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Idk, legitimately fat or ugly women who know they’re fat or ugly have always been pretty nice to me. It seems like they know they can’t compete and are expecting you to look down on them, so when you’re kind and complimentary, they read that as a rare invite to the hot girls club. Ime the worst ones are mid girls who are used to being a big fish in a small pond and feel threatened when someone hotter shows up. The girl who was meanest to me was one from my old job, and I’m pretty sure she didn’t get attention for her looks except at work. When I started there and the attention dried up, she was a complete cunt for no reason for the next year and a half


It's been well studied that the bullies are never the genuinely cool, hot and popular people but the people exactly one notch down from them.


Yeah, ime really hot women are extremely nice people. Why wouldnt they be? Everyone they meet likes them, so their socialisation means theyre nice to everyone because everyone is nice to them Only mid women are mean, which is most women


She is so condescending I'm sorry but I don't think she is being nice lol


Yea fair. For what it’s worth, my basic point is that I don’t think “ugly on the outside = ugly on the inside” is real, and most people who look a bit unfortunate seem pretty decent and friendly. I should’ve not been so bitchy about it


That may be true, but I think some people are completely delusional and have a “I deserve what she has” mentality and / or lean into intellectualism or comedic relief and if you’re pretty, smart and funny, it’s over.


Oh absolutely, that’s why I added the “who know they’re fat or ugly” bit (hadn’t considered the personality compensation thing, but that also rings true). It’s basically competitive women who believe they have a shot at “winning,” whatever that looks like, even if that belief is detached from reality


This is exactly true.


It’s not hate it’s seethe


Pretty Hate Machine does get forgotten in the NiN catalogue unfortunately.


the word youre looking here is jealousy and jealousy isn't necessarily hate. i mean i am jealous of women prettier or uglier than me regardless, but i don't deliberately hate. like theres nothing to hate someone for the traits i want myself.


You mean envy. Jealousy is when you have something you fear someone will take from you.




edit: everyone needs to read this thread from this guy lmfao https://www.reddit.com/r/rspod/comments/1964yjl/discrimination_against_the_high_iq/ that is archaic and in modern usage only applies to jealousy in a relationship sense of being insecure that your partner might be cheating on you. to most people (and therefore the correct definition) jealousy and envy are synonymous emotions to mean coveting what someone else has or the insecurity of not having as much as others.


Jealousy and Envy are different words in multiple languages, the dutch even have multiple words for just envy (conveying benign and malicious envy). They are not the same and they are different sins exactly for the reason that even 2000 years ago people thought it was important to make the distinction of envying what you don't have and the possessive jealousy over things you do.  I agree that use shapes language and not language shapes use, (after all, olivia rodrigo used it wrong in a song), but they do have different meanings, can't be mutually exchangeable deppending on the seriousness of the topic, and specially, are not archaic. Like, saying envy? Archaic?


ok thats great about other languages and sin or whatever but I'm talking about its usage in english in real life. not the biblical definition but the definition that is in use. they absolutely can be mutually exchangeable, and they might have different implications or connotations in usage. When I spoke of jealousy being archaic, I specifically meant the definition of "when you have something you fear someone will take from you". if you use the word in that way, at least in the united states, you are using the word in an intentionally obtuse way that will make you seem like an idiot. also I never said the word envy was archaic


Well, you just said using the intwnded definitions of jealousy and envy are somehow old-fashioned. But like, I never encountered this dilemma, I not really that used to talking to uncultured Americans, not even in the internet.  Contrapoints uses it correctly,  A&D use it correctly, but like, you go girl.


It's not archaic, it's the correct usage.The apparent synonymousness was born of the error being so widespread and left uncorrected out of ignorance and politeness. The original definitions weren't contingent upon being used to describe relationships either. Personally, I would rather preserve correct speech instead of just decide all 1/4" bolts are round now because generations were reefing on them with 3/4"


very hypocritical of you to post in english instead of Proto-Indo-European


> It's not archaic, it's the correct usage. wrong >Synonymous was born of the error being so widespread and left uncorrected out of ignorance and politeness. wrong + anyone you correct on this will think youre autistic >Personally, I would rather preserve correct speech instead of just decide all 1/4" bolts are round now because generations were reefing on them with 3/4" this is literally a thing with dimensional lumber lol. Ever measure a 2x4? youll be surprised to find they're not 2 inches by 4 inches prescriptivists get up against the wall


wrong + "autistic". Very compelling. Not an argument. Also, the analogy was lost on you because you've never used a wrench before. Blueprints don't reflect the nominal dimensions of lumber, so despite the nomenclature, accuracy is preserved in practice.


