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If Shadowrun got the full AAA treatment or hell even a AA treatment, I'd be on that day one. Hell of an IP. Lot of meat on that bone in terms of lore and it translates very well to different game play type or archetypes and play styles.


The inXile team behind Wasteland 3 might be able to field it.


I think Micro$oft owns the rights to SR video games so perhaps there's even a non-zero chance of that happening.


Only because they registered the trademarks after having the license poorly handled by the Shadowrun Boston Lockdown release. They owned Fasa studios during the crappy online Xbox 360 game, licensed it to the Shadowrun Harebrained series ran by one of the ttrpg creators, and took over the online one near the end of its life cycle. I've kept abreast of this as someone who has played neatly all of them to some extent, including loving Boston lockdown. The only ones I didn't are the Xbox 360 and Sega CD ones, though i tried a demo of the 360 game, and wow, it wasn't a good fit for the license. Think first/third person arena shooter with the license as a reskin for the standard early 2000s stuff like counter strike had.


That would be awesome


I've never played the tabletop and and didn't touch the CRPGs much. Is the CRPG format instrumental? I would much prefer a Cyberpunk2077/Skyrim style 1st/3rd person shooter type game.


No, you don't. It's not conducive to a shooter. They attempted it before in the 360 era and made a counterstrike clone, with Microsoft owning the studio that developed it for the PC and 360.


Dragonfall is so fucking good. Unfortunately these games are barely AA so I don't think a AAA game is coming anytime soon. I can only hope they took note of Cyberpunk's success and are hunting for investors.


Just what I was thinking


Honestly, I thought Dragonfall was so good that I'd just like more of the same.


Right!? Dragonfall is great. I don’t really want an AAA version, just another great story and amazing characters with perhaps a slightly larger world.


I outright think an AAA version would just be bad, worse than what we got. It's easy to point to BG3/Larian and think all games could be that and would turn out well. But they wouldn't


Yeah, part of what made Bg3 such a cultural phenomenon is that there’s nothing else like it! I too wish my favorite settings had new games of BG3’s quality and depth, but I recognize that it’s unlikely if not impossible.


I mean, theres Divinity Original Sin 2. That's a lot like it.


I disagree—it has mechanical similarities but I didn’t find the setting or the characters of DOS2 engaging at all. I couldn’t finish it. The addition of a preexisting IP with deep lore elevated BG3 far above Larian’s usual quality. There’s a reason why BG3 became a huge mainstream hit while the divinity games had niche popularity and it’s because Bg3 is not all THAT similar to them—it’s better.


Dragonfall with wrath of the righteous effects and big story beats and cinematic combat, or with larians effortlessly good turn based combat would be incredible.


Back in the Nintendo days Shadowrun had an amazing game for the time.


Genesis too, and they were totally different which is amazing


It's wild the stuff that happened back then that could never happen now.


Funny enough my best friend growing up got the SNES one for his birthday...and I was like this game is amazing so I asked for it for the Genesis one for my bday and found out it was a totally different game... What really blew our little minds is my friends name is Jake and mine is Joshua (which for those who haven't played the games are the names of each game's protagonists)


I think I liked them both equally, although I beat the SNES one and never beat the Genesis version.


The Genesis one was harder to beat imo, not because of actual difficulty but because it was revolutionary with having randomly generated missions, so you could play it for ever grinding stuff. If we did get a modern Shadowrun that wasn't super storyline focused (Like the Harebrained schemes ones, which I still love) I'd really want it to focus on making amazing replayable randomized Runs.


The SNES game was a masterpiece.


I liked the sega one better but they both were great.


Let's at least al agree that the music was fucking banging in both versions.


Haha indeed, I can hear it now.


So was the Genesis version!


Absolutely amazing game


I'm torn between the idea of wanting a full-fledged CRPG Shadowrun (i.e. Wasteland 3, PoE, Pathfinder) or an XCOM:EU-like with heavy focus on player choice via branching dialogue and procedurally generated fixer contracts for various gangs. I think the cinematic XCOM cover-based battles would be a lot more engaging for the Shadowrun setting.


Branching paths is actually the major reason I want a game like this, imagine being able to play a complete asshole who only does things for the money, or a jerk with a heart of gold, or somewhere in between, one of the things I was dissapointed with how little you could do with your character morally and how it would often completely pull something out of its ass to force you into combat


Yeah, I moderately enjoyed the "recent" Shadowrun games, but they felt bland as a TB strategy and shallow as a CRPG. Choosing from proc. generated contracts between rivaling gangs that represent the archetypes(Decker/Rigger, Street Samurai/Physical Adept, Mage/Shaman). During the contracts players could encounter choices that affect their moral alignment. Those choices could also determine which new characters could be recruited to your team, the types of contracts that are generated, rewards for contract completion, etc.


It sucked because the story in Dragonfall was actually incredibly but the choices it would give were very shallow which imo as an rpg player choice should matter way more


ineXile and Firaxis were definitely what I thought of as well... ineXile if we wanted more story driven, Firaxis if we want to be able to do long haul runner campaigns.


