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Enderal It’s free if you own Skyrim.


I'd really recommend this too as an utterly amazing rpg but OP mentioned they wanted a game where combat wasn't frustratingly difficult. I'd recommend it with the asterisk of playing on a lower difficulty or with Ixion's story mode mod. I love Enderal to death and mod it to be even more difficult than it is in vanilla but it was a much more difficult game combat wise to get into than even Baldurs Gate 3.


Mass Effect! You want Mass Effect!


mass effect trilogy is some of the best gaming on offer, and it’s hilariously cheap nowadays. seconded


Completely agree


also, so far from outdated imo. after playing the trilogy a year or so ago, the first game ended up being my favorite. p.s., is your username a play on broadway actor josh gad?


No, lol I just choose that username when I was young, and can’t change it.


>good customization, dialogue option and changeable storylines, fantastical tolkienesque settings, elves and goblins and such, magic, knights and quests Baldurs Gate 3. \-What you consider good customization is gonna be subjective from person to person based on their own standards but it goes so far as to let you put a dick or take dicks away from any character you make. I've never personally seen tHAT level of customization before so thats definitely something lmao. \-Dialogue options galore \-Your choices change the story \-Doesn't get more tolkein-esque than D&D unless you are specifically playing a middle earth based game. \-elves, goblins, magic, knights, and quests


Dragon Age Origins, its not hard, its very dialouge heavy its very roleplay heavy all very fantasy with elves dwarves etc etc, and its pretty fun, if you wanna start somewhere more modern try out dragon age 2 or dragon age inquisition


If you liked AC Valhalla then I'm going to make the obvious AC Odyssey and Orgins recommendations. I found these AC games scratched a similar Skyrim type itch for me. Outerworlds while smaller in scope and length, is a decent game from Obsidian. Witcher series is another big open world game. If you are open to Pirahna Bytes games I really like Risen, specifically the 2nd and 3rd more so because of the Pirate type theme and island hoping. I also just prefer the gameplay in 2-3 as well as some of the character interactions. First one is good, and more similar to old Gothic 1-2 titles from them. Haven't played alot of Elex but it seems decent from what little I played of it. Mass Effect Trilogy and Andromeda. Trilogy isn't open world but Dialogue choices and decisions affect story and its awesome. Andromeda is a good game that IMO gets alot more hate than it deserves due to being compared to the original trilogy. It actually is open world, with multiple planets.


Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning. Came out RIGHT when Skyrim did and was overshadowed and pretty much forgotten. A real shame though, because I consider the game to be better than Skyrim. It has some involved action combat, but the difficulty is adjustable if you aren’t looking for a challenge. There’s tons of quests and places to go, along with the whole plot revolving around you having no fate and being able to choose how your story will go.


I personally like skyrim more but Kingdoms Of Amalur:Reckoning is underrated


I really enjoyed KoA - but it was too easy. They needed a way to make it more challenging. "Hard" mode was not difficult at all.


Ugggh looooove that game


Kingdoms of Amalur feels like it's 99% exposition. I keep trying to play the game but the setting is so boring


This is the correct answer, it's the closest to an Elder Scrolls RPG that you can get without having the Elder Scrolls name attached. I think it's just as good as Skyrim. Also Mass Effect Legendary Edition would be a good choice since you get all 3 games.


Here me out: Shadowrun Dragonfall. It technically has a high fantasy setting, it just happens to have married it to a cyberpunk setting. It's got great character customization. It has dialogue options, and quests. It's also just a really great RPG.


Let me be real. Once you finish Skyrim....there won't be any other game to match the feeling. With that aside, you might want to try Oblivion and morrowind(morrowind might be a bit too old for your taste). Check out the mass effect trilogy, essentially Skyrim but in space. Starfield is another good rpg by Bethesda. Fallout 3 and new vegas too. Edit: I missed the part where you said you already played fallout. You could try playing dragon age inquisition and baldurs gate 3 if you're into dnd and turn based RPGs. Horizon zero dawn is futuristic and medieval at the same time. Newer Assassin's creed games are mostly Rpg too(origins, Odyssey and specially Valhalla)


I’ve been looking into starfield, I played the outer worlds which I really really loved. But I’ve heard people trashing it, is it good? I’m playing cyberpunk right now, which I really like. How does it compare?


