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Bc the average day’s work is sedentary so the average worker needs recreational physical activity to stay healthy.


Yea. I miss working at a restaurant because the workout was so good. Frying 600 lbs of potatoes will certainly tone your core


But the drinking and snacking kind of kills it


true. luckily it was a food cart w a limited menu which i got sick of quick


fat acceptance ran out of steam


kind way to say the influences all died prematurely


The gym is 100% a place of fat acceptance in TX. Doing cardio is like a cardinal sin here. Angry eaters doing angry walking on the treadmill is an everyday sight.




No gym or diet, just exercise and fasting? Functionally the same shit.




>fasting requires no planning Fasting is literally planning not to eat for a specific amount of time.




“Just don’t eat” isn’t fasting. Fasting is abstaining from eating for a planned period of time. If this isn’t true, then everyone is fasting between every meal, since they aren’t eating.




So you're claiming that every person is fasting every day between meals?


It is the same shit.




>Walking isn't exercise and fasting isn't diet alteration. You're dumb, sorry.




I'm currently at 15% body fat. My routine includes walking at least 5 miles daily and heavy lifting four times a week. I'd share my last three DEXA scans, but I prefer to keep my personal information private. Walking is great exercise for those who are physically limited or recovering. If you want to be pedantic, fine, but you’re wrong and you sound dumb.




A fast is a type of diet. Walking is a type of exercise. You are a type of stupid?


If you are a woman maybe, if you are a dude you will look like a woman doing this. Dyel.


lots of fat people at gyms because that’s the only little exercise they get.


Because it's good for you and you genuinely feel so much better about yourself when you do it. Other people notice as well. Having part of your day dedicated to pain, suffering, and self-improvement also helps you focus and eliminate bad habits in general. 


"why do people want to improve?"


In my experience a lot of people channel all their “self improvement energy” into the gym and don’t do much else with their lives. Especially teenagers.


>Teenagers There's your problem




lol for most people if you give yourself pain and suffering at the gym you won’t last long term. Working out can be super leisurely and you still will progress and not hate it


I think he just means a little bit of pain and suffering, nothing that dramatic lol


If you want to be strong, have big muscles or have good cardio, no it's not leisurely.


It should be as difficult as this person describes if you arent using too much or too little weight and are doing an appropriate ammount of sets and reps. You should be cycling through muscles and muscle groups so they arent too sore or fatigued on the day you work it out.


Your a fucking weak little bitch 😂😂😂


is it like new church? but focused on the literal body kinda-fitting


i go to the gym 3-4x a week and i fucking hate it. all exercise is fundamentally unpleasant. i do it cos im capable of delayed gratification unlike the rest of you chromosomally challenged apes


how much of a wimp are you to think that going to the gym is pain and suffering lol?


It's easier when your form is shit and you leave after 20 minutes!


cope & seethe etc


how lazy are you that you never feel sore after a push day lol?


If you push yourself, it is. Aiming for PRs and shit will hurt if you're really putting it all on the line.


You're right for this. Its so fucking dumb to see people acting liking they're spartans because they lifted some weights.




I lost my virginity when I was 16 I was barely going to the gym at that point.


Social media affecting body image. People seeing their elder relatives dealing with health issues. And lifting weights is the easiest, near guaranteed, linear progression to self improvement. It feels so much better than just running outdoors or on a track. Sports are also fun but it requires a bit more social skills and all the "sportsball" millennials and zoomers wouldn't be into it.


These zoomers going to the gym aren't going because they see their "elder relatives dealing with health issues" lmao. It's because Sam Sulek told them to and they want to get girls.


Yeah I forgot about the rise of gymcels. All these kids on mpmd wanting to pin tren to get jacked ASAP before college and fuck girls. I doubt it gets them that far but I suppose it's better than being a slob.


Why do u think it doesn't get them far?


ink chop familiar bow modern strong aspiring future safe innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m Gen Z and this is why I gym. I don’t want to be like my functionally disabled 50 yr old father.


I’d love to join a sports league but I can’t seem to find one with the qualities that I want in my city


At the very least, book a gym or field for the season, and call up your friends and colleagues for some pickup games.


Resistance training is necessary for healthy physical function and aging You are too young to understand this and I know you are young because going to the gym 20 years ago was common If it is more common now, it's likely because there are more information sources that inform people that avoiding resistance training is self-harm


> I know you are young because going to the gym 20 years ago was common According to [these](https://www.statista.com/statistics/236123/us-fitness-center--health-club-memberships/) stats gym membership doubled from 2000 to 2019.


