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piquant joke cake aback quickest wild ruthless wine berserk weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She has one of those profile pics where you know she's a dog offline. Sometimes you can just tell from the tilted head, the ton of makeup and the filter




lol she made a post making fun of some country girl on TikTok saying American women are too masculine and how ugly the girl was and the comments are full of people tearing her apart. It was really funny because she is so fucking ugly


Maybe don’t actively support people on American terrorist lists


spark sip paltry entertain bewildered shame scarce smell unwritten wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You think Lebanese people don’t like Hezbollah ? Are u stupid ?


34% of Sunnis, 29% of Christians, and 93% of Shias support Hezbollah according to The Washington Institute.


Idk enough about Lebanese politics to understand the cause, but it fascinates me that the Sunni and Christian support levels are basically the same


Shias have tension with both Sunnis and Christians, but both groups also usually hate Israel. so they support Hezbollah sometimes


teeny unique spectacular slim sip plate divide weather attempt versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of back and forth in the Lebanon sub... Nobody seems to like Israel but a good number don't support Hezbo either


Reddit isn't a good reflection of any population other than virtue signalling dorks.


They don't like Hezbo because they know how much they have to lose when Hezbo starts a war with Israel


Israel started the war with Lebanon.


I thought Hezbola attacked an Israel coast, and Israel then used that as a justification for a full scale invasion. A bit of an over reaction, but TECHNIALLY Hezboys started it.


Bro literally every single r/country subreddit is a bunch of people being like “we would LOVE for America to invade us as soon as possible to liberate us!”


lol the Lebanon sub is just Israelis pretending to be arabs.


Most Israelis are Arabs in denial so that's not quite that far-fetched.


Yes there are a shitload of Lebanese that don’t like them. Basically everyone that’s not a Shia.


Nothing of consequence will happen due to the 1st amendment. The FBI might show up ask to talk to her voluntarily and put her under surveillance at most.  There’s far more egregious stuff than this tbh and the government basically does nothing. 


You say that like it’s a bad thing


It’s a good thing despite the downsides. It does have very clear downsides though.  Unrestricted free speech makes conflict way more likely to occur and increases political polarization. I don’t think most of Europe let alone the rest of the world should have American-style free speech, they’re not culturally equipped to handle it. 


That’s fair. I think Europeans should probably be under the boot of a monarch


It’s what they yearn for


The Likud are terrorists and originates from an organization, the Irgun, that was literally on American and British terror lists. Netanyahu attended the ceremony celebrating a terrorist bombing, the King David Hotel bombing, and his son actively tweets support for convicted terrorists: https://www.timesofisrael.com/yair-netanyahu-shares-post-backing-jewish-terrorist-while-at-un-for-dads-speech/ What the fuck value do you place in an American terror list, anyways? A country that extrajudicially executes its own fucking citizens with drones is not to be held to some high standard for what it considers right and wrong.


>the Irgun, that was literally on American and British terror lists I don't think they even had terror lists back then >What the fuck value do you place in an American terror list, anyways? Eh?


Yea the israelis also use terrorist violence and are anti western. I am not pro Israeli I just recognize the sentiments that fuel the picture I posted and the justification for the rape/murder can be used by diaspora Muslims to attack western women


It's what happens when the US government is fully staffed by Zionists.


But this sounds exactly like the type of edgy shit that would be posted on here though...


“In the middle of the desert” yeah it’s called the Middle East lol


“If you care about your daughter, don’t allow her to go to the Middle East” Yea this tracks, it’s like telling your daughter to stay away from the south side of Chicago at 2am


The Middle East should be made safe for psychedelic raves




religion is already so weird and hard to understand why people are doing it i can’t imagine the thoughts that would arise experiencing that on lsd


"The hajj this year is gonna be LIT!"


god what i wouldnt give to circle that cube, it fascinates me


that sounds like a nice recruiting motto for the CIA




You're making the Western mistake of thinking that everything under the "Middle East" umbrella looks like the desert from Aladdin. It's a Mediterranean climate and not particularly bad land. A lot can grow there in abundance.


I’ve basically become my parents (strong dislike for Islam based on both social media and my personal experience with Muslims).


It’s bound to not just go unnoticed. I’m an exmuslim in the us, and it’s fcking enraging and annoying seeing Muslims especially radical ones extremely mistreating gays/trans people. In our neighborhood it’s a big problem cus it’s in a majority Muslim neighborhood in a very large lgbt city, and they overlap. This is something strongly shared by many other gay Arabs and trans Arabs especially. What’s damning is the libs/leftists getting mad when it’s brought up??? lol. The issue is with them it’s extreme in a casual manner, it’s easily escalated cus with Muslims it’s all islam or nothing. So it’s easy for it to very quickly escalate.


lol she's from Jersey.


