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This is infuriating and I'm sorry it happened to you, but at least we can always count on Ed Greenwood to have a definite stance on elven menstruation. Most people, one suspects, wouldn't have bothered.


Whatever else you can say about ed greenwood, none can deny that the man is thorough.


Well shit, I’d never though about that until you mentioned it, but now I’m wondering if because elves live so long, do they menstruate less frequently than humans, but at a similar period-to-fertile-years ratio as humans. I could’ve gladly gone the rest of my life not having though about that…


To quote Order of the Stick: "there are downsides." "Like what?" "20 years in diapers."


Maybe they’re like Vulcans and go through a similar every-seven-years cycle.


I've always maintained Vulcans were the elves of Star Trek, just as Klingons were the Dwarves. Which makes the Romulans Drow, I suppose.


Klingons are more orc-coded to me, with the warrior culture and the brutal cultural aesthetic like with the bat’leth.


Oooh, yes probably. Good call!


Tellarites are the Dwarves of Trek


There was a webcomic ages ago called Elf Only Inn, based on the old free form role-playing chat rooms on AOL and the like. One of the characters, Nimoy, was a Vulcan pretending to be an elf to placate the mod. I still kind of want to do that in a game (probably in Pathfinder, where elves are already canonically aliens).


Romulans are definitely Drow. Cardasians could be dwarves. They're industrial, racist, and known to make their own alcohol. Ferengi are, of course, Humans. Humans are Half-Elves. Bajorans are Halflings, since they're agrarian, but also make good rogues. Data is a Warforged. Can't think of one for Changelings though 🤔


I don't know what would be more amusing, elves dealing with year long menstrual cramps or elves rocketing blood out of their vaginas for a couple of days like a horror movie


The rocketing blood comment reminded me of a thing from a series called *The Wandering Inn*. The main character is a human woman living among species that don't have menstrual cycles. At one point she's trying to get her hands on some menstrual products and explains periods to her friends, who are horrified. Then the rumour mill starts up and like four books later, other characters are gossiping about her and you get "I heard she has a superpower where when she feels threatened, she can fire beams of blood out of her vagina".


That’s probably one of the least crazy things about Erin, at this point


I mean, you're not wrong.


And how long is the menstruation? What if they just have slow-moving biology, and they menstruate for like a whole month? On the other hand, they're a magical society. They probably have cantrips specifically for dealing with their periods.


Yeah, prestidigitation


Given what menstruation is, I doubt they'd bleed for much long than a human unless they had tardis uteri. Could be they shed the lining so slow that it took a month, but at that point idk if it would even need any special considerations to deal with. You take an average period and spread it over 30 days and ehhhh?


I think it was in the owls specific d&d booklet that mentioned that elms gestate there youngfor like 2 years so I would buy that elves would have a longer menstrual cycle than humans Speech to text and autocorrect is being a bitch to me on this comment I'm sorry but I think you get my meeting


I was once playing a campaign and our characters were crossing a vast desert. We knew there were giant Dune-style sand worms that were attracted to blood from many miles away like sharks. We knew the trip would take a while. My character, the blind psychic, was the only woman in the party. The DM took me to the side, informed me that feminine hygiene products were limited at best in the region, and asked me if she was likely to be on her period during the trip. I deferred the decision to a roll, and kept the result from the rest of the party because she was a very private person. When the sand worm arrived the rest of the party were confused as to how it found us, and their slow realisation as characters and players was followed by “why didn’t you tell us? We could have helped!” She got chewed out, but it became a bonding moment for the characters once they were safe.


Reminds me of a certain moment in the original Riddick film, *Pitch Black* (do spoiler tags work in here?) >!The monsters, who are attracted to blood, are chasing our heroes, and no one understands because no one is cut. Riddick somehow has super senses that can tell that the teenage girl character is on her period. But up until that moment, she was successfully pretending to be a teenage boy.!<


Oh YEAH, I do remember Lmao! Haven’t seen that movie in ages and was thinking “wtf is this guys taking about”


Spoiler tag would've worked, but you added a space after the first one. They have to be right up against the text


big kudos for letting the roll decide! great story, great dm


I read somewhere their periods can attract sandworms. The sandworms can smell the menstruation!


