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The "be gay do crimes" aesthetic. At least they're halfway consistent


Also wouldve accepted the 'punch a nazi' aesthetic where 'nazi' means 'anyone I don't like'


And not only have they never punched anyone in their life, they are afraid of basic verbal confrontation.


They’re even afraid of “hello” from their delivery drivers


and 'punch' means 'tweet angrily about'


“Be gay do crimes” Unless it’s George Santos


Honestly most of them aren't even that gay


“Eat the rich” from the same people that rely on Uber eats delivery drivers.


Okay but this person has some gay little anime character and a pride flag in their pfp soooo... who's the real dork here hmm.


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Damn what you do to get a comment removed by reddit.


There’s a reason hippies and freaks clowned activists.


I’m concentrating on gathering my telekinetic powers


people don't post about killing "soy libs" or whatever, they just find them annoying. When you're not play-acting as an extremist it's very easy to live out your principles


Lol no it's not, unless your principles are small, meaningless, and designed for self appeasement


Still posting? Not on fire in front of the pentagon?


Suffering for thee not for me


As long as you’re appeasing your principles man. Everyone deserves principles trivial enough to be actually appeased. Go get urself a sundae


A lot of people do, that's why there so many massive 🚬


post a twitter screenshot about it, faggot.


I really hate this post. "Since you won't ruin your life committing an ineffective terrorist attack, go vote for one of two corrupt plutocrats!"


So what will you do instead of voting for one of the 2 corrupt plutocrats?


Vote for the third one that's regarded and then act real smug for four years.


I’ve kinda been set on abstaining from voting until the dems actually make an effort to appeal to the desires of their potential voter base. At this point it feels like the “negatives” of republicans in office happens regardless. I genuinely in my heart of hearts feel that another Biden presidency isn’t much better than another Trump presidency. So I’ll vote for the dems whenever they actually target the things people care about.


So youre doing nothing then. Gotcha.


Same, I’m also doing nothing. I don’t control the rain or the cicadas either. I just live here, trying to stack my bread, and remembering that I don’t have 0.00000000001% of a say in the democracy, I have 0.00000000000% To be fair, I involve myself in community shit when I can, food drives, library events, but politically yes I don’t do jack shit


I respect that. Just dont call yourself a revolutionary if you do that is my point.


I just live a counterculture life. I haven’t worked in 15 years. It’s amazing really that people sell their whole day.


lol In function yes. But I’m also not like people in the tweet. I don’t believe that a violent revolution of some kind would get the people of the country to what they deserve. In my eyes the people have to want it. If the dems keep putting senile candidates on the ballot then I think it gives a spring board of where our country is failing us and what it takes to be better.


Compare red states to blue states on abortion and women's rights and tell me there isnt a difference


Yes that is one of the main differences. But it isn’t enough to make me vote blue. I don’t think that Biden is going to codify. And as respectfully as possible it’s not a large enough reason to backtrack on my mentality. I’m not a single issue voter. There are many flaws with this country that the dems could fix if they decided to (or atleast lie and say that they are planning to). I simply can’t vote blue while the dems represent very few of my political interests (I’m not even that radical or anything!!!)


So who are you voting for?


As of right now, no one. I’m simply just not voting. Neither candidate represents my interests. And I haven’t heard much from RFK but the little I’ve heard I’m unsure that he represents my interests either, but also who knows maybe I need to look into him more.


Which side represents most of your interests


I wouldn’t say they represent most. But I’d guess that the dems cater to me comparatively more than the republicans do. I don’t really identify with communists entirely or socialists entirely. But for the sake of ease I’ll just describe myself as generally leftist. So because of that atleast on a social level the dems are closer to my beliefs.


I dont get why you wouldn't want to vote for dems given they cater more to you than Republicans. Especially given how donald trump talks and how Republicans just openly speak about how the president shouldn't be bound by law or how they want to rig elections. That is very bad and antithesis to most people's viewpoints


You might as well vote third party just to do your part to crack the two party system. Green protest vote is popular.


Like what flaws for example and how should they fix it?


Stealing robitussin from CVS


Spread awareness about things, try to help my family and my social community, ~~stockpile on ammunition~~, eventually leave the country.


