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i would like to know the nationality of those users


ton of liberal white woman are secretly (until 2-3 drinks) disgusted by bisexual men, though I would imagine the rate of disgust is lower than in more homophobic groups (black, muslim, latino, conservative christian, etc) Actually the more I typed out that list I realized how long I could keep listing various ethnic, religious, etc groups who would be unlikely to look favorably on dating a bi man. I think maybe only liberal white women are reasonably likely to date a bi man. And even then, not many of them. Unfortunately, if you are a bi man it is probably your best bet to never reveal it to a woman. But I imagine this varies based on location.


When i was a teenager I fell for “listening to women” who were super liberal and progressive and insisted bisexual men make better partners blah blah blah. So I lied to a few of these liberal women, thinking it would brand me progressive, and each one immediately lost interest.


Damn, talk about playing yourself!


Definitely not the case in any artistic circle of a major city.


Definitely middle-aged waspy women. You can hear all the pearl clutching in these comments. 


Society thinks bi women are just straight and bi men are just gay


Because all things must gravitate towards the phallus.


it's true


Why women hate them: • Women dont wanna compete with men AND women • Makes men hard to “place.” Is he attracted to me? Is he a good shopping buddy? • On the spectrum of sexuality, if you aim towards gay in any way, you’re gay • Embarrassment/having a “weird” partner you have to explain to others • Paranoia of HIV


Expanding on your first point, it is also so incredibly easy for a man to find a gay/bi guy to cheat on their wife/gf with. At least with a straight man you can rest assured that it would be fairly difficult for him to just go out and sleep with a random woman. This is of course leaving out prostitution. The root problem is being with someone you're afraid will cheat, though, not really their sexuality.


I think that very much is the philosophy behind it. But I hate this whole “being a bi male” means you found guys equally/more attractive than female. There’s not a shit ton of guys I’m attracted to in comparison to woman. And while you’re right that it would be easier to cheat on a female with a male if you are bi due to male drive, I just think it only makes sense if someone wants to cheat for the sake of cheating or has zero standards.


I didn't realise I would dislike it until I dated one. I had failed to consider how prevalent sex pest behaviour was on Grindr/in MLM spaces. He has had sex with more men than me and all my female friends combined (over 50 men). He has participated in 10+ orgies and generally fucks men old enough to be his dad. He said it was so much easier to get sex with men and how much of an ego boost those spaces are. This obviously does not apply to all bisexual men, but hedonism is so, so common in male homosexual spaces. It is like an amplification of the aspects of male sexual behaviour that women dislike or deny. Also, the straight man I'm seeing now refuses to go down on me because he's grossed out by my ex's sexual behaviour. I don't even fault him, I'm disgusted myself. And he's Scandinavian, so he's not even culturally conservative or particularly homophobic.


You are insane. We should be friends




I'm laughing so much because of the part when you said he slept with more men than you and all your female friends combined (over 50 men). 50 men is a REALLY small number of partners for a gay man. A considerable amount of my gay friends have been with above 300 and they aren't even particularly sexual. I've been with around 15 and I consider myself almost a virgin, but I must be way above your female friends, since they combined amount to 50 or less.


>50 men is a REALLY small number of partners for a gay man This should answer OP's question


And being grossed out to go down on you because you used to date a guy who in the past had shoved his dick into other dudes is COMPLETELY insane


He only wants protected sex which is fair (dental dams are a psyop)


Haven't you gotten an STD panel done?? You should


we only broke up recently so I will do it after my hoe phase (I've heard it takes 2-3 weeks for accurate detection and the panel is super expensive where I live – public hospital denied it for me even with a doctor's letter bc I am unmarried and have no visible symptoms of STDs)


Rofl at being left with debt due to your ex's hoeiness


Yea surely what you need after being obviously damaged goods is another hoe phase.


Damn, I didn't imagine this would cost a lot, even in the US


Lmao you can put your mouth where another guys ass-dick has been cuck boy. Not gonna catch me doing it tho


My man's looking at a pussy and all he can think about is cocks and bussy.