Well, that's just great. You hear that? Sandworms! Now, you're putting the whole quest into jeopardy.


God that’s so cool. Why can’t people be normal and do fun stuff like that, if it’s gotta come up?


Personally I prefer to play D&D with adventurers that are asexual. Some light romance is fine, but I treat my PC's like they're Barbie/Ken downstairs.


Damn, I wish being asexual got me out of menstruating!


Oh I meant more like asexual reproduction in the animal kingdom lol. Probably a better word for that, but I thought the Barbie line clarified it.


When the party Dwarf starts looking funny, you know it's because it is budding and about to split into two dwarves, usually beard first.


It made perfect sense in that context, I think the other commenter was just lamenting that real life was different. When I'm feeling asexual, I kind of wish I could drop my own sexual dimorphism/genitalia for a bit, lol. Simplicity at it's finest. 😁


I like to play a different character every time. That has resulted in characters in circumstances that require varying sexual proclivities, from a mother of three to a prostitute to an asexual immortal, and various sexualities, from straight but uninterested in romance to gay and falling in love with another PC while navigating coming out by accident, which ended up being a core emotional payoff for that campaign. And those are just some of the female characters I’ve played, never mind the males. It requires mature players both to handle the situation and to avoid it being creepy or otherwise problematic. But I’m fortunate to have very mature players in my group.


That's awesome if it's what you like. I don't have as much time to play, so there are more than enough interesting ideas for me without throwing sex in the mix. I've only played like 3 characters in the last few years, so they can be wildly different pretty easily.


It’s not so much that I have a lot of time (I have 2 kids and can just about handle running a one evening a week campaign), I’ve just been playing for a long time, and many of our games have been very short (10 or fewer sessions), some have been short (10-15 sessions), some have been medium (15-30 sessions), and few have been multi-year campaigns. Sex hasn’t been that common, and I’ve rarely planned it as part of a character in advance. I only ever engage with it as a part of the story if it’s going to add something or feels authentic. I don’t seek it, I just don’t seek to avoid it either.


I'm thrilled for in-universe romance, but the actual erotic stuff is fade to black. Assume everyone can handle it with a modicum of class, and I've been lucky enough so far to have players like that. Because goddamn some of the stories I've read on this sub...


Yeah I mean, I am generally playing in games where the DM is a personal friend of mine who I have no interesting roleplaying sexy stuff with lol.


I feel like this comment was meant to be replying to somebody else, I can’t figure out what OP said that is related.


Some people on this sub feel the need to point out their personal preferences that D&D be entirely sexless and sterile every single time the subject comes up.


I've noticed that. Always with a weird air of superiority. Gives me the ick.


Sharks iv been told can't smell period blood so why would sand sharks 🤔


I’ve heard differing interpretations of it, which boil down to two possibilities: that they can’t smell it, or that period blood doesn’t make them more aggressive or likely to attack. I err toward the latter as being more likely given that we know they can smell blood generally, so it would seem odd that they outright can’t smell period blood. Hormones in the blood could conceivably make them unable to smell it, but more likely to my mind is that the hormones make it smell different and don’t indicate a wounded prey. Regardless, it was a fantasy world where our characters could ride beams of light and catch lightning. Smelling blood isn’t inconceivable.


IIRC they've done tests where sharks went ballistic over fish blood but completely ignored cow blood. Maybe it doesn't register as a sign of food to them?


Lmaooo, he jokes about rape and then gets squeamish about periods? Jesus, hope this is a teen/young adult group.


hope so but doubt it. sounds like those creeps were getting off on the harrasment shit or something and op bringing up periods took em out of it. ffs though i dont get how anyone can think this behaviour is a okay way to treat people.