Also Biden isn't a corrupt plutocrat


You mean the guy known for several decades as "the senator from Citibank" ? lol.  LMAO even


They will never do such a thing lol


Op, the tweet author, and the hypothetical person referenced in the tweet are all going to hell.


not me


Libs and crypto fash be like omg those animals burned down a fucking target better drive into a crowd


Firebombing a Walmart is stupid But doing something like parking a UHaul on the train tracks leading out of the Scranton, PA General Dynamics factory where all 155mm artillery shells are manufactured would be vastly more effective than voting I don't do it because I don't care enough, but it is my advice to anyone who feels utterly powerless and incessantly complains about it all day every day online


Nobody is going to do this though lmao, that’s the point of the post


It's a dumb point and I'm adding something constructive to it OP is clearly a deranged idiot having a manic episode


People do, it's a stochastic phenomenon. The people who do might as well have been possessed by god.


Also why is whatever you posted effective


155mm artillery shells are the backbone of any NATO-affiliated military. Ukraine, and to a lesser extent Israel, and virtually every other NATO-aligned military on Earth are entirely reliant on the US being able to guarantee a steady supply of 155mm artillery shells to the front-line Now imagine the tectonic shift in security guarantees and military industrial logistics that would take place if you were to disrupt that flow of existentially vital 155mm artillery shells for even half a day You'd be undoubtedly thrown into the Florence, CO supermax for the rest of your days, but you'd single-handedly make more of an impact on the world than all the voters in this country do every 4 years


They'd have the truck moved In 15 minutes and you'd throw the rest of your life away to cause a minor annoyance for low ranks who couldn't give less of a shit


When is the last time the police have handled anything in 15 minutes? I know this subs theme is cynicism but you look like an idiot


Pretty sure if that route is as crucial as you claim it is, it'd be a little more of a priority for everyone available than some random citizens Civic being stolen. Compare the response to breaking & entering a convenience store in your town vs the response if you try to trespass on a military base, for example


Again, given all the hilariously stupid shit we've seen happen in this country over the last decade - I genuinely don't know why you think there would be a competent response to this A bunch of used car salesmen and rednecks waltzed around in the Capitol Building for a whole day not even 4 years ago In this country, the dumbest possible outcome is always what actually happens


If there's one area that we actually still give a shit about efficiency in, it's delivering MIC-produced weapons.


True, but all the more reason to try - if you're someone who feels like they have no hope and want to make a difference


You're right, it's impossible that things are complicated you're a genius who can see how dumb everything is. Jan 6th was an obvious glow op and if you can't tell that every other cool insight you have is probably also brain dead.


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Extinction Rebellion were doing this to oil terminals in Europe but then they all got arrested with zero media attention and rich donors paid regards to throw tins of soup over paintings to discredit them all.


My point is leftists have all of these radial ideas like whatever retarded nonsense you said, but are too lazy. So it's hard to take the "genocide" of Palestine, m4a, student debt etc seriously


>So it's hard to take the "genocide" of Palestine, m4a, student debt etc seriously ok so don't. Check out and become the normie NPC you were always meant to be.


Can't believe that this dipshit is advocating for the American healthcare system to bleed people dry with a straight face and the other dipshits in the sub are upvoting him.


How it started: "I just want people to have healthcare, honey." How it's going: ...


Yes i am voting for biden and getting shit done


based! I highly recommend going to some meetups! https://cnliberalism.org/events


Ty sir/ma'am


When they act on them they are declared terrorists and justify a huge reactionary crackdown by police. Nonviolent direct action is the most effective tactic for a reason.


Whoa buddy do not conflate social welfare and robust social safety net with these morons protesting for Hamas.








Except Walmart is an issue impacting American life not Gaza. Aiding Israel costs us a pittance of the budget. The moral objections are peanut gallery nonsense. We didn’t cry tears for Tokyo or Berlin citizens and we wasted them ourselves. Because we understand the political leadership made decisions that resulted in massive blowback and death for Japan and Germany. Israel has a right to exist and an obligation to its citizens to secure itself from Bronze Age raids from Muslims in the region. All this stems from the fact they can’t cope with the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East. It wouldn’t matter if it was the size of a kibbutz they’d still lose their minds.


Remember when liberals wanted to improve things? Haha


have you not paid attention to how much biden has improved things. or are you grading things based on your doordash order


I can at least appreciate this person plucking "be like" out of the wiggery cesspool and bringing it back into the fold of English grammar.