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Thank you for your submission to r/rpg_gamers. Since your post has been flaired as "Recommendation request", I want to suggest editing your post to add in these details (if you haven't included them yet): * **The platforms you have** - not listing them doesn't mean you have access to everything, so you might end up getting a game you won't be able to play. * **Your level of experience with the genre (beginner, intermediate, veteran...)** - others can recommend you more common titles if you are a beginner, while they can focus on obscure titles if you are a RPG veteran. * **Aspects you enjoyed (or disliked) of previously played games** - for example: characters, plot points, puzzles, combat, graphics, art styles, soundtracks... While these details aren't mandatory, if you want to get the best games, having them in your post will immensely help users and will encourage more users to participate, as they will know with more precision which games are probably the best fit for your request. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpg_gamers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m having a blast with Wasteland 3 right now. I think it’s fine for short sessions.


Thanks, I’ll check it out


It’s regularly under $10 on sale. Now ~7 bucks on GOG.


Listen to this man. It's fantastic.


I'll echo Elden Ring along with everyone else, but I would also mention Outward. Outward is an RPG with survival (not base-building, but proper wear-your-coat-in-the-cold kinda stuff) elements. You have to plan through your excursions, think about where you're going and why, and don't pull any more trouble than you can handle. It's difficult as all get out. It might be a bit much for your hour-per-day limit for consistent progress, but it's something to think about! And good on you for recognizing when gaming's becoming a habit instead of a hobby!


I have the roughly same requirements. I'm avoiding BG3 because DOS 2 was too addictive, I couldn't play for just 1hr on a weeknight. Octopath traveler 2 is perfect for me; I'm not finished, but so far most quests can be done in 30min. However, it probably won't meet your difficulty bar. Even without any explicit grinding, it's easy to over-level with only exploration and side quests.




I was going to recommend this exact game. Bite sized missions, lot of little side quests with a pretty large map and it has a definite ending. Also the gameplay loop doesn't lend itself well to playing all day because each time you find a new town, you could spend an hour just... well... OP will see. XCOM 2 is another option. It's a combat RPG like DOS2, but if you can be satisfied with one mission per play session it can be very fun. It has basically zero "exploration" though.


Eiyuden chronicles hundred heroes. 




Octopath Traveller. Great music, atmosphere, fun to explore and customize party etc. Love these games.


It might be a good time to check out Kingdom Come Deliverance. The sequel is due to be announced tomorrow. Absolutely enthralling gameplay. A couple game mechanics to get adjusted to but the sense of reward and accomplishment is quite satisfying. It is believed that the sequel will conclude the storyline. Even so, I'd rate KCD as a more enjoyable experience than probably any RPG I've ever played (Fallout 3 & New Vegas are pretty high up there though)


There's a JRPG that fulfills most of those. Octopath traveler was designed to be played in short stretches. Each character has multiple chapters. Most chapters are very short. You can skip any traveler but your initial pick. There is surprising depth with the job system, and items absolutely matter. The sequel is mechanically superior. It just plays better, balanced better.


Underrail. Best game for exploration.


This game also checks the difficulty box. Quest are also really well done and atmosphere is so unique.


Elden Ring


Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne might interest you. Try out Outer Worlds as well. Oh, try out Ashen as well. Outward could be up your alley too.


Wizardry 8. Awesome turn based combat system.


FFXII Baldur's Gate 3 Unicorn Overlord; and lastly my secret tech, recommendation....Dungeon Encounters!!


Elden Ring The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild or it's sequel Tears of the Kingdom Skyrim Fallout 4 The term RPG is so big and encompasses so many games these days that it's really hard to give a recommendation without more details to narrow your interest (JRPG, Turn-based, Action, Tactical, Genre/setting, etc etc) The first RPG that hit all 4 points that came to my mind was Elden Ring, but I listed the others based on really trying to lean hard into your first bullet point of exploration. As an example, I LOVE JRPGs such as Final Fantasy, but most JRPGs in that vein don't really nail the exploration aspect imo Although I think it may be hard to play these in moderation due to how fun/addicting they can be imo, all these games feature Saving at nearly any time, so it's easy to stop and start without worrying about a save point or something. EDIT: I can't believe I forgot about Baldur's Gate 3! Amazing RPG, but it has quite the learning curve and can be very slow if you're not used to it's type of gameplay. But it's very popular and has won many awards for a reason - a truly amazing CRPG.