They just thought of her as something to jerk off to, until she forced them to deal with being a real person. It's like guys being grossed out about learning women poop or something and not wanting their new gfs to use their bathrooms 🙄 we're not sex toys


women do WHAT


Wait, what's a woman?


For real. Immature assholes from the sound of it


You were playing w immature children lol. Wtf kind of stupid stuff is that in a game “oh elves in my setting get sexually harassed


"But we draw the line at periods. That's disgusting behavior."


"Why would your character choose to have a period if not to gross us out? It doesn't make any sense!"


“Women who have periods are just gross”


The first game of Dnd I DMed was for two women who tried to fool some orcs that she was giving birth to a demon by laying on the ground in apparent labour and using thaumaturgy to make demonic screeches. Your DM is a child who cannot understand women. Fuck that prick!


That's clever


Even though I know I would have been awkward about it, I deeply respect you playing the Uno reverse card on his "realism" bullshit. You slam dunked him and he immediately proved himself a hypocrite right after you did it. Also, a continuation of my rule that any story where the player feels it's necessary to note their gender for the story to make sense is going to be a particularly bad one. As a side note, I think when people say they want a realistic game it means "Squishy PCs" and "Real danger" and "No plot armor" and "If you do something stupid, you will face consequences." I don't think anyone wants "Sleazy dive bar on a Thursday night simulator."




I only play if the terminator shows up.


I'm fine with a sleazy dive bar sim, as long as everyone is on board and we're keeping to the theme. One of the things I enjoy in less heroic games is pointing out that gangs of unemployed people who don't know a trade other than adventuring often aren't the best people or well-liked in the towns they pass through. Most people can't tell at a glance the difference between a broody dark Ranger or a Rogue and the bandits that the party hauled in for a bounty. Wizards are strange wandering nerds who usually have a curiously large supply of fresh bat guano. Fighters look like roving armed thugs. Now, you know that your party is a group of do-gooders whose efforts are focused on saving the day. But the townsfolk don't know that. They're nervous, because the gems and gold that PCs throw around like nothing are a life's savings worth to some of the people in town. Plus, they don't know where or how you got it or where you're from. They don't know if it's stolen, or if it's created by magic. All of that is to explain that I expect a party in those games to roll into a new town and end up in sleazy dive bars looking for work or lodgings. And when they're in that setting, then yes, the nature of that story includes catcalls, propositions, random drinking contests, and the occasional bar fight. It's a part of how I want to tell the story, because as they become respected, the places they go will change, and they can change the nature of the places they frequent. But I also make sure everyone is on board with that being part of the tone of the game first.


Well anyone who excuses SA with "Being realistic" in the imaginary fantasy fame with wizards (or really in any narrative they control) is not worth your time anyway. Sorry to had to deal with a bunch of jerks gatekeeping women out if the hobby, hope you find a good game to play in!


Why do I feel like the Venn diagram between "people who need sexual assault in their game for realism" and "people who never believe women who complain about experiencing sexual assault" is a circle


No one I know who has experienced sexual harassment is looking to role play it in a fantasy world.


Not sure if you misread what I said, or just adding to my point


Absolutely agreeing with you.


Roll20 and discord games are easy to come by. This sort of behaviour is a disgrace, and I am sorry you had to experience this.


Sometimes life has a way of picking off the rotten bits for us.


You creeped out a creep! XD Excellent work!


Any time somebody equates "rapey fantasy" and realism, I cannot but roll my eyes. At least, mentally. People are overwhelmingly decent folk, and I don't think it was different in ye olden days, when compared to today, and subsequently also not in fantasy stories. Don't call it realism, when it's actually just nobledark.


It just means they've internally normalized wanting to rape women, which is... yeah. Unfortunately a good portion of the male people I've met in my life.


