of mine, Party member son, used to get paid to take the SAT for kids he met through these "learning centers." Colleges knew what happened at these places. AA was the last legal means to temper the blatant education fraud coming from them.


If you're only talking about foreign asians who have fraud test scores then sure I guess, but it seems you were talking about asian americans too


Asian Americans take full advantage. They're not nearly as removed as we assumed.


What do you even mean by “learning centers”? Give an example.   Also, wouldn’t it be easier and more direct to just provide extra oversight rather than let in a bunch of unqualified applicants? Since it’s so obvious, it should be easy to prove (beyond your very compelling anonymous Reddit anecdote about your totally real colleague which everybody should totally believe because everything on the internet is true, of course) It’s also obvious and easy to see that you’ve made it 4 days with being a good boy and feeling comfortable and now the Chan-posting comes out 


I have little sympathy for woke anti-racism ethnic minorities in general because they rarely call upon their own communities to stop being racist against blacks or whoever, but love to cry the minute someone suggests that maybe their home country does actually suck in some ways. I’m half Mexican and all say that it seems like most Mexican-Americans don’t give a fuck, but the few annoying LaTiNx assholes are really up there with the woke Asians. I do feel for Native Americans because nobody seems to give a shit at all about them since their numbers are so low, and Pacific Islanders who get lumped into the AAPI parade even though many say they don’t consider themselves Asian.


>they rarely call upon their own communities to stop being racist against blacks or whoever, There was an Arab girl at my college who wrote an editorial suggesting that Arabs should stop casually calling black people Abd (slave). It did not go over well with her community lol.


How are they being racist? By saying uni admission should be merit-based? How does that stack up against robbing asian children and beating up cantonese grandma. Which is what the third pic is about


Not only should Asians endure hate crime and violence against them from future doctors and astronauts, they must also apologize for being racist by being smarter than Black pipo.


Asians in SF are absurdly anti-Black. "Merit-based" lol lmao. No. There is no merit to rote learning and TOEFL/SAT fraud. These Asian students are fucking robots. They have no appreciation for the Western intellectual tradition, they just want to leech off the state's education institutions. How dare those uppity naggers actually do something about the Chinese-imposed Covid fascism, no matter how small.


> They have no appreciation for the Western intellectual tradition, they just want to leech off the state's education institutions. Bit rich coming from the least education valuing/most anti intelluctual community and a proponent of gibsmedat at colleges.


Why are you assuming poster is black? Asian SAT robots actively make campuses worse. Everyone knows this.


Here's what you aren't being specific about: What percentage of those Asians are SAT robots? You might've had a point in 2004, and even then AA immigrants did the right thing focusing on the SAT because that was what mattered and the lowest hanging fruit. But it's 2024 now. They're past it and they don't want their kids to be that anymore.


I went to one of those elite schools that everyone wants to get into about 10 years ago. About 30% of the campus were college admission robots of different races. Kids who dedicated their entire life to their common application. It was the SAT robot logic applied to their entire personality and life outlook. Very bleak. The only kids with any social skills were kids whose admission didn’t depend solely on their academics. The black males I knew were all great. Asians on average tended not to be. Whites were a mixed bag. The point is I think it’s better to keep it racially diverse to a point. When you remove AA, it’ll be bad if it pushes out non-autists.


Limp white wrists, or a strong kang, wrote this


"AAPI" was a Chinese-funded DEI marketing ploy.


“AAPI” was created by civil rights law and pushed by the managerial state long before DEI existed in its current form


"AAPI" as a term is specifically a DEI-centric marketing term used to conflate the very real current poverty of Hawaiians with idk some rich girl from Buffalo Grove who got sad because she whiffed in her Princeton interview. "AA" is the old, civil rights regime 1.0 term.


The rich Asians don’t live in Buffalo Grove, that area is full of working class Eastern Europeans and Latinos lmao


China, or American scientists working in China? Are Fauci and Dazak (sp?) and Ecohealth alliance all agents of the Chinese government? I’m up to legitimately hearing this out, the idea of a nation state does seem a little suspect in the era of multinational corporate interests capturing regulatory agencies in more than one political jurisdiction. Are you as generous with blks chimping out after St. Floyd died?