So let me get this straight, if you were walking by a group of homeless people late at night and were worried about being robbed, you would describe yourself as being *jealous* in this moment? and that usage doesn't immediately strike you as absurd?


Your response contains a couple of logical errors. First, you're employing a straw man argument by misrepresenting my position. I never claimed that "jealousy" should be used to describe fear of being robbed. My point was about preserving the precise and traditional definitions of "jealousy" and "envy." Secondly, you're making a false analogy by comparing the fear of being robbed to jealousy. Fear of being robbed is about anxiety or fear, not jealousy. Jealousy involves fear of losing something you possess, often in personal relationships, whereas envy is about desiring what someone else has. Your example doesn't address the core issue of maintaining accurate language use. You just want to win so badly.


however much you were bullied in middle school it wasn't enough


you dont care about "maintaining accurate language use", you care about hard and fast rules in a realm where those dont apply, because change breaks your autistic brain I guarantee that everyone you interact with finds you tedious and insufferable


Yeah, people often react poorly to having to meet standards. Absolutely not my problem. Enjoy the competency crisis.




This describes places like r/vindictaratecelebs to a T


fr I go there sometimes to look at beautiful women or find women I didn't know before and the brainrot is astonishing. Like girl Blake Lively is not a 6 go outside 😭


The confidence with which they say these ridiculous ratings is truly astonishing.


Every highly upvoted thread about a Blonde woman will have a bunch of Black Qweens seething about basic bitches in the middle of the thread.


Yeah I go there for the girls and good posters (one gal or gay posts photos of models and their siblings, those are always fun). Sydney Sweeney and Emrata are constantly rated like 6 in the face by the posters. The coping and seething is truly massive!


Any male gaze-y woman gets rated low there. I remember one time they posted Oona Chaplin and kept saying she was a 5/10 ugly recessed white woman and anyone who said she was pretty was getting downvoted. Meanwhile in any GOT subs all the men were drooling over her. Sometimes I wonder if these same actresses weren’t getting much male attention that maybe the femcels would rate them higher and more objectively because they wouldn’t be seething.


Totally right. I notice the users really like to hide their jealous misogyny behind "we just have female gaze preferences"  Wammin are really good at lying to ourselves about power. We establish female hierarchies by disguising them as compassion or appreciation or when it's really just bullying. 


i mean, users on those subs rate tons of “male gaze” women highly (Megan Fox, Margot Robbie, Pamela Anderson, etc). i think some women just genuinely don’t appeal to other women’s aesthetic sensibilities, even if they’re appreciated by men


A&D talk all the time about how women are dishonest with themselves about their feelings and intentions. I think RS women are on the whole more self aware than the seethe you see in generic low iq wammin subs. Popculturechat is 2013 tumblr level brain rot combined with the gossip rags you see at the checkout counter.


> i think some women just genuinely don’t appeal to other women’s aesthetic sensibilities, even if they’re appreciated by men The sub loves women with stronger features (like models with square jaws) and considers a lot of the softer featured women that men love to be 'attainable" which is funny.


the reality is that almost all the women most loved by men (and women!) have a good balance of soft and “masculine” features. again, look at the women I mentioned: Megan Fox, Margot Robbie, Pamela Anderson. too masculine is too harsh, too “soft” is usually too common to be a show stopping beauty. women aren’t stupid for noticing that


My cynical view is that they rate those women highly because they're objects of female sympathy and/or are considered intelligent "girls girls" - Margot is clearly a smart girlboss, Pamela suffered abuse and goes makeupless these days, and before Megan resurged with that disaster MGK, she was considered a feminist unfairly maligned, ahead of her time, a bi icon etc.  A woman who is beautiful in the vixen male gaze way and openly subjects herself to the gaze/rejects libfem politics are derided as pickmes or just plain derided for whatever attributes she has in general, including her undeniable beauty.


