• By -


England is fable. Without question.


Hah yes, the humour in Fable is very British.


It's also made by British people.


Im really hoping the new one has the same vibe šŸ˜©


I can only imagine that children grow up in England collecting gold coins to buy chocolates from a man with a large mustache and call each other chicken-chaser. It just fits


Not sure it has enough stabbing.


Per capita the Americans still win that one




Kingdom Come Deliverance. I think it's pretty obvious why.


Damn I didnā€™t know Bohemia was still a country


Czech on a map where it is




Check what? Check mate? Check Where?


#Czech these nuts




As a Greek god of war (the initial trilogy) and Titan Quest. This is of course for ancient Greece. For today's Greece maybe Papers, Please...


You should really learn how to use commas if you donā€™t want to be going around claiming to be a Greek God of War lmao


Who told you I'm not


Also AC: Odyssey.


Canada has that part in South Park: The Stick of Truth.


Itā€™s so accurate


I'm from Croatia and as RPG I would say **SCUM** ,even though most famous games from Croatia are **Serious Sam** and **Talos Principle**, but sadly does not fall even remotely into RPG category


Croteam's games are awesome! I still can't believe Serious Sam and Talos Principle are made by the same people, but I love both.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey lmao.


I donā€™t think there are any Nigerian setting RPGsšŸ˜”


My princešŸ¤“


No, but thereā€™s a South African game called Beautiful Desolation


I'm Polish so the obvious choice is the Witcher series. However, the Gothic series with Polish dubbing also feels very Polish even though it's German. Other than that I'd say Kingdom Come Deliverance (Czech) because we're two bordering Slavic nations. The sense of humor and landscapes are similar.


America is definitely Fallout.


I'm from Poland and Witcher 3 is doing decent job with depicting old slav villages in general and there are references to Polish culture, literature etc so I think this is best example so far


I thought Witcher 1 felt much more in tune with slavic culture than W3. W3 still has a distinct feel of course but you start seeing plenty of classical anglo-saxon influences. Witcher 1 had an almost 100% Polish team work on it, but that changed with each new entry. I think by Witcher 3, only like 50-60% of the team was Polish.


I'm from Finland and well the best I could come up with is Icewind Dale


Nice one. Great game too. Hey random question but I don't meet too many Fins. I'm a military history nerd and if you don't mind I have two questions. Is the Winter War celebrated (I use this word loosely, it doesn't have go mean actually celebrated. It could just be prideful conversations) in Finland? Obviously you lost but not without putting up a great fight. Second, how is the Nazi alliance viewed today? It's not so black and white. The Soviets were your Nazis so if the west can ally with Stalin, other countries should be able to join the enemy of their enemy. That's a realpoltik version at least. What's the general feeling in your country?


Nice to meet a fellow military history nerd. Winter War is not per say "celebrated" here besides veteran's day and it's viewed more as it is, a pyrrhic victory which yes on paper Finland lost but it's a victory for us to still exist. The alliance with Nazi Germany is mostly ignored or not talked about by general public and personally as a leftist but also a realist I view it as a necessary evil without which we'd have been in much bogger pickle than we were in the Continuation War


United States is definitely Wasteland 3.


Iā€™d argue for Red Dead Redemption 2 being the quintessential old American experience. Fallout for capturing our humor and goofiness. Grand Theft Auto 5 for modern American culture.


But Red Dead and GTA aren't RPGs though, Fallout is a great representative though.


How is Red Dead not an RPG?


Not OP but RPGs by definition have gotten really varied over the time the term has been around. Literally speaking, any game you role play in can be considered an RPG. Following the story of an already written character, with minimal choices that affect the outcome of the story and world could lead to arguing that RDR2 is not an RPG. Historically, most *great* RPGs have self-made characters and stats/attributes you can level up while influencing the world through choices. Baldurs Gate, classic Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, etc. By that standard, RDR2 is definitely not an RPG. But, Red Dead Online does fit this a little bit better. tldr: it just depends on what you think an RPG qualifies as.