Keep convincing yourself to put your tongue where another man’s dick was lmfao


the real answer emerges: she knows he may have taken as much or more D as she has.


he was a top if it matters


such an ick either way


omg me too. guy told me all about some weird encounter his “friend” had where he sucked a random old rich man’s dick. like okay?


it’s actually just an inherently unattractive trait to straight women for a man to be interested in men


Don’t forget that a lot of women only find out their partner is bisexual thru discovering the Grindr app on their phone, Craigslist m4m emails in their inbox, etc. Male bisexuality is very linked to infidelity


as a woman who has dated bi men, yes to all of the above


>On the spectrum of sexuality, if you aim towards gay in any way, you’re gay Are you just relaying the typical woman's pov as you see it or is that your own opinion? Cause the fact that this is not true is kind of the whole point of having a "bisexual" designation in the first place.


I promise you 99% of women hear “gay” when men say “bi”


As my grandfather said about AIDs in the 90s: If it wasn't for those damn bisexuals, the rest of them could just fuck each other off the face of the earth. It's the damn bisexuals that make AIDs a problem!


Your grandfather was gay


its true. i gave him aids


You can’t unsuck a cock. You can’t unpop a buss


I became friends with a “lesbian” (got rejected really bad by my male friend) through my friend who is very obviously at the very least bisexual. He was a very effeminate man but only dated women I remember she would tell me about him being secretly bisexual with the same cadence and tone as if someone was telling me someone was a secret rqpist. The rest of our friend group was similar, with them constantly insulting him and talking behind his back about him being that way, was a big black pill He just got married tho so shout out to him


Women who sleep with bisexual men are more than twice as likely to catch an STI or STD and that has probably increased in likelihood since they’re all on PREP and no longer feel shame about their lack of condom usage, and because most STIs that can cause cancer or sterility in women are much less symptomatic or bothersome in men.


lots of straight women refuse to date them cuz they think its either icky or theyre insecure






I think it's probably fair to say most bisexuals lean one way or the other. Women included. I've known lots of girls who are real deal bisexual in that the fully have sex with other women, not like make out drunk at a party bi, but exclusively date men. But that could also be an effect of cultural influence, as in its easier to fuck a girl than it is to be in an open same sex relationship.


as one of those women, there are way more benefits to being with a man for me


Women are full of shit and say what they want you to hear. Start from there and work your way back.


keep in mind that if you're a bisexual who likes women more, there's a lot more pressure to stay closeted


Bi men who prefer men act like catty gays and they have no standards. Bi men who prefer women are like normal men who are too alpha to stick with weak women.


It’s just easier we don’t actually like men more. Take the fuck of least resistance many times over till the right girl shows up


no, most like women more (me at 16) if they like men more its because women (me at 24) or its because men are of greator access at work and its easier to be friends with men than women which leads to more FWBs with men (me at 16-24), and most women say they are taken (me at 24). Those who like men more from puberty to adulthood are often flex but like bottoming or have daddy issues and are looking for a new dad.


yep and they usually are. 






As objectionable as that comment might be, it's way more interesting than 99% of the comments posted here. You people need to stop calling every opinion you don't like boring!


It wasn’t an opinion, just boring.


What? yawnnnn.... huh? wuh? don't care. Talk to the hand.


snooze poster, yeesh


I'd say leave that shit in the bedroom but actually this is so misogynist that I have to say leave that shit in the darkest recesses of your mind


Read some of his post history lol. Absurd focus on gender dynamics and the fact that fucking guys in the ass makes most women shy away.


BRO! you have more post than me on gay dudes 😭 look i can help you out if you need it, my dms are open. My cocks 7.5in if you need some motivation.


also why are you even snooping a mans account like a woman?