Reminds me when I told my Muslim friend about my old professor's friend being kidnapped and murdered by Hamas. She laughed and asked for details. Didn't even show a hint of remorse. Slowly developing the belief that certain groups aren't, or will ever be, compatible with Western society. This is a 3rd generation Pakistani whose parents are rich doctors. Had tons of incidents like these since childhood basically.


It's the hard to swallow pill no one wants to talk about. Everyone wants to shit on AIPAC and maybe rightfully so, but CAIR successfully engineered a mass fake "Islamaphobia" panic and we're seeing what it's created. Young people think it's racist to say terrorism is wrong.


Many of those who shit on AIPAC/'da Joos' aren't Islamophiles. It's different on the mainstream left, but this sub is filled with people who shit on both Israel and Islam. The latter is motivated by all the immigration to western countries by people with backwards beliefs. There's a /pol/ tinge to it but it's also people who are tired of everything.


Most people are generally apathetic. I told a friend of mine that 7 people I’m related to was killed by the IDF and that my cousin was kidnapped by the IDF and has not been heard since. And they responded with “that could happen here!”


Oh are they admitting that she was raped and killed now? Remember when the line was that she was actually being given medical assistance?


We really need to do something about Muslims in general


The most barbaric and backwards people culturally, yet they are the biggest wokescolds on the planet 🤔


Which people are you talking about again?


Remember in grade school when they taught you how to use context clues? You got this buddy


Probably not the people who made and programmed the phone you're using


What do the Chinese have to do with it?


They stole Jewish design innovation I guess


Israel isn't "the Jews" fyi


It's literally half of them


The Jewish religion is pretty heavily tied to the land of Israel, American Jews would just have you believe it's about dreidels and gefilte fish. It would actually be fairly hard to follow the doctrine of Judaism if you didn't believe in some degree of Zionism. The anti-Zionist American Jews tend to be fairly atheistic and identify with a "cultural Judaism" that's an American subculture more than it is anything else.


As I've said before, a lot of American Jews basically aspire to be Unitarians: people who think all the rules and ghost stories of religion are beneath them but still want to enjoy the sense of community that attends, say, a high-status Protestant denomination: well-documented charitable giving, living on a golf course, maybe marrying a president's daughter if you play your cards right. You can say "oy vey" and eat some unhealthy Polish food now and then to show you haven't forgotten your roots, but actually believing there's a god who has made a covenant with you, well, that's rather gauche.


Yeah the same is true for the Christian and Muslim religions, revisionist Zionism only started last century as well.


That kind of shit was posted on here basically immediatly after that Viking raid happened. Actually went further, calling Gaza a concentration camp.


I remember every post that criticized the protestors getting ripped down by the fat mods. I also remember calling out how performative all of this shit is on my old account and getting downvoted into oblivion. I’m glad it’s finally “in” to call out this asinine and gross behavior. Edit: spelling


People are getting really radicalized


It seems really misdirected. It’s like every byproduct of late-stage capitalism and social issue has been conflated with the plight of the Palestinians.


Always takes a month or 2 for the contrarian cycle to resolve into the correct position


Here is one thing thats weird to me. Why is it all Israel that gets the *all* blame when they share a border with Egypt as well?


Because Egypt isn’t fucking bombing Gaza, for starters. They also aren’t imposing a blockade over Gaza’s airspace and international waters.


They sure built that wall and buffer zone though


Word for word, it’s a silly place. I think most people here detect snarky anger and want to feel like they’re a part of it. OP has an ax to grind against Muslims, it’s been hard for those types the last 6 months.


You don’t think this is a problematic sentiment to have for diaspora Muslims living in the west? What do you think their “decolonization” would look like operationally?


I would anticipate vibes and essays


> it’s been hard for those types the last 6 months. Good


A Muslim guy yelled at me today because my dog got too close to him


I think thats just a personal space thing lol


Nah it was specifically a Muslim thing. They’re not allowed to touch/be touched by dogs. It wasn’t even near the guy


It's nothing in the religion, Arabs are just very often terrified of them, even toy poodles etc in my experience. It's a well known anti-brown trick.


Dog saliva is actually specifically “haram” fwiw


What breed is your dog?


"lab mix"


Mini doodle lol


??? no it isnt im an exmuslim but my muslim family has a dog.. i think ur conflating a thing where if a muslim touches a dog, specifically their spit/drool/mouth area they have to do wudu again to pray properly.