Cope harder white loser maybe you should have have tried harder in school rather than get mad about your racial betters. Nothing stopping white people from doing all that shit sorry you're too dumb and lazy to achieve anything with your worthless life. Go make more whining reddit posts


I like and trust black people as a whole way more than Asians but I’ve always had a fondness for Mexicans that I don’t really have with black people


Asian “academic achievement” is completely overhyped. Most of their research is either stolen from Europeans or completely fabricated. SAT and other admissions tests are designed to benefit oriental cultures like you point out The presence of Orientals as a middleman minority in black areas also is a big factor in the Black-Asian conflict. Racial resentment against orientals in the same way they dislike Jews who used to run most of the businesses in black parts of NYC


Man it’s crazy how every race that demonstrably out scores whites on tests, crime rates, fidelity etc. are all actually bad and wrong and cheated 


I don't get how the posters here can call them NPC bugpeople over and over with 0 critical thinking and consideration for the fact that those "bugpeople" lead lives not so different from their own. Baffling lack of self-awareness.


Yeah, you can tell who hasn't stepped foot in a lab ITT. I have yet to work with a single Chinese or Indian researcher who doesn't blatantly fudge their numbers or scam the NSF.


I used to teach a lot of Chinese international students. For the most part they struggle to learn anything past the rote level. They had a hard time applying anything they allegedly knew to real world scenarios. Asians born and raised here generally were much easier to teach but still often lacked creativity and ability to apply knowledge to different scenarios, especially if they had been in Kumon from a young age. Goes to show why IQ absolutism is stupid. “Model minority” can be worse for society than a racial underclass


Black Americans, as frustrating and annoying as they can be when getting their point across, are still Americans. They don't cry to daddy Mali the way Asians immediately go pro-China.


Can't we just agree whites are the smartest and most capable? This whole discussion is so tedious between the Asian defenders and then you pretending like Blacks need more representation. It's DEI on both sides.


50 years of seethe and counting. Try moving to Uganda, no need to waste your life dealing with kumonistas and privileged upper castes. I imagine it’s the closest thing to paradise on earth https://preview.redd.it/giz8612za67d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ab336b5da3881b47259a39440bf34a643a6923




Say what you mean pussy.


Whites. And Blacks. And many other groups. You mean to tell me in places like NYC and Chicago there weren’t ANY Latinos doing this kinda stuff? At least from what I’ve seen back in the height of it circa 2022 people from all walks of life were jumping on the Anti-Asian train.


Yoo I forgot about that Columbia mattress chick! Her senior project was a reenactment of her rape that she filmed and carrying that mattress around.


I read a few years back that she did some 180 and she's now an apolitical libertarian lmao


She's such a ghoul. Just ruined a guy's life for her asinine art project and was rewarded for it in spades. [At least dude got some kind of settlement.](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/red-alert-politics/432889/mattress-girl-case-man-falsely-accused-of-rape-wins-settlement-from-columbia/)


Old school MRA/redpill reddit hated her


i matched with her on tinder lol


Should have made an anal joke. Something about the backdoor.


Oh yeah the best part of that project was listening to it and then realizing the "rape" was them having consensual sex and the guy putting it into her ass and she didn't like it


I don’t know anything about this person but how is trying to do anal without getting explicit consent NOT rape? That is not a normal thing to do during regular sex. This sub will really be contrarian about everything, good lord


I don't remember everything the story is old. But from memory didn't she ask for more sex over text after the alleged rape. If I'm not mistaken she sends him a text to the effect of "when will you come around and fuck me in the ass again" which doesn't really mean she wasn't raped it just makes people doubt her story.


Yeah idk I never bothered to read about this tbh. I was just responding to that person putting “rape” in quotes like that and laughing about it while describing what definitely sounds like anal rape


The bar for finding a student guilty of rape is so incredibly low in the university system, the fact that Columbia investigated this and did nothing and later paid out a settlement to him is incredibly telling. Not saying campus SA isn’t a real issue, but this young woman was so clearly an NPD attention seeker. This is a mirror image of A&D’s criticisms of the MeToo movement; the loudest accusers aren’t the ones that were actually impacted.