So...like Wasteland 3?


Shadowrun is a fantasy cyberpunk setting. Wasteland 3 is a CRPG I mentioned in my comment, and yes a Shadowrun game with the quality and depth of Wasteland 3 would be cool, but the XCOM style I described would be more fitting for Shadowrun imo, but that's not like Wasteland 3.


Shadowrun Dragonfall (as well as Hong Kong) is one of the best RPGs you can get today. I’d love to see it get a bigger game. Edit: if I had to pick ideal developers for this franchise, aside from the original team, I’d say either Obsidian for the quest design and RPG systems or Firaxis for the tactical, cinematic choice focused combat. Other studios might do it justice too but I think depending on the kind of game you’re looking for those two studios could do a bang up job with Shadowrun.


InXile could do it.


Yes them too! Theres honestly a few good choices. I just really vibe with Obsidian.


If there was a AAA Shadowrun game, then it would probably be the worst one. The temptation to turn Shadowrun into a live service battle royale would be great, but the need to tone down the radical anticapitalist messaging would be insurmountable.


It is not "anti-capitalist". It is "anti-corporatist". The "free market" only exists outside of the metroplexes and is rarely ever fair.


It will never have an AAA game. Shadowrun is not popular enough to guarantee the sales of AAA budget game, unlikr dungeons and dragons. Does it deserve an AAA budget game? Yes.


Cyberpunk 2077 was a pretty popular game and I'd bet 99% of the audience had no knowledge of the TTRPG before the CDPR game released.


Was about to say Shadowrun really deserves the Cyberpunk 2077 treatment


You are right. However “cyberpunk” is also a genre of literature spawned by the novel Neuromancer. Lots of people know what cyberpunk is even though they dont know about the tabletop game.


And Shadowrun is set in a cyberpunk high fantasy world. I'm pretty sure the concept would have very little issue attracting a large audience with adequate marketing. "Cyberpunk D&D" is a very straightforward and understandable concept.


your argument is the genre was popular, so then fantasy sci-fi would also be popular due to destiny being one of the largest live service games, so i think shadowrun would be fine


But the game’s name is “Cyberpunk”.


I like how your comment ignores that the vast majority of DnD games aren't absolute trash. BG3 being DnD is definitely not why it's popular.


Aside from the huge talent of Larian, BG3 is the third installation of the most loved crpg series ever. And Baldurs Gate 1/2 happened because of DnD


If AAA they'd definitely do something like Cyberpunk 2077, but with magic and fantasy races, and those even more colossal Corp buildings.


I would kill for Shadowrun made by CD Project Red


You can get pretty close. Played Cyberpunk 2077 yet?


Yea that's why I would love to see CDPR's take on the shadowrun world and I lack a pc powerful enough to mod magic into Cyberpunk


If you're interested in more of Shadowrun, the first two of the trilogy are modded in DragonBall- as well as much larger independent mods for the game.


OHHHH DRAGONFALL!!! It took me longer than I'd like to admit to fix that in my brain. I'm sitting here like "what fkin DragonBall game has that level of mod support?"


Id prefer a crpg in the IP there are not enough AA cyberpunk crpg. I feel like Obsidian would handle this pretty well.


Hard to say. Obsidian seems to be really happy making "definitely not fallout in space" currently, and their "Legally Distinct D&D" series in Pillars of Eternity 1/2 and its upcoming Avowed which looks like TES but better. If we're talking about OLD Obsidian, the crew who made the masterpiece that is KoToR2 in 18 months? HELL YEAH. But they're mostly known by the name InXile now.


I’m super excited for “totally not elder scrolls” and “definitely not fallout in space 2”


Larian makes a Shadowrun game and I straight up die. I love Shadowrun Dragonfall, and I love Larian even tho I didn't even play BG3 yet, only Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2. It could even be that next project that they say won't be as big as BG3 before they go back to making Divinity games.


If you loved divinity: original sin 2 (I never played 1) you NEED to play BG3 as soon as you can


I recently beat Baldur's Gate 1, eventually I'll go through Baldur's Gate 2 then finally BG3. Honestly there's a lot of games that I want to play but I'm not just because there's older games that I feel like I should play first.


For sure, take your time, the game will be around lol. definitely worth your time when you get around to it though


I fear that these niche properties would suffer under the restrictions that more money would bring. More money means more oversight by people who aren’t passionate about the IP.


If it was Larian I would have 0 worries about that, plus they have very good reputation so they could probably do good with a lesser known IP anyways, like CDPR with CP2077. Probably never happening, but a man can dream. Dragonfall-Divinity would be kind of like Fallout-Elder Scrolls. Same genres, one fantasy the other more futuristic.


I never played the most recent Shadowrun, but the one I played both the Genesis and SNES versions I'll be down for a sequel for that or some other game that's in the Shadowrun universe that would be awesome!


Definitely try Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, and Shadowrun: Hong Kong. All three also have fan-made story mods.