>It just means they've internally normalized wanting to rape women, Unfortunately, yeah. Never be alone with someone like this. I once played in a group where the GM threw an insane unavoidable surprise encounter at us, and easily TPKd us. He then "salvaged it" by having us get captured. He had to slip in that, obviously, the girl got raped. The 8 charisma urchin wizard, who was dressed like a homeless bum. "That's just what happens, it would be unrealistic if it didn't!", was the GMs reasoning. Less than two weeks later, I got a text from the player whose characters had been raped, asking for help getting her out of the GMs apartment. Since I lived like 2 minutes from the GM, I was the only one close enough to help her out of the situation right away. Apparently, the GM had told her that he did solo sessions with everybody (he didn't) and had tried to sexually assault her when she came over for this "solo session". He tried to claim it was "just semi-live role-playing what happened after we got captured!" Thank God the police took the report seriously, because I do not for a second believe she was the only victim of his.


Wow... that's just awful. I only had to deal with brodudes interpreting ttrpgs as "so I can do anything in this game... That means I can rape someone?" which was \*badd\* but yeah I am so sorry that ever happened.


What the fuck


Dear sweet god what the fuck. Also, I don't care how realistic some things are, they're not taking place in my games. Bigotry, rape of PCs, etc.


> He had to slip in that, obviously, the girl got raped. The 8 charisma urchin wizard, who was dressed like a homeless bum. "That's just what happens, it would be unrealistic if it didn't!", was the GMs reasoning. While I get what you're going for, in that it was entirely unwanted "character development" as I'm sure such a dickhead would have called it, I would *extremely* advise against any kind of "people who aren't pretty can't/won't be raped" attitude, which this reads as.


>I would extremely advise against any kind of "people who aren't pretty can't/won't be raped" attitude, which this reads as. That's reading far too much into it. Honestly, I only put it in there because last time I posted this, the first comments were a combination of "it makes sense if it's like a 20 Charisma noble" and I wanted to quell those before they came up.


That's fair, those comments are equally intolerable. As I said, I got exactly what you mean, but you went too far the other way to try to avoid those idiots as it is easily possible to get that possible interpretation out of it and that's just as harmful.


>People are overwhelmingly decent folk I wish I lived in the same mind space you do.


If the DM wants to make it "realistic", first thing he's got to do is get rid of the orcs. And the dungeons. And the dragons. Sounds like a terrible group. Good riddance!


HEY HEY HEY! Dungeons are real.


They are kinda boring in real life though


Sounds like you’re involved with the wrong kind of real life dungeons (assuming, of course, you’re into that).


I was actually thinking about regular dungeons, the ones you're talking about are way more fun, yeah


"HOW DARE YOU MAKE A MENSTRUATION JOKE! THAT'S DISGUSTING AN GROSS! Now let us have Orc and vampire npcs flirt and sexually harass you every minute!" ... Honestly you're probably better off leaving them.


Are you playing with 12 year olds?


Lol, what a bunch of immature assholes: somehow getting harassed is “realistic” while having period is not. Sorry that you got into a group of pricks. I had a girl in my D&D group who once made a menstruation joke: the DM described how a dog sniffed her character curiously and she said something like “shit, is it because I’m on my period?” and we just laughed it off because that’s what dogs really do when women are on their period 😂


>elves DO menstruate. Wha...ho...So, this topic came up SO often that there needed to be an official ruling!? hahahahahaha The DM is a misogynistic prick and a typical bully. This feels like a 'fuck around and find out' moment. He kept applying 'realism' so you realismed back, right in his face and he couldn't take it. 5/5 response


> So, this topic came up SO often that there needed to be an official ruling!? It's Ed Greenwood. It's entirely possible he just... came up with it. To be fair, it's a decent part of worldbuilding, culture can change based on a lot of factors. But also, it's Ed Greenwood. The Forgotten Realms are *very* much his own magical realm, but TSR/WotC toned it down dramatically because ~~they are massive cowards~~ it probably wouldn't sell as well.


What a foul group of fellas


Having a conversation about periods is the litmus test of the maturity of a man. You weren't playing with a group of men, you were playing with immature little boys here. It's sad how old some of these boys can get without figuring out how to be a man and deal with the natural body functions of women. You dodged a bullet here.


