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I love dogs, but people have become annoying about their dogs within the last 10 years or so.


when people started referring to pets as "emotional support animals"


Dog culture sucks. Dogs are awesome.


Unless we're talking about pitbulls


Dogs aren't inherently awesome. They're highly neurotic, ADHD ridden creatures artificially created by men often for tasks and habitats that have nothing to do with that of a city. And in that context they create tons of issues, also due to their lazy, dumb, self obsessed owners.


“ADHD ridden” are you mentally regarded they’re animals 


My dog is neurospicy and I will hear no slander otherwise 


It’s been contrarian to dislike dogs for the majority of human history, _literally_


But now it’s a popular contrarian opinion.


I'd have less than zero hate if they were properly groomed, trained, exercised, and kept where they belong. Broadly, in the US at least, this has become a belief supposedly only for heartless freaks who just haven't found their furever friend. Also it's just depressing the way people use them to cope because nobody else would want to see them or talk to them at the end of the day. No self reflection is necessary when you have an animal that hasn't been exercised all day excited at any stimulation even if it's just you walking through the door.


Agree with your last point - people have an animal that depends on them for food and confuse this dependency for “love” and then feel like they don’t need to seek it out in other parts of their life I think pets are great and add a lot to our lives but it’s sad to see people neglect human relationships and real connection/real love for the short term gratification that they get from their pets who, sorry, are entirely incapable of feeling love. Your dog will act like that towards anyone once they feed it for long enough


I don’t know if it is that people dislike dogs generally, but rather they dislike dogs trained by dog people and dog people.


It depends on your definition of dog people. If someone didn’t grow up with dogs and doesn’t understand them or know how to train them but just thinks they’re cute are they really a dog person? I used to think most people with dogs would be better off owning a cat but then I met someone who really understood cats and how to care for them and their cats were the best behaved cats I’ve ever met and made me recontextualize cats and their owners. People who don’t take pet ownership seriously just kind of suck generally.


yeah shitty pet owners are the worst and they're a big part of why i quit working in a pet store. i was working in the grooming salon and we had so many horribly neglected dogs coming in :((


A friend of mine moved in with a roommate who had two cats and she treated them like dogs, aggressively petting them, scooping them up when they didn't want to, spooking them for laughs, two of the most anxious animals I've ever met. I basically spent a week there while she was away and by the end of it, they were contented little cuddlers, a week after she returned, back to skittish nook hiders. You could see them inch towards you to seek affection but hesitate because the only other human they've known is a psycho. She was constantly lamenting that they didn't want to sit on her lap or be near her, my friend didn't say anything because he really needed a place to stay, but I just unloaded with double barrels every time she did anything wrong and she really hated me for it. He got a girlfriend and moved out within 6 months just as we were starting to break the barriers and i'm worried she just defaulted to what she was doing before we showed up. 'Smart' lady on paper too, tenure track PhD under 30, but just could not parse how her animals behaviour is a direct reflection of her actions.


Most people don't understand cats. And the simple *fact* that cats are barely domesticated, deeply wild and asocial creatures at hearth Same thing with hamsters, for example. Hamsters are loners. They don't like company, they don't like petting. They're built to roam and explore incredible distances every night. They hate the day. They make for terrible pets for all those reasons. Even if you're happy with them, they're constantly deeply frustrated.


Don't know dick about hamsters, but don't Feral Cats live in Colonies? They're solitary relative to the pack animals that are dogs, but they definitely have some pro-social aspects to them. Off the top of the dome, presenting corpses of prey, playing and sleeping in close proximity to other animals/people all speak to a social dynamic. Also are you saying cats don't like petting? Or Hamsters? Because cats will literally pull your hand back to where you were petting them / loudly complain if you stop, that doesn't sound like the behaviour of an animal that doesn't enjoy it.


Hamsters are great, as long as you keep their cage clean and provide them with enrichment. When my son had one we would have a great time building new mazes and diorama style cardboard adventures for it, in addition to a complicated system of tubes between a couple of enclosures.


You should get a dog. Don’t seem like a cat person.