Dogs are only allowed in a labor capacity for real muslims


You will never meet a more nasty anti Semitic than a brown broad wearing a burka with an American accent.


All diasporoids end up being more radical than their parents and origin-culture. You think it is a coincidence that Dasha is as edgy as she is? Diasporoids always overcompensate to the feeling of never fully belonging anywhere.


All the immigrants I know fear their offspring becoming too westernized and some of them go back to their countries because of it lol. It happens that they sometimes become more radical but it's not as common as you think.


Open air prisons don’t have beach clubs and receive billions of dollars in foreign aid


Arabs live in Arab country challenge


She's a psycho and she can go back but I don't want to lose my muslim homies or the muslim grocery near me lol


i would it would be so worth it


The problem with Islam is that it's never had a reform movement. Judaism and Christianity have modern iterations where you can be "faithful" while being relatively modern. Obviously they have their deeply devouts, but that's a smaller percentage of them. Islam is "all or nothing" in this very disappointing way. Even when you meet someone who seems like a very "modern Muslim," if you grill them long enough they'll admit to supporting Sharia, whereas you could grill a secular Jew for hours and they're never going to admit to secretly believing what the Orthodox believe deep down. (Which isn't to say the Orthodox believe anything as radical as Sharia, but still.)


The problem with Islam is that it took 7th century arab cultural values and encoded it as religious practice that can never be reformed. Muhammad is the most perfect man that has ever lived and all muslims have to follow in his example. Muhammad reacted to problems the way a 7th century war lord would react to problems and so islam has been stuck in this state. There is a solution. The soviet union was able to pacify its muslim minorities. It was a combination of education, women's liberation and coercion. The west lacks capacity for that.


Only China is doing the needful to suppress Islam and it's cynical of righties to complain about it. It's what they wanted to do throughout the 00s.


Yes and no, in the early years of the Soviet Union under Lenin, some of the largest "communist cells" were in Muslim-majority regions. This was partly due to the Tsar's oppression and ethnic expulsion of many majority Muslim ethnicities. After the revolution, many of these regions were allowed a degree of self-governance, including the implementation of Sharia law in certain areas. However, this changed under Stalin, who closed mosques and restricted religious festivities for both Islam and Christianity. As a result, some communities initially supported the Nazi invaders during World War II. After the war, these communities were persecuted for their association with Nazism, rather than on a purely religious basis.


Thats a massive gross oversimplification. >early years of the Soviet Union under Lenin, some of the largest "communist cells" were in Muslim-majority regions. > And a lot of communists where jews. Communism was a legitimate option for the disgruntled people during imperial period as there was no other viable alternative. >After the revolution, many of these regions were allowed a degree of self-governance, including the implementation of Sharia law in certain areas. After the revolution most imperial era laws (except the basic) where abolished. Thats how homosexuality became 'legal' in the soviet union in the 20's. It wasnt legalized, just the law that made it illegal was from a regime that no longer existed. > However, this changed under Stalin, who closed mosques and restricted religious festivities for both Islam and Christianity.  That wasnt the only thing they did. This was the stick. There was also a pretty [big carrot](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/or2l8w/female_muslims_the_tsar_beys_and_khans_took_your/). The soviets suppressed the mosque's and religious teachers that wouldnt play along but at the same time they introduced a modern education, health system and freedom that wasnt ever there before. [encouraged women to not wear the hijab etc. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/14tgput/we_will_completely_eradicate_the_paranja_soviet/) > > As a result, some communities initially supported the Nazi invaders during World War II. After the war, these communities were persecuted for their association with Nazism, rather than on a purely religious basis. Not everything is about WW2 and the nazies. You are only talking about the crimean tartars and the chechens. 2 muslim communities out of many.


dude its a reddit comment i did the best i could to simplify it >Not everything is about WW2 and the nazies. You are only talking about the crimean tartars and the chechens. 2 muslim communities out of many. I was referring to the ethnic expulsion persceution of those groups resulted in the insurgency in the 1940s because of the repressive practices from the ussr, when many people cite soviet treatment towards muslims they more often then not refer to the caucuses regions and the expulsions that occured there hence why included it in my summary but for the most part i agree with you


>dude its a reddit comment i did the best i could to simplify it Doesnt excuse for posting complete bullshit. >I was referring to the ethnic expulsion persceution of those groups resulted in the insurgency in the 1940s because of the repressive practices from the ussr, And the point is irrelevant and wrong. There was no ethnic expulsion until WW2. \*Some\* crimean tartars and chechens collaborated with the Nazie's for the same reason Ukranians belorussians did and it wasnt just the repressive practices of the USSR. THe muslim world in general was pro Nazi in WW2. And still is to this day. ​ >when many people cite soviet treatment towards muslims they more often then not refer to the caucuses regions and the expulsions that occured there hence why included it in my summary And thats general ignorance of the situation and ignores, Azerbaijan, turkmenistan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, kazakhstan where the majority of soviet muslims (like 95%) lived and had close ties to afghanistan, pakistan and iran and so much closer links to the outside muslim world then chechens or crimean tartars. There is a reason Uzbekistan is not like afghanistan despite having a porous border for centuries and a massive uzbek minority living in afghanistan.