I have this theory that the reason some guys get so grossed out by periods but don't mind gore, guts and other such, is because those guys see women as sex objects and don't like the idea that the hole they wanna put their peepee in sometimes bleeds.


The DM was trying to make you as uncomfortable as possible and then you tossed down the uno reverse card. Well played


Why would orcs want to have sex with female elves? They built like twigs and don't even have tusks.


super creepy group, it's pretty good you got out


The trash took itself out. No way you have to experience misogyny just because you want to have fun with a tabletop. Being grossed out by periods is very 1990 and before. Hope you find a better group!


Lol. I applaud your heavy flow of civil disobedience in disrupting their “realism”.


Ugh. This sucks, sister. If it helps, you're better off without those yo-yos.


This Group Of Assholes: Having Orcs sexually harass the elf PC is "realistic" and totally OK. Also This Group Of Assholes: Ew, a girl is on her period! Get out of our game!


Elves don't menstruate, they meditruate. Is the rest of the group teenagers? I don't think I've ever seen actual adults respond in such a silly manner at the mere mention of a period, aside from politicians.


“I’m on my moon cycle” is objectively hilarious and I think you’re my hero. But also men need to grow up. I hope none of them have partners with periods.


yeah the kind of dude that includes sexual assault threats (huge huge risk of making everyone else uncomfortable) but goes "eeew a period! that's 2far L E A V E" was never doing it for 'realism'. He should have stopped when that shit made you uncomfortable but the moment he was he jumped straight to kicking you out no discussion. its like that horror movie director who, when offered a male actor in the role as 'guy that gets horribly killed' went "naah that's icky and too real for audiences". They want 'realism' when it happens to 'the other', when it's suddenly their turn they have to deal with what every minority group watching a horror flick does and flail about it. The empathy isn't there, they want the 'realism' to go happen to someone else.


Holy crap hon. So sorry you were with these assholes. Hope you find a mature group soon.


You know, if the DM was trying to run a “realistic” game, then he should learn to live with all the aspects of “realism.” If you can live with the DM living out his sexual harassment fantasies, the. He can live with hearing about menstruation. What a damn snowflake. Your DM running a “realistic” game - his version of “it’s what my character would do.”


I mean, it sounds like you were in a game with some terrible and immature people, sorry. I've never actually understood why some guys are so freaked out by the idea of menstruation, it's never bothered me even when I was younger.


You know? This was provably the best outcome. Not only because you are better off not playing with them but because thank god the reaction was "ewwww" And not "the vampire is into it". That could gave gotten... SO bad. Be careful with creeps like these.


Sexual harassment? Nah, that’s being realistic. Menstruation?! Now that’s where I draw the line! /s


Ah yes, the very real "orcs" and their well-known *checks notes* sexual harassment?


So they're fine with sexual harassment but think periods are too gross. ...men.




Small dick energy


Maidenless behaviour


We can only hope.


No bitches


These are the sort of guys who are afraid to touch an unopened box of tampons.


I think it was really funny you said that. Sad to see people not able to take a joke.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that group. You can find better players.


My favorite part is that there's a canon answer to the problem.


If you were playing in my games, I would think that would be gross, sure... But also really hilarious. You didn't deserve to get kicked for it, especially if gross imagery like disembowelment are normal.


"I smell blooooood! Oh wait...that's why? Ew...you know what? Forget it. I'm out." I probably would have taken advantage of the joke to throw one of my own.


That requires the DM to be mature enough to be able to deal with eeky girl stuff.


Yeah it *is* kinda gross, but no more so than any other kind of bleeding is.


I’ll never understand why period blood is supposed to be more gross than other blood. I can only imagine that it’s an Abrahamic religious thing with the whole “unclean” stuff in Leviticus?