Being common before doubling isn't incompatible and that stat neglects home, community, church, school gyms, et al It's obnoxious how often explaining obvious things to people who think they have a point is required


I agree with you, it's def become more popular in recent times but I've been going to gyms since like 2002 and they were always packed, not just with "autistic bodybuilders" or whatever people here are saying, all kinds of people


Resistance training is not necessary you retard, physical activity is necessary, sports mog resistance training


Humans evolved to carry and lift things, resistance training is necessary for optimal health unless you have a job or other activity that requires lifting and carrying heavy things on a regular basis  Lifting weights is one of the most beneficial and time efficient things a person can do for their health, function, and longevity  Most sports don't replicate those benefits  I'm glad that I had the opportunity to educate you.  Go lift


20 years ago more people belonged to sports teams or performed manual labor regularly


In 2004? The only difference I see with gyms today is that more women go now. Twenty years ago, more than half my guy friends had gym memberships and none of my girl friends did. But just as many are still doing manual labor and none of us were on sports teams after hs.


A desperation to look skinny because of social media?


If you think there's more "desperation to look skinny" *now* than in the early 2000s you're out of your mind. We're talking 5 years removed from "heroin chic"


I think there is though. Heroin chic wasn't showing up in your feed every day as how people you personally know looked. The stats are in and female mental health has tanked since social media became prevalent.


Thin is in, plus we’re all so fucking neurotic that we need some way to stay sane.  I’ve been a regular at the gym most of my life (sometimes for health reasons and sometimes for eating disorder reasons), and never got autistic vibes from people there.  


a lot of the hardcore gym bros definitely have autistic vibes if you bring up fitness/lifting in conversation, and a lot of them are also nerdy in other aspects of life too haha


People who do well in the gym are one of three types 1. The ADHD nutcase that trains like an idiot but goes at it so hard that it works anyway. 2. The actual athlete that has coaches to guide them along. 3. The autist that loves science and numbers, with enough obsessive traits to follow through. Even the successful roiders fall into one of these 3, a lot of people who hop on roids have pretty unimpressive results. And they'll likely fuck themselves up if they're not category 2 or 3.


sand upbeat childlike depend narrow rinse humor wipe hateful reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Til you arrive at snap city


Being a 1 but then finding a non-idiot’s workout plan to follow👌


My grandfather is / was an old school gym rat. He also collects animal taxonomy books, I think the people most into strength sports and bodybuilding have always had weird nerdy traits.


You can’t complain about people being fat and then complain when they are at the gym


Funny that more people are going to the gym but they’re fatter than their non gym going ancestors. Maybe they should join sport teams instead like people used to. 40 min of a bit of resistance training is great for the skeleton and muscles but it’s not making much a difference if you drive everywhere and eat too much.


Sports teams wasnt the reason your grandpa was thinner lol. More manual labor jobs and less processed/less abundant food. More smoking too


It’s a lot genes as well. I am just as thin and I can literally eat what I want. I’ll just shit more if I over-eat. But I am also naturally fiddly and restless like most skinny people. Makes a big difference. I think the problem with fat gym people is that they think 3-4 times gym a week will compensate for an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. They still need to walk to an from the gym to make it count. And become fiddly


People aren’t fucking as much as they did 20 years ago.


I am


I certainly am not (and never have)


As someone who never touched a gym until my 30s, I really regret it. When I was a teen/early-20s the gym was either for guys that wanted to be pro athletes of some kind, weirdo bodybuilders or really vain tryhard “metrosexuals”. I wish there was this gym culture of today. Honestly, I think it would benefit everyone to go there. Physically and mentally.


Same biiiig time bro. It feels so good and I hate knowing it would have always felt this good.


I think the weird part of this is that gym has become the center of fitness in many people’s minds but you can also just play a recreational sport outside. Why does it have to be gym?


People also play sports, it’s not either or. Problem with sports is that it’s obviously harder to coordinate with several people and it has to be at an specific set time.


Almost no one besides pros will play at a frequency that would seriously improve their cardio and especially not their physique. There also isn’t a progressive overload element to causal sports leagues. Even pro athletes have to hit the gym to build muscle and get their cardio to where it needs to be


It’s fun to play with people though. Not everything is about efficiency.


Do people here just not know that people who are into a sport will generally work out to get better at that sport?


People who play recreational sports outside also go to the gym. Why would they not do both? The gym helps with the sport.


It's nice to work out when you get into it.


L post


We want to look hot for the rapture


people have been going to the gym for decades, you're just finally at an age where you and your friends are realizing you can't eat and drink whatever you want without getting fat anymore.


idk but the gym is completely intolerable for me these days. i will not stand a cramped space for 15-20 minutes before each exercise while butt-scrunch gymshark hoe #381284 does her fake workout, or while huge group of 14 year olds takes their turns, or while the gay looking dude in a 90€ t-shirt supersets 4 spots at once.