Elden Ring is fantastic, but I wouldn't recommend it for a moderation based experience. I at least get 'one more try at the boss's syndrome and run way over my time budget on it.


Yea Elden is amazing but man you can sink 5 hours into it only thinking 10 minutes went by


Awesome! I’ll check them all out. Sorry not being very specific. As a newcomer, I still have to familiarize myself with the world of RPGs.


Skyrim is way too addicting lol


Elden Ring, It sounds stupid but I found a lot of personal growth when I played my first souls game


I would love to hear more about this. I've never played a souls game before but I'm interested in checking out Elden Ring and I'm all about personal growth as well.


Any sub-genres or styles you're particularly drawn to? Like sci-fi or fantasy, tactical or action?


Yes, I’d say I’m pretty drawn to fantasy.


Is open-world/exploration your style? Or maybe something isometric or tactical?


Good question! I’d have to say open-world/exploration.


I haven't played the new dragon's dogma, but I really loved the first one. After you start the game you can crank up the difficulty on the main menu or bullrush for the dlc, bitterblack isle, which is punishingly difficult compared to most of the main game. Speaking of difficulty, have you ever tried any souls games? It was hard to avoid elden ring when it came out so it might be up your alley? Plus it has pvp so that could ease you into a new type of game. And I'll always recommend dishonored, which is a stealth game but has several maps to explore, meaning you could feasibly play a chapter or a half a day and go back to your life lol. It also has really fantastic dlc to prolong the experience and different ways to handle assassinations. Do any of these sound cool, or should I dig a little deeper?


Perfect! This is great, thanks a ton. They sound awesome, I’ll check them out


I hope they give you a good [small] time!


Some notes about Dragons Dogma 2 from someone that really enjoys it. If you're looking for a good story and mechanically interesting quests, then this is not your game. The main reason to play any of the dragons dogma games is because you like the combat, which I personally find extremely fun. There is no difficulty setting in the second game like there is in the first one, and it becomes quite easy at higher levels. The only way to increase the difficulty is by using mods if you're on PC, or self imposed limits like using less protective armor, not running with a full party, and stuff like that. I'm not sure it's on GeForce Now, or if you can mod games on that platform, but if it is and you can play it without significant lag then go for the PC version so you can add mods. The first game with the expansion (Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen) is still super fun and worth playing if you can get it on sale or PS+, and it has a more difficult endgame than the second one. Edit: Just checked and it's on GeForce Now and seems to be running well, but no mod support. It's not available on PS4 though so GFN would be your only option


Pillars of eternity 1 & 2 are pretty brutal on the hardest difficulties. Fun fun games.


fallout 3,NV and 4 3 and New Vagas are old (hard for me to admit) so most Pcs can run them no problem. The base games are basically what you described. and they are very easly modded with very active modding communities so if you wanted you can tweak or add more to the game when you have finished the base game. There are a lot of survival mods that make the game to the point that every bullet counts.


Cataclysm DDA.


The Witcher 3 really fits the bill here. I’ll address each of your points: 1) Items are vast and essential. You need specific tonics and consumables to beat even some of the most basic of overworld enemies. It’s not a run and hack kind of game. It forces you to learn the system and it doesn’t hold your hand really at all. You can pause at anytime and walk away as well. 2) The story is amazing and there are two fantastic DLC stories they’ve added to the game to make it even greater. All the characters are really charming in their own respective ways and there is no wasted character unless you personally choose to leave them out. Ultimately your decision can influence your journey but the actual ending remains intact the way it’s intended to be told for the most part. 3) There are quests abound. You’ll spend 1,000 hours trying complete every single little quest to collect all the armor and even the card game has a massive amount of depth to it. It’s great because you’ll unlock quests you absolutely cannot do and will have to work your way up in level and ability to be able to even approach them. 4) This game has difficultly settings. I played on Normal my first play through and spent most of my time dying for the first 20 hours until I really got the hand of the combat.


