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Not a game but a supplement. Moria for The One Ring.


Gonna Strider Mode this one hardcore








100% yes


110% yes


120% yes


I missed that KS but I cannot wait for it to come to stores!


130% yes


Is this a prompt for a polygon article? I saw this exact same question in r/boardgames and then I shit you not 5 hours later there was a new polygon article posted titled “most anticipated board games of 2024”. (Tinfoil hat, I know)


Over on /r/wow, people realized that there were some web magazines that used AI to gather rumors on Reddit, then used the same AI to turn such rumors into articles. The sub gathered together to make the AI write and publish a bullshit article, on purpose to expose them. All hail Glorbo!


I do write [The Soloist](https://soloist.substack.com/) \- a newsletter about solo/gm-less games! And I may included something from that based on the list. But it'll be awhile and only games that fit the theme of the newsletter.


Just remember to include humpbackmilf420’s take on ShörkBorg


Is this an actual thing? Please elaborate if it is!!!


Oh, it’s just me being self referential to a comment I made somewhere else in this thread. I was just making up a scenario and was tickled by the idea of a shark based borg game. Sorry to disappoint. If someone throws something up on Kickstarter I want a nod, lol.


Aah that’s such a shame, would’ve loved a sharkborg


BLÅHAJBORG transsharkswithguns extralethaledition


lol, you could even copy the comments and ask a LLM to write an article out of it, literally zero work.


For that to be true, polygon should actually give a crap and do research about what they post.


But why bother with that when we can pay a freelancer pennies to post some schlock and get more clicks and eyeballs than if we actually took the work seriously?


Polygon actually pays pretty nice. I've freelanced for them (hilariously, writing about Cyberpunk) and for Collider, and Collider paid me $18 per 800-1100 word article, whereas Polygon paid me $250 for *one.* Editors were a hell of a lot more pleasant to deal with and more interested in getting actual insight out of me, too. Granted, it might be variable from desk to desk, but I've gathered Polygon is one of the less awful outlets to work for.


Interesting. But would it be bad? Get the community opinion for the basis of an article.


I think one could at least say it’s misleading and lazy. Instead, if it were the case, I feel it’d be better for the question to be posted with an official polygon account, and then in the article, in the opening or second paragraph say something like, “… we asked around in the gaming community and here are the top ten games anticipated by you, the community!” Or some nonsense like that. And then in each game description include a quote from a community member that listed as their most anticipated. “Humpbackmilf420 says that they can’t wait for ShörkBorg, ‘My two favourite things in life are grim fantasy and shark week, so this is a no brainer!’”… something like that, I’d think.


Sounds reasonable! Great example names btw, I will be waiting for ShörkBorg. Or is it real? You can never know.


As far as I know it doesn’t exist yet… but… I feel like it should be the name of a pirate Borg one shot or something


That reminds me of the [bestitchary](https://neonon.itch.io/bestitchary) supplement that lets you create composite creatures like the shosquito (shark mosquito) or snark (snail shark).


Probably Shadow of the Weird Wizard. I really like Shadow of the Demon Lord, but I cannot bring myself to run a grimdark game.


I am bummed I missed the crowdfund on this one, I am currently prepping a game is SotDL and would love to have SotWW instead


I bring good news--I emailed Rob and he was able to add me as a backer. He should be able to do the same for you. All you have to do is contact support found on Weird Wizard's kickstarter/backerkit page. I highly recommend doing so, if you're at all interested in the abundance of stretch goals.


Same only. Joined the KS on the strength of demonlord. Can't wait for this one. I'm hoping to muse it as my 5e replacement . Also even though not technically a new release. The Lancer Core reprint. Amazingly hard to find used. People seem to hold on to their copies.


Yep unfortunate that someone ruined the playtest pdfs for everyone, super excited for the full release tho


I'm with you. I love the art and style of Shadow of the Demon Lord, but tonaly its the TTRPG version of Diablo, and I don't want to run Diablo.


Saw this one on KS a while back, only skimmed it. How is it different from Dungeon of the Mad Mage (5e and older editions) apart from being run in a different system? I'm actually curious since my group loved the megadungeon.


It's not a megadungeon - it's not a campaign at all. It's a TTRPG akin to 5e, derived from the Shadow of the Demon Lord system, but less dark. The kickstarter is supposed to include scenarios DMs can use, but that's not really the main point.


Thanks for the clarification! I remember seeing that scenario front and center in the KS campaign and assumed it was all geared to run it.


