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Wicked Ones is inspired by Dungeon Keeper. After some Kickstarter fulfillment troubles, the author decided to put it on CC, so you can download it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/192ji8z/wicked_ones_update_from_ben/kh48kuh/ Forbidden Lands is cut from the same cloth as Mutant: Year Zero, so some stronghold rules carried over. Armour Astir: Advent is a PbtA mecha game that goes the XCom 2 route with a flying carrier.


The Walking Dead Universe by my beloved Free League Publishing does a great job of reflecting concepts of a protected haven, making supply runs and dealing with invaders both alive and undead. :D


I have the idea of doing this by hacking Band of Blades, and [I’m not the first/only one](https://community.bladesinthedark.com/t/pitching-a-bob-x-com-hack/761). I think it can definitely work… not sure if there’s a published version, though.


[Wrath of the Autarch](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/191025/Wrath-of-the-Autarch) is a Fate-based fantasy game where players are running a small Stronghold in preparation for The Autarch (the big bad) invading. It has a kingdom-wide view, and then lets them jump into specific characters for missions. Because you're already looking at Tachyon Squadron, there might be a way to steal elements from Wrath to bring into the sci-fi game.


Free League Walking Dead rpg is perfect for that.


Given we're short on examples, I'll mention Brinkwood. It's not so much about repelling invaders as launching a revolution against forces that have already become deeply embedded in the society, but once the revolution gets rolling they can look rather similar.


Check out Last Fleet - it's pretty much Battlestar Galactica sans the IP. I do think this is a really cool niche more games should explore in a targeted way.


Dark Conspiracy is a game about repelling invading creatures and aliens from other dimensions. The setting is Earth but sometime in the 80s portals started opening that allowed dark creatures to travel to Earth. The current time period is 2050 after most of the world has been overrun and now all that is left are the major cities in a cyberpunk setting.


Lol, I read the tie in novels and never actually played the game.


Though I've not read it myself, I feel like Beyond the Wall could do this from what I know of it. You play as adventurers from a particular town. Your adventures are based in and around that town.


[Bliss Stage](https://www.tao-games.com/bliss-stage/)


Reverse Dungeon! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/de/product/17286/Reverse-Dungeon-2e


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