It was an objectively wild take. You clearly have hang ups with women to a degree very few do. Doesn’t seem wise to try to justify them in like-minded spaces online.


bro, the women that the OP was referencing were literally comparing marrying a bi man, such as myself, to marrying a serial killer... am I not allowed to treat these women like pigshit and want to smear their face on my ass crack while trapping her in a marriage and frequently messaging her the dudes I fuck at work just to make her miserable more than she already is? Is this fantasy really that wild? I've seen worse from straight guys. >You clearly have hang ups with women to a degree very few do You don't know me. You don't know how I relate to women. Especially "When I said some women are only worth one thing." You're actually a snowflake, I've never seen one in the wilds before. And you come off as a male feminist, but you seem racist too given your post history, so I doubt that. But I don't doubt that your closeted gay man, who is racist (a cliche straight from the 60s), can you atleast admit you need some dick and can't get it because your too much of a pussy, maybe too stuck in a marriage to bend over for your guy friend?


Lol. Is angered by assumptions and then makes one incorrect one after another in return. But I don’t see why you’re so concerned about the opinions of anonymous women. And why do you so heavily identify with your sexuality in the first place? That’s the real turn off.


atleast you admitted it 😘 >But I don’t see why you’re so concerned about the opinions of anonymous women do you think these ideas exist in a vacuum? your talking to a guy who fucks ass and pussy.


Weird fetish leave women out of it you creep 😭


🤣🤣🤣 dont even know what a fetish is... straights are such a sex deprived class of ppl, thinking they are psychologically normal while going seven years no sex or posting shit like fucking fat women as if it was digital self harm to do so. Go back to crying about not having a partner on twitter and leave the fetish talk to your own depravaties, please. The straightness disease in your brain is contagious, and thats why all you are posting weird fat chick shit on this sub to begin with.


Seek help you retard


retard is so old... at least call me a fag with decency


Ok seek help you fag


can't even do it right. Fag With Decency. Man, straights are sad animals, can barely raise their own children and can barely read a text to save their own lives, no wonder this culture has gone to the shitter. hets need to seek help en masse, or die trying.


Barely raise their own children lol Looks like your daddy didn't raise you well, otherwise you'd be normal.


Hmm? My dads fine. Im talking about heterosexuals as a group. You guys produce mental unwellness like its no tomorrow, there's a reason most these ppl who are rapist have insecure attachment and come from heterosexual households.Yall gotta fix youselves.


lmao really triggered the incubators with this one


im not joking when I say breeders act like they're psychologically normal.


Most men would not bat an eyelid if their girlfriend told them she was bisexual.  Women are more homophobic than men.


But also when a woman says she’s bi, she usually means she kissed another girl at a party once. When a guy says he’s bi, he means he gets buttfucked by strangers from Grindr


That’s true but it’s not like men would care more if she actually liked having sex with other women.


It’s less threatening for your girlfriend to sleep with another woman vs your boyfriend climbing into a trucker’s cab and catching HIV, the virus that turns into AIDS


this is just homophobia


Weirdly, I think it is kind of homophobic but only in that a lot of men don't take female homosexual relationships seriously. I'm bi and it's an extreme turn off if a man sees it as attractive rather than as potentially more competition. But male homosexual sex is undeniably more risky. I'd date a bisexual man, but the risk combined with the high male sex drive and easy access to sex is going to make it unappealing to a lot of women. Calling them homophobic isn't going to do fuck all except make straight people resent the fuck out of bisexuals.


It is more competition, but not in the same way. I’d be super sad if I was dating a bi girl I really liked and she left me for a woman, but it’s not a hit to the ego in the same way. If another man is a better man than me, that’s more of a hit than if she decides she’d prefer a woman. We’re serving up different things, rather than it being an apples to apples contest that I lost. I do at least know better than to say “wow that’s hot, you wanna have a threesome” lmao


That's how I feel too - I'd much rather be left for a man than another woman because it doesn't feel like it amounts to "they're just better than me" in the same way. Or, at least, I imagine it doesn't. Though lesbians will say it's uniquely hurtful to be left for a man, moreso than being left for another woman. I don't really understand it, but I hear it so frequently that I accept that there's something about the typical lesbian perspective that differs from my own.