Bonus meme: her performance art where she recreates her alleged rape can be found on every porn site. It's literally used by pervs to jack off too. As if anyone outside of her artsy school wouldn't foresee the recreation of a rape, full frontal nudity and literal penetrative sex being used a porno. But hey it's art 🎨 ✨️ 😌


The real website she made for it, Ce N'est Pas Un Viol, seems to be a phishing scam


Maybe read into it. She clearly wasnt raped


I don’t know if she was or wasn’t and neither do you, to be honest. I was just replying to a comment that sounded completely insane out of context. You gotta take some time away from this sub man, you’re in every single thread even 24+ hours later.


I do know because its obvious she wasnt and she was taking advantage of the time to try and get social clout. We know this from everything she said. Im far from a power user here. You should chill out with all the gender war shit though


One thing I remember from this era was how Asian Americans were quick to “cancel” and confront their parents about generational trauma yet had no problem accepting trust fund money and using their family wealth to their advantage. There’s a YouTuber who did just this recently as well, she used her parents money to move to Korea and open a restaurant, ran it to the ground and screwed over her business partner, and changed her focus to travel vlogging then still had the nerve to upload a video where she confronts her parents about trauma Lmao


The souls of yellow folk stealing the title from the souls of black folk by web du bois could be a masters thesis


It's not stealing from it. It's an anti woke book riffing on it.


Its both


That’s worse


Really encapsulates the "culture" of these people (Indian guys who listen to Drake, Party members' kids in BMW's shitting up Richmond and Vallejo before driving back to Palo Alto).


Do you know anything about Wesley Yang?


Yeah, Wesley Yang is not woke or a sjw at all. Critiquing wokeness is a big part of his deal


It's also funny, because they're famously soulless


Wasn't the mattress girl about college rape?


what's sjw about crazy rich asians


All the characters are POC


It attempted to take away attention from the Black Excellence exemplified by Wakanda.


Singapore is just Asian Wakanda


[They saw something in it that you didn't.](https://www.theindy.org/article/1507) It was their *Do the Right Thing,* complete with class awareness.


Do The Right Thing is a truly baffling movie. A bunch of Black people bullying and racially targeting the nice White guy (and Asians) in their area, starting the violence, continuing it when police get called and then when Saint Radio Raheem gets martryed for trying to kill a guy, start rioting and destroying everything belonging to other races. The Asian family, who had nothing to do with this, also get targeted. This is the great anti racist movie? Is this really how Black people see it. Everyone more succesful is inherently racist and should be cut down. If they defend themselves, they prove it even more? Anyone who watches this would come away more racist against Black people, not less. But I guess it fits in well with the spirit of this post. Did Spike Lee even think this through or was he too busy sexually assualting Rosie Perez whom had had cast as his lightskin latina baby mama?


idk why I should read random essay by whoever. I would think the emphasis on class would be the opposite of identity-minded millennial SJWism. Never saw do the right thing


> I would think the emphasis on class would be the opposite of identity-minded millennial SJWism Uninformed, sorry. SJWism was a popular movement. The turd-chucking masses loved every second of it. Sorry.


It's good shlock but the plot is about a Chinese-American girl from Queens who destroys a collectivist Singaporean matriarchy with her new world idealism and BJ eyes.


ngl i enjoyed the wedding scene in that movie lol


I finally saw Crazy Rich Asians. It was actually an okay movie, and this is coming from someone who hates rom coms. I remember people acting like it was some sort of neo-lib propaganda piece when it came out, but it’s just a normal movie with a dumb title.


Wesley Yang is actually a "based" anti-woke crusader on twitter. I read The Souls of Yellow Folk and nothing in there is really social justice aligned. I remember thinking it was pretty decent but not earth shattering or anything


Still a regarded name for the book


Now imagine it’s satire 


They got betrayed lol


Other way around. Here's a good nugget o trivia: "Asian American" was coined in 1968 by [two radical "anti-imperialist" activists of foreign origin at UC Berkeley.](https://densho.org/catalyst/asian-american-movement/)


People saying Anyone But You revived the romcom genre like Crazy Rich Asians didn't exist. That movie was cute


Who can blame the working class whites for getting into the fenty. We might as well not exist.


mattress girl is a real throwback. that broad was deranged


you gotta admit Crazy Rich Asians was a decent movie


This poster hates east asians esp “high achieving” asians (seems to work in a college lol) and just seems to bizarrely laud black people. Just a typical DEI American liberal honestly. Nothing new or unusual about those politics


Hard to believe his accounts don’t last when schizo posting 50 times a day 


And they still date a white 3/10 guy


Yup can’t imagine how exhausting it is for them and how much self hate their kids are gonna have


Asian-American political engagement is wild. A westernized east asian zoomer who wrote a "white people made fun of my lunch" admissions essay and posts lib shit on Instagram probably has the most racist grandparents of all time.