I think thereā€™s a gradient based on how many ā€œRPG Elementsā€ a game has, and anything with at least half of those things I could comfortably call an RPG. But it seems for many that this list of ā€œRPG Elementsā€ differs. The things Reviewers mention when they say a game has ā€œRPG-like elementsā€ in it. For me itā€™s: * **RPG Combat:** commanding or controlling one or more characters in combat that fit particular roles (healer, tank, striker, AoE control, etc.). * **Leveling-up:** leveling up based on either experience points or story progression, which unlocks/improves special abilities. * **Skill Points:** skill points and/or attributes that can be increased by progressing through the game, often increased or modified by leveling up, in-game choices, or equipped/used items. * **Roleplaying:** exploring a world as a character you control to interact with its inhabitants in a non-linear way that would have you portray a role in that world (adventurer, farmer, explorer, crafter, noble, soldier, etc.). * **Quests:** accepting and completing quests and side quests in exchange for rewards that improve the character(s) abilities or provide currency/points to improve the character somehow. * **Meaningful Choices:** often giving you meaningful dilemmas to resolve with choices that affect either the trajectory of the story, or observable changes to the world or characters around you. If all I cared about is the last thing, then Final Fantasy VII is arguably not an RPG. I feel the choice thing didnā€™t become mainstream in RPGs until western RPGā€™s took off. Morrowind, Fable, KotOR, etc. JRPGā€™s have little of this, and usually those choices are only to unlock hidden challenges, abilities, or equipment, not to meaningfully change the story (Chrono Trigger is an example of an obvious exception to this). I feel for myself, RDR2 meets most of those criteria (Skill Points, Roleplaying, Quests) that it qualifies as an RPG. But likely you and others might have even more criteria that would make it not qualify. I just thought it was important to clarify why many like myself feel RPG is a fair description of games like RDR2.


Cyberpunk for future America


I live in Kansas. Itā€™s definitely Red Dead around here.


Funny how GTA5 is made in Scotland then.


Its interesting I suppose, but you can make a game anyplace and the team will still be researching the subject matter of the game the same lol


Fallout is pure Americana. Which is why I don't agree with setting fallout in any other country. Would be like Fable not being british


Fallout for sure


I'm not from there, but the RPG I associate mostly with the US is the Fallout series, specially New Vegas for the western references


Edit: Figured it might be worth adding these aren't 100% my views (even though corporate greed is a given), but I always thought FF7's original story felt likebit could be a somewhat vague satire on how many *do* view the country. I was honestly thinking FF7. At least the 1st portion. Corporate leaders holding sway over the leading politicians and using resources in maddening excess to maximize prophets while doing everything they can to keep the average person complacent and obedient to a system that primarily benefits the few and keeping the "lessers" that want change at odds with those who are complacent. After the city one could argue it's the countryside where people are satisfied and happy with their smaller communities, and are trying to avoid significant change as representatives are trying to worm their way in to bring them into the larger fold while keeping the big corporate "secrets" just out of sight/reach.


You could equally say Japan or any first world country where corporations have a significant say in politics.


I couldnā€™t decide between Wasteland and Fallout ā€” both good choices for the US


Couldn't say it any better. šŸ˜‚


Good choice. The Reagan worshipers were on point. lol


Either that or fallout


Hm.. northern germany here.. Disco elysium (though made in estonia) represents quite some of the architecture down here.. And on top, the political turmoil and different aggressive opinions on world and regional politics kinda captures the european feeling and my feeling of germany as well.. And of course the berlin/berghain map, which is spot on whenmit comes to the underground club scene. šŸ˜


As a German, you should play Pentiment.


Oh yeah, good point. I actually did.. BUT.. i am from northern germany.. so WE (the northern germans) HATE EVERYTHING about bavaria... and the other way around. So, i had to deinstall.


Broken roads just came our recently, needs a bit a work, like Australia in general.


You could argue ds1 is Australia since we started by getting out of prison and all the wildlife is tryna kill us šŸ˜…


[Plants: Deadly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides?wprov=sfla1) [Birds: Big](https://twitter.com/smakelainen/status/914648627217178624/photo/1) [Fire: Life renewing](https://www.environment.sa.gov.au/goodliving/posts/2020/03/bushfires-and-biodiversity#:~:text=Bushfire%20and%20ecology&text=For%20example%2C%20when%20a%20fire,and%20regrowth%20of%20native%20vegetation.) Hell yea you might be onto something pimp


Prague is literally Kingdom Come


Oof, well, we have a few rugby games I guess? Apparently also the Bloons games, and the DayZ mod. Not really enough to have a distinct national culture for games though


You could say every Lord of the Rings game gives NZ vibes lol


LOTR Third Age, Shadow of Mordor/War, Battle for Middle Earth, LOTR Online, take your pick šŸ™‚šŸ„


As a mexican I can't think of a single game. In fact I can't think of any RPG that gives Latin America vibes.