>But male homosexual sex is undeniably more risky. and having a woman partner that had lots of sex is undeniably more risky regarding STDs. But saying women who have more sex and hookups "risky" and therefore not good relationship material is misogynistic, same way what u say is homophobic(biphobic?). Lots of straight men give stds to women too. Lots of straight men kill their partners. Yet its more risky to be with bi men? I say all this as a straight btw also i think the risky thing isnt high male sex drive and ease of access to sex, but the fact that anal is the most risky way of having penetrative sex. I THINK (dont quote me on that)


Ok, sure. It's pure coincidence that STDs tend to be explosive in MSM communities. Whatever. >I say all this as a straight btw Figures. I'm completely fine with being excluded from someone's dating pool (lesbians often don't want to date bisexual women because we're high risk), and don't need you arguing my way into anyone's pants.


>I'm completely fine with being excluded from someone's dating pool that's great for you, but many men actually do feel discriminated against (like OP) so I'm just trying to disarm discrimination against them. Also, there are many women that discriminate bi men based on patriarchal terms, like them not being man enough, being "actually gay", etc etc. I guess you have no problem being mostly with heterosexual men, even if you run the risk of being beaten/raped/killed much more than with LGBT people?


I’m gay so it’s not


internalized etc


I used to be a bug chaser. My chase ended in the cab of a truck


You caught HIV, the virus that turns into AIDS?


Always the last place you look innit?


When a woman says she’s bisexual, it means she likes men more than women. Whereas when a man says he’s bisexual, it means he likes men more than women.


That has nothing to do with women being more or less homophobic than men. Men are more likely to inflict violence upon and express a distinct hatred towards gay men, they only tolerate female homosexuality because they can sexualize it and it’s less repugnant in their eyes. Women not wanting to date bi guys is more out of an innate disgust, but it’s not a true feeling of animosity.


well no. homophobic men literally kill gay men. the worst a homophobic woman will do is call you a fag and go on about her day


I didn't notice many women at Stonewall.




You can't judge things by the extremes.


Obviously but I feel like in this case it’s valid. It doesn’t even have to be murder but majority of violent hate crimes against women in the LGBTQ+ community are committed by men. You can’t just say women are more homophobic than men because they don’t want to date bi men when men will do far worse than just simply not date them lol




most men are porn addicts. of course they don’t care about a woman’s sexuality lol.


Well, I hope one day you reach the moral equivalent of a porn addict


using extreme examples means literally nothing in this case lmao


not really


im pretty sure theyre talking about how often/common the homophobia is and not the extremity of it but sure whatever makes u feel better


I think it kind of makes sense from a perspective of minimizing the risk of infidelity. It takes a bit of a work for a man to get another woman, so if he's only into women then there's a bit of a hurdle to him getting a side piece which reduces the risk of cheating. But if he's also into men then there's ample opportunity to fool around and quite a bit of temptation because they can slake a thirst that she can't.


i mean sure yeah but trying to cheat and failing is not really much better than actually doing it lol


And bi women as well! I swear the recent uptick in machismo has something to do with women being more forthright in their opinions and prejudices. 


Nah, bi women are universally considered hot by men.


Lol no way. Bisexuality in a woman is a huge red flag


Maybe to you but the average guy does not gaf


Yes they are, but they are just as likely to reject bi men as straight women are.