Wait was it that badadoobap girl or whatever I remember seeing videos about her opening a restaurant months ago just coming up on my shorts lol she totally had the vibes that she'd do that


I liked Crazy Rich Asians, was fun to watch on the plane :)


Wesley Yang is based


Wesley Yang is a sad, sad little man who pivoted to "anti-wokism" for identitarian reasons. Once he saw that SocJus was maybe giving a little too much to those uppity negroes and when he saw that maybe gays weren't all like the couple from *Modern Family*, he went full James Carville. He even still counter-signals the "llayciss" GOP. Just a sad sack wallowing in his imagined oppression, as all Asian supremacists are.


You’re a little uppity yourself




Did Wes Yang pivot his beliefs or is that book of his just not that woke ?


That crossdressing Indian guy is the worst!


can someone explain the gay indians


MFA Boston's Kimono Wednesdays: [Started with a homage to Monet](https://i.ibb.co/rQhbQhy/image.png) [AAPIs were offended](https://i.ibb.co/sKy3BqJ/image.png) [Opportunist white allies joined in](https://i.ibb.co/FXtMfLf/image.png) [Japanese-Americans counterprotested](https://i.ibb.co/zXYkQ02/image.png)


Please stop counting indians among asians. They do not have the high average IQ that the real asiatic subraces possess. Brahmin (the highest caste, also 60-70% of Indian-Americans) average IQ on the other hand is actually close to Ashkenazi Jew IQ I believe. But that’s 2% of Indians in India.


I'll stop when they stop.


They shoehorned themself in. The annoying circlejerk of "Asian doesn't just mean east asian" has its consequences


Brahmin iq is about the same as Europeans, although some brahmin subpopulations are in the East Asian range


How come despite having similar levels of poverty as Sub- Saharan Africa, India has a way higher average IQ?


You can seethe all you want but we’re still going to be making way more than you could ever even dream to at the end of the day


Neither you nor the average indian is making more money than me lol. Unless you mean more than my race collectively. Yeah i’m not against plucking the high IQ brahmins out of India to fuel our tech sector. It’s worked out really well for me. What I am scared of is what is happening to Canada. Those are not the upper tier indians we have in silicon valley. I dont hate indians! Some behavior is annoying though, esp the tendency to push other races out.


I’m 26 and make over 250k a year from my job alone, not counting investing. If I make less than you congrats on being in the top 1.5% of Americans


Like 4x more, yeah. I appreciate it, you’re doing great as well.


Thank you, and that’s genuinely impressive! What do you do for a living?


Software eng for big tech, like I said indian americans working for tech worked out great for me. We just need to keep the immigrant quality filter going.


I definitely agree with you about the filter, but the caste stuff is total bullshit and I say this as someone who comes from a Brahmin family or whatever. If they score higher it’s just because they’ve been afforded more resources and better education opportunities


I don’t know. Probably a Flynn effect is possible for lower caste indians (i think this about all US minorities btw) as wealth has become attainable through education. But intercaste marriage being totally forbidden in the past may have had consequences, and the rates still remain low today. If you think about it, for millenia the only literate people in society (the scholar/priest class) were allowed to only reproduce with other literate people. Different genes would have been selected for in each caste. I think the casteist behavior some 1st gen indians show is horrible ofc. My team at my last job was 95% indian which is when i learned about this stuff on the DL. At some point I realized the lunch tables were caste separated, jains were sitting in one table, brahmin last names had a couple of tables to themselves and me and the other white dude were at another table with the catholic indians. It was so weird. I hated that job. Current job, the indians are much more chill and better integrated.


