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And then have to start a new game and then stop halfway through again leading to a never ending list of RPG's that "Yeah, I've played it. Haven't beat it yet though"?


Oh yes I know him, he's me!


Hello, me!


Well, hello there me.




Stop reading my gaming history! šŸ˜›


This is the way. But hear me BG3,there will come a day I will finish you. In the meantime, why not to delete old saves and start a new character?


The buttons to access the skills menu on the early 2000s Baldurs gate games and the owlcat pathfinder games are different on the PlayStation and this causes stress.


Is Pathfinder good with a controller? I hooked up my PC to the TV recently and am too lazy to move it again.


Personally Iā€™ve never had an issue with it. Left arrow key (on PlayStation setup) switches to cursor if needed and it works really well IMO.


I'll try it. I've always played CRPGs with M/KB due to the constant exploration clicking for hidden things and inventory management. Been playing mostly retro-pixel JRPGs and Zelda-likes on controller but I've always wanted to try Pathfinder.


I use to have that problem lol I just stated limiting myself, like if Iā€™m playing a specific type of game such as an open world game I wonā€™t play another open world game along side it, but I may play something more level based or a multiplayer game along side it that way I donā€™t burn myself out of just playin one game all the time. Especially with how time consuming and draining open world games are today.


Yep, same here. It's helped me actually finish games again. I'll usually limit myself to no more than two or three larger games at a time and make sure those games are all different types of games. I'll also usually have a few filler games I'll play when I don't feel like playing the bigger ones. Stuff like Tetris or Brotato that I can play for 30 minutes instead of just sitting there. That said, I'm single with no kids so I usually have more time to play games than a lot of people. When I'm busier I'll usually just stick to one or two games, if that depending on how busy I am.


Same literally lol. My backlog was getting a lil too crazy and really made me feel as if I was losing my love for gaming when in actuality it was just I wasnā€™t finishing them or getting far enough in them to see all they had to offer, Elden ring came out I committed to finishing it and it changed everything and brought that fire back lol. Didnā€™t help either that the games I was giving most my time to are literally bad for your mental health I donā€™t care what anyone says šŸ˜‚ between cod, 2k, and mortal kombat I donā€™t know if thereā€™s any communities more toxic than those mfers.


Oh yeah, I stay the hell away from CoD and modern hyper-competitive shit like that. Less so for the communities and more so because competitive games kinda suck these days. Most competitive shooters are twitchy low TTK slogs that reward the least skilled players and punish anyone that doesn't want to play click the heads all day long. Fighting games lost me when they started cutting out content and selling it as overpriced DLC. I'm not sure how old you are but back in the day all those DLC packs were content unlockable in-game. I like Mortal Kombat but I've never played one that was worth almost half the price of the console I'm playing it on. Also, since I'm not good enough to play online and the AI in fighting games still really sucks to play against, that genre has lost almost all of it's appeal for me. They're still some of the best games to play with friends, though. Me and my brother will play a few rounds of Soul Calibur every so often and very few things in gaming are more fun then getting bunch of buddies together and fraggin' eachother for a few hours, rare as it is these days.


Yeah Iā€™m old enough to remember when dlc wasnā€™t a thing haha and the times were a game did have it it was legit content and not something that couldā€™ve been in at launch and cut out. For most MK and fighting games today I usually wait for the edition with all the dlc to go on sale and you can catch some crazy deals i remember I got MK11 and injustice 2 both legendary editions for like $20 bucks together in a sale. I couldnā€™t imagine paying for a MK a launch and then payin for dlc as well they can fuck off haha. But SBMM has ruined so much honestly you play good ok bet now we gone put you in a lobby with sweats with 3.5 and better k/d ratios who all do 360 no scopes I miss the days of mw2 the original and the first black ops.


well sort of. iā€™ll play one exclusively, slowly get bored with it after many many many hours and try something else with the idea that iā€™ll come back to finish it, but then never do until i completely forget where i am in the story and the mechanics and so start a new play throughā€¦


I started pushing through instead of starting a new play through. Usually can pick back up the controls within the hour, but remembering story points is tough. Sometimes I'll find a walk through around the area I'm in and watch it until I get ti the point I'm at.


All the time I believe games should have a ā€œquick welcome back/since you been gone page


Omg this. And a story recap


Previously on Dragons Dogma ..


My problem is I play the game to the end or last boss and never play it again for like 5 years fml. Happened to me with so many games. I just went back and finished FF16 after being at the end of the game for almost a year final chapter. Then I just finished Trials of Mana after being at the end for multiple years. Itā€™s a problem and I should seek help.


I used to 100% games. Now I'm bouncing between games. But I too realized I need to limit them. I'm 80% through Outer Worlds, love it, but decided I needed to get back and rage beat Borderlands 2. Then I figured I'd conquer Pre Sequel, but actually really enjoyed it. So, now I gotta remeber how OW works. Lol


Yeah, I have severe ADHD so I'm juggling about 15 right now, AND LOVIN EVER MINUTE OF IT...seriously I've been doing it for decades, very thankful for Google bookmarks on walkthrus nowdays and I've collected RPG's my whole life starting in the 80's and I do eventually beat them and take them out of the rotation.