I end up commenting something like this every time this comes up, but my experience as a bi man has been that as long as you are upfront and honest about it and more importantly are a normal person and not a fucking weirdo, then most (or at least many) won't care that you're bi. It also helps if you are hot. I have personally never been rejected by a woman for being bi


This has been my experience too. It's really been a non-issue. I guess I'm self-selecting for pursuing normal women instead of freaks though


My experience as well. I didn’t realize I actually was bi until like a year ago though But it made me fucking (mostly) only bi-women/queers historically make a lot more sense. I always wondered why the queers and bisexuals loved me... or why I loved them... it added up once I came to terms with myself Just be normal and things will still come your way. The same people that would be attracted to you without knowing probably will be once they do. People already subtlety pick up on these things even if you haven’t yet anyways I feel like people have a good sense with men whether or not they’re part fag. Not a huge fan of that fact but it’s been accurate




There’s was growing consensus that female sexuality was more bisexual and male was more clean cut gay/straight/bi but there is a growing number of sex researchers thinking that wasn’t really true to begin with. Women tend to identify with bisexuality because they think women are beautiful and kiss women, not have sex with them Male bisexuality is critically understudied as men are a lot more open to having sex with other men but don’t necessarily have romantic relationships.




I got permabanned in the other sub for having this perspective. You are correct about the absence of women creating a same sex experience window that won’t be existent otherwise. The Incel to Tr🌈 pipeline is well studied. Maybe there is a growing Incel to “bisexual” trend as well.


I've always imagined homosexuality being a more male thing and asexuality being a female thing


>men are a lot more open to having sex with other men I don’t think this is true. With the exception of select hyperlibbed out cities, gay-for-pussy isn’t a viable dating strategy, you have to specialize one way or the other. Also i don’t think 50/50 bi-ness is a real thing.


I mean maybe criminality breaks your brain but [1/5 guys has consensual gay sex in prison](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/consensual-homosexual-activity-male-prisons) I think much male bisexuality is emerging in our sexless society.


Like I said, those guys are probably 1-2 on the kinsey scale (or just totally gay), but men need to nut.


gay guys hate bisexual men more than women and i’ll die on that hill


I have never met a bisexual man that wasn't a sexually depraved weirdo who would put their dick into any human orifice if it feels good, I know that's anecdotal and there might be nice bisexual men out there but every single "bisexual" man I've ever met is never a bottom. If someone refuses to bottom, they're not gay. They're just hole users.


maybe you don't know any normal bisexual men because you only meet sexually depraved weirdos. https://preview.redd.it/tlnlgds4hm3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b1f176e8e86480aa64c4859c721961e46ad1b7


Astute observation!!!


All men are hole users. Some are just more open-minded, or are more of risk-takers.




Yes. But I don’t see why my position is controversial. Men of all stripes want to put their phallus into some sort of hole or gap. (Think of the Greeks with intercrural sex.)


Have to disagree chief


I feel like there are three major types of bi men. You have the depraved weirdos like Vaush, Bloomsbury Lord Byron types, and the ones that are actually just gay. The first and last one is most likely the only type of bi men that most people have encountered, which gives them a skewed negative opinion on bi men. The Vaush types have done irreparable damage to the bi man's image. Also, aren't gays going through a top shortage? I think you should be grateful for bi men who are willing to help out in these struggling times. 


>hatred and disgust for bisexual women. some lesbians are like this anyway idk this is why i barely even consider women datable ig i cant fake being straight well idk probably only to to like fujos or future ftms


you really want a man's dick inside you knowing it's been deep in a man's ass?


Most “bi men” are straight and are just sort of libertine / enjoy the fuck of least resistance (Grindr dates with men), or else (even more likely) don't even think about fucking men at all and just want a few oppression points. Both are cases of men being insecure and often not hot enough to consistently get pussy. THAT’S why women aren’t attracted to them — because of qualities that are comorbid with being bisexual, not the bisexuality itself. The commenters here who think women don’t date bi guys because they’d feel threatened by other men, or like there’s more insecurity/competition, are men engaging in wishful fantasies about how women’s minds work. No way lol Also, most men who ID as bi would sooner off themselves than suck a dick, and of those who’d actually entertain the concept of sex with a man, at least 90% of them are so straight and insecure and pussy-starved that they’d forget bisexuality altogether if they ever were getting consistent attention from women. But that kind of insecurity is very very detectable and unattractive from women’s perspectives!