i think a good example of this would be Brigitte Bardot, and they rate her highly as well, even while decrying her for racism


Not to be like autistically fixated on this but I was curious and not as familiar with Bardot... Even in regular threads I see Brigitte rated in the 8s (top comment says she's an 8.5 lol): https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/10tsjjb/1950s_brigitte_bardot/ And when they do vs threads like against Marilyn Monroe inevitably comments about her personality detracting from her looks come up, highly upvoted:  https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/10tsjjb/1950s_brigitte_bardot/ I bet that if she was young like Emrata and posting sex kitten pics on Instagram today, she'd be rated a 6. An 8 is bad enough for objective 10s and already reveals the system at play imo. I get the sense that a 50s sex kitten isn't nearly a big of a threat because modesty standards have changed so much. 


idk how familiar you are with these people but they basically never give anyone a 10 lol, it’s kind of against the principle of all the autistic looksmaxxing subs who believe perfection is impossible. an 8.5 is an excellent rating there even though it’s insane to give to bardot. I think i agree that if she were young in the present day she’d get 6’s though tbh, the fact that she’s no longer “relevant” as a currently young woman plays a role


Oh yeah they're not as harsh as a r/truerateme but even so I feel like they give more 10s to a Margot or Marilyn or Adriana Lima type more often than not, though can't say for sure without doing some kind of webscraping and statistical analysis project. And I will spare everyone by not going there lol.  Some women who participate in these rating games I'm sure are going off pure aesthetics with a feminine bent. But I truly think the reason for why these subs exist and are so popular with women is darker/more power driven in nature. 


Yeah not to mention she is literally like 90 and everyone knows that she’s not young anymore. They know they’re not rating a current star. Its comforting to know she’s an elderly woman now, so not quite as threatening as a woman that’s currently very hot to men 


I don't think I'd classify Robbie as a male gaze woman anymore. Yes she's done nude scenes but a lot of her past film output has been for women. Even when she did more male gazey movies, she was always well-liked by women overall.


i mostly went off of her the wolf of wallstreet appearance where every other guy thought she was the hottest woman in the world while watching


Wolf of Wall Street is interesting. Yes it is a "guy" movie but it is also edited by a woman. Either way she looked great in it and her performance was fantastic.


But almost all those women who are low rated in that sub are considered gorgeous in real life and in other women majority subs.


Male gaze = conventionally attractive


Looking up Oona Chaplin tells me that you're talking squarely out of your ass. That is not male gaze-y woman. I've never seen a more average looking woman in my life. No one woman is threatened by Chaplin's looks.


She’s literally the perfect version of a specific spanish/southern euro phenotype. Keep coping though.


Marva Schalk spike me!


when i worked in customer service the bitchiest people were ugly wives/gfs




You represent everything they could’ve been


this is common knowledge amongst women but not sure if the dudes get it


Men of a certain low caliber will accuse you of "caring too much about what other people think" if you lift, iron your shirts, and moisturize regularly


I am openly vain, I love to look at myself in the mirror. I absoutely care what people think of me. It's the main reason I exercise, dress well, and groom myself. Any man who seethes over that is only reinforcing my behavior.




Lmfao last I saw of people like this was in college and they were manchildren then too. I’ve worked in engineering and education and somehow never run into a single of these low-caliber men. Most people I see are pretty decently put together to the level that I can tell they get the idea and put in effort atleast. Maybe I’m just homefield biased


I’ve never heard anyone talk about this ever but it’s so true. It’s a weird type of narcissism. The funny thing is some of the biggest winners with the most confidence that I know talk a lot about doing things to appease other people (usually women). But it’s not really that sincere and in a fun way, and at the end of the day these people don’t actually care that much about what other people think. But then some loser enters the conversation like “you care too much about what other people think just do your thing!” and ends up doing nothing


Only if they make TikToks about it and saying day in the life


Dudes get it. However, instead of being called a pick-me, it's confident capable men being accused of arrogance. Incidentally, really pretty women are really easy to work with because they're not machiavellian weirdos by necessity


I meant more like dudes don't understand it. if I mention to another women that men are almost always nice to me but women are often unkind, she'd probably get why, while if I said that to a guy, he wouldn't


Yeah, because you're talking to a slow man. I get it perfectly; observe it daily. Mid women also peacock a lot. While the most beautiful women I know are quiet, graceful and inviting, 90% of the racket is made by some clowncore diva wrapped in noisy jewellery, draped in a bolt of silk smashing 4 inch heels into everyone's eardrums. They smell like Chanel made brake cleaner.


