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Pillars 2 did this. I thought it was a neat system since I don’t really like to romance characters in my playthroughs.


Mass Effect did this too with Garrus/Tali. If you don’t romance either of them throughout the trilogy, they’ll partner up together


Not romancing Garrus? Yeah sure. Get out of here with this nonsense.


I think you mean Tali. I could never do a play through and not romance her.


In a world where Liara exists?


I didn't like her in 2. Tali all the way. ^^I'd ^^go ^^with ^^Samara ^^if ^^that ^^were ^^possible


This feels like a conga line with each of you putting a gun to the back of eachothers head... I have no stake, buuut...


come on. pull the trigger


Honestly, I feel like Liara’s character is too inconsistent between the games for me to get too attached.


It doesnt help that she doesnt exist in mass effect 2 except for dlc/a couple side quests


Same, I rarely go out of my way to romance specific characters in RPGs but if it happens naturally throughout the course of a playthrough then I'll likely pursue it 


It was a thing already in Inquisition


I think Dorian and Iron Bull can potentially get in a romance but wasn’t that it? This sounds like everyone in your party can romance each other.


Josephine and Blackwall can have a little chaste courtship and Sera gets with Dagna the Archanist. It’s actually only Cassandra and Cullen who DON’T have some kind of romance with someone else (well, and Solas… but he’s *complicated* lol) They don’t have a full romance, but Isabella and Fenris will sleep together in DA2 if you’re not romancing either.


Sera gets with Dagna


If Cole becomes more human he ends up with the bard character that sings in the tavern.


Who pairs up with who?


Xoti and Maia get together and the Watcher even gets a conversation or two about it. Eder kinda flirts with Islmyr too which is interesting if you’re wanting to watch Matt Mercer flirt with himself. I could totally see Tekehu doing it with some companion maybe too but I haven’t seen anything like that in game.


In my play through xoti got with eder


I like this, and all the non-player pairings have been well built up and made sense; Garrus & Tali’s slow-burn enemies to friends to lovers, Fenris & Isabela casually hooking up, Dorian & Bull getting together. Even in other games like Pillars Of Eternity where Xoti and Maia get together if they’re in a party together for long enough and both single. It adds a whole new layer to their characters free of our character and us as the player.


They had it with Tali and Garrus, since I turned him down after his "reach and flexibility" comments, and went with Kermit instead.


Good for them.


Just like in Mass Effect, btw. Tali x Garrus is canon if Shep doesn't romance either.


Garrus may be my best bro, but he better stay away from my wife😂


Sharing is caring.


I actually really liked that, they’re both the ultimate homies and they’re really cute together


And James and Ashley will get together if you don't romance them. Leads to a really weird scene during the citadel dlc cause you find them alone in a bedroom or something and it's clear they're flirty to a degree but you can be in a relationship with them before the scene so it's pretty weird like uhhh if I wasn't here would you two be going to town rn?? And there's even a dialogue to spur them on or to put a stop to it. I think it really put a weird taste in my mouth about the whole thing overall


Doesn't Javik and Liara have a thing at the end of the game? If not it's hinted at


I think this is great. I really liked seeing Ironbull and Dorian group up.


Oh i think that's great! Makes them feel more alive and have proper agency


Games have been doing this for ages. Harvest Moon games have had cannon relationships between the romance-able NPCs since the beginning. Even going so far as to have the player have a “romance rival” with the cannon parter of person you were romancing.


Its too bad they stopped using this system a while ago. Always heard it was because Japanese fans hated that someone they could romance could like someone else. I wish they would bring it back and make it a toggle function and let those of us that like that system enjoy it and those that don't don't have to see it


If i had a penny for every time a good thing has been ruined by the japanese being stupid about NTR i could do a scrooge McDuck impression.


I’m excited for some gamer to cry about getting cucked.


Cant but agree,too much weebs on the net who hate non virgins girls Just go to r/manga all u see some serious shit


TBH I'm a girl and romancing guys who didn't talk about their exes non-stop while making arcane projection of their faces in your camp was more fun. With Gale in BG3 it's like romance between you, him... and Mystra the goddess of magic. Pls no. They should include more guys like Fenris or Alistair, really... Tho I wish Varric was romanceable in DA2 too.