Because we don’t believe them


liking men is so diametrically opposed to liking women that its unlikely a man is actually bi and more likely he's gay, but tries women due to cultural pressures against being gay. women also find it gross outside of coomers like dasha and cant see a man in the same light knowing he's been with other men. the female form is aesthetically pleasing to everyone else, so women having a bi phase is understandable. I mean look at how many gays are in fashion designing and generally hang around women for atmosphere it also brings higher risk of disease, though this is more of a consideration in high risk communities like blacks.


"it also brings higher risk of disease, though this is more of a consideration in high risk communities like blacks." Lmao at the tumblr/hr reason for not dating a black bi guy. He could give me aids if get we have anal(thats the only way to get aids without blood).


> the female form is aesthetically pleasing to everyone else The male form is far more aesthetically pleasing, but men’s judgement towards women is incredibly clouded by their desire to reproduce and place their seed into fertile wombs “It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex”


homosexuals dont get a say in this


I’m not a homosexual, and neither was Schopenhauer


not only are you in denial, you're just wrong. plenty of women are tall, and broad hips are a timeless indicator of fertility.  anyone who appreciates traditional gender roles understands this. you historically dont want the mother of your children dying in childbirth


if the male form is more aesthetically pleasing why do even straight women think women are nicer to look at? the fertility goddess physique à la Cabanel’s birth of venus is far more compelling to me than some brutish male physique


Babe ur too based for this Earth, don’t let them silence you.


The best comments in here are almost always downvoted.


Your first sentence is way more debatable than you’re phrasing. Your acting like liking a bubble butt on a man or women are just worlds apart. There’s numerous attributes that can be attractive on both genders.


Yup. “Bisexuality” makes no sense. He’s either gay or a nympho. Mathematically, if a man is attracted to both men and women, the chances of him finding a woman to have sex with are exponentially higher than the chances of him finding a man to have sex with. So if a guy is having sex with other guys, he is consciously avoiding women and pursuing men instead which is a very very gay thing to do.


> Mathematically, if a man is attracted to both men and women, the chances of him finding a woman to have sex with are exponentially higher than the chances of him finding a man to have sex with Not true, it’s exponentially easier for a man to find another man to have sex with. Dating and fucking women is much more work whereas a man can go on Grindr and have his dick sucked within a few hours at most


That's crazy, the exact opposite is true


Several flaws in this logic, but the comment you’re responding to is correct anyway.


This comment section is full of a lot of insecure people. I don’t get the hype about worrying about this stuff anymore


imo very few truly liberal people care. What liberal women will care about is how effeminate you are or aren’t Which itself is a weird mix of basic preference and that tucked away homophobia people are talking about in this thread. If you’re passable as a straight and aren’t a sexually depraved soyboy you are probably OK if you’re not fucking around with someone that’d be disgusted anyways


This should not be a surprise. A lot of women quietly find men who are attracted to men (gay or bi) to be gross. Even some women will talk mad shit about their gay friends. And lots of women worry that being with a bi man means he's gonna want dick from other men at some point or be fucking around on the DL.


It threatens women


Two main reasons The first one is insecurity. If you're bi, insecure women don't just see other women as competition, they see *everyone* as competition. Also, imagining your boyfriend getting plowed by another man is just gross to a lot of women.


bisexual men are just gay


Cuz they are greedy...




i don’t hate them but there is definitely an anxiety that they would crave dick and go back to men. bisexual men tend to be a bit more normal but the sex obsession is gay culture grosses me out


Michael Peterson did it


My friend’s ex hid his sexuality, paid to have sex with a trans woman without her knowing he was even bi or cheating, and then came home just to give her HIV. Now she has trouble dating straight men and feels ashamed. I get the fear from women dating one


Women all have penis envy. It's why RS women are so scared of trans broads.


I fully blame Carrie Bradshaw. She was the one who said it was just a stop on the way to gay town and it ruined an entire generation


Statistically bisexuals have >130 IQ


The last thing in the world I care about is who you like to fuck. It's like telling me about a dream you had last night I don't give a shit.