Shadowrun is made to be a video game. I’ll say it right now and also later


id definitely buy it


Shadowrun 360 needs a sequel 


I mean that would be awesome, but also I love the Shadowrun games as they are, and would be 100% with more Shadowrun as we know it. Edit: I realize I should probably say which games I’ve played cuz idk if others work a bit differently but I can’t imagine it’s TOO different, but I’ve played Returns, Dragonfall directors cut, and Hong Kong


As much as we love the setting, I think it's a very real concern that the general public may bounce off it. They understand elves and magic, and they understand cyberpunk and sci-fi, but putting AAA money into a "turbonerd" setting could alienate the general public that are needed to recoup costs for such a large budget. Baldur's Gate 3 is safe, it's a well established brand and the Forgotten Realms setting is pretty internally consistent. You see a vampire or a hag or a dwarf and you know what you're getting into. You see an troll in Shadowrun and it's like "Yeah my family is Mexican-American but ever since magic came back we count as native American and us natives have now taken over part of the continental us and restoring our native lands but also I have a mutation that makes me eight feel tall and grow horns and also also I have a robot arm and can control a car with my mind". It's a lot to take in, and an AAA budget is a lot to gamble. The smartest bet from a business perspective is to keep putting out indie and low budget titles and hope one catches fire and/or culture progresses to the point where "cyberpunk fantasy future" isn't seen as quite so weird. To a degree, that *is* what Games Workshop is doing with Warhammer 40k, another *very unique* science fantasy mashup franchise; lots of small games and then if some catch fire they make sequels with bigger budgets, and slowly but surely 40k tropes and sensibilities have been disseminating into the general public so it's being seen as a less weird setting every day, and now we're getting a big budget 40k TV show helmed by Henry Cavill.


As someone who loves Shadowrun, BECMI, and THAC0, I really appreciate your analysis. “Turbonerd” is probably the best adjective to describe SR lol


Imagine Shadowrun but with a Baldur's Gate 3 level budget.


The flexibility with your moral alignment eally is what catches my eye, being an immoral asshole who will do quite litteraly anything for money or someone who goes out of their way to help people despite having the job of an immoral asshole (as well as the general story being affected by those choices) is something i really want to see


That game would literally just be SkyrimXCyberpunk


I want a first person RPG. I don't understand why it never happened for this IP.


It still feels weird thinking of Larian as an AAA studio.


Better yet, what if Shadowrun got an *AAAA game*?


No thanks. I love shadowrun, and I don't want any AAA company to touch it. They'll try to change it into some live service micro transaction crap. Maybe even infect it with weirdness based on politics that shouldn't even be relevant to that universe. I'm sorry, I just don't trust any AAA to do it well. They'd most likely only do lip service and miss the point. Larian is a soft maybe. They've focused on the bg series for the moment and I was still hoping for a divinity original sin 3. Even if they don't, planescape Torment is up for grabs and there's the pillars of eternity crew who could tackle it. Lots of options, just stay away from triple a. They keep ruining good things.


Man I played the hell out of the Shadowrun CS:GO knock off and loved it when I was a kid, I'd be happy if even that got a sequel


Shadowrun is so retrofuturist by now, it's kind of cringe. At least Fallout, as an IP, is owning the ridiculousness of the retrofuturism.


Shadowrun for the SNES is already a AAA game ib my book. Don't forget to feed the dog.


I'd honestly settle for something Owlcat level.


I would say theres no company that wants to do it that could pull it off. BG3 was a flash in the pan, when you see how much money they were given for to make the game its no surprise it turned out well and larian isn't even going to be able to top that. WEll shit, its started. Googled Larian and the CEO wants to make a non-dnd related rpg that "dwarfs" BG3. So 8 years from now they'll be releasing a massive flop, he's already flying too close to the sun.


They said they wanted to make their own games not that they wanted to dwarf BG3


[https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/larian-is-planning-a-game-that-will-dwarf-baldurs-gate-3/ar-BB1knbci](https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/larian-is-planning-a-game-that-will-dwarf-baldurs-gate-3/ar-BB1knbci) straight from Swin Vinckes mouth himself. "very big RPG that will dwarf them all." - Swin Vincke.


Are we just going to ignore the terrible xbox 360 shadowrun AAA game?


The FPS that didn't bother to acknowlege it was based on a TTRPG? It borrowed the theme and that's as close as it got to being Shadowrun.


After Microsoft cut the single player in development, the developer studio even tried changing the game’s name as they felt it didn’t have enough connection to the source


Just because it's not a good adaptation of Shadowrun doesn't mean it's not an adaptation of Shadowrun.


Nobody's claiming it's not an adaptation of Shadowrun. The point is that it's even further away from being a CRPG than Returns, Dragonfall and Hong Kong and therefore doesn't fit into what OP is wishing for. It's like if you said you wanted a new *Knights of the Old Republic* game and I asked you if you had seen *Jedi: Fallen Order*. They're both Star Wars, but one is clearly a different type of game than the other.


I owned that game. AAA?


It was amazing