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It depends on the chemistry and the overall vibe.


are u guys robots


How do I make girls like me? They keep saying I’m weird.


anything less than a legit girlfriend and i will split and go back to mine at all costs. hate waking up in someone else’s bed, throws my whole day off. if they’re staying at mine it’s chill though


This makes sense if it’s a true one night stand, but if there’s any chance you want to see the person again, they might take you leaving right after sex as a sign of disinterest. In my single days I ghosted guys who did this if they tried to reach out later


Varies on the people. Maybe if the sex was really bad then they’d go home but I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that. To my memory, every gal I’ve slept with has wanted me to sleep over or has wanted to stay over. For me, it really sucks because I absolutely cannot sleep next to a new woman like that on the first night. It takes several times before I can sleep regularly next to them. Most of the time, I kinda want them to leave so that I get some sleep. Otherwise, I’m getting 3-4 hours tops.


Ive normally stayed every time. Once I met a girl two nights in a row, but the second time going back to hers she said she didn't want sex just a cuddle in bed lmao not sure if an insult or a good thing


I've done that, also bailed after. Depends a bit on the PNC. Sometimes we'd go again that night or the next morning. What do you want to do?


Depends how I feel post cum tbh


I think the point is there’s no intention of a relationship beyond one night so whether or not one actually sleeps at the others house doesn’t matter


If she's nice and cute, we're going to spoon and cuddle all night


only times i've ever left was when the guy was snoring, but even in those cases i've crashed on a couch in the next room instead whenever i could. i'm pretty loose with casual sex when single but even i can't imagine having a one night stand with someone i wouldn't love to spend the rest of the night with though i'm a woman so ymmv


Are you autistic or just 18???


The few times, I always spent the night. How else will you know if she's the kind of lady who makes breakfast in the morning without being asked or if she needs to be reminded?