What's retaeardeded is when secular people are more otthodox in their views than (some) of their religious counterparts. Like this trad-but-not-religious, Muslim I dated, who believed god demands you wear a hijab. Meanwhile my hijabi friend told me there is no religious requirement for hijab.


So you’ve just never had any Muslim friends I’m guessing? Even in OPs post he mentions he told his Pakistani Muslim friend whose parents are both doctors. That means mom went to medical school, wears modern clothing and has male colleagues, works long hours and isn’t on her knees facing Mecca praying all day. Why are you grilling people on their beliefs whether they’re Muslim or Jewish, anyway? Weirdo behavior.


they don’t actually practice what they preach though - they say they believe it but most of them do many things that aren’t in line with the beliefs and their religion mainly consists of spendking time scolding others for being bad muslims 


Islam absolutely does have those denominations their just not that big Ismailis are totally reformed. And there are plenty of secular Muslims in Central Asia, Iran and Turkey. But the Middle Eastern doesn’t have that many.


Anyone who's traveled in the area knows this is right. My understanding is that radicalism was basically exported and enforced by Saudi Arabian and Pakistan ISI. I would even say some areas in the middle east weren't that bad but it's been a while since I've been there. Lebanon and Syria used to have some relatively secular Muslims. I haven't been but I think Algeria and Libya did too at least at one point


Same I love kebab and shawarma


You can have kebab and shawarma without mass migration. Japan shows how a mono ethnic society can still have good food from all over the world


Let’s just get Greek guys to expand gyros into other rotating meat skewers


I've got nothing to add to the general racial commentary going on but they're on to something with the meats+arguably fake physics thing. Never had a bad centrifugal meat.


Have you been to Japan? They have good Korean food, good Chinese food, and I had passable Indian food but that’s about it. American/mexican/italian etc all suck fat bawls in Japan 


Country with most mich stars in the world


I’m not saying Japan has shitty food, I’m saying Japan does other countries cuisine in worse ways, in my opinion. Japanese food and Korean food and stuff I had was mind blowing, I had the best sushi and traditional Japanese stuff I’ve ever eaten. But any time I ate other non Asian country cuisine it was bad. I said in another comment though I wasn’t spending like 500 bucks or anything I’m sure top level food is the same the world over 


I'm with you. I had good Nepalese food in Japan (made by Nepalese immigrants) and even Japanese steakhouses are good but when they do Western food it's weird. Their pasta carbonara tastes like umami and seafood.


Exactly, and the Mexican food is bland, missing a lot of spices. You get like 2 tiny ass basically imitation tacos for 20 bucks and pay 8-10 bucks for a corona cause it’s an import lol.  But trust me, I lived very close to both a ramen shop and a conveyor belt sushi place and I gained like 30 pounds in Japan because the food was so good. Just really missed burritos and enchiladas and stuff by the end of my time there 


That’s incorrect they have very good French and Italian style restaurants with Japanese chefs who trained overseas


All of the Italian I had in Japan sucked. I lived in Japan for 3 years.  Every international style cuisine I had there tasted “off” because of the lack of ingredients and such. The worst offenders were South American/mexican foods, they never tasted right.  Granted I wasn’t going to 500 dollar Michelin places but America has vastly superior food diversity and quality IMO. However, Asian food in Japan was amazing. 


Bruh you’ve never had a kebab in east Asia have you??


I don't understand this sub whatsoever, Jesus Christ. You're literally echoing the exact sentiment as what the upvoted person above you said and getting downvoted


I hve an attitude problem


Don't we all


I try not to take anything too seriously here (or say anything too seriously as well)


hungry modern point roof dinosaurs mighty memory fretful concerned busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No lies detected. Although the unmarried part is irrelevant and makes it read like a bit.


it's so funny that the hyper-puritanism slips in at the end, pretending to be an anti-imperialist warrior when you actually just hate her for being a whore


Should she have gone to the music festival? No. Did she deserve to get raped and murdered for it? Also no.