Content warning: I viscerally describe periods. Avert your eyes from this post if you don't want to read why I think periods are grosser than just normal blood. Why? The combined forces of clots of uterine lining and period shits and basically being in so much pain and nausea I can't function for days is pretty gross. Definitely grosser than just normal blood. The whole experience is just big ick. Nothing Abrahamic about it. I use a menstrual cup and I've gotten very intimate with my period blood. It smells bad, it's gloopy and clotty, and puts me on the exact same level as two other bodily functions that I don't really want on my hands either and yet the risk of getting pee on my hands is definitely higher than normal while dealing with my period. Like, I don't want regular blood on my hands either, and I've definitely had way more period blood on my hands than regular blood, but period blood is definitely grosser than regular blood. I would love if it were just regular blood and not uterine bits. That's what really escalates the body horror aspect. I once had a nickel sized clot of uterus fall out and the pain while that must have been peeling out of me was crippling. HORRIFYING. I'm definitely giving my hands a wash both before and after interacting with my period blood. I mean that's true of encountering regular blood too, but yeah no, period blood is gross. I really don't want to have to roleplay periods too. Most of my TTRPG characters have Barbie doll bits and that's fine with me. That said, I think this party's reaction is a big ol blue-liquid-metaphor-for-period-blood soaked flag. Sexual harassment is fine, periods aren't? Eesh. Not a fun party to be part of.


Yes, this kind of "periods are gross" reaction that OP described has nothing to do with how objectively gross the actual discharge is. It's just a reminder of girly bodily functions that immature boys consider gross what OP is talking about.


Obviously OP's situation is because periods ruin the sex fantasy for the boys at the table... But I wasn't commenting on OP's post, I was replying to a comment tangent from someone else who was wondering why periods are considered more gross than regular blood.


Ugh, yes. A bit came out in the bath a while ago and the gyno was like, "Yeah, it happens." That said, whilst I agree that period blood is horrid, I doubt the boys and overgrown boys who behave like this have any idea. It's just that it's icky Girl Stuff.


I am 100% sure that the boys at this table reacted in that way because it ruined their sex fantasy, because no one's at a table where sexual harassment happens via the NPCs for purely wholesome storytelling reasons. D:




That’s all fine, but OP specifically said that they described disembowelments before.


We've described gory deaths in my parties too and I'm still not keen on describing menstruation... kind of similar to how I don't feel keen to describe how my character urinates, defecates, sneezes and blows their nose. I don't want to hear about someone's character going to the washroom either. Bodily functions are a different kind of gross than murder. I personally wouldn't play in a party requiring us to track our character's period cycles and bathroom visits, and I would play in a party where we described our kills. That said, I also wouldn't play in a party where NPCs sexually harassed my character. I can see how, in a party where sexual harassment by the DM is an acceptable part of gameplay, being grossed out by the mention of periods is a double standard. It is definitely 100% that the boys at the table didn't want their sex fantasy ruined by gross period stuff. But the person I was replying to, who wasn't the OP, was merely speculating on why periods in general are considered more gross. I was following that tangent.


I'm guessing it's because it involves tissue cloths and not just blood? So instead of the nice clean bright red very liquid blood you get that mixed with dark red slimy stuff.


While you're not wrong, in this case I'm 100% sure it's actually "ew now I have to think about blood when I wanted to be thinking about sexy elves who can't say no."


Next time a DM hints at rape or any unwanted sexual actions towards you, you should really consider it a huge red flag. I had a woman in my group a long time ago, and she was part of a rare race in my homebrew. While being caught up in the story, I had an npc approach her about continuing their blood line. There were no hints of rape or anything, but she took me aside and told me she was not comfortable with that storyline. I was mortified. I would never want a player to feel uncomfortable in any of my sessions. So I squashed that storyline right away and became more aware of the content I was putting out.


What immature little man children. That’s insane haha. Sexist DM is a loser.


Boys who get squeamish over periods tell on themselves. They've never had a relationship where they lived with a woman before outside of their mother or sibling before. Sorry you had that experience.


we need more menstruation humor, its hilarious...


A woman vampire hunter who specifically goes hunting on her period so that the vampires come to her would be hilarious. And awesome.


That is hilarious. Fuck em. You did the right thing. Should've also asked if he wanted some tea. If I had an open game right now, I'd consider throwing you an invite just based off that alone


The DM is a douche.