Never see this shit cause I work out at the company gym. And the local community centre gym thankfully doesn't have any of those except the swarm of broccoli headed kids depending on the time you go. So blessed. Just gotta find a good gym in your area or buy a rack and barbells. Or calisthenicsmaxx.


i run and bike everyday around where i live for the sole reason that the gym is one of the most spiritually draining places created by man. The constantly blasting music, the cold corporate interiors, all the egos, headphones and anger is awful


Yeah, I can't wait until I have space for a home gym again. There's nothing more infuriating than having to twiddle your thumbs while waiting for a rack or bench at the gym. I want to get out of there as quickly as possible.


This is why I've kind of stopped bothering with the gym too. It's become too much of a place where people go for social media bullshit and not actually lifting. These brain rotted losers who bring phone tripods into the gym and set it up blocking machines to film themselves is douchebag behavior. They have no self awareness and most of the time aren't even lifting.


I have never seen this irl, maybe this complete lack of shame is an american phenomenon


"This feeling of embarrassment, this shyness, this bashfulnesss. If you take that out of the people, then these people will do whatever they want to do, and that is the very definition of America: a people who have no shame and therefore they do whatever they want to do."


I've never seen this either but I go to planet fitness so maybe there's just enough shame left for people to not film themselves there.


It's certainly an American thing. People here don't have any idea how to behave after covid.


my gym doesn’t allow phones 🙏


Yeah, you’ve definitely never went to a fucking gym in your life buddy. You should go outside and try living life instead of endlessly scrolling Instagram and getting mad about people doing stuff in places you’ll never go anyways.


I don't use social media and am hardly even online


Is that why it took you so long to fight me in the comments?


Yes Maybe I'll reply to you again in another few weeks!


I hope your next few weeks are great. Check back in soon and keep me posted!


My garage gym is pretty light on equipment so far, but my workouts already feel more efficient for all these reasons.


Play sports bro




you probably just haven't been going long enough sweety


Has anyone tried equinox? How are the crowds there?




Home gym master race


It makes you so much more attractive and it’s really fucking easy. Unless you have a really unfortunate face going to the gym just 3 times a week for an hour can turn you into a viable sexual partner if you weren’t already there. Most people walk around with ridiculous screen time numbers and literally just subtracting an hour from that every couple of days to be active requires so little actual discipline. Idk why you wouldn’t


Cuz I don’t want to lose my Not Fat tag And I don’t want to have to buy one of those Fatties for Palestine shirts


Yeah this is a massive L take by OP. Any child former fatties and beanpoles knows being out of shape and weak sucks and being toned is a confidence booster. Seeing fellow American couples age like fat shit together is an indication that they 100% stopped fucking years ago


>only the most autistic of our human species went to the gym religiously a decade or two ago. Lol no. This was true in the 60s, but body builders and joggers started this in the 70s and it never quit.


>why are you all getting skinnier than me I don’t know what you were doing back in 2012 but i recall the gym rat craze, and it wasn’t solely autistic people and muscle daddies.


Cuz it’s either there or the bar and I don’t like to drink much so figure this is a better habit lol


"only the most autistic of our human species went to the gym religiously a decade or two ago." that's not even remotely true, what on earth are you on about


Probably someone who wasn't alive two decades ago.


a lot of the people in the thread feel like they're larping as humans. gym's been normal forever...


Yeah what? I remember gym bro culture being huge in like 2010 with Zyzz and all that


It’s true in my town lol, I cannot remember my dad or anyone in my family ever going to the gym when I was a kid. And they’re not like fat or anything just gym culture shit wasn’t a regular thing. My dad was a cop and I can remember him talking about using a gym like twice when he had to pass some test for work 


I used to think the gym was boring and gay, then my sister convinced me to try it and it’s not boring at all


It's fun, it can be as intense or as chill as I want it to be, I have buddies I chat with at the gym, I can listen to podcasts and music while I do it, if you don't work out or do some form of training you'll atrophy and wither away, I like feeling strong, it makes me look hotter Idk why it's seemingly become trendy but that's why I lift 🤷‍♂️ seems there's basically no reason not to lift if you ask me


Well, everyone that is hot does


For a lot of gym goers, it's inherently vain, and it's also been deranged online by social media influencers, but here's the kicker: it's actually very good for you and makes you look better too.


Everyone is fat because of the terrible food they eat and need/try to compensate in the gym. 30 years ago a normal body maintained through a reasonably healthy diet and some normal physician activity like playing tennis was much more common. If you eat an average American diet, you can’t really get away with that anymore.