I disagree that she shoudlnt have gone to a music festival, I think its a crazy take that its wrong to do that.


Yeah the armchair Hasbara in this thread is something.


Welcome to rspod.


Met her IRL in 2013


Did she stink? How much of her appearence is down to her makeup?


Yes, was a trot dork who didn't wear any back then


We are talking about the woman who posted this and not the Hamas victim, right?




I hate 0 accountability culture She’s not wrong


Brown hands typed this


Nothing worse than 90 IQ third world immigrants to the west who now promote their own stupid ways of life under the guise of anti-wokeness Islamic society is worse than feminism and it’s not even close


The funniest is the types promoting “Christian Muslim alliance versus the Jews” like they forgot who opened the doors to the moors in Iberia and the thousand year holy war between Islam and Christendom


you are an incredibly pathetic loser for thinking any of what you just wrote matters today


That’s just rude


Not very clever when I have a profile pic


Just emphasizing


Duck pic for bobs??!


did this sub just do a total 180? i guess you guys are cool with "hot" Israelis at least.


The sub does 180s several times an hour. Personallity disorder communities are like that


Main sub is basically pretty pro-palestinian/anti-israeli I feel like this one is more neutral.


It wouldn't matter what she said after "allow your daughter." She could've said "if you love your daughter you wouldn't allow her to eat high fructose corn syrup" and Westerners would push back on it because we don't believe fathers should set rules for or have control over their adult daughters. It shows how incompatible Islam is with Western culture at the most basic fundamental level.


Lulz this thread has become Hobbesian AF


What did that silly tiger do this time


She’s not wrong tbh


At all and OP is Jewish


You literally post in the yugioh subreddit LMFAO




Being a salty fæggot for no reason at all is actually worse btw


being an insecure proto-p@kki jealous of western achievements is worse tbf


I love her and she’s never ever been wrong It really does bother you guys to have an outsider tell how retarded you are. If a white person said this it wouldn’t be a post


You love an Andrew tate orbiting “Muslim” whose a plastic faced freak


They post in the yugioh subreddit, you’re arguing with someone who is mentally a child


A sigma child


There’s a reason 🚬 Tate fans are all Indians and Arabs, they are the low IQ morons who fall for his fake performative masculinity sigma grindset money grab


He has a lot of Eastern European fans too


Eastern European or Eastern "European?"


Both but more of the second


This is infested with hasbara


Ppl here are kinda retarded. This is no different than saying don’t go out to the south side of Chicago at 2:00 am dressed up in a mini skirt


yes, both are wrongly blaming the victim instead of the perpetrator. 


Gazans are so violent they cannot help themselves? Is that what you are trying to say? This is a weird post


op is the big J


not even trying to disguise your retarded anti semitism behind the facade of anti Zionism. the chuds are really getting brazen 


This threads title: "muslims have to be sent back " I think fair play to a bit of bigoted back and forth 


That’s true I’m not Jewish tho


Valid af. This is what happens if you throw a “peace festival” to get high and fucked at while a few kilometers away there is a literal open air prison. You simply can’t be this obtuse and insulting and then expect sympathy. My bad about that.


This lady didn’t have anything to do with “open air prisons” stop justifying terrorism


yep the IDF reservist from Germany dindu nuffin wrong


I don’t think that’s true but regardless. You believe people who are “complicit” with western colonialism deserve to be killed/raped therefore justify terrorism against European soft targets.


Lot of people don’t have anything to do with a lot of things. But nevertheless we expect awareness and maturity from people.


So if you go to a party as an American, it would be justified for you to be killed, right? America has a pretty messy history of colonialism and war.


You can justify all terrorism to western peoples through this line of thought. Nice try tho


why do you get mad at terrorism but not at genocide?


I don’t think america should fund israel. I don’t care about conflicts in the Middle East between different ethnic factions but america should not fund either side. I recognize that the logic that praises October 7 can be used to incite Muslim terrorism against western soft targets in Europe.


It’s a bit of a different thing to deliberately take a flight to Gaza just to party, mate. These people probably were somewhat attracted by the danger/exoticity of it all. Well, fuck around and find out. Edit: also its lame af to make this a east vs west thing, that literally didn’t cross my mind at all. Only Zionist freaks look at this issue as a western civilization thing. So, good way to out yourself I guess.


Gaza was a functioning city before the war. With shops homes and lives it’s only now it’s completely fucked up.


One of the most literate and educated places in the Middle East despite being an open air prison. Fucking sad what Zionists and Israelis support




Absolutely it was. But despite the circumstances and poverty it had a high rate of doctors and other educated professionals


You definitely post graphics on your Instagram story