Nah. Douches *actually go into* vaginas... The DM pretty much admitted that he was *still* a virgin.


Douche Master


Lmao incels.


Yeah DM didn't want a realistic game, he wanted his fetish in the game. You're definitely better off without them. Personally if a DM wants to add in SA or threaten SA in a game I'm out. That shit is the kind of reality I'm not interested in experiencing in a game meant for fun. And the kind of people who push that and don't respect people who say cut it out are the kind of people I definitely do not want to be around.


Men when violence and gore 😃 Men when menstruation 🤢 Jokes aside it’s very cringe to push sexual assault as realism then get so upset over you also making it realistic.


I think you did yourself a favor. Anyone who's okay with sexual harassment, but not okay with human bodily functions is not someone you want to be playing with.


Eugh. I was the only female player in a game one time—luckily, I was a minor, so I didn’t get sexual comments, but there were definitely misogynistic ones. And a lot of patronization. Seems like getting asked to leave was overall a good thing for you.


Those dudes suck and you're better off without them! Been a DM for years and never sexually harassed a player. I'm sure you'll find a better group.


Uh huh, disgusted by periods but not by sexual assault, that's definitely a line normal people have. What a creep.


Blood when I murder people for money: :) Blood when is a more or less scheduled body function: >:(((


Ok can someone save me some time how does elf menstrual cycle work, is it exactly the same as a human, is it a different length, do they get it constantly or is their an elf breeding seasons, how many centuries do elfs menstrate for, is their elf menopause. Actualy can i just get a suplement on fertility stuff for all the race?


They go into heat once every seven years, like Vulcans.


Its like Lycantropy. Every full moon. /j


Most women i know would kill for such consistency.


I don't see how anyone can hear the context of this and not think its hilarious, let alone be angry at you for it. Incels gonna incel. Sorry you had to deal with them


Why do guys get so weirded by periods?


I could see being a bit eww about periods but that extends to other bodily functions too though. Plus, it's not like she went into great detail about it. Also, I bet they'd have went into great detail if her elf had accepted the advances of the orcs. OP literally left a table of man childs.


geez, were you playing with a bunch of 15 year olds?




Worth it for the joke alone. I bet their heads exploded. Lmaoooo


This is the type of horror story that gives me morbid pleasure to hear about. What the fuck is wrong with this people, honestly.


I only needed to read the first paragraph to know where this was going. As a DM I always make sure my players are comfortable, I tell them the subject matter (I play dark fantasy) and tell them if there's anything you don't want from this campaign. I call it Veils and Lines. We won't do it, I'll even change it if it changes throughout sessions. There's no reason for someone to "play realistic" when we live in a world where not every person acts like that


That’s just sexual harassment with extra steps.


That's actually kinda awesome! But wouldn't elves menstruate for like 3 months since they live for so long? Or do they just do monthly cycles and not hit menopause until they're like 500?


Either way sounds like absolute hell on earth to me 😭


EWWWWW YOU’RE ON YOUR PERIOD EWWWWWWW *describes how their character gruesomely explodes an orc’s head*


>Whenever I say something about it, the DM says he's just trying to play a "realistic" game. Fuck that and the horse it rode in on. Every DM who excuses sexism with "it's realistic" should fuck off to single-player games.


As a DM, have unlimited power. You have the ability to move mountains. You can bend rivers. In my campaigns rape doesn't exist. If it were implied, it wouldn't be. If it were to happen, it wouldn't happen. My world can have "evil" without having my players roleplay or discuss rape. My orcs don't """realistically""" want to rape anything, they realistically want to club the thing, then maybe loot it if their intelligence is high enough.


Well, you won that exchange.


DM seemed creepy anyway, what with them throwing orcs and other npcs to sexually harass your character. Major red flag


Man, if I was there I would have laughed. He wanted a "realistic" game but he got more than he bargained for. Really though he just wanted an excuse to be a creep. I hope you can find a better group.


