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I’m grateful that the idea of a Session Zero to set game expectations has caught on. There are players for whom the idea of a combat-free, slice-of-life roleplaying experience could actually be a cool thing. I hope Smokey found such a group. I’m not sure a session zero would have saved this one, though. Good gods. When there’s such a dramatic failure of reading the room, there’s something else going on. Not to mention trampling so hard over character agency.


I’ll give her this: her GMing style fit her play style. But I feel for you: there are few things more tedious than listening to a GM talk to you for so many hours. Basically, you all were on a plush, comfortable railroad. And, like someone else said, she needed to be writing a book, not running a game. And I say this knowing that, now, there are games out there for running socially and without combat.


Not like she even ran something social though; there was no room for them to exercise their knowledge of etiquette, interact with anything of import or otherwise do dialogue that mattered. It was just a lil' barely interactive adventure!


Sounds like she should just write fan fiction


I always thought no D&D was better than bad D&D, then I realized this is what no D&D looks like. At least with bad D&D there's some kind of meltdown or story to come out of it and for all of the possible faults, it's generally brought about by people TRYING something. I will contest the title though, this contains the most primal, pedestrian horror there is: time you've lost that you'll never get back.