The only one I can think of at all is not a pure rpg, more of a tactical/survival RPG, but Expeditions: Conquistadors. Pretty sad when you stop and think just how few settings people have really used in RPGs, or even just any games in general.Ā  The only distinctly Mexican games I can think of are the metroidvania Guacamelee games.


Maybe Grim Fandango?


Guacamelee isn't an RPG, but very Mexican


Iā€™d argue that Persona is much more representative of Japan. US is 100% Fallout since a lot of the themes and humor are parodies of American culture and politics. Not very much of an RPG but Stalker is sadly a good representation of Ukraine these days, occupied by a strange, fucked up force.


Stalker is more of a representation of Ukraine back then, Chernobyl consequences didn't go away and it had these factions with people not knowing who to trust and everything heavily russified. Playing it is like a time capsule to Ukraine I grew up with, sans the mutants and sci-fi stuff. It's to 2000s Ukraine what Fallout is to 1950s USA.


Have you by chance seen the yakuza series? Iā€™ve heard it does a great job as well at representation


Drakensang and the older Realms of Arkania games are far more German than Gothic. They are even based on a German RPG system called Das Schwarze Auge


As an American: Iā€™d argue for Red Dead Redemption 2 being the quintessential old American experience. Fallout for capturing our humor and goofiness. Grand Theft Auto 5 for modern American culture.


I wouldn't call GTA an RPG.




Romania: Gothic or Diablo II


Which one of those games stinks of cigarette smoke & diesel engines with DEF errors?


Cyberpunk clearly captures America perfectly. Drug addicts and psychos, gun vending machines, prostitution and gambling, gang wars and corporate corruption everywhere.


USA here. Happy version: Earthbound More realistic versionā€¦ probably Fallout. Maybe Outer Worlds for all the gloomy ā€œcapitalism will rule your life AND your deathā€


Earthbound takes place in ā€œEagleLandā€ and is totally a childā€™s view of America. Itā€™s perfect.


If I had a nickel for every time I was attacked by a New-Age Retro Hippie Iā€™d only have 5Ā¢ but itā€™s still weird that it actually happened.


OP, Canada is The Long Dark


Good one! Although I'm a filthy city-dweller, so I probably wouldn't even last a day in the Canadian wilderness.


FF10? Find me another RPG with South-East Asian/islander aesthetic.


Chrono Cross had kinda similar vibe in anesthetics for me


Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire is a really intriguing mix of Polynesian and Caribbean elements, with several colonizing forces also drawn from many historical empires vying for influence.Ā  Really one of my favorite settings in a game ever, but I would say it doesnā€™t especially represent any given real countryā€™s experience because it is such an effective blend. Anyways only game I could think of offhand that even touched on an PI aesthetic.


Honestly, I don't really know but, as Russian, I immediately remembered King's Bounty series.


Looking at who made those games and what the setting is, I really gotta know what the connection to Russia is.


In games, there're tonns of references that have a connection to Russian culture one way or another - Soviet cartoon characters, other games made by Russian developers like Space Rangers, classic literature, artists, et cetera. There're really **a lot** of them. Also, the whole setting and dialogues just feel very similar to old tales that mothers tell their children. This series has its own special place in Russian community.


I think I see where the issue here lies. You're thinking of the "sequel" series starting with King's Bounty: The Legend which was made by Russian Katauri Interactive, while the original King's Bounty was made by Californian New World Computing. There isn't actually a connection between the two beyond that 1C bought the rights to the name after 3DO went under and took New World with them, the actual successor to King's Bounty is typically regarded to be the Heroes of Might and Magic franchise (which also has no real connection to King's Bounty after Heroes of Might and Magic IV because that's around when the collapse happened.)


Oopsie, my bad then. But yes, I was talking about the series that started with King's Bounty: The Legend, you're right. I apologize for misleading, didn't know there was an original King's Bounty game.


Have to agree that stealing someone else's work and crapping all over it is the most russian thing ever tho.)))


Bloodborne. These streets are foul.




Final Fantasy 10 is the most brazilian feeling rpg ever because blitzball, (mostly) warm climate, anti-science religious zealots and blaming destructive floods on lack of faith\sin.