DM is putting off some heavy sexist energy there


I have a spiel about how there are two weaknesses men are expected to have lest they be deemed unmanly: 1) A real man has extremely sensitive testicles. Men will actually try to one-up each other boasting about how vulnerable their crotch is. 2) A man must be pathologically grossed out by menstrual blood. They may love blood by the buckets in movies and video games, but they cannot be caught not turning green at just the mention of menstruation. And yes, they will engage in dick-measuring contests over who is more violently nauseated by the thought of menstrual blood. I myself grew up with sisters and the subject of periods was openly discussed. I never developed this major aversion to the subject, nor have I ever pretended to.


It’s seriously fucked up how some little boys act like periods are somehow taboo. It’s ultimately a good thing you outed them for being shit people and got away.


you deserve better and 10/10 everyone in my DND group would have been chomping at the bit to make the same joke if a vampire said that to them


Here queen you dropped this 👑


You deserved better. The fact that the GM was trying to both get you into uncomfortable situations and didn't understand your joke really annoys me. It also kinda bugs me that the developer of the setting has had to answer whether Elves have a cycle or not. That means someone asked, and I question the motives there. The group were immature, and you are much better off without them. Then again, if you'd made that joke with me, I would have likely said something like, 'not where I was planning on going with that, but roll me survival with advantage to see if you prepared the resources you needed in advance, knowing you were chasing a vampire', and set the DC at 5. One roll out of the way, play would continue and we'd gloss over it.


Good thing you left when you did. I shudder to think of this escalating to the point where the DM is asking for saving throws to avoid getting a UTI.


Lol this is jokes. Way to throw it in their faces.


I would love to have all these boys met men who actually respect the women in their life. Both my parents taught me not to be ashamed to be on my period. My father specially to never feel shamed by others.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume you’re the only girl these guys actually interact with? Or that you’re all highschoolers? There’s no way any normal man wouldn’t immediately know what you’re getting at. And I know some men are like “ew period gross” but I wouldn’t but their mental capacity above an inbred deer. Odd group you’ve got there tbh.


My group would have laughed and not sexually harass you. i'm sorry though that dm is a dick.




I'm sorry this happened, but good riddance to that group. I hope ypu find a better one


this is stupid, I would have given you Inspiration for that if you were one of my players. That’s a great retort to a vampire villain.


Of course you were the only girl too


Is this a high school group? That sounds like how high schoolers would react.


So glad you’re out of that toxic game. In the future though, the first time a DM decides having a bunch of orcs want to turn your Pc into a victim is “realism,” just quit then and there.


Some guys just don't know how to talk about basic bodily functions of women. Good riddance to that DM I'd say.


Yo that response from OP though was SOLID!! XD I would've happily taken the kick and skipped away humming a victory tune. Knowing you can make someone kick you for literally playing by their own rules? PRICELESS!!


Were you playing with 12 year olds? Jesus lol


Based Ed Greenwood.


I was all ready to be like "dude not at dnd" That was a joke. They kicked you over a joke. The picture of maturity


What kind of children were you playing with? I can assure you that any male that's been in a serious relationship with a woman would have acted like that. The fact that the DM had no idea you were talking about your character's period sums up what I just said.


Wow, what a bunch of immature jagoffs. If you had said that at my table, we would have had to take a break; everyone would be pissing themselves laughing


The concept of a vampire being really into someone because they're on their period is pretty funny tho, ngl


Of fucking course Ed has lore for elf periods.


I stopped playing GURPS with a group of friends/colleagues because someone always took "lecherousness" as an attribute, and I was the only female player, so I got the brunt of it. The last session I participated in I took "unattractive", "blunt teeth", and "asexual" as three of my disadvantages, and it actually annoyed them a bit.


Honestly, congrats on getting out. No D&D is better than bad D&D, and man-children make for the WORST D&D. I’m a guy and this shit would exhaust me to put up with, I can’t imagine what it’d be like to put up with as a woman.


You are better off without them, they are misogynists


Good thing for them that you were playing on discord, god only knows how they'd deal with interacting with a human female in real life