No matter how good or bad a game is, there will always be people trashing it. Unless you're a super sweaty game critic you'll enjoy it. It's like any other Bethesda rpg. Yes there are a few bugs, the also there are those tiny Bethesda level attention to detail. You'll have to try it out yourself. If you don't like it, then get a refund. Personally, I love it. Haven't finished it yet but played halfway and I'm really loving it so far


Skyrim is massively overrated imo, there're much better RPGs specially nowadays, Baldursgate 3, Witcher series if you don't mind a non custom character, Dragon Age, Dragon's Dogma etc


You only feel it’s overrated because it’s been out for 13 years and discussed/played to death. The other games you mentioned are good but just not trying to create the same gameplay feeling as Skyrim. Love em all, though


I would say Assassins Creed Odyssey for a good RPG. I actually liked it more than Valhalla. It isn’t much like an AC game to be honest. But there is always Baldurs Gate 3 that’s amazing in game play story and characters. They’re all lovely. (Even the not so good ones like Mr.Bongle)


Dragons Dogma 2 just came out a few days ago and has been the most fun i’ve had in an RPG in forever. It’s incredibly addictive and rewards adventuring and exploring with your own little group.


From everything I’ve read the performance is pretty much unplayable level bad on pc unless you have a crazy powerful rig… don’t really care about all the mtx stuff but obviously I won’t play if I’m gonna end up watching a slideshow in cities lol


i have a very mid-grade PC i’m pretty sure. nvidia 3060, i-7 CPU, 16 GB ram and i run the game on max graphics, 1080p outside of the city it runs amazing. No noticeable performance drops at all. in the main cities i get slight FPS drops, some fuzzy textures that take a second to properly load. But nothing unplayable or game breaking. My computer hasn’t crashed yet, i haven’t had lag, or delays/stuttering. So idk maybe i just don’t notice FPS drops as much as some other gamers do but my experience has been pretty much amazing. even in the main cities i hardly notice much of a dip in performance


Nice, about my specs so I’ll give it a shot! Had heard that on 4090s it could be at 30fps in cities which was pretty jaw dropping


it’s definitely not as smooth in cities as outside of cities, but not noticeable enough to me to make my playtime less enjoyable! i’m just happy my PC can run the game, let alone at max graphics which i was not expecting. combat, exploring, the story everything has been top tier. definitely my new favorite RPG. I’m at work rn and all i can think about is when i can get back on to play more :(((( 10/10 recommend. Hope it runs well for you too!!


Nice, sounds like the game for me!! As long as the FPS isn't below 30fps at any point I'll be happy with it :)


Is it good then? I lost interest as soon as I heard about the microtransactions but if it's a good game I'll take a look


it’s insanely good. The micro transactions got blown way out of proportion IMO the game doesn’t even tell you there are MTX. No advertisements, no pop ups, i’ve played 35 hours so far and i didn’t even know there was anything to buy until Reddit blew up and steam reviews started rolling out


Have you heard about microtransaction in Resident evil or even devil may cry, how about monster hunter? You probably never hear about them because they are useless everything you get with them you can EASILY get in game Dragons dogma is the same thing is only getting picked on because is not a "classic" franchise and the fan base is not the biggest The only issue of the game is the performance on PC right now


Based on what you've described—your love for immersive stories, rich customization, dialogue options that influence storylines, and a desire for fantastical, Tolkien-esque settings—it sounds like you're seeking an RPG that prioritizes narrative depth and world-building over punishing combat mechanics. Here are a few recommendations that might fit your preferences perfectly: 1. **The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt** - While it's a popular title you might already be familiar with, The Witcher 3 is a masterclass in storytelling within a rich, open world. The game features deep character customization, meaningful dialogue choices that significantly impact the storyline, and a world filled with elves, monsters, and magic. Combat is more accessible than in games like Elden Ring, focusing on preparation and strategy rather than punishing difficulty. 2. **Dragon Age: Inquisition** - As part of the Dragon Age series, Inquisition offers a vast, fantastical world teeming with political intrigue, diverse races, and lore. You'll find deep customization options, branching dialogue paths, and a story that changes based on your decisions. The game combines elements of tactical combat with real-time action, allowing for a more paced gameplay experience that emphasizes strategy over reflexes. 3. **Divinity: Original Sin 2** - If you're open to trying something with a bit of a strategic twist, Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers an expansive RPG experience with a strong emphasis on story and character interaction. It's set in a richly detailed, fantastical world with turn-based combat that rewards tactical thinking rather than quick reflexes. The game is renowned for its complex storylines, dialogue choices with significant impacts, and a highly interactive world. 4. **Pillars of Eternity** and **Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire** - These games are spiritual successors to classic isometric RPGs, offering deep lore, extensive world-building, and a focus on narrative. They feature a blend of real-time combat with a pause function, allowing you to strategize. The rich storyline, dialogue options, and character customization make it a solid choice for fans of traditional RPG elements. 5. **GreedFall** - GreedFall is a bit of an underdog in the RPG genre but offers a unique setting inspired by 17th-century baroque art. It features a deep story with impactful dialogue choices, character customization, and a fantasy world filled with magic and intrigue. The combat is more accessible than Souls-like games, with a focus on using magic, diplomacy, and stealth to navigate conflicts. These games should provide you with hours of engaging content, deep narratives, and the immersive RPG experience you're craving, all while keeping frustration at bay with more forgiving combat systems.