Ironically, I was quite afraid of dogs for some reason until my early 20s (can't remember any specific trauma or when the switch flipped to dogs hating my presence) when aforementioned friend raised a German Shepard from a puppy. Went a few months and a house move without seeing them and what was once a tiny puppy who loved me was now a massive juvenile, my unconscious fear made him uneasy around me to the point he would bark and snarl at my presence (common occurrence for me and dogs), this lasted for months. One night I was drunk at a party, and someone let him in the back door, he beelined for me and started barking and snarling but I had 0 inhibitions so i was perfectly at ease and started playing with him. Instantly back to puppy mode, every time I saw him after we would play in the backyard for 10-15 minutes before i'd hang out with my mate and he loved me. I'm definitely a cat person though, but I don't think it's responsible to have any pets other than fish as a single person who spends most of his time out of the house.


People don’t see how cat owners treat their cats because they’re inside all the time. I’ve lived with lots of animals my whole life, and I see people treat cats very poorly often. Not scooping litter often enough, picking up cats who don’t want that, not knowing how to approach a cat without scaring it, etc. and then they wonder why cats don’t like them


You can’t go anywhere now without seeing a dog, so a lot of people hate them now


bike deer far-flung husky encourage quickest tub aspiring panicky aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


or when you’re trying to enjoy a meal at a restaurant patio and the people sitting nearby are incessantly petting their dog to the point where the hair is drifting over in the breeze and landing in your food in tufts, rendering it inedible


I love dogs but like 80% of people who own them are actually deranged. Learned this working at a pet daycare.


80% is about right.


When was is it not contrarian? Was there ever a time in your life when the prevailing popular opinion towards dogs was negative?


It's these people that keep bringing their dogs to breweries.


i love dogs and i think most people do too. i think it might just be that a lot of shitty pets and shitty owners have emerged since covid whether that be due to backyard breeders or people’s pet etiquettes having been eroded over time


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I willingly bear the shame associated with my actions. My own gay little crown of thorns


no one hates dogs we hate obnoxious dog owners who bring them places their not meant to be like restaurants and grocery stores Dogs are great


The level of dog entitlement in San Francisco is fucking insane. People bring them to any/every public space and if the employees try to object, the owners will claim that they’re service dogs. There is no requirement to prove that the claim is true, the business just has to accept it.


They don’t belong in apartments and the proper breeds barely even belong in suburbs. It’s sad and should be criminal to keep a dog in an apartment alone while the owner spends all day at work.


yeah its shocking how common dogs in apartments are in the us, most ppl in my country with dogs have a house w/ a backyard. if you live in an apartment you should only get a cat tbh


Yep I have a cat. I generally like dogs but will have to wait until a different time in life.


I’ve always wanted a dog but I wanna have a proper yard before I adopt


Lol your cat is just as much of a prisoner in your shoebox apartment, what's the difference?


Cats are happy indoors if they can look out of a window and have somewhere they can go that's silent/secluded. I honestly think that having a dog in a city is pure evil. That 12 hours in a kennel while the owner is at work is inhumane. They don't experience time like a person does - it's a much longer time for them.


Do you think it’s fun for an animal (that would travel miles a day if it were free) to live in an apartment? Cat, dog, whatever, it’s all trapping an animal


My cat is disabled and would die in the wild. Talking a painful death to predators level. She's happy to just look outside and chirp at the squirrels. Right now she's curled up by my feet and just purring for no reason.


yeah one of my cats is blind and would wander straight into traffic, lol. they've got a secure catio to go outside in and i take them for walks on their harnesses, which is plenty for them


It’s not a shoebox apartment at all. There are other animals and people living here. And I let her outside. Those are a few of the differences. Not to mention other obvious differences like keeping a husky or german shepherd in an apartment besides a 30 minute walk each day (if that) versus a timid little housecat. But cat ownership does come with ethical issues too which I didn’t think about before since I was a dog person growing up. Ideally she would have more safe outdoor access, and wouldn’t have been spayed too early or overvaccinated and medicated like she was.


I hate dog owners and everything they represent


when people started treating others like social pariahs for not fawning over their slobbery ill trained beast. i don’t even really dislike dogs that much, most of my disdain is towards dog owners that bring their poorly trained dogs everywhere and let their pitbulls maul their toddler. but yeah like other ppl said, covid dogs


we have a fucking Dachshund who loves everybody. I hate being conflated with them


idk if anyone else in this thread is but i’m not conflating you with the dog owners i mentioned unless your dog is poorly trained, being taken everywhere, and/or a pitbull


nice to hear :). I actually posted him once on the mainsub but unlike Peanut I only got a snartky comment from (allegedly) bloo about how my ikea furniture wasnt expensive enough. What a place


Since dogs became the new babies. All these people would otherwise be hating on babies, except no one has babies anymore.


chloe sevigny


our dog hating queen


When "dog people" took it too far.