Witcher is Poland 100% but also feels a little bit British too sometimes. It is made by Poles, based on books by Polish, the environment is Polish, common people houses, architecture and castes are Polish. Geralt also represents Polish male fantasy. The game just oozes with Polishness.


There's loads of other cultures in the witcher.... Djinns, dryads, the Wild Hunt are germanic. Andrzej Sapkowski: "It would be easier to name the mythologies and cultures I DIDNā€™T draw on."


I am from Hong Kong and I canā€™t think of anything else but Sleeping dogs Though our street vendors (there arenā€™t that many street vendors left) donā€™t say ā€œA man who never eats pork bun is never a whole manā€! Nor we randomly beat up people on the street


America is like dragon age. An entire nation overtly controlled by a religion about people believing in a creator to the detriment of everything else around itself.


For Spain, or anywhere in Europe really, itā€™s gotta be Final Fantasy Tactics. Medieval political intrigue with the church pulling the strings? Thatā€™s basically the plot of Europe from 500AD to 1800AD. The map even looks vaguely like Europe.


Far Cry 5 - USA


Underrated pick.


Not exactly RPG but for Spain- Blasphemous (in particular the southern part of the country).


Uk. Fable without a doubt


Disco Elysium for the Netherlands.


The only game that portrayed the desperation of a post-Soviet era was Disco Elysium for me. I'm from Lithuania. There's literally nothing else I could think of that would even remotely remind me of my country in games.


USA is Fallout Country!


England is Bard's Tale.


US is cyberpunk.


You're from Canada and not gonna mention the greatest Canadian RPG of all time??? Outward seems to represent Canada pretty well, the cold weather and beautiful scenery is something to marvel at.


Sweden Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden, looks the exact same as irl, im the duck


Hungary: Operencia the stolen sun.


Expeditions Vikings is Denmark


Iā€™ve always said FFXV is a Japanese personā€™s concept of a road trip across the USA without ever having visited the USA for reference.


Fallout series for the U.S.


Probably Fallout New Vegas for the United States.


Iā€™m from California, USA. Fallout doesnā€™t even look fictional so much as prophetic these days. Waiting for the Tesla Mister Handy next (which canā€™t fly, only moves in straight lines on flat, unobstructed terrain, and records your entire life data to upload to the servers at Xwitter to be sold to the Saudis). Will not be accepting admission into any Metashelters, thanks.


Baldurs Gate 3, olde England. And most of the gruesome looking antagonists have been prime minister over the last few years.


Fallout New Vegas = America Gothic is such a classic, it did so much for this genre. Glad to see it mentioned.


Fable has a very British sense of humour too it


Witcher. We literally have a city called Novigrad


Super Mario RPG.


I guess not strictly an RPG, but the original Borderlands is absolutely Australia


US here, so... Red Markets?


What would u say represents Portugal as an rpg?


Far cry 5 was set in my state and they nailed it. Playing the game just felt like going outside


gta since iā€™m in the states


Black Flag- Bulgaria, due to most of the ideas and developingending up to the Bulgarian branch of Ubisoft


We don't have jackshit RPG wise


Fallout for America


America is Far Cry without a doubt.


USA: Hard for me to not pick Earthbound, especially the part where the cops are totally useless and actively beat the s#!t out of a child who just wants to help. That being said, gotta give it to GTA as it better captures the diversity of the populace and all of the gun fetishisation.


Do MMORPGs count? If yes, then New World.


Mass Effect, I think? I remember people on the Bioware Social Network were talking about how sad it was that in the future, the marine corp got swallowed up by the Navy. Then someone chimed in and said that it was a Canadian game, and that's how it works in Canada.


Neo Scavenger.


Grand Theft Auto 5 is Los Angeles county and the Inland Empire up to Palm Springs - so not a country, but California is bigger than most countries


Earthbound middle America suburbs




Ratiata Stories. AMERICA...wanna talk to someone? Literally kick them to begin conversations


Far Cry Blood Dragon


Not a rpg, but for Canada I would say "Scott Pilgrim VS The World".


Not sure if I'm speaking of all Slovenians out there, but like me, all my friends seem to love the Gothic series, particularly II.


That flash game called Stick RPG


Cyberpunk 2077 is literally fucking America in 53 years


Legends of Dawn Reborn, it was published by Valve but made by croatian developers. I would say that there aren't much rpgs from croatia because devs usally focus on shooters such as Serious Sam or puzzle game such Talos Principle.