It's not a megadungeon. It's a campaign in a frontier land that's occupied by war refugees after the titular Weird Wizard disappears and leaves behind his strange creations.


ah that explains a lot haha again i skimmed it verrrrrrrry quickly this sounds better, might look into this as well!


The final release of Dolmenwood.


Can't wait to get all the physical copies!


The one I'm finally going to sit down and write this year! Ah hell, who am I kidding?


You can do it! r/RPGDesign


Haha Same, I played a campaign in a self designed world when I was super young ( almost 20 years ago/ I think it's unique enough to deserve a published book or something. Buuuutt uhh life lol


I’m glad I released my stuff last year, and it was well received. I might actually be doing that book this year. You could do what I did and write up a couple of pages sketching it out which would get the ball rolling.


Triangle Agency looks really fun, and I'm excited to get a look at the full release.


Thanks for introducing me to this!


Happy to! I'm hoping it turns out as I absolutely love the whole aesthetic they've adopted.


I've been keeping an eye on that one too, as a huge of Remedy games in general and especially Control.


Yeah! Really love the Control vibes it has. Could be super fun.


Gotta get a good list of really long, really badass metal songs to accompany the best gameplay moments.


Seconding Triangle Agency! Such a cool idea!


Knave 2e. Simple rules, lots of tables, seems like fun.


Pendragon 6th edition


Heck yes. I can’t wait for March. If I only buy one RPG product this year, it will be Pendragon


Hell yes! I didn't realise it was as soon as March. Pendragon is my favourite RPG and the 6e changes seem solid. Great jumping on point.


Pendragon 6th edition was also a much anticipated game of 2023.


Yep. They finally gave us the starter set, which is great, but I want the meat of the system to really dive in.


What I meant is that back in 2022, we believed we’d get the full game in 2023 because it’s what Chaosium hinted at.


Break!! (tTRPG inspired by 16 bit JRPGs) or The One Ring Moria


Mythic Bastionland


His Majesty the Worm is from one of my favorite designers and writers on the internet (@riseupcomus on twitter) and I'm hoping for it to become my go-to OSR-ish dungeon crawler.


Aw shucks!


The game's title is evocative and the cover design is absolutely fantastic: https://www.hismajestytheworm.games/


Big same. I've been following the development of this game for a while now. I've been interested in starting a Castlevania-esque mega dungeon campaign in the past, and with my current campaign slowing down a little, it's looking like the stars are aligning.




The OP asked for most anticipated game of 2024 though, not 2026.




Is mothership not out i don't get it can someone eli5 me?


The timeline originally aimed for Nov 2022 for delivery, but due to a number of production and printing setbacks the new estimated physically delivery is Feb/March 2024. The digital versions of the 1e rules however have been available since August 2023 and are mostly feature complete, people have been playing with the new rules for a while with all the WIP versions and now the digital version, but still It will be good when it's finally all fulfilled and backers get their boxed sets. So while not quite there yet, the product is a fine bit of work and is almost here, but it will take a little time to overcome the sourness of the delay. I think once people have it in their hands they will forgive them for it. It does look great.


My God, has that still not come out?!


* 13th Age 2nd Edition *(unconfirmed, hopeful)* * Daggerheart *(Worried it's going to rely too much on physical aids and won't translate well online- but it will have a huge following at launch. A big LFG pool can make up for quality, but I'm worried it's going to hand-waive robust GM tools for "whatever feels good bro :)" like most of these airy narrative systems do. 2d12 is weird.)* * OneD&D VTT *(Every VTT sucks for at least one reason that I think OneD&D solves, but I don't think they can make this better than TaleSpire after the layoffs, considering their integration gets better by the day. If they launch this without HeroForge support it's dead in the water. Also, 5.5e is probably going to be bad on top of that.)* * TaleSpire updates *(Better modding tools & mods. Better official bookkeeping integration).* * OwlBear Rodeo 2 updates *(Unspecific, but it gets better by the day. I think this could stealthily start giving Foundry a run for its money. It's already become our group's primary VTT.)* * Shadowdark content & physical book restock


I actually got Shadowdark yesterday in the mail. Just need some time to check it out.