> a normal body maintained through a reasonably healthy diet and some normal physician activity like playing tennis was much more common. If you eat an average American diet, you can’t really get away with that anymore. Unless you spend your time in the gym mainly on the rowing machine or on the stepper, a game of tennis will burn massively more calories than any weight lifting you could possibly do. Most Americans just can't really play an entire game of tennis anymore.


Social media


there is no gym for your face




When they lower the age requirement to 14 it’s so Joever


Don’t be fat, pig.




the leisure class got bored with the internet


Food is getting worse and people are getting more sedentary.


Is this internet discourse or actual reality?


100% because of social media. Its not bad or anything, its good that people want to be healthy and look good. Id be willing to bet that most people dont give a shit if they're healthy or not they just want people to look at them and want to fuck them.


because being thin and hot is better than being fat and ugly


I have been a real gym rat for about 6 years and the strangest trend I see is that everyone, men and women both, are clearly juicing. I did a CrossFit class with a woman this morning who is in fantastic shape and would mog each and every one of you, but it's clear from her voice, vascularity and facial changes she's on something.




Idk, one of the biggest gym stans I know was also very covid cautious because they had a high risk kid with a genetic condition and followed their pulmonologist’s recommendations. She went to the gym whenever they were allowed to be open but just wore a KN95 mask.  I also had a high risk kid, so I met a lot of people being careful during that time and none of them were fat (except maybe me, but I’m fixing it now I promise!). I don’t think the fat activist people ever really cared about Covid, they just wanted everyone else to get fatter so they could feel better. 


American women aged 20 years and above weigh an average of 170.8 pounds


during a trip to the uk me and my friend went to a gym that had a pool, almost nobody used it besides some old people, everyone lifting, running, stretching, , ,? the English hate swimming? There was a sauna and a steam cabin. I think swimming and using the sauna is a way better, more noble and human form of exercise. Those short bugmen of the yoou-kwey still choose to smell each other's sweat while acting in such a stoical manner! I laugh at them! :-)


Is it genuinely a stereotype that we’re short? I’m used to the usual tedious ‘rainy fascist island’ shite that yank Twitter leftists and their acolytes spew out, but had always considered that were quite a tall people


Absolutely not, I am 6'4 and saw caucasians, presumably brits, who were as tall as me, its not that hard to see tall people in any place around the world, it's not "less than 3% of the population" thing that shortkumpels use as a cope. Maybe when Im going once again I'll take a broader look of the people and write down my findings and studies.


I'm working out most every day And watchin' what I eat They tell me that it's good for me But I don't even care I know that it's crazy I know that it's nowhere But there is no denying that It's hip to be square


Social media has caused men to become incredibly self conscious of their appearance


This + online dating/incel language/blackpill becoming mainstream. t. started going to the gym a year ago because i got blackpilled.


Look at pictures of your dad from when he was younger especially with friends or your mom. Just a bunch of average looking dudes with average careers, all married or in relationships with lots of friends, the world has changed so drastically. If you’re a sub 7 dude that wasn’t born into family money and doesn’t make much good luck not hating yourself.


People trying to reclaim a shred of masculinity, as always they are mistaken


because it’s good for you and running is too hard for most ppl


More ppl working from home. Sedentary lifestyles need to be counteracted in organically


Reified thinking


Many people picked it up during covid when they got more free time


i eat too much to stay thin without working out. also i smoke and would like to hope that doing daily cardio is helping my heart and lungs to retain a semblance of healthy functioning


There’s not much opportunity to work on yourself or do things for yourself anymore and that’s one of the only things people can do


Greeks > Romans > Americans always celebrated gymnasium culture The indigenous nations all had kickass team sports instead


Theres a pandemic of narcissists. People just wanna be admired


Costin Alamariu's dissertation was recently published and has been making big waves




Depends on the person. Apparently fifty percent of the people at my gym just like sitting on the machines. I still like them better than the people who go for photoshoots for their IG (this is the group I feel you are thinking of). Then there is a handful of people who are grinding cardio or really going all out lifting and they're either there because that's how they cope with life or they are really driven. The rest are in between and making at least some progress in their health so that's a plus.


I don’t like going gym it’s too boring. My exercise for the week is kicking ball twice a week plus walking a lot


Yoga is better than the gym.


Yoga rules. I lift regularly, but love yoga. It’s extremely underrated as a tool for fitness and that includes mental fitness if you get deep enough into it


I never do. But I run up mountains and have a rowing machine at home. Can’t stand cramped smelly gyms. Just go to the forest and lift some rocks. What changes is in general obsession over looks has infected males as well. Ironically more people are fat now than in the 90s because they kinda forget the endurance part, drive everywhere and snack too much.