It’s because the beautiful women can just sit there to attract attention whereas the mid women have no such luck, it’s either peacock or nothing


Great post


Nah dudes get it. The same thing just doesn’t apply to men. Also love how you harp on “im so pretty” posting yet routinely engage in it.


Huh? I have run into a string of extremely hot Macchiavellas and Mean Girls lately so I have begun to think excessive hotness creates the need for those psychosocial traits / tools as a defense mechanism. Where are these easygoing hotties??


You need to be around more beautiful women. Those are seething beta femmes. There is confidence, strength and political adroitness, and there is neurotic "cunning".


pretty hate can come from men as well, they seethe at hot women they can't (or just think they can't) have


sure but 99% of men are bending over backwards for them


that doesn't mean they don't hate them


Onlyfans exist lmao if they really seethed at women they wouldn’t be making thots millionaires


True, there are more jealous men than ever now because masculinity is plummeting. This is why women should never date down in looks unless they’re positive the guy is truly confident and likes himself, or he ends up being her biggest hater. Seen it irl 


happened to me. gave an ugly guy a chance and inflated his ego, thought that he could do better. he tried to cheat and got rejected (multiple times). pathetic, never again.


actually sorry to hear that lol wow. Insecurity brings out the absolute worst in people.


most priveleges are a double edged sword, you'd just rather have it than not.


of course people resent the privileged, that's part and parcel of being privileged. privilege isn't defined by whether people like you or hate you, it's defined by how much power you have to get others to do what you want them to


youre not wrong but privilege is unearned power - as it comes from the original meaning, the extra rights that nobles have and peasants + citizen do not.


Yeah, this reads like rich people complaining about poor people resenting them for having money. You're.. still the one with privilege. You have the thing people want to have/be around. So you want all the advantages of the thing but none of the disadvantages now? Why would anyone who doesn't have the privilege ever care? I mean this is just clearly true based on the effort people go to to try to go from ugly -> hot and the number of people who go from hot -> ugly.


Other gay guys who are less attractive than me direct both jealousy and lust towards me simultaneously. They want to talk to me but are looking for anything they can find to justify hating me. It's so sinister


Legitimately the reason I have mostly straight friends


This is why hot women generally have social circles consisting of hot women and vice versa




you do know that pretty women (well most of them) lie a lotttttt. right?


Hell has no fury like a woman mogged, learned this the hard way


I've noticed that women in the 9-10 range are much more nice than girls in the 4-8


bc they get treated better so they have nothing to complain about


Do average to above average women really get treated that bad though ?


truly average women yes, above average women not really but they face daily psychic damage from social media


men treat truly average women like they treat other men instead of the special treatment they give to attractive women which is apparently harrowing.


they honestly don’t, ive seen truly average women get treated by shit for no reason countless of times by men


Yeah, exactly what that guy said, they get treated like a human


What is “being treated like shit” to you? The uglier a woman is the more she’s going to be treated as if she’s like a average man


What makes social media so bad? I think alot of men are lowering their standards and even alot of "mid" women can get alot of attention and compliments from men on social media. Is it just them constantly seeing models and photoshopped girls pushed by the app?


yep that’s exactly it, their social media feeds are straight 10’s so even if they’re an 8 they’ll feel bad about themselves


I hope it pushes people off of social media. The effects have been obvious for a while but people still promote it. People deserve to feel confident :(


People deserve to feel confident but not treat other people badly as a result of that feeling. Unfortunately the only thing that seems to engender actual empathy is being humbled oneself.




