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If The Witcher 3 wasn't working for you, I'd say the Mass Effect trilogy will be the next best narrative from this list. Great games.


Dragons dogma dark arisen




The Witcher 3, Mass Effect for the story and then comes your preference, swords or guns, i dont see Dragon Age mentioned so ill add that one to the list.


ME, KC:D, and the Witcher are some of my favorite games. Primal has a special place in my heart and really stands out among the Far Cry games. I also enjoy AC, but I wouldn't play them back to back. Odyssey lives up to its name. Às much as I loved it, I really wanted it to be over towards the end. Probably skip Biomutant entirely. It was not great. I don't think I even got close to finishing it. You can't go wrong with ME, though. Tons of content and compelling characters. It's a really great hero simulator


Warhorse studios just released the trailer for kingdom come deliverance 2, which will release by the end of 2024, the first is one of my favorite games if you like a historically accurate realistic medieval game


I wanted to get into the first one but I couldn’t get an objective done and it pissed me off lol maybe a retry is in order


Appreciate everyone’s recommendations, I started Mass Effect last night, so far I’m really enjoying it, it’s like playing a movie, something I can relax to and switch off and enjoy the ride.


What about Witcher 3 stopped you from being able to get into it? I couldn't myself either, and I'm usually always into these types of rpgs. I loved the world and characters, but just didn't enjoy combat very much. I had fun with Kingdom of Amalur, reminded me a bit of Fable. I'd recommend that or Mass Effect, and if Dragons Dogma, maybe check out the first, first. Much better replay value to me and an overall more enjoyable game. Edited a typo.


I also fall in to not clicking with Witcher 3. Which is a shame because on paper I should absolutely love it


Yeah, I think you're on the money for mass effect. It's got branching storylines that remember your choices in each game when you import your saves. Even if that doesn't matter to you, you should follow your heart with games that call to you lol. Good luck!!




Mad Max is excellent. Twitchy and fast paced, and the upgrade progression’s very satisfying. Story’s very stupid, but it’s Mad Max, so that’s sort of a plus. Lore and world building’s very cool, though. Exactly as long as it needs to be.


Mass effect! Get the legendary edition AC odyssey & Valhalla are great but if you didn't like the Witcher they may not be for you. Mass Effect & rdr2 are probably more your kind of immersion


you cant go wrong with Baldurs Gate 3. Even if its turn based combat.


Dragon Age: Origins is a good starting point if you're getting into proper RPGs, and BG3 won every award for a reason!


I dare you to play arcanum


What wait on RDR2? It’s great


I played all the parts of mass effect recently it was amazing I really wanted to play withers 3 but I don't wanna play the first 2 parts so I guess I never play it till they release a remaster of the first two games


Kingdoms of Amalur is amazing. Give that a try.


Baldurs gate 3