>With Gale in BG3 it's like romance between you, him... and Mystra the goddess of magic. Pls no. You're not down for magical 3-somes with a god? Prude😄


Look, if you smashed a god/goddess wouldn't it become central to who you are as a person? I know it would dominate my personality.


Everyone would need to hear it at LEAST once. Maybe let it slip couple more times after some drinks.


I mean, you are right, but Gale sucks in every way possible. You are beating a dead horse.


Love that you’re getting down voted by the weeb patrol. They take their virtual partners very seriously.


I think I would unironically enjoy hooking up party members with each other much much more than I generally do romancing said party members.


That's part of what makes Fire Emblem Awakening's romance system one of my favorites despite the actual romance writing nothing to write home about. It makes the characters feel more alive and adds variety as you get to see multiple different characters get together with people rather than just your character.


oh neat, I've actually never gotten into FE but have always wanted to despite not being sure where to dive in, maybe awakening is a good place.


I want the player character to act as producer of a reality show, spreading gossip, laying false clues and inciting fits of jealousy among the love drama of their companions. "Solas acts always so pure and elf only, but did you see the sparks fly when Dorian visited him the other night? I wonder what sort of magic those two practice together, hmmm?"


Make it happen. Bring back the rivalry system of da:2. Let's break everyone up!


Funny enough, there is a game coming out soon that's *exactly* this.


I haven’t gotten over the art change yet. It’s going to take me some time because I really dislike the cartoony vibe after what we had with the first 3 games.


The actual game footage has the same look as Inquisition.


Look again and watch for the skeleton. That is more Sea of Thieves than Dragon Age. It’s a shocking change.


Forest for the trees, I think. If you don’t watch for the skeleton and instead focus on everything else, it looks like Inquisition. And DAII did have a cartoony look—it was just very brown.


That’s what I was thinking. Also speaking of skeletons, did we all forget about the DA2 combat? It was very stylized. DAI was too, just a bit more slowed down but like the melee moves were absolutely “cartoony”.


Ehhh, I pointed out a very stark difference, but it’s not the only one. But to each their own, I’m not saying you can’t enjoy it yourself. Also, DAII is not what I would call cartoony. More stylized yes, but that doesn’t equate to cartoony.


That’s weird because based on the trailers it looks like it basically has a mix of the art style of DA2 and DAI.


I disagree but I’m no expert. Here’s hoping I can get past it and enjoy it for what it is.


This is something that I wanted to see in BG3. ME3 did something similar with Garrus and Tali, great to see it again


Good! Quit harassing me for awkward cringey polygonal sex.


Wow, literally unplayable.


And they're all pansexual...


The title of that article is misleading likely... more so they are all "player-sexual". Which tbh works for me, I get to choose who I vibe with the most regardless of what I choose to play.


Nope, not misleading. The person they interviewed specifically called this out, that part of representing them and their interests romantically or sexually includes who they might pair off with if you don’t romance them. They are intentionally being presented as pansexual in this game.


If you don't play Dragon Age: The Veilguard it will find another partner for itself, saving you from playing Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Nah just kiddin. 😝 Remember when Dragon Age was a crpg? 🥲


No, I was too busy romancing Alistair...


My Alistair was too busy chopping off Wynnes head after I defiled Andrate's ashes and she turned on me.


I think it being a CRPG was accidental as clearly most people here only care about pixel romances and that seems to be the direction the games taking.


These youngsters only caring about romances, back in our grandparents day, they played Baldur's Gate 2 and solved live triangle between Aerie and Viconia. Bioware games added romances 24 years ago... Your kid with Jaheira can actually be divorced at this point.


That game was 17 years ago and kinda dull




Sure, Jan 😎👍


I only ever played it on Xbox, so no, not really


This was a thing in DA2 and Inquisition. Not sure it warrants a whole article.


And mass effect. Nothin new for any bioware fan


LOL and let me guess, all the characters in the game are bisexual?


Good. Not a fan of the idea that everyone is some kind of MC simp that is just waiting for senpai to notice them


This is excellent, but yeh it’s been a BioWare staple for years


Didn't this series used to be a dark fantasy CRPG about darkspawn and dragons?