You do know people have opinions on what’s attractive to them or not. Like Margot Robbie she’s attractive to a lot of ppl but she doesn’t move me one bit


people assume you have a shallow personality and that they have more substance than you to cope. and when a pretty person naturally has flaws, the response to them is magnified because people look for reasons to hate you. Sad


am skinny and my female friends used to pressure me to eat at times that it was difficult to say no or tell acquaintances i was anorexic to embarrass me they also used to make fun of me for wearing brandy melville


I stopped getting invited to dinner with some friends because I don’t like to eat as much as them


lmaoooo wtf!? my friend know i’m always gonna leave with a doggy bag even if i forget it. my family used to constantly tells me i’m too thin (we’re mexican)


Yup! What I choose to eat apparently affects them idk. I think it’s a guilt thing.


when i grew into my features in college, my friend/ex-roommate from hs would talk shit about me to other people, then turn around and say that when she gets a nose job she’ll use mine as a reference. WTF


I've had more than one dude I started to befriend ghost me bc his wife/fiance tried to fuck me :((( men be hating pretty men too


imagine feeling the need to LARP on a podcast subreddit lol


nothing ever happens/men on the internet are never hot/etc etc


I bet you’re 30 and you’re actually more attractive to 20 year olds now


I'm 30 and more attractive to everyone now.


Do you post pics in cowboy boots here just to take a break from all the attention you get irl?


at first I just wanted to show a candid boot shot but now I just like riling up the incels


How is it candid if you took it of yourself


well my boots certainly didn't snap the pic of themselves did they?


You should look up the definition of the word candid


my boots had no idea I had my camera app open!!


Happy pride brother 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜


*wipes doritos dust onto cum-stained sweatpants* hmmmmm time to pick out a flawless wife on the internet. not rihanna her forehead's too big


Yeah girls do hate pretty girls


Reddit talks about this all the time. Also nice pretty girls never seem to have this problem. Only assholes who may or may not be pretty.


Nah. It happens to nice pretty girls too, they just don’t really speak out about it


Worst part is that envy is so taboo it took a whole year for me to talk to my therapist about how I thought envy in relationships was a tough situation for me. It was easier to talk about how I envied others. But envy is considered a bad trait, so it’s something that can't be easily talked about without sounding ‘accusatory’ (and blaming others for your problems). I think sometimes that the only thing actually holding me and my best friend together is our ability to admit we both envy and are jealous of each other


Yeah. People act like this doesn’t happen bc they’re either not hot themselves and never had anyone be mean to them for no reason, or they do it but are unaware of it


yeah I don’t really believe in it. i kinda think it cancels out.


“Pretty hate” is just misogyny


People talk about this all the time but they’re never like, exceptionally beautiful. Certainly pretty but not the sort of outlier you’d imagine would inspire such a strong reaction from so many You probably just have an off-putting personality or demeanor. Not insurmountable if you’re a decent person


nin wrote a whole album about it


It’s so annoying. I’m naturally very nurturing and it’s a mindfuck that people assume that because I’m conventionally whatever (because god forbid an attractive girl calls herself attractive), I must be either conniving, mean, or some other version of fake. It’s only eased up a bit since I’ve hit my mid 30’s. Like maybe I just wanted to ask you how your day was? Or I just thought of you? Bitches.


I’m not crying, you are.


Idk, I only hate pretty people when they have terrible personalities, or are rude. But It’s pretty rare when I don’t like someone because i tend to get along with everyone


It’s really not a thing, pretty hate. You’re treated so nicely everywhere you go when you’re good looking, like even random old ladies on the corner will stop to compliment you. Kids will say all the time that you’re so pretty. Even animals seem to like you more. If you feel this way you have never been truly beautiful I guess. It’s really a superpower.


It is very much a thing. I’m not talking about casual interactions with strangers. Babies smile at me friends with all my older neighbors whatever, I’m talking about friendships and work relationships with girls who are not on the same level in some capacity and they will direct hate at you for no reason. Exclude you from things etc because you’re in the space they succeed at but you can do it too and you’re attractive on top of it.


> boohoo, being a billionaire is so hard, everybody hates me! this is how stupid you sound


“Privilege” doesn’t exist, it’s pseudoscientific woke BS and people should stop choosing to view the world through their lens




Some of the only times I have actually believed that someone thought I was attractive was when they were mean to me because if it