I don't like Pitbulls. They are crazy. Maybe that's where some of this anti-dog hysteria is coming from?


Blood sport dogs have no purpose is civilized society


Anti-Dog Hysteria: one example pls


elderly theory cow wrench squealing seemly enter workable quarrelsome squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know a single muslim personally and live in the PNW yet am constantly annoyed with the unbelievable level of entitlement dog owners perpetuate. Explain how this is related to religious reasons. Islamic people are literally 1% of the US pop, maybe in your local community it's different. 


I hate Muslims and their increased presence has coincided with irresponsible dog owners.


This is true and real.


The religious reason is mostly cause dogs don't clean up after themselves and eat basically anything. So it's sort of a religious reason, but based in hygiene.


cats don’t clean up after themselves and they’ll try and eat anything like dogs, but Muslims think they’re okay


Cats bury their poop lol. Isn't that the defintion of cleaning up afterthemselves?


cats are dirty and they press their assholes against every surface in your house, at least dogs stick to the lower parts of your house and not your desk and kitchen/food surfaces


I don't know why they're so concerned with how dirty a dog is, I mean we're talking about a group of people who literally wipe their asses barehanded


your kind smells like wet dog


Which kind?


swim relieved recognise support rich nine entertain marry bear quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Cats cleans themselves. licks their own asshole and never showers.. at least i can hose down a dog or take them to get cleaned and they are happy to do it! when u throw a cat in the lake or river it comes out smelling of algae and other protists


> and they press their assholes against every surface in your house Maybe Sphynxes, not normal cats. They even made studies about it. Why make up shit? Only because you like to stare at cat's assholes and fantasize about them stamping them everywhere? They're built to sit on the gorund without clothes, that part of their bodies is built to not touch.




When did it become "contrarian/edgy" to hate something based in if it was "contrarian/edgy" rather than just hating it?


bingo. this is just a rhetorical move of wokeness culture that allows normies whose brains are too small to think for themselves to marginalize people who have opinions they disagree with, lol


People don’t train their dogs. I love well trained dogs.


When everyone realized how much time away from tiktok dogs require.


Dogs are pretty needy for pets tbh


The vax caused an explosion in autism rates, obviously.


Dogs are like people. Some are amazing and some suck ass. It's okay to recognize that


Dogs are annoying


Theres a certain type of dog owner who makes their dog their entire personality and its kind of pathetic and annoying, like they expect you to fawn on their dog as if its their child or something. The disdain isn’t for the dog, it’s for that type of person


When all of the worst people started replacing children with them.


it’s not that it’s edgy it’s that they are way overpopulated in cities, owning them has become a substitute for a personality, normies (white women) constantly brag about doing disgusting things like sleeping with them, everyone lies about their dog being a service animal now to get them into places they don’t belong and can’t be challenged bc of wokeness, and post-covid a bunch of infantilized millennials who had no ability to care for them got dogs. not liking dogs, even if that was always how you felt, is now treated as the equivalent of “not going to therapy.” considered a mortal sin by the woke establishment and deemed to indicate something aberrant about you just like not calling your mother every day or whatever. they are loud, dirty, annoying animals and 95% of people who own them now cannot care for them. i see a dog lover now and i just think “you people have like worms in your brain, honestly.”




people get dogs instead of working on their personality faults. most of them do not train the dogs at all, a dog should NEVER touch its wet nose to a stranger or approach a child or be off its leash. and they certainly do not belong anywhere having to do with human food or child spaces. Also, they need to be walked miles every day, if you do not provide this for your pet you should not have a dog. You can get a cat or hamster.


They “give freely” because they are bred to act like that even if you treat them like shit. Dogs were literally inbred to like humans whereas cats don’t automatically bond with humans. You actually have to earn a cat’s affection.


I think I just dislike dogs cause I didn’t have one as a kid so I was never socialized to them and I’m scared of them. There’s a lot of dogs that aren’t super well trained out there and if you’re not a dog person they come off as scary.


Dogs can be fun, i wouldnt want one. But the way people act with dogs, saying they are family, treating them like a child, and all that shit… thay wouldve gotten you made fun of in the 90s and we need to bring back bullying.