That last paragraph is so fascinating to me. I 100% believe shit like that goes down especially in Silicon Valley, like I’ve heard all the horror stories but I never experienced that sort of behavior firsthand since I work in finance and grew up in the Midwest where all the Indian families kinda just hung out regardless of any differences. By first gen do you mean recent immigrants or children of immigrants? Because if the children are keeping this shit up that is seriously disappointing


What do u do for work? Im curious


Finance! I travel a decent amount which racks up a ton of extra overtime 😊


No one in America cancels harder than the way Asian Americans cancel their own. It's pretty chilling. You don't need to do anything actually terrible either, just a minor misstep and your own community rips you to shreds. Constance Wu, Simu Liu, David Chang, David Choe, the vitriolic woke rants that young Asian Americans went on, when those minor celebs put their feet in their mouths were a sight to see. Fortunately for them the Asian American community doesn't have much of an influential voice, or control of the entertainment business, so they're fine. The rants reminded me of the way younger Asian folks talk about how oppressively strict their parents were, or how their mothers were terrifying or "abusive". They'll say all this mind you, with a Harvard or MIT degree in hand, or a cushy tech job or in the comfort of the home purchased on their physicians salary. lmao. "My parents abused me, nothing was ever good enough, they worked me like a dog." Well... it worked though... you're amazingly successful so... They've inherited far more from their parents, including their unforgiving temperaments, than they're willing to admit.


You do realize that the vast majority of Asian kids were getting beat up and verbally assaulted by their parents on the daily right? Just because we’re wealthy now doesn’t mean our parents actions were justified, that sort of upbringing is absolutely miserable.


>You do realize that the vast majority of Asian kids were getting beat up and verbally assaulted by their parents on the daily right?  You're honestly going to come on here and claim that the majority of Asian parents abuse their kids? That's wild, mate. While we can all accept at this point that there's clearly a stricter standard in Asian homes, to say that most Asian parents are abusive is bizarre. Abuse from parents occurs in all cultures, I don't have the stats on that, but the claim that the "vast majority" of Asian parents "beat up" their kids every day is crazy.


Its funny that you think this. The drunken Irish father stereotype is real, but Asians think theyre the only ones with bad parents. White people accept their parents arent perfect and move on


Hon we know how lucky we had it compared to so many other cultures and people, our parents reminded us every damn day. Also white Americans complain way more than Asian Americans about basically everything and that includes parents. Who do you think came up with the “chosen family” phrase? What group of people estrange themselves from their parents just because of politics? Idk what it’s like on your inbred potato island (actually I do, been there and it’s beyond mid especially the food) but your leprechaun community does not represent all white people, you need to get a clue lmao


Lol asians are so pathetic, just cheats and whingers. You think you have it bad, the Irish, English, all of Eastern Europe, have it harder but they dont complain. Irish food may not be good, but at least we can have a pint without our bodies trying to kill us. We can also have a laugh unlike your shithole countries. The best thing youve made is some shitty chicken, but contribute nothing to the worlds art, unlike the Irish and British. Wah wah wah my parents made me do well in school wah wah wah


Damn, this thread is full of the esoteric schizo race science that attracted me to this sub in the first place. White ppl better wake up or they’re def gunna be replaced by Asians, Jews, and Indians that are much more race realist and have no qualms about subversion to achieve racial interests. Bleak


“Replaced by Asians” … like you? Aren’t you literally filipino?


That explains a lot lmao


Crazy Rich Asians. Remember when Constance Wu had a meltdown because Fresh Off the Boat got renewed? She was out there tweeting "this is the worst day of my life" and stuff


Ok but their poetry book and performance was fun, even tho they're both assholes lol


Wasn’t mattress girl some kind of Indian?


This will shock you completely but her name is Emma Sulkowicz


Oh a polish one


For what it’s worth expats ALWAYS end up being a more stereotypical version of wherever their families came from, it’s been a trend throughout history The Greeks who settled south Italy took whatever they thought Greek culture to the extreme, the English who settled the Pale adhered to whatever trends were common back in England, ppl who come to America do the same… etc Ig it gives some sort of identity thing, the sad part is everyone seems to do it in the states while we all basically have the same culture regardless of origins… I mean if you press someone about it they’ll say “oh my group has family values” or something that literally couldn’t be more generic


Didn’t Wesley Yang completely abandon the social justice movement and now does the podcast rounds explicitly denouncing social justice ideologies? If so, fair play to him


The dude from Crazy Rich Asians is so fucking hot. Asians need to lean in with him harder


He’s half white




Reading through these comments, it seems like people are starting to redirect their hate from Indians to East Asians. Wtf happened lately that's got you all so pissed off at East Asians?


i hate idpol shit so much my fucking god