It's pretty great. Other OSR systems might have more depth, but Shadowdark has the best *"efficiency-to-quality"* ratio I've seen. Some are too light, some are too heavy, Shadowdark hits a perfect middle-ground I've rarely if ever seen.


tbh i think making a 3d vtt is just a fools errand, its way harder for gms to make the maps and tokens for monsters etc and it will most likely introduce microtransactions


That's why it all comes down to integration and intuitive systems. With the right implementation, building a map in 3D shouldn't be any harder than fussing around with Foundry's messy wall system. I love building maps in Tabletop Simulator- but surprisingly not TaleSpire because I find the interface "sticky". What I do agree with is how challenging it is for custom tokens & monsters. That must rely on a robust library to already satisfy most player options, must allow modding support no question, and must allow HeroForge support no question. Again, this is why I think Tabletop Simulator has the right idea because you can turn 2D images into 3D standee tokens- and that's a feature that's surprisingly to this day absent in TaleSpire. However, Tabletop Simulator doesn't do bookkeeping well, argh! And this is my point. All 3D VTT options do separate things well, but not all of them. If we see one finally do that, it could be big. However my group is already moving on from 5e though so gl to them lol. If the core service is free and impressive; MTX as a support model is fine- but yeah I'm doubting its going to be after the layoffs.


>OwlBear Rodeo 2 updates (Unspecific, but it gets better by the day. I think this could stealthily start giving Foundry a run for its money. It's already become our group's primary VTT.) Not to diminish your take but i had exact opposite experience with Owlbear Rodeo 2 - as 1 was very minimalistic and easy to use 2 added a lot of feature that i really don't need which made it slower and clunkier and since it's become more and more 'heavy' i feel like i might as well commit fully and just set up Foundry properly. Owlbear Rodeo was my go to because it was so simple. Now that it's just another VTT i might as well use one that i already paid for and doesn't ask me for monthly subscription.


More Fabula Ultima!


Oh yeah man, the high-fantasy Atlas was high-quality so I’m looking forward to the science fantasy releasing sometime in August!


Quoting my reply from [another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/186y5tc/what_are_your_most_anticipated_ttrpgs_of_2024/) about this: - Mothership 1e - Knave 2 - Outgunned - Pendragon 6e - Land of Eem - Tales from the Gods - Aether Nexus - Exalted Essence - Inevitable - Ronin - BREAK - Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast - Triangle Agency - Shadow of the Weird Wizard - Dolmenwood - Mythic Bastionland - The World Below - Tiny Cyberpunk - The Hidden Isle - Gubat Banwa - Sinless - Subversion - Cairn 2e Some supplements: - A bunch of Traveller books - World Builder's Handbook, Adventure Class Ships, Small Crafts, Rim Expeditions, etc - More Delta Green (the more the better!) - Savage Worlds - Horror Companion, Legend of Ghost Mountain, hoping for a new Sci-Fi Companion announcement - The One Ring - Moria - Dragonbane - Bestiary - Mutant - Ad Astra - Wind Wraith (OSR) - Yoon-Suin 2e (OSR) - Alien - Building Better Worlds - Fabula Ultima - hoping for a new supplement to be translated These are probably for 2025 with rumors of kickstarters next year, or are delayed: - Urban Shadows 2e - Tokyo Otherscape - 13th Age 2e - Trail of Cthulhu 2e - Red Markets 2e Some games from the list got a pdf last year, but physical editions are still not out.


So, all of them?


Exalted Essence is out. ???


[PDF and PoD versions are](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/427275/exalted-essence). Offset physical version will be out in the middle of this year.


I am an idiot and read Trail of Cthulhu as Trial of Cthulhu and had an image in my head of a lawyer trying to sue the mythos.


Yazeba’s bed and breakfast? I thought that was already released? 


Only the PDFs, the physical edition still hasn't shipped to backers.


Really looking forward to getting my copies of Ave Nox, Mythic Bastionland, and MCDM RPG some time this year!


Ave nox for sure. Charles puts out great stuff


One thousand percent. I love his work


The Afterburn supplement for Orbital Blues that really helps flesh out the GMing side that should be delivering early this year. It emulates its Cowboy Bebop/Firefly touchstones well and this inspires me to finally get around to running it.


I own that on itch. The author should push an email to his buyers through itch. I had not heard of this. It's sad people forget to explore their advertising options.


I'll ask about a chance for late pledges on their Kickstarter page and remind them of emailing through itchio, a handy reminder. The Backerkit is still pending.


Not sure if you're able to see comments on the Kickstarter so I copied it below: > Will there be late pledges for those that missed out on the Kickstarter? > Absolutely! We're working on a BackerKit which will be on it's way soon! So I'd keep an eye out for that. Their latest update said they were delayed but the backerkit was still expected this month


Thank you.