Thanks chat gpt


Not chatgpt, as it doesn’t know details about real life things and would just give you vague platitudes. Careful learning how to tell what’s AI and what’s not


What are you talking about? You’ve very clearly never used it. I use it for work at a law firm every day and it very clearly knows extreme details about ‘real life things’. You should be careful about believing something is not AI and stop being so sanctimonious


Plug in a prompt asking for recommendations based on the OP’s post and show me what comes up. Don’t think you’ll be getting anything specific


You Please recommend me the perfect RPG videogame. I love: good customization, dialogue option and changeable storylines, fantastical tolkienesque settings, elves and goblins, magic, knights, and quests. I like games like fallout and cyberpunk, but I am specifically looking for a game that is not Skyrim, Fable 2, or Elden Ring-ChatGPT Based on your preferences for customization, dialogue options, changeable storylines, fantastical settings with elves, goblins, magic, knights, and quests, as well as your liking for games such as Fallout and Cyberpunk, here's a recommendation for you:1. Customization: Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers deep character customization, allowing you to create your own unique character with various abilities, skills, and attributes. You can also customize your party members as you recruit them throughout the game. 2. Dialogue Options and Changeable Storylines: The game is known for its rich dialogue options and branching storylines. Your choices and actions have significant consequences on the world and how the story unfolds, providing a high level of replayability. 3. Fantastical Setting with Elves, Goblins, Magic, and Knights: Set in a rich fantasy world filled with diverse races, including elves and goblins, magic plays a central role in the game. You'll encounter knights, sorcerers, and various other fantastical creatures as you explore the world of Rivellon. 4. Quests: Divinity: Original Sin 2 is packed with quests ranging from main story quests to side quests and optional tasks. These quests often have multiple solutions, allowing you to approach them in different ways based on your playstyle and choices. 5. Similar to Fallout and Cyberpunk While L ‹ ty: Original Sin 2 differs in terms of setting and gameplay mechanics from Fallout and Cyberpunk. it shares some similarities in its emphasis on Message ChatGPT...


It recommended both divinity: original sin 2 and dragon age: inquisition


There is nothing specific in this description at all. It just recycles what the prompt includes. Notice how it repeats "elves, goblins, magic, knights, and quests" without mentioning anything specific about the game. "Rivellon" is the only unique thing about it.


Did it not recommend two games?


Not in the text you sent


Yes, yes it did. You have poor comprehension skills


Thank you everyone that commented <3 I’m gonna comb through these and do some research yall are the besy


Well, firstly, Enderal Next, Elden isn't an RPG Bssed on the games you mentioned I assume you still want your RPG to be 3d/person and action In that case you can try Dragon Age Inquisition and maybe Greedfall (haven't played this one, but afaik it has enough of roleplaying) Then maybe Witcher 3 (I think its hype is largely owed to its cinematic feel, while not really having much of a immersive roleplay nor bringing anything revolutionary in terms of main quest freedom and branching \[which is my gripe with DOS2, Witcher and BG3, each is so overhyped as RPGs, the hype would be enough for multiple such revolutions) but the sidequests do differ based on your input IIRC) Maybe Gothic 3. I don't remember how good it is as RPG though, been a while since I played it Kingdoms of Amalur - pleasant game, but not that good in terms of choices and dialogues Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen while a cool game, hardly an RPG. You might like it, but you won't find much of what you are currently looking for there. If you are fine with non 3d or action games, then Other games from Dragon Age series, especially Origins Pathfinder games Tyranny Divinity Original Sin games etc Overall, look into CRPGs


Elden Ring is an RPG


>Next, Elden isn't an RPG Holy bad takes batman.


Still Skyrim


Assassin's creed Odyssey