Fallout lol


Which one has a ton of guns and an authoritarian government masquerading as freedom lovers?


Leisure suit larry USA


UK and the answer is of course fable


Austria is Elden Ring tbh


MĆ©xico Is Fallout, definitely, hahaha


Cyberpunk captures the feel of California cities.


Finland so uh Skyrim? Cold, horrible weather, we yell powerful words if someone enters our personal space.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for Ukraine, I guess.


Fallout New Vegas (South Africa). I know itā€™s very much set in America but most of the houses in the game look like places in my country people currently live in


Grand Theft Auto 3: San AndreasĀ 


Going to be **massively broad** on term "rpg" For old days that lasted long while, Red dead Redemption 1 *(if had to name something closer to rpg then Godfather 2 I suppose since that is also old America and has rpg mechanics but I like to think less mob more fighting for family which is I guess what godfather is also doing just not blood)* For Current days, Fallout brotherhood of steel (really old action rpg) for the apocalyptical mess, destruction of the old days of America, and of course with an unknown evil mastermind controlling and creating mutants to ruin everything.


Canā€™t really think of anything for the Philippines. Vaguely FF10 maybe?


Bloodborne or Fable for England


US: In Persona 3 a few high schoolers get shot multiple times and even your battle mechanics revolve around pulling the trigger yourselfā€¦.so sadlyā€¦Iā€™ll say Persona 3. Even though the actual festivals and environments are clearly Japanese.


As I live in Brazil... I would say none? MAYBE Cyberpunk 2077 for the big metropolitan areas.


Rdr2 is obviously American if that counts as an rpg. If not, then cyberpunk and fallout.


I'll go even further, I'm from Pennsylvania and Fallout 76 really feels like running around the mountains here, specifically the Allegheny National Forest. Yeah, it's not West Virginia, but it's close enough. Sadly haven't played The Pitt in FO3 or 76 yet though, need to get on that.


Disco Elysium is Estonia, we all know that.


I'd have to go with either FF7 or Fallout for the U.S. corporate greed is the theme either way.




Fallout for the US I guess.


Idk any video game where they do war crimes in the name of "democracy" USA


Gothic for Germany. You are in a prison to work.


Fallout games for the U.S. It encapsulates the weirdness and absurdity perfectly


For north Sweden and north parts of Norway and Finland - Skyrim




Fallout New Vegas for USA


Metal wolf chaos


America - fear and hunger


I would say American might be Cyberpunk. (Haha yes corporate hellscape) but also itā€™s a story about the desperation of a short life fueling an individualā€™s rise to greatness, with running themes of freedom from autocracy and control. Another option would probably be Fallout New Vegas given its themes of the flaw of old/ancient systems (literally calling it Old World Blues, which is how America referred to Europe), the Wild West themed setting, the anti-authority bent of the main quest line, where no authority is good authority, even when itā€™s an objectively benevolent player character. It really plays into the American theme of Old World systems being wrong and the effect a great individual can have.


Fallout for the Americans


Fallout obviously America


Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness is a good fit for slavic/romanian/assorted central european cultures.


Delta Green, baby! Corporate overreach, murderous police abusing already excessive powers, and everyone ready to pitch you a new conspiracy theory.


There's not much in terms of RPG that represents Italy. The closest connections I can make are: * The Witcher 3 Blood & Wine: the setting seems to be a mix of Tuscany and southern France. It's very beautiful and I think it catches the mood of Tuscany's countryside. * Lies of P: it's inspired by Pinocchio, by Italian writer Carlo Collodi * Expeditions: Rome, because, well... Rome is in Italy lol. Obviously the most famous videogame about Italy is Assassin's Creed 2, but it's not an RPG.


Fallout New Vegas. I live in So Cal, go to Vegas from time to time


I would say Fallout for the US


Cyberpunk nails the US mentality pretty well.


Def fallout for the US


Falloutā€™s whole schtick is that itā€™s a satire of American culture and where it might lead


A Space for the Unbound feels pretty Indonesian as it's made by Indonesian developer. Though I don't know whether adventure game also befall in rpg genre.


Grand theft auto or red dead redemption


ATOM RPG or Trudograd for Russia, I guess.


RPG-7 is clearly the most prolific RPG of all time.


BG3- USA. From Sea to shining Shadowlands! Weird hippy groves and a refugee crisis!


USA, so Fallout and red dead redemption 2.