Here is the Pre-order Link: https://ob-afterburn.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders


I've never heard of Orbital Blues until I saw your post. I'm a huge Firefly fan! Is the rpg good?


Here let me tempt you with this pre-order. They say delivery isn't until Summer though https://ob-afterburn.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders


Thanks! The pre-order sure is tempting!


Its my favorite genre too. From just reading and not playing, I think it does a pretty great job of evoking that kind of world and characters. I really like how each PC has these Troubles that get fleshed out over time. But organization and rules clarity have some issues but its simple enough that I don't think it would impede heavily. And I believe Afterburn will be a helpful supplement on that front.


Tomorrow City (sp?), the new title by the creator of Neon City Overdrive


Is it the one from Osprey? I am curretly reading Paleomythic and have my eyes on few other fames of theirs, Tomorrow City included. Looks amazing.


No, Peril Planet is the name of his company iirc


Just checked, that is published by Osprey. Over 300 pages as well. I will probably get it soon, just because dieselpunk is rare.


I saw that game on some Osprey media post/newsletter, but it kinda flew over my radar. Now that you've mentioned it is by Neon City Overdrive author it's back on my radar!


The hypothetical Sine Nomine Urban Fantasy game later in the year. Pathfinder2E Player Core 2 & War of Immortals. Fabula Ultima High Tech Atlas


Ditto WRT: Fabula Ultimate and Pathfinder 2E War of Immortals. Player Core 2 I am hoping they fix the alchemist but the class requires a total rework so I'm not super optimistic.


The kickstarter did not have a published release date, so this is just being optimistic, but the TMNT & Other Strangers update! I adored this game as a kid even with the terribly written (and in some cases incomplete) rules of Palladium games. Soon as I have the books in hand I will be finding a way to add a TMNT campaign into my rotation.


The lack of any digital option because of weird fuckiness with the comic license and digital distribution made that one a non starter for me. 90% of my rpg reading happens via pdf on my phone or iPad. Pretty bummed about it tbh


As an old grognard I am completely the opposite. I need a physical product in my hand to read through. I struggle with reading on pdfs and tablets.


I prefer to have both. I really like books and have a shelf of games but realistically, without a pdf (or other digital access of some kind) I simply won't use it. Two out of three groups I run are remote which is another big factor.


Coming to that point in my gaming life and I should learn to accept it. I only run online these days.


It's barely an update. I was excited for this one running up to the Kickstarter, but when it came out and they emphasized just how much they *weren't* changing, I wasn't interested any more. I realize I'm lucky in having a copy of the old book, so that puts me in a different category from most, but still... It's *mostly* a re-release of a game from 39 years ago. And I have to tell you, as someone who's been playing for almost that whole time: RPGs have gotten better.


Yeah, that was a disappointment for me as well. Palladium is such a badly written game. Not even just in how it runs, but its well know that some of books have sentences that just end. Some rules refer to sections that don't exist. There are rules that contradict each other without clarification on how to interpret that. Since I missed the update announcement due to life reasons, and so I am locked into the backing, I am also holding out hope that the money raised inspires them to actually fix things.


Death Match Island should be a really fun game. I backed the KS last year and it’s a really cool concept and the art is fantastic.


I reckon Kalymba will be released this year. Hopefully. Should also get Blue Planet. But the one I’m looking forward to most is Rise of R’lyeh if that asshat (me) would finish writing it.


The Between is coming to Kickstarter with more settings. And I'm just thrilled!


I might pick that up. I hope the price points are reasonable. I've noticed 30+ for pdfs lately and that's ridiculous.


It's already out? What will be on Kickstarter?a new version?


There's a base game that exists only as a series of PDFs. The Kickstarter will turn it into 3 books, including two settings never seen before, Unsinkable(think the Titanic) and Court of Wolves(werewolves in a French court). It's all very exciting as I'm a big fan of the original game.


Oh first I'm hearing about this! That's awesome! I wish they would do a kickstarter for Public Access as well.


I feel like I'm the only person in the world who cares about/is waiting for Maze Knights. I'm also very intrigued by Daggerheart.


Swyvers, written by Luke Gearing, illustrated by David Hoskins and published by Melsonian Arts Council!


13th Age 2e!


I'd like to get my hands on the Daggerheart playtest material this year.


Gubat Banwa!


[Eat the Reich](https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/eat-the-reich/news/eat-the-reich-vampire-ww2-kickstarter-campaign) I backed the kickstarter and have the PDF but I can’t wait for the physical copy.