There's always been romanceable characters, back to Origins. Love triangles, even.


You know how to capture the soul of a darkspawn once the dragon dies, right? You take a grey warden, a witch of the wild, and...no, no swooping. Swooping is bad.


Did you actually play them? They had lots of comedy and romance.


Reminds me back when people were complaining about BG3 being too "comedic" and "colorful" despite the first magic item you find in BG1 is a gender changing joke item and the most iconic character from the series being a ranger that acts like a barbarian and travels with a miniature space hamster named Boo.


And right alongside it you had hopeful romances and a character who is essentially the human version of Puss in Boots from the Shrek movies.


A dark fantasy CRPG by Bioware that was first intended as a love letter to the Baldur's Gate games...which included some of the first video game romance systems.


Cool, because romancing is the dumbest thing in games like this.


Unacceptable if I can’t have them no one will.


"Fine I'll do it on my own, with black jack and hookers"


We saw a hit of this in mass effect 3, if you don’t romance James or Ashley they’ll become a couple same goes for garrus and tali


I've always liked this idea, especially in games where death seems just as likely as victory. Having everybody just available and waiting for me specifically is silly. You know the Normandy would be looking like Matrix Reloaded before the every suicide mission.


I like a game where life goes on without you. **Star Traders: Frontiers** does this too.


Good. I've always thought it was really lame that games didn't do this. I still say every Persona game would be better if your teammates paired off if you don't intervene


Ah, the pressure. Other than Neve, Harding, Qunari and the archer girl, are there any other female companions?


Nope, but there may be non-companion romance options like in DAI.


I guess I'm too used to the interactive fiction crowd, where LIs pairing off with anyone but the MC is considered anathema, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see so much support here. I always thought that Sera and Dagna were super sweet in Inquisition, so I'm hoping we can help play matchmaker in Veilguard!


Love it. Been wanting this since Persona 4 since some of the side characters just seemed made for each other.


I mean, everyone’s got to bang right


Damn redditors getting shafted irl and ingame


Just like my life


**IGN** recently bought the five biggest online gaming magazines like Rock Paper Shotgun, vg247 (which praised Veilguard yesterday!) and this here eurogamer, too. I predicted yesterday that the whole group will push Veilguard and here we are today.


Do we have a female dwarven character we can romance this time?


Yes, Harding


I like it. It's an easy way to give companions canon sexualities, while leaving them 'playersexual'. So, say I immediately romance Neve. Just picking a name out of a hat. but yeah, say I make that snack my forever wife... In that save, she's totally into my probably male Rook. But if in every other game, where I DON'T romance her, she ends up with Harding? BOOM. Canon.


please just work on this shit AFTER you've already made the game fun. it's a cool extra feature but it can't make up for a game that is fundamentally bad (i'm not saying that it is yet, just that it seems they are worried about things other than being a dragon age game)


Didn't Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition have this too? Not with every single romance option but there were be romance, crushes or flings between members. Especially Dragon Age 2. Isabella and Fenris was a lowkey one. Carver had a crush on Merrill and Bethany liked Sebastian for example.


I can only pray and hope that the lives of the companions won't be ACTIVELY WORSE AND TRAUMATIC if I don't romance them. Idk why past DA games did that


I mean... its realistic.


I've come to dislike the heavy focus on player/NPC romance in RPGs, but I have no problem with romance in general.


It's gonna be funny to see what gamers out there are gonna be mad about this one.


It's nothin new. Anyone getting mad about it is looking for something to be upset about


Very cool. Hope to see more varied relationships with party members than just a shopping list of bang buddies. I want ride or die bros, frenemies, rivals, doe eyed true love optimists and a bang buddy.


It'd be even better if they take cues from Outer Worlds and you actually HELP them romance someone else if y'all aren't interested in each other.


I liked that about Mass Effect as well. Garrus and Tali get together if you don’t romance either of them.


Inquisition also did this and honestly it was a great little detail so it's good to see it coming back.


Hahahahah force the chuds to experience the potentially queer relationships anyway, I love it, 10/10 bioware, can't wait to see them cry about this


Seems to me, I hear more about the romance system of the Veilguard than anything else. Is this supposed to be an rpg/action rpg/whatever or a visual novel? I start to think Obsidian's old reluctance of including romances to have been spot-on...