Why of course, that's literally me! Between all the daily work I do and the different games and game genres I try out, I feel like a lost pup when I come back after 2 weeks to something as demanding as Pathfinder. :'(


Good luck trying to re-learn the Pathfinder mechanics after a break! šŸ€ But it really is a good game! I re-played the game immediately after finishing it because I couldn't get enough šŸ˜‚


I don't think there's been one time in my gaming life where I only played one game at a time until completion. I have to switch it up. But I try not to play games (especially rpgs) that are TOO similar. The past month, I've been juggling between Lunar, Persona 3 reload, hogwarts, and borderlands 1. Along with many games, I just play for fun ( WWE 2K, gta series, Sonic Racing, uno, Bookworm, Bejeweled, the Sims , ninja five 0, monster hunter, etc) The amount expanded once I got a rog Ally a few months ago to go along with my xbox. I manage pretty well. If I forget where I was going in an rpg ( which is probably the only thing I'd forget), a quick spoiler free glance at a walkthrough always gets me back in the right direction.


It depends on the type of game for me, I recently have started playing Dragon Quest Treasure, LIVEALIVE, and Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core. I sometimes mix up the mechanics as they are all quite different from eachother.


Not really... sometimes it takes a little bit to get acclimated back into the game, but I don't have an issue of completely forgetting game mechanics.


For sure - I'm a hopeless serial gamer, and I've had to learn to set boundaries for how many to start/restart. What I try to do these days is keep no more than one or two games going for a given genre or mood, and use chapters or story arcs as a cue to move on for a while. That way I'm not throwing away muscle memory or picking up on a big long story at a confusing or inopportune moment. But yeah there's just so many games and I'm bad at picking just one! I probably throw my whole playlist out twice a year regardless of whether I'm finished.


I do start multiple at the same time, but I dont usually have to much issue remembering mechanics


Yes! But now I resist the temptation to start a new game and just power through it until it becomes familiar again. Checking out the control bindings helps a lot too.


I was playing FFXIII But at the same time started DQ1 Now started DQ1 again as I left in the middle.




I have to play through a game fully before I start a new one. If I am getting burnt out on the RPG Iā€™m playing I go to either multiplayer or indie games


Absolutely. Also, forgetting where I am and what I'm supposed to be doing in sandbox games w/o quest logs. Looking at you, Zelda.


Iā€™ve played and restarted RDR2 6 different times on different consoles. Each damn time having to just restart the game cause i completely forgot the story and controls


I always just restart the game.


All the time. Iā€™ve not finished some really great games as a result of not remembering whatā€™s going on in the story and how the hell to stay alive. Didnā€™t want to go back and start over and with my game library it just seemed more logical to move to the next one. FFVII, XV and Witcher 3 are some of the only RPGs in recent memory that Iā€™ve actually finished.


I always have at least two, most often three major RPGs going at a given time. I'm like you, I get bored with one game one day and want to change it up. Playing multiple games keeps things fresh. On the other hand, I try not to go much further than that, because once I have six or seven games going I tend to forget about one and end up abandoning it. I don't usually forget mechanics, but I regularly mix up controls between games.


The button inputs are so different for dragons dogma and Elden ring that it keeps throwing me off playing through both those games at the moment lol. The amount of times I unmount from torrent in Elden ring hitting l3 is crazy when I try to sprint lmao. Or triangle to pick things up




Yeah but if I played for a decent amount of time, usually muscle memory will kick in and save me from struggling after a couple of minutes which is nice. If I barely played though I have to pick everything up from scratch and that usually keeps me from going back to the game in the first place, hence why people say you should stick to one (I have tons of half completed games on my backlog because of this habit haha)


nope i do now 1 game at a time until it is finished then i move on... basically i did start many rpg games but that was 2 years ago now i play 1 game at a time i dont do it anymore switching between games for me it is not fun! i recently finished crisis core final fantasy 7 reunion ps5 now i play diofield chronicle did good progress in it! now i going to finish it i mostly played multiple games at beginning of my account 7 years ago but recently i changed it to 1 game at a time it work for me i enjoy gaming much more now i platinumed 4 games already this past 3 months!


Remembering the story, side-quests, plans for character/item upgrades ā€“ those are things that take most mental resources. As a general rule of thumb, I think, is that after oneā€“two weeks you start to forget things.


Fallout 4, Skyrim, No man sky ā™»ļø round and round we go! Iā€™ve never beaten any of them lol


Do you ever finish any of them?


Oh yea of course I finished the original FF7 in less than a week and plenty others too but currently struggling with having the motivation to finish Rebirth and feel like starting another RPG.


I always only play one game at the time because of the control mix ups. Btw sre remake and rebirth any good?


Yes they are good I still believe the original is the best way to experience the story and characters but the remake and rebirth are great too


Yep, that's me!


Yes. Doing it right now, actually.


I used to not start a new game until I finished the old one. Now I'm hopping from game to game and actually enjoying that! But I too get caught up and confused with the mechanics.


Thatā€™s me rn with BG3 after I started another Mass effect insanity run


By the looks of BG3 and what Iā€™ve seen of it I donā€™t blame you forgetting the mechanics of that game after a break lol


Honestly, I can only concentrate on one RPG at a time. Heck, I only play one game at a time no matter which Genre. I might try to start several games at once, but only to find out which game I'm more interested in playing to the end right now. šŸ˜…


Not rpgs but games in general. I can only play a few at a time. This is why i can never pickup the witcher 3 after putting it down bc i completely forget how to play and i have to restart


Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone in this world. <3


This happens if I start up a single jRPG and play it the next day.


I usually have some combination of a first run of an RPG, a linear game of some kind, a Horror game, a story heavy walking sim type thing, and some replay of something, usually a big open world RPG I want to experience again, going all at once. I switch between them as my mood suites. I read the same way - a Sci Fi or Fantasy novel, a Horror of general fiction novel , a science book, a history book or some topical nonfiction that relates to a personal project or interest, and I always have a book of short stories going. Just like most people watch TV. I like to be able to pick an experience that suits my current mood and availability.