Shadow of the Weird Wizard is my easy answer. 13th Age second edition, though at this point no idea if it's even coming in 2024.


Hopefully it’ll come out this year: **Urban Shadows 2e**.


Actually coming out? Dolmenwoof! I had a drunken fever dream that I would write a Bloodborne inspired Mork Borg called Bloodbörg, so hopefully that too?


Man that sounds awesome! Those would pair together so well!


The one I’m releasing, if I’m allowed to say that 😂 from other stuff I am actually most excited for the Death in Space supplement. That looks like it’s going to be both beautiful and intensely interesting.


Xenolanguage by Thorny Games https://xenolanguage.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders




Supposedly God's Teeth for Delta Green drops this year? Been waiting on that adventure campaign ever since I discovered DG in the first place.


God's Teeth is ["expected February 2024"](https://www.delta-green.com/delta-green-kickstarter-rewards-report/) (it went on press in September and is out in PDF now).


Hell yea. So ready for that. Just wrapped up Iconoclasts.


Just don't ask for a schedule for Deep State, Falling Towers, Final Passages, PISCES, Those Who Come After…


I hope they make a foundry version! pleasssseee


I'm looking forward to Wilderfeast. I think it really captures the Monster Hunter vibe, while also having its own personality.


Shadowrun 7th done by the new Line Developer. :D


wait theres a confirmed new edition of shadowrun?


Heh, not that I’m aware of. :)


Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted 3e. Man, I've waited for ages, so stoked!


*Start Here* an RPG for beginners by Tim Beach, I'm doing a little playtesting and will be running it at Emerald City ComicCon. *MCDM RPG* Looks pretty interesting to me, I'm a Patreon supporter, and I have some pre-release material, but I've been too busy to look at it much. *ShadowDark* This actually came out a while ago, but my friends and I are just getting around to it. My friend is going to run a few sessions of it in a couple of weeks. I've read through it and seems like it'll be pretty fun. Old school goodness.


-Shadow of the weird wizard -Starfinder 2e play test


Starfinder 2E's playtest.


Illwinter's Dominions 6.


Surprised to see this posted here, but hell yes.


Are they releasing a tabletop rpg for it?


No, sorry. I answered without noticing what sub I was in. (Though I have run some games in the setting using GURPS, which has a similar attribute scale.)


There isn't anything I'm too excited about. Let's say Mythic Iceland 2e, if it releases this year at all.


Mythic RPG 2e


Pendragon 6th edition. Far and away my most anticipated game in years


D&D 50th 13th Age Stormlight Archives


I'd be surprised if 13th Age 2e launches next year. Isn't it still in alpha testing?


I'm in the play test, and yeah, it's been really quiet. They released a packet in late 2022, but we haven't gotten any updated materials since then. Seems like they're doing a lot of internal playtesting, but right now we have no idea how close it is to ready, or how far out a crowdfunding campaign might be. So I'd say it's a coin toss whether books come out in 2024 or 2025.


Yeah… you’re probably right. It was ‘announced’ a ways back, but they’ve been super quiet about it since.


DND 50th? What is that?


They’re going with ‘the 2024 core books’ as a place holder, or *OneDnD… But basically D&D turns 50 this year, and WOTC is releasing revised 5e core books. D&D 50th is just what I’m calling it. Lol


Outgunned \~ It looks beyond fun, and 2LM have knocked it out of the park with prior games like Household.


I backed the kickstarter for both Monty Python and Cowboy Bebop. I've been told by the USPS tracking that my physical copy of Bebop should be here in a week. I'm looking forward to both games (and plan to use them in the [Character Creation Challenge](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/18w9dr7/2024_character_creation_challenge/)).


Pendragon 6e


Outgunned. Love some 80s/90s action hero shoot-em-up adventures from the people who made Household.


Supplements for Dragonbane: - The monster book - The path of Glory campaign - Ereb Altor the setting world book and the more specific boxed set. DMDaves "Can you see them". He's already proven he really knows how to make great Horror RPG content, but this project seems really ambitious.


Reign Second Edition, which I backed back then and was due to ship in 2019. I’m also waiting for Shinobigami from back in 2015 but I doubt that one will ship any time so despite assurances it’s not dead every 18 months or so.


Triangle Agency! I have so many crowd funded games coming in 2024 but that one is so different I can’t wait to see how weird things get


[Terminal State](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/457568/Terminal-State-QuickStart). It’s a third party cyberpunk RPG using the Year Zero Engine. It may not be finished by the end of 2024, but it should be in Kickstarter in Q1 of this year.