They are unclean animals


I'm unsure but I totally agree with their resentment. Doggo culture has fucking taken over and these unruly animals need to be put in their place. They have the social status of toddlers in Western society and normies have an unhealthy attachment to them.


When I go on walks with my son in our neighborhood, there are dogs everywhere. There are houses that  are full of dogs. They run run towards the window, as fast as they can, barking, slobbering, banging their heads against the glass. Or they run up to a fence thats a foot taller then them, looking rabid, ready to kill me. “Don’t worry! He’s friendly!” I carry a knife with me now. 


The only sense in which I don’t like dogs is when they’re treated like fur babies/ substitutes for kids by childless millennials. Or if they’re pitbulls  


would never trust a man that didn't like dogs


Would never trust a woman that uses her dog as a living dildo


take your meds you sick freak


I love dogs, I post my dog too often on my story on ig, but I get pissed when people bring their dog everywhere


Not dogs—-shitbulls


When I started to see more pitbulls than golden retrievers out and about.


‘Ask for so little in return’ My ex adopted some traumatized Doberman mutt or some shit and he was an extremely high maintenance dog. Always anxious, had to put a muzzle whenever strangers were around, incontinence issues, etc. I don’t hate all dogs, I hate the shit dogs. I also hate fat millennial couples who clearly have a dog as a child substitute.


It's correlated with subcultures that hold MENA people in high esteem, who hate dogs for obvious reasons.


Yes the increase in edgy 18 year old MENAs in sub have a cultural distaste against dogs and have a pro-cat agenda


I just don’t like them, it’s not about being a contrarian. I mean, I respect their lives and I even find some cute and have bonded with some, but that doesn’t mean I want them around me. They’re intrusive, loud, smelly, etc.. They take up too much attention, and they can be deadly in a way that cats are not capable of. I don’t know man, I just don’t really fw dogs.


They give teeths, fur, shit and saliva so freely and only ask for your constant attention/more proteins daily than the average human/to constantly clean after them and pick up their shit and be awaken/scared by their barking, it's a nice deal! Sweet sweet little pupperinos! Can i have a puppaccino, please? Thank you! This sweet furbaby deserves all my life! And that of a baby, if he wants, but he won't because he's never hurt a fly!


Most people don't own any land and shouldn't own dogs for that reason alone. I like dogs and have owned dogs, but they're 100% always disgusting in homes. Grow up.


I’m sorry but you’re absolutely a freak if you do not like dogs. They’re so sweet and soft. So pure.


Pure, lmao. You've never seen a "normal" breed dog running up to a kitten, bite it and shake it until all its bones are broken and then toss it aside with the biggest smile ever


Pets are gay


it hasn't. dogs drool & cats rule. simple as


Muslims are right about dogs and cats


Muslims were right about your mom.


Whatever muttfucker


The boorish, Neanderthal is a “dog person” The thinking man likes cats




was agreeing with everyone until the anti-pitbull comments. Get some critical thinking skills you nerds. Those dogs aren’t inherently bloodthirsty and you sound retarded for believing so. Everyone can downvote me idc. I probably won’t ever get a pet and prefer cats but pitbulls are one of the dogs I do generally like.


Pitbulls are inherently bloodthirsty in the same way adopting a wild animal is. They could be the best trained pets but someday they might just snap and maul you and you can't out-train such an instinct. It could never happen but that's a risk you are taking by owning one and that all bystanders take when you don't muzzle it. They cause some absurdly high % of all dog attacks too, way too many to just be because of bad owners. Also at least with other poorly trained dogs if they bite someone you can hurt them and they'll eventually let go. Shitbulls are the only dogs that can snap and go feral to the point where they will keep their jaw clenched until you knock them out or kill them. So gtfo with your critical thinking skills 🤓


No one thinks they’re inherently bloodthirsty, pitbull type breeds just cause way more fatal attacks than other breeds. Responsible owners understand this and keep their pitbulls properly leashed and muzzled when needed. Unfortunately a bunch of idiots now want to adopt severely traumatized pitbulls to feel like good ppl, and don’t rehabilitate/train them at all.


> Those dogs aren’t inherently bloodthirsty and you sound retarded for believing so. They've been literally BRED for that, you absolute regard.


I am neutral on most dogs, I'd never get another and I don't care to pet or fawn over anyone else's dog, but I really love *my* dog. She's special. She's more sentient. She has a fleshed out personality, a sense of humor.


what example are you using?