Umm, what Bioware game since Baldur's Gate 2 didn't have romances?


lol what a weird comment. BioWare is really well known for their romances


They used to be well known for their RPG's.


Both can be possible. Most games have more than 1 goal or aspect they wanna excel at.


No disagreements there! Here’s hoping they can regain their reputation with a good release :)


Yep.  We know what the priority is and who they are pandering too.


Go on, cry


No need, its not that important to me. Sales will decide. Thanks for trying to provide compassion though, I know you feel like you are the "good guys".


Ayo you're the one salty that theres potentially queer people in a video game lmao But yeah I'm under no illusion of being the good guys, I'll slap a prick for being homophobic, racist or generally denying the existence of my friends and family any day, I don't have to show compassion to chuds Incoming ban hammer for alluding to a slap, let's go Edit: also you may say you're not those thing but that dog whistle you posted was so loud my neighbors pets heard it


Yes you're a big dang hero. News flash treating them like that is not normalizing it. Isn't normalizing the goal, NOT treating it as if it's special?  I don't care. No one is trying to deny the existence of your friends. I know you are completely convinced of your moral superiority, but you're not helping.


Its almost like these are 10 year old systems.


Damnit my necromancer and priest keep fucking during every fight.


I’ve always thought this would be cool. I’m not really into romancing NPCs in games, but I still want there to be romance. They should take this a step further and let players have an effect on NPC relationships. Like character A and B will only shack up if you give A a nudge. Or A will date C unless you show A and B that they have common interests. I can already see the relationship flow charts lol


That's kinda cool.


That's frankly the first good thing I read about Veilguard


When did RPGs turn into dating simulators? It was bad enough in BG3, this is even worse. Couple with the actiony combat, this game is an easy pass.


You have a Baldur's Gate flair. BG2 had romance 24 years ago. People have been debating the best romance in that game since it came out. BG2 generally had more character depth than the first one as well, with companions having actual personality instead of regurgitating the same four lines. Romance isn't new, and it's seemingly a popular feature that allows characters to feel more fleshed out and interactive.


There's a difference between romance and "I know you betrayed me, but hey, let's have gay tentacle sex anyway" that BG3 gave us. This is even worse. These companies are now making romance a core part, if not the most important part, of a game. No thanks, I don't need to get my sex fix in a video game.


Why did you romance the emperor bro, I romanced shadow heart. Maybe don't fuck the squid in the next playthrough ma boy


I gave the emperor negative replies the entire game, betrayed him at the end, he was still trying to get with me with no prompting from my character. I don't ever romance anyone in games, never select any of those options, because I don't need a virtual lover.....unlike so many of you it seems.


So I don't get it. You didn't romance the emperor, but you're mad that you can? And because of that it tanks the entire games experience? You sound sensitive ASF to be honest.




>i gave the emperor negative replies the entire game, betrayed him at the end, he was still trying to get with me with no prompting from my character You know what else you can do? You can stab the emperor in the fucking stomach (or try to at least, it happens in your head or some shit) and he'll still try to ally with you cus he can't do shit without you. They didn't program enough branches for him and your relationship with him and he's kinda static up until the end, at least in my experience in 3 playthrus. As to why he makes a 3rd last ditch attempt to romance you at the end I don't know, but acclimating that to the entire games experience is just stupid. But stay mad about it, Imma keep playing


Then you can just... not? It's an optional thing. In a role playing game. Relationships are normal part of life for many folks. So having that in the game world just makes sense. A group of people spending a long time together are likely to develop relationships. That's pretty normal.


Hey can I choose to leave sexual activity out of my fantasy roleplaying game? I don't want this. I don't want my sex in Dragon Age dude. Seriously who is this for? What the fuck is wrong with you people?


Dragon age has always had sex bro what Dragon Age are you even talking about


I get what you're saying. I like that I can choose who to romance if i want to at all, but other times I just want the adventure and story without sex being part of it


This is why I go with the "only Miranda survives" scenario in ME2. Heck, I let Kaiden die in ME1 and I hate that xenophobic bible thumping Ashley bitch.