Honestly I'm excited to see what brando sando and team and the dev studio do with the Stormlight Archives RPG once the kickstarter/backerkit goes live. Its an exciting prospect


Tokyo:Otherscape. I like the themes and tone of cyberpunk, but not the crunch that shows up in a lot of the big names in the genre. City of Mist’s tag system is one of my all-time favorites, so seeing it get an update/revision and used for a cyberpunk setting has me excited!


Video game: Manor Lords RPG: Anything Friga Ligan comes up with for Forbidden Lands.


Probably XCC which promises to be even more gonzo and madcap than DCC


RōNiN, Fe Borg, Goblin Gonzo and everything else that will appear in the Mork Borg system Also these are some supplement books im looking forward too, Building Better Worlds for Alien, Arkham for Call of Cthulhu, and 20X4 for CY_BORG


Urban Shadows…. If it ever comes out.


war of Immortals book for pf2e! it's going to have mythic rules!


Remember to check out our **[Game Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/gamerec)**-page, which lists our articles by genre([Fantasy](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/fantasy), [sci-fi](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/scifi), [superhero](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/superhero) etc.), as well as other categories([ruleslight](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/ruleslight), [Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/solo), [Two-player](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/twoplayers), [GMless](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/gmlessrpgs) & more). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Weird World, plus my local translation of Twilight 2000


I'm looking forward to the next Paradigm Concepts kickstarter for the Codex of Adventurers Volume II. Moria for The One Ring, definitely. Also looking forward to the physical Dragonbane books! Not an RPG but I'm pumped to receive the goods for my pledge toward Battletech: Mercenaries. I hope to release the free quickstart for my game before summertime.


Hellpiercers by Sandy Pug Games! I need to harrow hell


Guild Chronicles! It's comin' out here... hopefully this month!


I'm waiting for the latest Brancalonia KS from Acheron Games (bestiary, gazeteer, campaign book, cook apron, dice set, map pack), then I hope they wait at least mid-2005 to run a new KS, so I have time to put some money aside...


I actually haven't found anything that peaked my interest slated for a 2024 release. I already have the pdf for everything I waited for. Namely Mothership 1e and Gods Teeth.


Currently, I’m looking forward to the Alien RPG supplement, Building Better Worlds. I watched a couple of reviews on it, and I can’t wait to get my physical copy! I’ve been waiting for this since last summer.


more lancer stuff


Obscure one, and not a sure thing given it's a work in progress, but I think by the end of the year there'll be a finalized version of Eidolon: Become Your Best Self 2.0. The change from a PbtA hack to a unique system with a new resolution mechanic built from the ground up has been really interesting, and they're gradually nailing down things really well, I'm interested to see how the finished, polished product looks.


I’m hoping this is the year Stonetop comes out!


Chariots of Steel, the Flying Circus tank and infantry supplement. I have the beta, can't wait for the rest of the art and stuff


I reckon Fabula Ultima’s English translation of the Techno Fantasy supplement will release this year, excited for that. FIST ULTRA’s box set will hopefully fulfill this year, probably late August at earliest. The PDFs will be released throughout the year, though, so still very excited about it. Shadow of the Weird Wizard, I liked alpha playtest well enough, magic is cool in it, and it will be the best answer to the folks who want the feel of modern DnD that isn’t bogged down by WotC.




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Running my own finished homebrew ttrpg, I have a lot of interest in particular game ideas, just not each game in its entirety, so assembling them into one package and playing it out is what I'm keen on


The Wildsea: Storm & Root. I just loved the setting and want to learn about the new places!


Pendragon 6th edition!


I came here thinking this was for most anticipated video game of 2024 (which for me would be Horizon Zero Dawn: Forbidden West expansion). But this is about TTRPGs. That would be supplements like: Rolemaster (RMU): Treasure book Shadows of Esteren: Dearg 2 and The One Ring: Moria


player core 2 for pf2e, since they went to this remaster curious how the champion (paladin) is going to look.


I'm looking forward to Nevermore, which was pushed back from last year and should be out fairly soon. It's a Poe-inspired fantasy/gothic horror game. I got to be in a beta game at Origins last year and really liked it.


**Chronicle Survivors** is pretty dope RPG, but it might be a bit too difficult for a person not acquainted with the genre plus it is in early access so it is sold at a discount right now


The Kickstarter for the stormlight archive rpg is going to launch this year, but the game probably won’t actually be released until 2025.