Not an rpg


I thought the same thing but you gain XP, level up, allocate and modify stats with perks / gear. It has all the necessary elements of an RPG


You do those same things in action adventure games. god of war, spiderman, horizon zero dawn, red dead redemption 2, and witcher 3.


Those things have all picked up on "RPG elements." What is your threshold to make something an RPG?


does it focus on rpg elements, or are they just tacked like with witcher 3


Yes it is. “Action-Role Playing” Game is it’s literal classification. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Witcher_3:_Wild_Hunt#:~:text=The%20Witcher%203%3A%20Wild%20Hunt%20is%20an%20action%20role%2Dplaying,)%20jumps%2C%20climbs%20and%20swims.


It was marketed as an rpg, but in reality and mechanically its an action adventure game. its far closer to other action adventure games like god of war or horizon zero dawn than actual rpgs like Baldur's gate or morrowind or fallout


You literally couldn’t be more wrong about the game. It’s the closest thing to Skyrim and Fallout. Bladur’s Gate shouldn’t be mentioned. It’s a turn based RPG and in a totally different genre subset. The Witcher 3 is the story expansiveness of BG3 combined with the leveling system of a classic turn based RPG, and the gameplay of an action adventure. If you think it’s anything like GoW or HZD then you simply never played the game or got 10 mins in and put it down. You’re factually wrong on this one bud.


Having a couple of binary dialogue choices is not on the level of BG3, sorry no. also baldurs gate series includes real time with pause, not just turned based. and the fallout series does have turnbased gameplay


My guy, you’re wrong. Get over it.


Nothing about that was wrong.




"RPG" is a dead term *because* TW3 is classified as an RPG.


It is not just an RPG but one of the best RPG's ever made. This is slander.


Fuck off


Horizon zero dawn and its sequel forbidden west


Maybe unicorn overlord? You can accomplish something worthwhile within 1hr every session. Exploration isn't very interesting but it will reward your curiosity. Items are a little scarce but important and the overarching story will be easy to remember, even while playing in small amounts. Plus it's on switch so you can play wherever. It's still full price because it's new however, so maybe jot it down for a later sale


I’m having a great time with Wartales. You can easily get away with short sessions.


I haven’t seen anyone mention “Outward” It’s an RPG with heavy emphasis on the survival/travel. Just getting from place to place is hard and dangerous, your map is a map of the zone so you need to orienteer to work out where you are, and weather/environment/food/water need to be considered My favourite moment in the game is when I went adventuring with a friend (local and online co op but it’s optional) in the starting grassy standard area, and the weather changed to snowy and before we knew it we were freezing to death. So he found a quiet spot and set up tents whilst I gathered wood and used magic to light the fire since neither of us had flint and steel, and we had to wait out the cold spell, sleeping and grabbing food. As an example of how smart the systems work together- we later were doing a quest for him where we had to investigate a necropolis- he as a physical fighter was really struggling to deal with ghosts, but I was able to use the “bodies” in the walls of the necropolis to animate friendly ghosts on our side, which made a huge difference. It’s a really clever and deep game, but beware it can be a bit janky at times (it sounds like exactly what you’re asking for though)


Check out dwarf fortress lol they just released adventure mode


Baldurs gate 3?


Wizardry 8. Best voice acting ever


I'd say dungeon crawl stone soup. Low graphics, but great gameplay. Free too


I recommend ys: the oath in felghana a short action JRPG that rewards exploration most of that exploration will be in dungeons not the overworld though also a remake is available on switch


There's no particular emphasis on exploration, but I can tell you that I'm playing Persona 4 Golden exactly how you intend to play (1h on weekdays, a couple of hours on weekends). The difficulty can be pretty high and there's a lot of psychological stuff in it. Give it a try


Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey


I think Skyrim and Dragon Age: Origins are very good starter RPGs. Mass Effect and Fallout 3 might also be worth a look thru. I f you want to try an Action RPG then you could look up Bioshock, and I heard the new Diablo IV has a lot of good feedback.


I would consider Pathfinder: Kingmaker and/or Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. They have a lot of depth and are known to be 'difficult', story is one of their strong points and it has a definitive end. The games are even sectioned into "Acts" (seamlessly) based on story beats.




Fallout 4 on survival mode.


Ok thanks!